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英文翻译be over [past] be already past fifty&&&&year-old german mother has 13th child&&&&fifty&&&&fifty (years of age)
...&&&&over sixty a period in one's life&&&&annual march&&&& majority
这个工厂过半数的职工是妇女。 more than half the workers and s ...&&&&be well along toward fifty&&&&be in the ne be about fifty years of age&&&&toeic&&&&at every fest on new year's day or other festivals&&&&over sixty&&&&over sixty a surname&&&&annual surplus&&&&he has turned&&&&we'll be here after the new year&&&&not majority&&&&majority control&&&&bare majority&&&&life is half spent befor life is not all roses&&&&can largely comprehend the rest&&&&majority of votes&&&&in another half month’s time&&&&perennial overdraft&&&&simple majority&&&&zhi nan zhen&&&&international warlock convention of
例句与用法I be lucky at the year lead half hundred of can also go abroad to work together with the person of the foreign country , this is i before even wanted to don ' t think of affair我有幸在年过半百之时还能出国与异国之人共事,这是我以前连想都没有想过的事情A 55 - year - old teacher from berlin has reportedly given birth to her 13th child , and mother and daughter are just fine , she told a german newspaper一位年过半百的德国妇女日前成功生下了她的第13个孩子。除了刚刚降生的小女儿之外,她的其他儿女年龄从13岁至34岁不等。 A 55 - year - old teacher from berlin has reportedly given birth to her 13th child , and mother and daughter are just fine , she told a german newspaper一位年过半百的德国妇女日前成功生下了她的第13个孩子。除了刚刚降生的小女儿之外,她的其他儿女年龄从13岁至34岁不等。 I was over fifty and my figure might not be the best . i was concerned that the beauty of the celestial clothes would be diminished if i were to wear them . this time , however , i thought perhaps i could wear them at home just for myself天衣对我来说,本来是只能看不能穿,因为我已年过半百,身材又不见得好,怕穿起来破坏了它的美感,但这次我想,在家穿给自己看吧! I have notice the tone of pride and satisfaction with which middle - aged children in america announce that their 80 - or 90 - year - old mother “ still lives in her own house , ” as if voluntary isolation were the pinnacle of geriatric heroism我注意到美国那些年过半百的子女们带着自豪满足地语气宣称他们八九十高龄的母亲“仍居住在自己的房子里”时,那仿佛是在赞誉自愿独居是老当益壮的最高体现。 &&
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