
初来乍到是什么意思 初来乍到在线翻译 初来乍到什么意思 初来乍到的意思 初来乍到的翻译 初来乍到的解释 初来乍到的发音
初来乍到 基本解释初来乍到名:新来的人,初来乍到的人;[体]新手。初来乍到 网络解释1. 1. I'm a Freshman:I'm a Freshman初来乍到 | 1 Hey,Bro欢乐喜相逢 | 2 Freshman Party新生派对2. First Days at Work:33 Trying More Chances另辟蹊径 | First Days at Work初来乍到 | 34 Introduction Procedure for New Staff入职手续3. Newly Arrived:视觉日记Visual Diary | 初来乍到 Newly Arrived | 走向职场Career Paths初来乍到 双语例句1. 远处的阵阵橘香迎面扑来,显得那么清淡、那么怡人,仿佛是对我这样的初来乍到者的欢迎。&&&&The scent of the oranges was a refreshing fragrance to a tired traveler and a welcoming ambience for a newcomer like me.2. 初来乍到,四季常青的南国与四季分明的北疆给自己的视觉带来强烈的反差,以致绘画创作无从下手。&&&&The sharp visual contrast between the ever-green South and the seasonal North brought great difficulty for me to restart painting.3. 初来乍到虽然看不出有多少媚人之处,但至少没有任何地方叫亲戚们看了讨厌。&&&&Although there might not be much at first appearance to captivate, there was, at least, nothing to disgust her relations.4. 初来乍到的解释4. 这个变化让我很不适应,因为初来乍到的Margot就像是个天外来客,佝偻而又野性,谁都摸不透她心里在想什么。&&&&It was hard for me to get used to the change, because Margot came to the house like a creature from another life, rachitic and wild, and with an impenetrable interior world.5. 5. 记得那年随考察团去欧洲和澳洲考察正至中秋节,尽管异国他乡的风光旖旎,高楼鳞次栉比,街路宽广,还有样式各异的不同风格富丽堂皇的教堂,街头行驶着款式新颖的汽车,良好的生态环境,还有流淌着的塞纳河、莱茵河……对于这些,初来乍到时感到新鲜,但是几日过后,就感到了厌倦、惆怅,走在这样的街道,住在豪华的宾馆,总是不踏实,因为这里不是自己眷恋的家乡,没有熟悉的人和熟悉的事,没有记忆中的一切,幸福和悲伤。&&&&I remember that year with the mission to Europe and Australia is being inspected to Mid-Autumn Festival, even though a foreign land of beautiful scenery, row upon row of tall buildings, Zhongjie wide, there are different styles of different styles of magnificent churches, the streets running a fashionable car, good ecological environment, as well as flowing in the Seine, the Rhine...... for these recent arrivals to feel fresh, but after a few days, we felt tired, sad to be walking on this street, lived in luxury hotel, with a total it is not realistic, because this is not a feel in their own home, without the familiar and the familiar things, there is no memory of all, happiness and sadness.6. 成立台湾贸易中心后,我们让初来乍到的台湾厂商能先到这里暂时落脚,等到它们在当地的基础打稳了再搬出去,推行的效果还不错。&&&&After we established the Taiwan Trading Center, we have allowed Taiwan companies to hold an office in our center to get started and move out once they become es this has proven to be quite an effective approach.7. 我也曾是一个初来乍到纽约的人。&&&&I was new in new york one time, too.8. 8. 我也是初来乍到。&&&&I`m a stranger here, too.9. 9. 现在的我和初来乍到之时的我已经不一样了。&&&&Things have changed a lot since I first came here.10. 10. 当我初来乍到时,我就感到了热情的欢迎,这也是为什么我享受在这里踢球!&&&&This is something I will never forget and I thank everyone for that.11. 对不起,我是初来乍到。&&&&&&I'm sorry,
I'm new here.12. 对不起,我是初来乍到。&&&&&&I'm sorry, but I'm new here.13. 13. 如今的我已经不是那个初来乍到时的我了。&&&&&&I am a totally different player to the one that arrived at Liverpool.14. 人们出行、乘坐公交时候,面对纷繁复杂的道路、公交信息,不免产生迷惑,更不用说初来乍到的游客。&&&&&&There are more than 100 bus routes in most big cities. When facing numerous and complicated roads or bus information, citizens may feel confuse, to say nothing of visitors.15. 因为初来乍到,游客不熟悉公共汽车和地铁的路线,他们可能要乘出租汽车。&&&&&&Because visitors to any country are unfamiliar with public bus or subway systems, they are likely to travel by taxi when they first arrive.16. 16. 我初来乍到,你能给我介绍一下学校吗?&&&&&&This is my first time here at Shanxi University of Finance& Economics.17. 17. 皮特罗:首先,要记住穆斯林在俄罗斯并非初来乍到的新移民,这一点很重要。&&&&&&Petro: First and foremost, it is important to remember that Muslims are not newcomers to Russia.18. 这里的一切都显得大方而庄重,初来乍到的人尤其能感到这一点。&&&&&&The air of assurance and dignity about it all was exceedingly noticeable to the novitiate.19. 19. 偶那朋友,初来乍到,也没什么租房经验,也就凭他们摆布了,付六押一?&&&&&&Story that friends, beginning just arrived, no rental experience, but also guarantee their manipulation, a charge paid six?20. 初来乍到,跟着她车跑,到了那里还如在五里云雾之中,不知道现在自己的方位如何。&&&&&&I was new to the area and when I was in front of the store, I had no idea where I was.初来乍到是什么意思,初来乍到在线翻译,初来乍到什么意思,初来乍到的意思,初来乍到的翻译,初来乍到的解释,初来乍到的发音,初来乍到的同义词,初来乍到的反义词,初来乍到的例句,初来乍到的相关词组,初来乍到意思是什么,初来乍到怎么翻译,单词初来乍到是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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09-09-23 &
[编辑本段]词语解释  读音:chūlái-zhàdào  释义:乍:刚刚。[come just now] 刚刚来到。
第一次到一个新的地方, 或者第一次接触一个新的环境。
& 中国风 [我要发帖]
  暮霭沉沉寒霜里,萧萧疏影,叶落几分醒,云山雾里横亘,立云中,看悲欢离愁几许,雨雪纷纷入寒冬,温酒唱新曲,小村冬夜暖歌行,望山河,随风飘去  乙未年暮冬于岱下
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  沙发!  先祝你新春快乐!:)
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