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  虽然很多专家都不建议背诵雅思写作范文,但是小编认为适当的看一些雅思写作范文还是比较好的,特别是熟悉下相关句型以及逻辑,为此小编特收集整理了这篇报纸对人们思想的影响的雅思写作范文分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助。  Newspapers have become an enormous influence on people’s ideas and opinions. Why is this the case? Is it a desirable or undesirable situation?  The nickname of the “Uncrowned King” given to the modern journalist is by no means an exaggeration. In almost every modern society, newspapers have been playing an essential role in shaping people’s thoughts on a wide range of issues and are always regarded as an indispensable source of information. In my opinion, this complex phenomenon can be boiled down to several key factors, and both its positive and negative aspects need to be analyzed thoroughly.  To begin with, human curiosity is an underlying factor in the growing popularity of newspapers. As the only species on the planet equipped with extraordinary intelligence, humans are inveterately curious about the latest events around the globe. Therefore, all kinds of newspapers prosper in such an age that is gushing with information, appealing to people’s increasingly strong desire to know more about this constantly changing world. It is little wonder that numerous readers are lured into heavier reliance on those well-established and internationally renowned newspapers.  To a large extent, this situation is a desirable one with its many positive aspects. First of all, in order to maintain their good reputation, most newspapers and magazines report actual events in a detailed way, providing not only factual information but also deep insights into complex social and political issues. In addition, circulated on a daily basis and across an extensive demographic region, major newspapers have smoothly operated branches, seasoned correspondents and a highly efficient system to collect local news with the swiftest actions. Most importantly, their coverage and insightful comments can encourage young readers to form their own opinions on current affairs.  On the other hand, people should be fully aware of the downside of the journalistic dominance. More often than not, newspapers of national importance are largely controlled by the government and act as the organ of the authorities. By furnishing citizens with prejudiced and self-opinionated reports on sensitive issues, such as foreign affairs and national security, these newspapers can manipulate their perspectives and attitudes and exercise a sort of monopoly on their way of thinking. On a less serious level, flooding the pages with trivial pieces of entertainment news and celebrity secrets is the usual way to divert the public’s attention away from government scandals and to eclipse such social and economic ills as unemployment, crime and judicial incompetence.  In conclusion, although the positive functions of modern journalism are to be sufficiently recognized, people must not slacken their vigilance against the possible abuse of such a tremendous power that newspapers possess. In other words, while absorbing bits of information in the newspapers, readers are advised to adopt an objective approach and cast a discriminating eye on their way of presentation, comments and implicit assumptions.
( 8:31:52) ( 10:44:52) ( 10:44:52) ( 14:23:03) ( 14:23:03) ( 14:23:00) ( 14:22:59) ( 14:22:59) ( 14:22:59) ( 14:22:58)雅思作文如何快速提高
摘要: 许多考生在写雅思作文的时候通常会遇到各种各样的问题,字数不够或者不够出彩拿不到高分,那么如何练习才可以写出让批卷老师眼前一亮的作文呢。环球雅思小编总结了几条雅思作文写作好
& & 许多考生在写雅思作文的时候通常会遇到各种各样的问题,字数不够或者不够出彩拿不到高分,那么如何练习才可以写出让批卷老师眼前一亮的作文呢。环球雅思小编总结了几条雅思作文写作好的方法分享给大家。
& & 首先,一定要勤于动笔,勤于思考。&这是准备任何一部分考试都不会改变的黄金律,写作部分尤其如此。很多同学在一开始接触雅思写作题目的时候都会觉得这些题目讨论的问题很傻,自己完全能搞定,因而不愿意去动笔,一旦真正开始写的时候才发现这些题目远不是自己想象的那么简单,才意识到要写出一篇好的雅思作文并不是那么容易的事。&所以在备考时,考生应该多动笔,多思考,踏踏实实的去完成每一篇作文,这样才能真正了解雅思写作是怎么回事,了解自己的写作能力到底怎么样,进而有针对性的提高写作能力。
& & 第二,一定要认真修改自己写的每一篇作文。&很多中国考生在备考过程中做了大量的写作练习,几乎把历来出现过的考题都写了一遍,但写作能力整体上还是没有太大提高。这种题海战术是非常不可靠的,光是写而没有去修改,这种方式收效其实非常低。&
& & 第三,要善于利用高分例文。&在中国,很多考生习惯了应试型的教育,一拿到例文就开始狂背,认为在考试的时候只要套用这些例文就一定能拿高分。其实不然,雅思考试中如果考官认为你的文章是抄袭例文,那么分数一定会非常低。况且高分例文的价值远不止背诵和套用,要拿到雅思写作的高分,就一定要善于利用它们。
& & 以上就是环球雅思小编为大家总结的作文练习的方法,相信只要坚持下去大家一定可以获得不小的提高。


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