
Truth or Dare?
中文:真心话大冒险;英语:Truth or Dare?;法语:Action ou vérité ?;韩语:Truth or Dare?;
Action ou vérité ?
中文:真心话大冒险;英语:Truth or Dare?;法语:Action ou vérité ?;韩语:Truth or Dare?;
Truth or Dare
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真心话大冒险 Truth or Dare ...
The Moment of Truth
--[endif]--" 真心话大冒险 "( The Moment of Truth )是目前世界上最强大的国家FOX媒体1个极高人气的问答游戏节目上,主持人会问参加比赛者一些疑难题目,这些疑难题目是颠末细心包装专...
Frank opinion and adventure
sincere words and great adventure
Truth and Adventure
Xmas Truth or Dare
Sex Edition
Truth or Dare
Jenny: Oh, I love "truth or dare".
Amy: Clearly, losing Truth or Dare upset her.
Create a bunch of work-friendly, holiday-related truth-0r-dare questions.
“真心话大冒险”是个多义词,它可以指真心话大冒险(安卓软件), 真心话大冒险(聚会游戏), 真心话大冒险(2012年英国恐怖电影), 真心话大冒险(启悦桌游), 真心话大冒险(2012系列微电影), 真心话大冒险(李玟歌曲)。
- 来自原声例句
冒险是什么意思 冒险在线翻译 冒险什么意思 冒险的意思 冒险的翻译 冒险的解释 冒险的发音 冒险的同义词 冒险的反义词 冒险的例句
冒险 基本解释冒险是什么意思冒险[mào xiǎn]词典:奇遇;冒险经历;冒险活动。词典:危险,冒险;保险额;被保险人或物。词典:冒险。词典:冒一冒险,碰碰运气,利用一下机会。词典:冒险;使遭受危险。冒险 汉英大词典冒险[mào xiǎn](不顾危险) take chances (of); venture on [upon]; brave:  例:拿健康冒险    risk one'    军事冒险        不要冒险去做某事    not run risks to do sth.;    冒险打一仗        戴上安全帽再下去, 不要冒险。    Wear your safety helmet when you go down. Don'    挑上这么个暴风雨的天气出航, 你恐怕太冒险了吧!    I'm afraid you're running a risk setting sail in such stormy weather.{计} hazard冒险 网络解释1. run a risk:每次迁入新居(every time),他们总是尽情领略新环境带给他们的新鲜感受(fresh). 之所以如此,是因为美国人喜欢接受新奇的(fancy)事物,喜欢冒险(run a risk). 另外,这也与他们酷爱旅游(revel in traveling)有关.冒险 双语例句1. 冒险1. 天有不测风云,我不会冒险投机。&&&&I'm not taking any chance.2. 是不是翻译为:因此军队对于试图冒险进入更远仍然是有一些踟蹰的?&&&&There is still some hesitancy among the military to try to venture in too far.3. 摩托车冲向天空,急速狂飞,然后撞去停机坪,接着摩托车又向前冲去,车上的人被打翻并折弯——他的骨头被折响的声音几乎就能听到。一个身体与思想健全的人为什么会去尝试这种冒险?&&&&Why—as the motor bike soared into the air, hurtled down, crashed into the tarmac and careered onwards, dragging with it a tumbly, bending human figure whose bones were almost audibly snapping—would any sane man want to do such a thing?4. 冒领冒名冒牌冒险冒烟冒用冒雨帽帽子貌貌似贸贸促会贸发贸发局贸工部贸工农贸然。。。&&&&Smoke in someone else's fraudulent use of counterfeit impersonator adventure rain hat cap appearance seemingly TDC TDC Trade and Trade Promotion of Trade and Industry Mao Gongnong hastily...5. 在成为朋友或是组建家庭的兴奋刺激过去后有一点的冒险后是沮丧是很自然的。&&&&The post-travel funk can be something you bond over instead of something that builds walls between you.6. 在企化的过程中,我喜欢在伟大创意未知世界边缘冒险的感觉;但只要利用事实作为有力的武器,我们就有机会攻城掠地。&&&&In all of our planning I like to feel that we adventurously live on the fringe of the Great Creative Unknown, but if we are properly armed with facts we are always better prepared to enter it.7. 在企化的过程中,我喜欢在伟大创意未知世界边缘冒险的感觉;但只要懂得利用事实为有力武器,我们就有机会攻城掠地。&&&&In all of our planning I like to feel that we adventurously live on the fringe of the Great Creative Unkown, but if we are properly armed with facts we are always8. 要制约我们的对手,我们需要有决心,面对米兰,我们不能冒险。&&&&It will have to be a determined Reggina side capable of limiting their opponents, we cannot afford to play adventurously against Milan.9. 在企化的过程中,我喜欢在伟大创意未知世界边缘冒险的感觉;但只要懂得利用事实为有力武器,我们就有机会攻城掠地。&&&&In all of our planning I like to feel that we adventurously live on the fringe of the Great Creative Unkown, but if we are properly armed with facts we are always better prepared to enter it.10. 10. 在企划的过程里,我喜欢在伟大创意未知国度边缘冒险的感觉;但只要懂得利用事实为器,我们就有机会攻城掠地。&&&&In all of our planning I like to feel that we adventurously live on the frin ge of the Great Creative Unknown, but if we are properly armed with facts we ar e always better prepared to enter it.11. 冒险11. 我对这问题的态度是,我们不能冒险把资金投在一项无把握的业务上。&&&&&&My position on this problem is we can't risk our capital on a dubious business.12. 冒险12. 我对这问题的态度是,我们不能冒险把资金抽在一项无把握的业务上。&&&&&&My position on this problem is we can not risk our capital on a dubious business.13. 你认为冒险岛新加坡怪物图鉴手机对现代的人们重要么?&&&&&&Examiner: Do you think cell phones are important for modern people?14. to do it again。我已经替他冒险过好几回,我不愿意再干了。&&&&&&Pull sb`s chestnuts out of the fire (亦作pull the chestnuts out of the fire for sb)— to help sb out of a difficulty at one` to assure another`s burden or hardship代某人火中取栗, 替某人冒险; 为某人挑重担 I had pulled the chestnuts out of the fire for him on several occasions and was unwilling15. 我们冒险航海是很勇敢的。&&&&&&It`s very bold of us to venture to go to sea.16. 我们党在民众运动中,有严重的关门主义、高慢的宗派主义和冒险主义的传统倾向,这是一个妨碍党建立抗日民族统一战线和争取多数群众的恶劣的倾向。&&&&&&In the mass movements our Party has a traditional tendency towards rank closed-doorism, haughty sectarianism, this ugly tendency hinders the Party in establishing an anti-Japanese national united front and winning over the majority of the masses.17. 我们党在民众运动中,有严重的关门主义、高慢的宗派主义和冒险主义的传统倾向,这是一个妨碍党建立抗日民族统一战线和争取多数群众的恶劣的倾向。《金山句霸&&&&&&L In the mass movements our Party has a traditional tendency towards rank closed-doorism, haughty sectarianism, this ugly tendency hinders the Party in establishing an anti-Japanese national united front and winning over the majority of the masses.18. 18. 若你不想冒险失去你现时的村曲,请抄上你玩时的村曲,并在最后重新恢复它。&&&&&&If you don't want to risk losing your current town tune, simply write it down and change it after you select a villager.19. 他们的名称起源于莱维Carroll的诗(具有Alice Wonderland中的的冒险的特点)。&&&&&&Their name is derived from the Lewis Carroll poem Jabberwocky (featured in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland).20. 你要与4位英雄开始追寻皇冠钻石的冒险征程!&&&&&&Get set to ride along with four heroes on a quest for the lost Kohinoor Diamond!冒险是什么意思,冒险在线翻译,冒险什么意思,冒险的意思,冒险的翻译,冒险的解释,冒险的发音,冒险的同义词,冒险的反义词,冒险的例句,冒险的相关词组,冒险意思是什么,冒险怎么翻译,单词冒险是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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