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* 01. ADPOSITIONS - - Category owner: Larry Sulky
* Adpositions are markers of temporal and spatial relationship.
* Some languages express these concep some
* some use verb forms.
fitafa 001: about ( on the topic of) [pr]
`filax`wi` kaufaxa 002: "above, over [pr]"
maixaxa 003: across (at / to the other side of) [pr]
`fu`wi` paupapa 004: after ( in the future of) [pr]
taikala 005: "around, encircling, surrounding [pr] "
`lu`wi` putafa 006: at (in the same location as) [pr]
`wexata` likaxa 007: "because of, due to [pr] "
`kutan`wi` tukaka 008: "before, in front of, ahead of (spatially) [pr] "
`po`wi` taitafa 009: "before, prior to, earlier than [pr]"
`pu`n`kutan`wi` sukafa 00A: "behind, in back of, to the rear of [pr] "
taimama 00B: "between, among, amidst, inter- [pr] "
xotaka 00C: "beyond, farther than, exceeding [pr] "
`lil`wi` mofala 00D: "by means of, via, per, with ( through instrumentality of) [pr] "
xenama 00E: during [pr]
laisaxa 00F: "except for, besides, apart from, other than, excluding [pr] "
`sep`wi` kaukaka 010: for ( for the purpose of) [pr]
`mif`wi` solama 011: for (in exchange for) [pr]
`xu`wi` kifafa 012: "from, out of, away from [pr] "
`pu`n`kaikas`wi` letaka 013: in (located inside of) [pr]
semafa 014: "instead of, rather than [pr] "
nofafa 015: "like, similar to [pr] "
`nix`wi` lupana 016: "near, close to [pr] "
`nup`wisa` nupana 017: of ( = genitive) [pr]
pufapa 018: "of (containing the measured quantity: ""two liters of water"") [pr]"
`sup`wi` naipafa 019: on ( touching the top or other surface of) [pr]
`kaikas`wi` kainaxa 01A: "outside of, exterior to [pr] "
`wo` xemaka 01B: "than, compared to [pr/cj] "
kopata 01C: through [pr]
`ke`wi` pomana 01D: "to, towards, at (moving toward) [pr] "
taipama 01E: "under, below, beneath [pr] "
fonaxa 01F: with (accompanied by) [pr]
fotata 020: "without, with no ..., lacking [pr]"
* 02. OTHER FUNCTION WORDS - - Category owner: Larry Sulky
`se`yu` suxama 021: be (intransitive predicative copula) [v]
`se`yu` naitapa 022: exist [v]
fausama 023: become ( acquire the quality...) [v]
`kau`yu` fokata 024: cause (induce something to be/happen) [v]
`kau`yu` solaxa 025: "make, render (impart quality X to Y; e.g. ""I make you happy"") [v]"
`te`yu` mepafa 026: "do, perform, engage in (specified activity) [v]"
`ten`yu` paufafa 027: have (possess / be furnished with) [v]
`pos`yu` xisama 028: can (is/are able to ...) [aux v pres]
`ne` pokapa 029: "should, ought to (is/are expected/advised to ...) [aux v pres]"
`tisa` fauxaka 02A: this (demonstrative) [aj/pn]
`tifa` netana 02B: that (demonstrative) [aj/pn]
`ye` lauxaka 02C: "and, plus [cj]"
`yeta` xitasa 02D: "but, however [cj]"
`yefa` kausala 02E: if (on condition that...; supposing that...) [cj]
`yeka` kofata 02F: or [cj]
`yo` xonama 030: "that (e.g. ""I know that you are right"") [cj]"
`tusa` tefama 031: "also, additionally, too [av]"
pofama 032: "apart, separately [av]"
`lu`n`mi` fefaxa 033: here (in/to this place) [av]
`mota` `ki` laukana 034: how? (in what manner?) [av]
`moxa` maisama 035: "maybe, perhaps, possibly [av]"
`no` naixata 036: not [av]
`lona` pokata 037: "only, solely, exclusively [av]"
`lu`n`tu` naulafa 038: there (at/to that place) [av]
kaisana 039: together [av]
`tima` `ki` saixana 03A: when? (at what time?) [av]
`lu` `ki` naufasa 03B: where? (at/to what place?) [av]
`lesa` `ki` saixata 03C: why? (for what reason?) [av]
`fufa` maixana 03D: any (no particular one of) [aj]
`xeka` pesata 03E: "every, each [aj]"
* 03. PEOPLE
`su` tisaka 03F: "person, human being"
`ni`n`ti` naifasa 040: "baby, infant"
`ni` pimasa 041: child
`ni`n`pe` nosata 042: boy
`ni`n`mo` mulapa 043: girl
`pe` nisasa 044: man (adult male person)
`mo` lukama 045: woman (adult female person)
pauxafa 046: family
`nu`n`pe` momama 047: father
`nu`n`mo` mexala 048: mother
`nupa` ponafa 049: marriage (spousal relationship)
`pe`m`nupa` molaxa 04A: husband
`mo`m`nupa` sainala 04B: wife
`fi`n`pe` pauxana 04C: son
`fi`n`mo` saitama 04D: daughter
`keka`n`pe` xausasa 04E: brother
`keka`n`mo` tauxana 04F: sister
`xefa` kemaxa 050: "chief, leader"
tausapa 051: king
saifaka 052: queen
fesaka 053: president
sailasa 054: prime minister
milala 055: "dictator, tyrant"
maulata 056: "master, lord"
foxana 057: slave
lisala 058: soldier
supana 059: ambassador
tetapa 05A: member (of group/organization)
pefaxa 05B: friend
pexaxa 05C: enemy
* 04. TITLES
`misa`n`pe` tupaka 05D: "Mister, Mr."
`misa`n`mo` xukata 05E: "Ms., Miss/Mrs."
`misa`n`mo` xexapa 05F: Miss
`misa`n`mo` kefala 060: Mrs.
maipapa 061: "club, society (voluntary association re: a common interest)"
xaikafa 062: committee (group appointed to do a task)
limasa 063: community (individuals sharing space / culture)
tailaxa 064: culture (the customs and beliefs of a people)
xetata 065: individual (one considered separately from one's species)
`seta`n`su` xikaxa 066: "people (a people), folk, the members of an ethnic group / nation"
`seta`n`su` fopafa 067: "public, populace, the people (as in People's Republic)"
`seta`n`su` loxama 068: race (group of people with similar characteristics)
koxapa 069: "team, crew, squad"
* 06. BODY PARTS, SUBSTANCES - - Category owner: Jim Henry
nikama 06A: abdomen
kimasa 06B: anus
`luka` mupasa 06C: arm (shoulder to hand)
potana 06D: back (dorsal area)
faitala 06E: beard
`senaka` xisasa 06F: blood
naupafa 070: body
`xausa` folana 071: bone
fukasa 072: brain
`pexa` melaxa 073: "breast, mammary"
`tuxa` nofapa 074: buttock
fukama 075: cheek (side of face below eye)
laipapa 076: chest (upper front of torso)
pexala 077: chin
xukama 078: ear
`kaufa` taupala 079: egg
telapa 07A: eye
`fesa` taipaka 07B: face
`fulama` mixaxa 07C: feather
`kekala` moxaxa 07D: "feces, dung, excrement"
lukasa 07E: "fetus (foetus), embryo"
`tuka` munaka 07F: finger
xaufapa 080: fist
`peta` mosaka 081: foot (on which something stands)
pesama 082: forehead
faulasa 083: gene
`folasa`n`mu` lomaka 084: hair (a strand of fibrous material growing from the body)
`folasa` kinapa 085: hair (the hairs atop one's head thought of as a collective entity)
nulata 086: hand
`kepala` pixala 087: head
`kaula` kaulafa 088: heart (coronary muscle)
kaifafa 089: heel
pisafa 08A: hip
faitaka 08B: horn (bone-like growth from animal's head)
lunata 08C: "intestines, gut(s), viscera"
punana 08D: iris (of eye)
pimama 08E: kidney
fufaxa 08F: knee
`xoma` saukaxa 090: leg
noxama 091: lip
fomama 092: liver
sauxana 093: lung
`kuna` maupala 094: "meat, flesh"
`musa` potala 095: mouth
saimafa 096: muscle
lauxana 097: nail (fingernail)
nutama 098: navel
kunata 099: neck
fukaka 09A: nerve
`nosa` saipama 09B: nose
lufama 09C: organ (of body)
notana 09D: palm (of hand)
poxaka 09E: penis
`kosaka` muxaka 09F: shell
xauxaxa 0A0: shoulder
`seta`n`xausa` kaufata 0A1: skeleton
xikata 0A2: skin
telaka 0A3: "spine, backbone"
`tomaka` filala 0A4: stomach
komaxa 0A5: "sweat, perspiration"
noxala 0A6: tail
maunafa 0A7: tear(drop(s))
nomafa 0A8: testicle
`kulafa` tepasa 0A9: throat
`tuka`n`xo` sailafa 0AA: thumb
`tuka` faipana 0AB: toe
xesasa 0AC: tongue (body-part)
xusaxa 0AD: tooth
kaukana 0AE: urine
faipaxa 0AF: vagina
xonafa 0B0: "vein, blood vessel"
nusafa 0B1: waist
kaixaxa 0B2: wing (of bird etc.)
losana 0B3: wound
kolapa 0B4: wrist
xautala 0B5: berry (small pulpy fruit)
xofapa 0B6: bud (of flower/leaf)
`fela` xexaxa 0B7: flower
`fulata` lulaka 0B8: fruit
`fulaxa` totafa 0B9: leaf
tuxata 0BA: nut (hard-shelled fruit/seed with separable shell and kernel)
maitata 0BB: pod (seed pod)
kaipana 0BC: root (of a plant)
painapa 0BD: seed
pinaka 0BE: sprout (young shoot of plant)
* 07. MISC. BODY TERMS - - Category owner: Jim Henry
`fifa` paulata 0BF: alive [aj]
`pu`n`fifa` fomaxa 0C0: dead [aj]
`nesa` xaifapa 0C1: birth
`luta` pinasa 0C2: "mature, adult"
naufaka 0C3: healthy [aj]
`sika` kainana 0C4: "disease, illness, sickness"
xolafa 0C5: "fat, obese, plump [aj]"
somapa 0C6: "sex, gender"
`mo` taikafa 0C7: female [aj]
`pe` misala 0C8: male [aj]
`mo`n`pe` nutana 0C9: neuter (neither male nor female) [aj]
losala 0CA: sense (ability to perceive a given kind of stimuli)
xaulala 0CB: pain
pauxala 0CC: pleasure
nipasa 0CD: "tired, weary [aj]"
nauxapa 0CE: "refreshed, zesty, perky [aj]"
kaisafa 0CF: sleep [v]
launasa 0D0: awake [aj]
kisafa 0D1: fever
* 08. BODILY ACTIONS - - Category owner: Jim Henry
`nox`yu` mautama 0D2: bite [v]
nipala 0D3: breathe [v]
monata 0D4: catch (stop the motion of and seize in the hands) [v]
kekasa 0D5: climb [v]
fosata 0D6: "copulate, have sex (with) [v]"
poxala 0D7: crawl [v]
fipana 0D8: "cry out, shout, yell [v]"
kixapa 0D9: "cry, weep [v]"
sunala 0DA: dance [v]
`pu`n`fif`yu` faulafa 0DB: die [v]
monaka 0DC: drink [v]
naumasa 0DD: drown (die/kill via immersion) [v]
`kom`yu` lotaka 0DE: eat [v]
pokana 0DF: feel (perceive with the tactile sense) [v]
paupata 0E0: gesture [v]
`xaulat`yu` taunafa 0E1: "hold, grasp [v]"
maumaxa 0E2: "hunt, pursue (with intent to capture and/or devour) [v]"
`xaup`yu` notafa 0E3: "jump, leap [v]"
fikata 0E4: kick [v]
`kau`n`pu`n`fif`yu` kexana 0E5: kill [v]
susana 0E6: kiss [v]
paulana 0E7: laugh [v]
faumafa 0E8: lie (recline horizontally) [v]
`fif`yu` kaikama 0E9: live (be alive) [v]
`kulal`yu` texasa 0EA: run [v]
xaixala 0EB: shave [v]
`sit`yu` silafa 0EC: sit (be in a sitting position) [v]
titala 0ED: smile [v]
pautapa 0EE: sneeze [v]
puxata 0EF: spit [v]
lauxapa 0F0: squat [v]
mekaka 0F1: stand [v]
ketana 0F2: swallow [v]
`nut`yu` naunala 0F3: swim [v]
pemama 0F4: taste (perceive the flavor of) [v]
kunafa 0F5: "throw, toss [v]"
laufata 0F6: touch [v]
`pu`n`kom`yu` paipala 0F7: vomit [v]
`pomat`yu` kosama 0F8: walk [v]
tipafa 0F9: wrestle [v]
* 09. ANIMAL SPECIES AND TYPES - - Category owner: Christopher466
`xupa` tukapa 0FA: animal (non-vegetable creature)
`semata` tikaka 0FB: ant (insect of family Formicidae)
`kuma` paumana 0FC: bear (animal of Ursidae family)
mautana 0FD: bee (member of genus Apis)
paipama 0FE: bird (egg-laying feathered animal with wings)
`kupakapa` finafa 0FF: butterfly
`kota` memafa 100: cat (Felis catus)
`kukala` kaikaka 101: chicken
`lipasa` kukata 102: cockroach (insect of order Blattaria)
`pokala` pufafa 103: cow/bull, cattle (bovine animal of either sex)
`melaka` xinana 104: deer (animal of family Cervidae)
`kauna` fokasa 105: dog (Canis familiaris)
`punata` nonapa 106: donkey, ass (Equus asinus)
`tofala` tofala 107: dragon (winged serpent with crested head and large claws)
`fixa` kotaka 108: fish
fonafa 109: fly (small winged insect)
`kitasana` fufala 10A: fox (member of genus Vulpes)
`kotaka` kelapa 10B: frog (web-footed tailless leaping amphibian)
`sifaxa` sifaxa 10C: goat (animal of genus Capra)
`metata` fitala 10D: grasshopper
`xefala` lofafa 10E: horse (Equus caballus)
`sikama` paufaka 10F: insect
`simapa` laumala 110: lion (Felis leo)
`tokaka` nunana 111: lizard
`lonaxa` nenaxa 112: lobster
`mema` laufaxa 113: mammal
`mesala` taikata 114: mantis (insect of order Manteodea)
`timana` taumapa 115: monkey, small primate
`mosaka` femasa 116: mosquito
`mausa` nunama 117: mouse
tesala 118: pig, swine (omnivorous mammal of family Suidae)
`litaxa` litaxa 119: rabbit (animal of family Leporidae)
`lepala` tepaxa 11A: reptile
saixasa 11B: sheep (Ovis aries)
`noka` kusala 11C: snake, serpent (reptile of suborder Serpentes or Ophidia)
`kumama` fipaxa 11D: spider, arachnid
`kusasa` kusasa 11E: squirrel (rodent of family Sciuridae)
`xaitana` xaitana 11F: tiger (Felis tigris)
`sauxafa` sauxafa 120: turkey (Meleagris gallopavo)
`pomafa` pomafa 121: turtle (reptile of order Testudinata)
`pemapa` pemapa 122: virus
`lunana` lunana 123: whale (large marine mammal of order Cetacea)
`sokama` sokama 124: wolf (Canis lupus)
`kekaxa` kekaxa 125: worm
* Note that the English words sometimes refer to an entire plant and
* sometimes only to its fruit ("I am planting tomatoes" vs. "I am eating
* tomatoes").
This is not true of all languages.
`poma` memala 126: apple (tree/fruit of genus Malus)
`penapa` letata 127: bamboo (plant/stem of genera Bambusa / Arundinaria / Dendrocalamus)
fainala 128: banana (plant/fruit of genus Musa)
letama 129: bean (lima/snap/etc.: plant/seed of genus Phaseolus or similar)
faunasa 12A: cabbage (plant/leaves of sp. Brassica oleracea capitata)
mikaxa 12B: carrot (plant/root of sp. Daucus carota sativus)
`kofa` sifasa 12C: coffee (plant/seeds of sp. Coffea arabica)
sailapa 12D: cork (tree/elastic tissue of sp. Quercus suber)
suxapa 12E: "corn, maize (plant/seeds of sp. Zea mays)"
nainata 12F: cotton (plant/fibers of genus Gossypium)
taulaka 130: cucumber (Cucumis sativus)
folala 131: date (tree/fruit of sp. Phoenix dactylifera)
xaulafa 132: fig (tree/fruit of genus Ficus)
saifala 133: flax (Linum usitatissimum)
`kaulama` kepama 134: garlic (herb of sp. Allium sativum)
nuxata 135: ginger (plant/rhizome of genus Zingiber)
koxasa 136: ginseng (plant/root of genus Panax)
lolaxa 137: gourd (plant/hard-rinded fruit of genera Lagenaria & Cucurbita)
mitafa 138: grape (plant/fruit of genus Vitis)
`pelasa` sutata 139: grass (monocotyledonous plant of family Gramineae)
pofala 13A: "hemp, marijuana (plant/material of sp. Cannabis sativa)"
loxaka 13B: kelp (seaweed of orders Laminariales and Fucales)
kipata 13C: lentil (plant/seeds of sp. Lens culinaris)
kesama 13D: lettuce (plant/leaves of genus Lactuca)
nilaka 13E: "mandarin, tangerine (tree/fruit of sp. Citrus reticulata)"
saikapa 13F: mint (plant of family Labiatae)
femata 140: mushroom (a complex aerial fleshy fruiting body of a fungus)
xutaka 141: mustard (plant of sp. Brassica hirta / B. nigra / B. juncea)
pelala 142: oak (tree of genus Quercus)
xenasa 143: oat (plant/seed of genus Avena)
naimala 144: olive (tree/fruit of sp. Olea europaea)
`kaulama` mokana 145: onion (plant/bulb of sp. Allium sepa)
losata 146: orange (tree/fruit of Citrus sinensis / related spp.)
sisala 147: pea (plant/seed of sp. Pisum sativum)
nuxama 148: peanut (plant/seed/pod of sp. Arachis hypogaea)
tinapa 149: pepper (hot/sweet/bell pepper -- plant/pod of genus Capsicum)
mausaxa 14A: pepper (black -- plant/seed of sp. Piper nigrum)
munafa 14B: pine (coniferous tree of genus Pinus)
silata 14C: plum (certain trees/fruits of genus Prunus)
`potata` xepata 14D: potato (plant/tuber of sp. Solanum tuberosum)
`lisa` pokaxa 14E: rice (plant/seed of sp. Oryza sativa)
kemata 14F: rose (plant/flower of genus Rosa)
tusasa 150: safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)
noxafa 151: sesame (plant/seed of genus Sesamum)
lonaxa 152: "soya, soybean (plant/seed of sp. Glycine max)"
notapa 153: spinach (plant/leaves of sp. Spinacia oleracea)
konafa 154: "squash, melon (plant/fruit of genus Cucurbita grown for edible fruit)"
nekala 155: sunflower (plant/bloom of sp. Helianthus annuus)
kexafa 156: tea (plant/leaves of sp. Camellia sinensis)
kaumata 157: tobacco (plant/leaves of sp. Nicotiana tabacum)
paufapa 158: tomato (plant/berry of genus Lycopersicon)
lutasa 159: wheat (plant/seed of sp. Triticum aestivum)
pumana 15A: "bush, shrub"
kulata 15B: garden
laipata 15C: "grain(s), cereal crop(s) and their seed(s)"
xutana 15D: "harvest, reap [v]"
`polana` lenapa 15E: plant (a vegetable life-form)
tenaka 15F: tree
numata 160: bay (small body of water offset from lake or sea)
sutama 161: "beach, shore"
fofala 162: cave
pautata 163: cliff
kaulapa 164: cloud
kailaka 165: desert
`tela` likafa 166: earth (terra firma contrasted with sea and heaven)
fifana 167: earthquake
laikana 168: eclipse
`xemapa` kikapa 169: field (unbroken expanse of land)
xipaxa 16A: "flood, deluge"
lainaka 16B: fog
xaukala 16C: forest
puxapa 16D: hail
`kolana` femama 16E: hill (smaller than a mountain)
sautaka 16F: island
`leka` ponata 170: lake
`kuka` fifapa 171: lightning
`luna` maifama 172: moon (natural satellite of a planet)
`kolana`n`xo` tukana 173: mountain
`nutala` xaipaka 174: nature (that which
the non-artificial world)
xaikaxa 175: planet
`pula` naikana 176: rain
tomaka 177: rainbow
lepaka 178: river
`leka`n`xo` painana 179: "sea, ocean"
`saila` saixafa 17A: sky
naitasa 17B: snow
telaxa 17C: star
xaunata 17D: storm
`sola` sunasa 17E: sun
pomasa 17F: "swamp, marsh"
nainaxa 180: thunder
mutapa 181: tide
linasa 182: tornado
`kosama` finaxa 183: "universe, cosmos"
selata 184: valley
nemata 185: volcano
`pukata` saisaxa 186: weather
`fena` paikaxa 187: wind
`telaxa` mesaka 188: world
nifafa 189: arrow (sharp-tipped shaft shot from a bow)
letala 18A: axe
sitata 18B: balloon
`leta` laulapa 18C: "bar, rod"
saisata 18D: "barrel, cask"
xaifana 18E: basket
naufama 18F: bed
maisasa 190: bell
`lema` nepaxa 191: blade
nailaxa 192: blanket (large piece of soft material used as a cover)
sefama 193: board
`pomapa` kokama 194: bomb
kaisaxa 195: bottle
fofama 196: bow (for arrows)
tupama 197: bowl (deep round dish)
kofana 198: box (rigid rectangular receptacle)
lautana 199: brake
mukaka 19A: brick (hard clay block)
xaifasa 19B: broom
nefama 19C: brush
taifafa 19D: "bucket, pail"
xailasa 19E: bullet
metaka 19F: button (on a shirt etc.)
taupasa 1A0: cage
musasa 1A1: can (presealed metal container) {British: tin}
fitasa 1A2: candle
kelaka 1A3: cannon
fixata 1A4: chain (connected series of rings or links)
`sita` pomata 1A5: chair (furniture for one person to sit on)
lexafa 1A6: cigarette
xufaka 1A7: clock
xoxasa 1A8: "club, cudgel"
foxapa 1A9: coin
kimama 1AA: comb
`kopata` lauxasa 1AB: computer (electronic instruction-obeying information-handler)
naifana 1AC: container
sitaxa 1AD: "cord, cable (thicker than wire)"
`kufa` saitala 1AE: cover (thing put onto or extended over something else)
`kupaka` lopaka 1AF: cup (small bowl with handle)
paukapa 1B0: curtain
kukala 1B1: dial (circle marked with numbers/symbols)
xaufaka 1B2: dish (any shallow concave container)
kaumapa 1B3: "doll, effigy"
naitata 1B4: dome (anything shaped like an upside-down bowl)
lunasa 1B5: drain (device that removes unwanted liquid)
totana 1B6: drill
paitana 1B7: drum (hollow musical instrument beaten with sticks or hands)
mulaka 1B8: envelope (folded paper covering a letter)
mailana 1B9: fan (device to create air current)
paimapa 1BA: fence (outdoor barrier supported by posts)
xunapa 1BB: file (tool for abrading)
`filaka` numaka 1BC: "flag, banner"
naixafa 1BD: fork (instrument with >=2 prongs for picking up something)
mixata 1BE: frame (structure supporting or surrounding something)
`mupala` saulaxa 1BF: furniture
naimaka 1C0: gear (toothed wheel)
`kitala` tutana 1C1: guitar (stringed instrument played with the fingers)
luxafa 1C2: gun (ballistic weapon)
`molata` kinata 1C3: hammer
mupafa 1C4: handle (part of tool by which it is held)
mufaxa 1C5: hinge
fofana 1C6: hook
naupama 1C7: horn (makes noise when blown)
nukaka 1C8: hourglass
muxapa 1C9: "jar, jug (big wide-mouthed bottle)"
`kifa` nonafa 1CA: key (metal device for operating lock)
kelafa 1CB: knife
selama 1CC: knob
kilapa 1CD: ladder
`lima` saikama 1CE: lamp
saitaxa 1CF: lens
mitapa 1D0: lever
laimapa 1D1: lock (device for securing doors)
`mexa` xaufala 1D2: machine (device with moving parts)
funala 1D3: match (little fire-stick)
fupaxa 1D4: microscope
paipapa 1D5: mirror
`motala` popata 1D6: "motor, engine"
xotata 1D7: nail (pointy fastener)
xoxata 1D8: needle
pufaxa 1D9: net
fusana 1DA: oven
linapa 1DB: "package, packet, parcel"
supala 1DC: "paddle, oar (stick with broad end)"
kainasa 1DD: pan (broad shallow cooking dish)
saipasa 1DE: patch (a piece used to cover/repair a flaw)
pexafa 1DF: pedal
kaulaka 1E0: pen (writing tool that uses ink)
fosafa 1E1: "pencil, crayon (writing tool that uses semi-solid substance)"
saifapa 1E2: "pillow, cushion"
sainafa 1E3: pipe (a hard tube for transporting liquid)
sausapa 1E4: "plate (shallow dish, usually round)"
pauxaka 1E5: plow (plough)
xopata 1E6: pocket
laupasa 1E7: "pole, stick (long bar)"
kinasa 1E8: post (vertical pole anchored in ground)
tonapa 1E9: pot (deep round vessel)
soxaxa 1EA: pulley
sikaka 1EB: pump
nemafa 1EC: rack (framework of bars for storage)
konama 1ED: "radio apparatus, wireless set"
`leta` xausana 1EE: rail (usually horizontal bar for restraining/supporting things)
fufata 1EF: rake
momafa 1F0: razor
kekala 1F1: rope
xepana 1F2: "rug, mat"
`seka` sufaka 1F3: "sack, bag"
sikana 1F4: sail
nonaxa 1F5: saw (tool)
kupala 1F6: scale (device to measure weight)
kaisama 1F7: scissors
xautasa 1F8: "screen, mesh"
failana 1F9: screw (threaded fastener)
naumama 1FA: sign (board with public notice written on it)
xonaxa 1FB: shelf
sonaka 1FC: shield (a protective implement)
xulafa 1FD: shovel
`lenasa` mausasa 1FE: "spear, lance"
faifala 1FF: sponge (real/synthetic corpse of animal of phylum Porifera)
naipapa 200: "spool, reel (cylinder onto which something is wound)"
mokapa 201: spoon
fimana 202: spring (metal helix)
laukafa 203: staple (fastener)
pupafa 204: strap
`filata` netala 205: string (thicker than thread and thinner than rope)
`penasa` sinaka 206: stylus
paifasa 207: sword
tunasa 208: syringe
`mesa` naimasa 209: table (piece of furniture with flat top)
pulapa 20A: telephone
selaka 20B: telescope
xausama 20C: television set
laitaxa 20D: "toilet, water closet"
naixana 20E: "tool, utensil, implement"
saisasa 20F: tongs
laumata 210: towel
`xuka` polaka 211: "toy, plaything"
kolata 212: trap
mefama 213: tray (shallow rectangular dish)
laupana 214: umbrella
taikana 215: valve (flow-controller)
sopasa 216: weapon
`kulaka` tumama 217: wheel
fixama 218: wire (long thread-like piece of metal)
tomafa 219: wrench {British: spanner}
kunama 21A: apron
kipasa 21B: belt
linana 21C: coat (heavy outer garment with sleeves)
tonaka 21D: collar
kaikafa 21E: eyeglasses
`kula` saumata 21F: garment (item of clothing)
kesasa 220: glove
tunata 221: harness
sausana 222: "hat, cap"
tenala 223: helmet
taixasa 224: jacket (a short and/or lightweight coat)
kulana 225: necktie
`putalana` fenaxa 226: "pants, trousers"
xaukapa 227: shirt
`putalana`n`ti` xaufana 228: "shorts, trunks (trousers extending no lower than knees)"
mifafa 229: shoe
pimana 22A: "skirt, kilt, dress (any torso-garment open at the bottom)"
sisana 22B: "sock, hose, stocking"
sisata 22C: uniform (special garments worn by members of a group)
kisata 22D: veil
`kaixa` tulata 22E: "building, edifice (structure with walls and roof)"
kutana 22F: "attic, garret"
maupata 230: ceiling
senapa 231: "cellar, basement"
xexana 232: chimney
faipata 233: door
sailata 234: elevator {British: lift}
sopala 235: "fireplace, hearth"
nofaka 236: floor (bottom of room)
tipaxa 237: roof
`xema` kotata 238: "room, chamber"
pexama 239: stair(s)
pufala 23A: wall
sesaka 23B: window
xusasa 23C: church (building or institution of public worship)
xifasa 23D: factory
mimana 23E: hospital
nisaka 23F: "hotel, inn"
`kausa` fuxama 240: house (a free-standing man-made dwelling-building)
naumaxa 241: library
paitala 242: mill (place where raw materials are processed)
kautaka 243: "prison, jail"
kixana 244: school
`lu`n`sela` musaxa 245: "store, shop, boutique"
lexaka 246: "tavern, bar, pub"
maimaka 247: theater
totaka 248: university
ximaka 249: bridge
fainata 24A: farm
taitana 24B: park (public outdoor area)
`lu`n`sela` xupala 24C: market (place where goods are bought/sold/traded)
`kaipasa` kaipasa 24D: tower
lelafa 24E: "agency, bureau"
`milata` nomasa 24F: army
pipala 250: authority (the right/power to command)
komama 251: campaign (for political office)
naimapa 252: constitution (charter of an organization)
`kotal`yu` munaxa 253: control [v]
kailana 254: court (of law)
kutapa 255: crime
lonama 256: elect (select by voting) [v]
`lipata` nekasa 257: free (at liberty) [aj]
kumafa 258: government
laufaka 259: independent [aj]
xaifafa 25A: international [aj]
kaixala 25B: jury
`lula` faimapa 25C: law (a rule enforced by a government)
`milata` tausasa 25D: military [aj]
`li` nemaxa 25E: "nation, state (political entity)"
xipaka 25F: obey [v]
nautaxa 260: official (issued with authority) [aj]
felaxa 261: organize (bring X's together to perform a task) [v]
xaitata 262: "parliament, congress (legislative body of elected officers)"
naikata 263: "party (political), sect (religious)"
sefana 264: "permit, allow, let [v]"
xelala 265: police (organization to enforce laws)
lilana 266: politics
kutaka 267: "prohibit, forbid, contra-permit [v]"
maixata 268: "province (of Canada etc.), prefecture, state (of USA etc.)"
maukata 269: resign [v]
`lula` kelaxa 26A: "rule, regulation"
fulaxa 26B: "submission, surrender"
faipafa 26C: tax
faufaxa 26D: trial (in court)
taixaka 26E: unite [v]
nufasa 26F: vote [v]
laumasa 270: war
maixapa 271: accept (willingly receive) [v]
xefaxa 272: account (record of money received/paid/owed)
taitapa 273: bank (monetary institution)
lisafa 274: "bill, invoice (statement of money owed)"
taulafa 275: borrow [v]
mosana 276: "business, commerce"
mosata 277: "buy, purchase [v]"
`muna`n`ti` potafa 278: "cheap, inexpensive [aj]"
suxaxa 279: check (written order directing a bank to pay from an account)
kaikala 27A: "company (a business organization), firm"
paixana 27B: contract (agreement-document)
kaunala 27C: credit (permission to borrow money)
kaifasa 27D: "debt, obligation to pay"
`mif`yu` mikana 27E: "exchange, trade, swap [v]"
xosana 27F: "expensive, costly [aj]"
sonaxa 280: "frugal, thrifty [aj]"
tinaxa 281: "generous, charitable [aj]"
numama 282: "get, acquire, gain, obtain [vt]"
`tai`yu` xokasa 283: give [v]
toxata 284: insurance (protective contractual arrangement)
tufama 285: invest [v]
lailafa 286: "job, employment"
ponama 287: "keep, retain, go on having (e.g. ""you should keep this book"") [v]"
xaunama 288: lack (be without) [v]
mitama 289: lend [v]
kailaxa 28A: lose ( contra-acquire) [vt]
mailasa 28B: "merchandise, goods, wares"
`muna` soxala 28C: money
nuxaka 28D: offer (present for acceptance or rejection) [v]
`nop`yu` fukafa 28E: own (possess according to law or custom) [v]
laipama 28F: pay [v]
numaxa 290: "poor, impoverished [aj]"
kokasa 291: "price, cost"
xelapa 292: private (contra-public) [aj]
kaikata 293: "prize, award"
pofasa 294: "profit, gain"
pemasa 295: "provide, supply, furnish [v]"
saunama 296: public (available to most or all persons) [aj]
paisata 297: punish [v]
mikasa 298: receive [v]
tixaxa 299: "reject, refuse (contra-accept) [v]"
tepana 29A: "responsibility, liability, accountability"
pomama 29B: reward [v]
taixafa 29C: "rich, wealthy [aj]"
`sel`yu` nikana 29D: sell [v]
lutala 29E: steal (take in a criminal way) [v]
taulaxa 29F: "store, cache, reserve, reservoir"
lufasa 2A0: "take (in the sense of E-o ""preni"", G ""nehmen"", Sp ""tomar"") [v]"
taumala 2A1: "ticket, coupon"
mixaka 2A2: "value (the quality of being useful and/or desirable), worth"
saitafa 2A3: "angel, fairy (supernatural flying humanoid)"
noxasa 2A4: bless (wish good upon) [v]
kikana 2A5: "curse, damn (wish evil upon) [v]"
taupapa 2A6: ghost (manifestation of dead person's soul)
`nu`n`saila` lukana 2A7: "god, diety"
`saila` nofata 2A8: "heaven, celestial realm, Valhala etc."
fisata 2A9: "hell, Hades"
taupana 2AA: "holy, sacred [aj]"
toxasa 2AB: "magic, sorcery"
maimana 2AC: pray (communicate with god(s)) [v]
timaxa 2AD: "priest, clergyman"
paukala 2AE: religion
kixala 2AF: "revelation, mystical vision"
`tola` nokapa 2B0: "ritual, rite, ceremony"
fetasa 2B1: "soul, spirit (believed to outlive the body)"
kunaxa 2B2: admire [v]
pikapa 2B3: alert [aj]
titata 2B4: angry [aj]
fimaxa 2B5: approve (of) [v]
`kelata` mautasa 2B6: art ( productive use of talent)
sepama 2B7: attention (active perception)
naukasa 2B8: "behavior, conduct"
`kel`yu` kuxaka 2B9: believe (accept as true) [v]
tonata 2BA: blame [v]
laimana 2BB: "boring, tedious [aj]"
nupala 2BC: "calculate, reckon [v]"
pimafa 2BD: "care, concern (about someone / something)"
mopafa 2BE: "caution, prudence, carefulness"
paipasa 2BF: "celebrate, rejoice [v]"
notata 2C0: "choose, pick (out), select one of many possibilities [v]"
mekana 2C1: comfort (freedom from pain and/or worry)
naitaka 2C2: compare [v]
xenafa 2C3: "conscious, aware [aj]"
memaka 2C4: "courage, bravery"
xifana 2C5: "dear, precious, cherished [aj]"
sotala 2C6: decide [v]
tulasa 2C7: disappointment
nolapa 2C8: "distinguish, differentiate, tell one from another [v]"
pipana 2C9: doubt [v]
nisapa 2CA: dream
sisama 2CB: embarrassment
nilama 2CC: "enthusiasm, zeal"
paufala 2CD: "expect, anticipate (believe that X will come/happen) [v]"
taufata 2CE: experience (consciously live through an event) [v]
nolala 2CF: "favor, prefer [v]"
taunaka 2D0: fear (be afraid of) [v]
kuxana 2D1: feel (experience an emotion/sentiment) [v]
suxana 2D2: foolish [aj]
xaixaka 2D3: forget (contra-remember) [v]
mikata 2D4: "forgive, pardon [v]"
fumasa 2D5: "funny, comical [aj]"
sopaka 2D6: "grateful, thankful [aj]"
saulala 2D7: greedy [aj]
xefala 2D8: "guard, monitor, watch over [v]"
mauxafa 2D9: "guess, conjecture [v]"
fipata 2DA: "guide, lead [v]"
nosaxa 2DB: "guilty, blame-worthy [aj]"
foxama 2DC: "habit, custom, routine practice"
taifala 2DD: happy [aj]
fikala 2DE: hate [v]
fulata 2DF: hope [v]
taupaka 2E0: "humble, modest [aj]"
memata 2E1: "idea, concept (thought-bundle)"
lofapa 2E2: imagine [v]
menata 2E3: important [aj]
saufama 2E4: "innocent, contra-guilty [aj]"
saunala 2E5: "insane, crazy, mad [aj]"
laumama 2E6: intelligent [aj]
putata 2E7: "intend, mean to, do deliberately, have as a purpose [v]"
xufata 2E8: "interest (desire to pay attention to something), fascination"
pexasa 2E9: invent (plan something which has never been made before) [v]
tilata 2EA: "jealousy, envy"
tufafa 2EB: "judge (compare something to criteria), form an opinion about [v]"
sesapa 2EC: know [v]
faifafa 2ED: knowledge
kepaka 2EE: learn [v]
konana 2EF: "like, enjoy (derive pleasure from) [v]"
mutata 2F0: logic (formalized process of reasoning)
kaupasa 2F1: lonely (feeling undesirable solitude) [aj]
tifafa 2F2: love [v]
kimata 2F3: loyal [aj]
lauxafa 2F4: mercy
maukapa 2F5: mind
sepasa 2F6: mystery
xomapa 2F7: "neglect, negligence, apathy"
sausaxa 2F8: "nice, kind, affable [aj]"
tulaka 2F9: "notice, observe [v]"
taitasa 2FA: opinion
lenafa 2FB: patience
mimata 2FC: peace (freedom from fighting or turmoil)
xukapa 2FD: "perceive, detect [v]"
mepala 2FE: "pity, feel compassion toward, feel sorry for [v]"
polapa 2FF: "plan, design"
luxata 300: "play (performed by actors on stage), drama"
lautasa 301: "pretend, act, feign [v]"
fauxapa 302: pride ( self-respect)
tinama 303: "reason, explanation, justification, rationale"
fotafa 304: "reasoning, rational thought"
texama 305: recognize [v]
xaunaxa 306: regret [v]
xemala 307: remember [v]
fosasa 308: "respect, venerate, esteem [v]"
lopama 309: "revenge, vengeance, retribution, getting even"
paunaka 30A: "sad, unhappy, melancholy [aj]"
telasa 30B: satisfaction
mauxana 30C: "seek, search (for), look for [v]"
kaumaka 30D: "seem, appear to be, give the impression of [v]"
saumaka 30E: "serious, earnest, grave [aj]"
xaunafa 30F: shame
nelafa 310: study [v]
xemama 311: stupid [aj]
lenata 312: "subject, topic of discussion"
paulaka 313: "suppose, presume [v]"
tokaxa 314: "surprise, startle [v]"
maixaka 315: "talent, skill, knack"
mofasa 316: teach [v]
momala 317: tempt [v]
kelama 318: theory
sipama 319: think [v]
tokafa 31A: trust [v]
mutaxa 31B: "understand, comprehend [v]"
xaunasa 31C: "want, wish, desire [v]"
sotata 31D: "whim, caprice"
laisapa 31E: wise [aj]
fautala 31F: "worry, anxiety"
laufama 320: address (postal co-ordinates)
taitaka 321: "admit, confess [v]"
taunapa 322: advertisement
loxaxa 323: advice
saupapa 324: alphabet
laupapa 325: "announce, proclaim [v]"
paumapa 326: "answer, reply to a question or argument"
saitaka 327: "article, essay (piece of text about one topic)"
nefaxa 328: "ask, inquire [v]"
kixata 329: book
kailala 32A: "call, summon [v]"
sukaka 32B: chapter (main division of book)
nailana 32C: "chart, diagram"
laikaka 32D: "claim, assertion (statement of unknown accuracy)"
nainasa 32E: code (cryptographic system)
mesaxa 32F: "command, order, directive"
faimama 330: communication (exchange of information)
laupaka 331: consonant (non-vowel)
sikama 332: criticize [v]
lisana 333: deny (say that X is not true) [v]
xefafa 334: describe [v]
faipala 335: dictionary
nilaxa 336: "discuss, talk about [v]"
kexaxa 337: document
taumaxa 338: "emphasize, accentuate, stress [v]"
lekata 339: fact (undisputed datum)
nauxasa 33A: fiction
paipata 33B: file ( loose bundle of data)
naufana 33C: grammar (rules and structure of a language)
xusata 33D: "history (organized account of past events), chronicle"
kotapa 33E: indicate [v]
fautana 33F: information
paimala 340: insult
lefama 341: invite [v]
kilafa 342: "issue, edition (of periodical etc.)"
fefata 343: label
tesana 344: language (the verbal communication technique of a people)
tekata 345: letter (a message written and mailed)
nepala 346: lie (utter a known falsehood) [v]
sefaka 347: list
tokana 348: magazine (periodical publication)
xaipasa 349: mail (transmit postally) [v]
kotafa 34A: map (drawing of planet's surface)
lutapa 34B: meaning (semantic content of a word)
lelata 34C: message (batch of transmitted information)
funama 34D: "movie, motion picture"
naifama 34E: name
lifapa 34F: "news, tidings"
xaulana 350: newspaper
mumapa 351: noise (confused/randomized sound/stimuli)
setala 352: "note, annotation"
xelata 353: page (one side of a sheet of paper in a book)
sekaka 354: photograph
faufafa 355: poem
mausala 356: "praise, compliment, laud [v]"
kesata 357: print (to copy marks by pressing inked objects on paper) [v]
kimana 358: "promise (a claim about one's future actions), pledge"
kaipama 359: "protest, objection"
maipaxa 35A: "question, query"
naisafa 35B: "quote, cite [v]"
paufama 35C: read [v]
momata 35D: record (a cache of information)
saumala 35E: "request, ask for [v]"
nonasa 35F: "say, tell, express in words [v]"
pailala 360: secret [aj]
tipasa 361: sentence (of words)
kautata 362: sing [v]
fomata 363: "speak, talk [v]"
texaxa 364: "story, report"
lixapa 365: "suggest, propose (offer an idea) [v]"
fisana 366: syllable
kenata 367: "symbol, sign, token"
sainata 368: thank (express gratitude toward) [v]
penaka 369: vocabulary (sum of words available to a person/people)
somana 36A: voice
tetaxa 36B: vowel
senala 36C: warn [v]
lemata 36D: word
pusaxa 36E: write [v]
maitasa 36F: game (a rule-governed system of competitive amusement)
xekaka 370: "game, match (one particular encounter between competitors)"
faimata 371: "athletics (games involving physical skill), sports"
nokafa 372: score (the tally of points in a competition)
faukaxa 373: "umpire, referee, official"
sokaxa 374: ball (spheroidal plaything)
paitapa 375: "bat, stick, racket/racquet (any ball-hitting tool)"
fainasa 376: ski
lomaxa 377: baseball
lekaxa 378: basketball
loxapa 379: "football (association football), soccer"
pausata 37A: football (American/tackle football)
mufama 37B: gymnastics
saipaka 37C: hockey
faikapa 37D: "pool, billiards"
lilapa 37E: tennis
lelala 37F: chess
kusama 380: "play, recreate, frolic [v]"
pelapa 381: "same, identical [aj]"
mutafa 382: similar [aj]
faimana 383: different [aj]
xuxana 384: "other, another [aj/pn]"
lepata 385: "change (become/make different), vary [v]"
fikasa 386: "imitate, mimic [v]"
xilama 387: "original, non-imitative [aj]"
simapa 388: "prototype, exemplar, archetype, model (for all Xs)"
sunaka 389: copy (a duplicate)
`to` nutaka 38A: zero [num]
`mu` kailapa 38B: one [num]
`xuma` xelaxa 38C: two [num]
`sifa` sautana 38D: three [num]
`koka` nulaka 38E: four [num]
`fexa` mofama 38F: five [num]
`sota` kaitapa 390: six [num]
`pipa` laikala 391: seven [num]
`tema` sesana 392: eight [num]
`lika` maisafa 393: nine [num]
`mu`n`to` penafa 394: ten [num]
`mu`n`kaika` felata 395: hundred [num]
`mu`n`kila` xilala 396: thousand [num]
`mu`n`mika` xaimana 397: million [num]
`yona` `xuma` pepata 398: half (1/2) [num]
xolaxa 399: quantity (amount / number / magnitude)
saikana 39A: "number, numeral (a word or symbol indicating quantity)"
nexafa 39B: "count, enumerate [v]"
kaunana 39C: measure [v]
pulama 39D: "ratio, rate, proportion"
fetana 39E: "add, append, join so as to cause an increase [v]"
paixapa 39F: "remove, subtract, take away, delete [v]"
notasa 3A0: increase (become or make greater in quantity) [v]
laifana 3A1: decrease (become or make lesser in quantity) [v]
sausasa 3A2: multiply [v]
xenana 3A3: divide [v]
kekafa 3A4: "total, sum, aggregate"
paimaka 3A5: "rest (of ...), remainder, leftovers, remnant"
xisaxa 3A6: "whole, entire, complete [aj]"
xikafa 3A7: all (the whole number or entire sum of) [aj]
kaifapa 3A8: many (a large number of) [aj]
fonaka 3A9: few (a small number of) [aj]
pilasa 3AA: much (a large quantity of) [aj]
lekana 3AB: more (a larger quantity of) [aj]
petapa 3AC: most (the largest quantity of) [aj]
fukaxa 3AD: little (a small quantity of) [aj]
ketama 3AE: less (a smaller quantity of) [aj]
xaumafa 3AF: least (the smallest quantity of) [aj]
naunasa 3B0: part
laupafa 3B1: piece (a part broken/cut/separated from something larger)
nutapa 3B2: "section, segment (a part somehow different/separated from others)"
kopasa 3B3: "allocation, allotment, portion (someone's share of X)"
fausapa 3B4: group
tonafa 3B5: batch (quantity of things done/produced at one time)
fauxana 3B6: "bundle, bunch (group of things tied or grouped together)"
tukala 3B7: majority
monana 3B8: minority
kufala 3B9: density
xefama 3BA: "dense (of much density), concentrated, thick, intense [aj]"
laixama 3BB: "rarefied, tenuous, diffuse, dilute, sparse, wispy [aj]"
mipaka 3BC: "full, filled [aj]"
tenasa 3BD: empty [aj]
* 24. DEGREE
sipata 3BE: degree (the extent/intensity/scope of an action/condition/relation)
nufafa 3BF: "at least, not less than (>=) [av]"
konata 3C0: "at most, only, just, merely, not more than (<=) [av]"
xaupana 3C1: "much, very ( with great intensity) [av]"
tainama 3C2: more (to a larger degree) [av]
nukafa 3C3: most (to the largest degree) [av]
nenala 3C4: little ( with almost no intensity) [av]
tumasa 3C5: less (to a smaller degree) [av]
lesaka 3C6: least (to the smallest degree) [av]
sinafa 3C7: "enough, sufficiently [av]"
laisasa 3C8: "almost, nearly [av]"
nolaxa 3C9: "too much, excessively [av]"
taunala 3CA: "too little, insufficiently [av]"
potata 3CB: size (degree of largeness or smallness)
milaka 3CC: "huge, enormous, gigantic [aj]"
naulaka 3CD: "big, large (of much size) [aj]"
sifana 3CE: small (of little size) [aj]
faulapa 3CF: "tiny, minuscule [aj]"
naukata 3D0: "expand, grow [v]"
sutasa 3D1: "shrink, contract [v]"
xupapa 3D2: distance (amount of space from X to Y)
somama 3D3: far (at / to a great distance) [aj/av]
xonasa 3D4: near (at / to a little distance) [aj/av]
faunana 3D5: present (existing in contra-absent) [aj]
tunama 3D6: absent [aj]
linata 3D7: "place, location"
kenasa 3D8: length (distance from one end to the other)
nenasa 3D9: long (of much length) [aj]
taunasa 3DA: short (of little length) [aj]
pumala 3DB: width (degree of wideness or narrowness)
fainana 3DC: "wide, broad (of space between objects) [aj]"
kaunata 3DD: "narrow, of little width (of space between objects) [aj]"
xetafa 3DE: "thickness (of a solid object, etc.)"
xelaka 3DF: "thick, fat (large from one surface to the opposite surface) [aj]"
maikaxa 3E0: "thin, slender (small from one surface to the opposite surface) [aj]"
melapa 3E1: height (distance from ground / baseline to top)
xaixapa 3E2: "high, tall (of much height) [aj]"
xufasa 3E3: "low, short ( of little height) [aj]"
tepata 3E4: depth (distance from ground / baseline down to bottom)
kaitata 3E5: "deep, profound (of much depth) [aj]"
texafa 3E6: shallow (of little depth) [aj]
nisafa 3E7: horizontal [aj]
fukapa 3E8: vertical [aj]
saufala 3E9: "diagonal, slanted [aj]"
nupaka 3EA: "sloped, inclined/declined (not horizontal) [aj]"
sipana 3EB: angle (the relation of two lines radiating from a point)
xesapa 3EC: position (location relative to others)
kixaxa 3ED: "region, area (a quantity of space within boundaries)"
xukana 3EE: "space, room, void"
mautaka 3EF: "connection, joint, junction"
fauxasa 3F0: "environment, surroundings, context"
lotafa 3F1: front
lainata 3F2: "rear, back part of"
moxala 3F3: "side, flank, lateral area"
kopapa 3F4: "middle, center"
sailaka 3F5: "top, peak, summit"
naufala 3F6: bottom
paisafa 3F7: edge
maifaxa 3F8: "inner, internal, interior [aj]"
nulapa 3F9: "outer, exterior, external [aj]"
tainata 3FA: "limit, boundary"
fukala 3FB: find (discover the location of) [v]
fumana 3FC: misplace ( become unable to find) [v]
tikama 3FD: direction (orientation of motion)
kaukaxa 3FE: up [av]
sufama 3FF: down [av]
tokala 400: north
nixata 401: south
xaukaxa 402: east
nopafa 403: west
xaupama 404: right(-hand) [aj]
faixata 405: left(-hand) [aj]
fotala 406: away (from this or that place) [av]
mitala 407: back (to previous place / condition) [av]
letaxa 408: "inverted, upside-down [aj]"
timafa 409: backward (in reverse order) [av]
kusafa 40A: "direct, immediate (with no intermediaries or obstacles) [aj]"
taipala 40B: "serpentine, meandering, convoluted [aj]"
kaipata 40C: city
nusaka 40D: village
kukama 40E: "rural area, countryside"
* 26. MOTION
motaxa 40F: "source, origin"
fenala 410: "route, path, course"
paulapa 411: destination
pofana 412: aim (to point/direct X toward Y) [v]
naunama 413: attract [v]
musata 414: "avoid, evade, keep away from [v]"
fusala 415: "barrier, obstacle"
petaxa 416: "base, node, station (point from which things go or are done)"
sotaka 417: bring (cause something to come along with one toward a place) [v]
tixala 418: "capture, seize [v]"
fepala 419: carry (move while supporting) [v]
lefana 41A: "come, arrive (at indicated place) [v]"
mulama 41B: "drift, wander [v]"
xemafa 41C: "drive, impel, propel [v]"
sisasa 41D: emit (to send out any form of matter/energy in any manner) [v]
pinala 41E: "enter, go into [v]"
tofafa 41F: "escape, flee from [v]"
fupala 420: fly (move through the air) [v]
temasa 421: "forward, ahead [av]"
maufala 422: "gather, collect (bring or come together) [v]"
taifapa 423: go (move from starting point to elsewhere) [v]
xaipama 424: "journey, trip, voyage"
xelasa 425: "leave, depart, go away from [v]"
tupana 426: "load, burden"
pifapa 427: "meet, encounter, come across [v]"
ponasa 428: "miss, fail to hit/reach/see etc. [v]"
lelapa 429: move (engage in motion / cause to engage in motion) [v]
sopapa 42A: "put, place, translocate [v]"
kosafa 42B: "reach, extend as far as [v]"
moxaka 42C: release (quit keeping/restraining) [v]
nilala 42D: "remain, stay [v]"
letana 42E: repel [v]
xautata 42F: "restrain, inhibit, hold back [v]"
xinafa 430: "retrieve, fetch (go to X and bring it back) [v]"
tokasa 431: return (go or send back to previous place/condition) [v]
mulasa 432: ride (sit/perch in/on a vehicle/horse/etc. and travel) [v]
kotasa 433: roll (move like a ball/cylinder by turning over and over) [v]
kusata 434: "send, dispatch, transmit [v]"
lulata 435: "slide, slip, glide [v]"
fesama 436: "stretch, extend [v]"
nenata 437: "turn, divert (send in a different direction) [v]"
mauxaxa 438: "turn, rotate, revolve [v]"
faulata 439: visit [v]
* 27. VEHICLES, ETC. - - Category owner: Jeffrey Henning
nauxama 43A: "airplane, aircraft"
xifafa 43B: bicycle
lauxata 43C: boat
lefaxa 43D: bus
tenapa 43E: "canal, channel, ditch"
kaitasa 43F: "car, automobile (wheeled motor vehicle)"
nekafa 440: "cart, carriage, wagon ( not self-propelled)"
xenata 441: motorcycle
pulasa 442: port
lumana 443: railroad
solasa 444: road
pauxapa 445: rocket
xikapa 446: ship
femana 447: street
punafa 448: train (of railroad)
nokala 449: truck {British: lorry} (motor vehicle for cargo-carrying)
xokata 44A: vehicle
toxala 44B: age (degree of oldness / youngness)
susasa 44C: young ( having existed/lived for a brief time) [aj]
penana 44D: old ( having existed/lived for a long time) [aj]
taulapa 44E: "new, novel, recent (having been known for a brief time) [aj]"
xaisama 44F: old ( having been known for a long time) [aj]
failapa 450: "permanent, perpetual [aj]"
kopama 451: "constant, invariant, stable [aj]"
tilala 452: "temporary, transient [aj]"
nixaka 453: interval (quantity of time between events X and Y)
maifafa 454: "irregular, sporadic, intermittent [aj]"
kipafa 455: "regular, periodic (at uniform intervals) [aj]"
nauxata 456: rhythm
lisapa 457: "time (e.g. ""do it 3 times""), occasion, instance, iteration"
sulata 458: "again, once more, re- [av]"
kenana 459: "alternate, take turns (do X then Y then X then Y) [v]"
netaxa 45A: cycle (one complete performance of a periodic process)
kuxama 45B: frequency (degree of oftenness or seldomness)
fusata 45C: "frequently, often [av]"
folaka 45D: "seldom, rarely [av]"
kenapa 45E: duration (amount of time consumed)
paikasa 45F: long (of much duration) [aj]
paisama 460: "short, brief (of little duration) [aj]"
taukama 461: gradual [aj]
kolafa 462: "sudden, abrupt [aj]"
fonapa 463: "begin, commence, start [v]"
sekapa 464: "continue, keep on doing/being [v]"
lopafa 465: "pause, hesitate, suspend action temporarily [v]"
kailama 466: "end, conclude, finish [v]"
faikama 467: "cease, stop doing, quit [v]"
laitafa 468: "delay, retard, tarry, postpone [v]"
lekasa 469: "rush, hurry, hasten [v]"
kaifana 46A: "period, era, epoch"
kexaka 46B: "moment, an instant"
xaikala 46C: always (at all times) [av]
mausapa 46D: ever (at any time) [av]
sufala 46E: never [av]
fautaxa 46F: time (the dimension/continuum of past-present-future)
tetafa 470: "past (the past), earlier time"
nefala 471: present ( the now)
poxana 472: future (the future)
lekala 473: already (prior to the time mentioned) [av]
taukasa 474: "still, yet (even until the time mentioned) [av]"
numafa 475: yesterday [av]
ketasa 476: today [av]
fixaxa 477: tomorrow [av]
failaka 478: long ago (in the far past) [av]
luxala 479: recently (in the near past) [av]
filata 47A: now (at this time) [av]
nitasa 47B: soon (in the near future) [av]
taupata 47C: eventually (in the far future) [av]
nulaxa 47D: "early, premature [aj/av]"
sausafa 47E: "timely, prompt, on time [av/aj]"
mexasa 47F: "late, tardy [aj/av]"
maitala 480: "speed, velocity (degree of fastness or slowness)"
kuxapa 481: "quickly, rapidly, swiftly (with much speed) [av]"
lemama 482: slowly (with little speed) [av]
topasa 483: series (a number of similar things following one another)
xoxama 484: "sequence, order (temporal arrangement of events in a series)"
susata 485: "last, final (after all others) [aj]"
pulala 486: "prior, preceding, previous, contra-next [aj]"
fausafa 487: "next (comi ""tomorrow"" = the next day) [aj]"
xixama 488: season
faimaxa 489: spring (the season)
fainapa 48A: summer
mokala 48B: "autumn, fall"
mefaxa 48C: winter
nufama 48D: century
maunasa 48E: year
paulasa 48F: month
kekana 490: week
taifana 491: day (24-hour period)
nailaka 492: date (coordinates of a day given in some timekeeping system)
pufata 493: "day (daytime -- as opposed to night), diurnal period"
mexata 494: night
sauxapa 495: morning (dawn to noon)
puxasa 496: noon
pukama 497: afternoon (noon to dusk)
naikasa 498: evening (dusk to midnight)
xilasa 499: midnight
tomaxa 49A: "graveyard shift, middle of the night (midnight to dawn)"
maipaka 49B: hour (60 minutes)
kaupafa 49C: minute (60 seconds)
lixama 49D: second (1/60th of a minute)
nuxana 49E: holiday
pesana 49F: sabbath (day of week with religious significance)
xaupafa 4A0: "wait (for), await [v]"
xinala 4A1: air
totama 4A2: alcohol
fisapa 4A3: ash
tetata 4A4: brass (copper-zinc alloy)
tepala 4A5: carbon
painafa 4A6: chalk
saixama 4A7: chemical (substance made by or used in chemistry)
mulaxa 4A8: clay
xetapa 4A9: "cloth, fabric (material made of threads)"
soxana 4AA: coal
mupana 4AB: copper
kausaka 4AC: "dirt, earth (tangible), soil"
kixama 4AD: dust
kukasa 4AE: element (substance of irreducible simplicity)
tautasa 4AF: fat (oily/greasy material from animal adipose tissue or plant seeds)
tufapa 4B0: fuel
nufapa 4B1: glass
menafa 4B2: gold (the precious metal)
pulaka 4B3: ice
xaitapa 4B4: ink
nausasa 4B5: iron
lepala 4B6: jade (the tough green gemstone)
faupana 4B7: "jewel, gem"
fenafa 4B8: lead (the metal)
munama 4B9: leather (prepared hide)
xaukata 4BA: medicine (substance that makes one healthy)
maixafa 4BB: metal
kautana 4BC: "mineral, ore"
foxaxa 4BD: mud
felaka 4BE: neon
sesaxa 4BF: nitrogen
kaipaxa 4C0: oil (a combustible fatty liquid that will not mix with water)
saufata 4C1: "oil (crude oil), petroleum"
lesata 4C2: oxygen
laupama 4C3: paint
mekafa 4C4: paper
kolaka 4C5: plastic (synthetic/processed moldable material)
tautama 4C6: "poison, toxin"
laulaka 4C7: potassium
lupata 4C8: quartz
menama 4C9: "rock, stone"
polata 4CA: rubber
ninata 4CB: salt
xauxama 4CC: sand
fainama 4CD: silk
tefasa 4CE: silver (the metal)
lutama 4CF: soap
nifasa 4D0: sodium
luxana 4D1: steam
nofama 4D2: steel
pausaka 4D3: sulfur
laupala 4D4: tar (dark viscous liquid obtained by destructive distillation)
fefana 4D5: tin (the metal)
timana 4D6: water
fosaka 4D7: wax
xilafa 4D8: wood (the substance)
nauxaka 4D9: wool
punaxa 4DA: beer
timaka 4DB: bitter [aj]
naumata 4DC: bread
lesama 4DD: butter
pelasa 4DE: cheese
fomana 4DF: chocolate
silapa 4E0: "flavor, taste"
taulasa 4E1: flour (grain-powder)
fufapa 4E2: food
laitata 4E3: honey
lixaka 4E4: milk
naulala 4E5: "pasta, noodles"
naifapa 4E6: pizza
sauxaxa 4E7: salad
tutasa 4E8: sandwich
xaumama 4E9: sausage
fokafa 4EA: soup
xilata 4EB: sour [aj]
xuxafa 4EC: "spice, seasoning"
motafa 4ED: sugar
saulafa 4EE: sweet [aj]
maipana 4EF: vinegar
kutata 4F0: wine
maupaka 4F1: arch
maukasa 4F2: "band, tape, flat strip"
tumaka 4F3: block (solid flat-surfaced mass of material)
xomala 4F4: branch (small part going out from main part)
faulama 4F5: "bump, protrusion"
fautama 4F6: card (stiff rectangle of material)
tesama 4F7: circle
lesasa 4F8: coil
naulaxa 4F9: cone
laukaka 4FA: "crack, fissure"
pikafa 4FB: cross (perpendicular intersection of linear items)
saikafa 4FC: crystal
pulaxa 4FD: cube
faukana 4FE: curve
xisafa 4FF: cylinder
lofata 500: "dent, nick, indentation"
maitaxa 501: "disk, disc"
lotasa 502: drop (of liquid)
mumata 503: film (very thin layer)
xusala 504: flared (opening up or spreading out from axis) [aj]
xuxaxa 505: "foam, froth"
naukama 506: "form, shape"
lailapa 507: "furrow, rut, groove"
tekasa 508: "garbage, trash, rubbish"
maukama 509: gas
tipala 50A: helix (any corkscrew-shaped object)
pautaka 50B: hole
pimapa 50C: "jelly (gelatinous semi-solid material), gel"
maunapa 50D: juice (fluid extracted from something)
fukana 50E: layer
fukata 50F: line (series of contiguous points)
mausaka 510: liquid
maipama 511: "loop, circuit, closed curve"
sukama 512: "lump, clod, blob, piece of no particular shape"
xauxata 513: mark (visible traces left behind)
faipama 514: "matter, material, substance"
taulata 515: object (concrete tangible thing)
taumasa 516: "opening, orifice"
lokama 517: "oval, ellipse"
litafa 518: parallel [aj]
laulama 519: paste (any thick soft dough-like material)
lekama 51A: pattern (apparent systematic interrelationship)
limata 51B: "pile, heap, stack of things or of a substance"
sitama 51C: plane (flat surface)
sukata 51D: "plug, seal, stopper"
lefapa 51E: powder
kimafa 51F: pyramid
limafa 520: ray
lipaxa 521: rectangle
taukaxa 522: "ring, torus"
mainasa 523: "rust, corrosion"
pofafa 524: scratch
pulana 525: sheath
tesaxa 526: sheet (thin rectangle of paper/cloth/etc.)
taipata 527: "shower, sprinkle"
ximala 528: smoke
xumapa 529: solid (not a gas or liquid)
xenaka 52A: sphere
kaimaxa 52B: "spike, barb, cleat, thorn"
lopata 52C: "spiral, whorl"
xesaka 52D: square
lainasa 52E: stripe
lausata 52F: surface
saixaka 530: "swelling, inflation"
saunaka 531: tapered (becoming narrower toward an end) [aj]
ponaxa 532: "thread, filament"
fepasa 533: triangle
fimama 534: wave
sautasa 535: wedge
mesala 536: "wrinkle, crease"
mautapa 537: "flat, planar [aj]"
mosala 538: "level, even (on the same level) [aj]"
tausana 539: smooth [aj]
maufafa 53A: "rough, coarse, contra-smooth [aj]"
lusana 53B: straight (not bent) [aj]
fixala 53C: bent [aj]
taifaka 53D: "pure, unadulterated, uncontaminated [aj]"
nailata 53E: clean [aj]
tofama 53F: "dirty, contra-clean [aj]"
ketaka 540: open (not shut) [aj]
xaunana 541: "closed, shut [aj]"
fusapa 542: wet [aj]
misaka 543: dry [aj]
fupata 544: "sharp, keen, pointy, acute [aj]"
nemasa 545: "dull, blunt (of little sharpness) [aj]"
linama 546: "soft, malleable, yielding to pressure [aj]"
pisaka 547: "hard, firm, resistant to pressure [aj]"
nimala 548: flexible (easily able to bend) [aj]
pusama 549: "stiff, rigid [aj]"
xokama 54A: elastic (able to regain shape/size after deformation) [aj]
paukasa 54B: "durable, resilient, robust, strong (in this sense) [aj]"
linaxa 54C: "fragile, delicate [aj]"
lexana 54D: weight (degree of heaviness or lightness)
tixata 54E: heavy (of much weight) [aj]
fofasa 54F: light (of little weight) [aj]
fimata 550: solid (contra-hollow) [aj]
texala 551: hollow [aj]
mekala 552: "snug (just large enough to contain X), tight (in this sense) [aj]"
paukama 553: "loose (contra-snug), baggy [aj]"
sonala 554: "taut, tight, tense, strained [aj]"
pesala 555: "loose (contra-taut), slack [aj]"
taimata 556: "viscous, thick (of high viscosity) [aj]"
nemama 557: "runny, thin (of little viscosity) [aj]"
nainama 558: absorb [v]
tilana 559: adhere (hold tightly to / stick to something) [v]
fotaxa 55A: "beat (repeatedly hit), batter [v]"
mutala 55B: blow (move/cause to move as a current of gas) [v]
nemapa 55C: boil [v]
tolasa 55D: "bounce, rebound [v]"
futafa 55E: break (into pieces) [v]
nilata 55F: "build (join materials to create), construct [v]"
pinaxa 560: burn [v]
xaulapa 561: burst [v]
tefala 562: "consume, deplete, expend, exhaust, use up [v]"
sitasa 563: contain [v]
kainapa 564: crush (press on so as to break or re-shape) [v]
pisala 565: cut [v]
taupaxa 566: dig [v]
naunaxa 567: dissolve [v]
metana 568: evaporate [v]
pilata 569: explode [v]
kofasa 56A: float [v]
tukafa 56B: flow (travel in a current) [v]
xofana 56C: fold [v]
tisafa 56D: freeze [v]
tekapa 56E: grind [v]
mainapa 56F: "hang, suspend, dangle [v]"
polasa 570: "hit, strike [v]"
soxafa 571: melt [v]
melala 572: "mix, blend [v]"
fautapa 573: "pollute, contaminate [v]"
limala 574: pour (cause to flow) [v]
taixala 575: "preserve, maintain (keep X in good condition) [v]"
sosata 576: press ( push upon with weight or force) [v]
timata 577: pry {British: prize} (raise/open/move with a lever) [v]
litata 578: pull (draw something toward oneself) [v]
xainapa 579: push (press on something in order to move it) [v]
felala 57A: "rot, decay [v]"
sosala 57B: "rub, abrade [v]"
netata 57C: sew [v]
kexama 57D: shake [v]
pisana 57E: shoot (cause to rapidly go forth) [v]
fomafa 57F: sink [v]
sunata 580: spill (accidentally emit liquid) [v]
totata 581: spread (begin to cover or cause X to cover more area) [v]
paisasa 582: "stab, jab [v]"
kupana 583: "stir, agitate [v]"
punapa 584: suck [v]
kolana 585: sweep [v]
faisata 586: "tear, rip [v]"
loxana 587: "tie, bind [v]"
kautama 588: "trim, prune (cut off ragged edges) [v]"
naulasa 589: wash [v]
kolasa 58A: weave [v]
taufasa 58B: wrap [v]
tailafa 58C: acid(ic) [aj]
linafa 58D: alkaline [aj]
sainasa 58E: atom
noxata 58F: "balance, equilibrium"
kefasa 590: "basis, foundation (part which supports the rest)"
xulama 591: electricity
femaka 592: energy
milaxa 593: fire
mumana 594: force
nekata 595: gravity
nailafa 596: magnet
kefaxa 597: molecule
pupala 598: power
tekana 599: "smell, odor, aroma"
munapa 59A: strength (ability to exert physical power)
nexaxa 59B: "stroke, jolt, blow of force"
nunafa 59C: vacuum
saipaxa 59D: "vapor, mist"
selapa 59E: "polarity (electric, magnetic, etc.)"
tuxapa 59F: positive [aj]
faifasa 5A0: negative [aj]
mefapa 5A1: "gentle, mild [aj]"
kaufana 5A2: "violent, harsh [aj]"
* 35. LIGHT
sikaxa 5A3: see [v]
lefaka 5A4: light (visible electro-magnetic radiation)
xipala 5A5: color
laufapa 5A6: "shadow, shade"
mekata 5A7: shine (radiate light) [v]
sukana 5A8: "picture, image"
maixama 5A9: bright (with much light present) [aj]
laimala 5AA: "dark, dim (with little light present) [aj]"
nifapa 5AB: black [aj]
nupapa 5AC: gray {British: grey} [aj]
kauxaxa 5AD: white [aj]
xisala 5AE: red [aj]
xonata 5AF: orange (having a hue between red and yellow) [aj]
nepapa 5B0: yellow [aj]
xaimapa 5B1: green [aj]
tixafa 5B2: blue [aj]
nautafa 5B3: purple [aj]
lofaxa 5B4: brown [aj]
fusama 5B5: beautiful [aj]
xaipapa 5B6: ugly [aj]
maifata 5B7: "ornament, decoration"
lailaka 5B8: "blemish, blot"
fuxaxa 5B9: "hide, conceal [v]"
mufafa 5BA: "reveal, disclose [v]"
xoxala 5BB: "examine, inspect [v]"
tunala 5BC: "show, exhibit, display [v]"
* 36. SOUND
faitasa 5BD: sound (audible waves in the air)
nimata 5BE: silent [aj]
taunama 5BF: "quiet, soft, faint (of little sonic intensity) [aj]"
sonapa 5C0: loud (of much sonic intensity) [aj]
nusana 5C1: hear [v]
naisama 5C2: music
xaukafa 5C3: "tone, pitch (frequency of sound waves)"
tailana 5C4: whistle [v]
* 37. HEAT
naufapa 5C5: temperature (relative amount of heat present)
sainaxa 5C6: "heat, warmth"
funapa 5C7: "cold, chilly, frigid [aj]"
putaxa 5C8: cool [aj]
pailafa 5C9: warm [aj]
taisala 5CA: hot [aj]
fainaxa 5CB: bake (cook or harden by means of dry heat) [v]
minama 5CC: cook (prepare by applying heat) [v]
maumana 5CD: "happen, occur [v]"
tausata 5CE: accident (unintentional and unexpected event)
fefafa 5CF: miracle
lunaxa 5D0: "disaster, catastrophe"
xomasa 5D1: "act, deed"
musala 5D2: "activity, bustle, ado "
kusana 5D3: "result, consequence"
pinama 5D4: agree [v]
laisala 5D5: "fight, combat [v]"
fitana 5D6: "protect, defend [v]"
numapa 5D7: attack [v]
lusaka 5D8: good [aj]
tefapa 5D9: bad [aj]
laisata 5DA: "category, classification"
xaitaxa 5DB: "kind, sort, type, variety (of...)"
fimala 5DC: "certain, sure [aj]"
tauxala 5DD: probable (likely to happen/be) [aj]
temapa 5DE: "cooperate, collaborate [v]"
tofaxa 5DF: "compete, strive, vie [v]"
tuxala 5E0: "help, assist, aid [v]"
naikama 5E1: "interfere, hinder [v]"
paupana 5E2: succeed [v]
nipafa 5E3: fail [v]
lixala 5E4: simple [aj]
taufapa 5E5: complex [aj]
texata 5E6: "condition, state, status"
xonaka 5E7: "create, make (bring into existence) [v]"
fonama 5E8: destroy (contra- cause to cease existing) [v]
semaka 5E9: "safety, security"
laitana 5EA: danger (situation in which harm is probable)
lilaka 5EB: easy [aj]
fexasa 5EC: "difficult, hard [aj]"
kemafa 5ED: true [aj]
kaimapa 5EE: "false, untrue [aj]"
fuxasa 5EF: famous [aj]
tefaka 5F0: "obscure, unheard of [aj]"
pukasa 5F1: "injure, damage, harm [v]"
momapa 5F2: "repair, fix [v]"
xoxana 5F3: "flaw, defect, imperfection"
faufala 5F4: native (naturally belonging to a given realm) [aj]
kitaka 5F5: "chief, main, primary, principal [aj]"
nauxaxa 5F6: auxiliary [aj]
paikata 5F7: "normal, ordinary, usual [aj]"
saixala 5F8: "strange, weird, unusual, peculiar [aj]"
xautana 5F9: "trouble, difficulty"
luxaka 5FA: "real, actual [aj]"
puxaxa 5FB: "trick, chicanery"
sixama 5FC: "right, correct [aj]"
suxasa 5FD: "wrong, incorrect [aj]"
kefata 5FE: "reside, dwell, live [v]"
soxaka 5FF: "camp, bivouac, temporary shelter"
fepapa 600: "nest, den, lair (an animal's self-made house)"
taumana 601: represent (act as a substitute for) [v]
kaulama 602: "substitute, surrogate (temporary replacement)"
nonala 603: replacement (permanent substitute/substitution)
topaka 604: "common, general (shared by all members of a group) [aj]"
naixama 605: "specific, special, particular [aj]"
netasa 606: "ability, capacity (to do something)"
maulasa 607: artificial (deliberately made by humans) [aj]
fikaxa 608: automatic [aj]
nesama 609: "chance, randomicity, luck"
tumala 60A: civilization
xetana 60B: "clear, plain (easy to see/understand) [aj]"
maufaxa 60C: compromise
kepaxa 60D: "consist of, be composed of [v]"
pumaka 60E: "depend on, rely on [v]"
naupasa 60F: "deserve, merit, be worthy of [v]"
sumasa 610: detail
nunala 611: equal [aj]
mukata 612: evil [aj]
nupata 613: "exact, precise [aj]"
failafa 614: "example, sample"
nekama 615: "exercise, practice (effort made to improve skills/health)"
kilasa 616: experiment
laimata 617: fertile [aj]
kukaka 618: harmony (pleasing combination of stimuli)
pekana 619: "just, fair, equitable [aj]"
taitaxa 61A: match (a thing suitably associated with another)
somaka 61B: "method, manner, way (of doing), technique"
maikasa 61C: "mutual, reciprocal [aj]"
xupaka 61D: "naked, nude, exposed (without the usual cover) [aj]"
nikafa 61E: "necessary, needed, required [aj]"
putala 61F: "need, require [v]"
misana 620: possible (able to happen or be done) [aj]
lepana 621: prevent (keep from happening) [v]
xekasa 622: "process, procedure"
maitafa 623: program
kilaka 624: "progress, advancement"
paipafa 625: "project, undertaking, venture"
nopama 626: "proof, evidence"
topapa 627: "quality, trait, attribute, characteristic"
kupafa 628: "ready, prepared for a task / event [aj]"
xukasa 629: "relationship, association"
kemana 62A: right (a right to do/be ...)
foxata 62B: role (an individual's function)
lupapa 62C: "save, rescue [v]"
xetasa 62D: species
xefasa 62E: "suitable, proper, fit(ting), appropriate [aj]"
paukaka 62F: system
saunaxa 630: "task, chore, job, assignment"
felana 631: technology
xaimata 632: "tendency, propensity, inclination"
ximafa 633: "try, attempt, endeavor [v]"
pexapa 634: "use, utilize [v]"
kufata 635: "vogue, trend, fad, fashion"
mauxala 636: "waste, misuse [v]"
lumama 637: "wild, feral, untamed [aj]"
mukasa 638: "work, effort, labor, toil"
pufama 639: riot
faipapa 63A: science
sipapa 63B: serve (provide service to) [v]
lisata 63C: set (complete group of similar items)
xaumaka 63D: strike (work stoppage as protest)
tenama 63E: support [v]
lukaka 63F: "test, check [v]"
nuxafa 640: "torture, torment [v]"
femapa 1000: including, containing [pr]
`fi` pexaka 1001: offspring
`keka` nekaxa 1002: sibling
`misa` popana 1003: "Mr. / Ms., Sir or Madam"
`kuna`n`koma` temata 1004: meat (for eating)
1005: and/or, or (inclusive)}


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