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&&&&Asking Her Out
How to ask a girl to be your girlfriendUpdated on August 20, 2014
Will You Be My Girlfriend? Maybe it is just a guy thing but sometimes we take it for granted that because we like a girl romantically that she feels the same way. Even if we have been dating the same girl for a couple of weeks we always jump to the conclusion that she is now your girlfriend, even if neither of you have discussed your official status.
Girls in one respect are just the same as guys, they too like to go out sometimes with guys just for fun, with no romantic con You know the one, a casual relationship with no strings attatched.
Of course if you have both been dating for a couple of weeks then the chances are that you are both on a similar wavelength and are developing feelings for each another.
Maybe now could be the time to ask her if she would like to make it official and become your girlfriend.
My Girlfriend?
Talk to a girl for 10 seconds in front of your parents and they hear wedding bells. | Source
Embarrassing Friends And Parents Have you ever noticed that if you are seen talking to a girl for more than ten seconds your friends and especially your parents assume that you like her and that she is your girlfriend?
It's embarrassing isn't it? especially when your parents start going on about it.
Imagine what is going through their heads when you actually go out on a date with a girl, they automatically assume that you are boyfriend/girlfriend and you are both tagged with that label from then on in even if that first date went really badly and you both decided to go your separate ways.
Parents are really annoying and if you go out with a girl for a second time Mum and dad begin planning y Go out for a third date and the wedding bells begin ringing in your parents ears as they arrange the seating for the reception.
Your parents and your friends assume that you and that girl are boyfriend/girlfriend and you assume that you are boyfriend/girlfriend, when the truth is that you don't really know if you are.
You may look like a couple, you may act like a couple but does she know that you and her are girlfriend/boyfriend. | Source
From Friend To GirlfriendSo you and this beautiful girl have been dating for a couple of weeks and you realise that you are developing some feelings for her, the odds are in your favor that she is developing the same feelings for you too.
Even if you think that that she considers you to be her boyfriend, It is only right that you ask her about becoming your girlfriend even if it is a formality, that way you both know exactly where you both stand in your relationship and to make it official.
Once you have made your decision to ask her to be your girlfriend take action don't wait for the right time, you can't afford to wait too long because if you miss your chance you could lose her to someone else.
On the other hand, though don't run up to her in the middle of the street and shout out in front of all of her friends "Will You Be My Girlfriend," although it may sound romantic it would embarrass her and she probably wouldn't want to see you ever again.
Why Ask Her To Be Your GirlfriendAsking a girl that you have been dating for a while to be your girlfriend may seem like a pointless waste of time and energy but there is a good reason that you should.
Commitment is a big thing for a girl, she likes to know where she stands with you, she likes to know that you are serious about her and of course she likes to know that you feel the same way about her as she does about you.
A simple question, Will you be my Girlfriend? answers all of those questions in her head and means the world to her, it shows her that you are committed to her and her alone.
Make It A Romantic Gesture
Sweep her off her feet with a big romantic gesture. | Source
How To Ask A Girl To Be Your GirlfriendM try not to think of what you are going to say because no matter how many times you rehearse it in your head things never go according to plan. Whether you take her out for a meal, a walk in the park, or a walk along the beach
Test the water before you ask the question "I really like you a lot" is a great opener if she replies with something similar then it's the perfect time to ask the question," Will you be my girlfriend"?
Girls like a small personal token from you not something that you have run out and bought, your class ring if you have one, the chain that you wear around your neck or even the sweater that you are wearing, anything that you have on your person that you wear or use regularly. This token item is to prove your commitment to her.
If she says yes, don't jump up screaming yes you beauty! she can change her mind very quickly, give her a cuddle and kiss her to seal the deal.
Boyfriend/GirlfriendDoes Your girl Know you want to be her Boyfriend? Yes I have asked her Yes but I didn't ask it just happened Yes but she asked me first No because If I ask she may say no
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