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北京库巴扎信息科技有限公司发一个自己的半内源性免疫共沉protocol(免疫,抗体,质粒,孵育) - 免疫实验 - 生物秀
标题: 发一个自己的半内源性免疫共沉protocol(免疫,抗体,质粒,孵育)
摘要: [发一个自己的半内源性免疫共沉protocol(免疫,抗体,质粒,孵育)] 最近才做成功的试验,拿出来和战友们分享经验。这个试验曾经困扰我很久,终于大功告成了。希望能给战友们一点帮助。祝大家试验顺利。其实,免疫共沉一般只分内源和外源。外源就是两个蛋白都是外源性高表达的。而内源只要一个蛋白为细胞本底即为内源。我这个protocol介绍的方法,诱饵蛋白是高表达的,目标蛋白是细胞本底的,为和两个蛋白都是内源的区别,就暂称为半内源性吧。整个实验大致分为两部分:细胞转染和抗生素(a 关键词:[抗体 质粒 免疫 孵育 蛋白 脂质体 上清]……
最近才做成功的试验,拿出来和朋友们分享经验。这个试验曾经困扰我很久,终于大功告成了。希望能给朋友们一点帮助。祝大家试验顺利。其实,免疫共沉一般只分内源和外源。外源就是两个蛋白都是外源性高表达的。而内源只要一个蛋白为细胞本底即为内源。我这个protocol介绍的方法,诱饵蛋白是高表达的,目标蛋白是细胞本底的,为和两个蛋白都是内源的区别,就暂称为半内源性吧。整个实验大致分为两部分:细胞转染和抗生素(antibiotic)压制,免疫共沉一,细胞转染:实验材料:1。目标细胞(以Hela为例)2。完全培养基(10%血清),无血清培养基3。10cm dish(corning公司的)4。1ml和200ml枪头,EP管(灭菌)5。PBS(灭菌)6。各种量程的枪7。目标质粒(带有细胞筛选抗性,以puro最好)8。细胞抗生素(antibiotic)(以puro为例)9。Lipinfectin 2000(Invitrogen公司)二,免疫共沉1。RIPA细胞裂解液(买的国产碧云天的,一定要选“弱”的那个)2。cocktail蛋白酶抑制剂(protease inhibitor)(罗氏公司的,EDTA-free,一个小药片)3。Protein G(PIERCE公司的试剂盒)4。Primary Antibody(Santa Cruz公司polyclone)5。Secondary Antibody(国产二抗,Ap标记)6。BSA(进口分装Amersco)7。细胞刮8。TBS Buffer9。低温离心机10。低温摇床Protocol:Day 1。准备好目标质粒24ug,纯度为转染级。(一般来说,对于普通细胞系,国产小提试剂盒即可,我用的是博大泰克的。所有牌子里最滥的一个。)将细胞铺到10cm dish 里,以Hela来说,大约是5X106,各种细胞不同,一般为下午接,第2天早上大约60~70%丰度。Day 2。所有细胞用溶液,平衡到室温。取两个EP管,分别加入500ml无血清培养基,先取其中一个,稀释24ug质粒,孵育5分钟,再取另一个Ep管,稀释40ul脂质体。将质粒溶液逐滴滴入脂质体溶液,小心混合,孵育20分钟。在这时候,取出细胞培养板,用PBS小心地洗细胞2~3次再加入约5ml无血清培养基到10cm dish。孵育结束后,将混合有质粒和脂质体的溶液,逐滴加入到平皿里,小心晃动平皿,使之均匀。6小时后,弃去培养基,换上完全培养基继续培养。Day 3。24小时后(从加入质粒和脂质体混合溶液的时间开始算),加入嘌呤霉素2ug/ml。继续培养24小时。Day 4。配制cocktail蛋白酶抑制剂(protease inhibitor)储液。一片溶于1.5ml无菌水中即可,为7X母液。但是做共沉的话,浓度要高一点。冰预冷PBS。取出平皿,吸去培养基 ,用冰预冷的PBS洗细胞2次,加入400ulRIPA细胞裂解液,再加入85ul的cocktail溶液。用细胞刮刮取细胞,反复多次,直至肉眼看不见白色的细胞层。所有操作冰上进行。在低温离心机里,以12’000rpm离心20分钟。取上清。先留出20ul作为western阳性对照。其余的加入一抗3ug。放入低温摇床150rpm,4度摇过夜。Day 5。吸取30ulProtein G ,50%浓度,加入PBS 500ul,离心4000转,2min,清洗两边。加入到前一天抗体孵育的细胞上清中继续4度摇2~4小时。这时候你可以制PAGE胶了。孵育结束后离心4000rpm,2min。弃去细胞上清,加入500ul TBS(1%土温-20)清洗2遍。再用无土温的TBS清洗一遍。(留下最后的清洗液,做Western。)加入上样Buffer,煮5分钟。上样,跑胶,转膜,封闭过夜。Day 6。进行剩余的Western步骤。(步骤略)注意事项:1。两个一抗一定要不同来源的,不然western的时候会有抗体杂带干扰。如果你的蛋白条带和抗体的重轻链差别很大,也可以不用。但这样就要有空抗体对照,比较浪费抗体。不建议采用。2。细胞裂解条件,一定要要4度进行,有冷库最好,没有的话,一定先预冷才能试验。加入高浓度的(protease inhibitor),一定不能省。这个我是有教训的。3。内源性蛋白,细胞量一定要过量。4。不要省,一般优质2ug,普通抗体3~5ug时必须的。不要省坑体,否则会导致整个试验失败。不当之处,大家拍砖。斑竹,申请加2分哦
电话:021-小木虫 --- 500万硕博科研人员喜爱的学术科研平台
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Plasmids and Their Usefulness in Molecular Cloning
Chapter 2: Bacteriophage and Its Vectors
Chapter 3: Working with Bacteriophage M13 Vectors
Chapter 4: Working with High-Capacity Vectors
Chapter 5: Gel Electrophoresis of DNA and Pulsed-Field Agarose
Chapter 6: Preparation and Analysis of Eukaryotic Genomic DNA
Chapter 7: Extraction, Purification, and Analysis of mRNA from Eukaryotic Cells
Chapter 8: In Vitro Amplification of DNA by the Polymerase Chain Reaction
Chapter 9: Preparation of Radiolabeled DNA and RNA Probes
Chapter 10: Working with Synthetic Oligonucleotide Probes
Chapter 11: Preparation of cDNA Libraries and Gene Identification
Chapter 12: DNA Sequencing
Chapter 13: Mutagenesis
Chapter 14: Screening Expression Libraries
Chapter 15: Expression of Cloned Genes in Escherichia coli
Chapter 16: Introducing Cloned Genes into Cultured Mammalian Cells
Chapter 1 Plasmids and Their Usefulness in Molecular Cloning
Protocol 1: Preparation of Plasmid DNA by Alkaline Lysis with SDS: Minipreparation
Plasmid DNA is isolated from small-scale (1-2 ml) bacterial cultures by treatment with alkali
Protocol 2: Preparation of Plasmid DNA by Alkaline Lysis with SDS: Midipreparation
Plasmid DNA is isolated from intermediate-scale (20-50 ml) bacterial cultures by treatment with
alkali and SDS.
Protocol 3: Preparation of Plasmid DNA by Alkaline Lysis with SDS: Maxipreparation
Plasmid DNA is isolated from large-scale (500 ml) bacterial cultures by treatment with alkali
Protocol 4: Preparation of Plasmid DNA by Small-scale Boiling Lysis
Plasmid DNA is isolated from small-scale (1-2 ml) bacterial cultures by treatment with Triton X-
100 and lysozyme, followed by heating. This method is not recommended for preparing
plasmid DNA from strains of E. coli that express endonuclease A (endA+ strains).
Protocol 5: Preparation of Plasmid DNA by Large-scale Boiling Lysis
Plasmid DNA is isolated from large-scale (500 ml) bacterial cultures by treatment with Triton X-
100 and lysozyme, followed by heating. This method is not recommended for preparing
plasmid DNA from strains of E. coli that express endonuclease A (endA+ strains).
Protocol 6: Preparation of Plasmid DNA: Toothpick Minipreparation
Plasmid DNA is prepared directly from bacterial colonies plucked from the surface of agar
media with toothpicks.
Protocol 7: Preparation of Plasmid DNA by Lysis with SDS
Large (>15 kb), closed circular plasmids are prepared (albeit inefficiently and in small yield) by
lysing bacteria with SDS.
Protocol 8: Purification of Plasmid DNA by Precipitation with Polyethylene Glycol
Crude preparations of plasmid DNA are first treated with lithium chloride and RNase (to remove
RNA). The plasmid DNA is then precipitated in a solution containing polyethylene glycol and
Protocol 9: Purification of Plasmid DNA by Chromatography
The following table summarizes the salient features of many of the commercial resins that are
currently available for plasmid purification. Individual manufacturers supply detailed
instructions, which should be followed to the letter.
Protocol 10: Purification of Closed Circular DNA by Equilibrium Centrifugation in CsCl-
Ethidium Bromide Gradients: Continuous Gradients
Solutions containing plasmid DNA are adjusted to a density of 1.55 g/ml with solid CsCl. The
intercalating dye, ethidium bromide, which binds differentially to closed circular and linear
DNAs, is then added to a concentration of 200 μg/ml. During centrifugation to equilibrium, the
closed circular DNA and linear DNAs form bands at different densities.
Protocol 11: Purification of Closed Circular DNA by Equilibrium Centrifugation in CsCl-
Ethidium Bromide Gradients: Discontinuous Gradients
A solution containing plasmid DNA, saturating amounts of ethidium bromide, and CsCl (44%
w/v) is layered between two solutions of lesser (35% w/v CsCl) and greater density (59% w/v
CsCl). During centrifugation to equilibrium, the closed circular plasmid DNA and linear DNAs
form bands at different densities.
Protocol 12: Removal of Ethidium Bromide from DNA by Extraction with Organic
Ethidium bromide is removed from DNA by phase extraction with organic solvents.
Protocol 13: Removal of Ethidium Bromide from DNA by Ion-exchange Chromatography
Ethidium bromide is removed from DNA by chromatography through a cation-exchange resin.
Protocol 14: Removal of Small Fragments of Nucleic Acid from Preparations of Plasmid
DNA by Centrifugation through NaCl
Contamination of plasmid DNA by fragments of DNA and RNA is reduced to an acceptable
level by centrifugation through 1 M sodium chloride. This method was devised by Brian Seed
when he was a graduate student at Harvard University.
Protocol 15: Removal of Small Fragments of Nucleic Acid from Preparations of Plasmid
DNA by Chromatography through Sephacryl S-1000
Contamination of plasmid DNA by small fragments of nucleic acid is reduced dramatically by
size-exclusion chromatography through Sephacryl S-1000.
Protocol 16: Removal of Small Fragments of Nucleic Acid from Preparations of Plasmid
DNA by Precipitation with Lithium Chloride
High-molecular-weight RNA and proteins can be precipitated from preparations of plasmid
DNA by high concentrations of LiCl and removed by low-speed centrifugation.
Protocol 17: Directional Cloning into Plasmid Vectors
Directional cloning requires that the plasmid vector be cleaved with two restriction enzymes
that generate incompatible termini and that the fragment of DNA to be cloned carries termini
that are compatible with those of the doubly cleaved vector.
Protocol 18: Attaching Adaptors to Protruding Termini
Adaptors are short double-stranded synthetic oligonucleotides that carry an internal restriction
endonuclease recognition site and single-stranded tails at one or both ends. Adaptors are used
to exchange restriction sites at the termini of linear DNA molecules. They may be purchased in
phosphorylated and unphosphorylated forms.
Protocol 19: Blunt-ended Cloning into Plasmid Vectors
/members/chapter.jsp?chapter=112 (1 / 3)
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press - Molecular Cloning - Chapter 1
Target DNA is ligated to a blunt-ended plasmid DNA, and the products of the ligation reaction
are used to transform competent E. coli. The maximum number of "correct" clones can
generally be obtained from ligation reactions containing equimolar amounts of plasmid and
target DNAs, with the total DNA concentration being <100 μg/ml. Blunt-end ligation catalyzed
by bacteriophage T4 DNA ligase is suppressed by high concentrations (5 mM) of ATP and
polyamines such as spermidine.
Protocol 20: Dephosphorylation of Plasmid DNA
During ligation in vitro, T4 DNA ligase will catalyze the formation of a phosphodiester bond
between adjacent nucleotides only if one nucleotide carries a 5&#180;-phosphate residue and the
other carries a 3&#180;-hydroxyl terminus. Recircularization of vector DNA can therefore be
minimized by removing the 5&#180;-phosphate residues from both termini of the linear, doublestranded
plasmid DNA with alkaline phosphatase.
Protocol 21: Addition of Synthetic Linkers to Blunt-ended DNA
Linkers are small self-complementary pieces of synthetic DNA, usually 8-16 nucleotides in
length, that anneal to form blunt-ended, double-stranded molecules containing a restriction site.
Linkers are used to equip blunt-ended termini of DNA with restriction sites as an aid to cloning.
Protocol 22: Ligating Plasmid and Target DNAs in Low-melting-temperature Agarose
Ligation in low-melting-temperature agarose is much less efficient than ligation with purified
DNA in free solution and requires a large amount of DNA ligase. The method is used chiefly for
rapid subcloning of segments of DNA in dephosphorylated vectors and assembling
recombinant constructs.
Protocol 23: The Hanahan Method for Preparation and Transformation of Competent E.
coli: High-efficiency Transformation
This procedure generates competent cultures of E. coli that can be transformed at high
frequencies (5 x 108 transformed colonies/mg of superhelical plasmid DNA). IMPORTANT All
steps in this protocol should be carried out aseptically.
Protocol 24: The Inoue Method for Preparation and Transformation of Competent E.
Coli: "Ultra-Competent" Cells
This protocol reproducibly generates competent cultures of E. coli that yield 1 x 108 to 3 x 108
transformed colonies/mg of plasmid DNA. The protocol works optimally when the bacterial
culture is grown at 18°C. If a suitable incubator is not available, a standard bacterial shaker can
be set up in a 4°C cold room and regulated to 18°C.
Protocol 25: Preparation and Transformation of Competent E. coli Using Calcium
This protocol, developed approx. 30 years ago, is used to prepare batches of competent
bacteria that yield 5 x 106 to 2 x 107 transformed colonies/μg of supercoiled plasmid DNA.
Protocol 26: Transformation of E. coli by Electroporation
Electrocompetent bacteria are prepared by growing cultures to mid-log phase, washing the
bacteria extensively at low temperature, and then resuspending them in a solution of low ionic
strength containing glycerol. DNA is introduced during exposure of the bacteria to a short highvoltage
electrical discharge.
Protocol 27: Screening Bacterial Colonies Using X-gal and IPTG: -Complementation
-complementation occurs when two inactive fragments of E. coli -galactosidase associate
to form a functional enzyme. Many plasmid vectors carry a short segment of DNA containing
the coding information for the first 146 amino acids of -galactosidase. Vectors of this type are
used in host cells that express the carboxy-terminal portion of the enzyme. Although neither the
host nor the plasmid-encoded fragments of -galactosidase are themselves active, they can
associate to form an enzymatically active protein. Lac+ bacteria that result from -
complementation are easily recognized because they form blue colonies in the presence of the
chromogenic substrate X-gal. However, insertion of a fragment of foreign DNA into the
polycloning site of the plasmid almost invariably results in production of an amino-terminal
fragment that is no longer capable of -complementation. Bacteria carrying recombinant
plasmids therefore form white colonies. The development of this simple blue-white color test
has greatly simplified the identification of recombinants constructed in plasmid vectors.
Protocol 28: Screening Bacterial Colonies by Hybridization: Small Numbers
This procedure, a variant of the Grunstein and Hogness (1979) method, is used to screen a
small number of bacterial colonies (<200) that are dispersed over several agar plates and are
to be screened by hybridization to the same radiolabeled probe. The colonies are gridded onto
a master plate and onto a nitrocellulose or nylon filter laid on the surface of a second agar
plate. After a period of growth, the colonies on the filter are lysed and processed for
hybridization. The master plate is stored until the results of the screening procedure become
Protocol 29: Screening Bacterial Colonies by Hybridization: Intermediate Numbers
Bacterial colonies growing on agar plates are transferred en masse to nitrocellulose filters. The
spatial arrangement of colonies on the plates is preserved on the filters. After transfer, the
filters are processed for hybridization to an appropriate radiolabeled probe while the original
(master) plate is incubated for a few hours to allow the bacterial colonies to regrow in their
original positions. This technique, a variant of the Grunstein and Hogness (1975) method, was
developed at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in 1975. The procedure works best with 90-mm
plates containing <2500 colonies.
Protocol 30: Screening Bacterial Colonies by Hybridization: Large Numbers
This procedure is used to plate, replicate, and subsequently screen large numbers of bacterial
colonies (up to 2 x 104 colonies per 150-mm plate or 104 colonies per 90-mm plate).
Protocol 31: Lysing Colonies and Binding of DNA to Filters
In this protocol, based on the procedure of Grunstein and Hogness (1975), alkali is used to
liberate DNA from bacterial colonies on nitrocellulose or nylon filters. The DNA is then fixed to
the filter by UV-cross-linking or baking under vacuum.
Protocol 32: Hybridization of Bacterial DNA on Filters
This protocol describes procedures to hybridize DNA from transformed colonies immobilized on
filters with radiolabeled probes and to recover from a master plate the corresponding colonies
that hybridize specifically to the probe.
Chapter 17: Analysis of Gene Expression in Cultured Mammalian Cells
Chapter 18: Protein Interaction Technologies
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转载文章请注明出自“CSDN(”。如是商业用途请联系原作者。我做转染293,按着protocol,试了四次,转染效率只有10%,哪位高人指导一下啊(转染,培养基,培养液,质粒) - 细胞实验 - 生物秀
标题: 我做转染293,按着protocol,试了四次,转染效率只有10%,哪位高人指导一下啊(转染,培养基,培养液,质粒)
摘要: [我做转染293,按着protocol,试了四次,转染效率只有10%,哪位高人指导一下啊(转染,培养基,培养液,质粒)] protocol:1转染前24h,胰酶消化细胞,完全培养液1-5*105cell cm2,培养过夜,转染前两小时换液。2六块板300μl体系 A:2 5MCacl2取15μl,质粒1-5μg,无菌水补至150μl。
把B放在vortex上,逐滴滴入A,滴完后对壁反复吹打100下左右3迅速弹管壁混匀,静置20min(出现细小颗 关键词:[转染 培养基 培养液 质粒 胰酶 荧光 培养皿]……
protocol:1转染前24h,胰酶消化细胞,完全培养液1-5*105cell/cm2,培养过夜,转染前两小时换液。2六块板300μl体系 A:2.5MCacl2取15μl,质粒1-5μg,无菌水补至150μl。
把B放在vortex上,逐滴滴入A,滴完后对壁反复吹打100下左右3迅速弹管壁混匀,静置20min(出现细小颗粒)4 立即加入CELL培养皿中,混匀,立即加培养基,并发现培养基变黄(也可加入AB后,静置2min-15min再补加培养基)5培养12-16h后换液。(我在练转GFP)我六孔板加培养基500-800μl,算上300μl体系总体积800-1100μl。我培养24小时几乎看不到荧光,48h只能看到10%但亮度不高,的确小弟的293细胞状态不好,而且长到90%以上。
你的GFP质粒是你自己最近提取的吗,质粒的状态与转染率也有很大关系,GFP的量很少就可了,比如作为转染率指示时0.2ug就够了,一个6孔板的孔转染4 ug质粒。6孔板需要加入2ml培养基。


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