a dreamdeep in the heartt people

Look at a dream like a pearl necklace, each individual dream is perfect and shimmering in it’s own right. Together they form a beautiful chain of inspiration and excitement. My hope is that you’ll be inspired to follow your own dreams when you read about other people’s dreams and wishes.
My dream, or dreams, is to be able to travel around the world, write and share about them to many others who doesn’t have the chance to see it themselves yet. I hope to be able to work in the Art/Cultural development industry (precisely what I haven’t decided) but I feel really strongly for a need of some different kind of fresh air into my busy financial hub hometown. I want to raise awareness of elderly welfares because I feel like that is really something that connects to my heart.
I think most of all, I want to be free from the burden of family and peer expectations and do what I love, so I can wake up everyday eager to move forward. Don’t know the exact plans, still exploring, but I’m sure God had planned for something good.
– Lee Jane
I wish to live abroad while I am still young and figuring my way through life. It’s been a vision of mine since I was a little girl and chance I didn’t get to take during university. Now that I’ve graduated, I want to leap and do this somehow.
– Carrie
My dream: To run for Miss New Mexico USA in the hopes of becoming a figure of leadership, and to have the chance to touch so many people in my home state through serving the community. I want to run for Miss NM USA to show kids that you don’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.
– Jessica Jordana Gobble
I want to help start a community education collective in Detroit. I’m a big believer in informal education as a huge force in increasing the self-respect and activity in depressed and isolated communities (and therefore, improving the neighborhood and politics too).
Fixing up an old storefront to be a friendly, attractive place for folks to come and hang out is the first step, then offering the space to existing community organizations as a meeting space, then starting a free school and offering affordable day care and afterschool activities (almost impossible to come by in the city).&
– Maggie
My dream is renewal. I have lived my whole life as a canvas to others. I am ready to take charge over my own life and make it beautiful to me. My passion is my Lord and my Lord is Christ. With Him this is possible and only through Him will I achieve this goal. Some of the things that I want to do for myself is travel abroad, establish a stable career that I love, and surround myself with people who value me and not wish to change me. This is my dream.
– Trisha
I want to work at my best and always be appreciated at my work place iI also want to be the most important part of my work place….
I want to be loved and cared by my family…
I want to be life… for my friends I want to be their heven…
I also want to get married to the one I love the most in my life…
I also want lot of pleasure and happiness in my life…!!
I want to become a very important part of the people around me…
how is all this possible…
– Pari
Take control of my life. To make time to do the things I love everyday. Not let them sink to the back burner and fizzle away. To be confident in the person I am and to realize the goals I have for myself. To be able to be confident in my beliefs and freely share how I think and feel. To live out my life!
– Lisa Hedlof,
To inspire a wad of beautiful folks to take steps to find the thing that makes all the cells in their body hi-five. Then watch them all grow & rock it, serving the universe with their delicious gifts.
– Casey,
I want for once in my life to be irresponsible.
To do what I want to do, to do what inspires me and what makes me fulfilled,
than to do what others expect of me.
To earn a good living, take care of the family, do the housework, feed and walk the dog, etc.
… only to be told nobody asked me to do it in the first place.
I want to break free.. break free from being the responsible one.
I want to travel, to see the world.
I don’t want to work for my pension only to live out my old age in bitterness and regret.
– WaiYee (Singapore)
To make a contribution. to die knowing that i have left the world a better place. to make a concrete and tangible difference.
– Tammy
This may be a stereotypical dream, but I long to see the world.
I’ve lived in the same town all my life, only venturing away to go to university. I’ve never been on a holiday that lasted longer than 2 weeks. And yet I suffer from a burning wanderlust, a desire to see what else is out there.
My imagination always ran wild as a child. I would bury my head in stories from around the world. I remember visiting Tenerife on a family holiday and straying off the beaten track, ending up in a picturesque village nestled in the hillside, full of white-washed houses and suntanned locals hanging up their clothes to dry.
I want to live among the locals. I want to immerse myself in other cultures. I want to see as much of the world as I can.
– Rebecca,
To find myself in the midst of people not trying to change the real me. To chase my dreams and goals while staying true to myself. To emerge as a confident young woman who deserve nothing less than what she expects of herself which is the best. To conquer her fears that keeps her from achieving what she truly desires. To show others that she’s smart and capable of reaching the top while still staying humble and courteous.
– Patricia
To touch the lives of everyone around me with love & happiness. Whether that be through healing, laughing, or a simple smile. Everyone should feel important and worth something.
– Rachel DeMers
My dream is to become a great novelist, screenplay writer, stage and movie director. I dream I write and make art for the rest of my life. I dream my life is abundant with creative projects that allow me to serve the other and I become prosperous and can provide a good life for my son. I wish to marry a handsome man who is intellect and skilled and works in the similar fields as I do and he accepts my son as his own son. I wish to receive the MFA in the creative writing program. I wish to travel around the world and make it part of my career and life. I wish I have my own studio to do all my artworks. I dream I won awards including the Oscar for my works. I dream I live in a beautiful house with rooms for all of my family and friends.
– Leslie
Ever since I was a little girl I have always been reserved and put together. I wanted to be perfect and never wanted to mess up, but when I did, I put myself down for it and felt like the worst failure to my family, friends, and myself.
My dream is to let go – To be spontaneous – To travel and see places that are different, beautiful, and inspiring. I want to visit every continent (including Antarctica) and meet people of different cultures. I want to do something irresponsible and exciting. I want to go to college and pursue something that I love, no matter if I will make money or not. I want to fulfill my dreams and live my life.
– Anonymous
To be the best I can be at everything that I am, and to place a huge crater in the social media. My mark on the world.
– MissStar
shanti. {peace. tranquility. calmness & bliss}
so’ham. {i am that}
My dream is to become a yoga instructor so i can share both with the world.
My dream is to make the world a little bit better for my existence. I hope to do so by spreading beauty, happiness and positivity, and also through my work (one day) as an anthropologist. I dream of owning my grandfathers farm and having a lovely small house that sits gently on the earth where I can while away my time writing; and I dream of having wonderful, glowing people to share it with.
Have you ever dreamt something so large you don’t know how to put it into words..? It’s sort of just a scramble of feelings and a couple of hazy pictures. I’ve had this dream as long as I can remember. The biggest dream of my heart. And the most succinct title I can give it is, ‘South Africa’. My heart lies with my country. And though I know changing a country for the better to the degree I want to, is essentially impossible.. I am also proud to say it has been done once before here. And I know one other thing… All things are possible with Jesus. I hope I never stop hoping. Because I want to do the things that people say only the brave do and possibly only the insane… I want to bring unparalleled, unimagineable change!
– Anonymous
My dream is to find and live in the freedom of being me. To stop living under the expectations of others. As I learn to reach out and connect with others I am learning this is possible. Freedom to be me is mine if chose to take it.
– Linnette
My dream is to make my website into a successful business. It started as a daily fashion blog, then people were interested in my life!! I LOVE blogging and taking photographs, but I am not finacially stable enough to devote myself to the blog yet… so that is my dream. And I will work hard at it!!
My dream is for everyone to really, truly, utterly believe that is is entirely possible to live as we dream. My intention is to lead by example, by being a real life fear alchemist, and whenever possible assist others in breaking down the mental barriers we all have through experiential learning. My dream is for people to live as they dream, and by virtue of that, give the best of themselves in this life.
I want to be a speaker motivating abused women in shelters,and those who are in abusive relationships,wish to leave but they can’t. And also to go around schools speaking to young girls teaching them about self love,worth and self respect. And I also want to start a shelter in a squatter camp not so far from where i live,women and children abuse is rife there and a change in mindset is needed,i want to apply this through holding continous workshops for women in the area.
– Lindie
My dream is to move to Ethiopia alone within a year. My dream is to live in a wild country of terrible poverty and beautiful people, and make a difference in as many lives as possible. I want to make a new home in a place that couldn’t be more different from the home I’ve known, and prove that home is not a building, but a place where the heart says “yes!” I dropped out of high school after my junior year, because my desire to pursue my dreams was too great to keep waiting. I took my GED test, and got a full time job to save for when I leave, which I’m hoping will be around my 18th birthday, in April of 2013. My dream boils down to two simple facts, 1: My heart belongs in Ethiopia. And 2: I was created to live simply, and love richly.
I want to stop just taking it all in and start giving back. I want to start showing my true self to the world. Because 99% of the time, I don’t. Because it’s so damn scary. But I want to get over that fear and start working through those emotions and that creativity that I have within me.
My dream is to be happy. I want to wake up every morning and be content with myself. I want to believe in the good in this world and not become jaded by the hurt. I want to love others so much it hurts. I want those I love to count on me, to believe in me, to need me. I want to inspire others. I want to constantly grow. I want to stay curious and open-minded. I want to help someone. I want to change someone’s life and not know it. I want to fulfill whatever my purpose is for being here. I want to be satisfied.
– Sarah
My dream is to write a romantic screenplay about the realities of relationships and help the movie come to life while working on its’ crew. Nora Ephron was my inspiration to go to school and to continue writing. I aim to be half the writer that she was.
My dream is to support myself financially writing creative non-fiction. My dream is to extricate myself from my job as a veterinary receptionist that leaves me feeling emotionally drained and requires me to be in situations that are incredibly uncomfortable for me. I write nearly everyday before work and love the feeling I get from it. My dream is to be able to earn a living from this pleasure.
My dream is to make my own happiness. I want to study abroad and travel, i want to make a documentary or journal while traveling and talk to locals, find special people who aren’t famous and tell their stories. I want to create a movie about the girl who doesnt have that great love, a real girl just living day to day but who is happy in the end, it will entirely realistic in the most enjoyable way (im thinking really ugly crying and a disgusting pig out session). I want to work in either the fashion industry or the film industry, I dream of looking at and creating beautiful things for the rest of my life.
– Cicely
I want to touch the Universe. I want to write and draw and create out of that well of emotion and inspiration deep within me. I want to work because I enjoy it, not because I need the money. I want to walk on the beach with the man I love, and go to ball games with my son. I want to sing to the wind, dance under the stars, and chase storms across the high plains. I want to release the pain and grief I’ve carried so long, so I can be free to feel every new emotion Life sends my way.
I want to be the real me. I want to make a difference, even in just one person’s life. I want to be happy and healthy and love the world with every fiber of my existence.
– Charlotte
My dream is to be a helping hand in the happiness of everyone I love and hold dear. I am perfectly content, no matter where I am or however hard I’m working or however busy I am, so long as I know that everyone that I love is happy, always. I love life, because of the people I have in it. My life is nothing without the ones I love most. It’s cliche, but so true that as long as they are happy…I am beyond ecstatic.
– Bella Toscano
My dream is to take advantage of every day I will have. Think and do outside what I thought was possible for a poor girl. I want to take use all the potential in myself till there is nothing left and to glow with happiness from it.
– Cassi
To radically change the way the next generation of teenagers view themselves and the world. to empower them. to show them that helping eachother and promoting eachothers success will create the most productive peaceful world they have ever seen.
– Anonymous
My dream is to share my talent with the world. I want to become a concert pianist, a marine bioligist, a hair dresser, an artist, and a writer. Some of these I’ve wanted to do since I was a little girl, and my mom has told me many times that I CAN do all of those things and more! That is my dream.
– Alex
I want to live a life where I am content with my body and mind. A life filled with passion and drive. I long to experience all the world has to offer.
I want to serve in Africa and live in Austria. I want to swim with dolphins and climb the highest mountains.
There is so much potential that the earth holds, many people miss the opportunity to take advantage of it.
I will not be that person who misses out on life.
I will explore this great, big, beautiful, amazing world.
My Dream is to own a chain of daycare/ early learning centers for the advancement of education. My Dream is to learn as many languages as I can in my lifetime to communicate with my family at home (United States) and abroad. My Dream is to free the minds of those who are mentally imprisoned and lacking a life giving sources. My Dream is to help others create their dreams and continue to pay it forward for the hopes of a better tomorrow. It ties together in my mind and heart.
– Fahtina
My dream is to build a community of like-minded jewelry designers to help them with the challenges of taking a risk and going after their dreams.
When I started my first jewelry business, I struggled with having enough knowledge to keep it going and it would have been so much easier if I had a resource to tap in to. As a jewelry designer myself in the second incarnation of my business, I find that having the freedom to change my path at any given time has been a powerful one. I resisted for years and made a really scary decision to make a HUGE change. Fear paralyzed me. The funny part is that I am so happy now. Without the challenges that I faced in the past, I would never be where I am today.
I also dream of a location independent business full of travel and flexibility and an amazing partner to share my adventures with. Regardless, my biggest dream is just plain old happiness.
My dream is to see the world. I want to travel the world, find unique treasures, be able to write my family from where ever I am, meet new people, learn different lifestyles, and takes tons of photographs. Pinterest has opened my eyes to so many places I have never even heard of. As crazy as some of these places sound, I really hope I get to see them someday. I recently discovered a quote that stated, “Never loose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting”. I feel that God wants me to go out and explore and discover beautiful things because He knows how much I yearn for it. I’m not sure how I will get all this money to go traveling, but somehow its going to happen. I have decided I have to make this dream come true.
– Kathryn
My dream is to simply be happy.
– Rachael
My Dream is to embrace life. To live my life to its maximum potential. I long to embrace each opportunity, accepting each experience as a contribution to the person I’m supposed to be. I dream of seeing the world, indulging in cuisines I would have never thought to try at home. I dream of learning languages, and being able to communicate with people who share different views of the world. I dream of letting go of any insecurities that may hold me back from embracing the world. I dream of letting go…
– Lucille Skjarstad
My dream is to write… and in doing so, inspire my readers to follow their own dreams, to chase after God and to become passionate about what they believe in. My dream is to make people laugh because my character did something stupid, cry when my characters cry, hurt when they hurt and cheer them on toward their goal. My dream is to write a book that, when a reader finishes it, they look up and realize they’d been living in another world… another world caught between the pages.
My dream, my biggest dream is to go to bed and wake up seeing the same person lying next to me, to walk with him through the years, to get old with him , to miss his coming from another room, to see him smile, to listen his stories, to be there for him unconditionally.
If i am lucky then i will get my chance in this lifetime to make it all happen.
But whatever happens I sure do love him.
My dream is to wake up in the morning, breathe, be happy. To see the world surrounding me and think “what a wonderful world” and not be bogged down by the mean reds. My dream is to love and I know that once I figure out how to love myself I can fully start loving another. My dream is…simple, really it is, but then I wait so I guess my dream is to not wait but to do.
– Demi Frangos
My dream is to give freely, to live out my truth, to love unconditionally. I want to uplift, inspire, empower all souls to rise up to their true potential and purpose through coaching and writing. I dream to live in abundance doing the work of my higher Self – the work I truly believe in. I dream about adventure, about travelling the world and being amazed by the wonders of our beautiful world. I dream of waking up every morning with a burning passion, unwavering faith, and filled with love.
My dream is to live the dream.
My dream is to be best friends with myself.
For quite a while I had that friendship. It was beautiful exciting and loving times. The happiest, healthiest and most memorable time that I?ve had in my life. Hopeful, adventurous and free. For some reason I lost it. And have not found it for the last two years.
I remember waking up every single day and smiling, just because I was so glad and thankful for my life, each day, each coming experience. I want to wake with these thoughts again.
– Olja
My personal dream is to explore the world by traveling to all seven continents, and living in multiple! my professional dream is to help others empower themselves, reach their full potential, and give all children the chance to be innocent.
My dream is to graduate my school counseling program and start changing lives. My dream is to marry a man that makes me a better person and the world a better place. My dream is my father to be well enough to see the previous dream come to pass. My dream is for my mom to find peace and a safe new home. My dream is to travel, anywhere. My dream is to always be grateful for what I have. Finally, my dream is to have a red front door and an orange kitchen.
– Rachael Lee
My dream is to be happy. Really truly happy.
– Anonymous
My dream is to learn to be happy and healthy again.
To live in the present, and not in the past or future.
To accept who I am and what I am capable of.
To learn to accept change.
To learn to turn darkness into light, despair into positive change.
– Anonymous
I get mad at dreams because they are not real. I want, I desire my reality to be less stressful and make sense. More often than not I feel I am floating and doing nothing to benefit who I am or others around me. If my dreams took over my reality, I would know what to believe and what I am suppose to do. Are not dreams conjured up because of that question we all ask ourselves, “what is my purpose?”. It is so frustrating to me to dream and feel I can become who I see I am in my head until reality sinks in. The ways of the world are drowning my dreams and many others who are to blind to notice. To be honest, I wish someone could ask me this question every day I wake up, “What is your dream?”. Guarantee, it would change every morning.
– Jamilee
I’m seventeen and in high school. My dreams scare the hell out of me, but I hear thats a good thing. I live in Alabama in a tiny town, and by tiny I mean 100 kids in my graduating class. I yearn for SO much more than this place can give me. People here just don’t get it. They don’t search for a deeper meaning and long for it like I do. My dream is to live in New York. Even if just for a short time, I must live there once in my life. That city hold my heart after just one visit. Marthe, you have inspired me beyond reason. Thank you all!
– Hannah Williams
I dream to be a positive influence on someones life. I dream to be happy and work everyday on something I love surrounded by the people I love and who love me in return. I dream to be at peace.
My dream is let go. To be free. To do more yoga and really feel it in my soul. To enjoy my life and every moment I am given with my family, friends, and myself. To not take my husband for granite. And most of all to release the anxiety and stresses I hold about money and life.
– Angie Barker
My dream is to run 2x 5k runs to raise money for injured troops and to buy a piece of equipment in memory of a fallen friend who lost his life in Afghanisain in 2009. I started this dream this week and I started this dream thanks to you Marthe, and I WILL achieve my dream.
My dream is to be a professional singer and to create and share music that genuinely touches people. I want to make a difference through my songs, giving people the chance to think and feel something different, opening their hearts and minds to new ways of loving and being. I’d love to use music to offer people hope when they have none. To be able to successfully express some of the joy, sadness and beauty that I witness everyday in nature, the world and all of its wonderful people. Ultimately… to make a difference, to truly live and to truly love!
My dream is to go on a Yoga retreat with my mum. Hopefully my dream will come true within the next few years!
My current dream is to open a chain of low emission hair studios across the USA that cater to movers and the shakers who are out there making a difference in the world – not with their pocket book, but with their spirit and passion. Hair can be done without the BIG 4 – Ammonia, Thio, Lye and Formaldehyde – and it can be affordable.
My dream is to live a life I’d be jealous of.
I dream to find out for myself who I want to be & what I want to do. I dream to be happy with myself & learn to love myself. I wanna look in the mirror & say ” Look how far I’ve come, look how happy, beautiful, & strong I am.”I have an overwhelming wanderlust that I crave to fulfill. I wanna see the world in my own eyes, se the small coastal villages, the mountains & creeks only few have seen. I wanna marry the man of my dreams, & fulfill my dreams with him by my side. I dream to be the best I can be. I wanna look back on my life & know I lived it to the fullest, that I didn’t let fear or judgment get in the way of exploring & experiencing life. I dream to love the little things & family the best I can. Dream Big.
My dream is to own an international non-profit organization, traveling around the world, and helping others.
– Nena Ocampo
To be apart of a change for good – to feel like i’m being the best me i can be and doing the best i can do. to lend a hand to an injured animal, to be an ear to those who don’t get their stories told, to create something that emits a rush of positive energy, to make others feel as good as i do. To spread knowledge, to better our world, to make the sun shine for my loved ones even when the skies are grey. My dream is not marriage, its not infinite youth, its not a ferrari in a double garage with a white picket fence.. Its to leave my own little watermark on the Universe, a piece of myself thati’d be proud to leave behind.
My dream is to finally see myself as valuable, smart and worth knowing. To know that I can make choices that are ok with my beliefs and not need approval or permission.
To be stable emotionally and in the place I call home. That the person I come home to loves me and I accept it. That I trust myself and others. To have a freedom from my family’s love and worry and believe that I can do something beyond them.
And to turn my creativity into a financial bonus. Either as an artist or an arts and crafts teacher.
My dream is to design beautiful spreads for my favorite magazines (Teen Vogue, Seventeen, Vogue) and start my own charity where I can help children who are less fortunate.
To see the world.
To continue the energy to complete this travel list I wake up everyday relisting.
To find an unselfish balance between appreciation and acceptance of what I have accomplished on my list, as well as what is still to come.
To actually be in the moment without thinking about what is next.
To meet people without judgement and collect all I can from them.
To write and keep up with thoughts, sights, learnings, and feelings.
To become wiser, allow all that is around me to help me grow.
To love being in the simple as well as always on the go and changing scenes.
To find something beautiful in myself everyday.
To make a career out of my love for travel and all the beauty I see in our world.
Marissa Jo
To find a dream that changes me and love that consumes me.
My dream is to keep on renovating my dreams as the last one got checked of the checklist.
I want to finally be free of expectations others held for me. I want to move to a creative place such as Brooklyn, have a rooftop garden, be married. And to make art and share it with people.
I dream of happiness
My dream is to be free. I want to feel the wind rush through my hair and greet it like an old friend, not envy it like a green vixen. I want this sorrow that rises in my chest when I lay eyes on the horizon to evaporate. I want to smile and laugh, often. I want to be surrounded by warmth and loved ones. I dream that someone shares this ambition, that we will find each other, and that our lives will be nothing less than a novel adventure. I am going to find my dream.
I am from a city in Montana, I have been moved often and have lived in South Dakota for nine years. This summer, I am moving to Seattle with nothing more than my three closest friends.
Freedom, no, Life, here I come. ?
I want to be free of college debt – I want to make money that gets to stay in the bank.
I want to spend that money traveling the world – I want to live abroad, in Paris or Dublin.
I want to see my book finished and published and adored by children everywhere.
I want to take care of my parents so my Daddy doesn’t have to work, and my Momma doesn’t have to worry.
I want true love and high adventure and to not feel guilty for pursuing them.
I want to be happy, every day, if only just for a moment, in whatever I am doing.
I don’t want a career – I want to live.
I have a huge dream. Everyday, I become overwhelmed with passion. Passion for the City. I long for New York City. I want to write for the New York Times. I want to sing my lungs out in a recording studio and on the corners of Manhattan. I wish for the skyline every night and I won’t stop chasing until I see it again. I have to escape little Alabama and find what’s waiting for me out there, even if completely alone, I will succeed. I promised myself.
To live in the countryside where the air is clean and the people are nice.
To feel a part of a community. To make friends (I really don’t have any right now).
To have two careers, one making beautiful things to brighten up the world, and another working with people to make this world a nice, safe place to be.
To be present in the moment, not in the dark moments of the past or the anxieties of days to come. To breathe deep and know I am safe, loved and ok.
To live my life calmly. To weather the bumps and giggle on the way.
To make and grow a baby.
To take care of my body and mind, with the love and nourishment they deserve.
To wake up hopeful and fall asleep thankful.
– Jessica
I dream of being truly happy. I am so excited for the day when I get to live my happily ever after.
I dream of world where everyone feels loved. I dream of forgiveness. I dream about finishing the puzzle that makes sense of life.
I want to be free. Forever. I want to liberate and be happy with my life. Yes, that’s what I want. I want this whole dramatic life to end.
My dream was to publish my book before I was 16 years old. Now, I have turned 16 and I did not accomplish that goal. I’ve been writing this book for five years, and it still isn’t finished. It was hard at first, to accept that my dream didn’t happen, but I see now that sometimes our dreams can’t come true when we think they should. God has His own plan for me, and it is to publish my book. Whenever that happens. My dream didn’t end just because it didn’t happen in time- dreams cannot be put under limits. Now I have all the time in the world to live my dream and make it last for a very long time. My dream is to publish my book when God knows the world is ready for it.
– Anonymous
The dream I strive for is
a beautiful house
in wich to dress for a beautiful life.
I like to believe that once
that special life is become a reality,
the beautiful “dress” for it
will somehow become reall as well.
The house will have a creative and warm atmosphere
with lots of things going on.
We make music, photography, painting
and much more.
And we will be good at it.
That House helps us become good at what we are doing.
We will not have to worry, nor even think of finances.
Somehow that takes care of itself…
Many people are spontaniously coming over
just to be.
I do not need to act the good hostes (because I am not).
People are WELCOME to hang around
and share our life and feel at home.
I dream of New York, of Paris, London, France. I dream of city lights and skylines. Crazy nights and quiet mornings. Meet new people, see new things, live in a way I have never done before. I yearn to travel the world while I to tell stories that move and affect others. I want
I want my stories lingering inside of them for the rest of their lives. I yearn to love and be loved. My dream is to follow my passion, wherever that road may take me. I dream of being free. I dream of living.
My dream is to be an author, inspire young girls. Open a book shop for teens. Speak to teens and inspire.
My dream is to live in peace.
I want to love earth and all it’s beings unconditionally.
To not let fear and hatred control myself but courage and love.
I want to learn to accept and understand people because they are one of the hardest obstacles of peace.
My dream is to seek peace inwardly and outwardly.
In my heart I feel it is my purpose.
– Alexandra
My dream is to truly find myself. For the time being I’m on a wonderful journey of discovery. To discover myself. My ultimate dream is to find the real me. The real Sarah McGarry. Then and only then, will I be able to truly jump into life and prosper all that it offers. After I have found the real me. After I discovered myself.
My dream is to gather the nerves and encouragement and quit my job and travel and cook around the world. I want to be strong in knowing when I come back that I made the right decision. I want to be able to share this with the world and with someone I love.
I want to lose the fear
– Anonymous
1. Reach my goal of becoming a successful actress. (It’s my passion, and I work towards my dream everyday.)
2. I want to travel, there’s just something about seeing the world and exploring new places that sounds magnificent! I get so sick of this place.
3. And lastly, I want to inspire someone. I want to know what it would be like to have a great impact on the world. I want to die, knowing that I was a good person, and ultimately inspire others to be like that too.
What can I say? I’m a dreamer.
My dream is to find and be found by true love.
– Anonymous
My dream is to sit…and write. Write about my grandmother and her story, on her typewrite by our old beach house. Listen to her like I did as a child and soak up all her wisdom, and infinite knowledge of life, and love, and being so so so strong. If I had one dream…it would be this.
I really want to be able to stand on a stage and sing in front of people.. I want to be something completely fresh and individual that people who know me will feel love and recognise as my true self. I want to inspire people to do the same and sing and feel happy about their amazingness! Spreading good feeling and showing people we have no reason to ever feel ashamed of ourselves. We should all feel free and happy, singing, dancing and loving!
– Anonymous
I started working towards achieving my dream when I took the plunge and decided not to return to a toxic job that I’ve been on for 2 years. I’m now working on learning how to love myself more, so I can take action and find a job that I’m most passionate about, find the **man of my dreams,** and find a wonderful home. I also want to continue to help others, to be compassionate, and continue my spiritual journey. Lastly, I’d love to take a trip to India!
My dream is to be successful in my life. I want to graduate from university and be able to find ajob and be independent, live on my own and just be free. I want to be a strong girl who can do anything no matter how hard it is. I just wanna be everything am not.
– Anonymous
To become a writer, an acupuncturist, an artist and to do so lovingly and without fear.
There are a lot of things that I want to accomplish in life. A lot of goals. A lot of dreams. But my biggest dream, the dream that stands out in my mind, is to simply be content with myself. To be able to say that I love myself.
– Paige
To move to somewhere and devote myself to surfing and photography. To become submerged in warm waters and love myself fully. To find my artistic niche and be happy with who I am.
To Love and Be Loved.
– Ashley Cunningham
My dream is to find my happiness. I just want to say before I die that I was successful, and can’t regret those great moments, and that I’ll fin and forever love them. I wish to sometime in my life say that I am happy and thankful for my friends and family, myself, and the things I have accomplished.
– Saige
In the grand scheme of things my dream is to be able to travel the world and experience other people and places but on a more basic level my dream is to just be able to figure out who I really am and forget about other’s judgements and expectations. To live simply and happily.
– Katrin Bell
To live a BIG life, to free myself from perceived expectations, to be less materialistic, to nurture others, to create, to hold hands, to have open and honest conversations with friends, family, and strangers, and to help people know that they are not alone.
– Christie Janey
To be comfortable with myself, and love myself for all my insecurities and imperfections – not in spite of them. To feel every cut and bruise, and embrace every love and heartache as though it were my last, my first. To have the courage to move on, and the strength to stand still. To walk when the world is running around. To say no to time, refuse to hold its hand, and live without worrying about who I will turn out to be, or hiding from a past that’s shattered me more than once. To finally reach the bottom of this free fall, so I can scrape myself up, and try again, and again, however many times until I can fly. Or at least leave my arms wide open through this fall to get a taste of what flight tastes like. To live with my heart wide open.
– Janne
– Elise
My dream is a story I hope someone reads. I am Sharbel. I live in a tiny village in Israel. When I was a kid, I always dreamed to be a soccer player. I told my parents that I want to join a team but they didn’t accept. They forbid me from the most thing I love. I begged them but they didn’t want to pay. When I became 16 years old, I decided to join a team by my own but before I joined the team, I got injured in my right leg at school. I went to a doctor and he gave me a medicine but it didn’t work and another one also didn’t work and more but didn’t work. My family didn’t help me, no one did. I am 19 years old now. I am still recovering and my dream is disappearing in front of me. I am desperate no one will accept me. I don’t know what to do.
– Sharbel Mousa
To become one of the youngest people in the music industry. I want to write song lyrics, collaborate with someone to put them to music, and then sing them! I’d love to have my voice heard and loved in the world.
– Sara Alicea
I want to live a life, waking up to birds chirping, and the sun shining on my face. Feeling warm from the inside and out.
I want to practice law in California, and be involved in the legal side of media and entertainment. I am in Law School in Toronto, but my dream is to be international. I will take and pass the bar in both California and Ontario (I don’t care how many times I need to take it).
Before then, I want the wisdom and patience to understand that my dreams will come in time, and I want to be happy where I am in the meantime. No matter what stage I am at, I want to feel fulfilled and compelled to embrace it, let go, and move on.
My biggest dream is to live a life of courage and fearlessness – never afraid to start over.
– Mona Zarifian
To be a college soccer play to inspire girls younger then me and let them know that they are strong, they just need to dig deep to find there strength. I want girls to know that if you truly work hard you can reach your goals.
To be an artist who’s work shows the beauty in nature and gives others a sense of serenity. To visit a monastery and sit in science to reach into myself and question who I really am.
– Anonymous
My dream is write books of love poetry. To write music and turn them into albums. To live in Haiti and hold the broken orphans in my arms. To be a star in a musical. To love like Jesus did. To be the definition of passion!
– Sarah Stevens
To find and stay true to my brightest self. To let myself be enough. To write and read as many books as I can. To not miss the point of life.
To inspire and empower other woman across the world to create and live their self-defined healthy happy lifestyle in order to become your best self. To live in a world filled with woman with self-love, confidence, and positive self esteem. To create a universal community (already started: C-Fit Club on FaceBook) of woman who genuinely support one another in their quest to their self-defined healthy happy lifestyle. To inspire woman from all over the world to live the “free life”. To End Dieting for good. To rid the world of Eating Disorders. This is my life’s purpose and I believe I have been placed on this Earth to do this.
Join in on this mission ladies.
Unconditional love…..that is my biggest dream, wish, hope….
– Katie
My dream is to have dreams and work towards them. Success of failure, I do not care. I miss the passion, intensity, and heart I once had. I want it back. Potential is nothing if not harnessed and aimed.
– Ellen
I dream of forgiving the man who broke my heart. I dream of living in world free of the pain I’ve allowed others to cause me. I dream to practice counseling in a downtown studio. I dream of making a change in at least one person I meet. I dream to live each day in love. I dream to shine as bright as I feel when I drink my coffee by the lake. I dream I will one day set the world on fire, and somebody will love me for it.
– Taylor
I want to write music and perform songs. I want to write a book. I want to cultivate a loving romantic relationship. I want to see the world. Most of all, I think, I want to feel content and peaceful in my mind + body.
– Olivia
my dream is to FLY. no, not to fly, but to SOAR. i want to travel the world. i want to listen to peoples stories and change their world. i want people to be able to have a voice. i want my SELF have a voice. i don’t want people to be pushed around, and i dont want others to be pushed around either. im here for giving closure to others and to myself. and im not leaving this world before i do that. NO WAY.
– Anonymous
My dream is… to work in undeserved, remote areas, anywhere in the world, from north to south, east to west, where care and health are needed by people… To continue to be happy and give others the opportunity to be happy too.
– Bryn
I want to travel all around the world and experience all different cultures. I want to do as much as I can to make a in difference in the world and in people’s lives. I want to put myself out there and do crazy, stupid, irresponsible things and never regret a thing. I want to have a beautiful family and teach my kids how to dream big and always go after what they want. I want to try and learn as many things as I can before I die. I want to look back on my life when I’m older and love everything I’ve done and every experience I’ve had.
– Anonymous
I dream of being a mother. I dream of little ones with my eyes, their father’s smile, contagious laughs and insatiable curiosity. Children who embrace their fearlessness and honesty, their determination and tenderness.
And I dream of showing them every day what love means.
– Lee
I dream of moving across the Atlantic to pursue my postgrad in Scotland. I love writing and hope to be a published author very, very soon [hallelujah, this is in the works!]. I dream of a life that fulfills my wanderlust, my love for people, while teaching and unraveling the truth as a historian. In the midst of all that, to find peace with my body and understand how to live a more balanced life would help me come full circle.
– Kimberly
My dream is to find myself.
– Tricia
My dream is: to help women and children who have been victims of emotional, physical, domestic, and/or sexual abuse through the healing power of yoga. I am pursuing my Masters in Social Work and hope to soon become a certified yoga instructor, yoga has helped me immensely and I know it can help all those that welcome it into their lives!
– Leslie
My dream is: to live freely, give to others, and enjoy simple pleasures.
My dream is to live a life full of wonder and beauty. I want to travel the world so that I can try every amazing thing this world has to offer. I want to live a quiet day to day life that has little adventures like trying a new food or meeting a new person. My dream is to be happy and to win my battle with depression and fibromyalgia. I am 18, and I’m ready for my life to start.
– Stephanie
MY dream is to make it as a rapper. A musician , someone who speaks to people through music. Someone who can make the masses move, rock the show and recite my lyrics. I want to inspire youth, give the hurt something to help them heal, give advice to those who need it, something they can soundtrack their life to. I dream of a grammy nomination, a proud fanbase and family. It’s something I am willing to sacrifice anything for, and i’m going to keep working until I get there, or die trying. I’m going to give it everything , everything in my power until I’m out celebrating and looking back at myself to realise that i’m living my dream.
– Anonymous
My dream is: To become a famous singer/song writer.
– Kaycee
I want a cabin deep in the woods! Maybe by a beautiful lake and mountains so high, I’ll forget about the rush and buzz of the city life. I can relax and listen to the whispering pines and feel the cool lake water encompass me. That sounds heavenly.
– Jaime
I dream of having children and giving them a better childhood than I have experienced. I hope to be fearless and help children grow without them every seeing the weakness that I carry from childhood.
Also, my dream is to know that I have changed at least one person’s life. I want to provide the assurance that life is worth living to a stranger, just as a stranger did to me. I dream of having children and giving them a better childhood than I have experienced. Beneath the surface, my dreams extend much further than just a fashion design career. Truly, I want to teach others the real meaning to beauty and success. I want every struggling young girl out there to realize that they are beautiful, they are worth it, they were made for greatness.
– Mariaaine
I dream about the day that I know is in my future, the day I am working so hard to get to, the day that I can honestly say that I love myself completely, without condition. I dream of taking in the world around me with the wonder and excitement that I once did, to approach every experience with an open mind that is free of fear of insecurity. I dream of the day that I can turn my debilitating fears into excitement and curiosity, my darkness into light, my denial into acceptance and to live completely, wholly, in the present moment. I dream to have the courage to follow my intuitions in regard to my career/job/work, to my lifestyle and to everything/everyone I surround myself with.Once I’ve accomplished that, I will then be able to share it all with the world and hopefully help someone else (or more than just one person) be able to love themselves as well, so that they can then go out into the world and share their light and love.
– Brandina
My dream is to overcome an anxiety disorder. In all I do I am always nervous. My brain tells me negative and scary outcomes for situations. Wether it be traveling or taking a test, I have to visualize how I am going to get through it. Living with that is a struggle. I dream of being spontaneous. When I look and see people around me being able to not plan things and enjoy the outcome of the unknown I am overly jealous. In order to accomplish career dreams I need to find a healthy way to deal with this disorder. For anyone with an anxiety disorder don’t ever feel like your dreams will never have the outcome you wish it. Even if every fiber of your being is afraid and conflicted because you don’t know any better do it anyways. The only way to overcome is to just live. This is my dream, not only for me, but for others with this disorder.
– Kelsey
My dream is to be able to look in the mirror and love what I see. I don’t want to feel ugly any more. I want to feel like I am worth loving. I wish I could believe that people do actually love me when they say they do.
– Lacey Mac
To lose 10 more kilos and reach my goal weight, keep dying my hair redder and work toward becoming a kick ass graphic designer. Launch my own magazine based on my love of writing, art, fashion and music. Living in an artistically cultured place, I’m thinking New York or Melbourne in a tiny eclectic loft apartment, surrounded by enlightening books and fairy lights, whilst listening to alternative indie music on my floor bed which consists of far too many thrifted blankets. Looking out to the lights of the city. I have an amazing bunch of talented enthusiastic and passionate friends, and I go to grungy bars for red wine and great music.
I want to inspire.
– Marlene
My dream is: to bring healing and liberation to the world, and end all the needless suffering. I am going to inspire and uplift through my voice and songs, and also take practical steps to create movements and foundations that restore the balance and harmony that is our birthright. I envision a world where everyone is safe, healthy and loved, and the earth is restored to all her splendor. All the nightmares of the current world will be transformed and in its place there will be an outpouring of love, music, adventure, magic, snuggling, feasting, and everyone feeling connected to their true selves, each other and God. That is the life we are meant to live. I want to have a wonderful little faerie home, a bunny farm, travel the world, and have abundance to live my dreams and help other people live theirs. I want to be enveloped in fiery romance and passion, and experience life in all its wonder. I want to have a peaceful mind, healthy body, and a heart singing with infinite love and gratitude.
– shenoa
My dream is to work everything out in my crazy head. To let go of the girl I thought would make me happy. to follow my dreams. To not be ‘blokey’, not just work in an office. To contribute something to this world, in the field of psychology and help others. To feel recognised, appreciated and loved throuhg my passions, not just one girl.
– Christopher
My dream is: To be who I am and be comfortable at all times. To know that my love and hope is reciprocated with those around me. To wonder and not feel ashame, to see those in their best light , and ask questions whenever possible. To go after a goal, tackle it, and claim VICTORY….to share my glorious talent for others peace and enjoyment, while enriching their lives!
– Joy
My dream is to lose 90 pounds and be a Broadway Actress!
– hailey
simply to have a family and live a life of simplicity. I long to raise chickens and eat organic food grown in my own back yard and have babies running barefoot in the yard playing with cats and dogs and to spend my evenings and my mornings in the arms of a man who loves me and our children unconditionally, who adores my fiery personality and shares my wild ideas. I simply crave to live a life I can sit in the middle of with a coffee in hand, smile on face, heart full of love, mind full of peace.
– Melanie
I dream to travel, explore, and discover the world as it is. I dream to start a change not only in myself but also for those people i have met and will meet. I dream to be a part of something big that everyone will not forget. I dream to take every moment, every memory: the good and bad into pictures so that everyone may see the reality and start to do something about it. I dream for my dream to be realized piece by piece until it is completed before i leave this wonderful world.
– Natalie Jane
My dream is to have joy and happiness and ways I’ve never even imagined.
My dream is to travel the world.
My dream is to help others be free to live their dreams.
I have a lot of Dreams. But first i want to be a good doctor. im crazy about music so is my dream to be singer. i would like to travel to paris london italy and the u.s. But most of all i want to be a good and a successful girl.
– FireGirl
My dream is to believe in myself as much as I do others.
To know that I am beautiful and know my purpose that God created me for. I dream to live a life where my past doesn’t define me.
I hope to one day not be afraid of being labeled as “emotional”, “depressed” and “insecure”.
Once I accomplish this, I desire deeply to help others through their struggles of low self-esteem, insecurity and depression as a life wellness coach.
Ultimately to walk if faith instead of fear, security instead of insecurity and echoing contentment within the smile within my bones.
– Jenn – Houston, Texas
I want to live this life without currency. It makes people cautious. The things you own end up owing you. I want to live with the only thing god gave me and this is my body and consciousness.
– Siddhartha Nahar
I don’t think anyone will even read this, but I don’t even care. That’s my dream–to be beyond caring. To stop thinking about the consequences, to just BE, for one, glorious moment. To not let anyone change my mind, to be myself, to be FREE. Even if it’s just for a few seconds before I get tied down with responsibilities and the burdens of our every day lives, like most of us are, it would be a few seconds that I would remember for the rest of my time.
– Cas
To cultivate health, sustainability, joy, & a sense of wellbeing in both myself and others throughout my life journey.
I dream of helping people truly live the life they’ve imagined (in the words of Thoreau), and finding the beauty within themselves through immersion in and respect for the natural world.
My dream is to be free. My dream is to have a beautiful skin, and beautiful long thick hair. My dream is to be strong. My dream is to live with pride and confidence. My dream is to laugh a lot. My dream is to have eyes that shine and sparkle. My dream is to live with integrity and raw honesty. My dream is to come out of my hiding place. My dream is to be fit and healthy. My dream is to swim across the ocean. My dream is to ride my bicycle up the steepest hill. My dream is to climb the biggest rock. My dream is to love my family. My dream is for my family to be re-united. My dream is for my mother to be free. My dream is for my father to be free. My dream is for my parents to love and be loved. My dream is that someone will see me for who I am , and love me as I am. My dream is to be me. The real me.
– Margaretha Oosthuizen
My dream is to accomplish all my life goals and be proud of the person I will become. I want to write a novel, see the world, learn more than 5 languages, and create music that will move others.
My dream is to look back at my life one day and instead of wondering why I didn’t do all those things, to ask myself: what’s next?
– Love K.
My dream is to make humanity live up to its potential. I want to unite the entire world. Once we are united I believe technological progress will grow drastically. We currently have the ability to create a being more intelligent than ourselves. If we created such a thing it would likely have that ability as well. This cycle could perpetuate creating infinitely powerful beings. Next we could use this to separate our consciousness from our bodies and connect with God. At this point we will truly be gods as we will be above life. We will assume the role of creator and terraform other worlds. We will sow the seeds of infinitely diverse life through this universe. We will be the guardians and keepers of life. The variety of what could be is amazing. We control the reigns of our evolution and our very existence.
My dream is to move to Italy to live with the man I love.
To speak Italian and to settle and have a life with him there.
To be happy and content with just being with him.
This is my perfect life x
– Nikki
To be care free. I’ve always been the one to make sure not to get into trouble but I just want to let go and do whatever I want without caring what others might think or what the consequences might be.
– Kaelin
I want to love. I want to be loved. I want to end the pain of those I care about, and I want them to be happy. The day this dream true will become the day I will be able to completely love myself and be content with the life i’ve lived. It will become the day that I will feel like i’ve reached my purpose.
– Anonymous
My dream is to become a VP in my student organization, strive hard to deliver the best experience to people around me.
My dream is to live an interesting life, not waste a moment.
My dream is to care of people in my own way.
Most simply, I want a book and a coffee, have myself comfortable moment to enjoy. :)
– Cam Van
My dream is that one day I fall in love (hopefully soon) and that I can travel the world with him. I want to go to an airport and take the next flight. I want to write a novel (several actually – I want to be an author) and inspire people. I want children, and I want to raise them as kind loving people. I want to go to a homeless person, give them a cooked meal, clean clothes and a wash, maybe some money. I want to visit every continent.
But mostly, I want to fall in love with someone, and marry them. So I know I’m not alone.
I dream of grand things and little things. I want to live freely and fully for my God, and fulfill my purpose, and in the end look back at a passionate journey of trial and triumph. I dream of having a quiet warm morning in the arms of my husband, the kisses my children will give me in the evenings before they run off to bed, and the little precious moments that fall in between.
But most of all, I dream of the journey and adventure that lies ahead. I am amazed and captivated by the beauty of the moment, and the mystery of the future.
My dream is to have the best friends ever. And I do :)
– Kitty
My dream is to become a librarian and share my love of books with anyone who will listen.
I would love to open a bookstore with coffee shop in a small town and be with my family who I miss very much.
I have many many dreams.
– Robyn
to live life peacefully and to become a better person in life and to give all happiness to my mom and dad. and to have my own house. and to make a orphanage on name of my grandfather.
– prakruti
My dream is to study in England.
My dream is to live in London with my family.
My dream is to be a musician.
– Roya
MY dream is to lose the fear! And to go back and change somethings, but yeah like that ever gonna happen ohh and also WORLD PEACE!
– Anonymous
My dream is to become a social worker and make a social contribution to society. I wish I could help the most vulnerable people in my country.
I want to do something to make the world a better place. I would also like to go into politics to transform the world.
– Karen
My dream is to create. To create love, life, art, nourishment, healing, light, energy. I want to be a force of goodness. I want to make this possible by becoming a midwife or a psychiatric nurse, and refining my skills and bolstering my determination and confidence as a writer, a poet, and an artist. I want to generate love, acceptance and peace in all of my relationships and communications with other people, no matter how trivial, because all of us are deserving of not only acceptance, but of true, limitless, active love.
My dream is to accomplish my goal of becoming a midwife, empowering young women about education in West Africa and getting a Master degree in MHA.
– Dora
I want to be strong in my life. I want to be able to share every thing whatever I do in my life right or wrong I have no privacy for someone I want to remove to all fear in my life then my life is very smooth and peacefully.
– Utkersha Verma
My dream is to become a singer .it sounds impossible I know and I feel like I do not have the courage to follow this……HELP
– Anonymous
To love life and embrace all that it offers. To be a free spirit and have the ridicules of the world recede like a wave back to the sea. I dream to belong somewhere and to know who I am, who I want to be, and what precautions and steps I need to take to get there. Most importantly I hope there will never be a time when I stop dreaming.
– Penina
My dream is to be a young woman whose feet closely follow after Jesus. To change the world, one smile at a time. To show God’s love and incredible truth to all that I encounter. To be a positive light in this negative world. To write a book to awaken people’s souls down deep. To encourage with a kind word and hug, quite often. To hold truth and wisdom close to my heart and guard my heart. To serve in a church with a husband who loves Jesus. To reach out to the forgotten and weary.
It’s more than a dream, it’s a purpose and byproduct of living an intentional and passionate life. I’m ready and taking steps toward my dream.
– Stacy
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