at 和by能order by 同时使用出现吗

1.What was the woman's first job?
A.A teacher.
B.A secretary.
C.A doctor.
2.When did the show begin?
3.What are the two speakers doing?
A.Enjoying meeting each other.
B.Saying good-bye to each other.
C.Planning to see each other again.
4.Where does the dialogue take place?
A.In an office.
B.In a clothing shop.
C.In the man's house.
5.What will the woman do tonight?
A.She will stay at home with the man.
B.She will send for a doctor by herself.
C.She will watch the weather forecast.
6.How does the boy go to school every day?
A.By bus.
B.By bike.
C.On foot.
7.Why didn't the girl go to school by bike?
A.Because she hated the heavy traffic.
B.Because she didn't have a bike herself.
C.Because she didn’t like to ride a bike.
8.Where did the accident happen?
A.On a highway.
B.On a freeway.
C.On a road.
9.What was strange about the accident?
A.Two people got hurt.
B.The truck turned over.
C.No one was killed.
10.What does Susan think of her life in New York?
A.She doesn't like it at ali.
B.She thinks highly of it.
C.She feels it just so-so,
11.What can we leam about Henry from the dialogue?
A.He is heavier than before.
B.He looks younger than ever.
C.He decides to keep on a diet.
12.Why does Susan look younger?
A.Because she is more energetic.
B.Because she stays in warm weather.
C.Because she lives a healthier life.
13.Where will the woman plan to work in summer?
A.A hotel.
B.A market.
C.A farm.
14.How long will the woman work in the morning?
A.One hour.
B.Three hours.
C.Four hours.
15.What will the woman prefer to do in her free time?
A.Go walking.
B.Pick fruits.
C.Sell drinks.
16.What are the two speakers talking about in general?
A.Part-time jobs.
B.Music festivals.  C.Summer plans
17.How long will the course run this year?
A.Six weeks.
B.Seven weeks.
C.Eight weeks
18.What was the problem last year?
A.Few people wanted to attend.
B.There were too few workers.
C.Nothing to do on rainy days.
19.What will the children do for the first time this year?
A.They will join in art activities.
B.They will do new outdoor sports.
C.They will attend a talent show.
20.What's important for parents whose children attend the course?
A.Attending the American Night with the children.
B.Sending money to Molly as soon as possible.
C.Informing Molly about any food the child cannot eat.
来源:训练必修二英语北师版 北师版
1.ow long does the film last?
A.30 minutes.
B.An hour.
C.One and a half hours.
2.How many desks are for the parents?
3.How did the man like and his father feel about the football match?
A.It’s boring.
B.It’s interesting.
C.It’s exciting.
4.What’s the woman going to do?
A.ttend a party.
B.Buy a silk dress.
C.Wear a new dress.
5.When should Helen meet Mr Green?
A.t 9∶30.
B.At 9∶50.
C.At 9∶10.
6.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A.Close friends.
B.Teacher and student.
C.Brother and sister.
7.Why did Nancy call Bob?
A.To get in touch with him.
B.To tell him the good news.
C.To talk to him on the phone.
8.What were Nancy and Bob going to do that evening?
A.To see each other and discuss something.
B.To go to a restaurant for dinner.
C.To go to a movie together.
9.How was Jane’s trip?
A.It was wonderful.
B.It had much trouble.
C.It was a long way.
10.How did Jane’s family get their food?
A.They bought it from the markets.
B.They cooked by themselves.
C.The villagers cook dinners for them.
11.When did Jane come back?
A.Last night.
B.This morning.
C.Last week.
12.How does Rose want to go to Canada?
A.She insists on flying there.
B.She prefers to go there by ship.
C.It isn’t told.
13.What is John’s opinion?
A.He thinks air transport is the safest.
B.He thinks air transport is really safe compared with road transport.
C.He thinks air transport is safer than water transport.
14.What is Rose’s opinion about going by sea?
A.Though it is not fast, it is exciting.
B.It is both fast and relaxing.
C.It is neither fast nor relaxing.
15.After John’s persuasion, what does Rose think about her trip?
A.She’d like to fly to Canada.
B.She’d still prefer sailing to flying.
C.She can’t make a decision.
1.How often does the man eat out?
A.Not very often.
B.Almost every day.
C.Nearly every two days.
2.What does the man suggest they should do?
A.Cook some eggs on the way.
B.Buy some eggs.
C.Cook some eggs.
3.What does the man mean?
A.The woman often loses her keys.
B.It’s too bad that the woman has lost her key.
C.He has found the key for her this time.
4.Where did the conversation take place?
A.t the post office.
B.In a classroom.
C.On a telephone.
5.What are they talking about?
B.A film.
C.A piece of music.
6.Why did the man come to China?
A.He came to China for a visit.
B.He came to China on business.
C.He came to China for a meeting.
7.Why could he find the company?
A.He remembered the number of the taxi.
B.He remembered the name of the taxi driver.
C.He remembered the name of the company.
8.Where did the man get his handbag?
A.In the Lost and Found.
B.In the taxi.
C.In the company.
9.How many workers does a small farm usually have in Britain?
10.Which of the following is not grown well in the east of the Britain?
11.What are in the west of Britain?
A.Crop farms.
B.Fruit farms.
C.Animal farms.
12.Who do most of the farm work?
A.The farmer.
B.The farm worker.
C.The machines.
13.What does the man suggest the woman do?
A.She should have an active hobby.
B.She should relax and enjoy herself.
C.She should learn to take photos.
14.Which of the following can best describe the man?
A.He is lazy.
B.He is very active.
C.He is a student.
15.Which of the following is referred to as an active sport in the conversation?
C.Table tennis.
1.When will Susan arrive?
A.At 4∶30.
B.At 4∶45.
C.At 5∶20.
2.Why can’t the woman go to see the film today?
A.Because she is not feeling well.
B.Because she doesn’t like the film.
C.Because she has another plan.
3.How much is the jacket?
A.600 US dollars.
B.100 Hong Kong dollars.
C.600 Hong Kong dollars.
4.What does the man have for this meal?
A.Soup, noodles and iced coffee.
B.A sandwich, noodles and hot coffee.
C.Soup, noodles and hot coffee.
5.Who is Mr.Smith?
A.A friend of the girl’s father’s.
B.The girl’s brother.
C.The girl’s father.
6.Where does the conversation take place?
A.At a post office.
B.At a baker’s shop.
C.At a restaurant.
7.When was the parcel posted?
A.Two days ago.
B.Two weeks ago.
C.Two months ago.
8.What do we know about the man?
A.He lives at 128 Devon Street.
B.He is very angry about the service.
C.He sent his mother a parcel.
9.What do we know about No.6 Station Road?
A.It has the man’s lucky number.
B.It has four bedrooms.
C.It has a garage.
10.What is good about No.4 Candy Street?
A.It is in a quieter place.
B.It has bigger rooms.
C.It is closer to shops.
11.Which one have they decided on?
A.The one with a big garden.
B.The one next to the station.
C.The one closer to town.
12.What is the man planning to do with his friends?
A.Watch a football game.
B.Go for a drive and have a picnic.
C.Have dinner and see a movie.
13.Why does the woman hesitate to go with them?
A.Because she has to study for an exam.
B.Because she has to attend a party.
C.Because she doesn’t have enough money.
14.When does the woman want to be back?
A.By 11∶30 p. m.
B.By 10∶30 p. m.
C.By 6∶00 p. m.
15.Why didn’t the man want to go dancing?
A.Because he thought it was dull.
B.Because he didn’t like dancing.
C.Because he was very tired.
16.What did the man suggest?
A.Walking on the bridge.
B.Inviting friends to watch the bridge.
C.Inviting some friends to play bridge.
17.When will Janet come around?
A.At about 8 a. m.
B.At about 4 p. m.
C.At about 8 p. m.
18.Who is speaking?
A.The radio host.
B.The singer.
C.The director.
19.When are tickets available to the winning people?
A.Before Saturday night.
B.Before Thursday morning.
C.Before Wednesday morning.
20.Through which phone number can people find the speaker?
1.When does the man leave for the office on Tuesday?
A.At 8∶00.
B.At 7∶30.
C.At 7∶00.
2.What will the woman do this evening?
A.Complete her essay.
B.Go out for a walk.
C.Review her lessons.
3.What does the man want the woman to do?
A.Take a photo with him.
B.Teach him some French.
C.Help him get the photos.
4.Where did the woman stay during these days?
A.On the beach.
B.In the mountains.
C.In the hotel.
5.Why can't the man move to the suburbs?
A.Because of the high taxes.
B.Because of the high rent.
C.Because of the long distance.
6.Where does the conversation take place?
A.At a club.
B.At the laundry.(洗衣店)
C.In a shop.
7.What clothes does the man have?
A.A shirt and two pairs of trousers.
B.Two shirts and two pairs of trousers
C.A shirt and three pairs of trousers
8.How much should the man pay if he has a membership?
9.What does the two speakers say about Professor Dickinson?
A.His study is full of books.
B.He often assigns too much reading homework.
C.His lecture is very boring.
10.What was the nationality of T.S.Elliot at death?
11.What can we learn from the conversation?
A.The man read many English classics,
B.The two speakers both know Professor Dickinson.
C.Professor Dickinson teaches English literature.
12.What is the man doing in the conversation?
A.Interviewing a shopper.
B.Shopping at the supermarket.
C.Examining the goods at the supermarket.
13.Where does the conversation take place?
A.In a supermarket in town.
B.In a supermarket on Fifth Avenue.
C.In a supermarket on Central Plaza.
14.What can we learn about the woman?
A.She drinks a quart of milk every day.
B.She spent 28 pounds.
C.She bought some fruit in the supermarket.
15.What does the man suffer from?
A.A bad cold.
16.What does the woman suggest the man do?
A.Work and rest regularly.
B.Get fresh air and do more exercise.
C.Drink more water and stay outdoors.
17.Why doesn't the man get regular exercise?
A.Because he doesn't have time.
B.Because he doesn't like playing sports.
C.Because he didn't realize the importance of exercise.
18.How many ways are there to start a conversation according to the talk?
19.What is the second suggestion according to the talk?
A.Get or borrow a dog
B.Eat in a public dining hall
C.Take the dirty clothes to a public washing shop
20.What should you say to a heavy man in the US?
A.He is thin
B.He is losing weight
C.He should on a diet
第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.Where did the man find the wallet?
A.In the grass.
B.In the laboratory.
C.At the parking lot.
2.What is the relationship between Jim and Bob?
B.Close friends.
C.Twin brothers.
3.What is the man’s purpose in meeting the woman?
A.To apply for a job.
B.To try to please her.
C.To find out her position.
4.What will the woman probably do first?
A.Hurry to the meeting.
B.Go sightseeing by bus.
C.Take the underground.
5.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
A.New dictionaries.
B.Forms of languages.
C.Development of languages.
第二节(共15小题:每小题1. 5分,共22. 5分)
6.What month is it now?
7.What do we know about the speakers?
A.They are both football players.
B.They are both in training.
C.They both enjoy sports.
8.What was the man doing when his problems started?
A.Watching a game on TV with his friends.
B.Playing basketball with some of his friends.
C.Putting the manuscript of his wife’s book in order.
9.How did some pages of the book become totally ruined?
A.They burned up in a fire.
B.They were damaged by water.
C.Someone threw them away by mistake.
10.What sort of reaction does the man expect from his wife?
11.What does the man want to do now?
A.Rent a flat.
B.Hold a party.
C.Change furniture.
12.How many questions does the man ask the woman?
13.What will the man most probably do after the conversation?
A.Help the woman to move house.
B.Go back to call his schoolmates in.
C.Sign an agreement with the woman.
14.What is the man doing?
A.Questioning about an evening school.
B.Asking for information on reading habits.
C.Exchanging reading experience with the woman.
15.How much time does the woman spend a week reading newspapers?
A.About four or five hours.
B.About two or three hours.
C.About seven or eight hours.
16.What does the woman like best?
17.Where does this conversation most probably take place?
A.In a holiday camp.
B.In a travel service.
C.In a sailing school.
18.What is the man uninterested in?
A.Rowing and fishing.
B.Swimming and diving.
C.Sailing and water skiing.
19.What do we know about the man?
A.He minds having a rough time.
B.He has been practising rowing.
C.He hasn’t made his decision yet.
20.What do we know about the woman?
A.she is both polite and patient.
B.She is not experienced in her work.
C.She doesn’t like idea of active holidays.
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扫描下载二维码at a time, at one time 和at the time有什么区别?
at a time, at one time 和at the time有什么区别?
作者: 文章来源:
点击数: 更新时间: 14:13:55
【问】编辑老师,您好!我最近遇到两对易混短语,一直也没有弄明白它们的区别,希望您能帮我解答一下。一个是take time 和take one's time 的区别,另外一个是at a time, at one time 和at the time的区别。谢谢老师!(山东省泰安市第二中学& 林 娜)
【答】 林娜同学,你好!这两对词组虽然都只有一个单词之差,但它们意思上的差别却是很大的,而且是非常重要的两个考点,希望通过我这次讲解,你能把它们记牢。先来看一下take time 和take one's time 的区别。take time 意为“花费时间”,而take one's time 意为“慢慢来,别着急”,相当于 “don't hurry”。例如:
A great talent takes time to mature. 大器晚成。
Take your time, we still have 20 minutes left. 别着急,我们还有20分钟的时间呢。
at a time 意为“每次;一次”。at one time 意为“同时;曾经一度”,常用于过去时。at the time 意为“在那时;在那段时间”。常用于过去时态。例如:
Take two pills at a time. 一次服两粒。
At one time they were friends, but they are seldom together now. 他们曾经是朋友,但是现在很少在一起了。
He agreed at the time but later changed his mind. 他当时同意了,但后来又改变了主意。
Copyright& English Coaching Paper. All rights reserved.
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版权所有 英语辅导报社in/at/on/by the beach分别什么意思,有什么区别啊?分不多,但希望有高人指教
on 强调的是在沙滩上的主体或者动作,一般用其引申意义失业; 处于困境,离船,上岸 退休 在陆上工作等等by 强调的是沙滩的附近的主体,一般为第三人称at 同on的原意相同,一般说在沙滩上做什么,有什么的时候都说atin 通常都是in.the beach 强调的是in后面接的动作或者状态我是这样记的
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