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折服 基本解释折服[zhé fú ]词典:制服;征服;克制。词典bring into submission:折服。词典:服气;心折;确信;信服。词典be filled with admiration折服 汉英大词典折服[zhé fú](说服) bring into submission:  例:强词夺理不能折服人。    No one can be persuaded by sophistry.折服 双语例句1. 但是首先如果你有大把的钞票要去为某人花大钱买一样礼物,你想让他们折服于你脚下,每天都崇拜你(事实上这件礼物可能最好给女人或者性欲退化的人-是的,我造了个术语),那你就可能要去了解一下Creme Brulee香味泡沫浴的概念。&&&&But first if you've got a decent chunk of money to blow on a gift for someone and you want them to make an alter at your feet and worship you daily (actually this gift is probably best for women or retrosexuals - yeah I made that term up) you might want to check out the concept of a Creme Brulee scented bubble bath.2. 他们是惊人的,有时,令人折服。&&&&They are stunning and, at times, awe-inspiring.3. 我愈了解晓明愈喜欢他,他的高IQ和EQ让我为之折服。&&&&I`m amazed that he has such high IQ and EQ.4. 4. 于是他的结论是:`之类:白天的时候心不在,芳香便消匿;而当你能在白天静下心来时,你一定会折服于桂花和茉莉的芬芳,或许,即使是正午的炎热也会使你享受。&&&&However, if your heart could ever find peace in the day, you do certainly be chastened by the fragrance of osmanthus, jasmine and perhaps even the scorching midday wouldn`t fail to fascinate you.5. 这一理论具有以下片面性:第一,广义的推理是指(1)按逻辑的方法而思维,或者以论据和前提之理由而推考或按断;(2)支以理由:解释以及论辩,证明之,折服之或感动之。&&&&The definition of legal reasoning has the following one-sidedness: 1, The original meaning of inference refers to: A, thinking in logic way or inferring from grounds of argument and premise.6. 公司所有者被她的魅力和形象折服,但我想知道能否做点什么让她下台,在她未对公司造成伤害之前让她早些离开。&&&&The company owners have fallen for her charm and image, but I am wondering if there is anything I can do to unseat her and bring on an early departure before she ruins the company.7. 遭遇不愉快的人生经历,可以令人硬心和故步自封,但一场地震令这名狱卒的身心灵都折服了,这件事令他变得开放、接纳,内心亦软化下来。&&&&The seamy side of life can leave one calloused and impenetrable. But the earthquake brought the jailer to his knees both physically and spiritually. He was open, receptive, softened by the circumstances.8. 无可否认,梅妮尔小姐的智慧是另人折服的。&&&&It's not difficult to admire Miss Maynell's wisdom.9. 最终,9号选手余海洋和4号选手冯欢欢分别以9.32和9.10的高分获得一等奖,他们充满自信的笑容,活泼而稳健的台风深深折服了在场评委和观众。&&&&Finally, Yu Haiyang and Feng Huanhuan won the first prize with the score 9.32 and 9.10, which counted for their confident performance and active attitude.10. 从春春第一步踏入超女的海选从春春第一次登上耀眼的舞台从春春第一声唱出动人的旋律从春春决定要追逐自己的梦想从春春一定要坚持自己的梦想从春春决心要放飞自己的梦想从春春和超女们入住指定的酒店从春春在天娱传媒的合约上签字从春春开始解公司给的各种通告她就注定要正式踏入娱乐圈她就注定要失去原来的自由她就注定要拥有玉米们的爱然而``` 玉米们给予她太多的爱使她有点措手不及进入娱乐圈剥夺了她的自由也使她更专心于自己的音乐当她和太合麦田签约当她发行第一张专辑当她开始自己的巡演那么``` 她就成为了乐坛上一颗耀眼的星 24岁的她一起和玉米创造了无数的奇迹当玉米第一眼看到春春就注定要被她的魅力所感染当玉米第一次听春春唱歌就注定要被她的歌声所折服当玉米迷上了春春的一切就注定要爱上春春的所有玉米们创造了超女舞台上的奇迹把春春宠上了天玉米一直保护著春春怕她少到一点伤害其实,做玉米也很矛盾春春每次都说她很快乐但每次都没听她提起过自由玉米也知道,春春一直很怀念以前的生活到底是一直爱她?&&&&From the first step into super chun chun from the first on the stage of dazzling from chun first sing moving tune from chun decided to pursue his dream from chun must insist their determination to fly from chun dream dreams from chun and super from the hotel check-in specified in the days of entertainment media chun chun began to sign contract from notifications company gave solution, she was destined for the entertainment business formally was doomed to lose her, she was destined to have free will, however, corn love'''fans gave her much love makes her a bit flat-footed entering showbiz deprived her of freedom and make her more concentrate on his own music when she and quite crop signing issue when she first album when she began his tour then'''she became a music on a shining star 24 years old, she together and corn created innumerable miracles when corn first glimpse chun is destined to be infected by her charm when first listen to chunchun corn was destined to sing the songs are convinced by her corn fascinated chunchun when everything was doomed to all the fans love chunchun created a miracle in the super arena in corn pet chun chun afraid she has been protected in less damage to the point, corn is contradictory chun every say she is happy, but every time she didn't hear about freedom corn also know, Chris always miss life is always love her?11. 我也被博物馆的规模和设计所折服。&&&&&&I was amazed at the museums scale and design.12. 在这些著作中,读者对小说里的童话故事和惊险情节深深折服,凡尔纳感到非常欣慰。&&&&&&In his books, Verne enthralls readers with tales of extraordinary adventures.13. 你的智慧和头脑指引你做出最高明最有利的选择,你的能力让我们所有人折服,但随着时间的推移,你却慢慢发现那些你曾经以为可以永远按你剧本演绎下去的事情,开始变的脱离轨道,变的你掌控不了,而你,也开始迷茫了。&&&&&&Your wisdom and the mind are guided you to make the better the most qualified the most advantageous choice out, your ability is brought our proprietor into submission, as time goes by but, you discover those but slowly you once believe the thing being able to continue to deduce forever according to your script, the orbit starting changeable abjunction, your palm changing has charged without end, but you, can't begin perplexed.14. 我为它的能力折服,但对过程仍持保留态度。&&&&&&I am entranced by what can be done with them, but remain a skeptic of the process.15. 游客站在那里,被奔腾不息的激流及其强大的力量所折服。&&&&&&You stand there, hyptonized by the sheer force, the untiring action that goes on and on.16. 16. 你的批评一定要使读者认为你在批评他人而不是他自己,这样他就会为你那高贵的讽刺所折服,如果他看出你在批评他本人,他就会认为你是一没有教养的偏激狂。&&&&&&You must always denounce in such a way that your reader thinks that it is the other fellow who is being denou in that case he will be impressed by your noble scorn, whereas if he thinks that it is himself that you are denouncing, he will consider that you are guilty of ill-bred peevishness.17. 折服17. 我本人多少也算个会弹钢琴的人,此时也被她的精湛技巧所折服。我起身来到一个离她不远的桌子去观看和倾听。&&&&&&Being a pianist of some ability myself, I was stunned by her virtuosity, and I picked up my drink and moved to a table beside her where I could listen and watch.18. 折服的解释18. 面对下面的文字,我们不能不为那些天才的创意折服。有时候想想,上帝给了我们两只眼睛和两只耳朵是出于多么大的爱心啊!看,眼花缭乱;听,心旌摇动!让人沉醉的快意生活呵!&&&&&&The Sfera Alarm hangs over your head, and each time you press its snooze alarm but fail to turn it off, the clock retracts higher and higher toward the ceiling, until ultimately it's so high that in order to silence it you'll need to stand on the bed.19. 航行中,我们像一只翱翔的大鸟一样,从几百米的高度尽享俯视之乐。我们被这片西南热土的生机与活力所感染,同时,亦深深地被大地女神那广阔、美丽而又带着几分神秘的形象所折服。&&&&&&This article presents our readers, in a special and panoramic angle, the beauty of the mountains and rivers of the province, and the vigor and vitality of the land beneth our feet in a magnitude as well...20. 20. 今天我站在这里,为眼前的一切所折服,为你们的信任而感动,为我们先辈的付出铭感于怀。&&&&&&U. S. President Barack Obama delivers his inaugural address at the U. S. Capitol in Washington on Tuesday.折服是什么意思,折服在线翻译,折服什么意思,折服的意思,折服的翻译,折服的解释,折服的发音,折服的同义词,折服的反义词,折服的例句,折服的相关词组,折服意思是什么,折服怎么翻译,单词折服是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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