Biglovelive fan bookChrstineFan中文翻译

The One Where Rachel Finds Out
[Scene: Central Perk, the whole gang is there, Ross is
showing pictures of his new baby boy, Ben, to the group.]
Ross: And
here's little Ben nodding off打盹...
Monica: Awww, look at Aunt Monica's little boy!
Phoebe: Oh,
look, he's got Ross's haircut!
haircut n.理发,发型
Rachel: Oh,
let me see! (grabs picture) Oh, God, is he just the sweetest thing? You must
just want to kiss him all over!
(Ross is practically drooling over Rachel at this point.)
adv实际上地/drool v.滴口水,垂涎/drool over过分地表示兴奋/at this point此时
(quietly) That would be nice.
annoyed with
Ross's fawning, makes a 'pfft' noise.)
fawn n.幼鹿adj.浅黄褐色v.奉承,讨好/fawning adj.奉承的
Nothing, just a little extra air in my mouth. Pffft. Pffffffft. (walks over to where Joey is seated)
(Joey is looking at his check.)
Joey: Hey,
Chan, can you help me out here? I promise I'll pay you back.
Oh, yeah, right, OK... inlcuding the waffles威化饼干 last week, you now owe me... 17 jillion dollars.
jillion n.&美俚& 巨量adj.很多的, 大量的/17 jillion
Joey: I
will, really. I'll pay you back this time.
(sigh)... And where's this money coming from? (gives money to Joey)
Well... I'm helping out down at the N.Y.U.
Med School
with some... research.
N.Y. U :乔伊说他在帮助纽约大学(N.Y.U)的医学院进行&科研&项目。
(overhearing) What kind of research?
Joey: Oh,
just, y'know.... science.
Science. Yeah, I think I've heard of that. (everyone's interest is piqued, they
all look over)
(sigh)... It's a fertility study.
fertility n.肥沃, 丰产, 多产, 人口生产, 生产力/fertility study生殖研究/fertility rate n.人口出生率,生育率/ fertilization n.肥沃, 施肥, 授精
(Rachel laughs.)
Monica: Oh,
Joey, please tell me you're only donating捐赠 your time.
Alright, come on you guys, it's not that big a deal. Really... I mean, I just
go down there every other day and... make my
contribution to the project. Hey,
hey, but at the end of two weeks, I get seven hundred dollars.
every other
day adv.每隔一天[两天]
Ross: Hey.
Wow, ooh, you're gonna be making money hand over
fist n.拳头/hand over fist adv.不费力地,大量地
Opening Credits
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica and Phoebe are
preparing for a barbecue for Rachel's birthday.]
Monica: OK,
we got the cole slaw, we got the buns...
cole n.油菜,小菜/slaw n.卷心菜色拉/bun n.小圆面包
We've got the ground-up flesh of formerly cute cows and turkeys, ew... (hands meat to Monica)
grind(p.p:ground)v.磨碎,碾碎/flesh n.肉/ the ground-up flesh of
formerly cute cows之前是可爱母牛现已沦为绞牛肉
and Joey enter with charcoal木炭.)
(in a deep voice) Men are here.
Joey: We make fire生火. Cook meat.
Then put out fire by peeing, no get invited back.
Monica and Phoebe: Ewww!
Monica: Oh
Joey, Melanie called, said she's gonna be late.
Joey: Oh,
Phoebe: So how are things going with you two? Is she becoming your (provocatively煽动的) special someone?
Joey: I
don't know, she's, uh.... she's pretty great.
Yeah? What does she think of your little science project?
Joey: What,
you think I'm gonna tell a girl I like that I'm also seeing(与&&约会) a cup?
Man's got a point要点,重点.
Joey: Well,
the tough thing is, she really wants to have sex with me.
Crazy bitch.
Joey: Yeah,
well, I still got a week left to go in the program, and according to the rules,
if I want to get the money I'm not allowed to conduct any... personal
experiments, if you know what I mean.
Joey... we always know what you mean.
[Time lapse. Chandler
and Joey are making the fire, Monica and Phoebe are inside. Ross enters,
carrying luggage.]
Ross: Hey.
(Phoebe sees his bags)
Phoebe: How
long did you think this barbecue吃烤肉的野餐 was gonna last?
Ross: I'm
going to China.
Phoebe: Jeez呀, you say one thing, and...
You're going to China?
Ross: Yeah,
i-it's for the museum. Someone found a bone, we want
the bone, but they don't want us to have the bone, so I'm going over there to
try to persuade them to give us the bo&it's&it's
a whole big bone thing. Anyway, I'm gonna be gone for
like, uh... like a week, so, uh, if you wanna reach联系
me, y-you can't. So here's my itinerary (hands a sheet of paper to Monica).
Um... here's a picture of me... (hands it to Monica)
itinerary n.旅行计划,旅程/a sheet of 一张,一片/ sheet n. 被单,薄片
Phoebe: Oh,
let me see! (takes the picture)
Ross: (to
Monica): Could you take it to Carol's every now and then, and show it to Ben,
just so he doesn't forget me?
every now
and then adv.常常, 不时地
(Phoebe puts the
picture of Ross up to her face.)
Phoebe: Hi,
Ben. I'm your father. I am... the head. Aaaaaahhhh....
(puts picture down, sees Ross staring at her) Alright, this barbecue is gonna be very fun.
Ross: Hey,
is Rachel here? Um, I wanted to wish her a happy
birthday before I left.
Monica: Oh
no, she's out having drinks with Carl.
Ross: Oh.
(pause) Hey, who's Carl?
Monica: You
know, that guy she met at the coffeehouse咖啡馆.
Ross: No.
Phoebe: Oh,
well, see, there's this guy she met at the...
Ross: At
the coffeehouse, right.
Phoebe: So
you do know who he is! (laughs, Ross stares at her) Sorry.
Ross: OK,
I'm gonna go say goodbye to the guys.
Phoebe: Oh,
hey, y'know what? Tell them that bone story.
(Ross goes outisde on the
Ross: Hi.
Joey: Hey!
(sigh)....I have to go to China.
Joey: The
Ross: No no, this big pile of dishes in my mom's breakfront. Do you guys know who
Carl is?
break out adj.断层式的橱、书架 (指中间部分突出或上半部缩进)
Uh, let's see... Alvin...
Simon... Theodore.... no.
Ross: Well,
Rachel's having drinks with him tonight.
Joey: Oh
no! How can she do that when she's never shown any interest in you?!?
Forget about her.
forget about忘记某人
Joey: He's
right, man. Please. Move on继续前进. Go to China. Eat Chinese food.
Course there, they just call it food.
Yeah... I guess. I don't&I don't know. Alright, just... just give her
this for me, OK? (gives Chandler
a gift for Rachel)
Listen, buddy, we're just looking
out for you.
look out for留心, 期待, 物色to为你着想
Ross: I
Joey: We
want you to be happy. And I may only have a couple beers in me, but... I love
you, man. (Joey gives Ross a hug)
I'm still on my first. I just think you're nice.
[Time lapse. Melanie, Joey's girlfriend, is there with
Joey, Chandler,
Monica, Phoebe, and Rachel. Ross is gone.]
Anyway, that's when me and my friends started this whole fruit basket business.
We call ourselves 'The Three Basketeers三篮人.'
Joey: Like
the three musketeers, only with fruit.
musketeer n.火枪手,步兵/three musketeers三个火枪手
(sarcastic) Ooooh. (looks dumbfounded at Joey's
dumbfound v.使人哑然失声, 使发楞
(gets up) OK, how does everybody like their burgers?
burger n.夹饼/hamburger n.汉堡包
Rachel: Oh,
no, no, no. Presents first. Food later. (walks into living room)
(Everyone follows Rachel to the living room. Monica pulls
Joey aside.)
Hey, hold on there, tiger猛男. How's it going? How you holding up继续下去?
Joey: Well,
not so good. She definitely thinks tonight is the night we're gonna... complete the transaction交易, if you know what I...
(Monica rolls her eyes转动她的眼睛.)
Joey: Then
you do. Heh, heh.
Monica: So,
uh, have you ever thought about
being there for her你曾经想过站在她的角度去想事情吗?
Joey: What
do you mean?
Monica: Y'know, just be there for her.
(Long pause... Joey looks confused.)
Joey: Not
following you听不懂.
Monica: Think about it考虑下.
(They both walk over to where Rachel is opening her gifts.
Rachel sees her first gift is a fruit basket.)
Rachel: OK,
I'm guessing this is from...
(Melanie smiles.)
Well, thank you, Melanie.
(pointing out a gift) OK, this one right here is from me.
(picks it up) OK... ah, it's light... (shakes it) rattles发出咯哒咯哒的声音... it's... (opens it) Travel Scrabble! Oooohhh, thank you! (she gives it back to him)
scrabble v.摸索着寻找n.一种拼字游戏
looks dejected沮丧的,灰心的. Rachel picks up another gift.)
This one's from Joey... feels like a book. Thinks it's a book... feels like a
book. And...(opens it)'s a book!
Phoebe: Oh,
it's Dr. Seuss!
Dr.Seuss:Theodore Seuss Geisel(西朵苏士吉赛绰号)绰号:"苏士博士"(Dr.Seuss),是英国牛津大学的文学博士,他的作品都极具原创性,是当代英国最受欢迎的童话作家。其代表作为《帽子里的猫》(The Cat in the Hat)。 两家出版商便委托原作者西奥多&苏斯&吉赛尔(Theodor S. Geisel)为低龄读者撰写一部更为简单易懂的读本,应允之后的苏斯绞尽脑汁创作了只有220字的简易读本,并且还建议出版集团配上插画,此版本一经推出,随即大热,几乎成了父母馈赠子女的必备品,插画读本的轰动也带动了本来滞销的原著,大翻身后的原著也蝉联全美畅销书排行榜前十名数周之久。从此,西奥多&苏斯&吉赛尔这个名字开始家喻户晓起来,之前流传的笔名&苏斯博士&(Dr. Seuss)也不胫而走。
Joey: (to
Rachel): That book got me through
some tough times.
There is a little child inside this man!
Yes, the doctors say if they remove it, he'll die.
(Rachel picks up the next gift.)
Who's this from?
Oh, that's Ross's.
Oh... (opens it)... (sees it is a pin) Oh my God. He remembered.
Remembered what?
Rachel: It
was like months ago. We were walking by this antique store, and I saw this pin
in the window, and I told him it was just like one my grandmother had when I
was a little girl. Oh! I can't believe he remembered!
antique adj.n.古代的,古玩,古物/antique store n.古董店/pin
n.大头针 to胸针
Well, sure, but can you play it on a plane? (pats his Travel Scrabble
Phoebe: Oh,
it's so pretty. This must have cost
him a fortune这一定花他不少钱.
Monica: I
can't believe he did this.
Come on, Ross? Remember back in college, when he fell in love with Carol and bought her
that ridiculously expensive crystal duck贵的要死的水晶鸭?
(Everyone looks at him. He realizes he just spilled the
beans about Ross's crush on Rachel. You can hear this entire classic scene by
clicking here.)
spill v.溢出,溅出/spill the beans v.说漏嘴
What did you just say?
(panicked惊慌的) ahem... um... Crystal duck.
Rachel: No,
no, no.... the, um, the... 'love' part?
(stuttering incoherently) F-hah.... flennin....
stutter n.v.口吃着说/incoherently adv.无条理地
Oh.... my God.
(rubbing his temples揉着太阳穴) Oh, no-no-no-no-no....
Joey: (pats
Chandler on the
leg) That's good, just keep rubbing your head. That'll turn back time那样可以使时间倒流.
Commercial Break
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, continued from earlier.]
Rachel: I
mean, this is unbelievable.
Phoebe: I
know. This is really, really huge.
No it's not. It's small. It's tiny. It's petite. It's wee.
petit adj.次要的, 没价值的/ petite
adj.(petit的女性形)小的, 细的/wee adj.很少的, 微小的, 很早的n.一点点, 一会儿, 极小的空间/wee-wee=pee-pee
Phoebe: Nuh-uh. I don't think any of our lives are ever gonna be the same ever again.
OK, is there a mute button on this woman?
mute adj.沉默的,无声的/mute button消音器
Monica: I
think this is so great! I mean, you and Ross! D-did you have any idea?
Rachel: No!
None! I mean, my first night in the city, he mentioned something about asking
me out, but nothing ever happened, so I just... (to Joey): W-well, what else
did he say? I mean, does he, like, want to go out with me?
Joey: Well,
given that he's desperately in love with you, he probably wouldn't mind getting a cup of
coffee or something.
Ross? All this time? Well, I've got to talk to him. (gets up to leave)
(quickly) H-He's in China!
Joey: The
Monica: No,
no, wait. (checks Ross's itinerary) His flight doesn't leave for another
forty-five more minutes.
What about the time difference时差?
From here to the airport?
Yes! (Rachel walks towards door) You're
never gonna make it你不可能追上的!
Rachel, what're you gonna say to him?
I-I-I don't know.
Well then maybe you shouldn't go.
Joey: He's
right, cause if you're just gonna, like, break his
heart, that's the kind of thing that can wait.
Yeah, but if it's good news, you should tell him now.
Rachel: I
don't know. Maybe I'll know when I see him.
Here, look, alright, does this help?
(Phoebe gets up, holds the picture of Ross up to her face.)
Rachel: Noooo... look, all I know is that I cannot wait a week
until I see him. I mean, this is just too big太严重了. Y'know, I just, I've
just gotta talk to him. I... I gotta...
OK, I'll see you later. (opens door)
Rachel, I love you! Deal with me
first先跟我把事情解决! (she leaves)
[Scene: Airport, Ross has headphones on, and is listening
to a 'How To Speak Chinese' tape. Occasionally, he makes an outburst in Chinese
in accordance with the tape. He is getting on the jetway.
The flight attendant is there.]
headphone n.听筒,耳机/outburst n.(怒气等)发作,迸发/make an outburst in Chinese恶补中文/jetway n.登机通道/parking apron n.停机坪/attendant
(something in Chinese)再见,我的方针??你笑什么
Flight Attendant: Alright!
Ross: Ni-chou chi-ma! (walks onto jetway)
(Rachel runs into the airport, trying to catch Ross, moving
people out of the way.)
Ross! Excuse me, pardon me, excuse me....
(Rachel gets up to the jetway.)
Flight Attendant: Hi!
Rachel: Hi.
Flight Attendant: May I see your boarding pass登机证?
Rachel: Oh,
no, no, I don't have one. I just need to talk to my friend.
Flight Attendant: Oh, oooh. I'm sorry. You are not
allowed on the jetway unless you have a boarding
Rachel: No,
I know, but I&he just went on. He's right there, he's got the blue jacket
on, I... can I j-just...
Flight Attendant: No no no!
Federal regulations联邦法令!
Rachel: OK,
alright, OK, um... then could you please, uh... just give him a message for me?
Please? This is very important.
Flight Attendant: Alright. What's the message?
Uh... I don't know.
[Cut to the Jetway, the flight
attendant enters, walks past Ross, and approaches an older man with his wife who
is also wearing a blue jacket.]
Flight Attendant: Sir? Sir? Excuse me, sir? Uh... I have a message for you.
(confused) What?
Flight Attendant: It's from Rachel. She said that she loved the present, and
she will see you when you get back.
Man: (to wife):
Toby... Oh, for God's sake, I don't know what she's talking about! There's
no Rachel! Don't give me that deep
deep freeze
[Scene: Joey's Bedroom, he and Melanie are in bed
Melanie: Mmmmmm... Oh, Joey, Joey, Joey... I think I blacked out
there for a minute!
black out v.灯火管制, 熄灯, 停止, 中断
Joey: Heh, heh. It was nothing这不算什么.
Well, now we've gotta find something fun for you!
(she starts kissing his chest)
(panicked) Uhhh.. y'know
what? Forget about me. Let's, uh... let's give you another turn.
(surprised) M-Me again?
Joey: Sure!
Why not?
Boy, somebody's gonna get a big fruit basket
(Joey starts to kiss her.)
Melanie: Oooh, I gotta tell you... you are
nothing like I thought you would be.
Joey: How
do you mean?
Melanie: I
don't know, I-I guess I just had you pegged as one of those guys who're always
'me, me, me.' But you... you're a giver. You're like the most generous man I
ever met. I mean... you're practically a woman.
peg vt.钉木钉, 固定, 限制n.钉, 栓, 桩,
销子, 借口/practically adv.简直
&[Scene: Monica
and Rachel's, Monica, Phoebe, and Rachel are there. Monica is holding the
wrapping paper from one of Rachel's gifts.]
the wrapping
paper n.包装纸
Monica: Uh,
so, uh, Rach, uh... do you wanna
save this wrapping paper, I mean, it's only a little bit torn... so are you gonna go for it with Ross or should I just throw it out?
tear(p.p:torn)vt.撕破/go for v.去找, 努力获取, 被认为, 主张, 拥护
Rachel: I
don't know. I don't know... I
thought about it all the way there, and I thought about it all the way back我左思右想, uh, oh, you guys, y'know,
it's Ross. Y'know what I mean? I mean, it's Ross.
Monica and Phoebe: Sure.
Rachel: I
don't know, I mean, this is just my initial gut feeling... but I'm thinking...
oh, I'm thinking it'd be really great.
gut n.内脏,主要部件,肠=ntestine/guts n.勇气,决心/initial gut feeling内心深处的感觉
Monica: Oh
my God, me too! Oh! Oh, we'd be like friends-in-law朋友兼亲戚! Y'know what the best
part is? The best part is that you already know everything about him! I mean,
it's like starting on the fifteenth date!
Yeah, but, y'know, it's... it would be like starting
on the fifteenth date.
Another good point.
Phoebe: No,
I mean, I mean, when you're at the fifteenth date, y'know,
you're already in a very relationshippy
place已经有很深厚的感情基础了. Y'know, it's...
you're committed你们就这样定下来了
(confused) Huh?
Well, I mean, then what happens if
it doesn't work out感情破裂
Monica: Why
isn't it working out?
Rachel: I
don't know... sometimes it doesn't.
Monica: Is
he not cute enough for you?
Rachel: No!
Does he not make enough money?
Rachel: No,
I'm just....
Maybe there's someone else.
Rachel: Wha...
Monica: Is
there? Is there someone else?
Rachel: No!
There is.. there is noone else!
Monica: Then why the hell are you dumping my brother?!?
[Scene: Chandler
and Joey's, Chandler
is eating breakfast, Joey quietly opens his bedroom door.]
Hey, big...
Joey: Shhhh!
(quietly) ...spender.
spender n.用钱的人, 挥金如土的人
Joey: She's
still asleep.
So how'd it go?
Joey: Oh,
it was amazing. You know how you always think you're great in bed?
The fact that
you'd even ask that question shows how little you know me.
Joey: Well,
it's like, last night, I couldn't do the thing that usually makes me great. So
I had to do all this other stuff. And the response I got... man, oh man, it was
like a ticker tape parade!
ticker n.滴答响的东西/ticker tape n.自动收报机纸条/ ticker tape parade盛大的游行/Joey 形容他给女友服务得到的赞扬就像别人给自己开了个 ticker tape parade, chan 就说给你开 ticker tape parade 的时候,
我那屋就在parade route旁边, 什么都听得到/ A ticker-tape parade is a parade event, held in a downtown urban
setting, allowing the jettison(n.投弃, 投弃货物)
of large amounts of shredded(adj.撕碎的,切碎的)paper products
from nearby buildings onto the parade route, creating a triumphal(adj.胜利的, 凯旋的) effect by the snowstorm like flurry(n.阵风, 小雪).
The term originated in New York City and is still most closely
associated with it. The term ticker-tape refered
originally to the use of the paper output of ticker tape machines, which were
remotely-driven devices used in brokerages(n.经纪人之业务,回扣) to provide updated
Stock Market quotes(n.报价). Nowadays, the paper product are largely waste office paper that
has been cut using conventional shredders(n.碎纸机).
In New York City,
ticker-tape parades are not annual events but are reserved for留作, (专)供...之用special occassions. The first such parade was in October 1886 and
was a spontaneous event following the dedication of the Statue of Liberty. Soon
afterwards, city officials realized the utility (n.效用, 有用)of such events and began to hold them on triumphal occassions, at first only for extraordinary events, such as
the return of Theodore Roosevelt from his safari(n.旅行,访问) in Africa.
Up through the 1950s, the were commonly given to any
visiting head of state, but the 1960s, following the assassination of John F.
Kennedy, they became increasingly rare are generally reserved now for space
exploration triumphs, military honors and sports championships. The section of
lower Broadway through the Financial District that serves as the parade route
for these events is colloquially(adv.通俗地) called the Canyon(n.峡谷) of Heros.
Yes, I know, as it happens my room is very very close
to the parade route.
Joey: It
was amazing! And not just for her... uh-uh. For me, too. It's like, all of a
sudden, I'm blind. But all my other senses are heightened, y'know?
It's like... I was able to appreciate it on another level.
heighten v.提高,提升
I didn't know you had another level.
Joey: I
know! Neither did I!
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, one week later. Monica is
seated, Rachel comes out of her bedroom.]
Hey, great skirt裙子Birthday present?
Monica: Oh,
from who?
From you. I exchanged the blouse you got me.
exchange v.改衣服/blouse n.宽松的上衣, 似衬衫的上衣
Well, it's the thought这是个创意. Hey, doesn't Ross's flight get in到达
in a couple hours? At gate 27-B?
&Rachel: Uh, yeah. Uh, Monica, y'know,
honey, I've been thinking about it and I've decided this&this whole Ross
thing, it's just not a good idea.
Monica: Oh,
Because, I feel like I wouldn't just be going out with him. I would be going
out with all of you. Oh, and there would just be all this pressure, and I don't
(gets up) No, no, no, no, no, no pressure, no pressure!
Monica, nothing has even happened yet, and you're already so...
Monica: I
am not 'so'! OK, I was a teensy bit weird at first, but... I'll be good. I promise.
teensy adj.很小的,小小的
(Door buzzer goes off. Rachel answers it.)
Rachel: Who
is it?
It's me, Carl.
C'mon up.
Behind my brother's back? (Rachel glares at her) ... is exactly the kind of crazy thing you won't be hearing from
hear from v.接到...的信, 受...批评
[Scene: Chandler
and Joey's, Chandler
is seated, and the apartment is filled with baskets of fruit. Joey enters,
check in hand.]
check n.支票
Joey: Seven
hundred bucks!
Alright, you did it! Do we have any fruit?
Joey: Man, hell of a two weeks折腾了两个星期, huh? Y'know what,
though? I really feel like I learned something.
Really? So, you're gonna stick with this 'it's all
for her' thing?你将继续牺牲小我完成大我
stick with[口]坚持做(某事)/stick with it[美]忍耐
Joey: What,
are you crazy? When a blind man gets his sight back, does he walk around like this?
(Joey closes his eyes and walks around with arms spread.)
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's Balcony, Rachel is having
drinks with her date, Carl.]
Carl: I'm
just sayin', if I see one more picture of Ed Begley,
Jr. in that stupid electric car, I'm gonna
shoot myself! I mean, don't get me
wrong请别误解我... I'm not against environmental issues per
se.... it's just that guy!
Ed Begley好莱坞演员。著名的环保主义者领袖。/electric car n.电车/per se adv.本质上
(Rachel looks bored无聊的. At this point, Ross&a figment of
Rachel's imagination& shows up on the balcony and starts talking to her.)
figment n.想象的事,虚构的事eg:a figment of
her imagination/show up 出现
Ross: I
can't believe you'd rather go out with him than me.
Would you excuse me, please? I'm trying to have a date here.
Ross: Fine,
just stop thinking about me.
(She tries, and Ross disappears momentarily即刻的. He reappears, standing closer to her.)
Ross: Can't do it, can you?不行,对吗?
Rachel: So
I'm thinking about you. So what那又怎样?
Ross: I
don't get it. What do you see in this guy, anyway?
Well... he happens to be a very nice... guy....
Carl: I
mean, come on, buddy, get a real car!
Rachel, come on. Give us a chance.
Ross, it's too hard.
Ross: No,
no, no... why, because it might get weird for everyone else? Who cares about them.
This is about us. Look, I-I've been in love with you since, like, the ninth
Ross, you're like my best friend.
Ross: I
Rachel: If
we broke up, and I lost you...
Ross: Whoa,
whoa, whoa. What makes you think we're gonna break
Well, have you been involved with
someone where you haven't broken up曾经和你在一起的人不都是和你分手了?
(pause) No. But... it only has to happen once. Look, you and I both know
we are perfect for each other, right? I mean... so, the only question is... are you attracted to me你对我有感觉吗?
Rachel: I
don't know... I mean, I've never looked at you that way before.
Ross: Well,
start looking.
(They kiss. Ross walks away, and then fades out.)
fade out v.淡出,减弱
Exactly! And you just know I'm gonna be the guy
caught behind this hammerhead in traffic!
Right! You're right!
Carl: Heh... y'know?
Rachel: You
know what?
Carl: What?
Rachel: I
forgot... I am supposed to pick up a friend at the airport. I am so sorry! I'm
so... if you want to stay, and finish your drinks, please do.... (gives him her
drink) I mean&I'm sorry. I-I-I gotta go. I'm
(Rachel leaves.)
[Scene: Airport. Madonna's Take A Bow plays in the
background as Rachel waits at the gate with flowers.]
take a bow v.鞠躬, 答谢/ Take&a&bow,谢幕,想想演员在谢幕的时候总要鞠躬,呵呵,很形象吧?而Friends把这首歌曲当背景音乐是有原因的,我来形容一下:一架飞机沐着昏黄的夜色飞翔在空中,此时Take&A&Bow响起,镜头转到机场的等候厅,Rachel拿着一束花,着急而又兴奋地等待着Ross,一直拒绝Ross的她,终于渐渐喜欢上Ross,所以她要向Ross表明。但接着镜头转向通道内,Ross和他在旅游时遇到的女子接吻。
(sifting through crowd) Excuse me, pardon me, excuse me, excuse me, sorry. Hi.
sift v.详审,筛,筛分,过滤/sift through v.被筛下,通过
[Cut to the jetway, the old man
who the flight attendant delivered Rachel's message to gets off the plane, his
wife still upset with him.]
Man: For
God's sake, will you let it go? There's no Rachel!
(A Chinese woman getting off the plane drops one of her
bags. Ross gets off next.)
Ross: Oh,
hey, hey, I got that.
(Ross picks up the bag... then he and the woman kiss.)
Julie: Oh,
thanks, sweetie.
Ross: No
problem. I cannot wait for you to meet my friends.
Ross: Yeah.
Julie: You
don't think they'll judge and ridicule me?
ridicule n.
v.嘲笑, 奚落
Ross: No,
no, they will. I just... uh...
Ross and Julie: Can't wait.
Ross: Come
on, they're gonna love you.
[Cut to a close-up of Rachel, eagerly awaiting Ross's
arrival... not knowing he is getting off the plane with another woman.]
close-up n.特写镜头


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