uconn student adminbusiness analytics 在哪儿上学

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申请专业新思路:从泛商科走向大数据商务时代,marketinganalytics 和business analytics,择一喜欢的方向,创造新时代的价值有理有据把话说!以下是和本文内容有关的文章, 在此感谢来源作者,列出纯属分享,转载请注明
**数据科学和商务分析(DATA SCIENCE,ANALYTICS)专业申请特点和如何定位/data-science-analytics-graduate-application/***商务分析的职业发展前景如何?(从新入门的市场和商务分析师怎么成长为general经理)/big-data-and-data-scientist-career-opportunity/**中国一位学者写的研究论文:美国大数据专业硕士研究生教育的背景、现状、特色与启示/link?url=ArnV_IaWvSHIas6LR_Atcx8VyqJQ30A2ugKcCA3sVDwcUsTeIEaxT9sy6cehI-GdskVFv7uBRiVFRepArh0WNzmcFm5ISPrq3cVnKBmmi4q
一、留学目的——》留美“quant=better” OR&&回国 “big data trend”& && &如果一段旅程没有让你发现自己,如果一段旅程只是展现了你的优秀,而没有实实在在使你进步。那么,这只是一段旅程,不是一段人生。我建议,不要学已经会的,要学不会的(当然,个别牛人去的大牛校,最顶级商学院,那么范一点的课程管理类也会被其他高品质弥补,我是从理论上来讲的)
& &&&我们很多人都不喜欢数学甚至是咱们商科所需要的统计学,于是我们一而再再而三的避开他们。却不知道相比softskills来说,统计知识和软件知识是真正的hardskill.
& & 我曾经构想一个合适的留学体验是:语言+环境+交流+理论知识+实践工作。但是在接触到实际工作的过程中发现,作为一个entry-level的工作者来说,我们更多的是大架构下的一颗螺丝钉,而不是轮轴。那么,作为一颗螺丝钉来说,你够不够硬,你够不够独特,你作为员工能不能拿了来用?这些相比另外一个矛盾来说,不足一提。那就是竞争。在linkedin上可以发现明显的趋势:analyst有关的职业正是呈现井喷的效果。
& & 我和很多在美国就业的marketing和management专业学生沟通发现,市场分析或者商务分析这个专业:作为商科的一个独特孩子,有着CS般找工作的优势(同样的还有MFE等等这类专业,本文只谈analytics,因为相比MFE,analytics的职业道路短期看更加广阔,各行各业都有),也有着商科的活力和动力——对于美国来说,你的工作相对其他范的商科来说会好找一些。越quant,越优势。老美搞不过你,在分析数据上。
& &以下详解各个学校课程!!!!听好了,亲爱的们& &基本上所有学校的相关专业基本都会讲以下全部软件:R,SAS,或者python等等。只不过对于每个软件重视程度不一样。 因为重视的软件的不同,在职业道路和公司选择上会有所& & 不同。不理解的话,字字珠玑要仔细看哟~&&典型的各个学校(相关marketing analytics和business analytics专业各个课程设置与职业技能培养)对比~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
& & 1.统计学:重点在理清思路,了解原理,对于推导一点也不需要深究。因为咱们用的软件很方便啦,我有一根仙女棒,变长变短变漂亮!!
& & 2.基础统计软件:再不济你也会知道全天下人的宝贝excel,学的可是excel中的高级技能。相信你一定听过大名鼎鼎 SPSS,(例子:Fordham比其他学校涉及多)
& & 3. SAS:高级统计分析软件,难度指数5颗星(统计学金牌软件,如果你是医疗行业或者金融或者市场咨询的行业,你应该知道这是多么重要)
& & 4. R:开源统计分析软件,难度指数2颗星(理科生搞科研喜欢用,生物统计必备软件,网络企业比较经常用。我们开玩笑经常说:2行code,自动分析生成,老板要求的分析报告直接抄起来)(例子:wustl,罗切斯特比较重视)
& & 5. Python:程序语言,统计时候我们常用它部分的软件包,难度指数3颗星(网页抓取信息的楷模,为虾米某宝广告怎么老是出现的顺应你心意?)(Uconn有讲)&& 6. 你会知道运用商科理论interpret数据,很有可能你要写report,学校有意开这个课,就是要让你在工作时候,能够和上级对接,能够充分展现自己工作。标配课程:(Decisionmodels & Applications(香港中文大学,据了解是一位男神上)/marketing strategy (Fordham,课程安排合理,在学完统计软件之后上,比较能够学以致用)
& & 7. SQL:进行数据管理。数据的基石 一般专业课课程叫datascience/management之类的就是讲这个。感兴趣的可以查查专业课程表(ASU,uconn,UTA这门课讲得相当好,比其他学校学的扎实,很适合商科专业学生来学)
&& 8. 你会知道machining learning,classification,decision tree, random forest等等精妙的知识,吹吹牛也是好的。其他软件比如数据可视化的tableau呀,网站的推荐系统的老大比如hadoop呀
会软件这么多,还会商科知识,项目实践有经验,我擦!你刚毕业就是最强的应届硕士毕业生!三、专业细分的区别1.目前有这些专业的学校一般会有一下名称:marketing analytics,marketing intelligence,customer analytics,business analytics,business intelligence。(本科不要求软件背景,但是希望学过数学等基础分析类知识):一般marketing、customer/analytics会更有focus,行业标识度明显,business analytics会更加范商业问题。2. 如果同学们更加感兴趣 analytics的部分,那么也有着data science/data analytics/Analytics 专业供大家选择,但是这个难度会比上面大一点。但是相比来说,技能更多。一般要求本科学过个一些计算机知识和线代。四、没事多看看美国的招聘要求和职位需求量,看看自己能力和兴趣,你就知道选什么专业适合你了。据我跟踪了解,这个analytics就业还是可以的,目前美国什么企业都要搞大数据,搞的好不好另当别论,但是职位倒是雨后春笋。当然,找到工作后sponsorship和抽签问题就要自己考虑了。
全美2015H1B工作签证各职业情况!!!Business Analyst职业排第6(只列出前12名)五、本人能力有限,欢迎各相关专业的学生来跟帖,以给同学们更广大的更细致的在读信息。& && &有问题的童鞋,欢迎跟帖来问
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本帖最后由 kevin5555 于
09:42 编辑
有意向出国读研在这个方向,但是本科工商管理专业,但数学基础会不会不够坚固?另,lz能不能推荐几个学校, ...
一般marketing和business analytics没什么大问题,如果有统计学的课程或者线代的话就更好了。新加坡的话NUS 有个BA,GRE/GMAT选一个,雅思托福不需要提供),香港的话,香港中文BA还可以。
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01:57 编辑
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还有,google &master of analytics& 应该能找到一些相关材料。
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11:09 编辑
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xyolandas 发表于
没学过C++, JAVA, SQL, SAS之类的话 , 情况就是无面直拒
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UConn有个专业:MS in Business Analytics and Project Management,专业介绍链接如下:http://msbapm.uconn.edu/
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机智的美宅 发表于
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northwestern+texas austin, 貌似有这个项目
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想学火爆了的大数据科学(Data Science)去哪里
&23 Great Schools with Master’s Programs in Data Science
Looking to freshen your résumé and improve your earning potential? You are in exactly the right place at exactly the right time. A 2011 McKinsey report estimates there will be 140,000 to 190,000 unfilled positions of U.S. data analytics experts by 2018. In response, universities are scrambling to improve their existing degree programs and create entirely new offerings.
We’ve listed 23 of these programs in order of the state they’re located in. Many of these choices can also be found in the helpful list compiled by Information Week and Data Informed’s Map of University Programs.
Choosing a Program
Does it provide the skills you need?
Some programs target fields such as marketing (e.g., Bentley, DePaul); others specifically state they teach R and Python. For more on helpful skill sets, check out our blog post on data scientist foundations.
Can you work it into your schedule?
Although plenty of universities now offer a blend of evening, weekend and online classes, many of the programs mentioned here still require you to be present in class to complete your master’s degree.
Are there internships or real-world practicums?
Unless you’re on your way to a doctorate, this is going to be one of the most important investments in your career. Look for programs that connect you to industries and opportunities.
Will it get you the job?
The proof is in the numbers. If you can’t find it on the program’s website, ask about the percentage of graduates who have received employment offers or promotions.
Southern Methodist University
·Degree: Master of Science in Data Science
·School: Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences, Lyle School of Engineering and Meadows School of the Arts
·Location: Dallas, Texas
·Full-Time Program: 18–24 months
·Part-Time Program: Yes
·Online Option: Yes
DataScience@SMU is an online Master of Science in Data Science program from Southern Methodist University that is designed for working professionals. The program features a project-based, interdisciplinary curriculum that helps students build the in-demand technical, analytical and communications skills needed to manage large data sets.
Students attend an in-person immersion, participate in live, weekly online classes and complete interactive coursework that provides a comprehensive understanding of computer science, statistics, strategic behavior and data visualization. GRE waivers are available for experienced applicants.
University of California, Berkeley
·Degree: Online Master of Information and Data Science (MIDS)
·School: School of Information
·Location: Berkeley, CA
·Full-Time Program: 12-20 months
·Part-Time Program: Yes
·Online Option: Yes
UC Berkeley’s Master of Information and Data Science is a new degree intended for professionals who want to learn how to solve real-world problems in the data science realm. Students emerge with a solid understanding of the data lifecycle using the latest tools and methods for gaining insights from data.
Although all coursework is delivered online, students are expected to attend a 4-5 day immersion session on the UC Berkeley campus.
Arizona State University
·Degree: Master of Science in Business Analytics
·School: W.P. Carey School of Business
·Location: Tempe, AZ
·Full-Time Program: 9 months
·Part-Time Program: In development
·Online Option: In development
ASU’s nine-month program focuses on using analytics in day-to-day business processes and managing it effectively. Required courses include data mining, applied regression models, analytical decision making tools and business analytics strategy. The curriculum also includes internship opportunities and a capstone practicum project with local Arizona companies such as American Express and Intel. 30 credit hours.
Bentley University
·Degree: Master of Science in Marketing Analytics
·School: Graduate School of Business
·Location: Waltham, MA
·Full-Time Program: 1 – 1.5 years
·Part-Time Program: Yes
·Online Option: No
Thanks in part to demand from companies in the Route 128 corridor, Bentley’s program is growing by leaps and bounds.
The core 10-class curriculum includes required classes on strategic marketing, statistics an students also select three graduate-level elective courses in marketing and/or information technology.
Internships are encouraged but not required. All classes are held at night. 80 percent of students are currently part-time and around 50 percent are international students.
Carnegie Mellon University
·Degree: Master of Information Systems Management or Master of Science in Information Technology
·Concentration in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics
·School: Heinz College
·Location: Pittsburgh, PA
·Full-Time Program: 16 months
·Part-Time Program: No
·Online Option: Yes
Carnegie Mellon’s MISM and MITM focus on three core areas:
1.Business intelligence
2.Data analytics
3.Information technology
The aim is to produce graduates cross-trained in business process analysis and skilled in predictive modeling, GIS mapping, analytical reporting, segmentation analysis and data visualization.
Students acquire hands-on knowledge through applied research experiences at Heinz College’s iLab. They must also complete a summer internship and a team-based practicum project with an external company.
Columbia University
·Degree: Master of Science in Data Science
·School: Data Science Institute
·Location: New York, NY
·Full-Time Program: 30 credits
·Part-Time Program: Yes
·Online Option: No
Columbia’s Data Science Institute is a collaboration between 9 of the university’s schools. It’s a diverse group, running the gamut from the Fu School of Engineering to the Journalism School and the Mailman School of Public Health. MS students have the option of selecting an Entrepreneurship track, as well as elective tracks covering areas like cyber security, health analytics, and smart cities.
Georgia Tech
·Degree: Master of Science in Analytics
·Concentrations in Analytical Tools, Business Analytics, and Computational Data Analytics
·School: College of Computing, College of Engineering, and Scheller College of Business
·Location: Atlanta, GA
·Full-time Program: 1 year
·Part-Time Program: No
·Online Option: No
Georgia Tech’s one-year program provides students with a world-class analytics education. The program consists of a core curriculum with the option to choose between three specialized tracks: Analytical Tools, Business Analytics, and Computational Data Analytics. This design allows students to choose electives that support their individual career goals.
All courses are offered through the College of Computing, College of Engineering, and Scheller College of Business, three nationally ranked departments at Georgia Tech.
Students benefit from participation in major analytics conferences and career mentoring during their stay in Atlanta. The school boasts a 100% placement rate for their 2015 graduates, and is dedicated to producing professionals ready to make an immediate impact in the field.
Illinois Institute of Technology
·Degree: Master of Data Science
·School: College of Science
·Location: Chicago, IL
·Full-time Program: 12-16 months
·Part-Time Program: Yes
·Online Option: Yes
The Master of Data Science program, in keeping with IIT’s status as a leading technical university (it’s nationally ranked by US News & World Report for its Engineering, Computer Science, Math, and Physics programs), prepares students from a variety of backgrounds for data science careers with rigorous theoretical and practical training. In addition to technical material, courses include other important subjects such as communications, project management, and professional ethics.
The curriculum includes a capstone practicum project working with a variety of Chicago-area companies in a variety of industries. The program is available online as well as part-time, making it a good fit for students who need to keep working while they earn the degree.
Indiana University, Bloomington
·Degree: Data Science M.S.
·School: School of Informatics & Computing
·Location: Bloomington, IN
·Full-time Program: 30 credits
·Part-Time Program: Students may have up to 5 years to complete the program
·Online Option: Yes
IU’s Master of Science in Data Science distinguishes itself partly by offering two distinct paths for students, a Technical Path and a Decision-Maker Path. The latter includes coursework on project management and driving organizational change using data.
The technical curriculum includes courses in topics such as Analysis of A Cloud C and Security for Networked Systems.
Louisiana State University
·Degree: Master of Science in Analytics
·School: E.J. Ourso College of Business
·Location: Baton Rouge, LA
·Full-time Program: 1 year
·Part-Time Program: No
·Online Option: No
Sponsored by SAS, LSU’s program is modeled on the Institute for Advanced Analytics at North Carolina State.
The program works with real-world data, with a focus on data mining, forecasting, customer segmentation and predictive analytics.
Core courses cover advanced data management tools, applied statistics and operations research techniques.
During the year, teams of students collaborate with leading companies and government organizations on big data projects. They also learn the communication skills needed to present their solutions effectively.
Michigan State University
·Degree: Master of Science in Business Analytics
·Location: East Lansing, MI
·School: Broad College of Business
·Full-time Program: 1 year
·Part-Time Program: Evening and weekend courses available
·Online Option: Selected courses
Students in MSU’s program focus on three core areas:
1.Business data management process and analytic approaches
2.Data management and analysis
3.Experiential project management using live data sets for analysis and application
Core courses include business strategy, data mining, applied statistics, project management, marketing technologies, communications and ethics. In the final semester, students complete a capstone practicum in business analytics.
To help ease the path of professionals, MSU offers classes in evening, weekend and online formats.
New York University
·Degree: MS in Data Science
·School: Center for Data Science
·Location: New York, NY
·Full-Time Program: 3 or 4 semesters
·Part-Time Program: No
·Online Option: No
NYU’s Center for Data Science works with schools and colleges across NYU’s organization to help lead the university’s efforts in data science. It works especially closely with two other centers, the Center for Urban Science and Progress and the Center for the Promotion of Research Involving Innovative Statistical Methodology.
The MS in Data Science includes a capstone project where students apply what they’ve learned to a real-world problem. Other requirements include courses in Machine Learning & Computational S and Inference & Representation.
North Carolina State University
·Degree: Master of Science In Analytics
·School: Institute for Advanced Analytics
·Location: Raleigh, NC
·Full-Time Program: 10 months
·Part-Time Program: No
·Online Option: No
NCSU’s interdisciplinary analytics program is an official STEM degree that is designed to be practical and real-world-oriented. It does not focus on theory or act as a preliminary step to a Ph.D.
During the course of their one-year study, NCSU students acquire real-world skills in applied mathematics, statistics, computer science and business disciplines. Initial classes focus on t subsequent topics include data mining, advanced modeling and geospatial analytics.
To encourage collaboration, students complete the curriculum in cohort groups of four or five members. Teams regularly receive personalized coaching to improve performance.
In the second and third semester, students work on an intensive practicum using data provided by industry and government sponsors. Many graduate with SAS product certifications.
Northwestern University
·Degree: Online Master of Science in Predictive Analytics (MSPA) and Master of Science in Analytics (MSiA)
·Location: Evanston, IL (the MSPA program is offered fully-online)
·School: School of Continuing Studies (MSPA) and McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science (MSiA)
·Full-Time Program: The MSiA is full-time and lasts 15 months
·Part-Time Program: Yes (the MSPA)
·Online Option: Yes (MSPA only)
Northwestern’s online MSPA program was launched in 2011. It covers areas like data mining, predictive modeling, and advanced statistics, but also works to help students hone business-focused skills like project management and communication, with the aim of preparing students to lead business initiatives based on data analysis. MSPA students will complete eleven courses overall: 7 required courses, 2 electives, a leadership course, and a thesis or capstone project.
Northwestern’s on-campus MSiA program was first offered in 2012, and combines math and statistical studies with advanced IT and data analysis. In addition to these courses, students are also required to complete:
·8-Month Industry Practicum: Team of students must analyze data supplied by a client and deliver a final report with recommendations in the spring quarter.
·Summer Internship: Each student spends three months in a professional setting, either solo or embedded with a working project team.
·Capstone Design Project: During their final quarter, students work in teams to develop business solutions to a current problem provided by a U.S. company.
Rutgers University
·Degrees: Master of Business and Science with a Concentration in Analytics – Discovery Informatics and Data S Online Master of Information
·School: Graduate School, Professional Science Masters Programs (Master of Business and Science) and School of Communication and Information (Master of Information)
·Location: New Brunswick, NJ
·Full-Time Program: 1.5 – 2 years
·Part-Time Program: Yes
·Online Option: Yes (Master of Information)
Rutgers’ interdisciplinary Master of Business and Science program unites the fields of data management, statistics, machine learning and computation. It prepares students for careers as predictive modelers, data mining engineers and analysts in a wide variety of industries.
The curriculum includes eight analytics courses ( four electives) and six business courses.
·Required topics cover statistics, analytics and data mining, database systems and programming.
·Science electives may include courses in information science, artificial intelligence, distributed computing or computational science.
Although most courses are located on the New Brunswick campus, some courses are available in Newark and Camden. The online Master of Information program has a Data Science concentration available.
Stanford University
·Degree: Master of Science In Statistics: Data Science
·School: Department of Statistics
·Location: Stanford, CA
·Full-Time Program: 45 credits
·Part-Time Program: No
·Online Option: No
This program is a collaboration between Stanford’s Department of Statistics and Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering. The core curriculum is, as you might imagine, heavy on mathematics and computer programming.
Stanford’s key location in Silicon Valley has its benefits. For example, Stanford students are permitted to use Amazon’s EC2 cloud platform to do large-scale computing.
Texas A&M University
·Degree: Master of Science in Analytics
·School: Department of Statistics
·Location: Houston, TX
·Full-time Program: No
·Part-Time Program: 2 year
·Online Option: Yes
Texas A&M’s Master of Science in Analytics program is offered through the Department of Statistics, which is ranked #12 according to US News & World Report and is the 3rd largest statistics department in the country. Students are also given access to courses from the Mays Business School.
The program trains students through intensive statistical modeling and predictive analysis courses with the goal of producing the next generation of innovators in data science. This is a part-time program taught over five semesters, and courses are held in the evenings in the CityCentre educational facility in Houston, TX.
University of Cincinnati
·Degree: Master of Science in Business Analytics
·School: Lindner College of Business
·Location: Cincinnati, OH
·Full-Time Program: 9 months – 1 year
·Part-Time Program: Yes
·Online Option: No
Formerly known as the M.S. in Quantitative Analysis, UC’s program combines math, business basics, analysis, and modeling, along with subject-area elective coursework on topics ranging from statistics and data mining to supply-chain management, operations management, finance, and epidemiology.
The curriculum covers core courses in optimization, simulation modeling, probability modeling and statistical methods.
Part-time students can choose to attend evening and la all students are required to research, write and present a final capstone project.
University of Connecticut
·Degree: Master of Science in Business Analytics and Project Management
·School: School of Business, Department of Operations and Information Management
·Location: Hartford, CT
·Full-Time Program: 1 – 1.5 years
·Part-Time Program: Yes
·Online Option: Selected courses
The core of UConn’s program is built on ten years of an analytics partnership with General Electric. Graduates emerge with a solid real-world education in advanced business analytics and project management.
Students are required to complete:
·Four business analytics classes (e.g., predictive modeling, data management, data mining and business intelligence, etc.)
·Four project management classes (e.g., project leadership, risk and costs, advanced project management, etc.)
·Three electives
·A team-based capstone practicum course
Classes are held at n some courses are also available online. The program currently has a technology partnership with SAS and works closely with IBM.
University of Maryland
·Degree: Master of Science in Business for Marketing Analytics
·School: Robert H. Smith School of Business
·Location: College Park, MD
·Full-Time Program: 9 months
·Part-Time Program: No
·Online Option: No
Launched in the fall of 2013, UM’s program aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the mathematical and statistical models and tools needed to analyze customer data for marketing purposes.
The curriculum includes:
·Eight required courses (e.g., market-based management, customer analysis, statistical programming, ethics, data science, etc.)
·Five application courses (e.g., market forecasting, retail analytics, customer equity management/CRM, etc.)
·An action learning project
Smith is the hub of ten Centers of Excellence and Research, including the Center for Complexity in Business. 30 credit hours.
University of San Francisco
·Degree: Master of Science in Analytics
·School: College of Arts and Sciences
·Location: San Francisco, CA
·Full-Time Program: 1 year
·Part-Time Program: No
·Online Option: No
Students in USF’s interdisciplinary program master the methods and technologies tied to develop technical skills such as software development and statistical analysis, as well as the skills needed to effectively communicate their results.
Students are required to complete:
·35 Units: Including courses on data mining, machine learning, statistical models, predictive analytics, econometrics, optimization, risk analysis, etc.
·Analytics Boot Camp: Three five-week intensive courses from July to August
·Practicums: A series of projects, including paid internships, with industrial partners
Like Stanford, USF benefits from its strategic location. Students develop software and run analyses on Amazon Web Services, and each receives his/her own server or servers to set up and manage.
University of Tennessee
·Degree: Master of Science in Business Analytics
·School: Department of Business Analytics & Statistics, Haslam College of Business
·Location: Knoxville, TN
·Full-Time Program: 17 months
·Part-Time Program: No
·Online Option: No
UT’s program emphasizes the importance of business understanding. Students learn about technical techniques in the context of larger business problems and employ analytics in ways that optimize business processes.
The core curriculum focuses on analytics skills, including statistics, operations management, descriptive modeling, data mining, etc. While learning those essentials, students also choose one out of two overlapping areas: either applied statistics or process optimization.
Students are required to complete an applied project with a client in government or industry. They are also strongly encouraged to participate in an internship during the summer session of the first year.
University of Virginia
·Degree: Master of Science in Data Science
·School: Data Science Institute
·Location: Charlottesville, VA
·Full-Time Program: 11 months
·Part-Time Program: No
·Online Option:
UVA’s program, launched in 2014, is an intensive professional Master’s degree, meant to get students (back) into the workforce quickly. It runs from early July until mid May of the following year. The Data Science Institute’s Big Data Fellows program draw in graduate students from other disciplines in the university to work on data-driven solutions to real-world issues.
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想学火爆了的大数据科学(Data Science)去哪里
&23 Great Schools with Master’s Programs in Data Science
Looking to freshen your résumé and improve your earning potential? You are in exactly the right place at exactly the right time. A 2011 McKinsey report estimates there will be 140,000 to 190,000 unfilled positions of U.S. data analytics experts by 2018. In response, universities are scrambling to improve their existing degree programs and create entirely new offerings.
We’ve listed 23 of these programs in order of the state they’re located in. Many of these choices can also be found in the helpful list compiled by Information Week and Data Informed’s Map of University Programs.
Choosing a Program
Does it provide the skills you need?
Some programs target fields such as marketing (e.g., Bentley, DePaul); others specifically state they teach R and Python. For more on helpful skill sets, check out our blog post on data scientist foundations.
Can you work it into your schedule?
Although plenty of universities now offer a blend of evening, weekend and online classes, many of the programs mentioned here still require you to be present in class to complete your master’s degree.
Are there internships or real-world practicums?
Unless you’re on your way to a doctorate, this is going to be one of the most important investments in your career. Look for programs that connect you to industries and opportunities.
Will it get you the job?
The proof is in the numbers. If you can’t find it on the program’s website, ask about the percentage of graduates who have received employment offers or promotions.
Southern Methodist University
·Degree: Master of Science in Data Science
·School: Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences, Lyle School of Engineering and Meadows School of the Arts
·Location: Dallas, Texas
·Full-Time Program: 18–24 months
·Part-Time Program: Yes
·Online Option: Yes
DataScience@SMU is an online Master of Science in Data Science program from Southern Methodist University that is designed for working professionals. The program features a project-based, interdisciplinary curriculum that helps students build the in-demand technical, analytical and communications skills needed to manage large data sets.
Students attend an in-person immersion, participate in live, weekly online classes and complete interactive coursework that provides a comprehensive understanding of computer science, statistics, strategic behavior and data visualization. GRE waivers are available for experienced applicants.
University of California, Berkeley
·Degree: Online Master of Information and Data Science (MIDS)
·School: School of Information
·Location: Berkeley, CA
·Full-Time Program: 12-20 months
·Part-Time Program: Yes
·Online Option: Yes
UC Berkeley’s Master of Information and Data Science is a new degree intended for professionals who want to learn how to solve real-world problems in the data science realm. Students emerge with a solid understanding of the data lifecycle using the latest tools and methods for gaining insights from data.
Although all coursework is delivered online, students are expected to attend a 4-5 day immersion session on the UC Berkeley campus.
Arizona State University
·Degree: Master of Science in Business Analytics
·School: W.P. Carey School of Business
·Location: Tempe, AZ
·Full-Time Program: 9 months
·Part-Time Program: In development
·Online Option: In development
ASU’s nine-month program focuses on using analytics in day-to-day business processes and managing it effectively. Required courses include data mining, applied regression models, analytical decision making tools and business analytics strategy. The curriculum also includes internship opportunities and a capstone practicum project with local Arizona companies such as American Express and Intel. 30 credit hours.
Bentley University
·Degree: Master of Science in Marketing Analytics
·School: Graduate School of Business
·Location: Waltham, MA
·Full-Time Program: 1 – 1.5 years
·Part-Time Program: Yes
·Online Option: No
Thanks in part to demand from companies in the Route 128 corridor, Bentley’s program is growing by leaps and bounds.
The core 10-class curriculum includes required classes on strategic marketing, statistics an students also select three graduate-level elective courses in marketing and/or information technology.
Internships are encouraged but not required. All classes are held at night. 80 percent of students are currently part-time and around 50 percent are international students.
Carnegie Mellon University
·Degree: Master of Information Systems Management or Master of Science in Information Technology
·Concentration in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics
·School: Heinz College
·Location: Pittsburgh, PA
·Full-Time Program: 16 months
·Part-Time Program: No
·Online Option: Yes
Carnegie Mellon’s MISM and MITM focus on three core areas:
1.Business intelligence
2.Data analytics
3.Information technology
The aim is to produce graduates cross-trained in business process analysis and skilled in predictive modeling, GIS mapping, analytical reporting, segmentation analysis and data visualization.
Students acquire hands-on knowledge through applied research experiences at Heinz College’s iLab. They must also complete a summer internship and a team-based practicum project with an external company.
Columbia University
·Degree: Master of Science in Data Science
·School: Data Science Institute
·Location: New York, NY
·Full-Time Program: 30 credits
·Part-Time Program: Yes
·Online Option: No
Columbia’s Data Science Institute is a collaboration between 9 of the university’s schools. It’s a diverse group, running the gamut from the Fu School of Engineering to the Journalism School and the Mailman School of Public Health. MS students have the option of selecting an Entrepreneurship track, as well as elective tracks covering areas like cyber security, health analytics, and smart cities.
Georgia Tech
·Degree: Master of Science in Analytics
·Concentrations in Analytical Tools, Business Analytics, and Computational Data Analytics
·School: College of Computing, College of Engineering, and Scheller College of Business
·Location: Atlanta, GA
·Full-time Program: 1 year
·Part-Time Program: No
·Online Option: No
Georgia Tech’s one-year program provides students with a world-class analytics education. The program consists of a core curriculum with the option to choose between three specialized tracks: Analytical Tools, Business Analytics, and Computational Data Analytics. This design allows students to choose electives that support their individual career goals.
All courses are offered through the College of Computing, College of Engineering, and Scheller College of Business, three nationally ranked departments at Georgia Tech.
Students benefit from participation in major analytics conferences and career mentoring during their stay in Atlanta. The school boasts a 100% placement rate for their 2015 graduates, and is dedicated to producing professionals ready to make an immediate impact in the field.
Illinois Institute of Technology
·Degree: Master of Data Science
·School: College of Science
·Location: Chicago, IL
·Full-time Program: 12-16 months
·Part-Time Program: Yes
·Online Option: Yes
The Master of Data Science program, in keeping with IIT’s status as a leading technical university (it’s nationally ranked by US News & World Report for its Engineering, Computer Science, Math, and Physics programs), prepares students from a variety of backgrounds for data science careers with rigorous theoretical and practical training. In addition to technical material, courses include other important subjects such as communications, project management, and professional ethics.
The curriculum includes a capstone practicum project working with a variety of Chicago-area companies in a variety of industries. The program is available online as well as part-time, making it a good fit for students who need to keep working while they earn the degree.
Indiana University, Bloomington
·Degree: Data Science M.S.
·School: School of Informatics & Computing
·Location: Bloomington, IN
·Full-time Program: 30 credits
·Part-Time Program: Students may have up to 5 years to complete the program
·Online Option: Yes
IU’s Master of Science in Data Science distinguishes itself partly by offering two distinct paths for students, a Technical Path and a Decision-Maker Path. The latter includes coursework on project management and driving organizational change using data.
The technical curriculum includes courses in topics such as Analysis of A Cloud C and Security for Networked Systems.
Louisiana State University
·Degree: Master of Science in Analytics
·School: E.J. Ourso College of Business
·Location: Baton Rouge, LA
·Full-time Program: 1 year
·Part-Time Program: No
·Online Option: No
Sponsored by SAS, LSU’s program is modeled on the Institute for Advanced Analytics at North Carolina State.
The program works with real-world data, with a focus on data mining, forecasting, customer segmentation and predictive analytics.
Core courses cover advanced data management tools, applied statistics and operations research techniques.
During the year, teams of students collaborate with leading companies and government organizations on big data projects. They also learn the communication skills needed to present their solutions effectively.
Michigan State University
·Degree: Master of Science in Business Analytics
·Location: East Lansing, MI
·School: Broad College of Business
·Full-time Program: 1 year
·Part-Time Program: Evening and weekend courses available
·Online Option: Selected courses
Students in MSU’s program focus on three core areas:
1.Business data management process and analytic approaches
2.Data management and analysis
3.Experiential project management using live data sets for analysis and application
Core courses include business strategy, data mining, applied statistics, project management, marketing technologies, communications and ethics. In the final semester, students complete a capstone practicum in business analytics.
To help ease the path of professionals, MSU offers classes in evening, weekend and online formats.
New York University
·Degree: MS in Data Science
·School: Center for Data Science
·Location: New York, NY
·Full-Time Program: 3 or 4 semesters
·Part-Time Program: No
·Online Option: No
NYU’s Center for Data Science works with schools and colleges across NYU’s organization to help lead the university’s efforts in data science. It works especially closely with two other centers, the Center for Urban Science and Progress and the Center for the Promotion of Research Involving Innovative Statistical Methodology.
The MS in Data Science includes a capstone project where students apply what they’ve learned to a real-world problem. Other requirements include courses in Machine Learning & Computational S and Inference & Representation.
North Carolina State University
·Degree: Master of Science In Analytics
·School: Institute for Advanced Analytics
·Location: Raleigh, NC
·Full-Time Program: 10 months
·Part-Time Program: No
·Online Option: No
NCSU’s interdisciplinary analytics program is an official STEM degree that is designed to be practical and real-world-oriented. It does not focus on theory or act as a preliminary step to a Ph.D.
During the course of their one-year study, NCSU students acquire real-world skills in applied mathematics, statistics, computer science and business disciplines. Initial classes focus on t subsequent topics include data mining, advanced modeling and geospatial analytics.
To encourage collaboration, students complete the curriculum in cohort groups of four or five members. Teams regularly receive personalized coaching to improve performance.
In the second and third semester, students work on an intensive practicum using data provided by industry and government sponsors. Many graduate with SAS product certifications.
Northwestern University
·Degree: Online Master of Science in Predictive Analytics (MSPA) and Master of Science in Analytics (MSiA)
·Location: Evanston, IL (the MSPA program is offered fully-online)
·School: School of Continuing Studies (MSPA) and McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science (MSiA)
·Full-Time Program: The MSiA is full-time and lasts 15 months
·Part-Time Program: Yes (the MSPA)
·Online Option: Yes (MSPA only)
Northwestern’s online MSPA program was launched in 2011. It covers areas like data mining, predictive modeling, and advanced statistics, but also works to help students hone business-focused skills like project management and communication, with the aim of preparing students to lead business initiatives based on data analysis. MSPA students will complete eleven courses overall: 7 required courses, 2 electives, a leadership course, and a thesis or capstone project.
Northwestern’s on-campus MSiA program was first offered in 2012, and combines math and statistical studies with advanced IT and data analysis. In addition to these courses, students are also required to complete:
·8-Month Industry Practicum: Team of students must analyze data supplied by a client and deliver a final report with recommendations in the spring quarter.
·Summer Internship: Each student spends three months in a professional setting, either solo or embedded with a working project team.
·Capstone Design Project: During their final quarter, students work in teams to develop business solutions to a current problem provided by a U.S. company.
Rutgers University
·Degrees: Master of Business and Science with a Concentration in Analytics – Discovery Informatics and Data S Online Master of Information
·School: Graduate School, Professional Science Masters Programs (Master of Business and Science) and School of Communication and Information (Master of Information)
·Location: New Brunswick, NJ
·Full-Time Program: 1.5 – 2 years
·Part-Time Program: Yes
·Online Option: Yes (Master of Information)
Rutgers’ interdisciplinary Master of Business and Science program unites the fields of data management, statistics, machine learning and computation. It prepares students for careers as predictive modelers, data mining engineers and analysts in a wide variety of industries.
The curriculum includes eight analytics courses ( four electives) and six business courses.
·Required topics cover statistics, analytics and data mining, database systems and programming.
·Science electives may include courses in information science, artificial intelligence, distributed computing or computational science.
Although most courses are located on the New Brunswick campus, some courses are available in Newark and Camden. The online Master of Information program has a Data Science concentration available.
Stanford University
·Degree: Master of Science In Statistics: Data Science
·School: Department of Statistics
·Location: Stanford, CA
·Full-Time Program: 45 credits
·Part-Time Program: No
·Online Option: No
This program is a collaboration between Stanford’s Department of Statistics and Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering. The core curriculum is, as you might imagine, heavy on mathematics and computer programming.
Stanford’s key location in Silicon Valley has its benefits. For example, Stanford students are permitted to use Amazon’s EC2 cloud platform to do large-scale computing.
Texas A&M University
·Degree: Master of Science in Analytics
·School: Department of Statistics
·Location: Houston, TX
·Full-time Program: No
·Part-Time Program: 2 year
·Online Option: Yes
Texas A&M’s Master of Science in Analytics program is offered through the Department of Statistics, which is ranked #12 according to US News & World Report and is the 3rd largest statistics department in the country. Students are also given access to courses from the Mays Business School.
The program trains students through intensive statistical modeling and predictive analysis courses with the goal of producing the next generation of innovators in data science. This is a part-time program taught over five semesters, and courses are held in the evenings in the CityCentre educational facility in Houston, TX.
University of Cincinnati
·Degree: Master of Science in Business Analytics
·School: Lindner College of Business
·Location: Cincinnati, OH
·Full-Time Program: 9 months – 1 year
·Part-Time Program: Yes
·Online Option: No
Formerly known as the M.S. in Quantitative Analysis, UC’s program combines math, business basics, analysis, and modeling, along with subject-area elective coursework on topics ranging from statistics and data mining to supply-chain management, operations management, finance, and epidemiology.
The curriculum covers core courses in optimization, simulation modeling, probability modeling and statistical methods.
Part-time students can choose to attend evening and la all students are required to research, write and present a final capstone project.
University of Connecticut
·Degree: Master of Science in Business Analytics and Project Management
·School: School of Business, Department of Operations and Information Management
·Location: Hartford, CT
·Full-Time Program: 1 – 1.5 years
·Part-Time Program: Yes
·Online Option: Selected courses
The core of UConn’s program is built on ten years of an analytics partnership with General Electric. Graduates emerge with a solid real-world education in advanced business analytics and project management.
Students are required to complete:
·Four business analytics classes (e.g., predictive modeling, data management, data mining and business intelligence, etc.)
·Four project management classes (e.g., project leadership, risk and costs, advanced project management, etc.)
·Three electives
·A team-based capstone practicum course
Classes are held at n some courses are also available online. The program currently has a technology partnership with SAS and works closely with IBM.
University of Maryland
·Degree: Master of Science in Business for Marketing Analytics
·School: Robert H. Smith School of Business
·Location: College Park, MD
·Full-Time Program: 9 months
·Part-Time Program: No
·Online Option: No
Launched in the fall of 2013, UM’s program aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the mathematical and statistical models and tools needed to analyze customer data for marketing purposes.
The curriculum includes:
·Eight required courses (e.g., market-based management, customer analysis, statistical programming, ethics, data science, etc.)
·Five application courses (e.g., market forecasting, retail analytics, customer equity management/CRM, etc.)
·An action learning project
Smith is the hub of ten Centers of Excellence and Research, including the Center for Complexity in Business. 30 credit hours.
University of San Francisco
·Degree: Master of Science in Analytics
·School: College of Arts and Sciences
·Location: San Francisco, CA
·Full-Time Program: 1 year
·Part-Time Program: No
·Online Option: No
Students in USF’s interdisciplinary program master the methods and technologies tied to develop technical skills such as software development and statistical analysis, as well as the skills needed to effectively communicate their results.
Students are required to complete:
·35 Units: Including courses on data mining, machine learning, statistical models, predictive analytics, econometrics, optimization, risk analysis, etc.
·Analytics Boot Camp: Three five-week intensive courses from July to August
·Practicums: A series of projects, including paid internships, with industrial partners
Like Stanford, USF benefits from its strategic location. Students develop software and run analyses on Amazon Web Services, and each receives his/her own server or servers to set up and manage.
University of Tennessee
·Degree: Master of Science in Business Analytics
·School: Department of Business Analytics & Statistics, Haslam College of Business
·Location: Knoxville, TN
·Full-Time Program: 17 months
·Part-Time Program: No
·Online Option: No
UT’s program emphasizes the importance of business understanding. Students learn about technical techniques in the context of larger business problems and employ analytics in ways that optimize business processes.
The core curriculum focuses on analytics skills, including statistics, operations management, descriptive modeling, data mining, etc. While learning those essentials, students also choose one out of two overlapping areas: either applied statistics or process optimization.
Students are required to complete an applied project with a client in government or industry. They are also strongly encouraged to participate in an internship during the summer session of the first year.
University of Virginia
·Degree: Master of Science in Data Science
·School: Data Science Institute
·Location: Charlottesville, VA
·Full-Time Program: 11 months
·Part-Time Program: No
·Online Option:
UVA’s program, launched in 2014, is an intensive professional Master’s degree, meant to get students (back) into the workforce quickly. It runs from early July until mid May of the following year. The Data Science Institute’s Big Data Fellows program draw in graduate students from other disciplines in the university to work on data-driven solutions to real-world issues.
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