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White Washed Duck Down Feather 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 15% 10% 5%-bokee.net
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White Washed Duck Down Feather 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 15% 10% 5%
Minimum Order Quantity:
100 Kilogram/Kilograms
Supply Ability:
1000000 Kilogram/Kilograms per Month
Payment Terms:
Quick Details
Material: White Duck Down
Pattern: Washed
Place of Origin: China (Mainland)
Brand Name: Million
Model Number: Million
Color: White
Packaging & Delivery
Packaging Details:
Pressed bales, 25kgs/bale, 2500kgs/20ft, 7500kgs/40HC
Delivery Detail:
1. Less sharp feather and dust
2. Anti-allergenic and no-mite
3. As filling material
1. Name:&& Wholesale Washed White Goose Down Duck Down
2.&Content: 5%-95%
3. Use: As filling materials for quilts, pillows, cushions, mattress toppers.
4. Big down cluster and long Fiber.
5. Low oil, fat, dust, moisture contents.
6.. Washed, deodorized, sanitized, dried, cooled and packed
7.Breathable, environmental respect, extreme softness, superior comfortable
8. Minimum odor and fresh smell
9. High fill power and great transparency
We sell goose down, washed goose down, washed white goose down, white goose down, duck down, washed duck down, washed white duck down, washed duck down.
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duck down中文是什么意思
中文翻译英英解释急剧下降鸭绒:&&&&n. 【美海军】水陆两用车;〔美空俚〕水陆两用飞机。 :&&&& down3 n. 1.(装被、褥等用的)鸭绒 ...:&&&&中国灰鸭绒:&&&&中国白鸭绒:&&&&鸭绒垫:&&&&鸭绒枕:&&&&鸭绒钳:&&&&鸭绒被:&&&&鸭绒被:&&&&鸭绒旅行被
例句与用法I ducked down ' cause they hadn ' t given me a gun我蹲下以免他们误中我A cannon ball flying near him made him duck down on his horse从近旁飞过的一颗炮弹迫使他在马背上潜避之后弯下腰来。 You have to duck down here你得躲到这儿来Here she comes . duck down她出来了.蹲下Sonya was making cheeses , and had just whirled her skirt into a balloon and was ducking down , when he came in当他走出去的时候,索尼娅正在转圈子,刚刚想鼓起连衣裙行个屈膝礼。 Mr . j . j . ducked down and swung around delivering a left - edge hand blow against the side of the man ' s neck ( carotid sinus )先生下潜闪避,转体用左手手刀劈砍那人的颈侧(颈动脉窦) 。 Avoid down products . synthetics are very advanced now and tend to be warmer , lighter and less allergenic than goose or duck down避免使用绒毛制品,人工合成材料的保暖性,先进性以及低过敏性比鹅毛和鸭毛要合适的多。 And unable to stand the eyes fixed upon her , she ran into the big hall , ran about with a flushed and smiling face , whirled round and round and ducked down , making her skirts into a balloon她没法忍受向她投射的目光,跑到大厅里去了,她越来越快地跑起来,旋转得头晕目眩,连衣裙鼓得像气球似的,满面通红,微露笑容,在地板上坐下来。 Look at papa ! natasha shouted to all the room entirely forgetting that she was dancing with a grown - up partner , and ducking down till her curly head almost touched her knees , she went off into her ringing laugh that filled the hall娜塔莎朝着整个大厅嚷道根本忘记了她在和大人一同跳舞,她把长有鬈发的头向膝盖微微垂下,非常洪亮的笑声响彻了厅堂。 &&
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Duck down是什么意思
Duck down是什么意思 Duck down在线翻译 Duck down什么意思 Duck down的意思 Duck down的翻译 Duck down的解释 Duck down的发音 Duck down的同义词
Duck downDuck down 双语例句1. The menu ranges from starters like Smoked Haddock Brandade or Oriental Duck Salad to Paupiette of Salmon or Whole Bones Poussin for main courses, or straight burgers for the more down-to-earth diners.&&&&菜单上罗列着从开胃菜开始的,例如XX,到例如XX的主菜,或者是给更加低收入的穷困者干脆来一个汉堡。2. Guangzhou, Beijing roast duck than the duck is much more delicious, so in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and close down all of the Quanjude.&&&&广州的烧鸭比北京的烤鸭好吃得多,所以在广州、深圳的全聚德全都关门大吉了。3. Duck down什么意思3. A quilt stuffed with the down of the eider duck.&&&&灯芯绒的绒面上受压和磨擦的地方易于结块。4. The beginning of baking, my saliva already streaming down, I have to eat a kebab, lamb brittle bones, fish, ham, duck chap, small steamed bread, etc., as well as to bring the bread, fruit and beverages, has been eating two in the morning before Chibaohezu.&&&&刚开始烤,我的口水就已经流了下来,我先后吃了烤羊肉串、羊脆骨、鱼、火腿肠、鸭皲、小馒头等,还有带来的面包、水果和饮料,一直吃到两点多钟才吃饱喝足。5. You might play a diamond to the ace and duck on the way back - for one down.&&&&你也许会出张方块到A,然后打回来让一墩出去——为了只宕一。6. 6. Since is unable to go out, the flywheel sea has to use the good food gratuity, has been sick of eating room service, therefore they requested the staff to buy once made them to eat do not approve 绝 the mouth roast duck, ate to the full drinks the foot, lay down on the bed to listen to music, to read again, even rested to doze off again after waking up early, enjoys the ease which had not seen you for a long time.&&&&既然无法出门,飞轮海只好用美食来犒赏自己,吃腻了room service,於是他们央请工作人员买来曾令他们吃到赞不绝口的烤鸭,吃饱喝足,再躺回床上听听音乐、看看书,甚至睡个回笼觉,享受一下久违的悠闲。7. 7. About the derivation of tree of mandarin duck, a story comes down at the local place.&&&&关于树的由来在当地流传着这样一个故事。8. You have to duck down down here.&&&&你得躲到这儿来。9. You have to duck down here.&&&&你的躲到这里来10. Duck down的解释10. You can duck down if you want. I mean, it won't hurt my feelings.&&&&你可以把头低下,我不会感到难过的11. The difference between goose down and duck down and the difference between wool and down were compared. Their difference in morphological structure as well as the resultant difference in property were elucidated.&&&&&&比较鹅绒与鸭绒在形态上存在的差别,并与同类的蛋白质纤维-羊毛进行对比,阐述二者结构上的差异以及由此产生的性能上的差异。12. His main problem was that his in-lap speed was determined by Schumacher's, up ahead, and only at the last second could he duck out of the Ferrari's slipstream and head down the pit lane.&&&&&&他的主要问题是他的进站圈的速度取决于舒马赫的速度,只有到最后一秒他才能从法拉利的尾流中摆脱出来进入维修区。13. A cannon ball flying near him made him duck down on his horse.&&&&&&从近旁飞过的一颗炮弹迫使他在马背上潜避之后弯下腰来。14. One pair of ducks River water flow has perhaps put out of the urban landscape and create a regulatory downstream water needs, water conservancy departments in the River duck-Yan Jin Huang bulky Road bridge downstream Department set up a gate, making winter ducks River from Bao-Cheng Railway bridges - Huang Lu Yan Jin large section of this bridge formation of a relatively stable the artificial lake, the lake also Dingzhou Peninsula, thatched Liu Cong, this section in previous years, brought together two to three thousand PT, cormorants, the top bone chicken, ducks like Sham mainly open water and waterfowl habitat stop this year, reportedly because of the river for irrigation, water and the relationship has become relatively frequent caving without through sequence, several birds were in the water up and down in confusion, only to leave, so this year up to now, this section of the river ducks, winter in previous years Guanghan City, the most ecological value of the most vivid landscape disappeared.&&&&&&一 对鸭子河河水流量的蓄放或许是出于对营造城市景观以及调节下游水量的需要,水利部门在鸭子河广黄大件路金雁桥的下游处设置了水闸,使得冬天的鸭子河从宝成铁路桥至广黄大件路金雁桥这一段形成了一个相对稳定的人工湖,湖间也有汀洲半岛,茅草柳丛,往年这一段,就聚集了两三千只以 PT、鸬鹚、骨顶鸡、野鸭为主喜欢深水和开阔水面的水鸟停栖,今年据说是因为冲洗河道的原因,水闸的关与放变得相对频繁而无序可循,鸟们在数次河水涨与落的困惑中,只能选择离开,所以今年到现在为止,鸭子河的这一段,往年广汉城区冬天里最生动最具生态价值的景观消失了。15. Press the corresponding number to utter the message Move Forward W or UP ARROW Move Back S or DOWN ARROW Turn Left Mouse X AXIS or LEFT ARROW Unnecessary if using Mouse for looking Turn Right Mouse X AXIS or RIGHT ARROW Unnecessary if using Mouse for looking Move Left A Move Right D Jump SPACE Cycles through the three observer modes Duck CTRL Swim Up'Unnecessary if using Mouse swim Down/Unnecessary if using Mouse Look Up Mouse X AXIS or PGUP Look Down Mouse X AXIS or PGDN Look Straight Ahead END Unnecessary if using Mouse Strafe Modifier ALT Optional Mouse Look M Unnecessary if using Mouse Keyboard Look Modifier INS Unnecessary if using Mouse Fire MOUSE BUTTON 1 or ENTER Fire Weapon, Throw Grenade, Plant C4, Will jump to next player in observer mode Special Weapon Function MOUSE BUTTON 2 or Invokes your weapons secondary function, i. e.&&&&&&按下相应的编号,以完全的信息向前移动黑白向上搬回S或向下左转鼠标X轴或左键不必要如果使用鼠标寻找打开鼠标右键X轴或右箭头不必要如果使用鼠标寻找左移此举权维跳转空间循环三个观察员模式鸭按CTRL游泳涨'不必要如果使用鼠标游泳跌/不必要如果使用鼠标查找鼠标X轴或PgUp键往下看鼠标X轴或PGDN看不必要的直行完如果使用鼠标扫射改性转氨酶任择鼠标看改性不必要的,如果使用鼠标键盘看改性移民局不必要的,如果使用鼠标火鼠标按钮1或 Enter键火力武器,投掷手榴弹,植物的C4 ,会跳转到下一个球员在观察员模式 SHIFT键特别武器功能鼠标按钮2或 叫你们的武器次要功能,即突发火灾,狙击范围等 R 重装武器毛条您剪辑単面向想法加入交火。16. 16. If your home were messy and filthy, filled with chicken droppings and duck droppings, I wouldn't want to go in, I wouldn't want to sit down, I'd scarcely be able to breathe.&&&&&&如果你家又乱又脏、到处是鸡粪鸭粪,我可不愿进门坐下,我连呼吸都有困难。17. He went to the fireplace, wanting to make a fire, and the cat threw ashes into his face. He ran quickly into the kitchen to wash himself, and the duck splashed water into his face. He wanted to dry himself off with the towel, but the egg rolled against him, broke, and glued his eyes shut. Wanting to rest, he sat down in the chair, and the pin pricked him. He fell into a rage and threw himself onto his bed, but when he laid his head on the pillow, the needle pricked him, causing him to scream and run out of the house.&&&&&&蹲在那里的猫撒了他一脸炉灰;他急忙跑到厨房去洗脸,鸭子又泼了他一脸水;他想用毛巾把水擦乾,鸡蛋又滚出来破了,把他的眼睛给粘上了;他想休息一下,於是往坐椅上一坐,发夹扎得他弹了起来;他勃然大怒,一头倒到床上,可是头一碰枕头,缝衣针便把他扎得「嗷嗷」乱叫着往外冲;当他走到门口时,磨盘从门上落了下来,一下把他砸死了。18. Duck down18. He went to the fireplace, wanting to make a fire, and the cat threw ashes into his face. He ran quickly into the kitchen to wash himself, and the duck splashed water into his face. He wanted to dry himself off with the towel, but the egg rolled against him, broke, and glued his eyes shut. Wanting to rest, he sat down in the chair, and the pin pricked him. He fell into a rage and threw himself onto his bed, but when he laid his head on the pillow, the needle pricked him, causing him to scream and run out of the house. As he ran through the front door the millstone jumped down and struck him dead.&&&&&&蹲在那里的猫撒了他一脸炉灰;他急忙跑到厨房去洗脸,鸭子又泼了他一脸水;他想用毛巾把水擦乾,鸡蛋又滚出来破了,把他的眼睛给粘上了;他想休息一下,於是往坐椅上一坐,发夹扎得他弹了起来;他勃然大怒,一头倒到床上,可是头一碰枕头,缝衣针便把他扎得「嗷嗷」乱叫着往外冲;当他走到门口时,磨盘从门上落了下来,一下把他砸死了。19. After a few minutes, turn the duck over so the flesh side is down.&&&&&&几分钟后,把鸭肉翻转过来,煎肉的一面。20. Duck of the northern hemisphere much valued for the fine soft down of the females.&&&&&&北半球鸭子,雌性有柔软的高价值的鸭绒。Duck down 单语例句Duck down的解释1. Place the duck on a large chopping board and press down hard with your hands, breaking the bones.2. Then turn the bowl upside down to leave the duck on a plate and cover it with the mixed sauce.3. I wanted to be enveloped in duck down, or at least cotton flannel.4. Set it down to cool, with the duck still in the pot.5. But why and how the duck fell down from the roadside building is still unknown.6. Place the duck on a large cutting board and press down hard on the duck, breaking the bones.Duck down是什么意思,Duck down在线翻译,Duck down什么意思,Duck down的意思,Duck down的翻译,Duck down的解释,Duck down的发音,Duck down的同义词,Duck down的反义词,Duck down的例句,Duck down的相关词组,Duck down意思是什么,Duck down怎么翻译,单词Duck down是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2016  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 适用人群:
尺码: M-XXXL
外套成份:100% 锦纶
外套里料成份 : 100% 聚酯纤维
内胆成份 : 100% 锦纶
填充物 : 90% 鸭绒,10% 羽毛
1- 外套采用 Defender 2L 科技面料,防水透湿性能卓越;
2- 经美国杜邦公司的 Teflon 工艺处理,超强防泼水,防油污,保护
3- 全部缝缝均有进口止水条保护,严防渗水;
4- 羽绒内胆采用 Defender Light 20 超轻超密面料,防绒效果卓越;
5- 填充 90/10 鸭绒,保暖效果超群;
6- 精选日本 YKK 拉链,国际顶级安全保护。
Size: M-XXXL
Color: Navy 1000, Army Green 6003
Composition: 100% Polyamide
Coat Lining:100% Polyester
Liner composition:100% Polyamide
Filling: 90% Duck Down, 10% Feather
Function: Defender 2L, Teflon, Water proof, Defender Light 20,YKK}


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