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Moot Court | Fordham
Moot Court
Fordham has developed a tradition of accomplished advocacy through the Moot Court Board, consistently fielding championship competition teams year after year. All first year students are introduced to appellate briefs and arguments as part of their Legal Writing Course. Many students follow this initial experience with voluntary participation in the Moot Court Program during their subsequent years at the school. Staff members of the Board are from students who have earned exceptionally high scores for brief writing and arguing in either of two intramural competitions.
Kaufman Competition
Mulligan Competition
Wormser Competition
Mentor Competition
Moot Court Board
Fordham University School of Law
Moot Court Board
150 West 62nd Street, Room 1-103
New York , NY
Fax: 212-636-7934君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~
Moot Court Program
Moot Court Program
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Philip CJessup International Law Moot Court Competition
  Phillip C. Jessup 国际法模拟法庭竞赛是世界上最大规模的模拟法庭竞赛,每年有来自80多个国家的500多所法学院参赛,被当之无愧地誉为&国际法奥林匹克&。 比赛由International Law Student Association (ILSA)主办,多家国际著名律师事务所赞助,以英文为工作语言。 根据以往惯例,组委会在每年的9月末或10月初公布赛题,赛题一般事实复杂且体现国际法的热点、难点法律问题。 各参赛队在1月中旬以前提交正反方两份书状(memo),中国赛区一般会在春节前或后进行中国赛区口头答辩比赛(oral),前五名(根据参赛队伍数量按比例决定)取得代表中国参加在美国华盛顿特区举行的国际赛资格。 有兴趣的同学可以访问ILSA网站。
二、 Jessup 将带给你什么?
  Jessup 是系统锻炼你的法律分析、检索、阅读、写作、辩论(advocacy)等综合能力的良机;是展现你的学识、修养、魅力的舞台 。你将在为比赛而奋斗的过程中收获也许是你大学期间最宝贵、最牢固的友谊。 你在讲台前接受法官最严厉的追问,在赛场内外结识一些有趣的人。 当然,你在赛场上的表现,也将受到国内外顶尖律师事务所的关注。
Jessup 和 Vis 有什么区别呢?
  首先,比赛涉及的法律不同,这点比较明显。 一般来说,Jessup涉及的法律问题更多一些。 其次,Jessup比赛的书状占的比重很大,因此需要花费大量的时间撰写书状;Vis花在口头的精力比重更大。 再次,Jessup是模拟法庭,Vis是模拟仲裁,在口头比赛时,这两者的区别也比较明显。 最后,整体上,Jessup备赛花费的时间更多一些。 希望这些信息可以帮助同学们选择喜欢、合适的比赛。
友情链接: |法律英语中Mootness Doctrine的翻译
一Mootness doctrine是美国法院受理司法审查案件必须遵循的原则。通常法院受理司法审查案件应遵循以下三个原则:standing,doctrines of ripe-ness and mootness,and the congressional power overfederal court jurisdiction[1](P.63)。第一个原则stand-ing是原告的适格性问题,指什么人可以对某个具体案件提出申诉,请求法院审查行政行为的合法性并给予补救。第三个原则the congressional pow-er over federal court jurisdiction指是的当事人提起司法审查的案件必须要属于联邦法院管辖的案件。第二个原则doctrines of ripeness and mootness是指法院受理司法审查的案件必须满足的时机,它实际上又包含了两个原则,即ripeness doctrine和m...&
1.IntrodUCtion on the issue of the law applieable to eontraetual obligations,the prineiple of party autonomy一the aPPlieation to their eontraet of the substantive law effeetively ehosen by the Parties一has been universally and firmly adoPted nowadays.Absent sueh a ehoiee,there has been a world wide tendeney in theo叮and praetiee for the past half eentu叮that supports the avplieation of the law of the eount叮whieh 15 most ...&
TnS即tember 2005,Chinese President Hu Jintao Dronosed bulldinoa JL”na口nomous wona‘’In tlls speecn glven at the sunu刀It co川陌rence colnlnemorating the 60th alinlvers娜of the founding of the United N而ons.In Deeember thes田卫e year,Pre而er Wen Jiabao exPounded on this Pr0Posai.Three weeks later,the Information Offiee of the State Council released a white Pal珍r detailing the basie tenets of the eoneePt. The eoneePt of a ha口nou...&
The doctrine of ehannels and eollaterals 151)whether do the routes of the twelveone of the key theories of Traditional Chinese ehannels deseribed by aneient Chinese exist?Medieine(TCM),It has been guiding the elini一Andeal praetiee of every department of TCM andZ)whether do the partieular eonneetionsruns through the physiology,pathology,diag一and regularities during the eourse of fun亡tionalnosties and therapeuties of T...&
Vi.俩吧d in retros口沈t,‘’Daxwin’s imPress on nearly all major 6eldsOf】.双”ing was,and eontinues tobe,少ofound:“The .doctrine of优子口ic evolution‘’has卜,n accePted by biologists,梦。】咚ists,‘hemists,助d pbysicists,by anthropologists,.0 psycholo颐sts,.1 educators,,,州tosoPhers,二ands喊ologists,.‘and even by historians,加liti阔SCientists,and Philol嘟sts:‘Charles Ellwood deCla比d: *W加。one re月ects uPon the In”刀en‘ei胡uence whieh Dar衍n、加沈khash...&
On the threshold of the21stcentury there were arose pertinent historical conditions for conceiving a newmode of thought about the sustainable human future,Hydrogen Civilization.It was realized in the form of a novelHydrogen Civilization(HyCi)doctrine[12].On a planetary scale the HyCi doctrine is based on Vernadsky’s studiesabout the biosphere and the noosphere,and in its analysis the HyCi doctrine leans upon synerget...&
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Why a Student Moot Competition on International Investment Protection Law?
The Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court is the international student competition focusing on investment protection. The students present their arguments orally before tribunals of arbitration compose of
investment treaty specialists.
The law on foreign investment protection is presently the most innovative, fastest developing and intellectually challenging branch of international law with high practical relevance. The number of investment disputes before international arbitral tribunals has increased significantly over the last decades and reflects the notable preferences of the international business community for resolving international investment disputes.
Investment protection forms an integral part of international economic law and opens up many interesting international professional perspectives for law students and young practitioners. Participation in a student moot competition strongly enhances knowledge of international investment protection law and its dispute resolution mechanisms through their application to a concrete case problem and trains law students in alternative methods and tools of dispute resolution potentially required in their future careers.
How is the Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court Competition structured?
The competition involves a dispute (“Case Study”) arising out of international investment protection law and provisions of a Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) and will be available in September 2015.
The focus of the moot court will be on oral presentation before an arbitral tribunal.
Participants will therefore not need to prepare full written memorials, but only skeleton arguments outlining the arguments for both claimant and respondent.
The skeleton arguments will be submitted to the Wilhelm Merton Centre and will be exchanged with the opposing team one hour before each hearing. The hearings will be held at
Further Information:
Inquiries about the moot court and participation should be addressed to .
The Wilhelm Merton Centre for European Integration and International Economic Order of Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, aims at enhancing research and education in the field of, inter alia, international economic law. The Centre seeks to achieve this goal through cooperation with partners located in the Frankfurt am Main area.
The moot court final will take place at the premises of the .
are joint venture partners of the Frankfurt International Arbitration Center (). The FIAC makes available hearing rooms and other services for arbitration and mediation (ad hoc and institutional). Under a cooperation agreement between ICSID and DIS under Article 63 lit. a) of the Washington Convention, ICSID conciliation and arbitration proceedings may be held at the FIAC, if the parties so agree.
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