中国的可以翻译为a trip to china翻译’s吗

This paper has proved that the basic theory of China′s translation studies is constructed mainly on linguistic theory.
This keynote speech analyses some of the major factors and problems which hinder the development of China's translation industry.
Lin Shu's translation of foreign literary works was unprecedented in China's translation history, which remains a controversial and heated issue in the translation circle.
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Lost in translation: The world's worst English language blunders revealed
It's a running joke that us Brits are known for only speaking English when abroad – so much so that many signs are in our mother tongue.
And while locals go above and beyond to try to indulge our lack of language skills, sometimes the divide between what is said and what is meant can be huge.
Now, in a new book called Utterly Lost in Translation: Even More -Misadventures in English Abroad, comedian Charlie Croker has brought together some of the very best language howlers he -discovered after three years of globe-trotting.
From boarding a plane to eating out, it proves sometimes we really might be better off digging out that old phrase book…
Travel troubles...
Travelling can be a testing experience – and these very misleading signs don't make it any easier...
An airport in China made this special request of drivers: “Please confirm your car is licked.” Surely a car wash would suffice?
中国有个机场对司机提出了特殊的要求:“Please confirm your car is licked.(请确保您的车已经舔过了。)”看来机场需要一个洗车行?
Meanwhile there was this eye-catching warning on a busy stretch of road inIndia: “Go slow – accident porn area.” Bet there were a few rubberneckers for that one...
而在印度一条繁忙的公路上有一个吸引眼球的提示:“Go slow – accident porn area.(事故色情区,请慢行。)”估计这附近看热闹的不少……
And you might get more than you bargain for on this Greek road, where a sign warns: “Parking is for bitten along the coastal road.” Ouch.
在希腊这条路上你可能会碰到不愉快的事情,因为路面标识写着:“Parking is for bitten along the coastal road.(海岸公路泊车会被咬。)”噢,好疼!
Though driving has its pitfalls, things don't get much better on the trains. A notice on a toilet inChinareads: “Do not use toilet while train is in stable.” Where do the horses sleep, then?
虽说在路上开车有风险,坐火车也没有好到哪儿去。中国一列火车的厕所这样提醒:“Do not use toilet while train is in stable.(火车在马厩的时候,请不要使用卫生间。)”火车占了马厩,那马上哪儿睡觉去?
Don't think about smoking if you are a fully fledged adult travelling inMonrovia,Liberia. There, a notice reads: “Dear passengers, please be tiny when using ashtrays.”
不要认为你是成年人就可以吸烟,在利比里亚蒙罗维亚市,有一条标语:“Dear passengers, please be tiny when using ashtrays.(亲爱的旅客,在使用烟灰缸的时候,请变小。)”
And at a Chinese airport you may be in for something painful at the baggage drop. They call it: “Luggage disembowel.” It may well be better to keep your internal organs and take hand luggage – just to be on the safe side.
在中国的一个机场行李提取处,你可能会遇上很痛苦的事儿,他们管行李提取叫:“Luggage disembowel.(请给行李开膛破肚。)”为了安全起见,也为了保住你的内脏,行李还是手提比较好。
Shopping slip-ups...
Fancy a spot of shopping on your hols? Be careful what you buy...
Brits abroad don't have the best reputation but there's no need for this sign inPratap Pura,India: “AnusEnglishAcademy– no problem.”
我知道英国人在国外的名声不是最好的,但是也没必要这样写吧。印度普拉塔普神庙一条标语写着:“Anus English Academy– no problem.(肛门英语学院——没问题。)”
A “Take free titty” notice in a women's clothes shop in China says is bound to attract the wrong clientele.
中国一家女装店告示写着:“Take free titty.(免费乳房)”,这一定会引来“不一样”的客人吧。
And someone was clearly having a bad day at work when they framed this picture of a cat with the caption, “My dog”.
商家给一个猫咪照片相框配的文字是“My dog(我的狗)”,装订这个相框的人那天上班的状态是有多糟糕啊。
A shop selling Bavarian beer mugs in Munich,Germany, boasts “We sell beer stains”. We doubt they make much of a profit.
德国慕尼黑一家贩卖巴伐利亚啤酒杯的商店,自夸道:“We sell beer stains(我们卖啤酒染色剂)”,我们深深怀疑他们能不能挣到钱。
A tailor inDubaicalled The In Trend didn't think it through – the labels on his garments read “TiT”.
迪拜的一家裁缝店不假思索就把“The In Trend(正当潮流)”缩写成“TiT(乳头)”,然后贴在衣服的标签上。
One French sports shoe shop inAix-en-Provencemight need to rethink its name – Athlete's Foot.
一家位于法国普罗旺斯埃克斯城的运动鞋店名“Athlete's Foot(香港脚)”,这店名要不要再斟酌一下?
We may talk the same language but that hasn't stopped oneUSclothes store coming up with this gem: “Wonderful bargains for men with 16 and 17 necks.”
尽管美国人和我们一样都说英语,但是这也阻止不了一家美国服装店想出的绝妙标语:“Wonderful bargains for men with 16 and 17 necks.(便宜好货这边瞧,有16-17个脖子的男士都来看看)”
And this Kentucky store has another pearler: “Don't kill your wife. Let our washing machines do the dirty work.”
而肯塔基州的这家商店的标语也是大放光彩:“Don't kill your wife. Let our washing machines do the dirty work.(别杀你老婆,这肮脏勾当让我店里的洗衣机干就行。)”
A Chinese bookshop must be trying to cash in on Middle Earth in a section for “Sports and hobbits”.
一家中国书店一定在设法利用中土世界赚钱,因为他们店内的标语写着:“Sports and hobbits(运动与霍比特人)”
A Thai hotel jeweller has “Porn gems”. For the filthy rich perhaps?
一家泰国酒店珠宝商写着:“Porn gems(色情宝石)”,可能是专为猥琐的有钱人准备的?
And a Thai beauty salon offers “A relaxing foot bath where you start with a special crime”. A bit of GBH before a foot rub, anyone?
还有一家泰国美容院提供“A relaxing foot bath where you start with a special crime(放松的足浴,从特定的犯罪开始。)”,脚底按摩前先来点重伤,有人要不?
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第一次听到这首歌的时候,就被它的旋律迷住了,歌词也使我想起了那个在欧洲的男生,正如jet lag那首歌里面的一句歌词:“you say good morning,when it's midnight”时差真是个奇妙的东西,使我时刻想念着你,我还记得那次和他聊天,正值傍晚时分,他对我说:"buongiorno."但我却只能对他说:"buonasera"
Feels like I’m standing in china,当我在站在中国时 while you’re in l.a and I’m sending a sigh up 你在LA驻足,我把字条寄给你and hoping you’ll stay 希望你能留下I know you, 我知道there’s no need to put your walls up I will never hurt you,你并不需要筑起高墙,因为我永远都不会让你伤心 it’s true, I’m falling thought, 这是真的,我坠入种种幻想don’t hide it I will not desert you 别把心思藏起来,我对你不离不弃what would I do without you?没了你我又要怎么生活 do without you没有你的生活Feels like I’m standing in china,当我在站在中国时 while you’re in l.a 你驻足在LAand I’m sending the sign up我把字条寄给你 and hoping you’ll stay 希望你能留下feels like I’m standing in china, 当我在站在中国时so far away我与你远离 come closer to me, come closer to me.离我近一点,再离我近一点 cause this can work if you let it,当你相信爱时,这件事就能实现 work if you let it,相信爱时,这件事就能实现 oh ohhhh this can work if you let it, 当你相信爱时,就能实现work if you let it oh ohhhhh相信爱时,就能实现They say distance makes the heart grow fonder他们说距离使两颗心靠得更近 but I don’t think I can take it但我不能忍受you’re right here, 你站在我身边let’s not fear any longer我就不再惧怕任何事情 ohh I believe we can make it 哦,我相信我们一定能行what would I do without you?没了你我要怎样活下去呢 do without you没有你的世界Feels like I’m standing in china, 当我站在中国时while you’re in l.a 你在LA徘徊and I’m sending the sign up我把字条寄给你 and hoping you’ll stay希望你永远驻足在我的世界 feels like I’m standing in china, 当我站在中国so far away 一个离你非常远的地方come closer to me, come closer to me. 能离我近一点吗,能再近一点吗cause this can work if you let it,当你相信爱时,这件事就能实现 work if you let it,心中有爱,便能实现 oh ohhhh 噢this can work if you let it, 当你相信爱时,便能实现work if you let it oh ohhhhh心中有爱,便能实现Break down your walls,将你心中的高墙粉碎 you can still have it all 你便能拥有更多don’t wanna fall apart I know there’s a way,我有个办法能使我们永不分手 to get you to stayyyy使你永远驻足在我的世界Feels like I’m standing in china,当我站在中国时 while your in l.a 你却徘徊在LAand i sending a sigh up 我把字条寄给你an hoping you’ll stay希望你永远不要离开Feels like I’m standing in china,当我站在中国时 while you’re in l.a你在美国的LA徘徊 and I’m sending the sign up and hoping you’ll stay我把字条寄给你,希望你永不离开 feels like I’m standing in china, 当我站在中国时so far away 与你有半个地球之远come closer to me, come closer to me.能离我近一点,再近一点吗 cause this can work if you let it,当你相信爱时,便能实现 work if you let it, 心中有爱,便能实现oh ohhhh this can work if you let it噢噢心中有爱,便能实现 work if you let it oh ohhhhh心中有爱,便能实现feels like i'm standing in china当我驻足在中国时
问一下,能不能顺便翻译一下guitar cry
不知道吧里面有没有听意大利语歌曲的人,一直喜欢一首叫做ho bisogno d'amore的歌,是paolo meneguzzi唱的,很温暖的调子
standing in china是谁的歌呀?
好棒 这首歌我很喜欢
顶楼主 ——The smile on your face lets me know that you need me There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me The touch of your hand says you'll catch me whenever I fall
ll …又见面了!
图片来自:midnight in paris


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