有谁知道 time of thetimedelta monthh 的中文意思

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简明英汉词典month[mQnW]n.月美国传统词典[双解]monthmonthAHD:[m?nth] D.J.[m(nG]K.K.[m(nG]n.Abbr. m., mo.(名词)缩写 m., mo.(1)A unit of time corresponding approximately to one cycle of the moon's phases, or about 30 days or 4 weeks.月:大约和月亮盈亏的一个周期相当的时间单位,或约三十天或四周(2)One of the 12 divisions of a year as determined by a calendar, especially the Gregorian calendar.Also called calendar month 月份:由日历确定、尤指由公历确定的将一年分为十二份之一也作 calendar month(3)A period extending from a date in one calendar month to the corresponding date in the following month.一个月的时间:从日历上某月的一天到下个月这一天的一段时间(4)A sidereal month.恒星月(5)A lunar month.太阴月(6)A solar month.太阳月习惯用语month of Sundays【非正式用语】An indefinitely long period of time:一段很长但不确定的时间:It will take you a month of Sundays to chop all that wood.你得花费很长时间才能劈完所有的柴语源(1)Middle English moneth 中古英语 moneth (2)from Old English m?h * see m?- 2源自 古英语 m?h *参见 m?- 2用法(1)The singular month, preceded by a numeral (or number) and a hyphen, is used as a compound attributive: 单数的month 之前跟一个数词(或数字)和一个连字符, 被用作复合定语:a three-month vacation. 三个月的假期。 (2)The plural possessive form without a hyphen is also possible: 不带连字符的复数所有格形式也可以:a three months' vacation. 三个月的假期 现代英汉词典month[mQnW]n.月份现代英汉综合大辞典month[mQnW]n.月; 一个月的时间a calendar month历月a lunar [moon] month太阴月, 农历月a solar month太阳月, 阳历月last month上个月next month下个月the month after next再下一个月the month before last再上一个月this month本月a woman in her 5th month妊娠五个月的妇女a three-month-old baby三个月的婴儿I haven't heard from him for months.我好几个月没收到他的来信了。继承用法month-booksn.每月推荐的书习惯用语a month of Sundays[口]很长的时间by the month按月month after month一月又一月month by month逐月, 月月month in, month out (=month in and month out)月月, 每月特殊用法alternate month隔月刊anomalistic month近点月(约为27.554550天)base month基期月份busy month旺月draconitic month交点月drop-off month不需要的月份dry month旱月fence month禁猎期intercalary month闰月(即二月)moon month朔望月, 太阴月, 农历月r months九月至次年四月(因月名中都有r字母); (在北半球为)牡蛎当令的季节nodical month交点月sidereal month恒星月(27日7时43分11.5秒)sheep month牧羊月数spot month现货交货月synodic month朔望月tropical month分至月用法词典month(来自古英语 monath)[七国语言]英汉公共大词典month月[七国语言]英汉物理大词典month月美国传统词典monthmonthAHD:[m?nth] D.J.[m(nG]K.K.[m(nG]n.Abbr. m., mo.(1)A unit of time corresponding approximately to one cycle of the moon's phases, or about 30 days or 4 weeks.(2)One of the 12 divisions of a year as determined by a calendar, especially the Gregorian calendar.Also called calendar month (3)A period extending from a date in one calendar month to the corresponding date in the following month.(4)A sidereal month.(5)A lunar month.(6)A solar month.习惯用语month of SundaysInformalAn indefinitely long period of time:It will take you a month of Sundays to chop all that wood.语源(1)Middle English moneth (2)from Old English m?h * see m?- 2用法(1)The singular month, preceded by a numeral (or number) and a hyphen, is used as a compound attributive: a three-month vacation. (2)The plural possessive form without a hyphen is also possible: a three months' vacation. [名词委审定]英汉天文学名词(定义版, 1998)month(1)月(2)以月球绕地球公转周期为基准的时间单位。英汉法学大词典month n.月 英汉航空大词典month n.月,一个月的时间 英汉化学大词典month n.月份,月 英汉海运大词典month 月份月 基本词义month 月份月 基本词义month 月月(份)月份 基本词义month 月份 英汉计算机大词典month n.月份 英汉能源大词典month n.月份 英汉水利大词典month n.月份 英汉中医大词典month n.月份
本站所收集信息资料为网络转载 版权属各作者 并已著明作者 旨在资源共享、交流、学习之用,请勿用于商业用途,本站并不保证所有信息、文本、图形、链接及其它内容的绝对准确性和完整性,故仅供访问者参照使用。
Mail: Copyright by ;All rights reserved.Animal liberation ethics is one of the most controversial and influenceable theories in animal ethics, which its delegate is Peter Singer.的翻译是:动物解放的道德是一个最具争议性的理论在influenceable动物道德,它的代表是彼得的歌手。Henry James () is one of the greatest novelists in American literature, an outstanding theorist and practitioner of fiction as well.的翻译是:亨利·詹姆斯( ) 是最大的一个小说家在美国文学,小说的杰出理论家和实践者。This method applies to measure the thickness of the one/more film in micron, the microstructure of films would be observed and studied the while.的翻译是:这种方法适用于测量其厚度的一个/多个电影在微米、微结构的观察、研究会的电影。The western rock lobster and the huge industry it supports are just one victim of the vagaries of El Nino induced ocean currents.的翻译是:在西方摇滚的龙虾和巨大的企业它支持只是一个受害者的反复无常的厄尔尼诺现象引起的洋流。Ted was a geek in high school, who was going to go to the prom with one of the most popular girls in school, Mary.的翻译是:贸易、环境和发展是一个搞怪的高中,他们要去的prom的最受欢迎的一个女孩留在学校,马利亚。By designing the negative shift for the sprocket, its trajectory coincides with the theoretical one, and the meshing quality is improved.的翻译是:在设计的不利转变为链轮,其轨迹的理论相吻合,相互交织,质量得到改善。A boiler tube cracked after only one month service. This kind of ephemeral cracking behavior was studied in this paper using optical microscope.的翻译是:一个锅炉管破裂后只有一个月服务。 这种短暂的开裂行为进行了研究,本文使用光学显微镜进行观察。A folding or small desk stool at which worshipers kneel to pray, especially one on which the British sovereign kneels at the time of coronation.的翻译是:一个折叠式或小桌小凳上,在车公庙参拜跪地祈祷,特别是一个两头收拢的英国主权的加冕礼的时间。Permanent magnet is one of the key materials in the design and fabrication of MEMS devices, for example, application in micro relay, micropump, and valve.的翻译是:永久磁铁的一个关键是在设计和制造材料的微机电系统设备,例如,应用程序在微型继电器,micropump和阀。Taking advantage of ES, This paper implements the changeable phases signal using CLIPS (C Language Integrated Production System) language which is one of ES tools.的翻译是:利用es,这纸张实现信号使用剪辑的多变阶段(c语言集成生产系统)语言是一个es工具。The oil absorbing particle that is developed newly will have over 3 times of effect to absorb the sebum than the original one.的翻译是:吸收的油粒子,是发达国家新会有超过3次的效果比原来在吸收皮脂。One of the red hot coals leaped out from underneath the pot and landed in between the straw and the bean.的翻译是:其中一个红色跃出水火不能相容的从下面之间的最后一根稻草,最终落在锅和咖啡豆。Naming-speed m e asures contributed more to one minutes reading when it entered the equation bef ore the pho nological measure.的翻译是:命名约定-速度me能够确保更多的贡献时读取一个分钟的等式bef矿石进入的卧佛寺测量理论。On the one hand, it is oppressed by imperialism and fettered by feudalism and consequently is in contradiction with both of them. 的翻译是:一方面,它是受压迫的束缚和帝国主义的矛盾,封建主义和因此是在他们两人。The directional feature is considered suitable for handwriten chinese character recognition, and it has been widely used as one of the main feature extraction method.的翻译是:认为是适宜的双向功能handwriten中文字符识别的,它已被广泛用作的一个主要特征提取方法。The present Nanyuan Park is characterized by wide scenic view with gentle hillock and valley, intercrossing rivers and streams, its waterscape accounting for one third of the park.的翻译是:目前南苑公园风景如画的特点是广泛和谷丘与温柔,intercrossing河流和溪涧,其水景公园的占三分之一。In 54 ears with otitis media,11 cured at one time,8 at two times and 32 at three times,3 underwent tympanic membrance repairing for infection.的翻译是:在54个耳朵与媒体报道11治愈中耳炎,8在两个时代在一个和32个自古已有三个经历了鼓室膜修复3感染。In laboratory experiments, the effect occurred at levels of chilli that would be found in the stomach of someone who ate one or two curries a day.的翻译是:所做的实验中,在发生影响的红辣椒,就能找到人的胃部的一天吃一个或两个咖喱。“Wigan set their stall out with one up as most teams are doing. But we got the spark in the second half and earned a good victory.的翻译是:“他们的摊位,一个悬念设置,大多数球队都这样做。 但我们在第二个一半的火花,他还获得了很好的胜利。Soros, who at one stage after the fall of the Berlin Wall was providing more assistance to Russia than the US government, believes in practising what he preaches.的翻译是:索罗斯,他在一个阶段在柏林墙倒塌后,提供更多的援助,俄罗斯比美国政府,认为在实践他言行一致。
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Copyright (C) 2005 - . All Rights Reserved.at the time of month
The river flow at the time of last month's breach was not even high.
All women don't conceive the first time they have sex, as they should have unprotected sex at the right time of the month for pregnancy to occur.
Like other female animals, she happened to meet this man at the right time of the month and at the precise moment for the highest chance of conception.
Hurricane Sandy struck one of the biggest car-buying regions at the worst time of the month possible.
When backwardation happens, the future contracts of a commodity are actually priced lower than the price of the current month contract at the time of sale, and the investor (or ETF) can benefit by selling the current month high and buying the next month lower.
In addition, women often send subtle (and subconscious) come-hither cues at the most fertile time of the month.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!first half of the month
航海及海运专业英语词汇(F2) ...
first generation engine 第一代中速柴油机
first half of the month 前半个月
first hand tap 头攻丝锥 ...
Hard work and sweat will be needed during the first half of the month.
New faces will enter your life in the first half of the month, and among those you meet, there will be one or two people you will want to see again to get to know better.
If home or family occupies your thinking the first half of the month, then career will be all your focus in the second half.
That said, follow-on demand remained solid despite the concentration of supply in the first half of the month.
Credit card rates across all categories were also unchanged in the second half of September, which was a change from the first half of the month, when consumer rewards and non-rewards rates both rose.
The University of Michigan reported its closely watched Consumer Sentiment Index fell further in the first half of this month, to 57.5, from the already troublesome 59.4 in September.
- 来自原声例句


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