too,to/such that/too to和so thatt的区别?

so,such that的用法小结_百度文库
so,such that的用法小结
&&&&&&&&&so that、 such that与
so that、 such that与
更新时间:08-09-10 19:26
1. so...that意为“如此……以至于....
&[&河北省 &]&
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之前一直纠结so that..., so...that..., so as to...一类的用法,据说之前大牛们已经讨论过很多次了。我也很努力地找了,但是没有找到很完整的版本。找到一个manhattan上Ron大神对这几个用法的详解。我也试着把它们总结一下。希望大家进来一起多讨论讨论,我们把这个纠结的问题搞清楚吧~~ 如果有人找到以前讨论的帖子,也拜托贴上来,我学习一下啊~~ 多谢啦~~1. so that...manhattan中关于so that...的用法举例:RIGHT: She gave money SO THAT the school could offer scholarships. (= purpose)SUSPECT: She gave money, SO the school was grateful. (= result)WRONG: She gave money SO the school could offer scholarships.下面看看Ron大神在manhattan论坛上的讲解:-&so that...& the construction is placed in front of a clause that describes the intention or goal of some action. (&X ... so that Y...&就理解为Y是X这个action的intention or goal!)e.g., James started weight training so that he could become stronger. (James的goal是become stronger, 他的action是started weight training.)2. so... that...manhattan中关于so... that...的用法举例(See also ENOUGH) :RIGHT: The book was SO SHORT THAT I could read it in one night. & & & & & & The book was SHORT ENOUGH FOR me TO READ in one night.Note: These two expressions have slightly different emphases, but it is unlikely that you will need to choose an answer solely on this basis. (第一句说是这本书很短,是不针对于哪个人的,但是后一句所这本书对于我来说很短,但是对于其他人不一定。微小区别,不作为split)SUSPECT: The book was SO SHORT I could read it. (THAT is preferred.) & & & & & & & & &The book was OF SUCH SHORTNESS THAT I could read it. & & & & & & & & &The book had SO MUCH SHORTNESS THAT I could read it. & & & & & & & & &SUCH was the SHORTNESS of the book THAT I could read it.WRONG: & The book was OF SUCH SHORTNESS, I could read it. (run-on sentence) & & & & & & & & &The book was SHORT TO SUCH A DEGREE AS TO ALLOW me to read it.下面看看Ron大神在manhattan论坛上的讲解: -&so ADJ/ADV that ...& is used to emphasize the extreme quality of ADJ/ADV, and followed by some consequence of that extreme quality.e.g. Don is so tall that he can reach the top shelf without any effort. (Right)I study so hard that I can get a good grade. (Wrong, 如果说get a good grade是study hard这么一个extreme quality的结果那就有点牵强了。如果能说明某个学科非常的难,过关率很低,然后我通过非常努力地学习取得一个好成绩,就可以说我”非常努力地学习“这个extreme quality的consequence是get a good grade. 3. such...that...manhattan没有such...that...的list举例(可能在GMAT真题中出现很少或者就没出现过,这里当补充知识学习一下)看看Ron大神在manhattan论坛上的讲解:- &such + adj + noun + that&, unlike &so adj that...&, this one put emphasis not on an adj. We use this construction if the quality itself is embodied by a noun rather than by an adjective.e.g. Tom is such a hermit that he hasn't left his house in two years. (Correct, hermit itself is a quality) & & & Don is such a tall boy that he can reach the top shelf without any effort. (Wrong, 这里换做用so... that...就会更好)4. as to...manhattan没有 as to...的list举例看看Ron大神在manhattan论坛上的讲解:- i don't think that gmac likes it very much -- i've never seen it in an officially correct answer.- & as to...& used to describe indirect intentions.e.g. Joe bought a gym membership so as to become more attractive to women. (the act of buying a gym membership itself is not going to make joe instantly more attractive to women (women do not swoon over a man's gym membership card). instead, there are plenty of implied intermediate steps between “by a gym membership” and “be more attractive“; the use of “so as to” implies that there are such intermediate steps in the process. (不过话说回来,这个区别实在是太小了,这算是语言上的艺术,Ron说GMAT肯定不会在这个上面出文章的.)- & as to....& there should be no change of subject, and so there's an implication that the subject is the same as the subject of the previous clause/action.e.g. Congress is debating a bill requiring certain employers to provide workers with unpaid leave so as to care for sick or newborn children. (the only subjects of actions in the previous clauses are &congress& and &certain employers&. &therefore, the sentence is implying that one of these two entities is actually going to care for sick or newborn children! That does not make sense!)5. so... as to...manhattan中关于 to...的用法举例:SUSPECT: The sauce was SO hot AS TO burn my mouth.Note: The GMAT seems to have changed its mind on this idiom. In the 10th Edition of the Official Guide, problem #88 uses the construction in the correct answer. However, #37 in the 12th Edition says that this idiom is &incorrect& with no further explanation. Other authorities consider this idiom correct, and we agree. Nevertheless, you should be wary of its use. Wrong: The saucehad SUCH heat AS TO burn my mouth. & & & & & & &The saucehad SO MUCH heat AS TO burn my mouth.看看Ron大神在manhattan论坛上的讲解:- & to...& in general, you don't use so ADJ as to VERB unless the VERB describes some sort of state/condition. (i.e., if the verb is an action verb, this construction generally isn't used.)e.g. I am so ugly as to be viscerally repulsive to women. --& this works, because the verb“to be& describes a state/condition.I am so ugly as to repel women on sight. --& you generally wouldn't see this in good writing, as &repel& the sentence would probably be written as I am so ugly that I repel women on sight.----------------------------------------------------------分割线----------------------------------------------------------------下面就是OG上涉及到这几种用法的题了,跟大家一起讨论下啊。OG12-39In 1527 King Henry VIII sought to have his marriage to Queen Catherine annulled so as to marry Anne Boleyn.(A) so as to marry(B) and so could be married to(C) to be married to(D) so that he could marry(E) in order that he would marryA. 根据Ron的解释,so as to do的to do动作发出者应该是和前面句子subject of action是一致的。这里只有唯一主语King Henry VIII, 所以说so as to的动作发出者就是King,说so as to的动作发出者有歧义(King or Queen) 这种解释我觉得是说不通的哈。CD上还有人认为是因为so as to前面有两个行为动词(sought & have), 所以so as to不知道是修饰的哪个行为动词。对于这点我存有异议啊,我觉得sought to have sth annulled是一个行为动作。我感觉唯一的解释就是GMAT不喜欢so as to...的这种用法,OG说it is not idiomatically correct. 还有就是Ron的解释,认为so as to...是接的indirect intention,而这句里marry Anne是King sought to have marriage to Queen annulled的direct intention,所以这种情况下应该用so that...会比so as to好。B. so表示的是结果,而这里Henry sought to have his marriag annulled的结果不能保证就是marry to Anne. (Henry could not marry simply on the basis of seeking an annulment.) 这里需要表示have marriage annulled的目的。C. OG原解释The infinitive here should be preceded by a conjunction (in order); to marry is preferable to the wordier to be married to.OG12-65In a plan to stop the erosion of East Coast beaches, the Army Corps of Engineers proposed building parallel to shore a breakwater of rocks that would rise six feet above the waterline and act as a buffer, so that it absorbs the energy of crashing waves and protecting the beaches.(A) act as a buffer, so that it absorbs(B) act like a buffer so as to absorb(C) act as a buffer, absorbing(D) acting as a buffer, absorbing(E) acting like a buffer, absorb这题单纯只讨论so as to...在这里用法是否正确。act like肯定是错误的,act as才是固定搭配。那么如果B句改为act as a buffer so as to absorb,那是否就正确了呢?P.S. Ron大神说的是否是indirect intention,这里暂时也不考虑了。- 重点是so as to有没有change the subject of action in the previous clause. 这里的subjects of action有Army corps和a breakwater of rocks,前者的action是proposed building parallel to...,后者的action是rise six feed and act as a buffer... 如果从逻辑上来讲的话只有rocks可以发出absorb...这个动作。所以这里是单一主谓,没有歧义(这点需要大家来讨论啊!!) . 不像Ron举的列子,Congress is debating a bill requiring certain employers to provide workers with unpaid leave so as to care for sick or newborn children. 这里有两个subjects of action, 分别是congress和employers,而且两个都不是so as to do的to do在逻辑上正确的动作发出者,所以用so as to...错误。那absorb这道题我现在就认为GMAT它是真的不喜欢so as to...这种用法,或者我们不把so as to...作为一个split, 肯定还会有别的split的点的,可以这样想吗??OG12Verb-84. The computer company's present troubles are a result of technological stagnation, marketing missteps, and managerial blunders so that several attempts to revise corporate strategies have failed to correct it.(A) so that several attempts to revise corporate strategies have failed to correct it.(B) so that several attempt at revising corporate strategies have failed to correct(C) in that several attempts at revising corporate strategies have failed to correct them(D) that several attempts to revise corporate strategies have failed to correct (E) that several attempts at revising corporate strategies have failed to correct themA. 1. so that...GMAT提到的正确用法是用于 X happened so that Y could happen (Y引导的成分是X这个action的purpose/goal/intention) (不用于表result, 如果so that后面连接的是result的话,只用so...连接就可以接consequence了,这点也希望大家来发表意见啊,please~~). 那从A句中看,这里so that引导的成分绝对不是前面的intention。那非要用so that...引导result呢?这里未划线部分technological stagnation, marketing missteps和mangerial blunders造成的结果是computer company's present troubles。而不是造成结果,several attempts... have failed to correct them. 这样逻辑上也讲不通啊。2. it这里无逻辑先行词指代。B. 1. so that不对。2. 如果要用so that的话,那so that后面要接完整的主谓宾。C. 1. OG官方解释,in that在这里用不合适,因为&in that& is not followed by an indication that how the company's troubles result from the three problems. 在另外的一道OG题中,关于in that用法的官方说法是In that is a conjunction th because in that has largely gone out of use, it is considered stilted and overly formal. 总之,GMAT不喜欢in that这种表示了,觉得它过时了而且太正式了。(所以也可以默认in that出现的句子就是错误的了么?)D. that引导的定语从句修饰前面三个causes,然后作从句中correct的宾语。关于that是否能同时指代三样东西,CD有大牛说了:&A of B that...&这个结构that修饰A和B的优先级是一样的(但是如果that后面引导的是完整主谓宾,那就不能修饰B,只能修饰A);&A of B, C and D that...& 这里面that可以修饰A,也可以修饰B, C, D,主要都是看逻辑。 E. correct后面多了them。
在线时间 小时
对于楼上的说法:根据Ron的解释,so as to do的to do动作发出者应该是和前面句子subject of action是一致的。这里只有唯一主语King Henry VIII, 所以说so as to的动作发出者就是King,说so as to的动作发出者有歧义(King or Queen) 这种解释我觉得是说不通的哈。CD上还有人认为是因为so as to前面有两个行为动词(sought & have), 所以so as to不知道是修饰的哪个行为动词。对于这点我存有异议啊,我觉得sought to have sth annulled是一个行为动作。我感觉唯一的解释就是GMAT不喜欢so as to...的这种用法,OG说it is not idiomatically correct. 还有就是Ron的解释,认为so as to...是接的indirect intention,而这句里marry Anne是King sought to have marriage to Queen annulled的direct intention,所以这种情况下应该用so that...会比so as to好。其实这里有一个可行的解释是so as to表達的是indirect的目的,而在此句中,marry Anne Boleyn是直接的目的,所以错了。供参考
在线时间 小时
对于楼上的说法:根据Ron的解释,so as to do的to do动作发出者应该是和前面句子subject of action是一致的。这里只有唯一主语King Henry VIII, 所以说so as to的动作发出者就是King,说so as to的动作发出者有歧义(King or Queen) 这种解释我觉得是说不通的哈。CD上还有人认为是因为so as to前面有两个行为动词(sought & have), 所以so as to不知道是修饰的哪个行为动词。对于这点我存有异议啊,我觉得sought to have sth annulled是一个行为动作。我感觉唯一的解释就是GMAT不喜欢so as to...的这种用法,OG说it is not idiomatically correct. 还有就是Ron的解释,认为so as to...是接的indirect intention,而这句里marry Anne是King sought to have marriage to Queen annulled的direct intention,所以这种情况下应该用so that...会比so as to好。其实这里有一个可行的解释是so as to表達的是indirect的目的,而在此句中,marry Anne Boleyn是直接的目的,所以错了。供参考-- by 会员 zhou5367 ( 22:55:30)
对对对,我也是这样认为的,也写在里面了啊~ 谢谢zhou同学~~
在线时间 小时
加一道so that题进来194. (GWD-11-32)Since 1975 【so many people have been moving to Utah such that Mormons who were once 75 percent of the population are now only accounting for half of it.】A.& &&so many people have been moving to Utah such that Mormons who were once 75 percent of the population are now only accounting for half of itB.& &&many people have been moving to Utah, so Mormons once 75 percent of the population are now accounting for only halfC.& &&that many people have been moving to Utah, such that the Mormons that were once 75 percent of the population are now accounting for only half of itD.& &&many people have been moving to Utah such that the Mormons, who once represented 75 percent of the population, now only account for half & & & &E.& &&so many people have been moving to Utah that the Mormons, who once represented 75 percent of the population, now account for only half题目释义:so many people have been moving … that the Mormons, who…, now account for Who非限定性定语从句作为插入语,审题时两个逗号间的部分可以暂时拿掉考点:固定搭配,平行对称 1.& &&关于so…that…与such…that…(1) such…that表达的是强调含义,与so…that的含义不同(prep 1-131)。(2) so…that后面不加情态动词表示结果,后面加情态动词表目的。(3) so…that不能修饰介词短语与名词,只能修饰动作。(4) so…that用来说明做某事的目的,所以其前面应该是“做某事”,而不能是介词短语。(GWD-30-170)(5) such + adj. + that错误,such必须修饰名词,可以是such+adj.+noun.+that。这里such表示of a kind。 2. such that连用时的用法:(1) A rule of correspondence between two sets such that there is a unique element in the second set assigned to each element in the first set. &(such向前指代a rule of … sets )函数两组元素一一对应的规则,第一组中的每个元素在第二组中只有唯一的对应量(2) Her interest with him is such that she governs him absolutely. (such指代her interest) 她对他的影响非常大,以至于完全控制了他。(3) The format of the meeting was such that everyone could ask a question. &(such指代the format of the meeting) 会议安排好可让每个人都能提一个问题。(4) choose x and y such that x + y = 10 (such向前指代x and y)选项分析:(A)& &&so和such that混用,so…such that错误;Mormons who were once 75 percent of the population中谓语动词使用错误,Mormons不是一个人数,所以谓语动词不能用were,而应该用represented;account用一般现在时表示某种事实,用进行时没有必要,反而累赘;it指代的不是population,而是整个名词短语75 percent of the population,错误。(B)& &&同位语前面需要逗号隔开:Mormons once 75 percent of the population are应该改为Mormons, once 75 percent of the population, are,但是同时用人口数量(once 75 percent of the population)来同位修饰人(Mormons),概念上不能合理修饰;are now only accounting现在进行时没有必要;only account for half逻辑意思错误,only做副词时要紧跟修饰的词,并向后修饰,所以应该放在half前面;用so…来表示因果关系不合理,应该用用so…that…来强调结果;(C)& &&that引导的名词性从句做主语,是的逻辑含义不合理,而主谓不一致:that…are now accounting for only half of it,也即that出现在句首ungrammatical;such that中的such指代对象是many people还是Utah不清;Mormons that were once 75 percent of the population,摩门教徒=人口数,逻辑含义错误;关系代词that不能指代人,要用who,同时不应该使用限定性修饰,且that were wordy;are now only accounting现在进行时没有必要;it指代的不是population,而是整个名词短语75 percent of the population,错误。(D)& &&such that使用错误同C;only位置错误同B;run-on sentence,句子有两个谓语动词:have been与account. (E)& &&Correct;once represented和now account对应,75 percent of the population与only half对应。
在线时间 小时
还有一道Often major economic shifts are 【so gradual as to be indistinguishable 】at first from ordinary fluctuations in the financial markets.A. so gradual as to be indistinguishable对B. so gradual so that they can be indistinguishableC. so gradual that they are unable to be distinguished错D. gradual enough not to be distinguishable E. gradual enough so that one cannot distinguish them这题跟so as to其实关系不大,主要是D项的unable to be done被动不好
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35. By 1940, the pilot Jacqueline Cochran held seventeen official natioanl and internatioanl speed records, and she earned them at a time when aviation was still so new for many of the planes she flew to be of dangerously experimental design.
(A) and she earned them at a time when aviation was still so new for many of the planes she flew to be
(B) earning them at a time that aviation was still so new for many of the planes she flew to be
(C) earning&&these at a time where aviation was still so new that many of the planes she flew wew
(D) earned at a time in which aviation was still so new such that many of the planes she flew were
(E) earned at a time when aviation was still so new that many of the planes she flew were
OG这题B项解释说:the casual relationship between aviation being new and planes being of experimental design is more effectively communicated by the structure so new that many X were Y, not by the structure so new for many X to be Y.
我觉得这题的错误的那个表达有点像so ... that... // enough +adj+to ... 混在一起的错误表达~~不知道这样想对不对,Open Discussion!
在线时间 小时
谢谢楼主分享& &看的我都晕了& &明天清醒时再看一遍& &我做的题不多& &想问问 so as to 这个神物被拎出来烤的次数多么?
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yy20 发表于
这个是manhattan的网址,/,你点进去后找verbal,专门有SC section的,你在里面搜搜看对应的题~~
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