
& 名师指导
  Having jobs with low paying salary and being high secure is better than jobs with high salary but being easy to lost.
  (1)maintain the steady lives without risks—& modern society is filled of plenty of laid-off works.
  The risen in rate of unemployment has increasingly aroused attentions from the society. In order to have a stable lives, numerous people choose the low salary job with high secure.
  (2) some low salary jobs could win the recognition and respects from the society. —Particularly, those people who do social workers (volunteers), teachers and nurse other sacrificing careers.
  Example: teachers (human beings' soul engineers)—Even though this job is low-paying, it earns the respects and appreciation from the students.
  This is because that teachers undertake the high responsibility to impart the knowledge to students, moreover, mould their students' characters.
  instil灌输 the high moral values to them.
  (3) low pressures from the low-paying jobs will create the spare time for people's entertainment or leisure activities.
  Family hours
  对比论证 High salary jobs with risks will derive people's time and energy from their regular lives. No time with family or friends.
  However, the low salary job would provide —time+ energy
  extension the working hours
  extend the work shifts
  work for extra hours
  再跟大家回顾一下独立写作评分标准,1. 做到有效回应题目,阐明文章主题。2、逻辑条理清楚,论证充分展开。3、内容连贯一致,衔接自然流畅。4、遣词造句地道,语言驾驭娴熟。
- 托福真题】
  Do you agree or disagree with the statement: It is better to finish a project completely and then do another project than do two or more projects at the same time. 完成项目时,是一个接一个的做好,还是同时做两个以上的项目更好?
  While we were taught from a young age that efficiency means multi-tasking, certain projects should be completed one at a time. Such practice ensures the quality of the final product and prevents from one having to redo certain parts of a long process. It also ensures the safety of those who will ultimately be the users of the final product.
  A person has a limited attention span, and a sole stress of efficiency often results in a compromise of quality. In projects that are highly detailed and require a lot of careful attention, a person must devote his full attention to the task in order to not make any careless mistakes. Take, for example, a biology project involving the genetic engineering of a human cell line. A lot of initial planning is involved in selecting the right cells suitable for growing in a laboratory and capable of modification. The cells must then be carefully monitored in a controlled environment to keep them alive. The genes to be altered are analyzed before there are delivered in a viral vector to the desired cells. All of steps toward achieving the final product are laboriously planned out and executed. Any small mishaps along the way can easily force the scientist to start the process all over again and waste months of previous work.
  Some projects are assigned with specific instructions for those involved to not take on any other projects. Such projects often involve products that will affect the safety of a large number of individuals. In the field of architectural design, a public structure to be used by thousands, even millions, of people every day will require that the initial project be carried out with care. The Tacoma Narrows Bridge was a public infrastructure completed in 1950 along the Puget Sound that was considered a monumental feat of engineering in its day. The twin suspension bridge, spanning 5,400 feet, took years of planning and construction by teams of architects, engineers, and construction workers. However, because the Department of Pacific Northwest Transportation was taking on several projects at the time and couldn&t simply focus on the bridge, the group of engineers failed to take the aerodynamics of the bridge into consideration during the design process. The gusts of wind along the Tacoma Narrows brought the structure to a collapse within months of the bridge&s opening, resulting in a catastrophe that is still remembered to this day as a classic example of failure of engineering.
  As the two examples show, the projects of certain highly skilled professions require careful attention to detail and must be completed one at a time. Trying to couple several projects simultaneously will only result in one having to redo a lot of work due to careless errors or worse, a devastating loss of lives.
  休闲 12个
  1. People benefit more from traveling in their own country than traveling in a foreign country. 3次 赞成
  1. 没有语言障碍,能够避免很多麻烦
  2. 能更深入地了解自己国家的习俗文化
  3. 能够交到各地的朋友
  1. 能体会他国不同的风俗文化,加深对他国的了解
  2. 能欣赏到不同的风景
  3. 能结识外国友人
  2. It is more fun to see a movie in the cinema with other people than see a movie at home. 3次
  1. 电影院设备好,放映效果更出色
  2. 在电影院看电影更有气氛
  3. 去电影院看电影也是社交活动之一 反对
  1. 有时电影院会太嘈杂
  2. 在家看电影比较自由
  3. Movies and TV programs made in one&s own country are always more interesting than those made in other countries.
  1. 电视电影技术比国内的好,尤其是欧美的
  2. 国外电视电影的题材比较丰富多样
  3. 能够了解国外的风土人情
  1. 更贴近我们自己的生活,从而能引起共鸣
  2. 加深对自己国家的了解,比如文化风俗、社会现象
  3. 看外国电视电影会遇到语言以及文化上的障碍
  4. It is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life.
  1. 能让自己更了解自己
  2. 能让自己更了解他人
  3. 能让自己更了解这个社会和世界
  1. 喜剧片也值得看
  2. 科幻片也值得看
  3. 恐怖片也值得看
  (1) It is better to watch serious movies that are designed to make us think than to watch movies designed to amuse and entertain us. 3次
  1. 能让自己更了解自己
  2. 能让自己更了解他人
  3. 能让自己更了解这个社会和世界
  1. 能让我们释放压力
  2. 拓宽我们的视野,增加我们的想象力
  3. 娱乐电影也有值得思考的地方
  5. Movies and televisions should always show audience that good people are rewarded and bad people are punished.
  1. 引导观众树立正确的价值观
  2. 观众更希望看到这样的结局
  1. 会使得结局毫无悬念
  2. 真实世界并不总是好人有好报,会让人脱离现实
  6. If parents want their children to do well at school, they should limit the time their children spend on watching TV. 3次
  1. 看电视会占据孩子学习的时间
  2. 看电视会对孩子身体健康造成影响,从而影响学习
  3. 看电视会对孩子心理健康造成影响,从而影响学习
  1. 孩子可以通过看电视得到放松
  2. 孩子可以通过看电视学习知识、拓宽视野
  3. 通过看电视可以促进孩子的心理健康
  (1) Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on young people.
  1. 电视电影会影响学习或工作
  2. 电视电影会影响身体健康
  3. 电视电影会影响心理健康
  1. 电视电影能让年轻人得到放松
  2. 电视电影能让年轻人获得知识、拓宽视野
  3. 电视电影能给与年轻人更多的引导
  7. People should have hobbies and do physical activities that are very different from their own work. 3次
  赞成 1. 促进身体健康 2. 帮助减轻工作压力 3. 能为工作带来灵感
  1. 休闲的同时能够促进工作
  2. 获得更多他人的认可
  8. More and more people are spending money on their pets, even though there can be other good ways to spend money. 2次
  赞成 1. 老年人养宠物可以消除寂寞 2. 年轻人养宠物可以为他们带来快乐 3. 成功人士养宠物是地位的体现
  (1) Observing and studying animal&s behavior is useful to know human nature. 赞成 1. 从动物行为中我们知道人比较贪婪 2. 从动物行为中可以发现人残忍的一面 3. 从动物行为中可以看到人合作精神
  9. The best way to travel is in a group led by a guide. 2次
  赞成 1. 相对省钱 2. 事先不用做任何规划 3. 旅途中有更多的乐趣
  反对 1. 时间上的自由度比较低 2. 会含有很多强制购物消费 3. 会包含一些不想参观的景点
  10. Visiting museums is the best way to know a country. 2次
  赞成 1. 博物馆能为我们展示一个国家的历史 2. 博物馆能为我们展示一个国家的文化习俗 3. 博物馆能为我们展示一个国家的艺术成就
  反对 1. 可以通过网络书籍了解一个国家 2. 可以通过旅游去了解一个国家 3. 可以通过交外国友人去了解一个国家
  11. People can learn more from watching television than from reading books. 2次
  赞成 1. 电视有声音有动画,更加形象生动 2. 电视时间短,更加精简精华 3. 电视能为我们提供最新的消息
  反对 1. 书本才能够给我们提供更详细深入的知识 2. 书本涉及的知识面要比电视更广 3. 看书时干扰要比看电视来的少
  (1) Movies and televisions make more negative effects than positive effects on young people&s behavior.
  赞成 1. 电视电影让年轻人产生了坏的习惯,如抽烟、喝酒 2. 电视电影让年轻人谈吐不文明 3. 电视电影让年轻人盲目模仿危险行为
  反对 1. 电视电影让年轻人学会关心他人 2. 电视电影让年轻人学会保护环境 3. 电视电影让年轻人更加努力学习工作 (2) The purpose of television should be educative, not entertaining.
  反对 1. 电视发明最初的目的就是娱乐 2. 教育有很多其他的方式,不一定通过电视 12. Famous entertainers and athletes deserve more privacy than they have now.
  赞成 1. 人们对于名人隐私的关注伤害到了这些名人 2. 人们对于名人隐私的关注伤害到了他们的家人朋友 3. 尊重他人隐私是文明社会的要求
  反对 1. 人们对名人的私生活更加感兴趣 2. 名人在私生活方面可以为人们树立榜样 3. 名人错误的私生活行为可以起到教育大众的意义
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要在短短的三十分钟内写出三百英文单词以上的独立写作文章,这对很多准备考的同学来说是个不小的挑战。许多考生常常对着托福独立作文的考题一筹莫展;也有些同学好不容易把文章憋到100词左右,但后边却无话可说了。人们常说Practice makes perfect (熟能生巧). 但是,托福题库里有一两百道题,近期考试又出现比较多的新题,显然,这么多的题目是不可能一一练过的。那么,有没有好办法让考生在非常短的时间内就能将一个并不熟悉的题目的写作思路建立并扩展开来呢?答案是肯定的。下面我就教大家托福独立写作思路扩展的“三步走”战略,让考生们步步为营,冲刺高分!第一步,铸建金字塔《金字塔原理》一书已畅销30余年,被誉为“现代最棒的关于写作与思维逻辑的读物”。书里提到的写作与思维逻辑构建方法是对西方思维方式的总结,同时又潜移默化地影响了西方的知识群体。书的作者指出,文笔清晰的文章很容易看出来,因为这种文章都具有清晰的金字塔结构(pyramidal structure),而文笔不清晰的文章则总是不具备这一结构。要想写出让评分者中意的文章,第一步就是在自己的托福作文里铸建金字塔。具体操作不难,就是把文章分为总(开头)--分(主体)--总(结尾),三个部分,这样,顺看、倒看都是金字塔。开头、结尾各一段,主体部分由并列的二至四段组成。同学们可以根据自己的实际情况决定中间部分到底写几段。下面,举一个托福真题的例子来说明金字塔的特征。题目如下:A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position. 在写这个文章时,可以考虑采取下列结构:从上图可以看出,第二、三段是文章的主体部分。接着,主体部分的各段段内又可以是一个金字塔结构,也就是说,主体段内的结构可以是:总(段首句)--分(细节句群)--总(段尾总结句)。在时间仓促或者需要控制段落字数的时候,可以考虑将“段尾总结句”省略。第二步,摆出我理由近期,托福独立作文题多以“同意不同意”的形式出现。比如,“你是否同意以下说法:小孩子应该学习音乐和艺术?” 很多同学觉得回答“同意”或“不同意”是比较容易的,但是要说清楚“为什么”,就要动许多脑筋了。现在我给大家介绍的“万能理由”(参考资料为高等教育出版社出版的《新托福写作高分策略》),能够快速启发同学的思维,达到短时间内文思泉涌的效果。万能理由就是:(与人相关)交流,利他,情绪,性格,经验,乐趣,健康,成就;(与物相关)方便,安全,经济(实惠),效率,环境,耐用。背记每个词的第一个字,将它们连起来便是:“交利情性,经乐健成;方安经,效环耐。”这些理由就构成了你的主体段,通常每段写一个理由就好。当然,就像刚刚说到的那样,要在段落里适当填充细节句群。现在,我们看看对于刚刚提出的托福作文题,万能理由是否有帮助。音乐和艺术,可以是人们交流的话题、谈资;可以舒缓紧张的情绪、修身养性;可以培养兴趣;音乐还可以治病,比如许多心理医生采取音乐疗法;另外,钻研音乐和艺术还可以成就大师,比如举世闻名的钢琴家、画家等等。你看,这样一来,托福独立作文就不怕没话可写了!如果还不过瘾,你可以再学一招。想想家人、朋友;个人、集体;中国、外国;政治、经济、文化、教育、科技、法律等。这样,你的思路是不是开阔了很多呢?第三步,秀秀词和句如果结构、理由问题顺利解决了,那么还剩下一个重要的问题--作文的遣词和造句。英文单词、句式繁多,不能在这里一一解释说明。请同学们记住两个原则:第一,不用口语化的表达。托福写作应该尽量使用书面语。第二,在正确的前提下,争取用别人可能想不到的表达方式。你想,如果大家都用简单的、千篇一律的词句,那高分该给谁呢?高分表达必须正确且与众不同。比如,很多同学喜欢用"a lot"这个词组,但这个词组毫无新意,又过于口语化,实在不是什么上乘之选。其实,书面语中用来表示“许多”的表达很多,我们可以酌情使用。比如,“许多失误”,我们可以说"a multitude of blunders",这就比"a lot of mistakes"要好很多。另外,我们可以用"benefit us greatly/enormously/considerably"来替换平庸表达"benefit us a lot"。再者,想说"learn a lot from"的时候,可以考虑改用"draw important lessons from"等。这类例子不胜枚举。在平时的学习中,建议同学们多积累书面用语,碰到不认识的单词,可以使用“朗文在线词典”(/),对照例句来学习、模仿单词的用法。除了词语的储备之外,同学们还可以着重复习并运用主语从句、同位语从句、强调句、倒装句等高分句型,适当背记一些诸如"It is an unassailable fact that...(这是一个主语从句,表示“...是毋庸置疑的。”)类似这样的好句型,应争取在写作中能信手拈来。在写作中将漂亮的词语和句型秀一秀,也不失为扩充文章、冲刺高分的好思路。最后,希望独立写作思路扩展的“三步走”战略能让考生们受益,祝同学们取得高分、前程似锦!
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