
求翻译!急! 10
幸福就是早上醒来,看到一抹阳光恰好落到枕边。可以不用急着起床,躲在被窝里听着妈妈在厨房里轻手轻脚的忙碌,不一会儿荷包蛋的香味弥漫了整个房间。幸福就是穿着白色的棉布长裙走在华灯初上的傍晚,经过一家音像店时正好响起一首久违的老歌。于是停住脚步将歌听完,许多美丽遥远的回忆在脑海中渐渐清晰起来。幸福就是晚饭后盘腿坐在床上一针一针编织一条淡蓝色的围巾,心中想着他戴上围巾的样子--肯定像只小熊,于是忍不住笑出了声。幸福就是开心时有人陪着出去吃大餐,难过时有人拍拍自己的肩膀递上一杯温热的咖啡,犹豫不决时有人像灯塔一样照亮我前进的方向,累了倦了时发现有人一直在不远处默默守侯。&幸福就是夜深人静的时候独自在灯下看一本好书,偶然间读到的一句话语触动了内心最纤细的神经,无意中一抬头,发现橘红色的灯光柔柔的铺满房间。&幸福就是春天里偶然闻到路边阵阵花香,夏天里穿着鲜艳的T恤坐在海边看潮起 潮落,秋天里走在满是法国梧桐的小街上,心里有淡淡的忧伤,冬天里在飘雪的时候站在路边吃热气腾腾的烤红薯。福就是在公园的长椅上看书,有一只皮球滚到脚边,把它拾起来还给追随而来的那个胖乎乎的小男孩手中,然后听他脆生生的说:“谢谢姐姐。 ”&幸福就是和同学聚会时,大家坐在一起回忆几年来每一个细小动人的情节,倾诉现实生活的得意与失意,讨论发生在身边的爱情故事。。。。。说到兴奋处大家肆无忌惮的哈哈大笑。
Happiness is waking up every morning to see just a touch of the sun fell on the pillow. Can not hurry to get up, hiding in bed listening to her mother busy in the kitchen softly, and soon the smell of fried eggs filled the room. Happiness is wearing a white cotton dress evening walking in the lights, through a CD store and just sounded a long absence, the old songs. Then stopped listening to the songs, many beautiful memories in the mind far away gradually clear. Happiness is sitting cross-legged on the bed after dinner, a stitch knitting a light blue scarf, scarves mind thinking about the way he put on - and certainly like a bear, so can not help but laughed aloud. Happiness is accompanied out to eat a big meal when someone happy, sad when someone tapped his shoulder and handed him a cup of lukewarm coffee, hesitated when I was like a lighthouse illuminating the way forward, tired, tired and found someone has been quietly tarried not far away. & Happiness is the dead of night alone in the light, reading a good book, happened to read a word language touches the heart most delicate nerves, inadvertently looked up and found that the orange light dough covered room. & Happiness is the smell of spring in the occasional bursts of roadside flowers, summer wear bright T shirt sitting on the beach watching the rise and fall in autumn walk in a small street full of plane trees, and my heart has a touch of sadness, winter When standing on the roadside in the snow to eat steaming roasted sweet potatoes. Fu is a park bench reading, have a ball rolls onto his feet, picked it up and come back to follow the chubby little boy in the hands, and then listen to his Cuisheng students, said: "Thank you, sister." & Happiness is and students gathering, we sit together memories of the past few years moving every small plot, talk to real-life pride and frustration, in discussions around the love story. . . . . Speaking of unbridled excitement laugh at you. Happiness is crossing the road with him, he
is sitting behind his old bike, shaking legs and saw the wind in his short hair. & Happiness is when loneliness receives long-lost friend's phone contact, the two and a half hours talking on the phone. Happiness is the road to see a blind musician is playing the flute, melodious flutes are hard to forget, who took out all the change, turn left at the time, the pace of change also light up. Fu is a look at the previous diary, I think of the innocent years have experienced the joy and trouble, think of was the simple and silly, think of that name to his eyebrows. Close the diary, mouth can not help but float a touch of a smile. & Happiness is hard collecting bits and pieces of life, whether bitter or sweet view of life as income of all luggage, and then a more relaxed attitude to the road chic.
其他回答 (1)
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号海关查货,货物没有报关出去
求翻译 急~ - 外贸英语 -
福步外贸论坛(FOB Business Forum) |中国第一外贸论坛
& 海关查货,货物没有报关出去
求翻译 急~
UID 1502017
阅读权限 25
求翻译 急~
走的一票货,因为海关查货,货物没有报关出去, 要解释给客人.
海关查货,货物没有报关出去,这些货将改走9号的散货& &
[ 本帖最后由 Frank.Brown 于
17:27 编辑 ]
UID 1502017
阅读权限 25
& &怎么都没人帮忙翻译的~`~~~
UID 1409967
阅读权限 40
来自 广东-佛山
UID 1426703
阅读权限 60
来自 浙江瑞安
回复 #2 nolahe 的帖子
we are fail to declare the goods at the custom, for the customs checked the goods. So we will ship the goods in bulk on 9th.
Vous Aimer
UID 228467
积分 79940
福步币 217 块
阅读权限 120
来自 local
pls note we are missing the vessel due to customs inspection, the goods are going to be delivered on Nov 9 by LCL the earliest.
UID 1495168
福步币 1 块
阅读权限 80
提醒一点 如果客户抱怨 跟他说清楚这种事不是经常遇到的 但海关有海关的concern 一般的说,比较忌讳跟客人说海关之类的 他们也最怕这个 因为中国政府现在在一些外国人眼里问题多多 我们要想办法树立形象 其实这也正常 计划生育堕胎在美国人眼里就跟谋杀一样 解释不了的 Sharon Stone在大地震时大放厥词 其实没有别的 他们不理解中国的 我们要努力一起改变他们
UID 292497
福步币 100 块
阅读权限 60
回复 #1 nolahe 的帖子
UID 1502017
阅读权限 25
回复 #6 david.zang 的帖子
UID 251724
阅读权限 40
the shipment have to postponed to 9th, as LCL,since it was inspected by custom and we can't clear in time.
UID 1295886
阅读权限 40
we missed the vessel due to customs inspection, the goods will be delivered on Nov 9 by LCL
当前时区 GMT+8, 现在时间是
Powered by D1scuz! && 2001-求文章翻译!!急!Do you often communicate with your parents? Some parents are always comparing their children with themselves when they were young or with other people when they were children."When I was your age," a father said to his sixteen-year-old son one day, "I was at the top of my class every year. And I knew what I wanted to do when I left school. I had goals (目标). You are always at the bottom (最后) of your class and you have no goals."The man’s son said nothing. He had already heard this from his father many times. "And when your mother was your age, " the young man’s father went on , " she had a good job and she was earning money. You don’t even have a part-time job .You earn nothing. " The man’s son still said nothing. He had heard this before, too. "And when your elder brother was your age, "the young man’s father said, "he studied hard. But you just waste your time."And the man’s son still said nothing.Finally, the young man’s father said, "And when Abraham Lincoln was your age, he worked all day and studied at night."This time the son couldn't stay silent. "And when Abraham Lincoln was your age, father," he said, "He was the President of the United States.what are you?"His father had no answer to this.Are your parents always comparing you with others? And what’s your reply? Do you have a better way to communicate with each other?s
你经常与你的父母交流吗?有些家长总是拿自己的孩子与自己年轻时相比或者与其他人是孩子的时候相比。“我像你这么大的时候,”有一天一位父亲对他的16岁的儿子说,“我每年都是班上拔尖的。当我离开学校时,我知道我要做什么 。我有自己的目标。可你总是在班上倒数第一,而且你也没有目标。”那人的儿子什么也没说。这样的话他从他爸那里听到过很多次。“当你的母亲是你这么大的时候,”年轻人的父亲接着说,“她有了一份好的工...
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然后导游告诉了我们如何制作一个机器人模型,很有趣。在这之后。我们坐火车。我们坐着火车去了博物馆,这是一个非常激动人心的一天。这也太酷了。所有的事情都是跟机器人有关的。我们沿途看到了一些农场和村庄,很快就到了那里。在博物馆,我学到了很多关于机器人(的知识)。纯手工翻译如有疑问欢迎追问满意还望尽快采纳 。而且那里人太多了。右六月十五日我觉得今天的学校旅行糟糕透了。礼品店的东西都很贵。我之前不知道它们还可以跟我们一起下棋。我还拍了很多很棒的照片。我一点都不喜欢这个旅行,我去了礼品店给我的父母买了一些可爱的礼品。它们不是很贵。总之。房间都很暗,于是我什么都没有照。火车又热又慢。博物馆又大又无聊,而我对它们不感兴趣,照照片很困难,我都看不到也听不到那个导游左六月十五日今天我参加了一个学校旅行。我们参观了科学博物馆


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