They will get to at four o'clock.(改为同义句)They will ( )(

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牛津英语6年级 unit 5
你可能喜欢外研版八年级 初二上册英语 课后单词★清华大学★英 语系测试: 为 语系测试: 中小 学生英语量身定 做. 官 方 网 站 : http://qinghua ./ 清华大学英语教 授研究组提供外研版八 年级上 册英语课后单词correct v.改正; write down 写下, 纠正 adj.正确的, 对的 match 配对 number 标号码 n.数字;号码 repeat grammar 法 pronunciation n.语音;发音 writing 文章 v.重复 n.语 v.给…… v.将…… 记下
mistake notebook 记本 *else/els/ adj.&adv.其他 *radio 机 newspaper n.报纸 message n.(书 n.收音 n.错误 n.笔面或口头的)信息, 信n.写作; pen friend 笔友 *each pron.各所有单词 Module 1 translate translation 译 v. 翻译 n. 翻punctuation n.标点符号 spelling n.拼写个,每个 other pron.不同的人(或物) *each other 互 相term n.学期 advice n.建议 excellentadj.&guess 猜测 *justv.猜,*place v. 放置 *count v.数口&好极了;卓越 的,极好的 orchestra n.管 弦乐队 send 寄 language 言 improve 高 v.提 n.语 v. 发送;adv. (引all the time 总 是;一直 accent wish 愿 *borrow *group mark club v.借 n.组 n. 分数 n. 俱乐部 n. 口音 n. &v. 祝起注意、表示允许 等)请,就 yourself pron.你自己 enjoy yourself 过得快乐 *shy adj. 害羞的 .conversation n.谈话 deep breath smile 笑 adj.深的 n.呼吸 v. &n. 微*start v.创办; 开办;发动 together adv.一起;共同 *hear v. 听basicadj.主要*remember v.记住;想起;记见的;最重要的 *watch 注视;观察 n.手表v.看; 着 *forget piece v.忘记 n. 一张Module 2(或则、件等) western prep.&conj.在 experience n.经验; *ever adv.曾经 ……之前 *prolilen) 题,难题 wonderful adj.绝妙的;了不 起的; prize 奖金 reckon n.乘务 虑;认为 sound n. 机长; 来 brilliant adj.&口&好极了 dream 想:;梦 v.做梦;梦想 sonic 人;有人 kind n.种类 pron. 某 n.梦 v.听起 v.考 n.奖品, n.问 西方的adj.come truc 成为 现实 *aliroad adv.competition n.竞争,竞赛 *airport n.机在国外;到国外 fantaslic 好的 anywhere adv.&pron.任何 地方 chinatown n. 中 adj.极场;航空港 cabin 客舱 steward 员 captain 船长; (运动队)队长 *country n. 围家 n. (飞机的)国城,唐人街 Italian adj.意人利(人)的; 意大利 语的 n.意大利人; 意大利语 *delicious adj.美味的 pizza/'pi,'tso/ II.比萨饼take off 起飞 *before 前 adv.以 *sandwidl 明治n.三climb 登 roast palacev.爬;攀*ust 刚才adv.刚刚,more than 超过, 多于 *sell v. 卖烤鸭 n.宫殿 adj.又model *stationn.模型 n.站;another所;局;车站 space station 太空站;宇宙空间sell out 卖光 musician 手;音乐家 dagger 短剑 seat beside prep.红……旁边 taste v.有…… n.座位 n.乐一的;再一个(批) 的pron. 又一个; 站 panic n.海 到惶恐 latest adj. 最近 v.(使)感n.匕首; 再一个 seafood 鲜;海产品 entertainment *time *name n.次 v.说的;最新的 several adj.儿的;数个的 *month *discover 现 n.月 v.发味道;品尝 *only 仅;只 yet adv.[常用在 adv.仅出……的名字Module 3 Earth Mars n.地球 n.火星 adv. 已recently adv.最近 space shuttle 航 人飞机否定句中] (迄今) 还,尚 stone n.石头already 经,早已 *show 给……看 *overv.展示;*light 电灯 beyondn.光线;explore 探;探测 missionv.勘prep.多n.任务于(某时间、数量、 花费等) planet solar *also 同样 none 一个 environment n.环境 air grow 植 *part galaxy billion 亿 universe n. 宇宙 n.部分 n.星系 num.十 n.空气 v.生长; 种 pron. 没有 n.行星 太阳系 adv.也;prep.在……之外 alone adj.孤单n.任务 unmanned adj.不载人的的,孤独的 entrance 口 cost v.(cost, n.人Module 4 *study v.学习; 研究 *teach v.教cost)价钱为;花费 prefer (preferred, preferred)更喜爱 diary even Jupiter secret n.日记 adv.甚至 n.木星 n.秘密 adj.秘密的 *real adj.真实head teacher 校 长 since prep.&conj.从……以来 get on(well)with 与……相处(融洽) *same adj.相同的; 真正的 twice adv.两次的,同一的 hear about 听说 poor adj. 贫穷的 project 划;工程 *still 依旧 raisen.计train 练v. 培训; 训classical adj.经典的;古典adv.仍然; electricity hear of 听说 v.筹集 perhaps adv.也许 nearly 乎 luckily 地n. 电的 jazz pop 乐 rock n.摇滚乐 n.电子 n.爵士乐 n.流行音take part 参加 describe 述;形容 *drop 下 drop out of school 退学 important adj.重要的 ill adj.生病的 V.扔;落 v.描adv.几techno adv. 幸运 音乐*beautiful n.点;分 adj.美的;美丽的 dramatic 戏剧性的 *fun n.有趣的 adj. 有pointv.指着,指 organisation n.组织;机构 health care 照料 leaflet n.传单 n.护理;事;逗人乐的活动 lively adj.活泼look after 照顾 *pay 付 countryside V.支付;的;轻快的 *sad adj. 悲伤的 adj.严seriousn. 农村地区; 农村; Modu e 5 乡下 blues n. 布鲁斯肃的;严重的 slow adj.慢的 *traditional adj.传统的 *sure 的 German 国人;德语 adj.德国的; 德国人的;德语的 Austrian adj.奥 n.德 adj.肯定*drum *guitar organn.鼓 n.吉他 n.管风琴 n.小*maybe 许 phone 电话机 actuallyadv.也n. 电话;trumpet 号 0violinn. 小提琴adv. 事实上; 实际 上 instrument n.乐器elder adj.年长的 (尤指家庭成员之 间) waltz 圆舞曲地利的;奥地利人 的 n.奥地利人 composer 曲家 fan n.(体育、音 n.作n. 华尔兹; ofcourse type adj.年 *loud 响亮的 gospel 音乐 string 的)弦 part-time当然n.种类 adj. (声音)younger幼的(尤指家庭成 员之间) die v.死,去世 n. 添加n.福音乐、电影等的)狂热 爱好者,迷 rap n.说唱乐addition l 添加物n. (乐器等in addition to 除……以外 rest 分 n.剩余部on earth 究竟 noisy 的 centre n.中心. adj.吵闹adj.兼职的 milkman 牛奶的人 n.送 recording 音室 record (音) n.唱片 own artist figure 名人 century录*carryv.携带; hedgen.树篱拿着;抱着 v.录 Ytired 的 *nothing pron.没有什么; 没有东西 *once 次 n. 世纪 daisy chain pink n.雏菊 n.项圈;链 adj. 粉色的 adv.一 adj.劳累go off(灯)熄灭, 停 (电) storm n.暴风雨;暴风雪 outside 外面 *jump scream 叫;惊呼 during prep.在……期间 noon 正午 bookshop n.兜, n.书店 staff prep. 越 n.全体职 n.中午; V.跳 v.尖 adv.在adj. 自己的 n.艺术家 n.人物;n.世纪Module 6 suddenly adv.突然 rabbit *party *fall 跌落 hole n.洞,孔 adj. 奇 n.兔 n.聚会 v.下落; *by 由n.粉色 prep.经;*pocket 口袋 across 过 field *under员;全体雇员 *wear v. 穿; 戴 v.鼓掌 v.欢呼n.田地*clap cheer*strange 怪的prep.在……下面 perform 演;施行 gold 金 ring hall follow 紧跟 stop 停下v.表adj.左边的 n.左边 *right adv.向右*along prep.沿着 tour n.旅行n.金,黄adj.右边的; n.戒指 n.大厅 v.跟随; 正确的 n.右边 opposite prep.在……的对 v.停止; 面 adj.对面的 adv.在对面gallery n.美 术馆 painting 画;绘画 parliament n.议会;国叁 clear adj.晴 n. 油朗的;清晰的 *boat off n.船Module 8 bank market n.银行 n.市场chairman 席 memorialn. 主prep.下(飞n.纪机、车、船等) tower tourist n.塔 n.游客supermarket n.超市 pool 池塘 swimming pool 游泳池 square *left n.广场 n.水池,念物;纪念碑 between prep.在……之间 *turn v.转向;转 弯 corner n. 街道adj.旅游的, 游览的 guidebook n.手册;指南 religious adj.宗教的拐角处;角落adv.向左 absolutely Module 9 danger protect *orange adj.橘色的 n.橘子;橘色 *cousin n. 危险 v. 保护 adv. &口&(用于表 示赞同)的确,一点 不错 hard away adj. 困难的 adv.……surprised adj.惊奇的;吃惊 的 research 究 southwest adj.&n.西南 mainly adv.主 n.研掉;……去 adj. 脏的 adj. 极讨n. 同类; *dirty awful堂兄弟;表兄弟; 堂姐妹,表姐妹 *brown 色的 n.棕色 reserve n.禁猎 adj.棕要地,大体地 live on 以……为食 n.原因厌的;极不愉快的 peace 和平 find out 发现 rare adj.稀有n.安宁; reasonless and less 越来 越少 situation 况 n.例 symbol n.标志 turtle n.大自 cause 起因 *feed v. 喂养; n.海龟 n.原因; n.情区,自然保护区 mad adj. 极度激的;珍贵的 example 子 nature动的;发狂 似的 surprising adj.使人惊讶的; 出人意料的 kill v.杀死然;自然界 *nature reserve 自然保护区为……提供食物 desig v.设计 jewellery 宝;首饰n.珠impossible adj.不可能的 whisper V.&n.低语;耳 语 special adj. 特别enjoyableadj.让人感到快乐的 performanc n.表演 full adj.装满的;for example 例如 provide difficulty *clean v.提供 n. 困难adj.清洁充满的 silver n.银的,干净的 pollute v.污染的,特殊的 take place 发生 audiem n.观众 n.顾Module 11 *cloud shower n.云 n. 阵雨Module 10 teahouse 馆 main adj.主要 n.茶customer 客 !dynasty lose 失败n. 王朝centigrade n.摄氏温度 degree n.度,v. 失去;的;最大的 interest 爱好 offer v. 提议; (主n. 兴趣; mastern.大师度数(温度单位) temperature n.温度 freezing adj.twentieth num.第二十 waiter V.同意 adv.几 员 folk adj. 民间的 n. 杂 n. 男服务动)给予 *agree almost 乎冰冻的,严寒的 snowy adj.多acrobatics 技表演雪的;下雪的 joke 说笑话 *wet 湿润的 mightv.开玩笑;northwest adj.&n.西北railcard 优惠卡 n.伞 trulyn. 火车adj.湿的,umbrella pleasantadv.真诚地;诚挚 八年级英语专项训 练 一单元adj.令人愉快的; 舒适的 southeast adj.&n.东南 from time to time 有时 *fall (Am E) adj.凉爽 compared to 和……相比较 possible adj.可能的 adj. 多 stormy 风雨的 n.相 shine v.照耀 adj. 有暴 n.秋天v.aux.可能 *windy adj.刮大风的;多风的 probably adv.可能,或许 *sunny 光充足的 *cool adj.阳(一)句型转换1. We are going to play basketball. (改 为一般疑问句) ___________ ___________ going to _________ basketball ? 2. Which sport do you like better ,的;凉快的 dry 干燥的 *cloudy 云的 *camera 机 swimsuit 泳衣 n.游 adj.干的,n.光 depend v. 依靠volleyball or table tennis ?best of all 最好的 (同义句转换) Which sport do you __________, volleyball or table tennis ? 3. Aunt Zhang is going to dance this evening . (改 为一般疑问句 并作肯定回答) __________ Aunt Zhang going to dance this evening ? __________, ________ _________. 4. I’m going to be a teacherwhen I grow up. (对划线部 分提问) __________ ___________ you going to be when you grow up ? 5. They will get to Daqing at four o’clock.. (同义句转换) They will ________ _________ Daqing at four o’clock. 6. Lucy is going to be a singer. (改为否定句) Lucy _________ going to be asinger. 7. He often tells us stories. (用 tomorrow 改 写句子) He _________ __________ us stories tomorrow . He _________ __________ ___________ __________ stories tomorrow. 8. They are playing games in the park . (用 this Sunday 改写句 子) They _______ us _________ games in the park this Sunday. They _______ _________ _________ ___________ games in the park this Sunday. 9. He is going to see a film this evening . (用 yesterday evening 改写 句子) He _________ a film yesterday evening. 10. Wei Fang had a talkwith the teacher . (用 now 改写句子) Wei Fang ______ ________ with the teacher ________. 11. Yi Ming will take part in the high jump . (对划线 部分提问) _________ _________ Yi Ming take part in? 12. They will get up early tomorrow. (改 为否定句) They ________get up early tomorrow . 13. Maybe my father will take me to school . (同义 句转换) __________ my father will take me to school . 14. It is the first time for me to visit Beijing . (同义 句转换) It is my first time ________ ________ Beijing . 15. It’s my first time to take part in the high jump. (同义句转换) I took part in the high jump ______ ________ ________ _________. 16. Let’s go________ go with ________ today ? 18. Reading in the sun is bad for our eyes . (同 义句转换) Reading in the sun __________ _________ _________ for our eyes . 19. The two girls为否定句) I _______ think I ________ win this time . 21. I like English better than Chinese . (同义句 转换) I ________ English _________ Chinese . 22. He got to Beijing yesterday afternoon . (同义 句转换) He ________ __________ Beijing yesterday afternoon . 23. It takes myto the park, shall we ? (同义句转换) ________ _________ the park ? ________ _________ the park ? 17. I will go with you today . (改为 一般疑问句) ________ go to go towill get some food for us . (改 为否定句) The two girls ________ get _________ food for us. 20. I think I will win this time. (改 father half an hour to read newspaper every day . (同义 句转换) My father ________ half an hour __________ newspaper every day . 24. We are going to have a party in our classroom next weekend . (同义 句转换) There _______ _______ _______(二) 用所给词的 适当形式填空。 1. Michael prefers ___________ (play) basketball . I prefer football . 2. They see you __________ (read) English almost every day . 3. --- Is Honey going to ________ ( join) the city club ? --- Sorry , I don’t know . 4. __________ (skate) is my favorite sport . 5. We’re very happy , becauseour team ________(win) the last game . 6. I prefer ________ (sing) to _________ (dance) . 7. I see you _________ (play) football almost every day . 8. --- When _______ your sister _______ (come) back . --- Next Sunday . 9. --- Are they going ________ (cycle) this Saturday ? --- Yes , they______a party in our classroom next weekend . are . 10. We ________________ (have) an English party this weekend . 11. My mother often ________(watch) TV in the evening . She likes ________ (watch) TV. 12. Look ! The children ____________ (fly) the kites . How happy they are ! 13. --- There _________ (be) a baseball match this afternoon .Can you come with me ? --Sure ,that’s a good idea . 14. Our plane _________ (leave) at ten o ‘clock tonight . 15. It's a good way to keep __________ (health) . 16.--- _______ you ________ (go) to the party next week ? --- Yes ,we are . 17. Listen ! They ____________ (have) ameeting . 18. Jim prefers ___________ (fish) to ___________ (boat) . 19. Xiao Gang spends much time __________ (play) the computer games . 20. Our country is becoming _________ and __________ (strong) . 21. They are from ___________ . They are __________ (Canada) . 22.Thomas Edison ___________ many inventions . He was a great _________ (invent) . 23. When Jay Chou was four years old , he started _________ (play) the piano . 24. They are sure _________ (come) tonight . 25. When I finished college I went ___________ (travel) for six months .26. I believe it _________ (be) fine tomorrow . 27. Wang Bin is not good at English , but he’ll ask my teacher _____________(hel p) him . 28. Jane keeps _________ (send) an e-mail to her good friends every week . 29. I’m really sorry for _______ (be) late again . 30. The students always have fun _________ (sing) English songs .31. He will take part in the _______ (boy) 800-meter race in the school sports meet . 32. --- Would you please ________ (come) with me ? --- Sure , I’m glad to . 33. Would you mind ____________ __ (not play) computer games ? It ________ (take) you too much time . 34. Mother feels tired after _________ (work) a day . 35. I’m sorry for ________ (come) back late . 36. --- Will you _________ (play) the piano _________ (quiet) ? --- Sorry . I _________ (try) to play it more quietly . 37. The old man likes sittingnear the window, __________ (watch) the children playing in the park. 38. --- What ________ they __________ (do) next Sunday ? --- They will do sports . 39. I think I must try my best __________ (improve) my English . 40. This termHan Mei is interested in __________ (study) math . 41. The meeting ________ (take) place at 8:00 yesterday . 以下几题填入恰 当的介词。 1. Learning English well is important ________ us . 2. Tom was always late ________ school , so his friends all shamed _________ him . 3. _________ our help , the old man found his dog quickly . 4. The line is bad . I can’t hear you _________ the phone . 5. Don’t worry , he will be back ________ a minute .city . A. grow B. grew C. grow up D. grew up 2. ---Do you know why your teacher didn’t ______ the meeting ? ---Sorry , I don’t know . A. join B. took part in C. join in D. joinedB. for C. from D. in 4. What time will your mother arrive _____ our school ? A. in B. at C. on D. of 5. ---I’m sorry . I can’t come to see the football match with you . ---_________ . A. That’s right . B. What a shame ! D. OK . 6. One of my best _______ C. Sure .(三)单项选择。 1. Zhao Ming _______ in a poor country . At that time he wanted to live in a big3. We’re leaving _______ Harbin . We want to see the ice lanterns (冰灯) . A. to friends _______ playing computer games on Sundays . A. likes likes like B. C. D.A. skate or ski B. skating or skiing C. skates or skis D. toD. How much 11. ---________ hours of sports do you do every week ? --- Six . A. How long B. How often C. How many D. How much 12. W e are ______ that our team will win . A. sure of B. sure C. think D. think of 13. My classmates all come to the gym to _______ . A. cheer meskate or to ski 9. They are going to a village _______ the summer holidays . A. to B. during C. at D. for 10. ---_______ do you exercise ? --- Every day . I think exercise can keep me fit . A. Hoe long B. How often C. How many like 7. Tommy is going to _____ the basketball team . He likes basketball very much . A. joined B. take part in C. join D. took part in 8. Which sport does Bill prefer , _______? on on meB. cheer C. D.England next week . A. to B. in C. for D. on 17. I’d like you _______ an English song . A. to sing our B. singing our C. sing us D. to sing us 18. ---What _____ he _______ to do this weekend ? --- He is going to watch a soccer game . A. go B. goingC. do D. going 19. Our school will play ______ No. 4 High School . I think we’ll win. Please cheer us ____. A. on B. on C. up D. against 20 . Swimming is a good way to _______. A. keep healthily B.cheer at me cheer me at14. There ______ an English film next week . A. will have B. is going to have to be C. is going D. wasgoing to be 15. I often see the girls _____ in the room . They are very happy . A. dance B. dances C. dancing D. to dance 16 .They are leaving ______keep health C. keep fit D. keeping healthy 21. Doing exercise every day _______ me pretty healthy . A. makes B. make C. to make making 22. We are good friends . I’ll do my best _____ you when you are in danger. A. help B. to help C. helping helps 23. Hi , come in , _______ . A. have a seat B. take a seat C. sit down D. D. D.All of the above 24. ______, the lost girl found her home . A. With Li Lei help B. With Li Lei’s help C. With the help of Li Lei’s D. With help of Li Lei 25. ---Would you mind______ here ? ---Of course not . A. smoke B.smokes C. smoking D. to smoke紧接单项选择 26. --- Hi , Jim ! Would you like ______ cake ? ---No , thanks . I’m full . A. other B. the other C. another D. the others 27. When I meet my friend , I always say hello _______ him . A. to B. at C. with D. about 28. I’m not good at English , but I keep _____ hard . A. study B. to study C. studying D. studies 29. The woman ______ the boy . Because he broke her window with a ball . A. shouted at B. angry with C. shame of D. shame on 30.The coat is very expensive ______ I can’t buy it . A. that B. so that C. becauseD. just 31. Computers are important , but I don’t know _____ work on the Internet . A. where to B. what to C. how to D. when to 32. The girl is _______ beautiful . Everyone in her family likes her very much . A. more B.has an ______ but _______life . A. tire B. tired C. tired D. tiring 34. You must ____ the school rules when you are at school . A. follow B . start C . following D to start 35. ---Hi Jim ! What do you mean by _______ that thing ? ---I only want to help you .more and more C. more beautiful and D. much and much 33. The player A. to do B .doing C .do D .does 36. There is going to ______ a soccer game next week . A .have B .be C. do D. is 37. It’s Sunday tomorrow . The children ____ kites in the park . A. will fly B. flew C. fly D. flying 38. This is _____tree . We usually sing and dance under it . A . an eleven-meter tall B. an eleven-meters tall C. a eleven-meter-ta ll D. an eleven-meter-ta ll 39.Mr. Fang is ill . Let me go______ him . A .instead B. instead of C.of instead with D.40. There are twenty students in my class . One of us ______ from Canada . A. were B. is C. are D.was 41. ---Would you mind opening the window , please ?---_____________. A. No , thank you. B. Of course not . C. Never mind . D. Sorry , please not . 42. Class is over . All the students _____ the classroom for home . A. are coming going living leaving 43. Are you going to ______ a sports meeting next week ? A. have B. has had will have C. D. B. are C. are D. are总复习后的复习能为中考 “锦上添花&,学生 ――关于初三英语有 效复习的探讨渴盼能在最后复习 中看到前方胜利的 曙光,以优异的成中考复习是初中英 语教学的一个重要 组成部分,中考是 对初中阶段教学效 果的检验,中考成 绩的好坏不仅取决 于平时的刻苦与 否,还取决于是否 在考前进行了认 真、扎实、有效的 总复习。英语教学 内容繁多、知识点 语言点分散,复习 时间短暂,无形之 中增加了师生双方 的精神负担和备考绩结束初中英语的 学习。因此,如何 引导学生进行行之 有效的中考复习, 是初中英语教师所 面临的最重要的问 题。众多英语教师 一直在探索“事半 功倍&,的崭新的复 习训练模式, 一.以“大纲”和 “中考说明”为依 据,以“教材”为 中心第一轮:紧扣课本 “课课过关” 夯实 ,如何做好初中英语压力。教师希望最 基础,通过单元知 识要点指导及语言 训练,使学生加深 对课文的全面理 解,更扎实地掌握 每单元的重点、难 点,巩固双基,扩 展解题思路,提高 “四会&能力。教师 把单元的重点、难 点编成复习提纲, 在课堂上用十分钟 讲解并要求学生做 好笔记,或通过提 问要求学生做出解 答,使学生在课堂 上速记所学内容。 然后要求学生在二 十分钟之内独立完 成配套练习。最后 用十分钟来讲评和 总结,落实好每节课所讲的内容。习体系进行查漏补 缺,并且调整好学第二轮: 专项复习, 生的状态,这有利 “点点过关’,深 ’ 化基础,分别通过 词性、时态、语态、 句型等辅导,引导 学生将分散零乱的 知识内容集中起 二、 采用精讲、 于学生综合能力和 应试技能的提高。巧练及讲练结合的 复习方法,提高复来, 形成系统体系, 习效率。 进一步加强对规律 方法的掌握运用, 发挥学生综合潜 能。 l、精讲。讲授是教 师运用语言系统地 向学生传授知识、 发展智力的方法。 第三轮: “练习巩 固,提高能力,通 过专项技能辅导, 提高学生题解题能 力,使学生掌握答 题技巧;通过模拟 测试,对学生的复 讲要适度,不能不 分主次、不分轻重 地把学过的知识重 新再讲一遍。正确 的方法是教师在对 教材提炼的基础 上,帮助学生对学 过的知识进行分类 归纳,把分散的知容题目化,强化学 生对基础知识的掌度, 点拨解题技巧, 提高学生应试能 力。 、识系统化、 条理化、 握,提高学生运用 网络化, 突出重点、 英语的能力。所谓 难点,用最简练的 语言进行讲授,使 学生一目了然,从 而提高复习效率。 巧练就是在课堂上 要给学生提供更多 的练习机会,练的 习题要精,练的内 容及形式要准,练 2、巧练。练习是学 生巩固知识提高能 力的重要手段,也 是教师获得反馈信 息的重要途径。复 习要体现精讲多 练、边讲边练、以 练为主的原则。教 师要依纲据本,精 心设计,从不同角 度、不同层次精编 不同类型的练习 题,尽量使教材内 3、讲练结合。讲练 结合决非简单地讲 练交替,而是在保 证讲清重点、难点 的基础上,造出典 型习题,对学生进 行解题思路及解题 技巧的指导,帮助 学生分析命题角 的方法要活,尽量 达到做一题学一 法。复习的最后阶段通 常以套题为主,但 每一节课的重点应 放在一个专题上, 如:单词拼写题中 的词义、词形、词 性的把握,单选题 和完形填空题中的 语境因素,词义辨 析等。这种教学目 的是全面复习、阶 段侧重、 全面练习、 重点突破。三、树立学生复习迎考信心,注 重学法方法传授。 在复习教学中,我 们要树立学生的复 习迎考信心。在教 学中不能仅仅抓住 课堂教学,而应多 管齐下。如课外活 动、兴趣培养、学 习习惯培养、学法 指导、学习目的的 教育等等。因为, 只有我们的学生有 明确的学习目的和 强烈的学习动机, 他们才愿意顽强地 跟随戍们学好外 语。难更大,效果也不 那么明显,容易失 去信心。因此,我 们就得时刻去注意 并且及时地给予学 法指导,帮助他们 提高学习效率,让 他们获得成就感, 进而维护他们的学 习兴墼。课堂教学 要注意备课充分, 既备学生又备教材 教法,了解学生需 要,加强师生情感 交流,确保学生的 主体地位,贯彻知 识目标和能力目 此外,加强个别辅 导,促进临界生的 转化。对英语单科 成绩的临界生,要 加强对他们的知识 网络进行查漏补 缺,学会一点,练 习一点, 记住一点, 归纳一点,巩固一 点,督促他们建立 错误档案,打好基 础。英语成绩大起 大落的学生,主要 是基础知识和基本 技能掌握不清晰, 不牢固。这类学生 的关键是理清知识 体系,稳定情绪, 冷静发挥,他们需 要鼓励和树立信 心。当然,也有的学生 尽管目的明确,动 机强烈,学习热情 高,可是外语不像 母语,学习起来困标。课堂教学要模 式、但不要搞模式 化,要构建切合学 校和善生实际的模 式进行教学。 心。教给学生复习 最后,还要进行考 试技巧辅导,稳定 学生的考前心理, 争取让学生在考场 上正常的发挥。 人教版九年级英语 复习的最后阶段, 即要对学生进行高 效率的知识和能力 训练,又要教育他 们善于自我调节, 从而提高临场的心 理承受力度,以便 从容应试。 单词默写 的方法,培养学生 的学习能力,提高 复习质量。总之,复习的方法 是多种多样的。不 管用什么复习方 法,一定要坚持教 为主导, 学为主体, 练为主线,思为核 Unit 1 1.抽认卡 _______________ 2.词汇 _________________ 3.出声地,大声地 ________ 4.发音 _________________ 5.详细的,精确的 _________ 6.记忆,背诵 _____________ 7.语法 __________________ ____ 8.不同的 __________________ 9.使沮丧,使失望 ______________ 10.令人沮丧的 _______________ 11.快地 _________________ 12.增加 ________________ 13.激动的,兴奋的 ______________ 14.根本不,全然不 ____________ 15.结束,告终 _______________ 16.发音 ________________ 17.口语的,口头的 __________ 18.慢地,慢慢地 ____________ 19.错误,过失 ________________ 20.犯错,出错 ______________ 21.逗号 _______________ 22.挑战 ________________23.解决,解答 _____________ 24.以后,后来 _____________ 25.认识到,了解到 _________ 26.重要,要紧,有关 系__________ 27.没关系 ________________ 28.怕的,害怕的 ___________ 29.害怕去做 _____________ 30.嘲笑 _____________ 31.完整的,完全的 ___________ 32.句子 __________________ 33.秘密 _____________ 34.学习者 __________ 35.做笔记 _________ 36.学期 _____________ 37.使…感动, 给… 深刻印象_____ 38.困难,苦恼,忧虑 __________ 39.快地,迅速地 ______________ 40.(在词典或参考 书中)查找_____ 41.软的,柔软的 ________________ 42.组成,构成 ________________ 43.文章 ________________ 44.处理,应付 ____________ 45.处理,料理 _____________46.如果不,除非 _____________ 47.不公平的 ______________ 48.解决,解答 ______________ 49.将…视为 __________ 50.责任,义务 _____________ 51.容易地,简单地 _____________ 52.影响,对…起作 用___________ 53.对…感到生气, 愤怒_________ 54.(指时间)过去, 消逝_______ 55.友情,友谊,友爱 ___________ 56.失去 _______________ 57.分歧,不一致,意 见不合_____ 58.发育,成长,发展 ____________ 59.成年人 _____________ 60.尽力做… __________________ _ 61.不重要的 _________________ 62.面临,面对,正视 ____________ 63.军人,士兵 ______________ 64.突然中止,中断 ___________ 65.心理学家 _________________ Unit 2 1.过去经常;以前 常常_______ 2.对……感兴趣 _________ 3.飞机 _____________ 4.使害怕,使恐惧 ____________ 5.害怕……;恐 惧……_________ 6.入睡 _______________ 7.开着的,接通的, 工作着的______ 8.昆虫__________ 9.糖果___________ 10.嚼;咀嚼 ________ 11.口香糖 ____________ 12.聊天;闲谈 _________ 13.每日的 __________ 14.(报纸上所刊载 的)连环漫画_____ 15.死; 死亡_______ 16.得起;担负得起 _______ 17.造成,使发生 _______ 18.(反身代词)他自 己,他本身_____ 19.有耐性的;忍耐 的_________ 20.最后;终于 ___________ 21.决定;决心 ___________ 22.下决定;下决心 ____________ 23.班主任 ______________ 24.必须的,必需的 ___________ 25.令某人惊奇的 (是)……_________ 26.正;恰恰 ____________ 27.即使;纵然;尽管__________ 28.不再;已不 ___________ 29.对…感到自豪 __________ 30.注意,专心;留 心_________ 31.对…注意;留心 _____________ 32.放弃________ 33.浪费;滥用 ________ 34.不再:已不 ________ Unit 3 1.刺穿,刺破 _____________ 2.执照,许可证 _________ 3.愚蠢的,傻的 ________ 4.耳环____________ 5.代替,而不是 _________ 6.熬夜 ______________ 7.集中;聚集 ___________ 8.全神贯注;专心 于______ 9.学习,研究 _______ 10.设计:构思 ___________ 11.现在__________ 12.目前;现在 ____________ 13.机会,时机 _______ 14.自愿:自愿服务 n.志愿者______ 15.地方的,当地的 _______________ 16.会员:成员 ___________ 17.混乱,杂乱;肮脏____________ 18.养老院 _____________ 19.困倦的;不活跃 的________ 20.回答;答复 _____________ 21.时事通讯;简报 _______________ 22.服从;顺从 ____________ 23.妨碍 _____________ 24.完成;实现 ____________ 25.现实的;注重实 际的__________ 26.teach 的过去式 或过去分词 ________ 27.重要;重要性 _________ 28.担心;关心 ___________ 29.成功;达到,完成 ____________ 30.要点 _____________ Unit 4 1.百万 ______________ 2.医学的;医疗的 ______________ 3.研究;调查 ______________ 4.领带 ______________ 5.烦恼;忧虑 ______________ 6.如果…将会怎么 样___________ 7.小脓疱;丘疹 ______________ 8.考试 ______________ 9.有活力的,精力 充沛的_________ 10.自信的;有把握 的___________ 11.允许;许可;准 许______________ 12. (反身代词)她 自己;她本身____ 13.打扰;扰乱 ______________ 14.微不足道的;极 不重要的_______ 15.一点也;根本 ______________ 16.使生气;使气愤 ______________ 17.相当;还算 ______________ 18.充足;大量 ______________ 19.很多的,足够的 ______________ 20.与……相处 ______________ 21.圈子;阶层 ______________ 22.听者:收听者 ______________ 23.知识渊博的;有 见识的________ 24.代表;表示 ______________ 25.使……失望或沮 丧___________ 26.(针对问题等)提 出;想出______ 27.剩余部分;其余 ______________ 28.帮助;救助,援 助;救护_______ 29.急救 ______________ 30.位置近的;不远 ______________ 31.(橱柜、 书架等的) 搁架;搁板___ 32.出版,发表______________ 33.覆盖,遮掩 ______________ 34.按,压:挤 ______________ 35.深的 ______________ 36.顺楼梯而下 ______________ 37.对的:正确的: 准确的_________ 38.烧伤;烧坏 ______________ 39.膝,膝盖 ______________ 40.疼;疼痛 ______________ 41.使……受伤,受 伤害___________ 42.安全 ______________ 43.提供 ______________ 44.拒绝;回绝 ______________ 45.有帮助的;有用 的___________ 46.对待 ______________ 47.火、热或酸所造 成的伤害或 伤痕 _ _ 48.斑点的;发疹的 ______________ Unit 5 1.属于 ______________ 2.属于 ______________ 3.作家;作者 ______________ 4.(自带食物的)郊 游聚餐,(各人自带 食品的)聚餐 ______________5.发带 ______________ 6.可能地;或许; 也许___________ 7.落下,掉下 ______________ 8.交响乐;交响曲 ______________ 9.验光师;配镜师 ______________ 10.约会;约定 ______________ 11.关键的;至关重 要的___________ 12.以计;值 ______________ 13.最后的;最终的 ______________ 14.忧虑的;焦虑 的; 不安的________ 15.烦恼的;焦虑的 ______________ 16.所有者;业主 ______________ 17.牛津大学 ______________ 18.追逐;追赶 ______________ 19.天;天空 ______________ 20.生物,动物 ______________ 21.捕获; 赶上(车船 等)___________ 22.不快乐的;不愉 快的___________ 23.极其;非常 ______________ 24.访问;会见;接 见______________ 25.噪音;喧闹声; 嘈杂声__________ 26.风 ______________ 27.邻居;邻人 ______________ 28.足迹;脚步声 ______________ 29.垃圾;废料 ______________ 30.神秘的事物,谜 ______________ 31.主管;主任 ______________ 32.猴子 ______________ 33.逃跑;逃走 ______________ 34.(狗等)吠声;叫 声____________ 35.气味;嗅觉 ______________ 36.手指 ______________ 37.举起;抬起;提 升______________ 38.石头;石块 ______________ 39.蚂蚁 ______________ 40.不诚实的 ______________ 41.假 装;佯若 ______________ 42.用完;用光;耗 尽______________ 43.试图;企图 ______________ Review of units 1-5 1.网,网状物 ______________ 2.关掉 ______________ 3.北极熊 ______________ 4.越南 ______________ Unit 6 1.更喜爱,更喜欢 ______________ 2.(常用复数形式)歌词__________ 3.轻的;低的 ______________ 4.不喜欢 ______________ 5.提醒,使记起 ______________ 6.心;内心 ______________ 7.细绳,线 ______________ 8.下沉;沉没 ______________ 9.黄河 ______________ 10.渔民;渔夫 ______________ 11.最近的 ______________ 12.乐趣;快乐 ______________ 13.特点;特征 ______________ 14.摄影;照相 ______________ 15.美术馆;画廊 ______________ 16.摄影者;摄影师 ______________ 17.展览;陈列 ______________ 18.展览;陈列 ______________ 19.照片;相片 ______________ 20.引起…关注, 使…感兴_____ 21.等级;类别 ______________ 22.任何(事物);每 样(事物)______ 23.错过;遗漏 ______________ 24.活力;力量 ______________ 25.好的______________ 26.(常用复数形式) 赞成的观点____ 27.(常用复数形式) 反对的观点____ 28.诚实的,真诚的 ______________ 29.适合;适宜于 ______________ 30.预计;预料 ______________ 31.甜的;味甘的 ______________ 32.品尝:尝……的 味道__________ 33.(作插入语)老实 说____________ 34.对……有害的; 有坏处的_______ 35.实际地,实在地 ______________ 36.油煎,油炸 ______________ 37.主要地,首要地 ______________ 38.与……保持距离 ______________ 39.意见一致 ______________ 40.(反身代词)它自 己;它本身_____ 41.实验室 ______________ 42.类型,种类 ______________ 43.癌症 ______________ 44.吃烧烤肉的野 餐______________ 45.烧烤肉 ______________ 46.增加;增大 ______________ 47.危险 ______________ 48.饼干 ______________ 49.主要的;首要的 ______________ 50.感叹语 ______________ 51.附加词语 ______________ 52.反意疑问句 ______________ 53.缩略词 ______________ 54.使……震惊 ______________ 55.关心,忧虑 ______________ Unit 7 1.引起疲劳的;累 人的___________ 2.教育的;有教育 意义的_________ 3.平静的;静的; 和平的________ 4.迷人的;有极大 吸引力的_______ 5.令人激动的;令 人震颤的_______ 6.从容,轻松,不 紧张__________ 7.(美国)佛罗里达 州_____________ 8.(缓慢或艰难地) 旅行_________ 9.(南美洲大河)亚 马逊河________ 10.(常用复数形式) 瀑布_________ 11.尼亚加拉大瀑 布______________ 12.游客很多的;游 客常去的_____ 13.公众注意中心 ______________ 14.考虑,思考,认 为______________ 15.活泼的,活跃的 ______________16.(法国巴黎)埃菲 尔铁塔_________ 17.(法国)巴黎圣母 院___________ 18.教堂 ______________ 19.便利的;方便的 ______________ 20.地下的 ______________ 21.一般的;概括 的;全面的_______ 22.通常;大体上; 一般而言_______ 23.葡萄酒;酒 ______________ 24.翻译;解释 ______________ 25.把……打包: 把……装箱______ 26.轻的 ______________ 27.奇妙的,极好的 ______________ 28.提供,供应,供 给______________ 29.给…提供,以… 装备________ ______________ 31.地点;场所 ______________ 32.孔子(公元前― 年,春秋末期思想 家、教育 家)______________ 33.航行,驾驶 ______________ 34.太平洋 ______________ 35.发现;发现物 ______________ 36.尽快地 ______________ 37.(使)继续;(使) 连续___________38.编程;规划;设 计______________ 39.翻译员 ______________ 40.爱好运动的人, 运动员________ 41.结论 ______________ 42.实现;达到 ______________ 43.态度 _____________ Unit 8 1.打扫干净;梳理 整齐___________ 2.饥饿 ______________ 3.无家可归的 ______________ 4.使振奋;使高兴 起来___________ 5.分发;发放 ______________ 6.打扫;清洁 ______________ 7.标牌;招牌 ______________ 8.广告;广告活动 ______________ 9.推迟;拖延 ______________ 10.建立;创立;开 办______________ 11.建立;建造;设 立______________ 12.想出 ______________ 13.主要的;重大的 ______________ 14.奉献;献身 ______________ 15.基础的;基本的 ______________ 16.兽医 ______________ 17.训练;指导 ______________ 18.(在外貌、 性格等 方面)与(父母等)相 像______________ 19.修理 ______________ 20.修理;修补 ______________ 21.赠送;分发 ______________ 22.修理;修补 ______________ 23.相似的;相仿的 ______________ 24.展示;张贴 ______________ 25.分发;发放 ______________ 26.电话交谈节目 ______________ 27.方法;策略 ______________ 28.结局,至最后; 结果为_________ 29.肢体有残疾的 ______________ 30.组织;机构;系 统______________ 31.愉快,快乐;高 兴______________ 32.盲的 ______________ 33.聋的 ______________ 34.不能的;不会的 ______________ 35.关上(门、 盖、 窗 户等) ________ 36.搬运;携带 ______________ 37.特意地,专门地 ______________ 38.取来;接来 ______________ 39.立即;马上 ______________40.支持,帮助 ______________ 41.感激;欣赏 ______________ 42.捐赠物;捐款 ______________ 43.词性,词类 ______________ 44.代词 ______________ 45.副词 ______________ 46.介词 ______________ 47.连词 ______________ 48.捐赠,赠送 ______________ Unit 9 1.发明;创造 ________ 2.用来做…… ___________ 3.用勺舀,勺子;球 形勺;长柄勺___ 4.可调整的 ______________ 5.(鞋、袜等的)后 跟;(足)跟_____ 6.电池____________ 7.操作;作业 _____________ 8.拖鞋 _______________ 9.电灯泡,电灯 _____________ 10.电灯泡 _______________ 11.微波 (的)______________ ____ 12.微波炉 ___________ 13.脆的;易碎的 ______________ 14.咸的;含盐的____________ 15.酸的;酸味的 ___________ 16.错误地 ______________ 17.厨师 ________________ 18.撒(粉末状物); 洒(液体)______ 19.偶然,意外 _____________ 20.饮料 _____________ 21.根据,按照 __________ 22.古代的;古老的 ___________ 23.传说;传奇故事 ___________ 24.煮沸,烧开 _______________ 25.灌木 __________________ _ 26.落人;陷入 ____________ 27.保持;剩余;残 余__________ 28.生产;制造;产 生__________ 29.舒适的;令人愉 快的_________ 30.这样 _____________ 31.馅饼 __________________ 32.飞碟 ________________ 33.面包店 _________________ 34.布里奇波特 ____________ 35.(美国)康涅狄 格州 36.投;掷 _____________ 37.柠檬 _________________ 38.小甜饼干 __________ 39.算盘 _____________ 40.双筒望远镜 ________ 41.世纪;百年 ________ 42.顺序;级别 ____________ 43.注意到;看到; 留心_________ 44.包含;包括 _________________ 45.在户内 __________________ __ 46.创造;创作;创 建_________ 47.木制的 ___________ 48.敲,击;敲打: 碰撞________ 49.撞上(某 人)______________ 50.分开;划分 ________________ 51.目标:目的 _____________ 52.篮,筐 ________________ 53.金属 _____________ 54.箍;铁环 ___________ 55.投射;发射,射 出_________ 56.在…的下面,低 于…_______ 57.篮板;背板 _____________ 58.指导,带领 _______________ 59.向, 往; 朝着…的方向______ 60.球场;庭院:法 院________ 61.柏林 ____________ 62.发展,状大;完 善__________ 63.普及;流行 __________ 64.rise 的过去分词 __________ 65.世界范围的;世 界性的_______ 66.协会 _______________ 67.装备,器材 ____________ Unit 10 1.到……时候 __________ 2.get 的过去分词 ___________ 3.睡过头;睡得过 久_________ 4.(闹钟)闹响 _________ 5.冲, 奔___________ 6.跑掉;迅速离开 ______ 7.准时___________ 8.锁;锁上 ___________ 9.亲人;亲戚 ________ 10.break 的过去式 ______ 11.损坏;坏掉 _______ 12.愚弄;欺骗 __________ 13.愚人,白痴 ________ 14.服装;全套服装 ______ 15.尴尬的,窘迫的 ________16.空的;空闲的 ________ 17.出席;露面 ________ 18.极其疲惫的;精 疲力竭的_______ 19.描述;描绘 ____________ 20.愚人节(月 日)_______________ 21.宣布;通告 ______________ 22.火星 _________________ 23.使确信;使信服 _____________ 24.惊恐 ____________ 25.激起;引起 ___________ 26.权威机构;行政 管理机构______ 27.揭示:揭露 _____________ 28.骗局;恶作剧; 玩笑________ 29.flee 的过去式 及过去分词______ 30.意大利式细面 条______________ 31.农夫;农场主 _______________ 32.女朋友 ________________ 33.嫁;娶;与…… 结婚_____ 34.使非常激动,使 非常紧张______ 35.结婚 ______________ 36.结局;续尾 ___________ 37.令人为难的 _____________ 38.一片;一块 _____________ 39.经历;经验 ________________ Review of units 6-10 1.万圣节前夕 ____________ 2.荷兰 _______________ 3.珠穆朗玛峰 _______________ Unit 11 1.公共厕所;休息 室 _______ 2.洗发香波 _________ 3.杂货店;药店 ___________ 4.部;局,部门 _________ 5.电动扶梯:自动 扶梯_________ 6.魔术;戏法 ___________ 7.(俚语)闲荡 ___________ 8.生的,无经验的 __________ 9.街区;街段 ________________ 10.橡树;橡木 _______________ 11.不拥挤的:宽敞 的____________ 12.安全的;受保护 的;保险的______ 13.滑行,滑动 ____________ 14.水滑道 _________________ 15.小丑;丑角 _____________ 16.职员;工作人 员, 全体职员______ 17.盛装;打扮;装 饰__________ 18.市场;集市广场____________ 19.借给 ___________ 20.停车 ___________ 21.很好;正常;正 确___________ 22.想知道;觉得奇 怪:惊奇_______ 23.(使)烦恼; 麻烦; 打扰_________ 24.以冒犯;使…不 愉快________ 25.结构;构造 ______________ 26.交上 ___________ Unit 12 1.摇动:摇;震动 ________ 2.握手___________ 3.风俗;习俗;习 惯________ 4.鞠躬;弯腰 _______________ 5.吻,亲吻 ____________ 6.(南美洲西北部国 家)哥伦比亚 ___________ 7.紧张的;轻松的 _______ 8.访问;拜访 ____________ 9.瑞士___________ 10.国家;国土 ___________ 11.毕竟 _____________ 12.秘鲁 ____________ 13.拾取;挑选 _________ 14.捡起;拾起 ____________ 15.擦,揩,擦去________ 16.餐巾,餐巾纸 _________ 17.发出令人不愉 快的声音_____ 18.刺,戳 ____________ 19.粗鲁的,无礼的 _______ 20.指;指向 ____________ 21.礼貌,风格;习 惯______ 22.餐桌礼仪 ____________ 23.习惯于… ____________ 24.叉;餐叉 ___________ 25.饱的;吃胀了的 ________ 26.(人坐着)腰下到 膝止的部分,大腿 _________ 27.肘;肘部 __________ 28.逐渐地;渐渐地 ______ 29.发生 _______________ 30.特殊的,独特的 _________ 31.称赞;恭维 ___________ 32.敬酒 ___________ 33.不熟悉的;没有 经验的________ 34.匙;调羹 _________ 35.刀;刀具 __________ 36.挤满;充满 ___________ 37.垃圾;废物 __________ 38.寻找;探究 _________ 39.聊天热线 ______________ 40.(计算机)联机 的;在线的_______ 41.(用打字机或计 算机)打字_______ 42.主要地;通常地 ______________ 43.(尤指单词等的) 缩写形式_______ 44.构成,组成 _____________ 45.短语;词组 _____________ 46.同音异形异意 词___________ 47.结合;联合 ___________ 48.象征;标志 _____________ 49.标点符号 ________________ 50.记号;痕迹 ______________ 51.情感;感情 _______________ 52.感觉;知觉;触 觉____________ 53.由字符组成的 图释__________ 54.逗号 _________________ 55.括号 _________________ 56.在…旁边;在… 附近_________ 57.电子邮件 __________ 58.发电子邮件 ___________ 59.谜语 ________________ 60.自学 _________________61.试验;实验 _______________ 62.合适的;适宜 的;恰当的_______ 63.使同意,使高 兴;使愉悦_______ 64.(排队等候的)一 队人__________ 65.平常地;标准地 _________ 66.使就坐 __________ 67.(疑问代词)谁的 _________ Unit 13 1.泻湖,环礁湖 _________ 2.科学的 ____________ 3.因此;所以 _________ 4.粉红色的 ____________ 5.光线 ______________ 6.坚硬的;坚固的; 困难的;艰苦的 _______ 7.服务;招待 ___________ 8.公平的;公道的 ___________ 9.运动,竞选运动 ___________ 10.灭绝危险的;将 要绝种的______ 11.标语;口号 _____________ 12.神秘的,不可思 议的__________ 13.有光泽的,发亮 的_____________ 14.皮:皮肤 _________________ 15.产品;成果 ___________16.守望,远景 _______________ 17.美,美貌 ________________ 18.(使)不进入; (使) 留在外面_____ 19.星团;幻觉 _______________ 20.广告 __________________ 21.赞成与反对;正 面和反面_____ 22.瞄准;打算 ___________ 23.瞄准;针对 _____________ 24.特定地;特殊 地;明确地______ 25.例子;实例 ___________ 26.例如;比如 _____________ 27.列出;举例;列 于表上_________ 28.混淆;辨不清, 使困惑_________ 29.把……引错方向 ______________ 30.引导;致使;领 导____________ 31.事实,真相,真 理;真实______ 32.首先,作为开始 ______________ 33.自制的;家里做 的____________ 34.书包 ________________ 35.紫色的 ______________ 36.钱包;皮包 ______________ 37.内疚的;犯罪 的; 有罪的________ 38.品味;审美力; 感受__________ 39.思想;思索:思 考,思维_______ 40.有价值;重要, 有用___________ Unit 14 1.游泳;洗澡 _________ 2.衣服;服装 ___________ 3.手巾;毛巾 ___________ 4.浇灌;浇水 _____________ 5.旅行手册;指南 _________ 6.清除;打扫干净 ________ 7.冰箱 ______________ 8.汽车库;汽车间 __________ 9.旅行用小提箱; 衣箱_________ 10.砍_____________ 11.木头;木材 __________ 12.点燃;点着 ______________ 13.井;水井 ______________ 14.不管怎样;不论 用何种方_______ 15.海洋 ________________ 16.波浪,波涛 ______________ 17.舞台 ________________ 18.成功而轰动一 时的事物(如歌曲 等)_________ 19.出现, 露面, (公 开)演出_______ 20.主角_________ 21.来日;将来某一 日___________22.离开,走开 _______ 23.诗,韵文 ____________ 24.食橱;碗橱,衣 橱___________ 25.(依次轮流到每 个人的)一次机会 __________________ 26.祖先;祖宗 _____________ 27.根:根源 ___________ 28.海外的;国外的 _____________ 29.祖国,故乡 _____________ _____________ 31.到目前为止 _____________ 32.成千上万的 ____________ 33.南方的,在南方 的__________ 34.去散步 _______________ 35.村民;村夫 _______________ 36.多亏了……,幸 亏___________ 37.坚定的;坚决的 ___________ 38.目的,意图 _____________ 39.步骤;措施,脚 步 ___________ 40.盼望、期待(某 事)________ Unit 15 1.海牛__________ 2.毛皮的:毛皮制 的_____________ 3.略巨大的;庞大 的 __________ 4.好玩的,有趣的____________ 5.侵犯的:挑衅的 ___________ 6.灰色(的); 偏灰色 (的) _______ 7.有斑点的; 有点 子的 _________ 8.袋鼠 _________________ 9.黑猩猩 _______________ 10.猎豹 ______________ 11.红树:红树林 _________ 12.沼泽;沼泽地 ____________ 13.(动植物的)生长 环境;栖息地 _____________ 14.水生的;水栖的 _____________ 15.在水下的:在水 中的 _________ 16.(总称)植物:草 木 ____________ 17.称;称……重量 ___________ 18.磅____________ 19.发现:发觉 __________ 20.被污染的 _____________ 21.现在进行时 _____________ 22.一般现在时 ______________ 23.动词原形:不定 式___________ 24.被动语态 _________________ 25.现在完成时 ______________ 26.极小的, 微小 的_____________ 27.笼子:囚笼 ____________ 28.厌恶的,厌烦的 ____________ 29.教育,教导,培 训____________ 30.关怀;照顾 __________ 31.强烈要求;竭力 主张________ 32.表达,表示,措 辞_________ 33.再循环,回收利 用___________ 的过去式 和过去分词______ 35.原料:材料 ______________ 36.拉;拖,拔 ______________ 37.胶合:粘贴:粘 合___________ 38.胶水 ______________ 39.顶:屋顶;房顶 ___________ 40.丢弃;放弃 ____________ 41.瓦片,瓷砖 ______________ 42.栅栏:围墙 ______________ 43.(装液体等, 常带 有盖的)金属罐 _________________ 44.最近 _______________ 45.行星 ______________ 46.社团,社会 _____________ 47.灵感,鼓舞人心 的人(或事 物)_____________ 48.多余的,空闲的 __________ 49.模型______________ 50.筹款;收集 _____________ Review of units 11-15 1.材料;物质,原 料______________ 2.商业;买卖,交 易________ ____ 3.塑料制(的) n.塑 料______ ____ 4.确实地;无疑地 ________ ___ 5.自豪的; 骄傲____ _______ 6.旗;旗帜_______ ____ 7.国旗 _______ ____ 【一单元】 【二单元】 wonder 奇迹 work(常复)作品 band 乐队 influence 影响 review 评论 respect 尊重 ancient 古老的, 远 古的 thinker 思想家composition 作文 wise 睿智的 grad 俄成绩;年级 as far as 就???来说 pyramid 金字塔 not``` any more 不再??? pupil 学生 monthly 每月一次 meeting 会议 literature 文学 listen up 注意听 millions of 数百万 的 call 叫做;打电话 bahaviour 举止 event 事件;比赛 项目 洞穴 natural 自然的 freedom 自由 cave get out of 从???内 出来 外来人 light 明亮的 social 社会的 reply 回答 theme 主题 clear 散开 treasure 宝藏 rise 生气 clever 聪明的 ground 地面 run away 潜逃, 逃 跑 below 在???的下面 dead 死的 edge 边缘 fir a time 暂时 on the edge of 处 于?的边缘 pleased 高兴的 outsiderbottom 底部 alive 活着 at the bottom of 在?的底部 grow up 成长 canyon 峡谷 talk about 谈论 side 边,面,侧 southern 南方的 dissapear 消失 state 州,邦 distance 距离 version 版本 huge 巨大 historical 历史的 face 面对 editor 编辑 sight 景象 publisher 出版者 height 高度 reviewer 评论家lift 电梯 【四单元】 view 景色 printing 印刷 attract 吸引 advantage 优点 description 描述 digital 数码的 location 地点 digital camera 数 码相机 【三单元】 battery 电池 sporting 有关体育 运动的 charge 充电 allow 允许 favour 帮助;喜爱 defeat 打败 publish 出版 season 赛季, 季节 issue 期 stand for 代表, 象 征 ordinary 正常的 against 与???相对 age 时代,时代 tough 艰苦的 replace 代替 encourage 鼓励 see to 负责 medal 奖章 produce 生产 overnight 突如其 来的 lookrepresent 代表 by hand 用手工 advertisement 广 告 ink 墨水race 比赛 CD-ROM 只读光 盘 diecussion 讨论 one day 某天 award 授予 feather 羽毛 finishing line 重点 线 燥 marathone 马拉 松 sharpen 削尖 turn 跑道 steel 钢,钢铁 teakwondo 跆拳 道 fountain pen 自来 水笔 belt 带子 popularity 普及 dry 干coach 教练 block 板子,街区 rugularly 有规律 的 at thebegining of 在???的开始 sportman 男运动 员 knowledge 知识 hurdle 栏架 spread 散播, 传播 hurdling 跨栏赛跑 introduction 传入 sportswoman 女 运动员 rather than 而不 是???through 浏览 set 设置,制定 create 创造 set up 建立,创立 cotton 棉花 yearbook 年鉴 wood 木材 first of all 首先 at a time 一次 【五单元】 ballpoint pen 圆 珠笔 entry 进入,参加 【六模块】 photography 摄 影业 waste 浪费 familiar 熟悉的 wasteful 浪费的 attention 注意力as well 也 reader 读者 downstairs 在楼 下 environmental 环 境的 sculpture 雕像 reusable 可重新利 用的 either 两者之一 hopeless 希望渺try out 试用,试验 repair 修复 Launch Pad 发射 台 china 陶瓷 physics 物理 care 在意,关心,担心 falling 下降中 fashion 风尚 sand 沙子 instead of 代替, 而不是 truck 卡车 instead 代替 wheel 轮子 air conditioning 空调 position 位置 cloth 布 rocket 火箭 sort 挑练 travel 旅行 harm 伤害throw away 扔掉, 茫的 抛弃 pay attention to 集中注意力于 metal 金属 upstairs 在楼上 energy 能量 guard 保卫 pollution 污染 sign 标志 recycle 循环 experience 实验 reduce 减少 exhibit 展品 reuse 重新利用 unusual 不同寻常 的 necessary 有必 要的 work out 设法弄 懂, 计算出 plastic 塑料制的 human 人类 do harm to 对???造成 伤害 speed 速度 difference 差别 obey 遵守 make a difference to 对??产生重大影响 above all 首先 product 产品 drop in 顺便走访 material 材料 as???as 同???一样 bottle 瓶 communication 交流 boil 煮沸 court 球场 wildlife 野生动物 store 储存 cloakroom 衣帽间 toilet 厕所 inventor 发明家cafe 咖啡厅 【七单元】 crocodile 鳄鱼 shark 鲨鱼 hand 协助 have a look at 看???一眼 alongside 在???的 旁边 detail 细节 grape 葡萄 ham 火腿 lamb 小羊肉 outback(澳大利 亚)内陆 relative 亲戚 sheep 羊 spirit 灵魂 surfing 冲浪 wine 酒 helicopter 直升机 purple 紫色similar 相似的 similar to 同???相似 ours 我们的 cricket 板球 (运动) rugby(英式)橄 榄球 sunshine 阳关 expression 短语 mate 同伴 temper 脾气 lifestyle 生活方式 water sports 水上 运动 grey 灰色 ancestor 祖先 【八单元】 on the left/right 在左边、右边 trouble 麻烦 shot 照片 kid 开玩笑 expect 盼望 pick up 接;捡起 historic 有历史意 义的 even though 即使 size 规模 beauty 美丽 category 类别 movement 运动 feature 以???为特点 include 包括 Rich 丰富的 congratulation (常复)祝贺 photography 摄 影师 present 授予;礼 物 ceremony 典礼 frightened 吓坏的期末考试试题 笔试部分 I、词汇运用 (每小 题 1 分,共 10 分) A) 根据句子的汉 语或首字母提示, 写出正确的单词。 1. The students s__________ for English exam at ten last night. 2. I have lots of r___________ in my school. 3. How about ________(游泳) at the pool in the park? 4. My parents like eating noodles with _________(马 铃薯) and mutton. 5. Tom’s father has a _________(危 险的) job. B) 根据括号中所给的单词,填入正 确的单词形式。 6. We don’t like our English teacher, because he is very _______(friend) to us. 7. They are having good fun _______ (watch) a basketball match on TV. 8. Don’t make the girl ________(cry) in the room. 9. June 1st is _________(child) Day. Many kids are pretty happy. 10. Would you like ______ (drink) some juice, Alan? II.单项选择: (20 分) 1. Our school is七年级英语下学期 _________ a park and a big library. A. between B. next across C. D. inA. Are, like B. Does, like C. Do, like Would, like 5.My work is interesting, but _____ dangerous. A. a kind of B. a kind kinds of kind of 6.The girl wants ______ a doctor. A. being B. to C. D. to do 7.Please _____ late for school next time. A. don't be B. aren't doesn't be be not 8.She _____ lunch at home yesterday. A. doesn't C. D. C. to be C. D. D.B. didn't have C. doesn't have D. hasn't 9.--Would you like _____ orange juice?-- Yes, please A. some B. any D. many 10.We _____ to a movie last Sunday. A. go went go go 11.You can _____ it in English. He can’t ______ English at all. A. speak, speak tells, say C. say, speak D. talks, say 12.Mr. Green is a B. B. C. did D. was C. a2. Tom and Mike enjoy _______ TV. A. see B. watch watching watch 3. --_______ it going?--Pretty good! A. How's B. What's How Where's 4.Thank you for _____ us so much help. A. giving B. give give C. to D. gives D. C. D. to______ you _____ a cup of tea? Yes, please. short man _____ long hair. A. with in C. has D. grows 13.Everyone in China _______ eating dumplings. A. like liking like C. to D. likes B. B.A. wash washing wash washed D.B. C. to________an English class. having B.have C.are having D.had III.完型填空: (10 分) Jack comes from the USA. He 1 2 in Los to different 3 Angeles. He likes places. Last weekend, he to Beijing on vacation with his wife and son. Sunday afternoon, the 5 6 was raining. they visited 417._______ here. A. Don't smoking smoke smoking B. No C. No D.Doesn't smoke 18.He didn’t go swimming. I didn’t, ______. A. too B. also C. either D.still 19.―Have a good trip!―___________ ___. A.Yes,please14.They often watch TV _______ Sunday evening. A. at C. on B. in D. of15. I helped him _____ his pen. A. to find B. finding finds found 16.Lucy doesn't mind _______ the dishes after dinner. D. C.B.Thank you C.I am sorry to hear that D.You’re welcome 20.It is eight o’clock now.The studentsa museum. The museum was too crowded. His son was lost. They were very worried(担心). many Chinese people helped them very 7 8 his .So ( So son. They were when his friends ask Jack, “What do you always ( live lived ( go )2、A、 B、goes C、to go to goes ( )3、A、 C、arrived D、 arrives ( For )4、A、 B、In ( came B、comes D、 ( 9 __ 10 :“I ( China?” He love it”. )1、A、to B、lives C、live (C、AtD、A Mary is an American girl. Her parents, Mr find work inBut at last(最后) On ) A、 5、 sun B、food water )6、A、 B、If C、 D、Or ) A、 7、 find B、finding looking for )8、A、 B、 C、sad ) A、 9、 like B、think C、come from D、think of )10、A、 C、says say IV.阅读理解 (20 分) speak B、speaks boring D、 happyC、weather D、 and Mrs Smith China. So they live in Wuhan now. Mr Smith works in a big shop. Mrs Smith in a middle school. Mary goes to that school on weekdays. On Sundays she goes shopping with her mother. She likes dumplings very much. Every time dumplings. It's 6:30 in the evening now.But (C、look for D、 teaches EnglishD、difficultD、 they'd like many Mrs Smith is cooking. Mr Smith is helping her with the housework. What's Mary doing? She is doing her homework carefully. ( is in now. A、America B、England C、 Chinese D、 Wuhan ( )2、 go shopping on Sundays. A、Mr and Mrs Smith B、Mr Smith and Mary C、Mrs Smith and Mary D、The )1、MarySmith family ( a )3、Mrs . A、 shop big B、school C、 house family ( now. A、cooking B、working C、 doing housework D、 helping Mary with homework ( ) Which 5、 A、Mary and her mother are not in the same school. They go shopping on weekdays C、They all one is right? )4、Mr Smith is D、 Smith works inlike eating dumplings D、Mrs Smith likes cooking B Monday… oh, I don’t like Monday because I’ll have to go back to school again after the weekend. Tuesday is not so bad. I usually play tennis with my friends after school. On Wednesday evening I don’t go out. I stay at home and do my homework. I like B、 Thursday because the next day is Friday. I always go out on Friday―maybe to the cinema. I love the weekend. On Saturdays I stay in bed until(直到) lunchtime, and I sometimes go to the shops in the afternoon. In the evening we go to a club-there are good bands there every Saturday. Then on Sundays I go to my friend’s house or she comes to mine. I usually visit my grandmother for an hour in the afternoon. Then the weekend is over and it’s Monday … and I feel bad again! ( )6.The writerdoesn’t like Monday because ________. A. Monday is the first day of a week B. he just spent a happy weekend C. Monday is the first school day of a week D. he will have many lessons on Monday ( )7. The writer thinks Tuesday is not so bad because _________. A. he can play tennis with his friends has no homework to do C. he has a P.E. class D. he is free B. he()8. The writermay go to the movies on _______. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday Friday ( )9. What does the writer not do on weekends? A. Stay in bed until lunchtime. B. Watch football games on TV. C. Go to his friend’s house. D. Go shopping in the markets. ( )10. From the text, we know that the writer ________. D. A. doesn’t like school very much home C. only likes Friday D. only likes Saturday Xie Kai: What do you ? Lei Hao: I don't mind it. I love Lucky 52 best.? Xie Kai: I _______, too. What do you think of the Yong?? Lei Hao: I like Xie Kai: ______your .? ,Li ___ of Sports World? B. likes to stay atparents?? Lei Hao: They both like Law Today. And we all love the host, Sa Beining.? Xie Kai: What he_______ like?? Lei Hao: He's Xie Kai: What _______ do they like?? Lei Hao: Oh, my mother likes soap operas, but my father can't them. He loves World News. VI.按要求完成下列 各题 (每词 1 分, 20 分) 1. Tom had to stay at home yesterday.(一般疑问句) _____Tom______to stay at home yesterday? 2. Wear sports shoes for gym class. (否定句) ________ ________ sports shoes for gym class. 3. They’re listening to music at home. (提问) ________ ______they_______ at home? 4. My weekend was very terrible. (提问) __________ ________ your weekend? 5. I wear colorful clothes because IV.补全对话 (10 分) kind and cute.? want to be young and beautiful. (提问) ________ _______ you wear colorful clothes? 6. How’s the weather today?(同义句) ___________ the weather _________ today? 7. What do you think of the soap opera?(同义句) _________ do you _________ the soap opera? 8. What’s your father?(同义句) What _________ your father _________? 9.Mary is doing her homework now.(用 yesterday 代替 now 改写句子) Mary_______ her homework yesterday. 10.Don’t talk. The baby is sleeping.(同义句) ______ ________!The baby is sleeping. VII.书面表达 (10 分) 题目:A Busy Weekend 要求: 描述一个你所经历 过的繁忙的周末。 不得少于 60 字 (共 10 分) 头已经给出: A Busy Weekend Last week I had a very busy weekend.________ __________________ __________________ __________________ 请注 意审题!文章的开__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ ____________ 七年级英语下学期 期末考试听力材料 及参考答案 post office? 5.Would you like to play soccer with us? Ⅱ、听对话,选出 正确答案: 6. M: What day is it today? W: It’s Sunday . M: Oh, it was Saturday yesterday. 7. M: What’s 听力材料 I.听句子, 选出其恰 当答语: 1.what does the man look like? 2.I will go to Beijing on vacation. 3.Why didn’t you come to school yesterday? 4.Excuse me.Where is the your favorite kind of music, Mary? W: My favorite kind of music is dance. What about you, Bob? M: My favorite is pop. 8. M: What do you do, Anna? W: I am a bank clerk. M: What doyou want to be? W: I want to be a policewoman. 9. M: Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood? W: Yes,. It’s next to the supermarket, across from the library. 10. W: What did you do over the weekend, Jim? M: I went to the movies. What about you, Linda? W: I visited my friends. Ⅲ、听对话,选择 正确答案: W: Can I help you, sir? M: Yes, I’d like some noodles. W: What kind of noodles would you like? M: I’d like beef noodles. W: What size of noodles would you like? M: What size do you have? W: We have large, medium and small bowl. M: A large bowl, please. W: Ok. M: How much is it? W: Ten yuan. M: Here you are. IV、听短文, 根据 短文内容,判断下 列句子正(T)误(F)。 There are too many rules in my house. It isn’t fun. I have to get up at fiveo’clock every morning. I can’t arrive late for school. I can’t meet with friends on school nights. I have to do my homework by nine o’clock. Then I have to go to bed by ten o’clock. On weekends, I have to clean my room . I have to be in bed by eleven o’clock on Saturday evening. 参考答案 听力部分:(每小题 1 分) 1-5 ABCCA 6-10 BACBA 11-15 BCCAB 16-20 TFFFT笔试部分: I.词汇运用 (每小 题 1 分,共 10 分) 1. studied rules 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. cry swimming potatoes dangerous unfriendly watching 2.9. Children’s 10. to drink II.单项选择:(每 小题 1 分) 1-5 ACAAC 6-10 CABAB 11-15 CADCA 16-20 BCCBC III.完型填空: (每小 题 1 分) 1-5 BCADC 6-10 AABDC IV.阅读理解 (每小 题 2 分) 1-5 DCBCC (每 6-10 CADBA V.补全对话 词 1 分) 1.think 4.him 5.What/How 6.about 7.does 8.look 9.else 10.stand VI.按要求改写句子 (每词 1 分) 1.Did have 2.Don’t wear 3.What are doing 4.How was 5.Why do 6.What’s like 7.How like 8.does do 9.did 10.No talking VII.书面表达(10 分) (略) 评分标准:参考中 考评分标准。一档 0-2 分 二档 3-5 分 三档 6-7 分 四 档 8-10 分 Module 12 *chess 棋 set 副 *chopstick n.(常复)筷子 purse 钱包 soap chat move hang 吊 hang on&非正 式&(耐心)等待 immediately adv.立刻;马上 accept v.接受 n.肥皂 v.聊天 n.行动 v. 悬挂; n.(女式) n.一套,一 n. 国际象 地wrap 裹 lucky 的v.包装,adj.幸运do some cleaning 打扫卫生 *break 破;打碎 anything pron.任何东西; 任何事情 receive 接到 custom 习惯 greet 打招呼 noise 嘈杂声 wedding stay 停留 n. 婚礼 n.噪音; v.问候; n. 风俗 v.收到; v. 打n.逗留, light 少量的 around 约 pour 倒 mobile 的 shout 大声喊 *throw 抛adj.(餐食)littern.垃圾 n.人pavement adv.大 行横道 waste v.倒;倾垃圾箱adj. 移动v. 高声说;v. 扔;*shoulder 肩膀 *catch 接住 body 躯干n. 肩;v. 抓住,n.身体,wash up 洗(餐具) smoke v.吸烟 n.护*passport 照


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