
- 雅思作文】
雅思的A类小作文Task One主要包括与&数字&有关的图形题 就像Microsoft的Office中有一款Excel电子表格。利用填入数字产生不同类型的表格,方便人们找到主要的信息。换句话讲,表格就能够演变成&柱状图、曲线图、饼图&。只要我们知道如何写表格题,其他的图也是一样的写法,而且更为直观。所以必须先学会分析和描述表格题。
题目要求:Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
&Summarize& 意味着:你需要有&概括&性的句子,概括的是&main features& 通常来讲,与数字有关的特性就有两项。第一项:随变化的数字就是趋势;第二项:有不同对象的数字就是比较。换句话讲,只要把题目中的这些特性概括出来,文章的最主要内容就完成了。接下来,就是用具体的数字作为例子来强调这种特性是存在的。
&Make comparisons&意味着具体写作的时候,应该有一个基准对象即切入点,其他的对象都要和它进行比较(或者相同,或者不同)。
在雅思小作文数据类题目中,柱状图的信息量往往较多且杂,因而成为了了大部分雅思烤鸭们比较头疼的题型。在对雅思作文柱状图的数据处理的过程中,除了对柱状图进行动态或静态的区分、进而对数据进行相应的变化趋势或分布状态描述以外,在雅思文章中还有一个重要的细节需要进行阐述,而这个夺分的关键,就是柱子间的差距所体现出的信息。下面就以两道例题为例,简单地展示怎样从“差距”这个细节中找到隐藏的信息点。 Example 1: The graph above show information ofemployment rates across 6 countries in 1995 and2005. Summarize the information by choosing and describe the main idea, and makecomparisons where appropriate.
通过对数据的整理我们不难发现,这幅图两个明显的信息点,即对于这六个国家来说,1995年的雇佣率总是低于2005年的雇佣率,女性的受雇佣率也总是低于男性的相应数据。接下来,还有什么信息点需要进行阐述呢?很明显,在本图中,除了年份和性别外,国家也是一个很重要的组成部分。可是该怎样描述国家间的对比关系呢?如果以国家的雇佣率高低来进行描述,会显得信息冗杂且重复。 那让我们换个角度来想,如果以一个国家内部的数据特点作为分类标准,看看国家内同年份男性和女性的雇佣率差距,不难发现Australia, Iceland 和 New Zealand同年份的男女雇佣率差距很明显,而在Switzerland,UK 和 USA 二者的差距就比较小。就此,这道题第三个重要的信息点就可以被归纳出来了。 Example 2: The chart below shows information about changes in average house prices in five different cities between 1990 and 2002 compared with the average house prices in 1989.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and makecomparisons where relevant. (真题7 Test 3 Task 1) 对本题的信息描述并不难,我们可以对两个时间段的房价情况进行分别描述,也可以把两个时间段的信息进行混合,按照“始终在1989年平均房价之上”、“始终在1989年平均房价之下”和“一开始低于1989年的平均房价但之后高于1989年的均价”的标准进行分类描述。但无论哪种思路,在总结段我们都需要对图中信息做进一步的对比,那么柱子间的差距就又成为需要关注的重点信息了。通过比较差值不难发现,New York 和London的平均房价在这12年里经历了比较明显的变化,而Madrid, Tokyo 和 Frankfurt 的平均房价则变动不大。 通过以上的两道例题,我们不难看出,在雅思作文柱状图中,柱子间差距的大小和变化总是会成为一个隐藏的重要信息点,如果烤鸭们能有意识去发现差距所代表的信息点,那么柱状图的高分就不难斩获了。
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  这部分题目每年考的次数不多,大概4、5次左右,题目中的主要要求是&what are the reasons and provide solutions.&需要考生对于某个现象或者问题给出理由,并且提供一些可行性较强的建议,大多是问government和individual可以采取哪些措施。
  这部分考的频率比较高,通常题目中会出现&describe both views and give your own opinions.&这样的字样。对于这类题目,必须要讨论两个观点,并且就此给出自己的意见,这是题目要求,如果只讨论一个那么就是偏题,会被扣分。
  这类题型可以说是雅思大作文常考类型,主要是问&do you agree or disagree/to what extent do you agree or disagree/what&s your opinion?&考生要注意审题,如果题目中是问A&D,那么答案只有两个即A or D.不能持中立;如果是问extent,那么可以有3种答案totally, mostly and partly.
& & 以上就是&雅思大作文题型有哪些&的全部内容,希望大家在小编的帮助下,能够有效的备考,从而取得自己满意的成绩!!
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Line Graph
Flow Chart
The diagram describes the production of canned
The bar chart show the percetage of the whole world
population in four countries from 1950 to 2002, with projection to
The table and chart show the time spent at leisure and
household activities in 2008.
Leisure Activities (average minute per
TV, video, radio
关于volunteer照顾local community的小孩,为什么感兴趣为什么认为自己适合和details
of availibility。
Flow Chart
The bar chart
shows the percentage of spending on three categories: food and
drinks, accommodation and entertainment in 5 age groups ( under 30;
30-49; 50-59; 60-69; over 70).
The bar charts
describe the materials that required to make two different types of
cups, and the percentage of material to make every
Your friend wants to travel to a city but he/she doesn't have
enough money. You have to
give him/her suggestions about what and where can he/she
enjoy? Also some
recommendation for accommodation.
Line + Bar
The chart shows the most commonly used places to get access to the
The table shows the difference
of&secondary/high school
teachers'&salary in five different countries in
2009.(starting, after 15years, max, years taken to the
Flow Chart
The diagram shows the stages of
processing cocoa beans.
The bar charts show the different percentage
of&boys and girls
getting top grades (A and B)&in
Sciences, Arts, Maths, Language and Humanities in one
country&in 1960 and 2000.
The bar chart shows the class size in primary and lower
secondary schools in six countries in 2006, and the world average
class size this year.
The table gives information about annual salaries of
five employment sectors in Australia in 2006
Line graph
The two line graphs show the changes of travellers by
train in Sydney from 1995 to 2004 and the proportion of train
arriving on time.
The bar chart shows children's activities within two
weeks between 5 and 14 years old in Australia.
Line Graph
The line graph shows the numbers of visitors to
moutains, lakes and seashores in Europe.
Bar Charts
The chart shows the percentage of unemployed people aged
between 15 and 24 in five European countries in 2005, with the
overall unemployment in 2005.
The bar chart shows the numbers of
magazines sold per person in five countries in 2000 and 2010, with
projected sales in 2020.
The two maps show the two possible
layouts for a room.
Line Graph
The line graph shows the dollars
(per person population) spent on research about renewable energy in
four countries from 1975 to 2000.
Bar Charts
The bar charts show the types of
books between 1972 and 2012.
Bar Charts
The bar charts show the sources of energy in a country
during two-year period.
Line Graph
The line graph shows the three different types of crimes
in England and Wales from 1970 to 2005.
Already have a new job difficult to
find. Ask some advice to your friend which have similar job with
you in another company.&
Line Graph
The line graph shows the percentage of people using public
transport and people using private cars in five
Line Graph
The line graph shows the percentage of people going to
movie theatre different age groups.
The plans below show the South Wing of WaltonMuseum in
2008 and in 2012 after it was redeveloped.
The pie charts show the
use of water by secters (food, building, manufacturing, household,
service) n Sydney from 1997 to 2007.
Line Graph
The line graph shows the land for organic
Line& Graph
The line graph shows the marriage in UK.
The bar chart shows three kinds of fruit and the amount
exported to different counties in 2012.
The maps show a place before and after construction of a
hydroelectric dam.
The diagram shows a place, before and after the construction of a
hydroelectric dam.
In 1980, there was a southward river among mountains. On the left
bank of river was a forest, which was located to the north of some
architect structures. Meanwhile, several rare plants and animals
lived close to these architectures. On the right side ofthis river,
there was a piece of irrigated land along the river, near local
Two decade later, this place had changed a lot. At first, the
original woods were deforested and those buildings were completely
removed. Besides, the irrigated land was replaced by a hotel so
that the original villages moved to the southeast corner of the
river, sited to the east of some newly-built electricity towers.
Moreover, a large hydroelectric dam was constructed in the south
and ended the river. As a result, the river was enlarged and became
a fishing lake.
Overall, after the construction of the dam, the place could better
cater for the need of the local people by providing energy and
resources to them.
A卷:五个不同国家三年向澳洲移民的动态,line chart
B卷:柱状图,五个国家health spending GDP
范文:The diagram shows the change of a coastal
town named Pentland from 1950 to 2007.
In 1950, Pentland was located on the south of the sea. There was
a straight main road to the sea and two diverging paths to the left
and the right. At the end of the left path was an industrial area
while the right path was a car park. The rest areas were an immense
of grassland.
57 years later, the sea was developed as a yacht marina, circled
by a newly-built road. Along the right side of this road, many new
apartments were built. The original industrial area was removed and
replaced by a park, a swimming pool and a multi-storey car park.
Meanwhile, the right bottom corner of Pentland has been a housing
territory. To the opposite of these houses, there was a cinema in
the south of the town, close to the main road. Meanwhile, many
shops were constructed along the diverging paths.
Overall, Pentland has been a busy commercial coastal town after
30 year’s development.
1题目:The bar charts show the employment rate of men and
women aged between 60 and 64 indifferent countries in 1991 and
The two bar charts demonstrate how the employment situation of
males and females whose ages were from 60 to 64 changed in four
different countries (USA, Japan, Australia and ?) in two years,
1991 and 2001 respectively.The first chart illustrates that the
employment rate of men was higher in the year 1991 than that in
2001 in all the countries listed. Among the four countries, Japan
enjoyed the highest employment rate in both of the years (?% in
1991, ?% in 2001). By contrast, the country ? ranked the second
place in 1991 but its figure dropped to the last place in 2001.In
contrast, the employment situation of women in the four countries
varied with each other. For instance, both Japan and ?witnessed a
decrease of employment rate during the ten years, while the USA and
Australia experienced an increase. Meanwhile, in both of the years,
Australia and ?had lower employment rate than that in the USA and
To sum up, males and females experienced different employment
situations during the ten years, however, males enjoyed a higher
employment rate than females in
发布时间:日 来源:毕达留学
1.一般没有had a decrease/ increase的说法,一般是saw a decrease/increase。Increased, decreased, declined 这些上升和下降的词都没有被动语态
2.当the number, the amount, the figure, the proportion做句子的主语的时候,不能用account for
The proportion of 后面不能加句子,譬如说 the proportion of people worked in the healthcare sector是错的,要写成the proportion of people who worked in the healthcare sector
3.The amount不能替换the number
5.Picture 不能替换graph 或者chart
6.不要用定语从句读数据,譬如说 the crime rate in the US was highest, which was 0.3%. 这里的which was 直接省略。
7.结尾段一般不写in conclusion
9.一般是compared with,而不是comparing with
10.Followed by后面要写名词,而且这个名词要和主句的主语性质差不多
11.Reach 读数据的时候不能加to或者at, 直接加数据就可以
12.说人年龄的时候应该是aged,譬如说people aged from 15 to 24
13.一般不会用过去进行时态,也就是was increasing/decreasing 是错的
14.While, whereas一定要连接两个独立的句子,不能够单独存在
15.副词slightly不能修饰名词,应该是slight increase, drop
17.尽量不要用套句,如果用,要注意不要写错,it is worth noting that, it should be noted that
18.图表作文一般用不到on the contrary, 用in contrast, by contrast即可,表示波动可以说fluctuated,不要写saw a fluctuation
20.remained 后面只能加形容词,也就是&remain constantly&是错的,只有&remain constant&
21.在动态图里,一般是rose &数字&-fold,譬如说是&rose fivefold&而不是&rose five times&
&millions& 或者&thousands&在句子中出现时不能加复数,只有&数字+million or thousand&的说法
26.图表作文最好不要出现in addition, moreover这些连接词
Betteredu 毕达留学}


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