郑渊洁 读者来信 房子专栏的英文怎么说

A bit much&有点过火
A chain is no stronger than its weakest link&"一环薄弱全局坏
**A day late and a dollar short&总是差那么一点点,总不成功
A fool and his money are soon parted&笨蛋难聚财
**A fool at 40 is a fool forever&到了40还不成熟,就永远长不大了
**A hitch in your giddy-up&感觉不舒服
*A lick and a promise&"[口]潦草从事, 敷衍了事的作风
A little bird told me&有人私下告诉我
A little learning is a dangerous thing&"浅学寡识是件危险的事
**A long row to hoe&令人厌烦的工作 困难的事
**A lost ball in the high weeds&瞎指挥
A penny for your thoughts&你呆呆地在想什么呢
A penny saved is a penny earned&省一文等于挣一文
A picture is worth a thousand words&一图胜千言
**A poor man's something&附庸风雅,鲁门弄斧
A pretty penny&一笔相当大的款子, 可观的一笔钱
A problem shared is a problem halved&诉苦于人,苦留一半
**A rising tide lifts all boats&水涨船高
A rolling stone gathers no moss&滚石不生苔,
**A slice off a cut loaf is never missed&西门庆搞潘金莲 ||
A steal&(像捡到皮夹子一样得到的)便宜货
**A still tongue keeps a wise head&智者寡言
A watched pot never boils&心急水不开
A1&第一等的; 一流的,优秀的,卓越的
*Abide by a decision&身体状况很好的
**Abject lesson&吃一堑,长一智
**About as useful as a chocolate teapot&银样蜡枪头,中看不中用
Above board&诚实地, 公开地, 光明正大地
Above par&高于平均水平
Absence makes the heart grow fonder&久别情深
Accident waiting to happen&某事肯定要出现差错
*Ace in the hole&王牌
Ace up your sleeve&取胜的手段,花招
Achilles' heel&(致命的)弱点
Acid test&酸性试验;严峻的考验;决定性考验
Across the
**Across the ditch&在Tasman海的另外一边
Across the pond&在Atlantic海的另外一边
Act of God&不可抗力;天灾
Act of war&战争行为, 侵略行为
Actions speak louder than words&事实胜于雄辩
Adam's apple&喉结
Add fuel to the fire&火上加油
Add insult to injury&伤害之余又侮辱
After your own heart&英雄所见略同
Against the clock&分秒必争
Against the grain&格格不入
Age before beauty&重色轻友
Agony aunt&在读者来信专栏回答来信的人
Ahead of the pack&保持领先
Ahead of time&提早
Air your dirty laundry in public&私人的丑事,不能对外宣扬的
*Albatross around your neck&心头的阴影
*Alike as two peas&一模一样
Alive and kicking&活蹦乱跳的
*All along&自始自终, 一直
All and sundry&全部
All bark and no bite&只敢说不敢做
All bets are off&协议取消
All dressed up and nowhere to go&打扮整齐却无处可去
All ears&全是耳朵(洗耳恭听)
All eyes on me&都看着我
All fingers and thumbs&做事笨手笨脚
**All hat, no cattle&只会空谈而没有实质行动的人,也就是光说不练的人
All heart&全心材的
All hell broke loose&一团糟
All in a day's work&司空见惯
All in your head&都在你的头脑里
All mod cons&现代化设备
**All mouth and trousers&只说不做
**All my eye and Peggy Martin&一派胡言
All of the above&上述全部
All over bar the shouting&大局已定
All over the map&全国各地
All over the place&到处, 各处, 满地
All over the shop&到处, 杂乱
**All over the show&到处, 遍地
All roads lead to Rome&条条大路通罗马, 殊途同归
All set&准备就绪
*All sixes&死活都一样
All skin and bone&极瘦的,皮包骨的
*All square&势均力敌, 不相上下
*All talk and no trousers&只会空谈而没有实质行动的人,也就是光说不练的人
All that glitters is not gold&闪光的不一定都是金子
All the rage&正在流行
All the tea in China&给多少钱我都不会做的
All your eggs in one basket&寄希望于一件事情上
All's fair in love and war&爱情和战争是不择手段的
All's well that ends well&结局好才一切都好
Allsinging, alldancing&最新款,最新潮
Alter ego&"另一个我; 个性中的另一面
知心朋友, 知己"
Always a bridesmaid, never a bride&为别人做嫁衣裳
*Ambulance chaser&专办交通事故损害赔偿等的律师
An apple a day keeps the doctor away&一天一苹果,不用请医生
An old flame&过去的男女朋友;旧情人
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of
And all that jazz&诸如此类的东西
**Angry as a bear&很愤怒
**Angry as a bull&像公牛一样愤怒
Answers on a postcard&秃子头上的虱子-明摆着
Ants in your pants&一个人很紧张,坐立不安;不耐烦
*Any port in a storm&危急时不管好坏的出路
Any Tom, * or Harry&任何人都可做
Apple of your eye&掌上明珠
*Apple pie order&井井有条
*Apples and oranges&风马牛不相及;两码事;不可混为一谈
*Apples for apples&拿相关的事情做比较
*Apron strings&极度依赖某人
Argue the toss&"作无谓的争执, 争论已经决定的事情
Arm and a leg&相當昂貴的價格
Armchair critic&闭门造车的批评家, 不做调查研究的批评家;不负责任的批评家
Armed to the teeth&全副武装
Around the clock&昼夜不停, 连续一整天;毫不疲倦地, 不松劲地
Arrow in the quiver&还有办法
As a rule&通常
As cold as ice&冷若冰霜;冰冷
**As cold as stone&心静如水
As cool as a cucumber&极为冷静的
As good as new&表示用过的东西保存很好,像新的一样
As mad as a hatter&疯狂地
**As mad as a wrongly shot hog&非常生气
**As much use as a chocolate fireguard&银样蜡枪头,中看不中用
As much use as a chocolate teapot&银样蜡枪头,中看不中用
**As much use as a handbrake on a canoe&银样蜡枪头,中看不中用
*As neat as a new pin&十分整洁的
As one man&一致地
*As the actress said to the bishop&(粗)不言而喻
As the crow flies&笔直地
As you sow, so shall you reap&种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆
**Asleep at the switch&玩忽职守, 错过机会
Asleep at the wheel&工作时心不在焉
*At a drop of a dime&当机立断
At a loose end&闲着
At a loss&困惑, 亏本地
At a snail's pace&若有所失
At arm's length&疏远, 在手臂伸得到的地方
At cross purposes&南辕北辙
*At daggers drawn&势不两立
At death's door&生命垂危
At each other's throats&吵架
At full tilt&全速地, 用力地
At large&未被捕, 详尽, 普遍
At logger heads&正面冲突;较劲儿
At loose ends&无所适从, 处于杂乱状态
*At odds&争执, 不一致
At sea&在大海上, 迷茫, 弄错
*At the bottom of the totem pole&无足轻重
*At the coalface&战斗在一线,
At the drop of a hat&马上, 随时;很乐意地
At the end of the day&在一天的末了;到了最后, 在结束的时候, 在结帐的时候
**At the end of your rope&山穷水尽,失去耐性
At the end of your tether&忍无可忍
**At the fore&在前面
**At the top of my lungs&声嘶力竭
At the top of the list&优先考虑
**At the top of your lungs&声嘶力竭
At the top of your voice&用你最大嗓音
At your wit's end&江浪才尽
Average Joe&平常人
*Avowed intent&公开承诺的目标
Away with the fairies&生活在童话里
Awe inspiring&使人畏惧的
AWOL&擅离职守, 开小差
Axe to grind&别有用心;另有所图;有不同意见
Babe in arms&没有经验的人;怀抱着的婴儿, 还不会走路的孩子
*Babe in the woods&初出茅庐;隐藏的秘密;天真而缺宪法经验的人
Baby boomer&生育高峰期出生;新出生的婴儿
Back burner&延迟,搁置;一时非优先的地位,从属地位
Back foot&处于守势
*Back number&过期的报纸、杂志等;古板的人,老古董
Back the wrong horse&下错赌注;
Back to back&背对背, 紧接
Back to square one&问题回到原态,并没有解决
Back to the drawing board&从头开始,失败后另起炉灶
**Back to the salt mine&重新回到工作岗位上
Back to the wall&走投无路,陷于困境
Backseat driver&指手划脚的人
Bad Apple&坏家伙
Bad blood&怨恨;恶感;不满
Bad egg&坏蛋
Bad hair day&“头发糟糕的日子”,暗示一整天都不顺利,心情不好。美国相当流行的一个新口语。
Bad mouth&苛刻批评
Bad shape&身体不健康
Bad taste in your mouth& 留下不好的印象
Bad workers always blame their tools&拙匠常怪工具坏
*Bag of bones&瘦骨嶙峋的人或动物, 瘦皮猴
Bag of nerves&极度焦虑
Baker's dozen&十三
*Bald as a coot&头顶光秃秃的
Ball is in your court&轮到你了
Ballpark figure&近似数,大致正确的估计
**Balls to the walls&加足马力
*Banana republic&香蕉共和国(指中、南美洲发展中国家)
*Banana skin&香蕉皮
*Bandit territory&制度混乱的地方,都不守规矩
Baptism of fire&炮火的洗礼,士兵初临战场的考验
Bar fly&酒巴常客
Bare your heart&表明心意
Barefaced liar&恬不知耻
Bark is worse than their bite&刀子嘴,豆腐心
Barking up the wrong tree&攻击错了目标
**Barkus is willing&想要结婚
*Barrack-room lawyer&专门讲些不够资格讲的话
Barrel of laughs&搞笑,炒作
Basket case&完全没有希望的人
Bat an eyelid&泰然自若
Bated breath&屏息的
Batten down the hatches&严阵以待
Battle of nerves&互不让步
Be all ears&洗耳恭听,倾听
Be careful what you wish for&小心别许错了愿
**Be on the pig's back&悠然自得
Be out in force&采取行动
*Be out in left field&[美俚]发疯, 神志错乱
Be that as it may&任凭,然而,尽管这样
*Be true blue&真实不虚
*Be up the spout&(粗)怀孕
*Bean counter&极善于计算的人
Bear fruit&结出果实, 奏效
Bear market&牛市
Bear the brunt&承受打击
*Beard the lion in his own den&虎口拔牙
Beat about the bush&转弯抹角地谈话, 旁敲侧击
Beat someone to the draw&先发制人
Beat swords into ploughshares&将刀打成犁头, 偃武修文
Beat the living daylights out of someone&猛打某人
Beat the rap&逃过刑事责任
Beat to the punch&先发制人
Beat your brains out&绞尽脑汁
Flogging a dead horse&白费功夫
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder&情人眼里出西施
Beauty is only skin deep&人不可貌相
Beck and call&有求必应
*Bedroom eyes&情迷意乱
Bee in your bonnet&异想天开
Bee's Knees&出类拔萃
Beeline for&直接的
Been in the wars&想打过仗似的
Been there, done that&领略人生
*Beer and skittles&吃喝玩乐
Before the ink is dry&墨迹未干,立刻
Before you can say Jack Robinson&转眼间
Beg the question&回避问题实质
Beggars can't be choosers&饥不择食
Behind bars&坐牢
Behind closed doors&与外界隔绝地, 秘密地
Behind someone's back&被着别人做事
Behind the eight ball&处境危险,无可救药
Behind the times&过时,落伍
Believe in the hereafter&相信来世
Bells and whistles&不必要得附属条件
*Bells on&希望做某事
Belly up&失败的
Below par&低于平值
Below the belt&出言不逊
*Belt and braces&万无一失
Belt and suspenders&做事 小心谨慎
Bend over backwards&不遗余力,拼命
Bend someone's ear&咬耳朵,抱怨
**Benjamin of the family&家里年纪最小的人
Beside the point&离题,不中肯
Beside themselves&极度担心,情绪波动
Beside yourself&极度愤怒
Best of a bad bunch&无奈之举
Best of both worlds&两头受益
Best thing since sliced bread&改变人们生活方式的发明或者新生事物
Bet your bottom dollar&确信无疑
Better half&另一半,老婆,配偶
Better late than never&迟做比不做好
Better safe than sorry&小心不出大错
Better than a poke in the teeth&无奈之举
Better than a stick in the eye&无奈之举
Better the devil you know&先见之明
Between a rock and a hard place&进退两难;左右为难
Between the devil and the deep blue sea&进退维谷,左右为难
**Between you and me and the cat's whiskers&天知 ,地知,你知,我知
Beyond a shadow of a doubt&毫无疑义,绝对可靠
Beyond belief&难以置信
*Beyond our ken&无法理解
**Beyond the black stump&十分遥远
*Beyond the pale&完全无法接受
Big Apple&纽约
Big bucks&一大笔钱
Big cheese&重要人物, 具有影响力的人
**Big Easy&路易斯安那
Big fish&公司里的重要人物
Big fish in a small pond&小地方的大人物
Big girl's blouse&薄弱无力的人(贬义)
Big hitter&业界名人
**Big nose&爱管闲事的人
Big picture&正片
Big time&成功的商业演出
Bigger fish to fry&有更要的事要办
Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush&一鸟在手,胜似二鸟在林
Bird's eye view&概观,俯视,鸟瞰
Birds and the bees&初步的性教育
Birds of a feather flock together&物以类聚
Birthday suit&*
Bit between your teeth&控制了一个情况
Bit part&小角色
Bit player&小演员
Bite off more than you can chew&贪多嚼不烂;自不量力
Bite someone's head off&大发雷霆
Bite the bullet&忍受困难或勉为其难做某事
Bite the dust&死了
Bite your lip&一言不发
Bite your tongue&别乌鸦嘴
Bits and bobs&零碎的东西
Bitter end&最后,结局
Bitter pill to swallow&不得不忍受的苦事
Black and blue&遍体鳞伤
Black and white&黑白分明
*Black as Newgate's knocker&黝黑
Black hole&黑洞
Black sheep&有辱门楣的人,败家仔
Blank cheque&空白支票
*Bleeding edge&领先
Bleeding heart&软心肠的,对社会问题太感伤的人, 假装同情者
**Bless your pointy little head&别自做聪明了
Blessing in disguise&因祸得福
Blind acceptance&盲信
Blind as a bat&有眼无珠(像蝙蝠一样瞎)
Blind leading the blind&瞎子领瞎子
Blink of an eye&转眼之间
*Blood and thunder&凶杀情节
**Blood from a turnip&办不到的事
Blood is thicker than water&血浓于水
**Blood is worth bottling&你对我太好了
Blood out of a stone&办不到的事
Blood, sweat and tears&付出了艰辛
Blow a gasket&勃然大怒
Blow by blow&按顺序描述细节
Blow hot and cold&摇摆不定
Blow me down&太好了
Blow off steam&放出多余的蒸汽, 发脾气, 花掉多余的精力
Blow out of the water&发脾气
*Blow smoke&说空话蒙人
Blow the cobwebs away&出去透气
Blow the whistle&打小报告
Blow your mind&心醉神迷
Blow your own horn&自吹自擂
Blow your own trumpet&大言不惭
Blow your stack&发脾气
Blow your top&发脾气
Blue blood&贵族出身,贵族血统
Blueeyed boy&宠儿
Bob's your uncle&事情很容易了
*Body politic&(根据某种政体组成国家的)人民
Bold as brass&厚脸皮
Bolt from the blue&意外事件
Bone of contention&分歧的缘由
Bone to pick&必须解决的争端;问题
Boot is on the other foot&今非昔比
**Born to the purple&出身贵族
Born with a silver spoon in your mouth&生于富贵之家,生来享受富
Both ends meet&收支相抵
Bottom line&概要
*Bounce ideas&结论
**Bounce off the walls&无比兴奋
**Bouquet of orchids&功不可没
**Box and dice&一切事物
*Box clever&精明
**Boxing and coxing&男主外,女主内;男耕女织
Boys in blue&警察
Brain surgery&脑部手术
*Brass monkey&(粗)猴儿冷(指特别冷)
*Brass neck&厚颜无耻
*Brass tacks&事实真像
*Bread and butter&谋生的,赖以为生的
Break a leg&祝你好运
Break even&收支平衡
Break ground&开天辟地
Break the back of the beast&完成最艰难的部分
Break the ice&打破沉默
*Break your duck&初次的成功
Break your heart&伤透你的心
Breathe down your neck&监视,威胁人
Breathe life into&送出生命进入我的心灵
Breathe your last&死
Bridge the gap&缩小差距
Bright and breezy&无忧无虑的
Bright as a button&很聪明
Brighteyed and bushytailed&精神抖擞
Brighten up the day&使& 明亮/增辉
**Bring a knife to a gunfight&鸡蛋碰石头
Bring home the bacon&赚钱谋生
Bring on board&引进人才
Bring someone to book&让人受罚
Bring someone to heel&让人听话
Bring the house down&全场鼓掌
Bring to the table&推上台面
*Broad church&(英国教会的)广教派,提倡百家争鸣的组织
Broad strokes&大致框架
**Broke as a joke and it ain't funny&很不好玩
Broken record&反复讲同样的话(原意为“坏了的唱片”)
*Broken reed&失势的人
*Brown nose&(粗)讨好,谄媚
*Browned off&厌烦的
Brownie points&印象分
Brush under the carpet&掩盖问题
*Buggles' turn&靠资历提升
Bull in a China shop&毛手毛脚
Bull market&行情看涨的市场,股市中的牛市
**Bull session&闲谈
Bums on seats&(粗)花钱看演出
*Bun in the oven&(粗)怀孕
Bundle of nerves&神经过敏
**Bur under my saddle&恼人的东西
Burn rubber&轮胎烧耗;太耗油;刹车印
Burn the candle at both ends&过分耗费
Burn the midnight oil&开夜车
Burn your bridges&過河拆橋
Burn your fingers&多管闲事多吃屁
Burning question&目前最吸引人的问题, 急待解决的问题
Burst at the seams&太满; 太挤;胀破接缝
Bury the hatchet&和解, 停战
Bury your head in the sand&不敢面对现实
Busman's holiday&照常工作的假日
**Bust my chops&不愿意卖命工作
*Busted flush&伤仲咏
**Busy as a beaver&像河狸一样忙碌
Busy as a bee&像蜜蜂一样忙碌;非常忙;(象蜜蜂)忙忙碌碌的
Butt of a joke&笑柄
Butter wouldn't melt in their mouth&装酷
Butterflies in your stomach&神经质的发抖
Button your lip&闭口不谈
**Buy the farm&买下农场(归道山,死了);买下农场(死了);归道山,死了;突如其来的不正常死亡
By a hair's breadth&几乎;差不多
By a long chalk&在很大程度上,相差很多地
By a whisker&差一点点
By and large&大体上, 基本上
**By cracky&赶紧些
*By dint of&借助, 用
By heart&熟记
By hook or by crook&不择手段;千方百计;无论如何
By leaps and bounds&飞跃地
By the back door&通过后门;用不正当的途径
By the book&按常规
By the by&顺便说
*By the numbers&合拍地, 系统地, 按常规地
By the same token&出于同样原因
By the seat of your pants&凭知觉,摸着石头过河
By the skin of your teeth&惊险(渡过难关);侥幸
By word of mouth&口头地
*Cake's not worth the candle&得不偿失
**Calf lick&奇怪的刘海,一般是单边分的
Call a spade a spade&直言不讳
Call it a day&今天到此为止, 暂停止
*Call on the carpet&被批评
Call the dogs off&停止追逐;停止查询;打断不快的谈话;叫你的狗不要再來騷擾我
Call the shots&定调子, 操纵
Call the tune&定调子, 发号施令, 操纵
Calm before the storm&暴风雨前的平静
Can of worms&[美俚], 尚未解决的复杂问题
**Can't dance and it's too wet to plow&没有别的事情可以做,只能做这个
Can't do it for toffee&不能胜任
Can't hack it&不能胜任
*Can't hold a candle&更加糟糕
Can't see the forest for its trees&只见树木不见森林
**Canary in a coal mine&危险的预兆
Card up your sleeve&秘而不宣的计划(意图)
Carrot and stick&软硬兼施;威逼利诱
Carry the can&代人受过
Carry the day&得胜
Case by case&具体问题具体分析;就事论事
Case in point&以防万一;例证,证明;恰当的事例
Cash cow&摇钱树;核心业务部门
Cash in your chips&终止一项商业交易
Cast a long shadow&影响深远
Cast aspersion&诽谤
Cast doubt on&对...产生怀疑, 使人对...产生怀疑
Cast iron stomach&铁胃
Cast pearls before swine&明珠暗投
*Cast sheep's eyes at&对某人抛媚眼
Cast your mind back&回忆过去
Cast your net widely&广撒网
Casting vote&决定票, 赞成与反对同票数时主席所投的票
*Castles in the air&空中楼阁
Cat among the pigeons&引狼入室
**Cat and dog life&吵吵闹闹的生活,尤其指夫妇不和睦;争吵不休的生活
Cat burglar&(惯从屋顶、水管进屋的)窃贼
**Cat fur and kitty britches&只能有什么吃什么,被动接受
Cat got your tongue?&为什么哑口无言
Cat nap&打瞌睡
**Cat's lick&快速清洗
**Cat's pajamas&很杰出的
Cat's whiskers&杰出的事物
*Catch as catch can&用一切办法
*Catch hell&&美口&遭毁坏, 受重伤
Catch some z's&小寐一番
Catch someone redhanded&当场抓获;证据确凿
Catch22&第二十二条军规; 不可逾越的障碍
Caught with your hand in the cookie jar&当场逮住,人赃俱获
Chalk and cheese&外貌相似而实质不同的
Champ at the bit&急不可耐地想摆脱;桀骜不驯
**Champagne taste on a beer budget&思是香槟的口味付啤酒的价钱 ,物超所值
Change horses in midstream&中流换马, 在危急中作出重大的变动
Change of heart&改变看法
Change tack&换抢
Change your tune&改变立场
**Chaps my ass&极端恼人
Chapter and verse&(引文的)确实出处;确切依据
*Charity begins at home&仁爱始于家
*Chase rainbows&做白日梦
Chase your tail&瞎忙活
Cheap as chips&很便宜
*Cheap at half the price&很便宜
Cheap shot&下流手段;骑马时,下马潜行,如果在潜行中放
Cheat death&逃脱死亡
*Cheek by jowl&并肩地, 紧密地
*Cherry pick&最佳决定选择
**Chew on a bone&有意去想某事
**Chew the cud&反刍, 深思
*Chew the fat&闲谈
Child's play&轻而易举的事;容易的事
**Chinese walls&严格保密,万无一失
Chinese whispers&传声筒;中国私语
Chip off the old block&一个模子里出来的,象父母
Chip on your shoulder&气势汹汹
Chop and change&变化无常
*Cigarette paper&卷烟纸, 盘纸
*Circle the wagons&把篷车围成一圈(严阵以待
**Circling the drain&来日无多,工程到了失败的边缘
Class act&值得称赞的行为
Clean as a whistle&主要作非常整洁的解释
Clean bill of health&卫生声明
Clean break&一刀两断
Clean hands&老实, 清白
Clean sheet&清白历史
Clean slate&了结往事
Clean sweep&全胜
Clean your clock&彻底打败某人
Clear as a bell&非常清楚;健全的
Clear as mud&不清晰,混乱
Climb on the bandwagon&趋炎附势
*Climb the greasy pole&着手做困难的事
Cling to hope&抱最后的希望
Close at hand&就在眼前
**Close but no cigar&差不多答对了,但尚不能获奖
Close call&侥幸脱险;幸免于难;千钧一发
Close shave&差一点发生的意外(事故);险胜
Shut the stable door after the horse has bolted&亡羊补牢
Close to your heart&心心相印
Closed book to me&象天书一样
*Cloth ears&没听到别人讲话
Cloud cuckoo land&脱离现实的幻境
Cloud nine&极快乐;狂喜状态;极幸极乐的心境
Cloud of suspicion&不被信任
*Cloud on the horizon&问题就在眼前
Clutch at straws&抓救命稻草
**Clutch play&成败在此一举
*Coals to Newcastle&多此一举;把煤送到纽卡斯尔;做徒劳多余的事;多此一举;徒劳无功
Coast is clear&没有危险了;
**Cock a snook&粗鲁的动作,拇指放在鼻子上
Cock and bull story&荒诞的故事, 无稽之谈
Fox in the henhouse&男人在女人堆里
**Cock of the walk&有威望的领导人
Cold day in hell&决无可能的;
Cold feet&畏缩;害怕;失去勇气,失去信心;get cold feet 临阵畏缩
*Cold fish&态度冷淡的人
Cold light of day&现在冷静下来我才明白
Cold shoulder&(前面与the连用)冷待;冷淡
Cold sweat&吓得冷汗
Cold turkey&突然完全停止使用毒品;冷火鸡;突然完全戒毒或戒烟
**Colder than a witches tit&很冷
Collateral damage&附带损害
Collect dust&废弃不用
*Color bar&种族歧视,种族隔离
Come a cropper&落马, 垮台, 失败 ;摔跟头
Come clean&全盘招供
Come hell or high water&只许成功不许失败;不管发生什么情况;矿水,矿质水
Come of age&到法定年龄;成年
**Come on hard&严厉对待某人
Come on the heels of&紧接…之后发生
Come out in the wash&暴露, 真相大白
Come out of the woodwork&突然冒出很多人
Come out of your shell&不再害羞
Come rain or shine&无论发生什么事
Come to a head&"到了紧要关头;(事情)成熟;达到顶点
**Come to bear&感觉到压力
**Come to call&直接回复
Come to grips&开始搏斗;跟上;紧跟;着手解决(问题)或对付(挑战)
*Come to heel&紧随在后面, 附和,
**Come up roses&(事情)显得很完满[顺利]
Come up smelling of roses&名誉无损懂得脱离困境
Come up trumps&让人出乎意料
Come what may&全身心投入一件事情
*Come with the territory&天经地义
Comfort zone&适宜室温(范围)
Connect the dots&理解其中的关联
Constitution of an ox&壮的 象牛一样
Cook someone's goose&使彻底完蛋
*Cook the books&伪造或窜改财务报表, 造假帐
Cool as a cat&处事不惊
*Cool your heels&好了,安静会儿吧
**Coon's age&很长时间
Corner a market&垄断市场
Couch potato&终日懒散在家的人
Could eat a horse&饿得可以吃下一匹马
Couldn't give two hoots&根本不在乎
Count sheep&数羊(心里计数以求入睡)
Count your blessings&往好处想
Country mile&[美口]极长的一段距离
Cover all the bases&面面俱到
**Crack a nut with a sledgehammer&沙鸡用牛刀
Crash a party&[美俚]未经邀请而闯进宴会, 做不速之客
Cream of the crop&最优秀的人
Cream rises to the top&是金子总会发光的
Creature comforts&物质享受
Cr&me de la cr&me&精华
**Crepe hanger&思想灰暗
Crocodile tears&鳄鱼的眼泪;假慈悲;假哭
Crooked as a dog's hind leg&极不正派
Cross swords&交锋, 争论
Cross that bridge when you come to it&问题来了再解决
Cross to bear&挑起重担
*Crossing the Rubicon&破釜沉舟
Crunch time&关键时间(通常指最后两分钟)
Cry wolf&谎报军情, 发假警报
Cry your eyes out&嚎啕大哭
Crybaby&爱哭的人, 软弱容易哭的人
*Cuckoo in the nest&破坏他人家庭幸福的人
**Cupboard love&有所企图的亲热
Curate's egg&不好不坏的东西,不好不坏的
Curiosity killed the cat&好奇心,惹祸根
Curry favour&求宠(于人), 拍(人)马屁
*Curve ball&(棒球)曲线球,骗人的招数
Cut a long story short&简而言之
**Cut a rug&[美俚] 跳摇摆舞
Cut above&胜过一筹
Cut and dried&已成定局的
Cut and run&急忙逃走
Cut corners&抄近路
**Cut down the tall poppies&枪打出头鸟
Cut it fine&扣得紧
Cut off your nose to spite your face&做害人害已的蠢事
Cut someone some slack&放某人一马
*Cut the Gordian knot&以斩钉截铁的手腕解决问题
Cut the mustard&符合要求;获得成功
Cut to the chase&说话直截了当
**Cut to the quick&戳到某人的痛处
*Cut your coat according to your
Cut your losses&减少损失
Cut your teeth on&从……中获得经验
**Cute as a bug&非常可爱
Cuts no ice&无效,不起作用
Cutting edge&领先
Daft as a brush&非常愚蠢
Damp squib&失败,落空
Dancing on someone's grave&幸灾乐祸
Dark horse&黑马
Davey Jones' locker&葬身鱼腹
*Day in the sun&被关注,被欣赏
Daylight robbery&明抢,索价过高
Days are numbered&来日无多
**Dead air&(无线电或电视的)停播寂静时间
Dead and buried&一笔勾销,被人淡忘
Dead as a dodo&完全过时了,绝种了
Dead as a doornail&死绝, 死透
Dead duck&注定要完蛋的人或事,无用的人或事
Dead even&棋逢对手
Dead from the neck up&彻头彻尾的笨蛋
Dead heat&并列名位;同时到达终点的赛跑
Dead in the water&被搁置的,不动的
Dead level best&全力以赴
Dead man walking&就是身体健康很差的人
Dead meat&完了,死定了
Dead men's shoes&死后继承遗产
Dead right&绝对正确。
Dead to the world&对周围事物毫无感受
Dead wrong&大错特错
Deaf as a post&聋得什么也听不到
Dear John letter&分手信
Death of a thousand cuts&死于千刀万剐
**Death warmed up&病入膏肓
**Decorate the mahogany&在酒吧付钱
Deep pockets&雄厚的账力
*Deep pockets but short arms&有钱的小气鬼
Deer in the headlights&不知所措
Deliver the goods&交货, 履行诺言,完成工作
*Demon weed&纹身
Devil finds work for idle hands&游手好闲,造恶之源
Devil is in the detail&千里之堤,溃于蚁穴
Devil may care&不顾一切的
Devil's advocate&故意唱反调的人;故意持相反意见的人
Diamond in the rough&外粗内秀的人
Die is cast&木已成舟
Different kettle of fish&另一码事
**Different ropes for different folks&不同的人有不同的活法
**Different strokes for different folks&不同的人有不同的活法
Dig way down deep&发掘自己的内心感受
Dig your heels in&不理会/考虑别人的建议
**Dime a dozen&不值钱的
**Dine on ashes&太在乎过去
Dip your toes in the water&粗浅地讨论一下
Dirty dog&卑鄙小人
Discerning eye&火眼金睛
Discretion is the better part of valour&三思而行,胜于愚勇
Dish the dirt&散布流言蜚语
**Do a Devon Loch&功亏一篑
*Do a Lord Lucan&神笔失踪
Do a runner&不给钱就走
Do as you would be done by&己所不欲毋施于人
**Do the needful&做需要做的事情
*Do the running&确信事情都办妥
Do their dirty work&捣鬼
Do's and don't's&行为准则
Dodge the bullet&虎口余生
*Dog and pony show&盛大表演
**Dog days&三伏天;酷热的暑天
Dog eat dog&残酷无情的竞争
*Dog in the manger&占着毛坑不拉屎的人
*Dog tired&疲惫不堪
*Dog's dinner&打扮得時髦
Dog's life&悲惨的生活
**Dog-whistle politics&嘘狗政治
Doggy bag&餐馆提供的食品袋,用于顾客带走在吃不了食物
Doldrums&意气消沉, 无精打彩
**Dollars for doughnuts&我敢打赌
Don't bite the hand that feeds&别狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心
Don't catch your chickens before they're hatched&不要过早乐观
Don't cry over spilt milk&事情过去就算了
Don't give up the day job&你是不是不想干了,工作这么烂。
Don't hold your breath&别太殷切期望
Don't judge a book by the cover&人不可貌相
**Don't know whether to wind a watch or bark at the
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth&别人送的礼物你不要太挑剔
*Don't mention the war&别挑口头争端
*Don't push my buttons!&别惹我
Don't shoot the messenger&不要迁怒于不报信的人
**Don't stand there with curlers in your hair&快点,等你半天了
**Don't sweat the small stuff&不要为琐事烦恼
**Don't take any wooden nickels&当心,别被忽悠
Don't throw bricks when you live in a glass
**Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you&别惹麻烦
Don't upset the applecart&计划、安排被某人打乱
Don't wash your dirty laundry in public&打碎了牙齿往肚里咽
Done to death&(故事)讲烂了
Donkey work&辛苦,枯燥的工作
**Donkey's years&很多年,很久,多年
Dot all the i's and cross all the t's&一丝不苟, 讲得正确无误
Double Dutch&不易听懂的话;莫名其妙的话
Double take&迟钝的反应,过后才恍然大悟的反应
Double whammy&祸不单行
Doubleedged sword&双刃剑
Doubting Thomas&生性多疑的人
Down and out&穷困潦倒
**Down at heel&衣衫褴褛的
Down for the count&沉沦
Down in the doldrums&身心疲惫
Down in the dumps&垂头丧气
Down in the mouth&沮丧的,垂头丧气的
Down the drain&付之一炬
Down the hatch&喝个痛快
Down the pan&废弃的,失去的,毁灭的
Down the tubes&一落千丈
Down to the wire&最后关头
Drag your feet&拖着脚步,故意拖延
*Drag your heels&不情愿地做
Draw a blank&抽空签, 一无所获
*Draw a line in the sand&划清界限,不支持某种行动或策略
**Draw a long bow&夸大其词, 吹牛, 说大话
Draw the line&划一界线, 划定最后界限
Draw the shortest straw&充当炮灰
Dress someone down&叱责;鞭打
Dress to kill&打扮很迷人
*Dressed to the nines&盛装打扮
Drink like a fish&牛饮
Drive a wedge&破坏
Drive home&使人理解
Drive someone up the wall&把某人搞得心烦意乱
Drive you spare&极端恼人
*Driven by a motor&高谈阔论
Drop a bombshell&公布一个令人惊奇的消息
Drop a dime&打电话
**Drop in the bucket&沧海一粟
Drop in the ocean&沧海一粟
Drop into your lap&把某物推在某人身上
Drop like flies&逃得比兔子还要快
Drop someone a line&留下便条
Drop the ball&掉了球(失职)
*Dropped like a hot cake&很快别丢弃或处理
Drown your sorrows&借酒消愁
*Drunk as a lord&酩酊大醉
**Drunker than a peach orchard boar&酩酊大醉
Dry as a bone&干透的
**Dry as snuff&很干的
Dry run&排练,排演
Dry spell&低潮期,匮乏期,戒酒期
*Duck soup&易如反掌之事
Duck to water&如鱼得水
*Ducks in a row&工作完成得很出色
Dull as ditchwater&特别没意思
*Dumb as a rock&笨得象块石头
*Dunkirk spirit&永不言败的敦刻尔克精神
*Dutch auction&拍卖者自动落价的拍卖
*Dutch courage&酒后之勇
**Dutch treat&各自付费
**Dutch uncle&板着面孔训人的人
**Dutch wife&藤或竹制的睡眠用具
Dwell on the past&生活在过去
Each to their own&我们都不相同
Eager beaver&勤勉的人,做事卖力的人
Eagle eyes&目光敏锐的人,机警的人
Early bath&在料想之前放弃或失业
Early bird catches the worm&捷足先登
Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and
Earn a living&谋生
Easier said than done&说来容易做起来难
Easy as ABC&容易得很
**Easy as beans&极容易
Easy as pie&极容易
Easy come, easy go&钱财来得容易去得快
Easy peasy&易如反掌
**Eat crow&忍辱, 屈服
Eat humble pie&忍气吞声
**Eat like a bird&吃得极少
Eat like a horse&吃得多
Eat like a pig&狼吞虎咽
Eat my hat&情愿受罚
Eat someone alive&把人生吞活剥
Eat your heart out&让人羡慕死了
Eat your words&食言
Economical with the truth&隐瞒事实
Egg on your face&自讨没趣
Elbow grease&费体力的工作, 重活
Elbow room&拥挤的世界
**Elephant in the room&人们很忌讳的麻烦
Eleventh hour&最后一刻
**Empty vessels make the most noise&满瓶子不响,半瓶子晃荡
**End in smoke&毫无结果
Etched in stone&金科玉律
**Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a
**Even a broken clock is right twice a day&狗屎运,瞎猫碰到死老鼠
Even keel&平衡
Even Stevens&事事平等
**Even the dogs in the street know&路人皆知
**Every ass likes to hear himself bray&人喜欢听自己的声音
Every cloud has a silver lining&黑暗中总有一丝光明
Every dog has its day&凡人皆有得意日
*Every man and his dog&所有的人
Every man for himself&都是为了自己
Every man has his price&每个人都有自己的价值
*Every man jack&每一个人
Every nook and cranny&每个角落
Every Tom, * and Harry&无论张三还是李四
Every trick in the book&所有的诀窍
The world and his& uncle&所有的人
Everything but the kitchen sink&一切可移动的东西
Exception that proves the rule&好法规也难免有例外
Explore all avenues&竭尽所能
Eye candy&视觉盛宴
Eye for an eye&以眼还眼
Eyes are bigger than one's stomach&嘴馋肚子小
Face like thunder&满面怒气
Face only a mother could love&长得很吓人
Face the music&勇于承担责任, 临危不惧
Face value&面值
Face your demons&战胜恐惧
Facts of life&生活常识
Failure is the mother of success&失败是成功之母
*Faint heart never won fair lady&没有勇气的人得不到美人的青睐
Fair and square&光明正大
Fair crack of the whip&好机会
**Fair shake of the whip&机会平等
*Fair& thee well&完全,彻底
Fairweather friend&不能共患难的朋友
Fall by the wayside&半途而废
Fall from grace&堕落
Fall off the back of a lorry&货物被盗
**Fall off the turnip truck&过份天真无知
Fall off the wagon&旧瘾复发
Fall on our feet&成功做成一件高风险的事情
Fall on your sword&自愿承受后果
Familiarity breeds contempt&熟悉了就会觉得很平常
Famous last words&一派胡言
Fast and furious&飞快地[的]
Fat cat&有钱有势的人
Fat chance!&门都没有
*Fat head&人头猪脑
**Fat hits the fire&木已成舟
Fat of the land&过着极其富裕的生活
Fate worse than death&生不如死
*Feast today, famine tomorrow&今天纵欲,明天就得讨饭了
Feather in your cap&值得炫耀的事
*Feather your own nest&中饱私囊
Feathers fly&引起争吵
Fed up to the back teeth&烦透了
Feel at home&宾至如归
Feel free&自由自在
**Feel like a million&身体觉得好极了, 感到精神很好
Feel the pinch&感到不安
Feeling blue&心情压抑
Feet of clay&令人景仰的一些大人物的内在缺点
Feet on the ground&脚踏实地
Fence sitter&中立
Few and far between&稀少
*Fiddle while Rome burns&大事不管,只计较小事
*Fifth columnist&第五纵队队员,间谍
**Fifth wheel&多余的事物或人
Fight an uphill battle&打硬仗
Fight tooth and nail&猛烈作战, 拼命打
Fighting chance&经过努力获得成功的机会
Find your feet&适应环境
Fine and dandy&十全十美
Fine tuning&精调谐, 微调
**Fine words butter no parsnips&花言巧语是无用的
Finger in many pies&参与很多事情
*Fingers and thumbs&做事笨手笨脚
Fire away&不停地射击
**Fire in the hole!&要爆炸了
Fire on all cylinders&全体人员正出力并使出浑身解数的本领
First come, first served&先来后到
*First out of the gate&始作俑者
First port of call&金盆洗手的地方
Fish in troubled waters&浑水里捕鱼
**Fish or cut bait&要么全力以赴要么放弃
Fish out of water&离水之鱼;不得其所
Fishy&可疑的, 靠不住的
Fit as a fiddle&非常健康
Fit for a king&极尽奢华的
Fit like a glove&完全相合, 恰好
*Fit of pique&闹情绪
Fit the bill&正合需要
*Fit to be tied&十分恼火
Five o'clock shadow&清晨刮脸的人傍晚已长出的短髭
Flash in the pan&空欢喜一场,好景不长
Flat as a pancake&十分平坦.
Flat out&竭尽全力, 用全速, 疲惫
Fleet of foot&健步如飞
Flesh and blood&血肉之躯
Flogging a dead horse&做无用功
Flowery speech&华而无实的演讲
*Fly by the seat of one's pants&摸着石头过河
Fly in the ointment&小挫折
Fly off the handle&平时有教养的人突然失去常态
Fly on the wall&未察觉的观察者
Fly the coop&逃走
Fly the flag&支持自己的国家
Foam at the mouth&口吐泡沫, 非常愤怒
Follow your nose&往前直走
Food for thought&精神食粮
Fool me once, fool me twice, shame on
me&骗我一次,算你狠。 骗我两次,是我蠢。
Fools rush in where angels fear to
Foot in mouth&不知所云
Foot in the door&初步入门,迈出了第一步
Foot the bill&负担费用
**Football's a game of two halves&事情还不好说
*Gong for a song&非常便宜地
For donkey's years&干了好多年,但是没有什么长进
*For England&鞠躬尽瘁
For kicks&为了寻欢作乐
For my money&我[我们]中意的
For Pete's sake&极端愤怒
For the birds&荒唐可笑的
For the love of Pete&极端愤怒
For the time being&暂时
Forbidden fruit&禁果,因被禁而更想得到的东西
Foregone conclusion&定论, 必然结局
**Fortune knocks once at every man's door&人人都有鸿运高照之日
Foul play&奸诈行为,谋杀
Four corners of the earth&世界各角落
*Fours-quare behind&全力支持
*Fourth estate&记者或新闻界
Free rein&行动完全自由
*French leave&不辞而别
Fresh from the oven&新鲜出炉
Freudian Slip&佛洛伊德式失语
Friendly footing&关系很好
Frog in my throat&就是喉咙有点痒
From a different angle&从不同的角度
**From Missouri&我不会轻易相信的
*From pillar to post&东奔西跑, 到处碰壁
From rags to riches&从赤贫到暴富
From scratch&从零开始
*From soup to nuts&从头到尾, 一应俱全
From the bottom of your heart&从你心的最深处
**From the get-go&一开始就这样
From the horse's mouth&第一手消息
From the sublime to the ridiculous&由一个极端到另一个极端
From the word go&从一开始
**Full as a tick&吃得肚子滚滚的
*Full bore&全径;贯眼;与管子等径的
Full circle&大循环
Full Monty&完整的
Full of beans&精神旺盛的, 弄错的
Full of hot air&夸夸其谈
Full of oneself&自以为是,自高自大
**Full of piss and vinegar&(粗)朝气蓬勃
Full of the joys of spring&兴高采烈
Full swing&全力进行中, 达到活动的高潮
Full throttle&加足马力
Fullness of time&时机成熟的时候
**Fur coat and no knickers&华而不实的女人
Fuzzy thinking&思想另类


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