what'son the morning off visualize

下面文章中有5处 需要添加小标题。请从(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,选项中有一项是多余选项。A.Make a list of obstacles and benefits of achieving your goalB.Enlist the help of othersC.Learn what you need to learnD.Visualize yourself having achieved each of your goalsE.Get organized and reward yourself each step of the wayF.Put your goals in writingThe goals that guide us “Not all who wander are lost,” they say, but for the great majority of us, having a road map for the future is a key element to well-being and success, however we choose to define it.This means setting goals for ourselves, and finding ways to achieve them.If you’re a wanderer, it might be time to realize the great significance of setting goals. It’s simply a fact: when people have goals to guide them, they are happier and achieve more than they would without having them.It’s a brain thing.Achieving a goal you’ve set produces a neurotransmitter (神经传递素) responsible for feelings of pleasure, which will then activate neural circuitry that makes you eager to pursue new challenges. Of course, a thousand mile journey starts with the first small step.And whether we’re starting on the long journey of a mid-life career switch or the walk to the bedroom to finally organize that closet, it can be hard to gather up the motivation to make that initial step.While setting goals is in itself motivating, sometimes it’s just not enough.Here are some tried-and-true ways you can begin to move toward achieving your goals.1.
The act of writing down what you are going to do is a strong motivator.Writing down goals prevents you from leaving your goals vague.Be specific.Use action verbs.Let your goals have measurable outcomes.Specify completion dates.Also record what your reward will be for achieving the goal.Make a contract with yourself, then read it each morning and night.This will help you to be more committed to your goal as each day passes.And while you’ve got the pen in your hand...2.
Think of everything that might stand in your way.Then decide what you can do about each obstacle.Design a plan to reduce the influence of each obstacle and increase the chances that you will be successful in reaching your goal.Knowing exactly what you will gain from reaching your goal is a strong motivator.Keeping my checkbook balanced will give me more spending money on the weekends.Walking a mile every morning will help me stay focused at work.3.
If information or skill is keeping you from achieving your goals, determine ways to fill in the gaps, and build this into your action plan.Be willing to study and work hard to reach your goals.Think about how much time and effort will be required, and ask yourself whether you are really willing and able to do what is necessary.It is better to adjust your goals or your timetable than to proceed with a plan that is unrealistic.4.
Find someone, a coworker or friend, with whom you share a common goal.Get someone to go to the gym with you, or to quit smoking with you, or to share healthy meals with you.A partner can help you stay committed and motivated.Look for role models, people who have already achieved the goals you seek to reach.Ask them for advice and suggestions.Find how they got where they are, and incorporate what you learn into your plan.5.
The more real you can make your visualization, the better.Find a quiet place, visualize, and write down your experiences afterward.Go through magazines and cut out pictures that represent your goal, then put them around the house.Provide constant reminders to yourself about what you’re working towards.Describe your ideal life in the future.Write a few paragraphs describing what you have accomplished, and how your life is better as a result.Use the present tense as if it is happening right here, right now.This is another way of making your vision real.
下面文章中有5处 需要添加小标题。请从(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,选项中有一项是多余选项。A.Make a list of obstacles and benefits of achieving your goalB.Enlist the help of othersC.Learn what you need to learnD.Visualize yourself having achieved each of your goalsE.Get organized and reward yourself each step of the wayF.Put your goals in writingThe goals that guide us “Not all who wander are lost,” they say, but for the great majority of us, having a road map for the future is a key element to well-being and success, however we choose to define it.This means setting goals for ourselves, and finding ways to achieve them.If you’re a wanderer, it might be time to realize the great significance of setting goals. It’s simply a fact: when people have goals to guide them, they are happier and achieve more than they would without having them.It’s a brain thing.Achieving a goal you’ve set produces a neurotransmitter (神经传递素) responsible for feelings of pleasure, which will then activate neural circuitry that makes you eager to pursue new challenges. Of course, a thousand mile journey starts with the first small step.And whether we’re starting on the long journey of a mid-life career switch or the walk to the bedroom to finally organize that closet, it can be hard to gather up the motivation to make that initial step.While setting goals is in itself motivating, sometimes it’s just not enough.Here are some tried-and-true ways you can begin to move toward achieving your goals.1.
The act of writing down what you are going to do is a strong motivator.Writing down goals prevents you from leaving your goals vague.Be specific.Use action verbs.Let your goals have measurable outcomes.Specify completion dates.Also record what your reward will be for achieving the goal.Make a contract with yourself, then read it each morning and night.This will help you to be more committed to your goal as each day passes.And while you’ve got the pen in your hand...2.
Think of everything that might stand in your way.Then decide what you can do about each obstacle.Design a plan to reduce the influence of each obstacle and increase the chances that you will be successful in reaching your goal.Knowing exactly what you will gain from reaching your goal is a strong motivator.Keeping my checkbook balanced will give me more spending money on the weekends.Walking a mile every morning will help me stay focused at work.3.
If information or skill is keeping you from achieving your goals, determine ways to fill in the gaps, and build this into your action plan.Be willing to study and work hard to reach your goals.Think about how much time and effort will be required, and ask yourself whether you are really willing and able to do what is necessary.It is better to adjust your goals or your timetable than to proceed with a plan that is unrealistic.4.
Find someone, a coworker or friend, with whom you share a common goal.Get someone to go to the gym with you, or to quit smoking with you, or to share healthy meals with you.A partner can help you stay committed and motivated.Look for role models, people who have already achieved the goals you seek to reach.Ask them for advice and suggestions.Find how they got where they are, and incorporate what you learn into your plan.5.
The more real you can make your visualization, the better.Find a quiet place, visualize, and write down your experiences afterward.Go through magazines and cut out pictures that represent your goal, then put them around the house.Provide constant reminders to yourself about what you’re working towards.Describe your ideal life in the future.Write a few paragraphs describing what you have accomplished, and how your life is better as a result.Use the present tense as if it is happening right here, right now.This is another way of making your vision real.
下面文章中有5处 需要添加小标题。请从(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,选项中有一项是多余选项。A.Make a list of obstacles and benefits of achieving your goalB.Enlist the help of othersC.Learn what you need to learnD.Visualize yourself having achieved each of your goalsE.Get organized and reward yourself each step of the wayF.Put your goals in writingThe goals that guide us “Not all who wander are lost,” they say, but for the great majority of us, having a road map for the future is a key element to well-being and success, however we choose to define it.This means setting goals for ourselves, and finding ways to achieve them.If you’re a wanderer, it might be time to realize the great significance of setting goals. It’s simply a fact: when people have goals to guide them, they are happier and achieve more than they would without having them.It’s a brain thing.Achieving a goal you’ve set produces a neurotransmitter (神经传递素) responsible for feelings of pleasure, which will then activate neural circuitry that makes you eager to pursue new challenges. Of course, a thousand mile journey starts with the first small step.And whether we’re starting on the long journey of a mid-life career switch or the walk to the bedroom to finally organize that closet, it can be hard to gather up the motivation to make that initial step.While setting goals is in itself motivating, sometimes it’s just not enough.Here are some tried-and-true ways you can begin to move toward achieving your goals.1.
The act of writing down what you are going to do is a strong motivator.Writing down goals prevents you from leaving your goals vague.Be specific.Use action verbs.Let your goals have measurable outcomes.Specify completion dates.Also record what your reward will be for achieving the goal.Make a contract with yourself, then read it each morning and night.This will help you to be more committed to your goal as each day passes.And while you’ve got the pen in your hand...2.
Think of everything that might stand in your way.Then decide what you can do about each obstacle.Design a plan to reduce the influence of each obstacle and increase the chances that you will be successful in reaching your goal.Knowing exactly what you will gain from reaching your goal is a strong motivator.Keeping my checkbook balanced will give me more spending money on the weekends.Walking a mile every morning will help me stay focused at work.3.
If information or skill is keeping you from achieving your goals, determine ways to fill in the gaps, and build this into your action plan.Be willing to study and work hard to reach your goals.Think about how much time and effort will be required, and ask yourself whether you are really willing and able to do what is necessary.It is better to adjust your goals or your timetable than to proceed with a plan that is unrealistic.4.
Find someone, a coworker or friend, with whom you share a common goal.Get someone to go to the gym with you, or to quit smoking with you, or to share healthy meals with you.A partner can help you stay committed and motivated.Look for role models, people who have already achieved the goals you seek to reach.Ask them for advice and suggestions.Find how they got where they are, and incorporate what you learn into your plan.5.
The more real you can make your visualization, the better.Find a quiet place, visualize, and write down your experiences afterward.Go through magazines and cut out pictures that represent your goal, then put them around the house.Provide constant reminders to yourself about what you’re working towards.Describe your ideal life in the future.Write a few paragraphs describing what you have accomplished, and how your life is better as a result.Use the present tense as if it is happening right here, right now.This is another way of making your vision real.
试题分析:小题1:从这段的第一句话:The act of writing down what you are going to do is a strong motivator 可知是把目标写下来。选F小题2:从这段的两句话:Think of everything that might stand in your way.和Knowing exactly what you will gain from reaching your goal is a strong motivator.可知要把好处和障碍都写下来。选A小题3:从这段的句子:If information or skill is keeping you from achieving your goals, determine ways to fill in the gaps, and build this into your action plan 可知要知道学什么。选C小题4:从这段的句子:Find someone, a coworker or friend, with whom you share a common goal.Get someone to go to the gym with you, or to quit smoking with you, or to share healthy meals with you 可知是赢得别人的帮助,选B小题5:从这段的句子:The more real you can make your visualization, the better.可知选D点评:这篇文章要求给每个段落找主题句,先浏览各个选项做到心中有数,在阅读时,抓住每个段落的主旨,还要注意关键句。和选项进行一一配对。知识点:&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题
关注我们官方微信关于跟谁学服务支持帮助中心I’ve always had strong opinions of how love should be expressed, but others had their own ways of showing care.What I 36most about visiting my boyfriend’s parents is the loud tick of the clock in the dining room as we 37ate our meal. With so little conversation I was quick to 38his family as cold. When we got into the 39 to go home, his father suddenly appeared. 40, he began to wash his son’s windscreen. I could feel he was a caring man through the glass.I learned another lesson about love a few years later. My father often 41me early in the morning. “Buy Xerox. It’s a good sharp price,” he might say when I answered the phone. No pleasant 42or inquiry about my life, just financial instructions. This manner of his 43me and we often quarreled. But one day, I thought about my father’s success in business and realized that his concern for my financial security lay behind his 44morning calls. The next time he called and told me to buy a stock, I 45him. When my social style has conflicted with that of my friends, I’ve often felt 46. For example, I always return phone calls47and regularly contact with my friends. I expect the same from them. I had one friend who rarely called, answering my messages with short e-mails. I rushed to the48: She wasn’t a good friend! My anger49as the holidays approached. But then she came to a gathering I50and handed me a beautiful dress I had fallen in love with when we did some window-shopping the previous month. I was51at her thoughtfulness, and regretful for how I’d considered her to be52. Clearly I needed to change my expectations of friends.Far too often, I ignored their53expressions, eagerly expecting them to do things in my54. Over the years, however, I’ve learned to55other persons, love signs.【小题1】A.rememberB.enjoyC.valueD.admire【小题2】A.excitedlyB.nervouslyC.silentlyD.instantly【小题3】A.regardB.treatC.takeD.think【小题4】A.busB.trainC.carD.plane【小题5】A.PunctuallyB.CarefullyC.ProudlyD.Coldly【小题6】A.visitedB.interruptedC.warnedD.telephoned【小题7】A.greetingB.meetingC.apologyD.explanation【小题8】A.interestedB.angeredC.encouragedD.surprised【小题9】A.longB.shortC.warmD.polite【小题10】A.praisedB.rememberedC.blamedD.thanked【小题11】A.contentB.guiltyC.curiousD.disappointed【小题12】A.in orderB.in turnC.without delay D.without difficulty【小题13】A.feelingB.suggestionC.judgmentD.belief【小题14】A.disappearedB.grewC.helpedD.declined【小题15】A.openedB.refusedC.hostedD.invited【小题16】A.depressedB.upsetC.fascinatedD.shocked【小题17】A.uncaringB.dishonestC.unhappyD.uncooperative【小题18】A.uniqueB.commonC.pleasantD.familiar【小题19】A.opinionB.wayC.mindD.life【小题20】A.sendB.readC.giveD.express - 跟谁学
在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:I’ve always had strong opinions of how love should be expressed, but others had their own ways of showing care.What I 36most about visiting my boyfriend’s parents is the loud tick of the clock in the dining room as we 37ate our meal. With so little conversation I was quick to 38his family as cold. When we got into the 39 to go home, his father suddenly appeared. 40, he began to wash his son’s windscreen. I could feel he was a caring man through the glass.I learned another lesson about love a few years later. My father often 41me early in the morning. “Buy Xerox. It’s a good sharp price,” he might say when I answered the phone. No pleasant 42or inquiry about my life, just financial instructions. This manner of his 43me and we often quarreled. But one day, I thought about my father’s success in business and realized that his concern for my financial security lay behind his 44morning calls. The next time he called and told me to buy a stock, I 45him. When my social style has conflicted with that of my friends, I’ve often felt 46. For example, I always return phone calls47and regularly contact with my friends. I expect the same from them. I had one friend who rarely called, answering my messages with short e-mails. I rushed to the48: She wasn’t a good friend! My anger49as the holidays approached. But then she came to a gathering I50and handed me a beautiful dress I had fallen in love with when we did some window-shopping the previous month. I was51at her thoughtfulness, and regretful for how I’d considered her to be52. Clearly I needed to change my expectations of friends.Far too often, I ignored their53expressions, eagerly expecting them to do things in my54. Over the years, however, I’ve learned to55other persons, love signs.【小题1】A.rememberB.enjoyC.valueD.admire【小题2】A.excitedlyB.nervouslyC.silentlyD.instantly【小题3】A.regardB.treatC.takeD.think【小题4】A.busB.trainC.carD.plane【小题5】A.PunctuallyB.CarefullyC.ProudlyD.Coldly【小题6】A.visitedB.interruptedC.warnedD.telephoned【小题7】A.greetingB.meetingC.apologyD.explanation【小题8】A.interestedB.angeredC.encouragedD.surprised【小题9】A.longB.shortC.warmD.polite【小题10】A.praisedB.rememberedC.blamedD.thanked【小题11】A.contentB.guiltyC.curiousD.disappointed【小题12】A.in orderB.in turnC.without delay D.without difficulty【小题13】A.feelingB.suggestionC.judgmentD.belief【小题14】A.disappearedB.grewC.helpedD.declined【小题15】A.openedB.refusedC.hostedD.invited【小题16】A.depressedB.upsetC.fascinatedD.shocked【小题17】A.uncaringB.dishonestC.unhappyD.uncooperative【小题18】A.uniqueB.commonC.pleasantD.familiar【小题19】A.opinionB.wayC.mindD.life【小题20】A.sendB.readC.giveD.expressI’ve always had strong opinions of how love should be expressed, but others had their own ways of showing care.What I &&36&&most about visiting my boyfriend’s parents is the loud tick of the clock in the dining room as we &&37&&ate our meal. With so little conversation I was quick to &&38&his family as cold. When we got into the &&39 &&to go home, his father suddenly appeared. 40&&, he began to wash his son’s windscreen. I could feel he was a caring man through the glass.I learned another lesson about love a few years later. My father often &41&&me early in the morning. “Buy Xerox. It’s a good sharp price,” he might say when I answered the phone. No pleasant &42&or inquiry about my life, just financial instructions. This manner of his &43&me and we often quarreled. But one day, I thought about my father’s success in business and realized that his concern for my financial security lay behind his &44&&&morning calls. The next time he called and told me to buy a stock, I& 45&&him. When my social style has conflicted with that of my friends, I’ve often felt &&46&. For example, I always return phone calls&&47&&and regularly contact with my friends. I expect the same from them. I had one friend who rarely called, answering my messages with short e-mails. I rushed to the&&48&&: She wasn’t a good friend! My anger&&49&&&as the holidays approached. But then she came to a gathering I&&50&and handed me a beautiful dress I had fallen in love with when we did some window-shopping the previous month. I was&&51&&&at her thoughtfulness, and regretful for how I’d considered her to be&&52&&. Clearly I needed to change my expectations of friends.Far too often, I ignored their&&53&&&expressions, eagerly expecting them to do things in my&&54&. Over the years, however, I’ve learned to&&55&&other persons, love signs.【小题1】A.rememberB.enjoyC.valueD.admire【小题2】A.excitedlyB.nervouslyC.silentlyD.instantly【小题3】A.regardB.treatC.takeD.think【小题4】A.busB.trainC.carD.plane【小题5】A.PunctuallyB.CarefullyC.ProudlyD.Coldly【小题6】A.visitedB.interruptedC.warnedD.telephoned【小题7】A.greetingB.meetingC.apologyD.explanation【小题8】A.interestedB.angeredC.encouragedD.surprised【小题9】A.longB.shortC.warmD.polite【小题10】A.praisedB.rememberedC.blamedD.thanked【小题11】A.contentB.guiltyC.curiousD.disappointed【小题12】A.in orderB.in turnC.without delay D.without difficulty【小题13】A.feelingB.suggestionC.judgmentD.belief【小题14】A.disappearedB.grewC.helpedD.declined【小题15】A.openedB.refusedC.hostedD.invited【小题16】A.depressedB.upsetC.fascinatedD.shocked【小题17】A.uncaringB.dishonestC.unhappyD.uncooperative【小题18】A.uniqueB.commonC.pleasantD.familiar【小题19】A.opinionB.wayC.mindD.life【小题20】A.sendB.readC.giveD.express科目:难易度:最佳答案【小题1】A【小题1】C【小题1】A【小题1】C【小题1】B【小题1】D【小题1】A【小题1】B【小题1】B【小题1】D【小题1】D【小题1】C【小题1】C【小题1】B【小题1】C【小题1】D【小题1】A【小题1】A【小题1】B【小题1】B解析本文为夹叙夹议文。表达关爱的方式因人而异,作者起初总是以自己跌标准和方式评价别人关爱与否,由此产生了一系列的误解和烦恼。生活中一次次的经历最终让她明白我们要互相理解,因为表达关爱的方式因人而异。【小题1】根据上下文得知作者起初以自己的方式评价别人的爱,以为别人的方式都不正确、不合理,包括男朋友父母的、自己父亲的和朋友的,因此此处提到男朋友父母的表达方式应为作者起初不欣赏和不喜欢的,故排除B、C、D三项。句意为:“对于拜访我男朋友的父母,我记忆(remember)最多的是起居室闹钟的滴答声。”【小题1】由后面的“With so little conversation”可知,我们吃饭时很少说话,故用silently。【小题1】regard…as…意为“把……看作/当作……”。由于方式不一样,作者把男朋友家人的少言寡语当成冷漠。【小题1】由后文父亲为儿子“wash windscreen”可知他们是开车回去的,故选C项。【小题1】punctually“准时地”;carefully“细心地,耐心地”;proudly“自豪地”;coldly“冷漠地”。作者原来以为男朋友父亲很冷漠,而现在却感受到了他的caring“有爱心的,关爱人的”,能够改变其看法的应该是细心地(carefully)擦车这一动作,故选B项。【小题1】根据后文“when I answered the phone”得出答案。【小题1】父亲电话中指导作者如何买东西而没有令人愉悦的问候(greeting),曾经这也是作者对父亲的误解原因。meeting“开会”;apology“道歉”;explanation“解释,说明”,均不符合语境。【小题1】从前面的 No pleasant &42&or inquiry about my life, 说明爸爸的方式让我生气.从后文“we often quarreled”也可以看出。选B【小题1】从上文父亲的电话可知电话很短(short),故排除A,也没有温暖的话,排除C项,更没有礼貌,排除D,选B.【小题1】根据上句I thought about my father’s success in business and realized that his concern for my financial security lay behind his &44&&&morning calls.得知下次他让我买股票我自然要感谢(thanked)他了.选D.【小题1】由前句When my social style has conflicted with that of my friends得知作者的社交方式和朋友不同而失望.选D【小题1】从下面的句子:I had one friend who rarely called, answering my messages with short e-mails.说明朋友和作者的表达方式不一样,所以作者是及时(without delay)回电话.选C【小题1】从后面的: She wasn’t a good friend!说明是作者对朋友做出的评价.选C【小题1】“My anger 49& as the holidays approached”与But then…构成转折关系,But then…所在的一句及后文说明作者改变了对朋友的看法,故前面作者的观点依然是否定的,“My anger disappeared/helped/declined”都说明作者不再生气,和后文构不成转折关系,故选B项。【小题1】朋友通过参加作者举办的聚会一事改变了作者的看法,此处动词的宾语为a gathering,A、D两项搭配不合理,B项不符合事实,故C项准确。【小题1】作者的朋友通过自己的方式表现出了其独特的关爱,让作者吃惊(shocked),从而改变了他的看法,故选D项。【小题1】一旦改变了看法,作者便对自己以前认为朋友是“没爱心的”(uncaring)感到后悔和愧疚了,故选A项。【小题1】概括上文,作者回忆自己以前没有注意到人人都有独特的(unique)关爱方式(way),后文中however也对本题答案起到了提示作用。【小题1】参考53题解析。【小题1】由起初的误解他人到最后学会领会/读懂(read)人们传达爱的方式,回应文章的开头,总结全文,故答案为B项。知识点:&&&&&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题


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