
浇花是什么意思 浇花在线翻译 浇花什么意思 浇花的意思 浇花的翻译 浇花的解释 浇花的发音 浇花的同义词 浇花的反义词 浇花的例句
浇花 双语例句1. 他会浇花和摆饭桌。&&&&He can water the flowers and set the table.2. 我能浇花!好的,就这么干吧!&&&&I can water the flowers!3. 我们将不能喝,不能骄浇花,不能浇树,不能洗碗,不能洗我们的衣服,不能洗脸,不能洗澡。&&&&We will not be able to drink, or water the flowers, or water the trees, or wash the dishes, or wash our clothes, or wash our faces, or take a bath.4. 额只浇花不灌水,阅尽人间解语花。红肥绿瘦仙子乐,最是妖娆蓝花花。&&&&People, even more than things, have to be restored, revived, re never throw out anyone.5. 你已经浇花了吗?不,我没有。&&&&Have you watered the plants No, I haven`t.6. 911查询·英语单词6. 你不必浇花的,因为要下雨了。&&&&You needn`t have watered the flowers, for it is going to rain.7. 浇花的翻译7. 我让他为我浇花。&&&&I had him watering flowers for me.8. 你本不必浇花的,因为天要下雨了。&&&&You shouldn't have watered the flowers, for it is going to rain.9. 一位背着孩子的妇女在墨西哥普埃布拉州的一个墓地里浇花。&&&&A woman carrying her infant on her back waters flowers in a graveyard in Puebla, Mexico.10. 10. 他通常浇花。&&&&He usually water s flowers.11. 他通常浇花。&&&&&&He usually waters the flowers.12. 要一水多用,洗脸水用后可以洗脚,淘米水可以用来浇花。&&&&&&After washing your face, you can use the water to washing your feet.13. 一滴水在我家可以重复使用3次,首先,我用干净的水来淘米,然后用来洗脸,最后还可用来浇花。&&&&&&All of these trivial things are within our reach and what they take is just a little effort. Believe it or not, a drop of water can be used three times in my family.14. 14. 这时走廊开始奔忙,你拿起喷壶,不为浇花,而是要洗去吸附在花托茸毛上的隔夜之尘,而我将早点果汁的余味写成这首十四行。&&&&&&In a trance I am lost in your constricted pupil And see Death sparkles at the other end of a tunnel Like a sun emitting heat between two petals of cloud.15. 15. 别忘了带雨伞,我也许会在今天浇浇花。&&&&&&Don't forget your umbrella, I might water the plants today.16. 如果他要跟你分手,也许应该让Joey和我去帮他浇花。。。&&&&&&Well, if he's gonna break up with you, maybe Joey and I should water his plants.17. 你可以把它挂在房檐上,它会在雨后收集雨水,虽然不能饮用,但你可以用它来洗手或浇花。&&&&&&Sure, they are not drinkable, but you can use it to water your garden or washing your hands!18. 经常分配一些适合孩子做的日常的家务活,比如:摆放餐巾和餐具,整理,垃圾分类,除尘和浇花等等&&&&&&Perhaps setting silverware and napkins on the table, sorting, recycling, dusting, watering plants, etc.19. 最后用它来浇花,这可是很好的肥料啊!&&&&&&A pot of water can be used three or four times in my family.20. 一个浇花胶皮管,锡制罐子,胶带,金属管,厨房清洁剂和汽油:那是按电视图像百战天龙所需而制的火焰喷射器来抵挡虫子和蚂蚁杀手。&&&&&&A garden hose, a tin can, duct tape, metal piping, kitchen cleaner, and gasoline: That is all television icon MacGyver needed to make a flame-thrower to ward off a swarm of killer ants.浇花是什么意思,浇花在线翻译,浇花什么意思,浇花的意思,浇花的翻译,浇花的解释,浇花的发音,浇花的同义词,浇花的反义词,浇花的例句,浇花的相关词组,浇花意思是什么,浇花怎么翻译,单词浇花是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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water the flowers中文是什么意思
中文翻译浇花&&&&n. 1.水;雨水;露;〔常作 pl. 〕 矿泉,温泉; ...&&&&n. 1.花;花卉;花状装饰物。 2.精华 (of)。 ...&&&&浇花&&&&落花流水&&&&因缺水而发蔫的花&&&&浇花木&&&&花类&&&&正在开花&&&&弗劳尔斯; 花儿朵朵; 花儿怒放; 花卉; 镜花缘; 秋风落叶; 升华制成的 ...&&&&花儿乐队&&&&含羞草花&&&&七朵花&&&&安乐窝&&&&一把花; 一簇鲜花; 一束花&&&&华之乱
例句与用法He would rake the soil gently and water the flowers .他会轻轻翻土,浇花的。In my absence , please help me water the flowers当我不在的时候,请帮我浇花。 I am watering the flowers . will you join me , please我在浇花。请你和我一起干好吗His grandfather is watering the flowers in the garden他祖父正在花园里浇花They water the flowers . now the house is clean他们浇花。现在房子干净了。 Get some water from the well , and water the flowers well从井里打些水把花好好地浇一浇。 They watered the flowers and went on to clean the classroom他们给花浇了水,接着打扫教室。 One is watering the flowers , and the other is reading(有两个人,一个在浇花,另一个在读书. ) She had better water the flowers as soon as possible , hadn ' t she她最好尽快给花浇水,不是吗? I saw him watering the flowers我看见他正在浇花。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
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  1. water the plants
  2. water the flowers
  1. 谁会帮你浇花呢?
  Who will help you water the flowers?
  2. 妈咪,我们正按你教我们的方式浇花呢。
  Mom, we are watering the plants just like you asked us to
  3. 今天早上他们没有浇花。
  They didn't water the flowers this morning.
  4. 你昨天不该浇花的。
  You shouldn't have watered the flowers yesterday.
  5. 一个女人会为了购物,浇花,清理垃圾,接电话,读书,查邮件而盛装打扮。
  A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the garbage, answer the phone, read a book, get the mail.
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