dissappointt 中文解释

, 415583.2
Interpreters Act of 1978Verbatim
1999; Mikkelson2000Colin
& Morris199616821820Mikkelson200016821820Mikkelson2000
Jong, 1992; Mikkelson20001946
Jong, 1992
Rules of Criminal Procedure28(b)Federal
Rules of Evidence604Criminal
Justice Act 1964Federal
Rules of Civil Procedure43(f)
Jong, 1994Schweda-Nicholson1986de
Jong, 199428(b)
v. State, 491 S.W.2d 166 (Tex. Crim. App. 173)de
Jong, 1994DiazDiaz
de Jong19941978Court
Interpreters Act of 1978verbatim
Federal Court Interpreter Certification Examination,
interpreter testing)801616075
Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, AO
Jong, 1994de
Jong, 198846,06449,94692.2%538520180199061,3797092041978
Law, Many Languages
Court Interpreters ActThe
Administrative Office of the U. S. Courts
Federal Court Interpreter Certification Examination,
Center for State Courts, NCSCCPSCPS
Human Resources ServiceFCICE80
The National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and
Translators, NAJIT;NAJIT
of Charleston
Sandra Hale
Association of Forensic Linguists, University
of Charleston
Benmaman ,
Virginia. Bilingual legal interpreter
education [J]. Forensic Linguistics, The International Journal of
Language and the Law. Volume 6. Number 1. 1999
Examinee Handbook : Federal Court Interpreter Certification
Examination for SpanishPEnglish [Z].
Framer,Isabel.Interpreters and their Impact on the Criminal
Justice System:& The Alejandro Ramirez Case[J].
Volume IX. Nos. 1 and 2 -Winter -Spring. 2000.
Hale,Sandra. Advocacy: The complexities of bilingual
courtroom[J]. LawSocietyJournal (NSW, Australia), July2001.
IAFL Home Page [Z]. (www.iafl.org).
Morris , Ruth. The gum syndrome: predicaments in court
interpreting [J]. Forensic Linguistics, The International Journal
of Speech, Language and the Law. Volume 6. Number 1.
The National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and
Translators,NAJIT. [Z]. (www.najit.org).
former and the latter? the upper party and the subsidiary?
the seller and the
Center of State CourtsWanda
10 Tips for working with court
A. Capati, Wisconsin Court Interpreter Program
The demographics of Wisconsin are changing. Immigrants from
Somalia and Latin America can be found working in turkey processing
plants in Barron and in dairy farms in rural Buffalo County.
Wisconsin ranks third in the nation for its Hmong population, while
refugees from Bhutan, Myanmar, and Iraq are the most recent
arrivals to our state. Given this population shift, the legal
system has seen a dramatic increase in the need for interpreter
services. Below are 10 recommendations for practicing attorneys to
consider when working with court interpreters.
Being bilingual is not enough to ensure the quality of a court
interpreter. Don’t make the common mistake of assuming because
someone asserts he’s bilingual that he’s qualified to be a court
interpreter. Interpreting is difficult. Legal interpreting is even
more difficult and requires continuous practice combined with
experience and training. Attorneys should inquire about an
interpreter’s educational background, courtroom experience,
training, or certification she may hold. The Wisconsin Supreme
Court’s Director of State Courts Office established a Court
Interpreter Program six years ago, which has overseen certification
of interpreters throughout the state. Whenever possible, try to use
a certified interpreter if one is available. Certified interpreters
have demonstrated their interpreting and language skills by passing
a rigorous oral examination used by almost 40 states around the
Attorneys don’t have to rely on personal referrals to locate court
interpreters. The Court Interpreter Program maintains a roster of
interpreters, available on the court’s Web site, for more than 25
different languages. The roster has certified interpreters in the
following languages: Spanish, American Sign Language (ASL), German,
Deaf ASL, Russian, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Hmong, Lao and
Don’t ask interpreters to provide “word-for-word” interpretation.
Interpreters interpret meanings and concepts. They do not provide
word-for-word or literal interpretation, nor do you want them to do
so. An interpreter told me the story of when he was asked to
interpret during a deposition. When he arrived, opposing counsel
ordered the interpreter to “translate all the words directly.” The
interpreter responded that he normally interprets the meaning of
what is said, to which the attorney retorted, “No! I want the exact
meaning of the words!” so the interpreter agreed. A question was
asked, “What were you doing in the parking lot?” The interpreter
rendered the question into Spanish, and the non-English speaking
deponent answered, “Estaba manejando mi mueble.” The interpreter
said, “I was driving my furniture.” Irritated, the attorney asked
what furniture meant. The interpreter told him the speaker meant,
“I was driving my old junker.” People from Mexico use the word
“mueble” (which has a literal translation of “furniture”) to mean
“junker” or “old car.” But since the interpreter was instructed to
interpret the exact meaning of the word, he interpreted the word
literally and not in the context the word was used.
manejando mi mueblemueble
Court interpreters should abide by the Code of Ethics for Court
Interpreters. If you are working with an interpreter who is
unfamiliar with SCR Chapter 63 the Code of Ethics for Court
Interpreters, you should be concerned this person has not been
properly trained. Qualified court interpreters are professionals
who will follow this Code, which includes keeping privileged
communication confidential, representing their qualifications
accurately, and maintaining neutrality.
Don’t ask interpreters to be attorneys. Court interpreters do not
“go over” legal documents or “explain” legal concepts. They
interpret while the attorney reviews legal forms or explains the
law. One interpreter reported an assistant district attorney asked
her to go over the plea questionnaire and waiver of attorney form
with several non-English speaking pro se defendants. He directed
her to review the penalty charts so she could explain them.
Interpreters are not attorneys. Asking them to engage in this type
of work is unethical and unfair to both the non-English speaker and
the interpreter.
Clarify abbreviations and minimize legal jargon. Legal proceedings
are filled with abbreviations and jargon (PSIs, GALs, OARs and
“probation holds”). While certified interpreters will likely be
familiar with the terms, try not to use them, if possible, and say
the entire phrase.
PSIs, GALs, OARs probation holds
Be mindful of how you pose questions through an interpreter. As a
general rule, when talking through an interpreter, the more
straightforward the question, the better. Leading questions and
questions posed in the negative are challenging for an interpreter
particularly for rarer languages. While it is impossible to
eliminate this format of questioning, attorneys should strive for
simplicity in speech when an interpreter is used.
Don’t ask interpreters not to interpret something.
Interpreters have informed me about attorneys who say
something and then immediately instruct the interpreter, “Don’t
interpret that.” Asking interpreters not to interpret something is
asking them to violate their Code of Ethics. Interpreters are
required to interpret everything. If you don’t want something
interpreted, don’t say it.
Expect most interpretation during a court proceeding to occur
simultaneously. Generally, simultaneous interpreting means the
interpreter is talking at the same time as the speaker with some
lag time. Expect most interpreters to simultaneously interpret
during courtroom proceedings. During testimony of a non-English
speaking witness, the interpreter will use the consecutive mode,
whereby interpretation will occur after each question and
10. Wisconsin statutes allow parties to object to an
interpreter for good cause and take into consideration any delay
arising from the inability to locate a qualified interpreter. If an
attorney has valid concerns about an interpreter appointed by the
court, alert the judge. Wis. Stat. section 885.38(6) allows a court
to remove a qualified interpreter for good cause and section
885.36(7) states the delay resulting from the need to locate and
appoint a qualified court interpreter may constitute good cause to
toll time limits.
英音 [ ?'p?int ] ; 美音 [ ?'p?int ]
The question of maintenance payment is with court-appointed referee.
Part of this process was a review of the deal by court-appointed accountants.
Make arrange an appointment with
Appoint a messenger
To confirm an appointment
Bo be appointed as the Queen
Her appointment as leader revitalized the party.
To confer the rank of nobility by an imperial appointment.
Appointment booking services are free of charge.
The honourable Rosemary Rose was appointed Maid of Honour to the Queen.
assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to
create and charge with a task or function
n. 装饰音之一种
v. 申请,要求;运用,适用;勤奋,专心致志
n. 嵌花,贴花,缝花
a. 嵌花的,贴花的
考研网地方站appointor的意思,appointor翻译,音标读音,用法例句 | appointor的意思,appointor的音标读音解释 21:33appointor翻译任命的音标读音英式:[?'p??nt?:r]美式:[?'p??nt?:r]基本意思n.任命者,指定人,财产受益人形近的词变形例句百科解释网络意思相关单词appointor的相关作文为何你给了我犀利的角我却只能食草为何那些温顺的...辨不清我的孱弱博取不来同情善良也争不来怜悯我的世界任你肆意横行造物主如此神奇我该认命还是任命事实除了认命还是任命…法国总统听到这件事后任命炮手为国防部长,在这几年里,炮手立下了屡屡战功,法国总统又任命他为国务院副总理。几年后,炮手回到他的家乡,看到各处都是荒野,他想这儿应该...第二十四节 伯乐相马东子在区政府...这时候,曹局长由于工作扎实肯干、廉洁奉公,在主管副市长的推荐下,被市委组织部任命为市林业局代理局长,一年后正式被任命为局长。实…法国总统听到这件事后任命炮手为国防部长,在这几年里,炮手立下了屡屡战功,法国总统又任命他为国务院副总理。几年后,炮手回到他的家乡,看到各处都是荒野,他想这儿应该...去年九月底,省委组织部下文批复,同意厅党组关于任命我为副巡视员的决定,任职时间从2014年7月算起。自此,在我的职业生涯中,似乎应该告别曾担任了17年的处长职务,继而...春天,一个美丽的季节。我怀着一颗真诚的心,来到少林寺的门前,向佛祖许下一个愿望:&...而在此时,蒋介石非常赏识并任命的国民革命。{p}一年级:玫瑰花的忧伤实行宪法宣誓制度,是中共十八届四中全会提出的,即“凡经人大及其常委会选举或者决定任命的国家工作人员正式就职时公开向宪法宣誓”。而此次全国人大常委会的决定草案将...{p}痛苦和磨难的世界里,{p}可我心好像飞翔,{p}我也知道是万万不能,{p}因为我知道是自己的,{p}命运在捉弄我,我想{p}这也许,是上天的旨意吧,{p}无法选择,只有任命。...(一)任命时值深秋,冷月淡淡,凌风习习,红叶片片落,一如那凋零的残梦,冷淡,凄迷。很多人都不喜这个时节所散发出的颓败气息,因为它缺乏热情积极的正能量,难以为心存...}


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