
2016年06月08日 &来源:中国教育报 作者:曹培杰 内容摘要:近年来,平板电脑教学成为教育领域的“新时尚”,一大批中小学校纷纷开设数字化实验班,探索平板电脑支持下的学科教学,尤其是在数学、语文、小学科学、英语等学科中,平板电脑的应用较为广泛。关键词:教学;平板电脑;学生;理念;主导  随着平板电脑越来越多地进入课堂,随之而来的是多方面的挑战  近年来,平板电脑教学成为教育领域的“新时尚”,一大批中小学校纷纷开设数字化实验班,探索平板电脑支持下的学科教学,尤其是在数学、语文、小学科学、英语等学科中,平板电脑的应用较为广泛。随着平板电脑越来越多地进入课堂,新的挑战也随之而来。更加令人担忧的是,平板电脑教学面临技术异化带来的陷阱:新技术不仅没有成为教学改革的助推器,反而强化了传统教学的弊端。  教学不能成为技术的“囚徒”  有些学校把新技术视为推动教学改革的“灵丹妙药”,却忽略了学科教学的本质。比如,某位教师在讲解小学语文课文“葡萄沟”时,让学生在平板电脑上一会儿欣赏葡萄沟的风光,一会儿听少数民族歌曲,一会儿查询葡萄干的生产工艺。教师还设计了学生画葡萄、品尝葡萄干的环节,忙活了半天,唯独忽略了学生对课文本身的理解感悟。整节课因技术应用过度而让教学内容支离破碎,有意无意间把语文课变成了活动课。在数学课上,很多教师特别喜欢平板电脑的数据统计功能,学生点击屏幕选择答案后,教师一下子就能掌握全班学生的答题情况。这本来是一件好事,但很多老师只是关注这些表面的数据,却忽略了对答案的追问。这导致有些数学课表面看起来很成功,但却经不起推敲,学生只知其然,不知其所以然。众所周知,数学是一门思维的艺术,不同的答案背后隐藏着不同的思维方式,不能简单以答案正确或错误来判断学生的思维状态。很多时候,正是对错误答案的不断追问,才能让学生对知识有更深层次的理解。平板电脑教学一定要考虑学科特点,从学科的本质入手来灵活地使用技术,而不是从技术本身入手来开展学科教学。  过去,一支粉笔一块黑板,一群学生一位老师,就是课堂的全部。现在,黑板变成了交互式电子白板,粉笔的大部分功能也被投影和实物展示台所取代,信息技术已经成为课堂教学必不可少的要素。继多媒体投影、电子白板之后,平板电脑成为各学校信息化建设的新“标配”。这种趋势已经在我国经济发达地区显现出来,如广东的“粤教云”、上海的“云课堂”等重点项目都把平板电脑作为首选。当新技术越来越多地进入到社会生活时,也必然会越来越多地进入到学校,这种潮流不可逆转。但是,技术只是教学的手段,不能变成教学的目的。再先进的技术、再高级的软件,也无法替代教师的言传身教;再多彩的视频、再精美的画面,也无法替代师生面对面的互动交流。  此外,任何技术都有双面性,既有优势,又有弊端。我曾经听过一节语文课,整堂课下来学生居然连课本都没打开过,在品读课文时也是用平板电脑上的电子教材,“读屏”完全代替了“读书”。如果把平板电脑仅仅当作阅读器,那只会人为地放大技术的劣势(如过度使用平板电脑会给学生的视力带来负面影响等),结果肯定是得不偿失。平板电脑教学不能沉迷于技术之中,否则就会变成技术的“囚徒”。  课堂沦为新技术的“练兵场”  平板电脑具有便携性、移动性、交互性、灵活性等特征,为课堂教学提供了良好的技术支撑和丰富的资源选择。教师可以利用点赞、讨论区、观点分享等互动功能,为学生提供更加多元的参与机会,提升课堂的互动性。教师也可以利用调查、测验、投票、抢答等即时反馈功能,及时了解学生的学习效果。学生可以在平板电脑上查找资料,观看微课程,随时随地进行个性化学习。但是,“新技术”不等于“新教育”。尽管平板电脑具备强大的教学功能,但它并不会自然而然地带来教学创新。我们在听课时发现,有些教师花了很大力气在平板电脑上设计相关教学活动,但却流于形式,忽略了教学效果。比如,课堂本来就是师生对话的最好场所,但有的教师却偏偏在小组讨论时,让学生在网络讨论区里发言,自己在讨论区里回复;本来学生举手回答就能解决的问题,却偏要搞网上投票。这样的课堂看起来热闹非凡,学生也能熟练地应用技术,但在教学方面却“捡了芝麻丢了西瓜”,使课堂沦为了新技术的“练兵场”。  目前,在很多所谓的“数字化学习实验班”里,很多场景仍然是“教师在台上口若悬河,学生在台下呆若木鸡”,唯一不同的是教师和学生的手中多了一台平板电脑。很多学校在开展平板电脑教学时,只重新技术,不改旧观念,甚至利用新技术更高效地开展题海战术,增加学生的学习负担。  这些现象都说明,技术的简单堆砌无益于改进教学。它不但没有促进教学创新,还强化了传统教学的弊端,把原来的“人灌”变成了现在的“电灌”。  需要多方面的改进  目前,我国的平板电脑教学并未脱离传统教育的窠臼,很多时候还在追求统一规范、整齐划一的教学形态。因此,平板电脑教学要想保持生命力,避免“昙花一现”,就必须重新思考教育,关注教学系统的结构性创新。以美国旧金山的艾欧特学校(Altschool)为例,它是一所由工程师创立的新型学校,通过技术手段收集学生学习的原始数据,用大数据分析学生的学习偏好,预测学生的学习状态,提供个性化的学习支持。无论学生处于何种状态,学校都能定制一个最适合他的课程计划,让学生按照自己的进度进行学习。该学校普遍采用混龄教学方式,模拟真实的社会生态,帮助学生更好地融入社会。  一是课程结构的重组。跨越学科之间的界限,开展面向真实生活的主题教学,让平板电脑从教师的教学工具,变成学生学习的认知工具。比如,在南方科技大学实验学校,语文学习成了语言学习、美术、社会实践的统一体。学生从教室走进大自然,用平板电脑记录自己眼中的春天,用思维导图软件总结自己的所思所想,讲述了一个又一个图文并茂的可视化故事。平板电脑变成了学生观察世界的窗口,而不是接收任务的终端。  二是教学流程的再造。目前深圳、上海的一些学校打破了40或45分钟的固定课时安排,根据学科和课型特点灵活设置长短课或大小课,开展线上线下相结合的混合式教学。线下学习瞄准需要精讲的知识点,发挥讲授式教学的优势,帮助学生形成基本的认知结构,促进知识的内化。线上学习采用探究式教学方式,鼓励学生利用平板电脑开展自主学习和合作学习,更深层次地理解知识,实现知识的有效迁移。  三是教学评价的重构。平板电脑可以跟踪学生的学习路径,开展即时的交互评价,教师能随时掌握学生的学习状况,给予及时的反馈,并调整教学进度,不断优化教学,为学生提供有针对性的学习支持。比如,上海嘉定区实验小学把评价融入到日常教学活动中,学生不用参加期末考试,取而代之的是“游园闯关”,包括“闪亮小主播”“啪啪新闻串烧”“智慧乐园”“英语我来做”等语数外10个项目。最后在评分阶段也不打分,只分一二三颗星。其中,在“数学小超市”项目中,商品中有买一送一的,也有打折的,每个持有20元券的学生必须购买三件商品,然后算出剩余的钱。这种评价方式更加关注学生的综合素质能力,激励学生把学到的理论知识运用到生活中去。  教学结构性创新是平板电脑进课堂取得成功的关键。平板电脑教学不能仅仅停留在对传统教学的缝缝补补,它的未来应当是在发挥信息技术优势的基础上,通过课程结构的再造、教学流程的重组和教学评价的重构,创设一种富有生机、灵活创新的个性化教育,从而使每一位学生都获得充分自主的发展。&  (作者单位:中国教育科学研究院)&
学校地址:上海市浦东新区南码头路1347号&&&&&&&&& 邮编:200125&&&&& & Copyright&2015 上海市上南中学北校版权所有技术支持:上海鼎创信息科技有限公司用户等级:小学二年级
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我家女儿同时被 民办洋泾外国语学校和上南北校特长班录取,请问选哪个比较好?谢谢!急急急!我们也考虑洋泾
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贡献光荣榜上南南校2015学年Examination for Oxford English 6A
共分)I. Listen and choose the right picture (%)
2. _______
3. _______
4. _______
5. _______
6. _______
II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案7%)
) 1. A. Eleven
C. Thirteen
D. Fourteen
) 2. A. He is doing his homework.
B. He’s playing football.
C. He’s reading newspapers.
D. He’s running on the ground.
) 3. A. She’s going to do her homework.
B. She’s going to make a big birthday cake.
C. She’s going to play football.
D. She’s going to make a birthday card.
) 4. A. June.
) 5. A. Tuesday
B. Wednesday
) 7. A. By plane
B. On foot
III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or
false (听短文,判断正误,正确的用“T” 表示,不的用“F”表示’ desk in Lucy’s classroom.
) 7. Lucy and Lily are in different schools.
IV. Listen to the passage and complete the sentences (听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词5%)
1. This is a letter from Nick to_______.
2. In Nick’s school, there are about_______ teachers.
3. Nick has________ classes one day.
4. Mike comes from ________.
5. Nick often plays ________ with Mike.
Part II Vocabulary and Grammar 39%
(第二部分 词汇和语法 共计39分)
I. Fill in the blanks according to the phonetic transcriptions.(%)
1. We should do something to protect our______________? /?????????????/
2. Bob has got many ____________. /?????????/
3. That’s a very ____________ boy. /??????/
4. I waited an hour ____________ to see you. /d????/
5. He’s a ___________ of the tennis club. /????b?/
II. Choose the best answer(选择正确的答案把编号填写在题前的括号内%grandmother and my grandfather.
His granddaughter is playing the ball in the garden.
I always play basketball with my classmates at the weekends.
) 2. She ___________ for school.
A. is always late
B. always is late
C. is late always
D. always late is
) 3. Some of the boys in our class like to play ______ piano.
) 4. Who is he talking _______?
) 5. We are visiting the school _________ the ________ time.
A. at, two
B. for, one
C. on, second
D. for, third
) 6. Our classmates _________ pollute the air.
A. promises to
B. promise to not
C. promise not to
D. promise to
) 7. Please keep the classroom ____________.
A. cleaned
C. cleaning
) 8. The boy sees a flower on the floor, and he ____________.
A. pick it up
B. picks it up
C. pick up it
D. picked it up
) 9. — Would you like _______ orange juice?
— No, thanks.
) 10. Let Jimmy play with your toy car, Peter. You must learn to _______.
) 11. Boys and girls, please _________ your schoolbags!
A. look like
B. looked for
C. look after
) 12. My brother _________ to my mother.
A. be help
B. is helpful
C. helpful
) 13. It is very late, do not go out ___________.
A. in the morning
B. at night
C. in the afternoon
D. in evening
) 14. There are many _______ in the fridge.
) 15. —Let’s go to the new restaurant for dinner.
A. You are right
B. That’s all right.
C. Thank you
D. All right.
III. Complete the following passage with the words or the phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once. (将下列单词或短语前的字母填入空格。5%)
B. sometimes
E. housework
I like Saturday and Sunday because I don’t have to go to school. My father and mother don’t go to _____1____, either. We get up late at weekends. Then I have a little _____2____ and milk at about half past eight. I often finish my homework _____3____ Saturday morning. In the afternoon, I do some _____4______. I clean my room, and wash my clothes. Sometimes I go shopping with my mother or go to Shanghai Library with my friends. In the evening my family watch TV together and talk a lot about the TV programme (节目). On Sunday my parents and I go to see my grandparents, but _____5_____ we go to concerts (音乐会) or parties. We have a good time at weekends.
1. _________ 2. _________ 3. __________
4. __________ 5. ___________
IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号内所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子 6%)
Bob is always ___________ to his pet. (friend)
There is a lot of ____________ on the earth. (pollute)
I usually go to the park with ____________. (she)
My uncle often goes ___________ in summer. (swim)
How many_________ do you have? (cousin)
We can ___________ shopping bags. (use)
V. Rewrite the sentences as required (按要求改写句子%)
1. We usually walk to school. (保持句意相同)
We usually go to school _______ _______.
2. My brother has already been to Britain. (改为否定句)
My brother ________been to Britain _________.
3. I sometimes take a walk with my grandpa in the park. (划线提问)
________ do you sometimes _______ with your grandpa in the park?
4. We never play computer games at school. (保持句意相同)
At school, we don’t play computer games _________ _________.
Part 3 Reading and Writing 36%
(第三部分 阅读和写话) (共计36分)
I. Reading comprehension (阅读理解) %
(A) Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案,用A, B, C或D表示5%)
John’s room is on the first floor. Now he is in his room. He is sitting on the floor and playing with his model planes. There is a radio on the desk. It is on. John is listening to music. He likes pop songs. There is a knock at the door. John puts down the planes, gets up from the floor and goes to open the door. It’s his mother, Mrs. Green. She comes to get a toy cat for Jenny, one of John’s sisters. But where is it? There are many toys on the floor. John can not find the toy cat. Mother says, “John, you must keep your room clean and tidy. Now, clean the room.” John begins to clean the room. Oh, here it is. The toy cat is under the bed. It’s between his shoes.
) 1. Mrs. Green has __________ child/children.
B. only one
C. at least (至少) three
) 2. John’s mother comes in ___________.
A. for a toy cat
B. to clean the room
C. to play with him
D. to listen to the music
) 3. _________ wants to play with the toy cat.
B. John’s mother
D. Jenny’s father
) 4. John finds the toy cat _____________.
A. under the table
B. under his bed
C. near the door
D. on the desk
) 5. John ______________.
A. keeps the room tidy
B. doesn’t keep the room tidy
C. doesn’t like pop songs
D. doesn’t have sisters
(B) Choose the words and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词,完成短文 5%)
My name is Tom. I come from a small village in India. Its name is Taka. You may not find it on the map because it is very _____1_____.
Taka is not far from New Delhi, the capital of India. There’re five buses to New Delhi every day, but there is ____2____ one train. The train is old and dirty. There are always too many people on the train. It is very hard to buy a train ticket, so many people take a ____3____ there.
My school is in New Delhi. I live at school and go home once a week. My village is small ____4____ beautiful. There are mountains and trees around it. There’s an old tower in my village. My home is behind it. There are no traffic problems, no noise and no pollution. I like my hometown ____5____ than the city of New Dehli.
) 1. A. small
) 2. A. also
) 3. A. car
) 4. A. but
) 5. A. good
(C) Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给5%):
Jack is a middle school student. H__1__ sister is not a student. She is o___2___ four. Jack and his sister like t___3___ father and mother. Jack’s father is a bus driver. Their neighbour, Mike’s father is a doctor. They are good f___4___. They w___5___ hard. They have a happy family.
1. H_______
2. o_______
3. t_______
4. f_______
5. w_______
(D) Read and answer the questions (阅读短文,回答问题)I have a happy family. They are my father, my mother, my grandparents and me.
My father is a teacher. He is very tall. He works in Shanghai Middle School. He goes to work by car. My mother is a teacher, too. She is tall. She has long hair. My mother works in Experimental Middle School. She rides her bicycle to work. They both work very hard. My grandparents are old. They do sports every day. So they are healthy. I am a pupil. I’m in Garden City School. I’m in Class 5, Grade 4. I’m tall, too. I’m a happy girl.
I’m lucky to have such a happy family. I love my family.
How many people are there in your family?
There are _______________ people in my family.
How does your father go to work?
He goes to work___________________________.
What is your mother?
She is __________________________________.
Are you a student in Garden City School?
_________, ________________________.
Are you tall or short?
I am______________________________.
II. Writing (16%)
A. Make up sentences. (连词成句) (6%)
1. you, with, what, do, your cousin, else, do
2. she, aunt, her, with, sees, often, film, a
3. tells, teacher, our, to, hard, work, always, us
B. Writing. (写话)Write a passage of at least 50 words on the topic “My good friend” (以 “”为题写—篇不少于0个词的短文,标点符号不占格)__________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ________ ________ ________
__________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ________ ________ ________
__________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ________ ________ ________
__________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ________ ________ ________
__________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ________ ________ ________
__________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ________ ________ ________
__________ __________50 _________ __________ _________ ________ ________ ________
__________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ________ ________ ________
Part I Listening 25%
(第一部分 听力 共计25分)
I. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的句子选出相应的图片) :(共6题,每题1分,共计6分)
1. __________ 2. __________ 3. ___________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 6. __________
II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择最恰当的答案): (共7题,每题1分,共计7分)
1. ________ 2. ________ 3. _________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________ 7. __________
III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true of false (判断下列句子是否符合你所听到的内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7题,每题1分,共计7分)
1. ________ 2. ________ 3. _________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________ 7. __________
IV. Listen to the passage and complete the table (听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词): (共5题,每题1分,共计5分)
1. ________ 2. ________ 3. _________ 4. ________ 5. ________
Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar 39%
(第二部分 词汇和语法 共计39分)
I. Fill in the blanks according to the phonetic transcriptions.(1. ___________________ 2. ___________________
3. ____________________
4. ___________________ 5. ___________________
II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共15题,每题1分,共计15分)
1. __________ 2. __________
3. ___________ 4. __________
5. __________
7. __________
8. __________
9. ___________ 10. __________
11. __________12. _________
13. __________ 14. ___________ 15. __________
III. Complete the following passage with the words or the phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once. (将下列单词或短语前的字母填入空格。) (共5题,每题1分,共计5分)
1. _________ 2. _________ 3. __________
4. __________ 5. _________
IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号内所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子) (共6题,每题1分,共计6分)
______________ 2. _____________ 3. ______________
4. _______________ 5. _____________ 6. ______________
V. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词): (共4题,每空1分,共计8分)
1. ______________ ______________
2. _______________ _____________
3. ______________ ______________
4. _______________ ______________
Part 3 Reading and Writing 36%
(第三部分 阅读和写话) (共计36分)
I. (A) Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案,用A, B, C或D) (共5题,每题1分,共计5分)
1. ______________ 2. _____________ 3. ______________ 4. _____________ 5. __________
(B) Choose the words and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词,完成短文) (共5题,每题1分,共计5分)
1. ______________ 2. _____________ 3. ______________ 4. _____________ 5. __________
(C) Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给): (共5题,每题1分,共计5分)
1. H_______
2. o_______
3. t_______
4. f_______
5. w_______
(D) Read the passage and answer the questions (根据短文内容,回答下列问题) : (共5题,每题1分,共计5分)
1. There are _______________ people in my family.
2. He goes to work___________________________.
3. She is __________________________________.
4. ________, _____________________________.
5. I am ___________________________________.
II. Writing (16%)
A. Make up sentences. (连词成句) (共3题,每题2分,共计6分)
1. ______________________________________________________________?
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
B. Writing (写话): (共分)
Write a passage of at least 50 words on the topic
__________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ________ ________ ________
__________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ________ ________ ________
__________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ________ ________ ________
__________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ________ ________ ________
__________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ________ ________ ________
__________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ________ ________ ________
__________ __________50 _________ __________ _________ ________ ________ ________
__________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ________ ________ ________
Listening Part
I. Listen and choose the right picture (%)
1. Many boys in our class like to play football. (D)
2. I want to fly a plane when I grow up. (C)
3. This is a book about birds. (F)
4. Sometimes people pollute the environment. (B)
5. Girls in our school like to watch cartoons. (E)
6. I sometimes go shopping with my mum. (A)
II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择最恰当的答案)
How old are you, Mary?
I’m eleven.
How old is Mary? (A)
Where is Tom?
He is playing football with his classmates.
What is Tom doing? (B)
Tomorrow is Grandma’s sixtieth birthday. What are you going to do?
I’m going to make a big birthday cake.
What’s the woman going to do tomorrow?
W:Hello, Jack.
Hello, Jane. This is my cousin David.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
Who is David’s cousin?
What day is it today?
It’s Wednesday. Oh, no, tomorrow is Wednesday.
What day is it today?
Is your telephone number ?
M: No,it’s .
What is the man’s number? (A)
How are you going to get to Zhongshan Park?
We’re going to walk there.
How are they going to get to Zhongshan Park? (B)
III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true of false (判断下列句子是否符合你所听到的内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):
Hello, friends. My name is Lucy. I am an American girl. I’m 12. I have a sister. Her name is Lily. We are twins. We are in Beijing, China now. We are in No, 18 Middle School. We’re in Class 4, Grade 1. Our classroom is very big. There are many desks and chairs in it. Some flowers are on the teachers’ desk. Miss Zhang is my Chinese teacher. She is nice to me.( T F F T T T F )
IV. Listen to the passage and complete the table (听短文,完成下列内容):
Dear Kitty
How are you? I’m writing to you at my school. It is a middle school. There are about sixty teachers in our school. My English teacher is Ms Green. She is a good teacher.
We go to school from Monday to Friday. There are four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon. We play badminton after school.
I have some friends at school. One of my friends is from England. His name is Mike. He speaks English and a little Chinese. I like to play with him. We often play badminton together. It is our favourite game.
Please write soon!
2. sixty/60
3. seven/7
4. England
5. badminton
2. sixty/60
3. seven/7
4. England
5. badminton
1. environment
2. relatives
3. naughty
6-10 CBBAB
11-15 CBBAD
1. friendly
2. pollution
4. swimming
5. cousins
1. on foot
2. hasn’t yet
3. What do
4. friends
(D) 1. five
3. a teacher.
4. Yes, I am.
A. 1. What else do you do with your cousin?
2. She often sees a film with her aunt.
3. Our teacher always tells us to work hard.
B. Omitted.
该会员上传的其它文档:41 p.24 p.25 p.40 p.20 p.13 p.15 p.13 p.18 p.20 p.29 p.13 p.41 p.19 p.16 p.30 p.11 p.11 p.31 p.40 p.38 p.84 p.上南南校2015学年Examination for Oxford Engli..上南南校2015学年Examination for Oxford English 6APart I
共分)I. Listen and choose the right picture (%)A


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