
是关于英语口语考试的题目,对话.帮忙写六段对话关于下面的话题,对话时间大约在三到五分钟,口试题目为1.what is important in learning English?2.What should we do to show our love to parents?3.What do you think is important in education?4.Why is there generation gap?5.What are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones?6.Do you think compassion is important?Why or why not?最好有中英文对照.
A: What is important in learning English?B: I think you should be interested in learning English.A: It's easier said than done. Can you give me some suggestions.B: Sure, first of all, you should practice the prothen start learning grammer from some sentences which is used fequently, remember them first,and y read some interesting story.A: Good idea.I will try.A: Hi, B. Can you give me several minutes?B: Sure, we are good friends.A: I am thinking what we should do to show our love to our parents. But I have no idea. What's your opinion?B: Nowdays, most of the people think they should &give their parents more money, it is the only way to express their love. In fact they are completely wrong.What they need is to be understood an what they need is to get together with thier family members.A: You are right, I ask my parents what they need me to take and buy each time. They give me one answer: nothing.A: Hi, B. Can you help me?B: Yes,of course.What is the matter?A: I accept a task to do a interview about eduation.B: What is your question?A: What do you think is important in education?B: First of all, the teacher should teach the students to h& &then the teacher teach the students learn knoledge and ski third the students should taught to have the ablity to create and make a living.A: Hi B.I have a problem which is puzzled me a long time. Can you give some suggestion.B: Yes, of course. What is guestion?A: Why is there generation gap?B: Ok, first of all I think everyone have their feeling and thought, they also have their right to choose, it is different between man and woman, but it is more obvervious between child, then ther are misunderstanding between each other, but it is easier to find a solution in some people who are in the similar age, that's why some old people find some old people to express their feeling, and the young people can't understand what they say and do sometimes.A: Maybe you are right, but we can reduce the misunderstanding by more comunication.A: What are the advantage of mobile phone?B: It is making our life easy and efficiency. You can find it is difcult to live & if you lose a mobile phone several days, you may lose yourself and you can't find others.A: Yes, We can clso play games and shopping with mobile phone. What's the disadvantage of mobile phone?B: I think we depend on the phones too much, most of the time we are looking at the mobile phone and lose the time to comunicate with our friends and family members.A: Do you think compassion important?B:Yes I think so.A: Why?B: It is always some disasters in the world, such as earthquake and sea wind. We should help each other. Just imagine if you in the situation, a big wind stiked your home, it destroyed your house , your lost everything even your family members. You may be crazy. So compassion is very important, we should give our support as much as we can.B: Good answer.Thank you very much.& &希望可以帮到你!
责任编辑:huangfang发布时间: 22:02:36浏览222次
南京美联英语&咨询试听热线:(点击拨打)&南京地址:江宁万达广场;鼓楼区大众书局;建邺万达广场;江宁区胜太东路新华书店;浦口区大桥北路印象汇中心美联英语成人零基础英语培训班适合对象一:1. 完全没有基础、想从零开始学英语的学员;2. 以前学过英语但已经大部分遗忘的学员,可帮助学员练习和巩固以前学过的英语知识;3. 适合英语基础差、又想短时间内提高口语交流能力的学员;适合对象二:1. 具有一定英语基础和口语能力,但不敢开口说英语的成人学员;2. 在英语环境下倍感紧张,慌不成句,没有自信;3. 英语思维欠缺,习惯先中文思考,再英文翻译;4. 急需提高英语口语表达能力,实际运用能力;课程内容根据你的口语需求在一段时间内,使你的口语达到你预期的水平,同时逐步培养学员乐意多说英语的良好习惯,让学员从一开始就掌握正确的学英语和使用英语的方法。课程目标1.在通过连贯的对话教学互动,帮助学员建立说英语的自信心;2.帮助学员进入英语交流的自如状态,不再紧张,乐意多说英语;3.开始习惯说完整的句子,而不是零碎的单词或短语;4.能够运用基本的句式,清楚地表达自己的意思;南京美联英语&咨询试听热线:(点击拨打)&南京地址:江宁万达广场;鼓楼区大众书局;建邺万达广场;江宁区胜太东路新华书店;浦口区大桥北路印象汇中心&
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