
英语翻译be动词用is 还是are?
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data is还是data are?
1. 根据American Heritage English-Chinese Dictionary:
pl.n.(used with a sing. or pl. verb)(复数名词)(与单数或复数动词连用)
Data originated as the plural of Latin datum, “something given,” and many maintain that it must still be treated as a plural form.The New York Times, for example, adheres to the traditional rule in this headline:“
Data 来源于拉丁文 datum “给予的事物”的复数形式, 而且许多人坚持它必须仍然被当作复数形式。例如纽约时报, 就遵循这条传统规则, 在这条大字标题中:“ Data Are Elusive on the Homeless.无家可归的资料是难以定义的。”
2. 根据Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
After data, you can use a singular verb or, in formal or technical English, a plural verb:
The data is collected by trained interviewers.
These data are summarized in Table 5.
Do not say 'datas’ or 'a data'.
3. 根据网络资料参考
&Did you know that it is correct to say &The data have reached my desk,& and &The data are conclusive,& but wrong to say &The data has...,& &The data is...&? A Latin word, data is the plural form of datum and therefore requires a plural verb.
Nevertheless, many people feel the word has been Americanized, that it now refers to a collective unit, and takes a singular verb. In fact, of the 136 distinguished consultants on usage polled for the 1975 Harper Dictionary of Contemporary Usage, 49% responded that they use &The data is...& in writing. And in casual speech, 65% use data as singular. Those who defend &The data is...& often point to the fact that agenda is also, strictly, a plural, but is nearly always regarded as a single list and takes a singular verb. You'll probably never hear anyone ask: &Are the agenda interesting?
Still, scien the international transfer of information is vital. Nearly every technical paper will be read by people for whom English is not the primary language, and communication is not served by constant experimentation.
So, on the issue of data in modern American usage, you might say &The data is mixed&. But as for consistency in scientific writing, the data are strongly behind it. &
大意:data,拉丁词汇,是datum(something given)的复数形式,在学术上常用作复数, &The data have reached my desk&,&The data are conclusive&。但现在也有人认为data是单数名词,并以agenda为例。
根据American Heritage English-Chinese Dictionary:
It is true that Cicero would have usedagendum to refer to a single item of business before the Roman Senate, with agenda as its plural. But in Modern English a phrase such asitem on the agenda expresses the sense of agendum, andagenda is used as a singular noun to denote the set or list of such items, as inThe agenda for the meeting has not yet been set. If a plural ofagenda is required, the form should be agendas: The agendas of both meetings are exceptionally varied.
在罗马元老院之前西塞罗确实就已经在用agendum 来指一个议事日程,而用 agenda 作为复数。 但是在现代英语中item on the agenda 这个短语表达了 agendum 的意义, 同时agenda 作为单数名词意为“一组或一列项目”, 如:The agenda for the meeting has not yet been set(会议议程尚未确定)。 如果需要用agenda 的复数,应该用 agendas: The agendas of both meetings are exceptionally varied(两会议议程迥然不同)。
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English:
People sometimes use a singular verb after media but it is better to use a plural verb:
The media were widely distrusted.
data追溯其语源,本身是一个复数名词,不存在datas或a data,在书面或学术上,与复数动词连用,也可与单数动词连用。
以后搞不清怎么翻译的时候就把英文输入google,看找出来的结果多不多。我输入these datasgoogle虽然&找到约 5,460,000,000 条结果&但是提示我“您是不是要找the dates”,也就是说谷歌认为我拼写错误。输入these data就显示”找到约 3,650,000,000 条结果“。多用google试试
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