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负荷- Samealb
劣徒 Sadnessb
未亡 Sakitamb
暖兮 princessb
钟摆人- Puppetb
流浪者 Decadentb
惹人爱 Triste
Gloaming 薄暮城
uperficial° 浮浅
Glu TtoNy 沉沦
Chafferer 迷心
silent 黑白年代
Eternally 永恒
anesthesia 麻醉
寻找爱 Looking
Quorra's chord. 心弦
谁的心动 Who's heart
∨- 小温柔 Gent1e°
心痛 heartache°
心计 Femaleb
梦 寐? Zahara
恋战 WhiteInte
东霓  -dream
守望信仰 U Soul
诱惑 Marlboro
狗狐狸 Enchanting
洫暗.Ⅱ lonely
怀魂 Layoomietyb
煞有介事 Full Version
a偷腥的猫 Gentle
温存° d3sTiny-
怯生生 cowardly
旧人梦k Curtain°
囚心锁 Soul ≈
淡定 Composureb
乱情°Guetse -
心动则痛 Oath
惹人爱 Triste
染尘 /9 Demon。
别挽留 Letitgo
挚爱 forever
- sion &幽瞳
残忍 Cruel
___su°夕 陌
now ° 待续
依稀 Unclear≈
n vicky`素颜
Susan┃ 控
  染 - Day
妖艳 Eiffel°
灵姬 °solar
柔眸 - Honeay.
丿Soq 简单
魅惑≈ 1ov3r,§
摧毁° Any,-U
灵魂Eason ※
D3ath” -亡魂
Silence 情つ
Time. 时光。
In a hurry. 匆匆
Lost. 迷失。
Be brave. 勇敢。
When. 时过。
To love. 去爱。
Healing. 愈合。
Memorial. 纪念。
Scar. 疤痕。
Concerned. 牵挂。
想爱就爱yes or no
失夜 Sak1tama
Airport 空港
生死相随 |lose heart
凉城 〔Triste anima〕
胭脂ㄨ The death of love
温存, Host is blue\
Smiling at mek嫣然
cherry blossoms 樱
Sadness 无心的人
痴人说梦 Stupid-▲
消逝 friendship
深呼吸 Deep breaths
Lattice 格子
温柔控° proven
独家▲ (memory)
不可一世 Struggleを
孽障‖ Tenderness
放纵是什么意思 放纵在线翻译 放纵什么意思 放纵的意思 放纵的翻译 放纵的解释 放纵的发音 放纵的同义词 放纵的反义词 放纵的例句
放纵 基本解释放纵[fàng zòng]词典放纵let sb. have his own way词典放纵词典放纵自己的词典[医] 放纵,纵欲词典放纵放纵 汉英大词典放纵[fàng zòng](纵容) let sb. indulge:  例:你太放纵孩子了。    You are too indulgent with your children.(不守规矩) self- undisciplined放纵 网络解释1. abandon:而后者又可分为三类:中途由于放弃(Abandon)而放纵(Abandon)的;由于放纵而放弃的以及最终坚持下来的. 希望自己在红宝书的光辉照耀下,把这支忠字舞跳完,即使途中发生踩到他人脚等郁闷事件的出现.2. indulgence:失落(lost)和放纵(Indulgence)是现代人心中挥不去的一种心理,港商小易(陈奕迅饰)应是找对了市场,但可惜他迷上了本该成为他病人的凡丽(蒋雯丽饰吴涛(曾志伟饰)开的计程车坠入江中,他的失踪带给儿子小川(檀健次饰)一个释不开的失落;3. 3. turn loose:come about 发生 | turn loose 放开,释放;听凭,放纵 | respect for 对...的尊敬4. 放纵什么意思4. indulge vt:induction n.就职,入伍仪式,归纳 | indulge vt.使自己沉迷, 放纵;迁就;[商]允许某人延期付款 | industrious a.勤劳的放纵 双语例句1. 自从8个月大时开始给她放纵吃之后,希希越来越重,又长得很高,所以我们都觉得真的是被那个卖希希的男人骗了,他说希希是迷你,不会过一呎长架!&&&&So I think I was deceived by the one who sold Hei Hei to me: He said Hei Hei would be less than 1 feet long...2. 2. 交易,是我的事业,为了做好交易,保持最佳体能和最好的精神状态;我过着与普通人不同的生活,我仿佛为交易而生,日常生活极有规律,每天除了饮食与休息,就是积极地训练与专注地交易,我不会放纵、不皆烟酒、不近美色、不求闻达、不逐名利……交易,促成交易!&&&&Transactions, is my career, in order to do transactions, to maintain optimal physical fitness and th I lived a different life with ordinary people, I would like for the transaction of Health, a very regular life, apart from eating every day and the rest, that is active in training and focus on land transactions, I will not indulge, not all tobacco and alcohol, do not abuse sexuality, not seeking Wen-da, not by fame and fortune...... transactions, 13, 128, 971, 889 in brokering a deal!3. 放纵的翻译3. 这是我对你最放纵的想念。&&&&It is the wildest rememberance for you.4. 即使中规中矩的你会说:我没有藉由这些放纵物来逃避自我。&&&&Even if you say in your propriety, I don't try to escape m yself through these5. 5. 与如今好莱坞多数近乎自我放纵的拖延式电影不同的是,《七武士》充分利用了自身长度带来的创造空间,而不是仅仅满足于长度的出众。&&&&The longest hit film since 1939's three-hour-and-forty-two-minute Gone with the wind, Seven Samurai came by its length honestly.6. 它不是巴黎、米兰的豪华奢靡,更不是物资冲斥下的颓然放纵。&&&&It`s neither the luxurious ism of Paris and Milan, nor the dejected indulges under the impact of material demand.7. 7. 我们要避免过分放纵和过度浪费。&&&&We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption.8. 8. 我们要避免过分放纵和过度浪费。&&&&We must avoid... We must instead...9. 放纵的翻译9. 他太放纵他的孩子们。&&&&He indulges his children too much.10. 10. 我在找工作前恣情放纵了最后一次。&&&&I had one last fling before getting a job.11. 接下来的45分钟,在登上最后一班回家的火车前,他可以尽情放纵,不会被逮捕。&&&&&&For the next 45 minutes the connoisseur is under no risk of arrest as he gropes to gay abandon—before joining the slumberers on one of the last real trains home.12. 由于增加体重同减肥几乎同样困难,保持你的体重和避免体重的增加在未来的5个星期是可行的,请记得你需要消耗3500卡路里去减掉一磅脂肪,因此,只要你不放纵自己,你应当能够拥走出假期饮食造成身材走失的阴霾,并在享受假期的同时还能保持假期开始时的体重。&&&&&&Since gaining weight is almost as difficult as losing weight, maintaining your weight and avoiding weight gain for the next five weeks is feasible. Remember you have to consumer 3500 extra calories to gain one pound of fat. So as long as you don`t overindulge, you should be able to come out of the holiday season a lot poorer but carrying the same weight as you were when the season began.13. 放纵的意思13. 凡夫愚人也是这样,认真求取菩提想要求得果位,就应持戒来防止各种罪恶,然而被五欲所侵毁,破了清净戒律,犯禁了之后就离开了圣法,放纵心识意念无恶不作,修道法门及清净戒律都损失舍弃,就如同那愚人的骆驼和罐子都失去了一样。&&&&&&Such an idiot was jeered by the people at large.14. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D14. 此时此刻,我们一定要保持冷静与睿智,不要放纵情感。&&&&&&This is the time that we must evince calm and wise restraint. Emotions must not run wild.15. 放纵15. 在歌剧院里,康妮坐他的旁边,他有点他的大腿是肥满的,但依旧是结实而轻快的,这是一个享受过生之乐趣的人的本腿,他的愉快的性情,他的自私,他的固执的放纵无,他的无质侮的肉感,康妮觉得这一切都可以从他的轻快而坚直的两条大腿看出来。&&&&&&Connie sat next to him at the opera.16. 16. 这故事象是一群失去控制的、富于想象力的城市居民在放纵嘻闹之后做的狂热之梦。&&&&&&The story is like a fever dream that a disturbed and imaginative city-dweller might have after binging on comics.17. 放纵的意思17. 不要这样,原谅你这一次的放纵,然后继续你的健康饮食计划。&&&&&&Instead, just forgive yourself for any indulgences, and getback on your healthy eating plan.18. 他们尽情放纵自己,在商店里喜欢什么买什么。&&&&&&They are on a jag, buying everything that they like in the store.19. 偶尔小小格致的放纵,宛若自然在撒满阳光的山坡上纵情欢笑;有时深沉坚定,低低吟唱,仿佛风的轻吼;有时如号角长鸣,透过枝桠纠缠交织的森林传至耳际,缭绕着那越来越微弱的回声,渐行渐远;犹如那素来静谧温存的漾漾波涛,此刻却掀起滚滚巨浪,愤怒的冲击鞭打着海岸,轰隆吼叫,汹涌澎湃;其间还点缀着尖笑声声;不时蹦出几个离奇出格的音符,奏出几段意想不到的旋律,好象自然也会使小性儿,发脾气------但通常还是天真自然,无忧无虑,毫无羁绊-------往往让人想起光着屁股的小娃儿,或玩耍嬉戏,或酣然睡去。&&&&&&Dainty abandon, sometimes as if Nature laughing on a hill serious and firm monotones, a horn sounding though the tangle of the forest,
soothing floating of waves, but presently rising in surges, angrily lashing, muttering, piercing peels of laughter, now and then weird, as Nature herself is in certain moods------but mainly spontaneous, easy, careless------often the sentiment of postures of naked children playing or sleeping.20. 放纵的翻译20. 我也看到了他仔细探讨所有需要考虑的事情的习惯,他坚持不懈,决不因对初步印象的满足就停止他的探究;他有一种保持友谊的气质,不会很快厌倦朋友,同时又不放纵自己的柔情;他对所有环境都感到满足和快乐;能不夸示地显微知着,富有远见;他直接阻止流行的赞颂和一切谄媚;对帝国的管理所需要的事务保持警醒,善于量入为出,精打细算,并耐心地忍受由此而来的责难;他不迷信神灵,也不以赏赐、娱乐或奉承大众而对人们献殷勤;他在所有事情上都显示出一种清醒和坚定,不表现任何卑贱的思想或行为,也不好新骛奇。&&&&&&I observed too his habit of careful inquiry in all matters of deliberation, and his persistency, and that he never stopped his investigation through being satisfied with appearances which firs and that his disposition was to keep his friends, and not to be soon tired of them, nor yet to be extravag and to be satisfied on all occasions, and to foresee things a long way off, and to provide for the smal and to check immediately popular appla and to be ever watchful over the things which were necessary for the administration of the empire, and to be a good manager of the expenditure, and patiently to endure the blame which he
and he was neither superstitious with respect to the gods, nor did he court men by gifts or by trying to please them, or by fla but he showed sobriety in all things and firmness, and never any mean thoughts or action, nor love of novelty.放纵是什么意思,放纵在线翻译,放纵什么意思,放纵的意思,放纵的翻译,放纵的解释,放纵的发音,放纵的同义词,放纵的反义词,放纵的例句,放纵的相关词组,放纵意思是什么,放纵怎么翻译,单词放纵是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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英文翻译1.(纵容) let sb. indulge 短语和例子你太放纵孩子了。 you are too indulgent with your children.2.(不守规矩) self- 放纵主义 permissivism:&&&& intemperate - co ...:&&&&libertines:&&&&sybarite - ascetic:&&&&plant:&&&&acolasia:&&&&abandon oneself to:&&&& lawless heart:&&&&turn loose:&&&&yield up:&&&& bohemian
例句与用法Do n't confuse liberty with overindulge .不要把自由与放纵混为一谈。The style was hurried, the tone intemperate .匆促的笔调,放纵的语气。We yearn to surrender our entire being .我们渴望着放纵我们整个的生命。You are too indulgent with your children .你太放纵孩子了。Here was a greater fertility and greater abandonment .这里更加丰饶,更加放纵。This very remorse reacted again into indulgence .这种内疚的心情却又转化为溺爱放纵。Why do we allow ourselves ?我们为什么放纵自己呢?He denies himself nothing .他对自己放纵。It was an ecstasy beyond description, complete surrender .这是无法形容的迷醉,是彻头彻尾的放纵。The blame of delinquency may be laid at the door of careless parents .少年犯罪可能要归咎于父母的放纵。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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