
林宥嘉 的英文介绍~急用~要在下星期英语课上介绍呢..全英,单词不要太复杂.要在下星期英语课上介绍呢..全英,单词不要太复杂.最好包括现在的情况:专辑',演唱会
Yoga Lin (also known as James Lin,Chinese:林宥嘉) is the winner of One Million Star,Season 1 (第一季超级星光大道),a popular reality TV singing competition in Taiwan.Nicknamed “Yoga”,Lin was born in Pingtung,Taiwan on July 1,1987.He is currently studying at National Tung Hwa University,majoring in Sports and Leisure Studies.During high school,Lin was the lead singer of a rock band,and was trained under a renowned Taiwanese rock singer,Pei-An Yang (杨培安).He then joined another rock band in his university and continued to perfect his singing techniques and,experimented various music genres.Having never participated in any formal singing contest before,Lin attended the Kaohsiung audition for the first season of a famous TV singing contest in Taiwan,One Million Star.In the competition,Lin impressed the judges with his vivid interpretation of Steel Rope Walker (走钢索的人,originally by James Li or Quan Li,李泉).His performance was then described as “enchanting”(迷幻) by the hostess of One Million Star,Matilda Tao (陶晶莹).Despite being only in his early twenties,Lin has proven his ability to deliver a wide variety of musical performances,and he continues to experiment with new music genres and vocal styles.The awards he has received are as follows:2007 Winner,One Million Star Season 1 (Taiwan) 2008 HITO FM Newcomer Award (with One Million Star Season 1 finalists) (Taiwan) 2008 Metro Broadcast Co.(新城电台) Newcomer Award,Hot Idol Award,Hot Idol Group Award (Hong Kong) 2008 Asia Song Festival Newcomer Award (Korea) 2008 Singapore Hit Award,Best Producer (Mystery) Award,Newcomer Award,Annual Popular Artist Award and Annual Chart Winner 2008 YouthBox Music Award,Best New Act,Best Album of the Year(Mystery) Lin's solo debut album titled Mystery (神秘嘉宾) was released on June 3,2008 in Taiwan.复杂的名字已经标注好了,现在很简单了:)
呵呵 支持 加油 宥嘉
扫描下载二维码▲写作测验的第一部份Writing Task 1  ※ 了解须回答的内容和模式 
  一幅图画(a graph)
  圆图或柱图(pie chart or bar chart)
  图表内有一些资料(Table of information)
  一程序或步骤图(Diagram of stages of processor procedure)
  一连串事情的经过(Sequence of events)
  说明书(表)(picture of an object showing how it works) 
  ※ 设计段落
  ※ 怎样写 Reference 
   The table/chart diagram graph shows (that)... 
    According to the
   As (is) shown in the 
  As can be seen from the
   ... figures statistics shows (that)...
   It can be seen from the 
  We can see from the
   It is clear from the
   It is apparent from the table/chart diagram graph figures
 (that) ...     diagram shows describes illustrates how... 记着不要用这类句子太频引至不必要的重覆。
  ※ 写一个好的介绍文 
  ※ 怎样表达统计数据 
  如您需写的文章是关于图表,您应注意资料是固定在某一个时间(fixed in time)还是在连串的时间中转变(changes over time)。如资料是一直转变的,您应用适当的文字和句子描述。资料转变可以是增加(Increase),减少(Decrease),波动(Fluctuate)或稳定(Remain Stable)。一般有两种文法可以表达:
  动词 + 副词形式(Verb+Adverb form)
形容词 + 名词形式(Adjective+Noun form)
  The number of (cars) 
  VERB + ADVERB FORM increased jumped rose significantly decreased 
dropped fell fluctuated slightly suddenly rapidly dramatically sharply steeply
steadily gradually  slowly from (June) to (December). between (June) and
 (December). There was a
 (very)   ADJECTIVE + NOUN FORM sudden rapid dramatic significant sharp steep steady gradual 
slow slight
 increase jump rise decrease drop fall fluctuation 
   in the number of (cars) from ... to ... in the number of (cars) between 
... and ...  
并不是每个词都能配合,例如sharp fluctuation. 
  The number of (cars sold) remained 
  steady stable from (June) to (December).
   between (June) to (December). stayed the same
  There was little hardly any no change
   in the number of (cars sold) from ... to ... between ... and ... 
  Steady drop 
  sharp rise peak 
  dramatic fall
  sharp drop through 
  (to) bottom out 
  (to) reach the bottom gradual increase 
  (to) reach a plateau
  (to) remain steady 
  The monthly profit The figures The situation peaked   in December. at 20% reached a peak a high (point) bottomed out reached rock the bottom a low (point) hit a trough 用动词的时候,要小心注意时式(tense)和语态(Voice)是否恰当,如果是要描述事件过程或步骤,应用现在式(present tense)和被动词(passive voice)来描述每个过程或步骤。 您也可用动名词(Gerund)和不定词(Infinitive)来加强句子的完整性。
  The second stage involves conducting suitable research. 
Notes are taken from available literature at the library. 
Writing the first draft is the third stage. 
  ※ 写好结论
  Writing Task 1 并不同Writing Task 2,您并不需要分段写结论(Conclusion),因为您并不需要发表任何个人意见。通常Writing Task 1 文章的最后一句会被视为结论句。
  Dear Sir(1), 
  (2) I am writing to you because I am unable to pay next month's rent 
which is due on Saturday. Unfortunately, the other day I lost my wallet, and there was a large amount of money inside. I have,(3) therefore, had to write to my parents to ask them to send me some money urgently. As soon as it arrives, I will immediately notify you and arrange to pay by cash or cheque. I hope that this does not cause you too much inconvenience. There are also some problems with the flat that I wish to bring to your 
attention. (4) First, the cold tap in the bathroom will not turn off properly, and the water is dripping constantly. This will need to be fixed quickly because it is wasting water. Second, one of the back rings on the top of the oven does not work at all. I'm sorry that I cannot pay the rent on time, and trust that you will understand. (5) Yours sincerely, Mary Campisi 
  1、标题不能写错。如您不知对方的性别,您应该用“Sir/Madam”; 2、每段应有不同但清楚的要点。您可用以下句子作为文章开始:““I am writing to you because ...”“I am writing to you in reference to ...”; 3、用适当的连接词如“Therefore”,“However”和“Also”; 4、您也可用顺序词如“First”“Second”等; 5、在商业信件时用“Your Sincerely”来完结而在私人信件时用“Best wishes”; 6、开始时应先交待写信的原因。如需要写的是正式信件,千万不要用“How are you?”等句作开头; 7、证明出您已做的事和想做的事; 8、如您的要求会令人不便,您可用“I hope”; 9、您必须写齐所有问题要求,您所写的要点,否则您的分数一定不会高; 10、您最后一句或最后一段通常是用来重申写信的目的。 
  写作测验的第二部份Writing Task 2 
  ※ 了解须回答的内容和模式
  Writing Task 2 的占分比例比Writing Task 1高,难度和英语水平的要求都会较高。您花在 Writing Task 1的建议时间是20分钟而花在Writing Task 2的建议时间是40分钟。但您也应留小量时间在最后阶段作最后检查。您并非必须先完成Writing Task 1才能开始Writing Task 2。 在这一部份,您必须写一篇至少250字的评论或报告。 测验考的不只是您的写作能力,它会考您的思考和判断能力。因此,您应对一些社会新闻和常识有一定的认识和见解,但记着,不要写您自己的个人经验,您可运用您的经验客观地表达在文章上。另外您也要能有层次地表现出在此文章上的看法。 
  ※ 分析问题 
  Writing Task 2的问题可分为两类,第一类问题需要以讨论形式作答,您需要讲出正反两面三刀方的论点和您自己的立场。您可设想这是一场辩论比赛,但您要为两方发言。您要写出足够的证据支持您的论点和反驳对立的论点。 第二类问题需要以报告形式作答。您需要多描述和发掘有关题目的处境,您并不需要太着重写自己的意见。您应描述有关题目的处境和发掘事件的成因。虽然您并不需要支持正/反一方的论点,但您应在真实的处境上提出真实的证据。
  ※ 思考答案 
  当您计划您的答案时,您应能想到两个或以上的主意支持您的论点。这步骤被称为“Brainstorming”。您可在一张白纸上写下所有在您脑中浮现的文字和主意。您先不用理会您写下的是否有用,当您写好后您可将题目也写在纸上,然后在围绕题目的地方将您所写下的文字分门别类。在这阶段,您可删除无用的文字或句子。 在第一类问题上,您应至少想到2个或以上的支持论据,而在第二类问题上,您也应至少想到2个或以上可供讨论的话题,但无论是回答哪一类问题,您不应该写超过4个论据或话题,否则,由于字数的限制,您的文章会变得太空泛。
  ※ 计划答案 
  1、题目和问题 — 要认清题目的要求和找出题目中想问的问题
  2、介绍 - 这是用来表达文章的大意,如果要写的是一篇评论文,笔者的方向也要在这里表达出来
  3、主体 - 如主体分为三段的话,通常前两段是您的观点和动手您的理由,后一段是用来平衡讨论的相反 观点
  4、结论 - 会包括一点比较次要的观点
  ※ 写答案
  在一篇250字的文章中,介绍文应占大约40个字而结论文应占大约30个字。 当计划好后,您便可以开始作答。记着您是不用写题目或写问题在答题纸上的。
  ※ 介绍(Introduction)
  ※ 主体(Body) 
  与介绍文一样,主体文每段的第一句都是用来说明整段的大意,之后的内容可用连接词(如 However, Although, Not only, Also, Even though, Consequently, In addition 等等)或顺序词(Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly ...)连贯在一起。
  在一篇文章中,连接词尽量不要重覆。 如您是在提出一个论点,在同一段落里必须有您支持这个论点的理由和证据,每段的最后一句通常用来总结整段的意思。 在一篇评论文中,必须有一段相反论点以平衡整个讨论,在这一段里,您必须能有理地反驳这些相反论点,讲出为什么您要持相反意见。您可强烈地、温和地或只是部分地反对。以下是一些应写在这一段内的建议句子:
  Many people 
  Those who disagree believe that ... may argue that ... point out that ... 
   However, I strongly disagree ... 
  Nothing could be further from the truth (Strong disagreement) because ... 
.  In fact, ...  
  ... for the following reasons: I find it hard to agree ... 
  Nevertheless, I cannot agree ... (Mild disagreement) 
  Perhaps this is true, but it cannot be denied that ... 
   This is partly true, then again ... ( Concessional disagreement)
  ※ 结论 (Conclusion) 
  结论文的开始通常都会用一个特别结论句式(In general, To sum up, To conclude, In conclusion等等)来串联整段。在结论文中,条件句(Conditional sentence)(If...., ....)是非常有用的,当然,您在文章的其他位置是可以用条件句,当您用条件句时,您须注意有没有文法错误。
学语言的最终目的不是沟通吗? 酷仔开这个场子,让大家尽情飙口语&
enjoy & share free talk,所以请尽情的free~用英语说出你想说的&}


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