
If anyone tries to tell you that you can\'t work hard enough to face the task in front of you--show them that you\'re tough. If anyone tries to tell you that you are not that strong, don\'t listen to discouragement--know that you belong.If anyone tries to tell you that you can\'t sing your own song, or make your way in the world...prove them wrong.Everyone gets an angel1... You can\'t always see them because sometimes they are invisible2.Sometimes they are your pet when he kisses you...Sometimes they are a small treasure you find... an angel might even be your friend.Those angels3 are quiet, but what they are really saying is:" pink clouds! A good day is just around the corner."So, if you begin to worry too much, just remember...Somewhere an angel is looking out for you, too.倘若有人试图告诉你,无论你多么勤勉也无法面对面前的任务告诉他们你能吃苦耐劳。如果有人试图告诉你,你并非如此坚强,别听泄气话要知道自己真正的归属。假如有人试图告诉你,你不能我行我素,或者在这世界上,你无法成功发迹……向他们证明,他们错了。每个人都有一个天使……你无法总是见到他们,因为有时他们是无形的。有时他们化作你的宠物来亲吻你……有时他们变成小小的宝藏让你发现……天使甚至可以变成你的朋友。这些天使缄默不语,可他们真正在说的是:“粉红的云朵!美好的一天就在眼前!”所以,当你开始忧心忡忡时,只要记住……在某处,有一位天使,也在守候着你。有人用汉语翻译了一首英文诗,老外都服了!(经典..._网易荐新闻求一首诗的英文翻译谁能翻译席慕容的么?用英文哦!或者其他一些她的诗也行
成熟 席慕容童年的梦幻褪色了不再是只愿做一只长了翅膀的小精灵有月亮的晚上倚在窗前的是渐呈修长的双手将火热的颊贴在石栏上在古常春藤的荫里又萤火在游不再写流水帐似的日记了换成了密密的模糊的字迹在一页页深蓝浅蓝的泪痕里有着谁都不知道的语句Be mature A childhood dream fade No longer a little Stars of the long wings only There at the moon Lean on the window Is a gradual slender hands Cheek posted on the fences will be fiery Yum Lane in the ancient ivy Also in outbound fireflies No longer write a sequence similar diary Replaced by dense The characters blurred Page in the blue light blue tears Lane Nobody has to know the words
扫描下载二维码他不但会唱歌还会写诗。如果我一定要用can和not only, but also来做这个句子,应该怎么翻译呢?_百度知道}


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