作文over-dependenccome on over babycomputers

  On the effects of technology&电子科技对社会生活的影响&是今年考研的热点话题之一,英语辅导名师何老师给大家总结了关于这一话题的出题角度,方便大家展开写作思路!
  The increasing use of the mobile phone in people& The impact of the internet on the wa Whether electronic communication can replace face-to-face contact. 这些问法和角度是今年全国性的考试中已考查过的,2014考研如果再出现类似话题,必然会转化角度,体现不同的立意!
  素材1:The advancement of modern technology, such as smart phone, is making people's life more comfortable and at the same time less security. 智能手机是我们的生活更加便捷,但同时也带来了不安全因素。
  素材2:The world is slowly becoming a high-tech society. New technologies like computers and robots have changed the way most of us live and work. While life turns easier in some way, technology has had terrible consequences for many people.当今世界已经变成了高科技的社会。像电脑和机器人这样的新技术已经改变了我们工作和生活的方式。科技使生活更加容易的同时,也给很多人带来了可怕的后果!
  1. the benefits of technology科技的益处;
  2. over-dependence on modern technology过度依赖现代科技;
  3. increasingly complex and stressful越来越复杂和有压力;
  4. making people's lives more enjoyable but more complex没有使人们的生活更加享受,反而更加复杂;
  5. the end of human sparks of creativity, spirit, compassion, love and understanding and other good things创造力、精气神、怜悯、爱、包容和其他美好精神的结束;
  6. Mankind may enjoy all the conveniences of life and yet they do not feel any happier or wiser. 人类享受这生活的各种便利,却并没有感到更加的快乐和明智。
  7. The development of modern technology has made people's life increasingly complex and stressful, consequently, people should choose to have a simple and easy life without using technology. 现代科技的发展使人类的生活变得愈来愈复杂和有压力,人们应该避免处处使用科技,从而使自己的生活更加简单轻松。
  8. We should make such new technological machines, as smart phones and the Internet, be our servants forever, rather eventually become our masters.我们应该使这些新技术产物成为我们永远的仆人,而不是最终成为我们的主人。
  9. Much of modern technology is not born to meet primary human needs, and many &unnecessary& inventions are producing negative effects on a living style that used to be relatively simple. 许多的现代科技的出现不是为了满足人类的基本需要,并且一些不必要的发明反而对我们曾今相对简单的生活方式产生了负面影响。
  1. machines act like humans机器像人一样思考;
  2. humans act like machines人像机器一样工作
  3. The world is slowly becoming a high-tech society. New technologies like computers, robots have changed the way most of us live & work. While life turns easier in some way, technology has had terrible consequences for many people.当今世界已经变成了高科技的社会。像电脑和机器人这样的新技术已经改变了我们工作和生活的方式。科技使生活更加容易的同时,也给很多人带来了可怕的后果!
  4. Now that &intelligent& machines,such as robots,are widely applied to take the place of human beings because they are capable of doing many useful jobs, although making many people jobless.现在,像机器人这样的智能机器,可以做很多有用的工作,因此正在广泛的被用来取代人的工作,从而使很多人失业。
  Technology may be improving our lives, but it is also taking away our livelihoods!科技能改善我们的生活,同样也能带走我们的安身立命的生计!
  Nowadays, science and technology are developing very fast, and it has transformed the way of our life and is of benefit to our society. Apparently, modem transportation, such as the plane, has made it easier and faster for people to travel around the world than before. Telecommunication technologies, such as the Internet, enable people to send information to a distant place instantly. Therefore, it is safe to say that modem technology has significantly drawn people nearer.
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&& &&& 2015年6月「四级」答案全解析(超详细…
虽然对于考完四六级的大家来说,对答案好像并没有卵用。对于四级都还没有考的茶小妞来说,看答案似乎更没有什么卵用。道理我都懂,但是(?o??o?)??作文第一段描述图画,引入+对话+意义;第二段既可以分析家长对于孩子成长扮演角色的给孩子造成的利弊(重点是弊)也可以谈论孩子过度依靠父母的原因。写作解析【作文一】1.众所周知,家长在孩子的学习生活教育中扮演了重要角色。然而,当今社会,由于社会的发展 过渡依靠家长的孩子的数量急剧增长。原因引入句第一,很对学生缺乏独立意识,不愿意自己思考、判断。第二,很多学生尚未意识到独立对于未来生活的重要性。举例引入句姚明,如果姚明没有独立意识,无法获得今天的成就。2.第一段描述图画 引入+对话+意义第二段既可以分析家长对于孩子成长扮演角色的利弊也可以谈论孩子过度依靠父母的原因【作文二】本次作文可以把提纲翻译成 the impact of the computer电脑对于现代生活的利和弊,电脑对生活的优点,即丰富生活,使得学习生活工作方便省事。弊端是过度依靠电脑,使得学习能力和身体能力被削弱。写作参考范文【作文一】 We could see from the picture that two people,perhaps a mom and her daughter, were having a conversation about the daughter's enrollment into university. The daughter shared the good news with her mom that she was accepted to the college of her mom' choice while her mom seemed glad and delighted. It reminds us the importance of parents'role in children's growth. Ever since the dawn of the century, children's independence has been the talk of public concern, especially for those parents who have only one child. Most children, being doted and spoiled by their parents, grandparents and even relatives, have fewer chances to face challenged and address difficulties on their own. Consequently, the young generation get used to over relying on their parents almost in everything and lack of ability to solve problems independently. Confronted with the problem, we should take a series of effective and efficient measures to reverse the trend. To begin with, parents should cultivate the awareness of their children, which should be begin from childhood. In addition, parents should offer mor chances for their children to experience the world. Thus their children are more likely to enhance the capability to overcome the difficulties and handle problems.only with parents' assistance and determination can the next generation accumulate confidence and become independence step by step.【作文二】 As is vividly depicted in the picture, there is a a person who is working and playing in front of a computer whenver he is in work or at home. Even when he is lying in bed, he is still thinking about the computer. It reminds us the impact of the computer in modern society. It is universally acknowledged that computers play a crucial role in people’s lives. Some people hold that, compared with lives several decades ago which are tedious and boring, studying, working and even playing surrounded by electronic products, such as computers and tablets, is more entertaining and colorful. People can share feelings, express concerns and talk about events with family members and intimate friends.However, other people insist that over-dependence on computers is a curse rather than a blessing. People, univesity students in particular, become over-dependent on such digital devices so that their literacy as well as phyical ability has been greatly weakened. In summary, computers have both advantages and disadvantages. Whatever effects it has, one thing is certain, computers in itself are neither good nor bad. It is the use that determines its value to society.听力小对话部分难度稳定,相对于2014年12月的考题来说,难度甚至可以说有点下降。小对话部分近几年一直是考生的难点,其重要的考点在于转换——即需要根据对话中人物所作出的回复或评判以给出自己的理解并匹配选项。本次的考试题目中,前面的几道题基本都保持这种需要转换的特色,如下列小对话:(201506)1.Woman: I am going to give up playing chess, I lost again today.Man: Just because you loss? Is that any reason to quit?在这段对话中,首先通过女性的描述lost, 即可知道她有消极情绪,而在男人的表述中,采用了两个反问句来质问女性,即对女性的陈述不苟同,所以应该转换女性的态度,最终选择正面陈述即可。此类题在第三题中继续出现:(201506)3.Woman: I missed class, could you lend me your notes?Man: My notes? You have never seen my handwriting, have you?此处仍然是男人对女人的两次质问,而不同意女人的看法,即女人其实是看不懂自己的笔迹的。(201506)2.Man: Do you know Sally’s new address? She’s got some mail here and I’d like to forward it to her.Woman: Well, we have not been in touch for a while. Let’s see, Mary should know it.女性在陈述中采用了一个词组,be in touch with sb. 但是此处能否理解这个倒是其次,终极是理解这里的not,是对男性做出了否定陈述,因此需要追寻女性后面的陈述:Mary should know it,即女性建议男性去找Mary问问。小对话中此次考试基本没有考查特别生僻的习语,所以难度比较低。结尾问题方面,小对话中结束处问题大部分仍然为以下模式:What does the man mean?What do we learn about the woman?What do we learn from the conversation?长对话部分及篇章部分此次考试中长对话从内容上讲,出题老师也并没有刻意的为难,只要盯住选项,做出匹配即可。关于“听到什么选什么”的原则,各位此时可以回忆其附加原则并加以处理。第一篇长对话主要是电话场景,谈论商务合作,一家专门研究化学品泄漏的公司与一家化学品加工公司进行洽谈,但是本对话主要讲述的是前期接洽问题。其中的“梗”在于想接洽的人接洽不上,所以改时间,改人,男性和女性在陈述中语速不快,可以遵循问答模式,在选项中依次作答即可。第二篇文章的一问一答模式非常明显,是对一位音乐家的访谈,所以一问一答,将重心放在女性身上即可。篇章部分的内容继续朝着说明文和议论文的方向发展。第一篇文章主要讲述莎士比亚,对其历史生平进行描述。第二篇文章主要谈论旅行安全问题。这一点上各大媒体从小到大一直都在宣传,各种安全小提示对同学们来说会比较熟悉。由于此类话题对各位特别熟悉,因此难度不大。第三篇文章主要讲述英国人的幽默感所带来的悲剧事故。放在最后一篇文章,主题对各位比较生僻,因此应该将重心放在选项上,注意念到的内容的先后顺序即可。复合式听写部分复合式听写部分话题对文科类同学可能难度稍大,对话题不熟悉是主要原因。本文主要研究经济问题,仍然考查四类词性,名动形副。而对于词型变化的考查仍是重头戏。值得指出的是,本次考试中,无论是男性还是女性,在念的过程中,每个词的发音都很准确,对于单复数、所有格、过去式等词的发音,基本都有展现。仔细小心即可。阅读由于本次考试继续采用了多题多卷的形式,因此笔者将依据现有的这套试卷进行解析和点评。从内容上看,第一篇文章谈论的是教育与就业的关系,第二篇文章则就粮食产量下降这一现象进行了分析和讨论。从题型上来看,四级的仔细阅读继续以细节题为主,所以考察的都是文章里的具体事实。从难度上来看,此次仔细阅读定位不是难点,而更侧重考察了长难句的分析能力,但是最后的综合难度略微低于去年12月真题。具体参考答案如下:Passage One56. B – Well-educated people tend to work longer.57. B – A rapid technological advance58. A – Economic growth will slow down59. C – Even wealthy people must work longer to live comfortably in retirement.60. D – Skills are highly valued regardless of age.Passage Two61. C – The decline of the grain yield growth.62. A – Their self-sufficiency is vital to the stability of world food markets.63. D – They force more on the increase of animal feed than food grains.64. D – The world will be able to feed its population without increasing farmland.65. B – It is based on a doubtful assumption. 【答案解析】Passage One细节题。题目问“当前在富国家的劳动力中发生了什么”,关键词the workforce 和in riches countries可以帮助我们定位在文章开篇第一句话”Across the rich world, well-educated people increasingly work longer than the less-skilled.”意思是在富国家当中,与那些没有什么技能的人们相比较,那些受过良好教育的人们工作的期限越来越长久。然后接下来文章还用到了具体数字来佐证其观点。因此同义替换后,这道题正确答案是【B】。细节题。题目意思是“什么进一步加深了贫富差距?”关键词the well-off and the poor和the divide。根据关键词,可以找到第一段第三句“This gap is part of a deepening divide between ...”注意,这句话是题目所问道的现象,但是考生需要进一步找到其原因。于是,答案应该在紧随其后的一句话”Rapid technological advance has raised ...”所以,正确答案是【B】。细节题。关键词“observers”, “predict”和”the experience of the 20th century”, 结合顺序原则,可以定位在第二自然段的最后一句话”The experience of the 20th century, when ..., has persuaded many observers that this shift will lead to slower economic growth, ...”。对于这类主谓分隔的长难句,笔者在四级基础阅读和强化阅读课程中都反复讲解和操练过,考生要学会抓住句子主干,丢掉插入语(两逗号若在主谓之间则为插入语)。因此,正确答案是【A】。细节题。关键词“resultof policy changes”和”European countries”定位在文章第四自然段,注意题目问到的是policy changes之后的result(结果),而不是问policy changes的内容。所以应该定位在“... means even the better-off must work longer to have a comfortable retirement. 于是正确答案是【C】。细节题。关键词”21st century”和”characteristic of work”定位在文章最后一句话。这道题同样是在考察考生对于长难句的分析能力,其主干是”the skills do not necessarily decline with age. 所以,正确答案是【D】。Passage Two细节题。题目意思是作者意图让大家关注的问题是什么。在没有明显关键词的情况下,考生可以根据顺序原则阅读第一自然段。第一自然段开篇讲到了各种现象,可是在第四句话中用到了转折词”But”, 说明在此之后才是作者真正关心的内容。”This is the decline in the growth in yields of some of the world’s major crops.”才是答案。于是正确答案是【C】。细节题。关键词”India and China” 定位在第三自然段第二句话,此句话谈到了印度和中国,随后第三句话是答案:Their ability to feed themselves ...and on world food markets.” 此句话的Their ability to feed themselves与选项A中的self-sufficient同义替换,因此正确答案【A】。细节题。关键词”two universities”和”recent crop improvement efforts”定位在第四自然段最后一句话,因此【D】是对文章的同义改写,因此正确。细节题。关键词”FAO”组织名和”world food production”以及时间限定”in the coming decades”定位在第五自然段,其中提到人们不需要随着人口的增加而进一步开垦农用地,于是正确答案是【D】。态度题。态度对象是”the argument of the Food and Agriculture Organization”定位在文章最后一段,当作者谈到对其的看法时是在最后一句:The trouble is that the forecast assumes ..., which may not actually happen. 作者认为该组织所假设的内容也许不会发生。于是,正确答案是【B】。翻译日全国大学英语四级考试已结束,本次考试亦为多题多卷,新东方第一时间收集整理不同版本试题,由老师们给出参考答案及点评,供大家参考。【试卷一】中国是世界上最古老的文明之一。构成现代世界基础的许多元素都起源于中国。中国现在拥有世界上发展最快的经济,并经历着一次新的工业革命。中国还启动了雄心勃勃的太空探索计划,其中包括了到2020年建成一个太空站。目前中国是世界上最大的出口国之一,并吸引着大量外国投资。同时它也在海外投资了数十亿美元。2011年中国超越日本成为了世界第二大经济体。参考译文Chinese civilization is one of the most ancient civilization in the world, many elements which were composed of the modern world originated from China. China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and is now experiencing a new industrial revolution. Additionally, it has launched ambitious plan of space exploration which includes a space station that will be built in 2020. Currently, China is one of the biggest exporting country in the world and attracts a great many foreign investments. Meanwhile, China made huge overseas investment with billions dollars. In 2011, it has replaced Japan and ranked the 2nd economic entity in the world.【试卷二】据报道,今年中国快递服务(courier service)将递送大约120亿件包裹。这将使中国有可能赶超美国成为世界上最大的快递市场。大多数包裹里装着网上订购的物品。中国给数百万在线零售商以极具竞争力的价格销售商品的机会,仅在11月11日,中国消费者就在国内最大的购物平台买了价值90亿美元的商品。中国有不少这样的特殊购物日,因此,快递能在中国扩展就不足为奇了。参考译文It is reported that courier service in China will deliver 12 billion packages this year, which will probably make China surpass the US and become the world's largest express market. Items which are ordered online in most parcels.China provides chances to millions of online retailers to sell goods at very competitive prices.Only on the day of November 11th, Chinese consumers purchased $9 billion worth of goods from the largest online shop.There are many such special days for shopping in China and that's why we deserve the expansion of express industry.以上解析由新东方武汉学校提供,欢迎转载转载请注明出处点击阅读原文可以看到「六级」答案~
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  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutesto write an essay. You
should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express
your views onthe proper way of using social media. You should write at least 120
words but no more than 180 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1.  Sir, wait a second. I’ll check it with the math appon my mobile phone. Then
I’ll give you the result.”  范文及写作思路简析  首段:图画描述  首句引入图画;之后描述图画内容:人/物+动作+文字+环境  This is a funny but enlightening cartoon: a teachergives his student a test
to his surprise, the girlresponds/answers, “Sir, wait a
second. I’ll check it with the math app on mymobile phone. Then I’ll give you
the result.”  二段:图画主题+现象+危害  Apparently, this picture can be naturallyassociated with the
over-dependence on social media: if students intend toacquire adequate skills in
study, it is not advisable for them to completelydepend on electronic tools. In
contemporary society, it has become a trend fora host of youngsters to use
various media in study. Meanwhile, an increasingnumber of teenagers find it
rather convenient and efficient to solve problemswith the help of these tools.
Taking a look around, we can notice a great manystudents like the girl in the
cartoon. However, it is these social media thatdo not enable students to build
up enough ability, experience and skills todeal with problems independently.
(举例2:A case inpoint is the student in the picture.) As a matter of fact,
intelligentpeople in large numbers have come to realize the negative impacts of
electronicequipment on students’ learning.  尾段:观点+建议  Asa college student, I am convinced that it is of great necessity for
youngstersto enhance our ability/quality to solve problems independently. Thus,
teachersshould educate, advocate and encourage their kids to cultivate this
awareness. Dobear in mind: social media are just our tools. (245words)  来源:新东方论坛
唐迟老师,新东方教育科技集团考研巡讲师, 新东方考研英语阅读名师,新东方在线考研英语阅读主讲。 0...
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2, "新东方在线" 未注明"稿件来源:新东方"的 文章、资料、资讯等 均为转载稿,本网站转载出于传递更多信息之目的,并不意味着赞同其观点或证实其内容的真实性。如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网站下载使用,必须保留本网站注明的"稿件来源",并自负版权等法律责任。如擅自篡改为 " 稿件来源:新东方 " ,本网站将依法追究其法律责任。
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