don'you don t know mehow to love came up

in Men seek comfort, confirmation that they are ok. Most men are, at heart, uncertain about themselves. Men want answers to many questions, an important one is “How to love a woman?”
Do you know what love is? You form a relationship and get married to affirm your place in the world. You learn, you think, how to treat a woman, how to be with her. You call that love. But ultimately it doesn’t seem to work. You wonder where love went.
Books by Graham Phoenix on Amazon Kindle.
Perhaps it was never really love in the first place, perhaps it was an attempt to feel the comfort you found with your mother. A man’s wife, girlfriend or partner is not his mother. The love you need to show her is of a totally different kind. It’s critical that you understand this in learning how to love a woman.
Here are 10 ways to access this love and create an amazing relationship, how to love a woman:
1. Start by loving yourself
If you are unable to love yourself, you are unable to love someone else.
This is something that men, particularly, have trouble with. You might respect yourself, think you are absolutely amazing, but loving yourself, that’s a bit sissy.
No it’s not, it’s the basis of life and the basis of a balanced personality. If you have a troubled relationship you should look, first of all, to yourself, this is often where the trouble lies.
2. Tell her you love her
This is lesson two of how to love a woman. Tell her you love her!
This means saying the words so she completely understands and is in no doubt about it. You love her. She needs you to say this all the time and she needs you to volunteer it, not say it in reply to her questioning.
The worst thing you can say is, “You know I do.” She doesn’t, that’s why she’s asking… Duh…
3. Just love her for herself
Your love is not conditional, it is not based on any special qualities. You love her.
Women have qualities we love in them, perhaps they’re smart, or sexy, or inspirational, or funny, or even rich. This is not why you love her, you love her just because of her, nothing else.
Even though you celebrate everything that she is, even though you worship her for what she does in the world, she needs to know that you simply love her, no matter what. This is so crucial.
4. Live in your power
Whilst a man in love is an emotional being he must not stop being the man he is.
Your love should come from the power inside yourself, from your very soul. The love must be part of your power as a man and it must be part of how you live.
You must remain just who you are, you must be the man she met and fell in love with.
She finds excitement in your masculine strength, particularly when it laced with love. Don’t ever let her down.
5. Don’t live in the past
Never dwell on the past and use it to judge your woman.
Life does not always treat us well and we certainly don’t always treat life well. Things go wrong and we mess up. Strife in our loving relationship is something to let go of once it’s over, it’s something to let slip into the past.
We must learn the lessons and move on ensuring that we don’t go there again. Move on and live, always, in the present.
6. Get to know her
How often do you say, “My wife doesn’t understand me.” What you really mean is, “I don’t understand my wife.”
Love can only grow and deepen through understanding. You can never get to the point where you think you know everything about her, no woman is that simple. She is a complex person that even she doesn’t understand.
You need to love her and get to know her with patience and determination.
7. Count your blessings
Count the blessings you have together, the things you have achieved together, all that you are as a couple.
This should be a regular part of your life together. While I said, above, don’t live in the past, it’s ok to recount the great things in the past. This must be tempered with looking at the amazing things you are going to do in the future.
As a rule of thumb it is advisable to expect a future way beyond one that you can imagine. Expectations can lead to frustration if they limit you, expecting them to go way beyond is a good step into the future.
8. Give love, always
Love is about giving rather than receiving.
Love is a creative force that grows out of the desire to give more than you receive.
It is crucial that you are able to receive the love that is offerred to you otherwise it quickly dies, but you have to focus on the contribution you make to her.
“Give and you shall receive”, but give without expecting anything in return.
9. Pay attention to her
Women need attention all the time.
It is absolutely vital that you understand this. Many of the annoying habits that women have are merely attempts to get your attention. Take heed of them and pay attention.
Men are focused and directed and can easily lose themselves in what they are doing. This is one of the qualities that many women love in their men, but not to the exclusion of them.
You need to find a balance that shows how important your woman is to you without losing your passion for your mission.
10. Start afresh each day
Start again as if it was the first day of the relationship.
Welcome her into your world and look forward to your day together. Give her your love and tell her you love her. Do it again in a different way and repeat. I?m sure I don?t have to tell you where to go from here.
This refreshing of your love will keep it alive and bring you closer to each other. Through this your love will deepen and become an essential part of everyday you spend together.
So what is love… really?
It’s an overwhelming emotion you have about another person, an emotion that you can’t truly explain but you can’t get rid of.
It makes you want to be with that person, hold them, touch them, have sex with them. It shows itself as an exchange of energy, a polarity, that excites your soul.
Love makes you feel great and totally transforms life. Love is worship of the other person, the woman who is divine for you.
Love is the power house behind our lives, it is the reason we live.
Do you love yourself?
Do you live in your power?
Do you start afresh with your woman – every day?
Read the following articles to open up your perspective…
Other articles by Graham Reid Phoenix:
Other relevant articles:
Image Credit: Flickr/ (Creative Commons)
This is a unique and powerful book. It is a record of a series of conversations with Christopher Howard on masculinity, sex, addiction and relationships. In them both Chris and myself opened ourselves up in a very personal and revealing way. We held nothing back and explored what it is to be men.
A journey through awareness, acceptance and authenticity to the core of the masculine.
I write about being a man, creativity and intentional living. I explore what masculinity means to men and women. Connect the dots in your life, experience your inner power and be in control of your life.
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你可能喜欢How To Love -Lil Wayne, How To Love MP3下载,歌词下载 - 虾米音乐
How To Love
You had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love
How to love
You had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in the corner tryna put it together
How to love
How to love
For a second you were here
Why you over there?
Its hard not to stare, the way you moving your body
Like you never had a love
Never had a love
When you was just a young’un your looks was so precious
But now your grown up
So fly its like a blessing but you can’t have a man look at you for 5 seconds
Without you being insecure
You never credit yourself so when you got older
It’s seems like you came back 10 times over
Now you’re sitting here in this damn corner
Looking through all your thoughts and looking over your shoulder
See you had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love
How to love
See you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in the corner tryna put it together
How to love
How to love
For a second you were here
Why you over there?
Its hard not to stare the way you moving your body
Like you never had a love
Had a love
You had a lot of dreams that transform to visions
The fact that you saw the world affected all your decisions
But it wasn’t your fault
Wasn’t in your intentions
To be the one here talking to me
Be the one listening
But I admire your poppin bottles and dippin’
Just as much as you admire bartending and stripping
Baby, so don’t be mad
Nobody else trippin
You see a lot of crooks and the crooks still crook
See You had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love
How to love
See you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in the corner tryna put it together
How to love
How to love
See I just want you to know
That you deserve the best
You’re beautiful
You’re beautiful
And I want you to know, you’re far from the usual
Far from the usual
You see you had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love
How to love
See you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in the corner tryna put it together
How to love
How to love
See you had a lot of crooks tryna steal your heart
Never really had luck, couldn’t never figure out
How to love
How to love
See you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever
Now you in the corner tryna put it together
How to love
How to love
编辑于 14:32
本以为会在一半再出来goddamnit u the sh*t之类的 没想到坏小子变正经了
李尔 -韦恩这首歌真是唱出了R&B的温度。
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莎拉·布莱曼(Sarah Brightman),日出生于英国,古典跨界音乐(Claasical crossover)女高音歌手。1978年在迪斯科舞团&Hot Gossip&初试啼声,1981年出演的音乐剧《》。1985年因出演与合作的《安魂曲》而获得格莱美最佳古典新艺人奖提名,1986年出演音乐剧《》女主角。[1]
1976年,她加入了当时节目《Pan's People》作为舞蹈演员。一年后,加入到另外一个组合&Hot Gossip&,与成员们在电视上表演音乐节目,18岁时发行了一张全英畅销单曲《I Lost My Heart To A Starship Trooper》,销量超过了50万并在全英单曲榜中名列第六。[5]
1979年,莎拉献声电影《The World Is Full of Married Men》,演唱歌曲《Madam Hyde》。
1986年,韦伯为莎拉创作了音乐剧 《歌剧魅影》,她在其中扮演女主角克莉丝汀·戴耶。[1]
1988年发行个人录音室专辑《The Trees That Grow So High(Early One Morning)》。1989年发行个人录音室专辑《The Song That Got Away》;还演唱了电影《Grandpa》主题曲《Make Believe》。
1990年,莎拉和韦伯结束了6年的婚姻生活,离婚后,两人保持了“朋友关系”,莎拉仍然在韦伯的音乐剧《爱的观点》中担任女主角,并发行了个人专辑《As I Came Of Age》。离开音乐剧舞台后后,莎拉开始了对其个人音乐事业的追求。
1995年发行摇滚跨界专辑《苍蝇》(),当中的主打歌曲《A Question of Honour》提高了莎拉在欧洲的知名度。[7]
1997年发行个人录音室专辑《Timeless/》,在Billboard 200榜单中最高排名71。[8]
年底发行《The Andrew Lloyd Webber Collection》(韦伯作品精选)。1998年3月,在伦敦的举办了个人音乐会;4月7日受邀到韦
伯五十岁生日音乐会上演唱。同年与等歌唱家在维也纳的市政大厅举行”A Gala Christmas in Vienna“音乐会;年底发行个人录音室专辑《Eden》();其在美国 200的榜单中最高排名65。[9]
1999年开展“伊甸园”巡演 (Eden Tour),并在南非录制了巡演现场(Sarah Brightman-One night in Eden)。
2000年,发行个人录音室专辑《》,其在Billboard 200流行音乐榜单中打入了靠前的名次,最高排名17。[10]
2000年8月到2001年5月,开展“月亮”全球巡演( La Luna World Tour),特邀跨界男中音合唱《》,这次在美国的巡回演出票房达到了1220万美元,巡演中非公开发行了限量珍惜专辑《FlyⅡ》2001年5月在欧洲发行精选《The Very
Best Of 》。年底在除欧洲地区以外的全部地区出版了古典风格的精选专辑《Classics》(金选),其在Billboard 200的榜单中最高排名66。[11]
2002年,发行了精选集《Encore》(喝彩) ,主要收录音乐剧时期的作品。[12]
2003年,发行个人录音室专辑《》(后宫),其在Billboard 200榜单中最高排名29。[13]
同年发行该专辑的MV合辑:“A Desert Fantasy”(沙漠幻想)。
北美地区取得了1500万美元,莎拉首次到了中国大陆开展巡演,巡演现场在录制,并发行了现场录音专辑,巡演中还非公开发行了限量珍惜专辑《》。2005年,发行精选集《Love Changes Everything - The Andrew Lloyd Webber Collection, Volume 2》(爱改变一切——韦伯作品精选2)[14]
同年发行MV精选合集《Diva: The Video Collection》和精选集《Diva: The Singles Collection》;10月25日,出席。[16]
日,莎拉联袂英国女高音在足总杯决赛上带领温布利体育场的全体球迷演唱《Abide With Me》;7月,参加了纪念逝世10周年音乐会的演出,与合唱《》;BBC电视台也将《告别时刻》作为纪念戴安娜王妃的歌
同月来到中国上海参加了气象危机“Live Earth”的义演。[18]
2008年1月,莎拉发行了录音室专辑《Symphony》(),该专辑也创造了莎拉的专辑在Billboard 200流行榜单中的最高名次——第13位;[20]
“Symphony“世界巡演也在同月展开,此次巡演在北美地区的总票房超过了1000万美元,成为了2008年度北美地区最成功的巡演之一;年底在由同名摇滚音乐剧改编的电影《Repo! The Genetic Opera》(!)出演了角色“Blind Mag”。[22]
之后发行了现场专辑《Symphony Live in Vienna》。7月在建台50周年的特别制作电影《Amalfi——》中出演了她的同名角色,[24]
同时日本也独占发行了精选集《Amalfi - Sarah Brightman Love Songs》;同年在喜剧爱情音乐电影《Cosi》(上映时改名为”First Night“)里饰演一名女指挥家。[25]
2010年2月发行与温哥华冬季奥运会赞助厂商松下合作的新单曲《Shall be done》。
日,出席《歌剧魅影》在美国的告别演出,并与5个历代魅影合唱;4月新专辑全球发行,美国发行首周打入Billboard 200流行榜单第17名,4月23日出席闭幕典礼;[29]
6月从中国起跑“追梦人”世界巡演;年底公布将演唱日本电影《》主题曲:《The Chart Of Love~Keep The Light~》。[30]
日在日本独占发行新精选集《Voce-Sarah Brightman beutiful songs》,6月4日出席娱乐音乐节目“Symfunny”并担任大型交响乐团的指挥;11月底开始巡演,其中包括中国的台北、苗栗。[31]
莎拉拥有一个大家庭,母亲是 Paula Hernyhough Brightman(Paula Hall),现住西班牙,父亲 Grenville Brightman()是一名商人,父母在1992年离婚,同年父亲在家中一氧化碳中毒自杀,父母育有6个子女,莎拉是六姐弟中最大的一个,其他的弟妹分别是:Nichola、Claudia、Jay Grenville、Joel Grenville、Brightman。[6]
莎拉与乐团经理 Andrew Graham-Stewart 于1978年结婚,1983年9月离婚;后与日结婚,1990年6月离婚。离开音乐剧舞台后与其个人音乐制作人保持过恋人关系。现已分手,至今未婚,未育有子女。[7]
Sarah Brightman
Così(First Night)[25]
Christopher Menaul
Repo!The Genetic Opera![22]
Zeit Der Erkenntnis
Sarah Brightman
Sarah Brightman
Sarah Brightman
参演音乐剧《我和阿尔伯特》(I and Albert),扮演Vicky和街头流浪者,1973年于伦敦Picadilly Theatre。《猫》(Cats),扮演杰米玛(),1981年于New London Theatre。班战斯的海盗(The Pirates of Penzance),1982年扮演凯特(Kate)。假面舞会( Masquerade),1982年扮演Tara Treetops。夜莺(),扮演夜莺,1982年哈默史密斯 Buxton Festival and the Lyric
歌声舞影(Song and Dance),扮演Emma,日伦敦 Palace Theatre安魂曲(Requiem),1985年纽约和伦敦风流寡妇(The Merry Widow),扮演Valencienne,1985年(The Phantom of the Opera),扮演克莉斯汀·戴耶(Christine Daaé),1986年Her Majesty's Theatre London,1988年百老汇。爱的观点(Aspects of Love),扮演Rose Vibert,1990年参演戏剧Trelawny of the Wells,扮演Rose Trelawney,1992年Relative Values,扮演Miranda Frayle,1993年Chichester Festival and Savoy TheatreDangerous Obsession,扮演Sally Driscoll,1994年贝辛斯托克Haymarket Theatre
The Innocents,扮演Miss Giddens,1995年贝辛斯托克Haymarket Theatre
Voce-Sarah Brightman Beautiful Songs
专辑类型:精选集唱片公司:Universal Music发售范围:日本独占发售
专辑简介:专辑主打曲是日本电影《神的病历簿2》主题曲-《The chart of love-keep the light》,此外还收录了2010年未公开发行的单曲《Done》,整张专辑的选曲都与日本有或多或少的联系,也是莎拉对日本多年来支持她的歌迷们送上的一份薄礼。
The Chart Of Love-Keep The Light
A Question of Honour
A Whiter Shade Of Pale
Ave Maria(Bach / Gounod Version)
En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor
Stand Alone (Vocalise).
Fleurs Du Mal
I Will Be with You (Where the Lost Ones Go)
The Phantom Of The Opera (Live)
Running(Japan version)
Done (Pop Version)
Forbidden Colours
Kaze No Torimichi
Amazing Grace
Dans La Nuit
Time To Say Goodbye (Solo Version)
Dream Chaser
专辑类型:录音室专辑唱片公司:Simha LLC发售范围:全球
专辑简介: "Dream Chaser"是一张满载莎拉布莱曼环游太空梦想的专辑,一首《Angel》紧紧围绕着梦想,勾勒出极为美好的梦想场景。而《One Day Like This》更是怀着激情面对美丽的世界……  此外,莎拉在此牵手新的公司——Simha(在印地语中是狮子的意思)。
A Song Of India
One Day Like This
Venus And Mars
风のとおり道(Kaze No Torimichi )(Only Japan)
Lento E Largo (From Symohony No.3,OP.36 )(Symphont Of Sorrowful Songs)
Closer(Japanese limited deluxe edition with DVD曲目)
Hawai'i '78 (美版Target独有)
Breathe Me
So Long Ago So Clear (美版 Limited deluxe edition bonus DVD曲目)
7th Heaven (美版Limited deluxe edition bonus DVD曲目)
16. In The Air (美版Target独有)
Amalfi-Sarah Brightman Love Songs
专辑类型:精选集唱片公司:Manhattan Records发售范围:日本独占
Time to Say Goodbye (solo version)
Ave Maria (Schubert)
Until The End Of Time
Il Mio Cuore Va
Storia D‘Amore
O Mio Babbino Caro
Jesu, Joy Of Man.s Desiring
Anytime, Anywhere
La Califfa
Lascia Ch'io Pianga
How Fair This Place
Nella Fantasia
Amazing Grace
Nessun Dorma
Solo Con Te
Bella Voce
Deliver Me
Winter light
Scarborough Fair
Time To Say Goodbye
Anytime Anywhere
Nessun Dorma
Dust In The Wind
Symphony:Live in Vienna
专辑类型:演唱会专辑唱片公司:Manhattan Records发售范围:2008年美国限量发行,次年全球发行
专辑简介:2008年1月,莎拉在古典音乐的发源地奥地利维也纳的史蒂芬大教堂拉开了Symphony:Live In Vienna的神秘帷幕,史蒂芬大教堂以其凛然肃穆的哥特风格而出名,教堂的布局是完美的,音乐和哥特天使将听众们引入神秘的Symhony世界。演唱会包含莎拉专辑《Symphony》中的保留曲目和她的成名曲"歌剧魅影""告别时刻"。
Storia d'Amore
Fleurs du Mal
Pasión (duet w/Fernando Lima)
Let It Rain
Canto della Terra (duet w/Alessandro Safina)
The Phantom of the Opera
(duet w/Chris Thompson)
Sarai Qui (duet w/Alessandro Safina)
Time to Say Goodbye
Ave Maria(Schubert)
I Will Be with You (Where the Lost Ones Go) (duet w/Chris Thompson)
Vide Cor Meum (*bonus track)
A Winter Symphony
唱片公司:Manhattan Records (E发售范围:全球
专辑简介:《A Winter Symphony》中文译为:《冬日交响》,是跨界女高音莎拉·布莱曼于日发行的其首张圣诞专辑。专辑名称借2008年初发行的主打录音室专辑《Symphony》()而来,既表达了一年两专对歌迷的款待,也也一语双关地将主题提升一个境界。
Amazing Grace
Colder than Winter
Ave Maria (Gounod)
Ave Maria -Duet with Fernando Lima
I Believe in Father Christmas
Silent Night
When A Child Is Born
In the Bleak Midwinter
Carpe Diem
-- duet with Mario Frangoulis
I've been this way before
Happy Christmas (War Is Over)
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
First Of May(Only Japan)
Child in a Manger
He Moved Through The Fair(Only Japan)
I wish it could be Christmas everyday
唱片公司:Manhattan Records (E发售范围:全球
专辑简介:Symphony——莎拉在录音室热切期盼的录制鲜明的表达了该词的意蕴。“Symphony”被定义为“各种元素的和谐组合,特别是各种颜色的生动组合。”在多种多样的宽广风格中的探索中,莎拉创造了另一个难以轻易分类的含有多种元素的专辑。可是,它仍然被多种音乐流派的爱好者所接受。从哥特曲风的“Fleurs du Mal”到婉转美丽的“Let It Rain”,“Symphony”充满了大胆的反叛和脆弱的情愫。“即使大多数的歌唱家越来越倾向于声乐作品的创作,我也仍倾向于交响乐式作品的创作。”莎拉说到,“听者可以闭上双眼看见创作者描绘的世界。而在过去制作新专辑的四年时间里,我感觉到,相较以前而言,我越来越多的倾向于将自己的音乐视觉化。我发现对于这张专辑的探究是无止境的。”莎拉也表示,这张专辑之所以这样命名是因为它确实是“将许多不同的元素聚集在一起,以创造可以用一根主线贯穿专辑中心的和谐结构。在我的音乐生涯中,我却是尝试了许许多多不同的风格。”莎拉说,“这是首张集聚多种风格,从而创造出一幅变化多端图景的专辑。”该专辑在德国、美国、英国录制,其中收集了全新的歌曲,由莎拉布莱曼和与其长期工作的制作人弗莱克彼得森共同制作。除了与安德里亚波切利的再度合作这首气势磅礴而又充满浪漫风情的“Canto Della Terra”。这张多元素集合的专辑中也有莎拉同西班牙抒情男歌手Fernando Lima合作的“Pasión”,与意大利男高音Alessandro Safina合作的“Sarai Qui”,与摇滚巨星Paul Stanley of KISS合作的“I Will Be with You”。另一个亮点就是“Running”,国际田径联合会绿化慈善工程之曲目,莎拉曾在其在大阪的竞标赛开幕式上演唱。
Fleurs Du Mal
Storia D'Amore
Let It Rain
Canto Della Terra
I Will Be With You
Schwere Tr?ume
The Very Best Of Sarah Brightman Classics
专辑简介:这张专辑类似于2001年大范围发行的《Classics》,但曲目有变化,并且在2001年专辑中重新录制的歌曲也是用的原版,仅在欧洲发行,与同期发行的《Diva Singles colection》相对应。 2001年的《Classics》是与在欧洲同期发行的《The Very Best of Sarah Brightman 》相对应。
It's A Beautiful Day
Anytime Anywhere
Nella Fantasia
Ave Maria(Schubert)
The Music Of The Night
Lascia Chi'O Pianga
Hijo De La Luna
Winter Light
What You Never Know
Nessun Dorma
En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor
Time To Say Goodbye
A Question Of Honour (Part II)
Diva: The Singles Collection
专辑简介:2006年她出道以来第一张MV精选合集“Diva: The Video Collection”(首席女伶视频精选)发行同时,一张收录她多年来畅销单曲的精选集“”也一起面世,并再次登上了美国跨界榜单的榜首。
Phantom of the Opera
Nella Fantasia
The Music of the Night
Scarborough Fair (Adapted from a Traditional)
A Whiter Shade of Pale
Who Wants to Live Forever
It's a Beautiful Day (Adapted from Puccini)
Tu Quieres Volver
What You Never Know
Just Show Me How to Love You
A Question of Honour
Deliver Me
Time to Say Goodbye (Con Te Partirò)
Love Changes Every Thing
唱片公司:Decca Broadway发行范围:全球
专辑简介:本张精选集中包含几首流行风格的歌曲,有之前未发行的"Probably On A Thursday"。这些曲目更趋向于成年人时代(Adult Contemporary)而非韦伯的舞台风格,它恰当的选取了"歌剧魅影"和"艾薇塔"中的选曲。合作歌手有Cliff Richard, Michael Ball以及Steve Harley,这有效平衡了韦伯迷对着整张专辑的喜爱。  莎拉在韦伯的音乐剧中扮演各种各样的角色,她在音乐剧"猫""歌剧魅影"以及"安魂曲"中都扮演了重要角色,并且合情合理的与制作人结婚()。布莱曼的纯真,银铃般的高音十分适合韦伯的流行歌剧作品,正如"爱能改变一切"——第二版莎拉演唱韦伯歌曲的精选(本专辑)所展示的那样!  人员分工: Sarah Brightman (vocals); Cliff Richard, John Barrowman, Steve Harley, Michael Ball, Steve Barton (vocals).
Probably On A Thursday
Too Much in Love to Care
(featuring John Barrowman)
Only You (featuring Cliff Richard)
The Phantom of the Opera (featuring Steve Harley)
Love Changes Everything
Make Up My Heart
Seeing is Believing (featuring Michael Ball)
Don't Cry For Me Argentina (Spanish Version)
Think of Me (featuring Steve Barton)
Everything's Alright
Any Dream Will Do
Whistle Down the Wind
I Don't Know How to Love Him
Sarah Brightman &The Harem World Tour&Live from las vegas
专辑类型:演唱会专辑唱片公司:Angel Records发行范围:全球
专辑简介:在历经2003一整年的世界巡回演唱‘The Harem World Tour’之后,莎拉·布莱曼借着这张在拉斯维加斯的现场演唱会录音作为她这场巡回之旅的纪念专辑,也作为她与全世界乐迷的一次难忘心情记事。在过去三个月间,她一连在全美举行了五十场的演唱会,这些演唱会和她这一张现场演唱专辑一样,延续了去年六月的‘Harem’专辑所引用的中东主题,将近年来欧美热衷的东方主义人文关怀带进音乐中。今年三月她来到拉斯维加斯的米高梅MGM 大剧院的歌唱,以其绚丽的舞台布景和震撼音箱效果,堪称近年来的舞台巅峰之作。该专辑完全再现演唱会盛况,全部16首作品,风格多样。莎拉布莱曼现场演绎了自己各专辑中的经典歌曲,如包括古典歌剧选段《蝴蝶夫人》、《图兰多》等,她的成名音乐剧《歌剧院幽灵》中的选曲。同时还有电影音乐和摇滚音乐的改编曲目,《渴望永生》和皇后乐队摇滚经典《苍白的浅影》,以及从约翰·丹佛的乡村歌曲发展而来《回乡之路》。当然,还有新唱片《一千零一夜》中的歌曲,其中《战争结束》、《自由》和《美丽的一天》组成一个呼唤和平板块。主打歌《一千零一夜》成为演唱会的开始曲,一首莎拉1995年曾录制的《荣誉之争》将作为演唱会的压轴作品。演唱会全面展示了莎拉·布莱曼的艺术成就,如同她的艺术人生成长记录一般。可谓绝对超值的是本专辑还收录了莎拉布莱曼一首从未发表过的新作品《Snow On the Sahara撒哈拉沙漠的雪》,是与现场观众的一次共鸣,也是弥补未能现场观看朋友的遗憾。实在是一张值得聆听和收藏的经典现场版专辑。
Kama Sutra
Nessun Dorma
Harem Overture (Cancao do Mar)
The War Is Over
It’s A Beautiful Day
A Whiter Shade of Pale
Dust in the Wind
The Phantom of the Opera Suite
Who Wants to Live Forever
WIshing You Were Somehow Here Again
Anytime, Anywhere
Time To Say Goodbye(Solo Version)
A Question of Honour
Nella Fantasia(only Japan)
Snow on the Sahara (Bonus studio track)
The Harem tour
专辑类型:演唱会专辑唱片公司:Angel Records发行范围:harem world tour现场限量
专辑简介:这张专辑是英国跨界歌手莎拉布莱曼在2004年Harem国际巡演中发售的一张特别版CD。和La Luna Tour CD一样,这张CD只在演唱会中出售,在CD店中是找不到的。Harem Tour CD中的曲目有以下三种类别【第一类】Sarah以前录制但未完成或是未被发行的一些Rare songs,这其中包括:"Kama Sutra","Pay no Mind","Colour of the Rainbow","Forbidden Colours","My Imagination"和 "Watermark"这六首歌曲。【第二类】Sarah和其它乐队合作的一些曲目,这些歌曲没有发行在Sarah的专辑中,但却包含在Sarah与其合作的乐队专辑中,这其中包括:"The Smile (With Schiller)","I've Seen It All (With Schiller)","Join Me (With Gregorian)","Voyage-Voyage (With Gregorian)","Don't Give up (With Gregorian)"和"The Secret Still Remain (With Sash!)"。【第三类】以前发行在单曲里的Rare Song,在这张Harem Tour CD里,这类歌曲只有一首为A Question of Honour的Extended Version。
Kama Sutra
A Question of Honour (Extended Version)
Join Me (with Gregorian)
Voyage Voyage (With Gregorian)
My Imagination
Colours of the Rainbow
Don't Give up (with Gregorian)
The Secret Still Remains
Forbidden Colours
I've Seen It All (with Schiller)
The Smile (With Schiller)
Pay no Mind
专辑类型:录音室专辑唱片公司:Angel Records发售范围:全球
专辑简介:《Harem》是以中东传说为基底所编织而成的一次音乐奇想之旅,整张专辑呈现出来的是广袤沙漠、无垠空间以及那种平和与充满灵性的感觉,这张专辑可能是莎拉到目前为止最独特且最具个人特色的作品。打开专辑首先到来的是专辑同名曲《》(后宫),改编自《canno do mar》,勾勒出了整张专辑的情境与想像空间,莎拉还大胆用流行音乐风格全新演绎了爵士名曲《》(多么美好的世界),使得这首歌曲带给人们更多地感受和焕然一新的感觉。改编自歌剧《中的一段咏叹调的跨界经典:《It's a beautiful day》(美好的一天),让人感到一位女子等候丈夫多年却未归的绝望悲感。曲名即明显反映出歌曲意义的《The War Is Over》传达出要以爱解决冲突的讯息;莎拉与伊拉克歌手卡珊·艾尔撒希尔的歌声在甘乃迪悠扬的小提琴伴奏中,精巧而感人地融合在一起。肯尼迪同时也在此专辑另一首歌曲《Free》里担任演出,这首歌曲的灵感来自於一首法国抒情诗,热爱自由的意念回荡於整首歌曲间,这同时也是整张专辑的核心概念。莎拉的想像力也为一些经典老歌着上新的色彩,她将这些经典歌曲浸在启发她的东方氛围中,像是《Stranger in Paradise》藉由丰润的管弦乐回响出性感艳丽的鞑靼舞曲气息,衬托着莎拉闪烁微光的美妙歌喉;《Harem》专辑同时也以一系列优美的新曲回旋出启发整张专辑的灵感源头,像是《Beautiful》、《Arabian Nights》、《What You Never Know》、《Mysterious Days》、《Until The End Of Time》、《The Journey Home》等等,这些歌曲全由印度电影配乐大师A.R.拉曼 A.R Rahman 所谱写。此外,莎拉之前录制过的《You Take My Breath Away》在此也有另一番全新的诠释。
Harem(canno do mar)
Arabian Nights
What A Wonderful World
Stranger In Paradise
It‘s A Beautiful Day
Until The End Of Time
What You Never Know
You Take My Breath Away (USA only)
The Journey Home
Guéri De Toi (except USA & Japan)
Tout Se Que Je Sais (except USA & Japan)
Mysterious Days
Sarahbande (Japan only)
The War Is Over
Namida (&When Firebirds Cry&) (Japan only)
Misere Mei
Where Eagles Fly(未正式发行)
专辑简介:《安歌》这张精选集由韦伯制作,并且由Decca Broadway于2001年发行。这张精选集收录了莎拉与韦伯合作的歌曲,这些歌曲分别收录在《Surrender,The Unexpected Songs》《The Songs That Got Away》 《The Phantom of the Opera》等专辑中。除了这些老歌外,《Encore》还收录了音乐剧《微风轻哨》中的歌曲。
Whitsle Down the Wind
From Whistle Down the Wind
Piano (Memory)
From Cats [Italian Version]
Away from You From Rex
What More Do I Need
From Saturday Night
Guardami (With One Look)
From Sunset Boulevard [Italian Version]
There Is More to Love From Aspects of Love
Think of Me
From the Phantom of the Opera
Last Man in My Life From Song and Dance
One More Walk the Around the Garden
From Carmelina
In the Mandarin's Orchid Garden From East Is West
Surrender From Sunset Boulevard
Nothing Like You've Ever Known
From Tell Me on a Sunday and Song
If I Ever Fall in Love Again
From the Crooked Mile
Chi il Bel Sogno Di Doretta
From la Rondine
Half a Moment
From Jeeves
专辑简介:《Classics》是莎拉主要对其古典音乐的曲目做的一张精选集,重新录制了以前的老歌如《Pie Jesu》的独唱美声版,也带有新曲如《Ave Maria(Schubert)》、《Winter Light》此张专辑莎拉给人来了个大跌眼镜,造型十分诱人,是源自于圣母和维纳斯的形象设计的MV,十分具有古典美。
Ave Maria(Schubert)
O Mio Babbino Caro
Winter Light
Pie Jesu(Solo Ver.)(re-recorded)
Anytime Anywhere(re-recorded)
Figlio Perduto
Nessun Dorma(re-recorded)
Lascia Chi'O Pianga
Dans La Nuit
Time To Say Goodbye(Solo Ver.)
Serenade+How Fair This Place
专辑类型:录音室专辑唱片公司:East-West & Angel发行范围:全球
专辑简介:"天使"这个词几乎是当用到描述莎拉布莱曼那美丽的嗓音,她让恩雅听起来就像Tom Waits,而La Luna正是一张包含丰富旋律足以让莎拉自由发挥其嗓音特点的专辑。 莎拉令人佩服的游走于多种音乐风格之间,富有大气音景的"La Lune"引导出带有电子乐风格的"Winter in July", 主打同名曲《la luna》是选自歌剧《水仙女》的一段咏叹调,并由莎拉亲自重新填词的力作,翻唱自上世纪六十年代的抒情曲、奥斯卡金奖电影《毕业生》插曲的《斯卡布罗集市》更成为中国乐迷们最熟悉的旋律,专辑中还有改编自交响乐的“迷失的孩子”,有西班牙最受欢迎的合唱团“Meoano”1988年的畅销金曲“(月亮之子)”的全新演绎,有全球网友推荐的最具“神秘色彩”的单曲”gloomy sunday“ (忧郁的星期天),让人惊诧高音演绎的忧伤同样婉约和美丽,莎拉还翻唱了有着古典摇滚音乐里程碑作品之称的《A whiter shade of pale》(苍白的浅影)。最后一首是《moon river》(月亮河),那熟悉的旋律,让人沉醉在逝去的年代。或许世纪之交是宜于怀旧的,在莎拉的歌声的引领下,听者与歌者跨越时空的阻隔,相约在音乐的国度。
Hijo De La Luna
Winter In July
Here With Me
Scarborough Fair
La Califfa
Figlio Perduto
A Whiter Shade of Pale
Solo con Te
He Doesn't See Me
Gloomy Sunday
How Fair This Place
Hidden track: Moon River
专辑类型:演唱会专辑唱片公司:Eastwest发行范围:la luna巡演现场非公开发售
专辑简介:《Fly II》是在2000年“La Luna”全球巡演的时候在演唱会现场发售的限量版专辑。该专辑为双碟版,第一碟仍然是我们熟知的95版《Fly》(第一首歌为The Fly) 。第二碟收录了《》《》《》 《》 《》《》 等罕见的歌曲,更收录了不少混音作品。以下显示Disc 2的歌曲
Once In A Lifetime(96 ReMixed)
First Of May (Live Version)
He Moved Through The Fair
How Can Heaven Love Me (PeCh's Favorite Radio Edit)
Starship Troopers
(D-Bop's Saturday Nite Radio Edit)
Desert Rose
On The Nile
Do You Wanna Be Loved?
How Can Heaven Love Me
Hurry Home
Once In A Lifetime(Ballad Version)
He Same Thing To You
唱片公司:East-West & Angel发行范围:全球
专辑简介:一曲神秘色彩的“ in paradium”《在天堂里》揭开了专辑的帷幕。这是她和彼特森合作之作,演绎了异国风情的人间祈祷。主打歌“EDEN”《伊甸园》将声音电子效果化,莎拉性感的声音和背景中的格里高利圣咏交织在一起,仿似游走在迷离的时空之中。古典和流行再度完美融合,充满热情的表白“so many things”《如此多的事》莎拉亲自填词。以擅唱音乐剧的她当然不会忘记精选出经典的歌剧片断。大胆地演绎了迄今为此仍以男高音主称的普西尼《图兰朵》中的经典咏叹调“”《今夜无人入睡》,以及亨德尔抒情咏叹调“lascia chio pianga”《让我哭泣》。此张专辑中还收入了许多感人至深的抒情歌,坎斯纳斯的民谣 “dust in the wind” 《风中之尘》、 绝美典藏意大利美声版之泰坦尼克号主题曲爱无止尽 “il mio cuore va ” 《我的心将追随》、痴心等待爱情救赎 “deliver me ” 《拯救我》、法国电影配乐名家嘉布烈尔亚赫精心制作“ un jour il viedra” 《有一天他将回来》、电影《教会》经典主题、唯一作曲者授权演唱版“nella fantasia” 《幻梦之中》。
In Paradisum
Nella Fantasia
So Many Things
Lascia Ch'io Pianga
Anytime Anywhere
Only An Ocean Away
Scene D'Amour
Dust In The Wind
Nessun Dorma
Il Mio Cuore Va
The Last Words You Said
Deliver Me
Desert Rose
Un Jour Il Viendra
Sleep Tight
专辑简介:这张专辑由伦敦交响乐团录制,主题为古典风。它首次由East-West公司以《Timeless》为题在欧洲发行,之后百代旗下的Angel公司以《Time to say goodbye》为题在美洲发行。这张专辑包含多种歌剧咏叹调,也有两首和著名男高音Jose Cura合作的动人情歌。同时,专辑还收录了现场演绎的莫扎特的“Alleluja”和“O Mio Babbino Caro”(首次收录在《Theme from a Room with a View》(1987)中)除了古典乐曲,这张专辑还包括一些摇滚乐、民谣和流行歌曲。莎拉演唱的歌曲《Tu Quieres Volver》与Gipsy Kings的版本有着鲜明的差别。因为莎拉的高音达到了highc。&
No One Like You
Just Show Me How To Love You
Naturaleza Muerta
Tu Quieres Volver
En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor
In Trutina
There For Me
Time To Say Goodbye(Con te partiro)
O Mio Babbino Caro
Who Wants To Live Forever
The Very Best of Andrew Lloyd Webber The Broadway Collection
Phantom of the Opera
Unexpected Song
Gus: The Theatre Cat
Chanson d'Efrance
Anything But Lonely
All I Ask of You
Macavity: The Mystery Cat
Don't Cry for Me Argentina
Tell Me on a Sunday
Another Suitcase in Another Hall
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again
Love Changes Everything
Amigos Para Siempre (Friends for Life)
Music of the Night
Time to say goodbye
专辑简介:《Time to say goodbye》是《Timeless》在北美上市改名后调整了曲目的公认版本。同名标题曲的单曲销量超过了1500万张。这张唱片的精彩之处远不止这一首曲子,整张专辑充满了迷人的气质和整体艺术感,管弦乐配器部分由世界著名的演奏,体现出一种无与伦比的大气与宏大。除了和波切利的合作,莎拉还与阿根廷男高音(杰希·库拉)合作演出了两首水平极高的曲目:《爱的箴言》“Just Show Me How to Love You”和《为我守侯》“”。还有其他古典风格的曲目,并翻唱了如《谁想永生》“Who Wants to Live Forever”与《你将归来》“”等经典歌曲。由此张专辑,莎拉在世界的知名度空前提升。
Time To Say Goodbye
Who Wants To Live Forever
No One Like You
Just Show Me How To Love You
Naturaleza Muerta
Tu Quieres Volver
En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor
In Trutina
There For Me
O Mio Babbino Caro
The Very Best of Andrew Lloyd Webber The Broadway Collection
Pie Jesu - Sarah Brightman
11. Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again - Sarah Brightman
9. Phantom of the Opera - Sarah Brightman
18. Gus: The Theatre Cat - Sarah Brightman
专辑简介:《fly》是张莎拉和弗兰克第二次合作的专辑,这张专辑倾向于摇滚风,相较于前张专辑《Dive》更加活跃。  莎拉和弗兰克一起制作这张专辑,并且也协同弗兰克写词,其中他们共同合作了《The fly》《Why》《you take my breath away》和《fly》的歌词。另外和Thomas Schwarz合写歌词《heaven is here》和《i love you》。  莎拉在这张专辑中兼顾主唱,钢琴手,背景和声三职(莎拉的演唱天赋在这张专辑中得到很好的展示,比如《How Can Heaven Love Me》的高音部分)。  专辑收录了两首合唱作品,莎拉华美的声音与Tom Jones和Chris Thompson狂躁的嗓音相得益彰,在《fly》首版之后,莎拉和波切丽合作的古典乐曲《Time to say goodbye》单曲获得极大的成功。因此,在那之后的《fly》再版增加了这首歌。即便这首歌和这张专辑的主调很不一致。Daniel Malich:"&Fly&标志着莎拉开始进军电音领域,这使一直以来支持莎拉的百老汇古典乐歌迷大吃一惊。因"歌剧魅影"享御全球的莎拉再次掀起了轰轰烈烈的音乐潮——通过流行摇滚乐调打造一种欧式电子音乐。专辑收录了几首富有浪漫情调的歌曲,如德国热门乐曲"荣誉之争"(Question of Honor),这首融合了电子音,摇滚,舞曲和歌剧的歌曲是为Henry Mask拳王创作的。"How Can Heaven Love Me"是与Manfred Mann's Earth的主唱Chris Thompson合唱的。还有悦耳的流行乐曲"Heaven Is Here"。另外有一首很奇怪的与Tom Jones合作的歌曲名为"Something in the Air",奇怪就奇怪在它完美的诠释了一位国际巨星正不断拓宽自己的音乐领域。即便这张专辑的整体性并不是很好,但是它听起来仍旧十分悦耳,莎拉用她独特的声音挑战迪斯科、流行乐女王之位,并且稳坐舞曲排行第40的位置。"
You Take My Breath Away
Something In The Air
Murder in Mairyland Park
Heaven Is Here
How Can Heaven Love Me
I Loved You
A question of honour
Ghost In The Machinery
专辑简介:音乐剧时期作品精选集,也收录了1992年莎拉与卡雷拉斯合唱的奥运会主题曲《Amigos para siempre》
Last Man in My Life
Unexpected Song
Chanson d'Enfance
Amigos Para Siempre
Tell Me on a Sunday
No Llores Por Mi Argentina (Don't Cry for Me Argentina)
Nothing Like You've Ever Known
Guardami (With One Look) [Italian Version]
Macavity: The Mystery Cat
There Is More to Love
Gus: The Theatre Cat
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again
Piano [Memory] [Italian Version]
Music of the Night
Everything's Alright
专辑简介:《Dive》是一张充满水蓝色的灵感的专辑,所有相关的意象都被组合在一起了,比如大海,这张专辑内涵丰富、充满幻想。时而充满激情(“Salty Dog”),时而安静的可以听见呼吸(“La Mer”),时而充满奇幻色彩(“Captain Nemo”),时而声色俱全(“Once In A Lifetime”)。  这张专辑由 莎拉和弗兰克一同制作,除了主唱外,莎拉时而也弹奏键琴,演绎背景音乐。莎拉和弗兰克一同编写“Once in a Lifetime” 和 “La Mer”这两首歌的歌词,与弗兰克和施瓦兹一同编写“When it Rains in America”的歌词 ,和施瓦兹一同编写“By Now”的歌词。西蒙福勒(Simon Fowler)负责拍摄莎拉整张专辑的所有图片。
Seven seas
Captain Nemo
Johnny wanna live
The second element
Ship of fools
Once in a lifetime
When it rains in America
A solty dog
The second element(Pt.2)
Sarah brightman sing the music of Andrew Lloyd Webber
Don't Cry for Me Argentina (1992)
Love Changes Everything (1992)
Another Suitcase in Another Hall (1992)
Tell Me on a Sunday (1992)
Everything's Alright (1992)
The Phantom of the Opera (with Steve Harley) (1986)
I Don't Know How to Love Him (1992)
.All I Ask of You (1986)
(with Cliff Richard)
Memory (1992)
Wishing you were Somehow Here Again (1992)
Any Dream will Do (1992)
14.The Music of the Night (1992)
Anything but Lonely (1989)
15.Amigos Para Siempre (1992)
(with José Carreras)
Pie Jesu(1985)
(with Paul Miles-Kingston)
As I came age
专辑简介:《As I came of age》发行于1990年,莎拉演绎了完全与过去迥异的自己。封面的灵感来自于Arthur Hughes c. 1858的作品《The Kings’ Orchard》。封面摄影师为Robert Blakeman。  本张专辑由Val Garay制作,1988年十月开始录制,1989年十一月完成录制!  音乐助手:Peter Asher (Peter & Gordon), Waddy Wachtel, Berton Averre (The Knack), Stuart Elliot (Cockney Rebel), Andrew Gold, Russ Kunkel and many others.    录  制:Air Studios,Metropolis Studios,Marcus Studios,Olympic Studios(英国伦敦),Record One, Ocean Way(美国加州洛杉矶)  录制时间:年
River Cried
Love Changes Everything
Something to Believe In
Good Morning Starshine
As I Came of Age
Alone Again Or
Take My Life
Some Girls
Bowling Green
Brown Eyes
It Must Be Tough....To Be That Cool
The songs that got away
唱片公司:Really usefull全球发行:介质CD/LP
专辑简介:于1989年发行的专辑《The songs that got away》收录了十四首经典老歌。莎拉用她美丽的嗓音重新演绎那些被人们遗忘的旋律,让那些古老的感动再次回响在听众耳旁。专辑中的部分歌曲 在2001年发行的精选集《Encore》中也有收录.
Three-Cornered Tune
I Am Going to Like It Here
If I Ever Fall in Love Again
I Remember
What Makes Me Love Him?
Mr. Monotony
Chi Il Bel Sogno Di Doretta
Away From You
Silent Heart
If Love Were All
Lud's Wedding
Half a Moment
The Premiere Collection The best of Andrew Lloyd Webber
专辑类型:精选集唱片公司:Polydor专辑简介:于1988年发行的《安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯音乐精选》是韦伯的第一张音乐剧音乐的精选集,其中有莎拉的《Thephantome of the Opera》、《All I ask of you》
the phantom of the opera
All I ask of you
The Tree They Grow So High(Early one morning)
专辑简介:《The Tree They Grow So High(Early one morning)》是莎拉·布莱曼在音乐剧时期制作的第一张个人专辑,主要收录了英国等地的民谣歌曲,于1986年录音,1988年首发,1995年发行了《Early one morning》版本,1998年再版。2014年在日本再次再版,这张专辑配乐主要为钢琴,惟其如此,其声音历历在耳,没有过多的掩饰,或许不如日后的经验丰富,演技也稍许欠缺,个人音乐风格也不很明显,然天然去雕饰,也算得上是难得之作。
Early One Morning
Belle, Est au Jardin d'Amour
Come You Not from Newcastle?
Sweet Polly Oliver
Dear Harp of My Country!
Trees They Grow So High
Little Sir William
O Can Ye Sew Cushions?
O Waly, Waly
Oft in the Stilly Night
How Sweet the Answer
Quand J'tais Chez Non Pre
Plough Boy
There's None to Soothe
Voici le Printemps
Voici le Printemps
Oliver Cromwell
Last Rose of Summer
我的心迷失在了星河中I Lost My Heart to a Starship
爱的改革者The Adventures of a Love Crus
UFO里的爱情Love in a UFO
我男朋友的归来My Boyfriend's Back
不要拥有! Not Having That!
雨之韵 Rhythm of the Rain
意想不到的歌 Unexpected Song
我主仁慈 Pie Jesu
歌剧魅影 The Phantom of the Opera
A timeless evening with Sarah Brightman
One night in eden world tour
La Luna World Tour
Harem World Tour
Symphony World Tour
Sarah BrightmanIn Concert
Sarah BrightmanIn Concert With &Orchestra
Dream Chaser World Tour
Sarah Brightman in concert Ⅱ
日:莎拉 ·布莱曼被联合国教科文组织授予“和平艺术家”称号,表彰她以音乐为载体促进文化交流和为实现教科文组织的目标与理念所作出的贡献。获奖后,她表示愿意通过参与艺术演出的途径,宣传保护现有世界遗产的规模并增加数量,呼吁促进人类文化多样性,维护妇女追求平等权利,保护少数民族文化和推动扫盲教育的发展。[34]
&&&《Time To Say Goodbye》
&&&《Time To Say Goodbye》
&&&《Time To Say Goodbye》
&&&The War Is Over(with Kazim Al Saher))
&&&Harem:A desert fantasy
&&&《Time to say goodbye》
&&&《amlfi-Sarah Brightman love songs》
&&&《A Winter Symphony》
&&&《Diva: The Singles Collection》
&&&《Symphony:Live In Vienna》
Shorty Awords
&&&《La Luna》


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