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NN们请帮个忙,下面是OG12里数学的题,我怎么搞不清“and for every household that used both brands of soap, 3 used only Brand B soap”这句话的逻辑了,多谢拉!!!A marketing firm determined that, of 200 householdssurveyed, 80 used neither Brand A nor Brand B soap,60 used only Brand A soap, and for every householdthat used both brands of soap, 3 used only Brand Bsoap. How many of the 200 households surveyed usedboth brands of soap?(A) 15(B) 20(C) 30(D) 40(E) 45
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OG11 诊断测试里面也有这道题。那句话是比较别扭,主要是大陆英文老师从来不教给学生如此大胆的句式。其意思是:相对于每个同时使用A/B两个品牌的家庭,有3个只使用B品牌的家庭。设前者为X,后者即3X。200-80=60+x+3x4x=60x=15KEY=A
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under "3.1 Quantitative Sample Questions"
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97. Delta Products Inc. has recently switched at least partly from older technologies using fossil fuels to new technologies powered by electricity. The question has been raised whether it can be concluded that for a given level of output Delta’s operation now causes less fossil fuel to be consumed than it did formerly. The answer, clearly, is yes, since the amount of fossil fuel used to generate the electricity needed to power the new technologies is less than the amount needed to power the older technologies, provide level of output is held constant. In the argument given, the two boldfaced portions play which of the following roles?答案选B. The first provides support for the conclu the second identifies the content of that conclusion. 我能够理解对第二句的解释,即the second identifies the content of that conclusion. 但第一句就是描述了一个事件,怎么provides support for the conclusion of the argument了?99. Which of the following most logically completes the argument?The irradiation of food kills bacteria and thus retards spoilage. However, it also lowers the nutritional values of many foods. For example, irradiation destroys a significant percentage of whatever vitamin B1 a food may contain. Proponents of irradiation point out that irradiation is no worse in this respect than cooking. However, this fact is either beside the point, since much irradiated food is eaten raw, or else misleading since________.答案选E. for food that is both irradiated and cooked, the reduction of vitamin B1 associated with either process individually is compounded. 俺就是搞不明白这里面的逻辑关系,尤其是最后这句However, this fact is either beside the point, since much irradiated food is eaten raw, or else misleading since________,以及尤其最后这一部分or else misleading since________.支持者提出的是irradiation不比cooking更损失vitamin B1。那么生吃的食物自然跟支持者提出的东西没什么关系,因为不用cooking,也可以理解irradiation会让生的食物损失vitamin B1。那么要cooking的食物呢,支持者提出的怎么就misleading了?
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97 &The first BF is the premise of the argument. &A premise is the foundation for the conclusion to build on. Thus it provides support to the conclusion.99 &There are two voices here. &One is the proponents of irradiation. &The other is the author. &The author says &However, this fact (that irradiation is no worse than cooking in terms of destroying vitamin B1) is either beside the point or else misleading.&It is misleading because if you want to cook the food in the end, irradiating the food before cooking would destroy more vitamin B1 than not irradiating the food, especially when B is right.
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E选项:A+B=2A or 2B→A&B不成立(A指辐射,B指烹饪)
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食物有两种,一种生吃,一种熟吃。对于那些生吃的,用辐射肯定会使营养流失,与烹饪相比较没有任何意义,因为这本来就是生吃,不进行辐射也得生着吃;另一种,是熟吃,不管你用不用辐射,你都要烹饪它,所以辐射肯定比不辐射有害的多。总体来说,反驳了文中看似合理,其实比较对象错误的现象。不能拿辐射和烹饪相比较,他们不是同类的。你拿炒着吃和煮着吃可以比较,因为两种做菜方法可以替换,而辐射和烹饪怎么能替换?举个例子,猪肉可以炒、也可以煮,但是,肉可以烹饪着吃,也可以生着吃么?那不成原始人了么。。。-- by 会员
( 15:33:36)
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食物有两种,一种生吃,一种熟吃。对于那些生吃的,用辐射肯定会使营养流失,与烹饪相比较没有任何意义,因为这本来就是生吃,不进行辐射也得生着吃;另一种,是熟吃,不管你用不用辐射,你都要烹饪它,所以辐射肯定比不辐射有害的多。总体来说,反驳了文中看似合理,其实比较对象错误的现象。不能拿辐射和烹饪相比较,他们不是同类的。你拿炒着吃和煮着吃可以比较,因为两种做菜方法可以替换,而辐射和烹饪怎么能替换?举个例子,猪肉可以炒、也可以煮,但是,肉可以烹饪着吃,也可以生着吃么?那不成原始人了么。。。-- by 会员
( 15:33:36)
精彩!理解了!!-- by 会员 爱吃巧克力 ( 23:53:44)
In fact, what
explained is beside the point since it did not explain the COMPOUNDING effect, which is missed by the proponent of irradiation. The question has nothing to do with EXCHANGING or COMPARING the way to cook the food.
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99 &There are two voices here. &One is the proponents of irradiation. &The other is the author. &The author says &However, this fact (that irradiation is no worse than cooking in terms of destroying vitamin B1) is either beside the point or else misleading.&It is misleading because if you want to cook the food in the end, irradiating the food before cooking would destroy more vitamin B1 than not irradiating the food, especially when B is right.-- by 会员 sdcar2010 ( 12:34:31)[/quote]比较笨不理解对misleading的解释,辐射食物是生吃的,是反对proponent的观点吗?怎么反对?纠结中~~
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本帖最后由 syeira 于
09:18 编辑
&br /&1、根据OG的分类,我一共分成了9个文档,每个文档一个语法现象。&br /&2、解析综合了李希强的PPT、各种讨论帖中大家的回答、大牛们的各种prep总结笔记,参考的东西太多,没有将出处一个一个打在我的解析上,如果有冒犯的地方请见谅。如果有童鞋觉得受到了侵犯请告诉我哦,我再修改 :)&br /&3、由于时间仓促,这份材料肯定存在着各种各样的漏洞和错误,如果有发现的,请务必告诉我呀。别默默地自己改了让我接着错&img src=&/static/legacy-emoticon/FACE/21.gif& emoticon=&[em:FACE/21]& alt=&& /&(这种不厚道的事情不攒人品哦哈哈)&br /&4、答案隐藏在了D选项后,解析隐藏在了题目后,点显示/隐藏标记就可以看到了。&br /&5、每个文档中我只说明了涉及该语法现象的地方,所以同一个题可能出现在好几个文档中。&br /&6、各位都考试顺利。希望我分享的解析能为大家节省一点时间,能尽上微薄之力我也很高兴啦。&br /&&br /&好啦,基本就是这些了,想起什么来再补充吧。&br /&还是设置一下密码吧,免得沉太快(&img src=&/static/legacy-emoticon/44.gif& emoticon=&[em:44]& alt=&& /&)&br /&&br /&chasedream&br /&&br /&&br /&————————————————————分割线——————————————————&br /&6.13 多谢纳纳太阳花童鞋的提醒,我120题的答案写错了,应该选D。压缩包里我就不更新了哟。各位同学注意下吧 :)
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[求助]OG12-106 it指代问题以及that跳跃修饰问题
OG12-106Marconi's conception of the radio was as a substitutefor the telephone, a tool for private conversation:instead, it is precisely the opposite, a tool forcommunicating with a large, public audience.(A)&Marconi's conception of the radio was as asubstitute for the telephone, a tool for private instead, it is(B)&Marconi conceived of the radio as a substitutefor the telephone, a tool for privateconversation, but which is(C)&& Marconi conceived of the radio as a tool forprivate conversation that could substitute for the instead, it has become(D)&Marconi conceived of the radio to be a tool forprivate conversation, a substitute for thetelephone, which has become(E)&Marconi conceived of the radio to be asubstitute for the telephone, a tool for privateconversation, other than what it is,OA是(C)& 我想请问下这个C的分号后的主语it为什么可以一定指代的就是radio呢,我怎么觉得从语法上有点unclear呢?还有这个that从意思上可以看出来是指tool,但是这个 跳跃没有任何指示啊;以前看到的that跳跃问题都是通过that后面的谓语动词单复数来判断的,这里就不好判断了呢??请各位指点一下。。。谢啦[此贴子已经被作者于 9:53:51编辑过]
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顶起!!问conceive的用法 哪个对?哪个不对啊/
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up up~~~conceive of ...as是固定用法麽?
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as a tool……conversation 是插入语吧,所以that指代的是radio同问,求nn解答C选项it为什么没有歧义!!!~~~~~
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