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中文翻译大写锁定返回值为20&&&&大写锁定键&&&&恰普斯基&&&&辣椒红呋喃素; 辣椒色素&&&&立式锚机&&&&簿壳粒; 壳微粒; 衣壳蛋白亚单位壳体; 衣壳体,壳粒&&&&绞盘起锚绞盘录音主动轮主导轴&&&&壳粒&&&&倾覆力矩&&&&n. (组成病毒壳体的)壳粒,壳微体,子粒。 &&&&倾覆力矩
例句与用法Is capslock on while you ' re typing your password在输入密码时是否按了capslock键? How to : determine if capslock is on in visual basic如何:在visual basic中确定capslock是否打开&&
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n. 囊切开术;被膜切开术;晶状体切开术
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Lens posterior capsular opacification occurred in 3 eyes,YAG laser capsulotomy operated and vision improved. Proliferative vitreoretinopathy,retinal detachment observed in 19 eyes.
参考来源 - 眼内异物手术的术式选择及并发症分析
In YAG laser capsulotomy, a laser beam is used to make a small opening in the clouded capsule to let light pass through.
PCO is treated with a painless, five-minute outpatient procedure called yttrium-aluminum-garnet (YAG) laser capsulotomy.
Postoperatie rehabilitation depends on the type of osteotomy , the security of the fixation, and whether associated capsulotomy or tenolysis was done .
- 来自原声例句
CAPS是什么意思 CAPS在线翻译 CAPS什么意思 CAPS的意思 CAPS的翻译 CAPS的解释 CAPS的发音 CAPS的同义词 CAPS的反义词 CAPS的例句 CAPS的相关词组
CAPS英 [kaeps] 美 [kaeps] 原级:第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:CAPS 基本解释Cassette Programming System 盒式磁带程序设计系统;capitals 大写字母;collection account processing system 账款收集处理系统;CAPS 网络解释1. 帽子:那始於端粒酶(telomerase)这种会影响位於染色体末端的帽子(caps),或称端粒(telomeres)的酵素. 端粒会随著时间变短. 不过端粒酶能阻止这件事发生,使细胞不死. 若癌症在此细胞内被触发,端粒酶现身会导致癌症生长.2. 管帽:异径接头 Template | 管帽 Caps | 法兰flange3. 可替换的喷嘴,用于控制喷涂的粗细效果:To bome:大量制作涂鸦 | Burn:打击或击败竞争者 | Caps:可替换的喷嘴,用于控制喷涂的粗细效果4. 腋囊剂:pil 丸剂 | caps 腋囊剂 | Amp 安瓿剂5. CAPS的翻译5. caps:computer
电脑辅助拣货系统6. caps:computer assisted
计算机辅助保险客户服务7. caps:center for advance 的先进采购研究中心8. caps:call 每秒试呼叫数CAPS 双语例句1. CAPS的翻译1. You could guess it already from the name, small caps are small capitals.&&&&你可能看名字就猜出来了,小型大写就是小号的。。。2. 2. Ensure that all hoisting/lifting equipment, wires and lifting caps are in a safe condition and conforms with the current GWDC colour coding and have valid inspection certificates.&&&&确保提升设备,钢丝绳和提丝工作状态良好,符合当前GWDC的颜色识别编号和有效的检验证书。3. Also ducks. I remember that they were most peculiar ducks with top-knots that looked like tam-o'-shanter caps.&&&&到那里去的还有鸭子,我觉得他们的顶冠最奇特了,就像苏格兰人戴的宽边圆帽似的。4. You can specify whether the caps lock, numeric pad and scroll lock are active when you log in.&&&&你能够说明帽子是否锁,数字小键盘和纸卷锁在你登录时是在活动中的。5. The company, which makes packaging products that include lipstick tubes, mascara vials and brushes and other types of caps and closures, is also making around 300 redundancies.&&&&该公司,从而使包装产品,包括口红管,睫毛膏瓶和刷子和其他类型的帽子和关闭,也使大约300名冗员。6. CAPS6. With excellent product quality and stability of the production company's products currently account for Furui Gong Liquor Co., Ltd. high, medium and low-grade cardboard boxes, caps the purchase of more than 60 percent.&&&&凭借优良的产品质量和稳定的产能目前公司产品已占古井贡酒股份有限公司高、中、低档纸箱、瓶盖采购量的60%以上。7. His 102 caps are more than any active player and he is the second-most capped Spanish player of all time after Zubizarreta.&&&&他担任了国家队102场队长的记录也是现役球员中最多的,在西班牙国家队历史上排在了苏比萨雷塔之后。8. I FEEL THE INADEQUACY OF MY TYPING IN MANDARIN MEANS THAT I SHOULD TYPE IN CAPS. IT'S LIKE WHEN IN A LOSING ARGUMENT, YOU FIND YOURSELF TALKING LOUDER AND LOUDER.&&&&既然不方便打華語,我覺得我應該用大寫字體來寫,就好像當你在激烈爭辯的時候,會發現自己講話越來越大聲一樣。9. Macro emulation witnessed Leonardo DaVinci's flying machines, Antonio Vivaldi's Four Seasons, and Jules Verne's cephalopodic, micro emulation found stained glass cathedral windows in dragonfly wings, Volkswagen bugs in Coleoptera, umbrellas in mushroom caps and gills, art nouveau music stands in Portuguese man-of-wars, fishing nets in spider webs, Japanese wagashi in cherry blossoms and frozen pine boughs, and Chinese scholar's rocks in pluming smoke and roiling ocean waves.&&&&宏观仿真目睹列奥纳多达芬奇的飞行机器,安东尼韦华的四季,凡尔纳的cephalopodic ,潜创作;微观仿真发现彩色玻璃教堂窗户的蜻蜓翅膀,大众臭虫在鞘翅目,雨伞,在蘑菇帽子和鳃,艺术风格的音乐,站在葡萄牙语男子--战争,鱼网,在蜘蛛网,日本的点心,在樱花和冷冻松树boughs ,和中国学者的岩pluming烟雾和颠覆海浪。10. 10. Those less familiar with the forward-moving Prada mind may have been non-plussed by hairy two-tone skull caps with racing jockey stripes or rubberised mohair – and let`s face it, it`s unlikely that they`re going to be first on the shopping lists of Alexandra Shulman or Anna Wintour in the front row – but her fashion magician`s hand on never-seen-before fabrics combined with a skill for creating something both unique and progressive each season is what puts Miuccia Prada ahead of her game.&&&&最后一段不翻了,累死人了。大意是:那些不了解Prada精神早期演变的人或许会被毛绒绒的带有赛马跑道和橡胶马海毛的双色头盖骨帽困惑住。让我们面对它吧。它未必是第一个出现在坐在头排的Alexandra Shulman或Anna Wintour的购物单上的商品。——但是,她每一季结合了独特性和创新性技术的前所未有的面料,正是将Miucia Prada 推向游戏前沿的时尚魔幻之手。11. 11. Available in a hardness of either 70 Shore A or 80 Shore A, this grade can also be used for end caps and special fixation applications.&&&&&&该牌号可提供70邵氏A或80邵氏A两种硬度,既可用于端盖也可用于专门的固定应用12. This season Subcrew add more details on the caps, like using the stripes net, more colors and styles to choose, still US style.&&&&&&当然除了The Hundreds x Subcrew 外,Subcrew 一系列的帽子是不能缺少的,今季比以往最大分别是多了更多细节,如平常见到的网变成了有条子纹的网,颜色,帽款都更多选择,而风格上亦是很美式的。13. Beside the caps, the subcrew tees are hot too, you can find that some of the graphics on the tees are same as cap except the Subcrew Logo Tee and they added the 3m stripe inside the neck collar too.&&&&&&每季除了帽子外,衣服亦是主打之一,除了Subcrew Logo 外,今季大部份的图亦是和帽子一样的,而且他们亦在领内加上一条3m 的边,要细心留意才能看到的!14. They were both dressed neatly in brown dresses with white aprons and caps.&&&&&&她们都穿着整齐的棕色连身裙,配上白色的围裙与帽子。15. CAPS的意思15. No caps were touched, no curtseys bobbed.&&&&&&村里人见了他们,也不脱帽,也不鞠躬。16. 16. I don't look good in caps.&&&&&&我戴鸭舌帽不好看。17. Yesterday he saw some one riding by on horseback who had on knee-caps, and he said, What has he got on his knees?&&&&&&昨天他看见一匹马走过,腿上裹了护膝,他说:它膝头上是什么?18. We have a few years the production of galvanized and plastic wave beam guardrail, Lizhu deter block, column caps and bolts, accessories and other products sold to the ancient king of Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, called sets, Beijing-Shijiazhuang, Hebei, Henan Zhang, Northeast Shen large, Jinan, Shandong, Anhui Hefei-Xuzhou, Jiangsu Lian Xu, Nanjing beltway, Zhejiang Yongtaiwen, Hubei Xiang Jing, Hunan Hengyang-Zaomupu, Guangxi Xing six, Yunnan Kunming and Chongqing Shi, Chongqing and Guizhou, and long multi-million highway.&&&&&&先后几年我们生产的镀锌和喷塑波形梁护栏、立柱、防阻块、柱帽及螺栓配件等系列产品销往到宁夏古王、内蒙古呼集、河北京石、河南郑少、东北沉大、山东济南、安徽合徐、江苏连徐、南京绕城、浙江甬台温、湖北襄荆、湖南衡枣、广西兴六、云南昆石以及重庆渝黔、万长等多条高速公路。19. 19. Leather goods and shoes, caps and toys factories of large and mediumscale, small work shops or indiviual procedures to sew, various fur work of mink, fox, yellow weasel, rabbit, dog, leopard and bear etc.&&&&&&该机器主要适用于毛皮厂,服装厂,皮件厂,制鞋厂,鞋厂,玩具厂等大,中型企业,小工厂及个体户缝制水貂皮,狐皮,黄狼皮,兔皮,狗皮,豹皮,熊皮等各种厚薄裘皮的专用缝纫机。20. CAPS的近义词20. Gone are the days when patients were forced to simply wear unsightly or uncomfortable caps, crowns or dentures.&&&&&&日子已经一去不复返病人被迫干脆戴上有碍观瞻或不舒服的帽子,冠或假牙。CAPS 单语例句1. India's Companies Act of 1956 places caps on executive compensation that are linked to a public company's net revenue.2. Bargain hunters pushed Chinese equities to edge up Tuesday, led by energy and financial large caps.3. The Administration also advised that achieving the proposed emission caps by 2017 does not involve new capital investment by power companies.4. Draped in blue cloaks over cream satin shirts and wearing caps, the boys each carry a small staff.5. China is set to unveil plans to impose controls on total energy consumption and that is closely linked to the country's greenhouse gas caps.6. " The removal of pricing caps would come into effect from next year, " the NDRC said in a statement on coal production and demand for 2009.7. Centuries of tradition explain the special caps and gowns that students and professors wear at commencement ceremonies.8. The commission also kept caps in place on three other types of fees that used to be charged at whatever rate brokers wanted.9. It is an honor which caps a fruitful career that has seen her acting in a number of royal and commoner roles.10. Composer Zhou Long's Pulitzer for an opera version of a Chinese legend caps decades of efforts to bridge the cultures of East and West.CAPS是什么意思,CAPS在线翻译,CAPS什么意思,CAPS的意思,CAPS的翻译,CAPS的解释,CAPS的发音,CAPS的同义词,CAPS的反义词,CAPS的例句,CAPS的相关词组,CAPS意思是什么,CAPS怎么翻译,单词CAPS是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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