itwantstolearnto learn englishh是什么意思

> 【答案带解析】Every student wants to learn English wel...
Every student wants to learn English well, but how can we learn it well? It’s a good topic for English learners. Here are some good methods, which can help you improve your English quickly.First of all, you must have correct attitude. Please love English, not hate it. And you don’t feel shy when you say or speak English. Remember one sentence: Put your face in your pocket.Secondly, I think grammar rules, new words and phrases are important, but they are not enough. For example, some people are quite good at grammar and learned a lot of English words and phrases. But they can’t speak English when they meet foreign friends.The most effective(有效的) way to learn English well is to often use English. Don’t be afraid and don’t laugh at others. We’d better listen, speak, read and write more. You can go to English corner, talk with foreigners or talk with your friends. If you have time, listen to the radio or English program. Listening to this good material can help you improve your listening and understanding. And then, you can read English books, newspapers or novels. They are wonderful. You can use the internet, chat with net-friends or write E-mails, dairies …Through these ways, you can get more for your English.English isn’t so difficult that we can’t learn it well. As long as we set our mind to learn English well, I’m sure everyone will be successful.1.The underlined sentence “Put your face in your pocket.” suggests that____A. you should love EnglishB. you should not let others recognize your faceC. you should try not to make mistakes when speaking EnglishD. You should not feel shy when using English2.In the writer’s opinion,_____A. English learners should not spend time on grammar rules, new words and phrases.B. Grammar rules, new words and phrases are the most important thing for an English learner.C. If you are good at grammar, your spoken English will be bad.D. Learning grammar rules, new words and phrases is only part of English learning.3.The writer gives the following tips EXCEPT____A. go to English cornerB. communicate with people in EnglishC. travel in English-speaking countriesD. write English diaries4.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A. How to learn English wellB. English isn’t difficultC. Use English often in your lifeD. Grammar learning is not enough 
2. example, some people are quite good at grammar and learned a lot of English words and phrases. But they can’t speak Englis...
请根据以下提示,并结合具体事例,用英语写一篇短文。Small things make a big difference. The small things we do can make us a responsible member of the society注意:1.无须写标题;2.内容必须结合你生活中的具体事例;3.文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;4.词数不少于120,如引用提示语则不计入总词数。       
假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分Most families in China hoped their single children will have a happy future, so they are very strict in their children. So do teachers in schools! Many children are given so much homework that they have hardly any spare time have sports. The children are forbidden to do anything but to study. No wonder so many children are tired with lessons. Some even attack or kill his parents and teachers! I believe many people already read this kind of news in newspapers or magazines. Shouldn’t we draw lesson from the accidents? Now our government is making out a plan to solve the education problems. 
在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。1.He wasn’t here, but____________(显然)it was a good party.2.__________(既然) everyone is here, we begin our lecture.3.Thunder often__________(伴随) lightning.4.The boys ___________(自己取乐) by drawing pictures.5.Your idea isn’t based on facts, so it is __________(主观的).6.This street____________ a hero in the First World War.7.Smoking is strictly ______________(禁止) at school.8.He was __________(确信) that his theories were correct.9.Equal treatment for all is guaranteed in this area,___________ race, religion or sex.10.A major problem of this area is the ________(缺乏) of water. 
In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary.Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear __1.__ spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it correctly with confidence and without hesitation. __2.__ ,we must be able to read the language , and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct.There is no easy way to success __3.__language learning.___ 4.___ good memory is of great help, but it is not enough only ___5.__(memorize) rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long list of words and __6.__meaning, studying the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language. __7.___we are satisfied with only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. “Learn through use” is a good piece of ___8.__(advise) for those __9.___are studying a new language. Practice is important. We must practise speaking and __10.__(write) the language whenever we can. 
From the time each of my children started school, I packed their lunches. And in each lunch, I
a note. Often written on a napkin (餐巾), it might be a thank-you for a
moment, a reminder of something we were happily expecting, or a bit of
for the coming test or sporting event.In early grade school they
their notes. But as children grow older they becomes self-conscious(有自我意识的), and
he reached high school, my older son, Marc, informed me he no longer
my daily notes. Telling him that he no longer needed to
them but I still needed to write them, I
until the day he graduated.Six years after high school graduation, Marc called and asked if he could move
for a couple of months. He had spent those years well, graduating from college,
two internship (实习) in Washington, D.C., and
, becoming a technical assistant in Sacramento,
short vacation visits, however, he had lived away from home. With his younger sister leaving for college, I was
happy to have Marc back. Since I was
making lunch for his younger brother, I
one for Marc, too. Imagine my
when I got a call from my 24-yere-old son,
his lunch.“Did I do something
? Don’t you love me
,Mom?” were just a few of the questions he threw at me as I
asked him what was wrong.“My note, Mom,” he answered. “Where’s my note?”1.A. carried
C. included
D. held2.A. difficult
B. special
C. comfortable
D. separate3.A. congratulation
B. improvement
C. explanation
D. encouragement4.A. loved
B. answered
D. examined5.A. lately
B. by the way
C. by the time
D. gradually6.A. received
B. understood
C. enjoyed
D. collected7.A. copy
D. send8.A. held up
B. gave up
C. followed
D. continued9.A. out
C. to college
D. to Sacramento10.A. organizing
B. planning
C. comparing
D. completing11.A. hopefully
B. finally
C. particularly
D. certainly12.A. Because of
B. Instead of
C. Except for
D. As for13.A. especially
B. immediately
C. equally
D. generally14.A. once
D. even15.A. packed
B. fetched
D. filled16.A. fear
B. surprise
D. disappointment17.A. waiting for
B. worrying about C. caring for
D. asking about18.A. wrong
C. strange
D. smart19.A. any more
C. once more
D. better20.A. interestingly
B. bitterly
C. politely
D. Laughingly 
Copyright @
满分5 学习网 . All Rights Reserved.> 【答案带解析】Everybody wants to learn English well bu...
Everybody wants to learn English well but many find it not easy . They can ______ three hours on English every day, but ________ they get is not the same. I have been studying English for many years. I am very glad to share my ________ with you.I like English . Only when you want to do something can you do it _______ . Eight years ago, my English teacher took me into the English ______ . I feel _______ because I met a good teacher . Her teaching style was great and we were _______ and excited in classes. So I can say , when I first met English , it _______ me very much.For some students, to remember the new words is the biggest _____ , because the words are _____ than those I learned before . In fact, words come along with sentences. Of course, it is necessary that you should ______ them now and then, or you will forget them easily . When ______ English books, I always write some special and important phrases down on the notebook so that I can find them when I _____ . If you want to study English _____ than others , you must study harder than others, and you must spend more time. Don’t be ______ .We still have so much to learn about English. It is endless.1.A. spend
D. study2.A. how
D. when3.A. enjoyment
B. solution
D. expensive4.A. slowly
C. carefully
D. badly5.A. world
B. countries
D. class6.A. lucky
B. frustrated
C. excited
D. unhappy7.A. noisy
D. nervous8.A. troubled
B. interested
D. liked9.A. success
C. problem
D. task10.A. more boring B. shorter
C. more difficult
D. easier11.A. copy
B. memorize
D. read12.A. buying
B. borrowing
C. writing
D. reading13.A. study
D. review14.A. quicker
D. easier15.A. late
B. nervous
D. lazy 
1.考查动词与语境理解。A. spen...
& & 阅读能力是中学生学习英语应具备的一种基本能力。学习英语的一个重要目的在于获取信息。通过阅读这一重要手段,我们可以大量地获取知识,拓展知识面,还可以增强语感,培养敏捷的思维能力。
---- Hello , this is Tina speaking. Is that Sam ?---- Sorry, he isn’t here at the moment . ________ ?A. Can I take a message
B. What are you saying to TinaC. May I speak to Sam
D. Who’s that speaking 
---Let me help you to carry the box.
---No, thanks. I can do it by _______.A. me
D. myself 
Don’t waste your time. You should ________ your work.A. hang out
B. look forC. concentrate on D. go by 
--- It’s good for you to ________ in class.--- I think so . Thank you.A. get into trouble
B. make a lot of noiseC. laugh at others
D. take notes 
You’ll be late _______ you leave at once.A. or
B. unlessC. if
D. until 
Copyright @
满分5 学习网 . All Rights is acceptable for sb to do sth是什么意思_百度知道八年级上册英语试卷及答案_百度知道How to Learn English |
Search PhraseMix
Do you want to learn to speak English fluently? Here's the big secret to learning English well:
The more time you spend with English, the better you become!
That's why native English speakers are so good at it: they've spent thousands of hours listening, talking, reading, and writing English.
Why did I write "spend time with English" instead of "study English"? Because you shouldn't spend all of your time studying. You should talk with people, watch movies, listen to podcasts, write emails, surf the Internet, and do things in English. Treat English like it's your best friend - one who follows you everywhere.
Tip #1: Find a fun way to learn English
Your goal is to spend as much time as possible with the English language. That's why it's very important to find study methods that are fun for you. If you try to make yourself do something boring, you'll eventually get tired of it and quit.
Are you social and outgoing? Then it's important for you to find English speakers to talk to.
Do you love to watch TV? Sit on your couch and watch some English-language TV shows for hours at a time.
Do you hate sitting at a table and studying with a book? Then get some English podcasts and
Don't like grammar? Don't study it! You'll eventually start to understand it if you follow these suggestions for&.&
Combine English learning with something else you love. If you're an athlete, join a recreational sports team with members from English-speaking countries. If you like computer programming, read programming books written in English.
Tip #2: Use English every day
If you spend 10 hours a week studying English, what's the best way to spread that time out? Should you spend all day on Saturday reading English books, speaking with a conversation partner, and doing flashcards, then do nothing for the rest of the week?&
No! Of course not! By the time you return to studying, you will have forgotten most of what you learned the week before. It's much better&to spend a little time each day practicing. It's even better if you can split it up so that you're&
Make "English time" a routine. Find something that you can do every single day. For example:
Sign up for the
and read each day's new English phrase.
Read the news headlines in English each morning on the Internet while you're eating breakfast.
Keep English podcasts on your phone or music player, and listen to them while you drive or ride to work.
Find some easy English novels and read for 10 minutes before you go to sleep every night.
If you have a chance to study or work abroad, take it. Immersion is the very best way to learn.
Tip #3: Learn natural English
A lot of textbooks teach you English that isn't natural. Textbook writers do this because they feel that they need to make the language easier for English learners to understand. That's OK at first, but it's not good to learn too much unnatural English. if you're able to read this page then you should be learning from "" sources.
Try to expose yourself both to
English (books, speeches, news broadcasts) and
(conversations between friends, dialogue in TV shows).
If you have trouble understanding people speaking at a natural speed, try listening in shorter bursts. For example, if you're watching a video on the Internet, you can pause it after each sentence to try to figure out what the people were saying.
Tip #4: Use the power of phrases
This website is called
because memorizing phrases is a really powerful tool to help you learn advanced English quickly.&Phrases teach you how to use words and put them together. Here are some of the reasons:
You can learn more than one word at a time. For example, by memorizing the PhraseMix lesson,
you can learn the words "jury", "find", and "not guilty".&
You can learn which words go well together. For example, if you just learn the word "impression", you might not know that the verb "leave" goes well with it: &And although you know what "pleasant" means, you might not know how common the phrase "" is.
Lots of phrases have their own meaning that you can't predict based on the individual words. There are
such as "", "", "", and so on. There are also&&like "".
Tip #5: Review and repeat
Our brains are very selective. They don't remember every detail. Instead, they remember the things that seem important, and forget the rest. If you just learn a phrase once, and never read or hear it again, you probably won't remember it. That's why it's important to review.
Here are some tips to keep in mind for reviewing what you've learned:
It's good to review once within a few minutes after you learn something, again in about a day, and again in a week or so.
Flashcards work really well for review. Flashcard programs like
work even better.
If you're living in a completely English-speaking environment, it's not as important to review because you will probably see or read the same things again naturally. But if you're only studying English for an hour or two a day, review becomes very important.
Tip #6: Listen & speak & read & write
You should focus most of your time on listening to English. This is how you're going to learn to learn new phrases and pick up native-sounding habits. Once you've heard something 15 or 20 times, you'll start to be ready to use it yourself. At least half of your English practice should be listening.
However, listening passively, without speaking, can sometimes be a waste of time. If the language-learning part of your brain doesn't think that it needs to learn something, it will forget it. That's why it's important to combine your listening practice with speaking. Tal if you can't find anyone, talk to yourself!
Reading and writing are important skills too, but you've probably already gotten a lot more practice with those. Just make sure to read more than you write.
Tip #7: Have the right attitude
Remember that ! Mastering one takes a lifetime. To keep learning, you need to have the right attitude:
Treat English like something that you want to do every day, not like something that you have to do.
Forget about your old habits. Try to sound, act, walk, laugh, and think like an English speaker.
Remember that . Never believe that you completely "know" something.
When you're in a conversation in English, be confident.
Remember Tip #1. Have fun!
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