why i wake up late everevery sunday morningg

Why I Wake Up Early (And 9 Reasons You Should Do So Too)
This is part of the Early Riser Series.
My life as a late riser
In the past, I was consistently a . In , I mentioned one of the reasons that led me to be late last time was oversleeping. The only times I ever woke up early were when I absolutely have to: for school, appointments, work. Even then, I’d wake at the very last minute, scamper around the whole house to get ready, rush out in disarray, have to resort to taking a cab to cut down commuting time and barely make it in time. Mostly I would be 5~10 minutes late, to over 30 minutes or even an hour. On a work day, my sleeping hours would be about 2~9am (my previous workplace had flexible working hours). During the weekend, the waking hours would hover between 12pm to 2pm.
I never once thought of cultivating waking up early as a habit. Why should I wake up early for? I never understood why people would even want to do that. If there was anyone who voluntarily woke up early, I would look at them with a look of bewilderment. I saw waking up early as some act of deprivation. If we could sleep in late, shouldn’t we just let our body rest rather than obligate ourselves to wake up at a certain fixed timing? At worst, it seemed like a borderline masochistic act.
How I got interested in waking up early
Until I started coming across testimonials in favor of waking up early. Overwhelming testimonials, in fact, from all different places. I read self-help sites purporting the habit of waking up early. Then there were self-help books where the authors would proclaim waking up early is the best habit one can ever develop (alongside with ). Then I came cross interviews with very successful people who would mention they wake up early (5am types) and how it helped them become a lot more effective.
The first time I read that, I thought it was just specific to the person. The second time, it got my curiosity up, but I ignored it anyway. Third, forth, fifth, sixth time…….. It was clear there was a trend. There was some connection between waking up early and one’s own success. Personally, I’m passionate about achieving excellence in my life. If this was something that would enable me in my journey of betterment/improvement, I had to absolutely try it out.
I could have just brushed it off and say “Nah, waking up early doesn’t work for me. I’m not a morning type of person – I work better at night.” Or I could have said “It’s just all in the mind”. But until I really test this out for an extended period (e.g. ) and give this its best shot, I couldn’t conclude anything for sure. I had to try it to know. Just because I hadn’t been able to voluntarily wake up early in the past or just because my previous attempts to wake up early failed miserably didn’t mean anything. Those attempts were always either non-voluntary in nature or done without a serious intent anyway, which largely explained their failure.
Trial to wake up early
So earlier in 2009, I did
at 5am (Read
on how to cultivate life transforming habits in 21 days). I figured if it worked, I’d have cultivated an incredible habit which would aid me tremendously. If it didn’t, I could just easily discard it and revert to waking late.
The trial wasn’t easy. I realized waking up early is so difficult for many because it’s a holistic lifestyle change, beyond just changing your waking time. Many times, my attempts would be thwarted because I slept in late the day before, which happened because I was either doing my work, came home late, was on the phone with a friend, was exercising at night, etc. It was like trying to go up against a rushing current – I kept getting pushed back down every time.
But I never stopped trying. Whenever my plans to wake up early got shredded, it meant I needed to improvise them. I could have easily given up and reverted to my normal sleeping routine, but then I would never have known how things would be different taking early. I had to give this habit a fair chance. So each time, I would look into what led me to wake up late. Then I would make changes to my lifestyle accordingly. Gradually, waking early became easier and easier. It became a natural act.
My Conclusion
So after sufficient experience of how it’s like to wake up early, I’m ready to make a conclusion on this trial.
I found waking up early is a far more superior habit than waking up late for me.
Here are 9 reasons why I say this:
1. Get a head start
When you wake up at 5am, you start your day earlier than 99.9% of the world — hence giving you a head start in your day. This creates a feel-good factor, which, while psychological, creates a host of positive effects (especially for reasons #2 and #3 in the list). After all, a good start is half the battle won. It will motivate you to stay ahead so you can maintain or even widen the lead.
For example, my modus operandi when I wake up early is to work on the high-impact tasks right away, as opposed to the small, easy but unimportant tasks. I will also think and work effectively, and strive to end my day earlier so that I can have an early sleep, wake up early the next day, and continue my “head start.” On the whole, I’d say that I’m more forward thinking and proactive in managing my tasks — since I have a head start in my day, I naturally think about how I can be ahead in my work too.
On the other hand, when I wake up late, I usually prioritize the urgent but not-so-important tasks. Because I’ve woken up late, I will also have the mindset that I need to spend more time on work to make up for lost time, hence working till wee hours in the morning. My behavior throughout the day can be best described as “reactive” as I’m thinking about how to catch up on my tasks (which I’m behind time on since I woke up late) and how to meet my immediate deadlines.
Working till the week hours of the morning then inadvertently causes me to sleep late and wake up late the next day. This cycle of waking up late and sleeping late will then continue the next day, creating a long-term negative pattern where I work late into the night, sacrifice my bedtime, and wake up late the next day. Needless to say, such a sleeping pattern when stretched over the long run isn’t good for my health.
Of course, one can argue that this is all subjective — and very psychological — at the end of the day. It doesn’t mean that waking up early will guarantee an increased productivity! It also doesn’t mean that waking up late will result in reduced productivity.
True and true. However, I believe that this psychological effect of having a head start has more far-reaching effects than people give it credit for. I’ve definitely exper not to mention that late rising often results in late sleeping and reduced sleep as you catch up on work, which isn’t really good for health.
2. Increased productivity
My productivity soars on days where I wake up early. It’s a benefit that comes from getting a head start (see Reason #1). The head start creates a motivation to continue your lead ahead, resulting in (a) more things getting completed (b) things getting completed faster. This applies even if I’m awake for the same number of hours during days I wake up early and days I don’t. If I were to wake up late, I typically spend more time getting the same stuff done. This becomes a lot more apparent when you have your to-do lists laid out for the day. It’s something you have to try to experience for yourself to know what I’m talking about.
In addition, the morning creates the perfect environment to work due to the peace and quiet (see reason #5).
3. Timeliness
Ever woken up late before and have to make a mad rush out of the house for your appointments?
is important to create a good impression and as a form of respect to the other party. In cases like work, being timely is essential. Rather than rush around every morning which can be a tiring activity, waking up early gives you more time to prepare and lets you be timely.
Putting a cap on your sleeping and waking time also gives structure to your days and makes you more sensitive of the how you spend your time. This goes a long way in improving your timeliness.
4. Self-mastery
Waking up early is about self-mastery. As I mentioned above, there were many reasons which would thwart my waking early plans in the past. Reasons such as working late, being out late, delaying my exercise routine till late at night, being on the phone… these reasons were a function of the lack of mastery I was having over myself. If I wanted to wake up early, I had to learn to take a hold over those activities, which would mean being more organized and disciplined.
Let’s take working late as an example. If you often work late, have you ever wondered why that keeps happening? On first sight you might think it’s because you had too much work in the day or there were a lot of
which prevented you from getting your work done. If you look into it, it’s because you are unable to manage your activities. Rather than being a master of your activities, you are letting your activities run over you. Looking into it one level deeper, the reason why you let your activities run over you is because you lack self-mastery. Being disciplined, organized, on top of your tasks, having clear stewardship – these are all elements of strong self-mastery.
5. Peace and quiet
The morning tranquility is indescribable. This tranquility comes about on two levels. First, there’s the physical quietness. You are alone with no disturbances. No one’s out on the streets, no traffic on the roads and the birds have not even broken into song yet! No smses or phone calls either to take away your attention.
Then there’s quietness on the mental level. Ever walked into an exam hall or an interview waiting room, where you can immediately feel the tension? Even though no one is speaking, you can feel the tension from the energy vibes around you. The same principle applies here. In the early hours of the morning when everyone is still at rest, you are free from the chatter in their minds. Not only that, because sleeping processes mental clutter, the chatter in your own mind is also lesser when you wake up. While physical peace is something you get by sleeping late, the mental peace only comes from waking up early.
The tranquility on both levels gives you the free space to get a fast start on whatever you want to do.
6. Faster commute
If you have to travel to work/school, you can now travel during non-peak hours and skip the traffic jams. This cuts down on the time spent in commuting.
7. Breakfast
It’s common for people to skip breakfast because they woke up late and didn’t have time. However as they say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Having spent some 5-8 hours without eating, it’s important to have your breakfast. One of my friends used this interesting analogy to describe the importance of breakfast – “Eating breakfast is like starting your engine. If you don’t have breakfast, your engine has not started.”. When I wake up early, I get time to prepare my breakfast (fruit salads, fruit and veggie smoothies, bread with peanut butter and the like) and enjoy it too.
8. Exercise
Do you defer your exercise to the end of the day? Does your exercise plan get carried through or does it get rescheduled at times due to last minute changes? Waking up early gives you time to exercise in the morning, giving lesser chance for it to be shifted out. There’s nothing like a great workout to boost your day, too.
9. Seeing the world wake up
I totally enjoy my morning jogs where I literally see the whole city wake up before me. I start off with at 6ish in the morning, where the sky is dark, there’s minimal people on the streets and few cars on the road. As I jog through the morning (I usually jog anywhere between 6 to 11km which lasts about 1-2 hours), I witness the whole place coming alive. The human traffic increases and the traffic becomes heavier, steadily. The sky starts to lit up in different shades – first dark blue, then in gradients of purple, red, orange, yellow, and finally sunshine starts enveloping the whole place. It’s a very beautiful experience. It’s an amazing experience being an observer to the whole scene.
Start Waking Early
If you are not yet an early riser (5~6am), try it for yourself (give it a fair trial of ) and see how it works out. Check out
to help you out on how to do that. Make sure you tie waking up early with a clear objective (tip #1 of the 21 tips) as that will be the centerpiece of your plan.
This is part of the Early Riser Series.
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Just tips to help you live your best life. :)I _____ up late this morning.
A. wake B. woke C. has woken D. had woken
试题“I _____ up late this mor...”;主要考察你对
I think _______ necessary to do some running in the morning.
I find _____ important to read English every morning.
A. its B. it"s C. it D. B&C
l. 我早晨从来不会起床很晚。
I never _____ _____ late in the morning.2. —打搅一下,现在几点了?
一Excuse me _____ _____ is it?
一It"s _____ _____ _____ nine. 3. 一给朱莉买一本安徒生写的书怎么样?
一_____ _____ _____ Julie a book _____ Andersen?
一That"s a good idea! And let"s _____ a birthday _____ for her.4. 人们有不同的习惯。
People have _____ _____.
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Pruthivishree said:
(Dec 27, 2016)
That the small beautiful birds chirping outside my window I was very happy to see it then I pray god to prevent the nature forever.
Rate this: +3
Marie Rose said:
(Dec 17, 2016)
@Deborah Follmer.
This is an oppressive demonic being.
It plagued me for 9 months.
It would come during the twilight sleep, when I was just falling asleep or just waking up.
During this part of sleep is when we are most vulnerable (powerless or weak).
I was always afraid to go to sleep at night or even take a nap.
When it first happened,
I was so terrified that I called on the name of Jesus.
Usually, I ended up saying Jesus's name
3 times fast so the demon would go away fast.
I noticed that it vanished before I said Jesus' name a 2nd time.
These demons not only RESPECT the name of Jesus, but they FEAR HIM.
If you are experiencing sleep paralysis during its visitation, THINK the name of JESUS.
I the demonic being will vanish.
In the meantime, get into a Bible based church and get yourself and your children baptised.
Baptism is a commitment that you are making to God, The Father that you believe in Him and wants a personal relationship with Him----you want to be part of God's FAMILY.
This is my personal experience and opinion---Stand your ground against this demonic enemy, draw closer to God, the Father through Jesus and this oppression will end.
I can't give you a time frame.
Mine was 9 months.
When you have Jesus' hand of blessing on you, the demonic being will leave permanently.
If it checks in on you from time to time through the years, you have confidence that Jesus will give you strength against this enemy. The demon won't stay long, it's just checking to see if it can get a toe hold back into your life.
Don't let it.
Stay close to Jesus, then if the demon peeks in on you, you won't fear it anymore. You will be confident that Jesus is standing right behind you protecting you.
Return to God, the Father through Jesus.
Become a part of God's FAMILY.
May our Heavenly Father bless you and strengthen you through HIS SON, JESUS.
Right now this thing is intimidating you by oppressing you and scaring you.
Read the book of Job in the Bible.
Satan tested Job for many months.
This is what you are experiencing.
You are being TESTED.
If you have strayed from your religious faith, from God, The Father then RETURN to Him through Jesus.
You are part of God's family, He wants you back.
Return to your Heavenly F He is your anchor.
He will NOT abandon you.
Return to Him.
Rate this: +7
Deborah Follmer said:
(Dec 4, 2016)
I didn't wake I'm not sure what happened but it's getting worse and worse. I can't tell family bc they say I'm crazy but I'm so scared today was the worse one yet, I actually saw what this thing was and felt it as well its was black and had course hair and smelled like rotten eggs, I wasn't able to move, I could feel my body moving but I couldn't see it also the entire time it felt as if my body was vibrating of some sort as it has in the pass but not nearly as bad but when I came out of it my body was twisted then when I went to stand I fell to the floor. I don't have a clue what to do my heart is pounding just writing this as of something is watching me, I'm so scared and don't know what to do someone please help please I'm a single mother of five and its so hard.
Rate this: +15
Nilesh Ginjal said:
(Dec 4, 2016)
Today s morning I woke up & see. And, I sleep again.
Ohh god why should I woke up? It's Sunday.
Rate this: +10
Mrinmoy said:
(Nov 8, 2016)
When I woke up in the morning I saw the ceiling up above me which gave me wings to my thought.
When I woke up in the morning I saw the walls around me which say loudly and repeatedly to remain strong.
When I woke up in the morning I saw the clock which whispers me not to waste a single second of my life.
When I woke up in the morning I saw the door which always tells me to set a goal in my life and proceed towards it calmly and carefully.
When I woke up in the morning I saw the window which introduces me to nature and to love everyone unconditionally.
When I woke up in the morning I saw me in the mirror which tells me not to do anything bad so that you feel ashamed whenever you see the mirror for the next time.
Rate this: +25
Arya said:
(Nov 2, 2016)
That the world was not the intended recipient.
Rate this: +12
Morrell said:
(Nov 1, 2016)
A girl I've never seen and she was gorgeous.
Rate this: +3
Abdullah said:
(Oct 24, 2016)
When I woke up in the morning it's late to offer my prayers, every morning I am in hurry to get ready for the office, and every morning I promise to myself that next I will sleep early to get early in the morning, most of the time I am getting out of home without taking breakfast.
Rate this: +11
M Bilal Sheikh said:
(Oct 12, 2016)
When I wake up in the morning I hate it & I do like to sleep again because my life get stuck I'm 27 no relatives, wife, girlfriend or even friends.
I hate my dad because he never educates or supports me ever but another side sometimes I pamper him I love my mom but she never cares or loves me back why? I don't know maybe she had tragic past because of my dad. When I was child I always wish some day I will be man but now I wish become child again.
I don't know who make tea or breakfast for me because my mom usually wake up in the afternoon. If there is my sister home by chance she makes me otherwise I just make tea myself and go for work without breakfast sometimes all day in work I never eat but nobody, scare.
Rate this: +10
Haneesha said:
(Oct 10, 2016)
When I woke up in the morning I thank god for giving another day to be successful and happy.
Rate this: +20
Yasmine Singh said:
(Oct 4, 2016)
When I woke up in the morning I thank god for the new day.
Rate this: +13
Mustapha Chah Gwara Gwara said:
(Oct 1, 2016)
When I woke I was dreaming while driving a golf, but when I woke up in my right hand was holding a bible.
Rate this: +8
Anand Raj said:
(Sep 15, 2016)
When I woke up in the morning ,first of all, I thank god for giving me a new day and thanks to god for better life and after that I proceed for my further work as usual but before my work I also ask to god for giving me an enough energy and strength that can help me to endure difficulties in the same day.
Rate this: +33
Rash said:
(Sep 14, 2016)
Hello everyone,
When I woke up in the morning I saw ceiling fan rotating faster and faster which gave an impression of my life running in the same path.
Without a break. Which even concludes that we have to stay strong in our path of life without allowing ourselves to come down.
Rate this: +16
Lavanya Desula said:
(Sep 10, 2016)
Hai, friends.
When I woke up in the morning I saw god face it gives me energy and hope that all that day was good.
Rate this: +16
Sujeet Kumar said:
(Sep 5, 2016)
When I woke in the morning I saw the nature, because that gives the good impression there is no artificial material so that make us to active person for the entire day. In the morning there is different world everything looks like it is smiling.
Rate this: +15
Rikita said:
(Aug 30, 2016)
Frankly speaking When, I woke up in the morning,
Hope for something new change, something good unexpected things happen with me and how my life will become more beautiful & interesting?
Think that what and which works I have to complete today?
Rate this: +16
Araanvi said:
(Aug 20, 2016)
Hello, everyone. Really very interesting topic for GD.
When I woke up I saw myself in the mirror. But it was not so usual as before as it was my future. I saw myself as a successful person with the dreams in my eyes, smile worn on my face and feeling proud of myself. I can see the reflection of the future I want and that made me think this is me and my future, Yes I can do it, I will do it.
Rate this: +29
Guddu said:
(Aug 19, 2016)
When I woke up in the morning I saw my mother's face. Which I wish to see every morning. She is my mentor. From her I get positive vibes and my whole day become wonderful. Her smile gives me peace. Everyday I work hard for her beautiful smile.
Rate this: +20
Arun Thakur said:
(Jul 25, 2016)
When I wake up in the very first morning I saw the beauty of nature, birds were chirping, a cool breeze was blowing. I really found one thing special and that thing was nature which was seeming like lady who has worn the ornament although beauty does not need ornament softness can not wear the weight of ornament but I felt so there are dew drops on the grass the shine like is pearls everything which I found was looking fresh like just in heaven.
Rate this: +49
Tanusmita said:
(Jul 23, 2016)
When I woke up in the morning I saw -It was raining very heavily. I went outside & found my lawn was flooded with water. That day I also had tuition to go but I planned not to go & to stay at home & enjoy the weather.
Rate this: +22
Raghav Dhoot said:
(Jul 17, 2016)
When I woke up in the morning I saw something new in me. A desire to do some new things, to explore my capabilities. As it was a new beginning of another day I decided to start the work again which I left behind.
And when I told about this to my parents I saw happiness, a smile of trust for me on their face.
Rate this: +16
Vanshika Agarwal said:
(Jun 30, 2016)
When I woke up in the morning I saw a Barbie who was talking to me. It was pretty unusual which had happened to me.
Rate this: +11
Rohan said:
(Jun 27, 2016)
When I woke up in the morning I saw that it was 7:00 AM and my bus will be coming at 7:30 AM so I woke up I brushed I take bath I eat my breakfast and ready for my school bus so I'm glad that bus has come 10 min late so felt happy and I am very thankful to God and I learned that God helps us in our every problem.
Rate this: +22
Bhupesh Thakur said:
(Jun 26, 2016)
Today, I woke up at 3 am. I woke with a fear in my heart. Fear of laziness and loosing focus, but behind this fear, I saw my dream. I want a classic physique. I go to gym two times a day, at 5 am. In the morning and 4 pm. In the evening. I train 4 hours a day and 7 days a week. I thank god for giving me one more day. I focus on the present day and live like if it is my last day. I try to put 100% efforts to my work and give god a solid reason that why do I deserve one more day. When I do hard work it makes me feel alive. People pointed out me with wonder. They tell me to stop going crazy about my goal but I don't take them seriously. I am who I am and they are who they are.
Rate this: +30
Puja said:
(Jun 22, 2016)
When I evoke up in the morning then I saw that my mother making tea and brother completing his work, then I remember, today is holiday then I become very happy and our family and I decide to watch the movie. In the afternoon, some guest guest comes in my home, mother cook Food and garnish the food I and my family eat relish Food also enjoy that day.
Rate this: +22
Priyanka Nair said:
(Jun 13, 2016)
When I woke up in the morning, I saw the delicious "puttu-kadala", my mother had cooked for me and I thought of how grateful I am to my mother, for always being there to take care of me.
Rate this: +11
Anjali said:
(Apr 7, 2016)
When I woke up at morning firstly I want to fresh after a bath then breakfast. Then my school bus comes for going to school. I enjoy so much in my bus. After we went to school my principal stands for welcome us. I said good morning mam and sir. Then I came to my class. I enjoy so much.
Rate this: +17
Sruthi said:
(Mar 17, 2016)
When I woke up in the morning firstly I will see my dad's face. That was the beginning of my day. Then I will do some workouts. Every day will be peaceful. And charming for me.
Rate this: +22
Swara said:
(Mar 4, 2016)
The rays of the sun were falling on my eyes as I woke up. I could hear the chirping of the birds. I first prayed to god for giving me another day. Then I went near the window and looked outside, I could see people going to their work, kids playing in the sand, oh! I forgot to say I live near the beach, some people were jogging, some were eating at the stall, I will happy by seeing all of them happy.
Then I went to the mirror and saw my reflection and told myself "I will make this day a good day for me and others, I will help everyone, solve problems and will avoid fighting with anyone. Then I began with my Regular routine.
Rate this: +60
Rajesh said:
(Mar 3, 2016)
When I woke up in the morning, firstly I would like to thank to the god because he gave me a one opportunity to do something new in my life after that I would like say thanks for myself who is considering myself because nowadays many people be a lazy to during they woke up in the morning.
Rate this: +14
Shweta said:
(Jan 4, 2016)
Well as the topic is when I woke up this morning I saw- so I first saw the time just to realize I was not late for work. Then the other activities started with bathing, brushing, getting ready, checking my things to do list and moving out for my work with a short and simple prayer.
Rate this: +43
Mohan Kamblemoh said:
(Oct 28, 2015)
When I woke up in the morning first I imagine my pray to my passed away father and mother. Then my gurus to pray for life track and regular happiness for all. Believe nature and truth of life.
Self meditation then think self what is needs to be work today in home. For all family to be happy needs mostly keep happy and always smile needs to clear all difficulties.
Rate this: +18
Jeba said:
(Oct 17, 2015)
When I woke up in the morning first I will pray to god, thank for saw this morning and to judge me how to walk to you and give me the full of grace and I love you god.
Rate this: +30
Akash Kumar said:
(Aug 18, 2015)
When I woke up in the morning, first I start think about my interview who will have be tomorrow then I have start prepare for my interview and done some grammar exercise. After that in the afternoon I have take my lunch. Then I have rest for some time. Around 4:00 PM I went to dairy to take milk and came back home. And then went to outside from home with my friend. Around 6:30 came back to home and I have spend some time with my family. Then I ready again for prepare my interview. Around 9:00 PM I have take my dinner and watching TV reality show after that around 10:30 I went to sleep.
Rate this: +32
Thamanna said:
(Jul 1, 2015)
I wake up in the morning realising that every single is a great blessing of God that he has given to correct your mistakes that you had made the day before. I close my eyes to pray to the almighty. Then I make plans for the day and determines to face everyone with a sweet smile on my face.
Rate this: +33
Nikita said:
(Jun 26, 2015)
I woke up in the morning and I screamed my heart out my sister sleeping next to me woke up alarmingly and asked did you have a bad dream. I shook my head and pointed my finger towards the kitten sitting next to me.
The kitten was so sweet and constantly meowing she wanted to play with she was running all around me licking the feet with her tongue. I patted her back and wow her body fur was soft like velvet lovely are these cats and love the way they show their to you.
Rate this: +25
Navneet said:
(Jun 3, 2015)
Hi friends,
When I woke up in the morning I think that god has given us the second chance to prove ourselves we don't know when we are going to die we also don't know about our death but the GOD has written our destiny he knows what to do with the persons having different nature.
In fact my mother told me that live for today and also told me that its not being the best it's about being better than you were yesterday.
Rate this: +30
(May 12, 2015)
Thank you God!!! I am still alive.
Yes, you again proved me keeping hope on you, who wakes me alive the next morning with full energy & enthusiastic. You given me a beautiful day to achieve my dreams and to spend time with my loved once.
Rate this: +26
(Apr 3, 2015)
When I woke up in the morning first I recall what all the dreams I got and my day begins daily with a new imagination. Like I would be sleeping near a window, cool breeze touches me gently. My hair dances with the air, birds get gathered on the tree beside my window and sing a welcome song for a new fresh morning, sun rays showing me the way to fulfill all my dreams.
Rate this: +34
Ravi Malhotra said:
(Mar 26, 2015)
When I woke up in the morning I saw it was raining heavily, I saw out of window of my room, people were escaping their self from rain. Then I looked here and there and I saw a old person was sitting besides the road near to tree, and nobody was looking upon him, I don't know what comes in my mind on that time, and suddenly I took umbrella and went to him, I called him 2-3 times but he didn't respond to me, so I hold his hand to checkout him and then I realize that he is suffering from fever, he was about 55 of age.
I asked him who he is? and from where he came? he was not able to speak on that time, then I realize that he was hungry too, so I ran back to my home and made a cup of tea and toast some bread for him, when I given him the food, he was looking at me very strangely, after having his meal he said thanks to me and blessed me a lot of times. After helping him, I felt blessed and was happy a lot.
Rate this: +85
Suneel Yadav said:
(Jan 22, 2015)
When I woke up in the morning 1st I pray my god then open window nearer my bed saw a beautiful picture like all bird flying in tree to other side to find is her own food& also in flying time bird are give very sweet sound and sun signing slowly slowly then wind flow slowly slowly on my room, all people go to do her own work.
Rate this: +24
Soumya said:
(Sep 21, 2014)
Hi. Life is beautiful. I can fly, run, walk, do whatever I want. No one is there to stop me. Good God, my wings are so pretty. My Pink color dress never fades away. Because I have become an ANGEL. I just roam the whole world, but I see there are lots of wrong things going on in this world, I wave my magic sticks and there it is! everything is PERFECT. My India is staying in peace. Non Violence and corruption has vanished, People living in India are happy!
But when the clock alarmed at 7am, I woke up thinking about my sweet dream, for a while I forgot that this corruption will never vanish, I was aware that I was not an ANGEL to just wave my magic sticks and correct everything, instead I was still an unemployed girl searching for a job.
So finally when I woke up from my bed, I prayed God and thought that I'll make my day better than yesterday and one day I'll make my Parents feel proud of me. One day for sure.
Rate this: +192
Vijayalakshmi said:
(Aug 21, 2014)
When I woke up in the morning, I start to think about my planning in works, then I control myself 'Don't get angry & upset for any kind of situation'. Further I search the newspaper to see the Rasipalan today, Actually I behave like what it on.
Rate this: +18
Mehak said:
(Aug 8, 2014)
When I woke up in the morning. I had a very sweet dream that finally the corruption in India had come to an end and all the corrupt leaders had been arrested for their wrong doing. India had become one of the greatest democracies of the world and was helping in the development of other backward nations and there was peace prevailing among all the countries of the world.
Rate this: +19
Maduri said:
(Aug 5, 2014)
When I woke up in the morning I will pray to god. Actually I will get up very late every day. Every day I will be a bit lazy to get up. By the time I get up my mother will be shouting at me to get up and get ready. I like my day to be started with peace I want it to be a pleasant day. I want to plan my day and do all the things on time.
Rate this: +17
Daljeet said:
(Jun 20, 2014)
When I woke up in the morning I saw, my friends are sleeping beside me. I just thanks to god for beautiful day, then I went to the kitchen and made three cup of tea. One for me rest two for my roommates. After that I follow my daily routine !
Rate this: +21
Shankul said:
(May 20, 2014)
When I woke up in the morning I don't saw but I start with it by a voice, voice of my dad. And the same line every morning "Motu wake up ! Its already been 9. Go get fresh otherwise you will create problems in between when I will get ready for office. And then slightly I open my eyes check my phone beside my pillow, time on it and all the whatsapp stuff and wake up. But I never open my eyes with dreams of my night before. I always wake up for dreams I want to pursue in my life. And literally they gives me a great positive attitude for life and myself. And my eyes start sparkling every time I think of my dreams.
And I love this feeling every morning I have.
Rate this: +25
Secular Sohail said:
(Apr 18, 2014)
The dream I never forget which is came on night I always see many types of dreams but there is some different. . I saw that a man wearing a white dress standing in front of me and say me I'm angle I gave some important message about humanity all humanity whose live in whole in world each every belongs their different religion then why they fight each other with the name of religion GOD not create any religion the create by peoples the biggest religious in whole world is humanity GOD is one we are all the soldier of one god every peoples wants to a secular society there is no difference between human.
Rate this: +20
Sarfraj said:
(Apr 10, 2014)
When I woke up in the morning I was alive, healthy and happy. So I thanked god for giving me such a wonderful day again. And then I look on the front wall where I hang a picture of my aim and asked god to give me strength and to be always with me to achieve that.
Rate this: +73
Swastikw said:
(Apr 7, 2014)
When I woke up early in the morning I saw that a man with a white beard wearing a white robe sort of thing was standing in front of me. I was amazed seeing a strange fellow standing in front of me early in the morning. I asked him who he was and in reply to my question he said that he was god.
Rate this: +14
Steffi Evangeline said:
(Feb 11, 2014)
When I woke up in the morning, I offer thanks to my lord for adding another beautiful day in my life and start my morning peacefully with package of expectation. The most interesting fact of human life is that nobody could judge what happens the next moment. I personally love this interesting fact and I do trust my lord the creator of my life. So every morning I start my day with lot of expectations which could make me one step matured and also I expect beautiful turning points that drags happiness to me and my family.
Rate this: +22
Prashant Mishra said:
(Oct 4, 2013)
When I woke up in the morning, I break my sweat dream. The dream about my placement, I saw that I clear the written and GD round, and I am waiting for my term for interview. Yupeee finally I got selected for this job. I can't share this good news because I am so happy, and finally I am going to home in which my parents are waiting of me, I hug my ma and papa and tell them, and I saw them my father was starting crying, but my mom not crying, you know why?, because my mom is a deaf and dumb lady, and she is not understand what I am say, but finally I tell them and she understand and she hug me and she is also crying. My father tell Prashant weak up, weak up this is 6:30 and you know today you are going for your campus placement, and I wake up and I am so sad because this is my dream.
Rate this: +62
M.Mohamed Ashiq said:
(Aug 31, 2013)
When I woke up in the morning first I see my mom and dad. I ask him that I have any work?
They said yes I will complete and ready for my college. Then I think that what I will do in that day and what new things I will learn in that day. But every time I think that day is most wonderful day in my life.
Rate this: +17
Harry said:
(Aug 27, 2013)
Hello friends !
When I woke up in the morning I am amusing about my dream. Most of the day I forgot my dreams. The entire day I think about the dream. While I was traveling by bus,
I think about society. "what can I do for my country? how I am going to contribute the social activities?" These questions are remembering myself.
Rate this: +16
Bala said:
(Jul 22, 2013)
When I woke up in the morning I don't actually remember my dream. It was weird one and I was surprised (like a happy weirdness in the dream). The whole day I wonder what my dream was and tried to think on the few screen shots I remember from the dream. I still haven't figured out what the dream was. I would like to describe the screenshots.
Pic1 - A big house colorful calm and addressed to someone great (no idea about his/her name). The house has lot of lamps and look like a "Techy house".
Pic2 - No staircase inside the house, has only one room in each floor. Each room is connected to the ground using half opened tunnels. People residing there sit on the cushions or air tubes and go out and have lifts to get back to room.
I remember this much and I wish if I was able to recollect and see who lived there, time, date and Did I live there.
Rate this: +12
Rahul Chitlangia said:
(Feb 12, 2013)
When I wake up I the morning I was full of sweat and was trembling due to fear because I had a dream I which I saw all the people around me and the whole world were bald i.e having no hairs at the head. I was totally shocked because I was engaged into manufacturing of hair oil and if there was on here on peoples head who will purchase the oil.
Rate this: +16
Murari Bhardwaj said:
(Oct 14, 2012)
When I woke up in the morning, I break my sweet dream. A dream about a girl. A girl whom I love unconditionally but its still one-sided. I saw that I had went to propose her with full determination. I tell her "i love u" and unexpectedly she starts crying. With her each tears trickling down her cheeks, my heartbeat was making somersault. Then after 3 min break she tells me "i know how much you love me. I too had began loving you. But now nothing can happen. My marriage has been fixed. " Suddenly, I woke up and thanked god that it was only a dream. That day only, I went to her straightaway and proposed her. Now she is my wife.
Rate this: +184
Murari Bhardwaj said:
(Oct 14, 2012)
When I woke up in the morning, I break my sweet dream. A dream about a girl. A girl whom I love unconditionally but its still one-sided. I saw that I had went to propose her with full determination. I tell her "i love u" and unexpectedly she starts crying. With her each tears trickling down her cheeks, my heartbeat was making somersault. Then after 3min break she tells me "i know how much you love me. I too had began loving you. But now nothing can happen. My marriage has been fixed. " Suddenly, I woke up and thanked god that it was only a dream. That day only, I went to her straightaway and proposed her. Now she is my wife.
Rate this: +26
Hayath said:
(Oct 3, 2012)
When I woke up today I knew my life was going to change somehow,
Either I'd be make through this interview or not,
If I did this would probably be the best day of my life,
If I don't then I guess it was worth an experience to make it to till here,
Today, Whatever it may turn out to be I'd still love to work for this company if I ever get a chance, The morning today was full of questions and excitement.
Rate this: +37
Ravin said:
(Sep 9, 2012)
I saw myself as better today than what I was at yesterday, also I thought myself as lucky to have a good prosperity life, even I had good parents on my life at the same time I had one young brother, even more good friends in my life more over this world has given me a good entertainment like TV, INTERNET, ETC. Inorder to refresh our memory, active, avoid lazy, learning more information etc.
Rate this: +9
Gnapika said:
(Aug 20, 2012)
Do u know i dont wake up
myself everyday my mamma or papa will wake up me.they wake up me b saying see god's picture there in room.then i pray god that everything should be fine and all should be happy.every day i wake up late only after seeing time i will hurry up my self.
Rate this: +9
Shweta said:
(Jul 12, 2012)
When I woke up in the morning, what do I see :a beautiful sunrise, smiling faces of the family members etc etc.
But this is really not sufficient to make your day a successful one.
The main thing behind waking up is not just to leave your bed and start your day without any new thoughts, hopes, dreams.
Be the king of your heart. Have few new thoughts, dreams. And that's what I do every morning when I woke up.
Rate this: +36
Krishna Kaushik said:
(Jul 12, 2012)
Actually I don't wake up until the sunny son wake me. Although have the whim of having more sleep my plans for future don't allow me. When I woke up I used to have a cross and pray the god for his mercy on me till today and I will see my friend's face because its lucky to me. Then try to recall my dreams that I have last night. Then I will go for planning my day while completing my daily routines.
Rate this: +6
Nithish Kumar said:
(Jun 25, 2012)
When I woke up in the morning I will recall the works/promise which I have to complete today. And I will pray my god to give me hope and confidence to reach my target.
Rate this: +16
Janavi said:
(Mar 30, 2012)
When I woke up in the morning, I saw it was a beautiful world around me.
God in my heart, my family, friends, tree, birds. And every damn thing which I can see.
I thanked god for giving me such a beautiful life which is full of freshness, joy.
Guys, life is really very great thing its like the way you decorate your room, ha some, things. Its in your hands how you decorate your life.
Seeing a little butterfly smile comes on your face, that one second of your life becomes beautiful so thank that butterfly to make one second of your life good.
In short every morning we should thank god for giving us such a beautiful life.
Rate this: +27
Kartika said:
(Jan 31, 2012)
When i woke up in the morning i first prayed to god that this day should end-up good for me and i should try hard to be true at any circumstance.Should work hard to prove myself in college..
Rate this: +11
Akash Kumar said:
(Dec 20, 2011)
When I woke up in the morning I was smiling. I had a sweet dream. A dream in which I saw LOKPAL bill was implemented. All the black money stashed away in foreign banks was coming. This money was being used to create huge infrastructural facilities around in rural areas. Tihar jail was bulging due to corrupt politicians. Naxals had joined the democratic process after shunning the violence. PAK and a large part of land encroahed by chinese was returned to India. India had become a superpower. We stood first in London olympics. All the rival groups in north east were at peace. India was giving loan for development to economically weaker nations.
Rate this: +109
Noelle said:
(Nov 15, 2011)
When i woke up one morning i saw my painting hanging on the wall in front of me. I looked at the painting and at that moment felt so proud of my ability to create something so beautiful. It is a painting of a cherry blossom tree over this wooden bridge and water surrounding it and the morning sunlight streaking the skies with soft yellowish glow... I looked at that painting and realised that this is what i want to do and create such amazing portraits and give others the pleasure of having a beautiful morning just like mine...
Rate this: +10
Preeti Sharma said:
(Nov 2, 2011)
When I wake up in the morning I see clock in front of me, which says to me "PREETI. Wake up Darling. Its already 6 AM. ".
Then I replied back to her "O just shut up and let me sleep" and then I sleep away again.
But after sometime I realise "OMG!what am I doing? It's not me.
When a clock can do her work properly without complaining at all, then Why I can't do?".
Thinking this I always wake up with new energy and attitude to be like a clock.
Clock is not the only one example in our world which does her work properly. There are many more, we should follow them and make our role model in our life.
Rate this: +62
Kunal Gaurav said:
(Sep 22, 2011)
When I woke uo in the morning I feel its its new life with new opportunity for me to build up my dream. I forget my all failure things which happened before yesterday night and I start my life from new way to reach top on the world, and I woke up in my life also to Build up my dream.
Rate this: +11
Tani Ray said:
(Sep 8, 2011)
When I woke up in the morning, I wished I to have cruised upon my dreams a little longer, where my subconscious mind would not be following me where everything happened exactly I had wished for. But then I woke up because I have that earnest desire to not just dream but to live my dreams for which I need to work hard and do my best.
Rate this: +4
Bankim Chandra said:
(Sep 8, 2011)
One day when I woke up my eyes were filled with full of tears. I had a dream that I was in uniform of an Indian army officer, after finishing my training from military academy I returned home after seeing my mom n dad I could not stop my tears I was hugging them n cried with full of happiness in my heart. But the moment I realised it was a dream I thanked god for giving a positive image of my only goal. To become a defence officer. After conference out for many times inSSBi still believe that I can make it next time. I believe my success is near. N my dear friends sometimes if your heart is dedicate enough for a goal then you can see the real picture of the outcome to be. In your dream. DREAM HIGH.
Rate this: +38
Himanshu said:
(Aug 23, 2011)
Hello friends.
The moment I partially woke up I saw my family members has surrounded me, and they were rhyming something, I couldn't understand as I was still in bed and was still feeling dizzy because of late night party. Suddenly my mother came and put cream on my face I still didn't get it what was going on, then my father came and loudly said"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" now I was properly awake and it was my birthday.
Rate this: +18
Kuldeep Chandola said:
(Aug 20, 2011)
When I woke up in the morning I saw I m a prime minister of India, all around the people says about our party. All people and friends came at my home and celebrated a Big party. But when my eyes open I saw I was sleeping in the ground.
Rate this: +4
Vijay said:
(Jun 1, 2011)
I rise early from bed daily. After bath at 5:00 am . I perform yoga which keep me energetic through out the day. I usually walk towards the nearest shop enjoying fresh air to buy the news paper of that day.
Rate this: +4
Ashish said:
(May 25, 2011)
When I woke up in morning. I thank god for giving another wonderful day to leave with wonderful people around me. I wake up and fill myself with positive energy and thought. I remember all good things happened to me.
Rate this: +25
Priyamvada said:
(Apr 23, 2011)
Friends I would like to share my observation when I wake up in the morning I sometimes still have the filtrations of the dream I saw the previous night but then I realise thank god that was just a dream if it was a bad one. I look around the room everything still in its place as it was before I cant see birds flying, trees etc
INSTANTLY as I wake up as I sleep in a room and not in a place without walls (sarcastic). I join my hands to the picture of the almighty and then with full enthusiasm I check my cellphone expecting to be full of text messages (laughs). And then its like this as my journey of the day is initiated.
Rate this: +8
Sunandini said:
(Mar 2, 2011)
I am an early riser. So when I woke up I saw that the nature dressed very well.. It is a bright sunny morning.. All my family memebers are busy with their working.. I also started my work as I like to complete all my works in the previous day.
Rate this: +10
Siva said:
(Nov 25, 2010)
I would like to share a thing which I saw a few days before, on that day it was rained the whole night so it was so pleasant and nice. I moved to my window which was close to my cot and I looked outside it was still drizzling at that time. A few drops of rain touched me I was very pleased to receive that all my tension, work load went like a rocket from my heart and I feel cool and confident for the whole day.
Rate this: +8
Lalitha said:
(Sep 29, 2010)
I think. When I woke up I realised that still I'm alive so that I'm still there to achieve/complete my work what I have planned before.
Rate this: +7
Suhas said:
(Sep 28, 2010)
I agree with all the point raised by all. I'm going to analyse same point from some different angle.
When I wake up in the morning nothing is decided except what to do?.
Confused let me explain.
A sleepy early morning you never decide that I want to see the face of particular person say mom, dad or some friend. As per my views concern waking up is something that translate me from one imaginary world to real life with lots of energy, having full of challenges, lots of the thing to do, lot more to work and one more fresh day to do all. Accept it and go back to address where you left your real life last night.
Rate this: +11
Anusha said:
(Sep 11, 2010)
When I got up in morning, first of all I thank god for giving me a sound sleep. Because everybody should sleep for 7 hours. But it will sometime not possible to go on with same 7 hours. When I slept for just 3 hours but I need it to be a sound sleep hence I thank god for giving me such a satisfied sleep and pray him about my freshness though out the day which is more important for me to be active. Its an competitive world in which we should plan ourself in a step before others. Hence I plan my schedule in before nights and then only I will sleep.
Rate this: +4
Muniyappan said:
(Aug 31, 2010)
When I wake up I would like to see nature things like fresh air seeing birds so it give confident to us to the entire day.
Rate this: +4
Chitranngada said:
(Aug 22, 2010)
When i wake up in the morning i usually try to remember what i dream the about last night, i basically love to dream and and picturing all those beautiful slides which i see through my minds eye, brings an instant smile on my face.
Rate this: +3
Mohammed Basheeruddin said:
(Aug 19, 2010)
When I woke up in the morning first of all I would like to offer namaz then have a jogging after that back to work. Morning time is the precious of whole day what ever you do in the early morning that
will remain
in our brain for the whole day. So, that will helpful to increase the confidence level in us, thats what I see every morning.
Rate this: +5
Manasa said:
(Aug 18, 2010)
When i woke up in the morning i saw my mother because she was very energy person she gives me a
big boost for the energetic face after i want to do my take schedule.
Rate this: +5
Faheem said:
(Aug 16, 2010)
I woke up early morning and offer namaz read khuran and feel happy all the day then I go to work doing these god will be helpful all the day and my day will be great.
Rate this: +15
Steffy said:
(Aug 14, 2010)
When i woke up in the morning i saw a beautiful sunrise and felt very fresh. But later i realized that i got to come out from conflicts on the day. I just needed some time to realize what had happened the day before.. I wasn't able to differentiate was it a dream or real.. I wished it to be a dream. But finally i came to a conclusion to make my mind believe it was a dream, and
i started a new day, with positive attitude..
Rate this: +5
Heena said:
(Aug 13, 2010)
In morning I'm always late..so start getting ready to rush to work...
Rate this: +9
Dinesh said:
(Aug 11, 2010)
In my observation when I woke up in the morning I saw the nature, because that gives good impression there is no artificial material so that make us to active person for entire day.
Rate this: +4
Dipti Rathore said:
(Aug 10, 2010)
When I woke up in the morning, I realised that I had a bad dream yesterday night about a pitiful lady who didnt have a shelter and was hapless. She was so misfortuned that she even not had a food since last two days and wandering hither-thither to beg for food but we the people, on this earth were sheer bother to her.
That lady dint lose hope though her health was'nt suffice to do some labour or work she tighten the belt and make her mind not to beg anymore. That pauper lady started to mop at temple and to see that spirit and grit in her the surrounded people were impressed and dole out some money. This way she earned penny.
As it was mere a dream but for me it had an intense impact. I learned that one should not beg to get something but it is the hardwork and the mindset to get it by putting your own worth. Even that will give you HAPPINESS also..!!!!
Rate this: +10
Mohanakannan said:
(Aug 9, 2010)
When i wake up in the morning, i just see my palm and i will phone to my best friend to hear his voice. After that i will go to upstair to receive pure air, because it is so pleasant to receive pure air in the morning untill 7:30am.
Rate this: +5
Vinoth said:
(Aug 5, 2010)
When i woke up in the morning
i search my mobile to snooze again. As i have the habit of keep alarm. Always i used to cover my head with bedspread and continue sleeping due to late night chatting with mine roomates..
Rate this: +4
Suggi Nathan said:
(Aug 4, 2010)
When I woke up in the morning by looking clock which is hanged on the wall,and my family photo. It gives me a big boost to start the day energetic. But on that day I could't face some silly problems. Morning itself My room mates made me to cry. That day onwards I boosted my mental abilty by reading psycological books. Now i'm proud to say,as a host elater I can able to manage any kind of people, environment and problems.
Rate this: +4
Ashish Sharma said:
(Aug 2, 2010)
i woke up i saw that all the family members wake earlier because as usual of my work, i was late at night and again i broke my promise to wake up eraly in morning.
Rate this: +7
Guneet said:
(Aug 1, 2010)
I wake up in the morning by seeing the God's picture which is in my room. Then I look outside the window.
In the morning there is different world everything looks like it is smiling. Then I go for walk with my friend. Everything look charming. After come from walk I make schedule of things what to do and also review what was pending yesterday before sleep. I want to do my task as per schdule.
Rate this: +7
Sujatha said:
(Jul 31, 2010)
I will wakeup in the morning by looking any gods picture, ofter that i will see any of my friend's face because i am staying with my friends. First i thought to spend all that day with out wasting time. Once i will make a schedule of the things what to do on that day and start implementing. But of course continue complete everything which i have planned. But every other day also will do the samething.
Rate this: +4
Suganya said:
(Jul 30, 2010)
Actually i'll open my eyes with lot of hesitations but after waking i'm really happy about my new day because god gave me such a wonderful thing time. so i'll plan to do any new creative things in that day. before all these things i'll see my mirror to make me comfort...
Rate this: +13
Sukanya said:
(Jul 24, 2010)
When i woke up in the morning 1st i pray my god then open window nearar my bed saw a beautifull picture like all bird flying in tree to other side to find
is her own food& also in flying time bird are give very sweet sound
and sun signing slowly slowly then wind flow slowly
my room , all pepole go to do her own work.
Rate this: +10
When I woke up in the morning I saw?
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