在眼下,娱播l帮靠l能靠点谱吗 折火一夏?

give over1.stop doing sth.停止Please give over crying.请不要哭了。The rain lessened gradually and gave over at last.雨渐渐小下来,终于停了。2.hand over;transfer 移交;委托The keys were given over to our neighbours during our absence.外出时,我们把钥匙交给了邻居。He gave charge of the office over to his successor.他将职务移交给他的接班人。3.set apart for a particular purpose 腾出;留出The fifth floor is given over to the administrative offices.5楼留作行政办公室。The area is now given over to a huge hotel.这块地现在腾出造一个大饭店。4.abandon 放弃;不再抱有希望The patient was given over by the doctor.医生认为这病人已无法治疗。It's about time you gave over that kind of conduct .该是你改掉这种行为的时候了。5.yield(oneself);devote one's time to 放任;沉溺于Don't give yourself over to drink all day long.不要整天沉溺于饮酒。 give rise tocause 引起Such conduct might give rise to misunderstandings.这种行为可能引起误会。A branch floating in the water gave rise to Columbus'hopes that land was near.一根漂在水上的树枝使哥伦布产生了大陆就在附近的希望。 give sb.his duebe fair to sb.;give sb.credit that he deserves 公平合理;有功必赏You should give a good worker his due.你对好的工人应有功必赏。 give thought tothink of 想到The plan is good,and I've given no thought to change.计划很好,我并没有想到要改变它。 give up1.stop trying;cease doing sth.停止做某事;放弃做某事I did want a holiday abroad,but I've given up the ided.我确实想出国度假,但现在已放弃了这个想法。If everyone gave up smoking and drinking,it would bring about the breakdown of tobacco and liquor indurstries.如果人人戒掉烟酒,就会使烟酒业破产。He seems so ungrateful for anything we did that we have given up trying to help him.他对于我们为他做的任何一件事是如此忘恩负义,以致我们不打算帮助他了。She realized she was wrong and gave up the argument.她意识到她错了,便停止了争论。2.stop hoping for;give up as a bad job;abandon hope;lose hope对…不抱希望;对…绝望Her brother was given up by the doctors after the accident,but he lived just the same.她弟弟在那场事故以后已被医生宣布活不长了,但他却活得很正常。She seems to have given up all hope.她似乎已放弃了一切希望。The climbers were given up for lost.寻找失踪的登山者是没有希望了。Just as it had been given up for lost,the necklace was found.项链丢失了,正对它不抱希望时,却又找到了。We shall never get that fellow to see the error of his ways;we may as well give him up as a bad job.我们绝不会使那个家伙认识到自己的错误,我们还是不去管他算了。Much time and money was spent on attempting to repair the machine,but it had to be given up as a bad job.花了很多时间和钱想把这台机器修好,但是没有希望,只好放弃。3.hand over;deliver up 交出;让出;移交He refused to give up the documents,alleging that they had been entrusted to him by their owner.他拒绝交出文件,声称那是文件的主人委托他保管的。He gave the books up to his brother.他把书交给了他弟弟。The passengers gave up their tickets as they left the railway station.旅客们离开火车站时交出了车票。The young man gave up his seat on the bus to the old man.这位年轻人在公共汽车上把座位让给了那位老人。When she realized that she would have to give up her children,she dropped the idea of getting a divorce.当她意识到她要失去孩子时,就放弃了离婚的念头。4.devote;set apart or devote to a particular purpose or use 从事;全部用于(常用于被动态)The rest of the evening was given up to letter writing.那晚其余的时间用来写信了。The whole winter was given up to physical training.整个冬季都用来体育训练。His weekends were given up to golfing and motoring.他的周末都用于打高尔夫球和驾驶汽车。Her Sundays were given up to the preparation of a lecture.她的星期日都用来备课。The new building will be given up to the library.新大楼将作图书馆。5.break the courtship off with;stop keeping company with与…断绝恋爱关系;不再同…交朋友The young lady threatened that if her sweetheart did not stop gambling she would give him up.这位年轻的小姐威胁她恋人说,如果他不停止赌博,她就同他断绝关系。6.reveal;disclose 泄露;透露She didn't give up the secret of the Party.她没有泄露党的秘密。7.surrender 投降The murderer has given himself up.杀人凶手已投案自首。 give way1.retreat;make room;get out of the way 退却;让路Private cars should give way to an ambulance.私人汽车应给救护车让路。The enemy army is giving way before the cannon fire.敌军在炮火前撤退。John gave way to the old lady and let her pass.约翰让路给老太太过去。The crowd slowly gave way before the policeman.警察迫近时,那群人便慢慢退后。2.collapse 倒坍The walls gave way in the earthquake.墙在地震时倒坍了。The wooden bridge gave way under the heavy load.那座木桥因吃不住重压而倒塌了。The river was so high that the dam gave way.河水水位太高,堤坝崩溃了。3.yield 屈服Her fear gave way to joy when she learned that the accident had not been serious.她得知事故并不严重时喜形于色,不再恐惧。A deadlock was reached in the discussions,as neither side would give way to the other.讨论已陷入僵局,因为双方互不让步。Mary refused at first to marry him,but she gave way at last.玛丽最初拒绝嫁给他,但是她最后让步了。We finally had to give way to his persuasion.最后,我们听从了他的劝告。You must not give way to his unreasonable demands or he will only make further demands.你切不可对他的无理要求让步,否则,他就会得寸进尺。4.lose control of oneself;lose one's courage or hope忍不住;失去控制;失去勇气She didn't give way during the flood,though she was very frightened.她在洪水来临时虽然很害怕,但是没有失去自控。She forced herself not to give way to her emotions.她极力克制自己的感情。He was so frightened that his legs gave way under him.他吓得两腿发软,站都站不起来。5.allow oneself to be overcome by;allow to decide被…征服;听凭决定Don't give way to despair.不要被绝望所压倒。She gave way to her husband in buying a new car.她任她丈夫决定买部新车。6.be replaced or succeeded by;give place to 让位;转变为The grey clouds gradually broke up and gave way to a blue sky.乌云渐渐消失,天晴了。As winter gave way to spring,the day began to lengthen.冬天转变为春天时,白天开始长了起来。Jealousy gave way to admiration of thir prowess.人们已由嫉妒转变到钦佩他们的杰出才干。Sorrow gave way to joy.伤心转为喜悦。Black and white television has given way to colour television in popularity.黑白电视已普遍为彩色电视所取代。When she saw the clowns,her tears gave way to laughter.当她看到小丑演出时,破涕为笑。Her grief gave way to happiness as soon as she heard that her husband was still alive.当她听到她丈夫还活着时,她一下子转悲为喜。 glance atlook quickly at快看一眼Glancing at the clock she saw that she was late.看了一下钟,她知道她迟到了。Before going to work,I used to glance at the newspaper headlines.上班之前,我习惯浏览一下报纸的大标题。She glanced shyly at him out of the corners of her eyes.她害羞地从眼角里看了他一眼。 glance downread quickly 速读;粗略地看As she glanced down the list,she saw that she had left out a name.她粗看一下名单,发现漏掉一个名字。 glance offtouch with a light blow 擦过;掠过A big stone glanced off the bulletproof windows of his limousine.一块巨石从他轿车的防弹窗上擦过。 glance over/throughrun over 粗读;略读He glanced over my report and said that it seemed to be all right.他看了一下我的报告说,写得似乎还可以。The teacher glanced over my manuscript and picked out a few spelling mistakes.老师看了我的手稿并指出了一些拼写错误。 go about1.move freely(四处)自由走动People are going about more now that the weather's better.天气转好,人们四处走动的更多了。Teenage boys tend to go about in groups.十几岁的男孩喜欢成群结伙地四处闲逛。It is dangerous to go about on the construction site without a safety helmet.不戴安全帽在工地上走来走去是危险的。2.circulate;go around;spread流传;四处传播(谣言、消息等)The story may not be true,but it is going about all the same.故事可能不真实,但照样四处流传。There is another rumour going about that the President will resign soon.还有一条传闻说,总统不久就要辞职。There are whispers going about the city that the Bank is to raise its interest.城里流传说银行要提高利率。3.be busy with;be occupied with;keep working on 忙于The children are going about their homework very seriously tonitht.孩子们今晚忙着认真地做作业。Go about your businss.去忙你自己的事吧。The best cure for grief is to go about your usual work.消除悲伤的最好办法是做你通常做的事。4.tackle;make a start at交涉;对付;着手处理Can you help me with this problem?I don't quite know how to go about it.你能帮我解决这个问题吗?我不太清楚如何处理。I'm afraid you're not going about it the right way.你这样做恐怕方法不对。He will go about it with his whole heart.他将全心全意地从事这项工作。We must go about our work or we'll fall behind the schedule.我们必须着手这项工作,否则就完不成预定的计划了。5.keep company for friendship or for courting 来往密切;恋爱How long have Eric and Hilda been going about with each other?埃里克和希尔妲恋爱多久了?He goes about with a group of nice boys.他常和一群好孩子在一起玩。That pretty girl is about with a man who is old enough to be her father.那位漂亮的姑娘正同一个年纪大得足以做她父亲的人来往很密切。6.(ship)change direction(船)改变航向;掉转方向As soon as the captain heard the cry “Man overboard”,he ordered the ship to go about and search for the missing man.船长一听到“有人落水”的喊声,就命令掉转船头寻找失踪的人。 go about one's businessmind one's own business;occupy oneself with one's own affairs;stop interfering with the affairs of other people专心于自己的事;不要管别人的闲事You'd better go about you own business.你还是管管自己的事吧。I've no time to play chess with you;I've got to go about my business.我没有时间跟你下棋,我要干我的事情了。 go across1.move across 过(马路);渡(海)We go across to the island every summer;it's so peaceful there.我们每年夏天都渡海到那个岛上,那儿非常宁静。They went across to the other side of the street.他们从这一边横穿到街的另一边去了。2.become understood or accepted 被理解;被接受Did your speech go across to the crowd all right?你的讲话那群人都理解了吗? go after1.chase;try to catch 跟踪;追Half the guards went after the escaped prisoners,but they got away free.半数的哨兵都去追赶逃犯,但他们还是跑掉了。2.aim for以…为目标They went there after petroleum.他们去那里是为了那里的石油。Jim's gone after another job.吉姆一直在寻找另一份工作。3.try to win;pursue 赢得;追求Jim intends to go after the big prize.吉姆想得大奖。He is going after the championship.他在争取冠军。They both went after the same girl.他们俩追求同一个姑娘。We shouldn't go after fame and wealth.我们不应追求名利。 go against1.oppose 反对It's no use going against the customs of a country that you are visiting.反对你所访问国家的风俗习惯是没有用处的。I don't know why everything seems to go against me.我弄不懂为什么事事都好象在跟我作对。2.be not in favour of 不利于I am afraid the case will go against you.我担心这案件对你不利。The war goes against them.这场战争对他们不利。The umpire's decision went against our team.裁判员的判决对我们队不利。3.be opposite to;be contrary to违背It goes against my nature to get up early in the morning.我生性不习惯早起。What you have done goes against your parents'wishes.你所做的事与你父母的愿望相反。His likes of purposely going against the opininons of most people put him in a disadvantageous position.他喜欢故意违背大多数人的意见,这使他处于很不利的地位。Lilly went against her mother's withes when she married Tony.莉莉违背母意与托尼结婚。We mustn't do anything that goes against the interest of the people.我们决不能做违反人民利益的事。 go against the grainbe contrary to sb.'s nature or inclination 不合自己的性格或本意Staying in bed may go against the grain but that's what you must do if you want to get better.卧床休息虽说你并不喜欢,但是如果你想恢复健康就必须这么做。 go ahead1.begin to do sth.;not wait着手做某事;尽管去做;不要等(常用于祈使句)“May I ask you a question?”“Yes,go ahead.”“我可以问你一个问题吗?”“可以,问吧!”“May I start?”“Yes,go ahead.”“我可以开始了吗?”“行,开始吧。”The teacher told the students not to write on the paper yet,but John went ahead and wrote his name.老师还没叫学生在纸上写,约翰就已开始写了他的名字。2.continue 继续The council at last gave us permission to go ahead with our building plans.委员会最后准许我们执行建筑计划。Don't be disturbed;just go ahead with your work.不要受干扰,你们只管干你们的活。3.make progress;proceed;go forward 进展With the strike settled,word on the new bridge went ahead like wildfire.罢工的问题解决之后,新桥梁的建设速度突飞猛进。They are going ahead rapidly in their capital construction in the city.他们城市的基本建设进展很快。4.go first;go in front;move forward领先;先走一步;走在前面The athlete quickly went ahead in the race.那位运动员很快在比赛中取得领先地位。You go ahead and tell them that we will be there shortly.你先走一步,告诉他们我们随后就到。He is going ahead of me in English study;it's difficult for me to catch up with him.他英语学习超过了我,我很难赶上他。When the first trains ran,a law was passed stating that a man had to go ahead with a red flag to warn people that the train was coming.当第一批火车开始运行时,通过了一项法律:必须有一个手持红旗的人在前面警告人们列车来了。 go all outmake one's utmost effort 尽某人最大努力;鼓足干劲The police are going all out to put a stop to the violence.警察们正全力以赴制止这场暴力。We shall have to go all out if we are to win the race.如果我们想赢得这场比赛,就得全力以赴。They are going all out to make the fair a success.他们正在全力以赴使这次交易会获得成功。The government is going all out to clear the cities of air pollution.政府正在尽一切努力消灭城市污染。 go all the way withagree completely;and in every respect;be in complete agreement完全同意;完全一致I go all the way with what George says about Bill.我完全同意乔治对比尔的看法。Much of what you say I agree with,but I cannot go all the way with you.你说的话很多我都同意,但我不能完全同意你的看法。I would go all the way with you in what you have just said.我完全同意你刚才所说的话。 go alonggo on 继续Work like this becomes less interesting as you go along.这样的工作越往下干就越觉得没有兴趣。You may have some difficulty with this book at first,but you will find it easier as you go along.开始时你会觉得这本书有点困难,但你继续读下去时,便会觉得较为容易了。 go along with1.accept;agree with同意;赞成We cannot go along with you on this point.在这一点上我们不能同意你的意见。I can't go along with your plan.我不能同意你的计划。He could go along with it most of the way,but not entirely.他大部分同意,但不完全同意。I don't go along with doing things like that.我不能同意那样做。2.go together with;accompany与…一道前进;伴随Increasing unemployment has gone along with rising prices all over the world in recent years.近年来,全球的失业人数增加是与物价上涨齐头并进的。You go along with Henry;I'll come shortly.你随亨利去,我一会就来。I go along with you as far as the post office.我陪你走到邮局为止。 go around1.move about到处走动The young man is going around looking for work.这位年轻人到处找工作。2.spread流行;传播There are a lot of colds going around.感冒正在流行。3.be shared;be enough to give to everyone够分;分配;分享If there aren't enough chairs to go around,I can bring some from the other room.如果椅子不够坐,我可以从隔壁房间搬一些过来。Only a few guests came,so there were more than enough apples to go around.客人来得不多,所以苹果够分了。4.go together;keep company同行;相伴Bill goes around with boys older than he is because he is big for his age.比尔和年龄比他大的男孩在一起玩,因为他比同龄人长得大。 go at1.attack攻击The newspapers are really going at the government,aren't they?报界确实是在攻击政府,对吗?2.go towards and overcome扑向The thier went at the wall and cleared it.那窃贼扑向那堵墙,并且翻了过去。The crazed man went at the policeman with a knife.那个疯子拿着刀向警察扑过去。3.undertake energetically努力从事I have taken physical exercise;now I must go at my lesson.我已经体育锻炼过了,现在得温习功课。How are you going to go at the job?你打算如何着手干这工作?You've been going at it all day.Shouldn't you take a rest now?这事你已干了一整天,还不该休息一会儿吗? go away1.leave 离去There was no answer to my knock,so I went away.敲门没人答应,于是我就走了。2.cease 停止If this pain doesn't go away soon,I'll go mad.若疼痛不马上止住,我要发疯了。 go away with1.leave with;elope同…一道离开;私奔I saw her going away with her mother for a holiday.我见到她和她母亲一道外出度假。He went away with his friend's wife.他和他朋友的妻子一起私奔了。2.take without permission 未经允许带走;偷走She's gone away with my clock.她偷走了我的钟。3.believe 相信Don't go away with the idea that you won't have to pay for it.别以为你不用付款。 go back1.move backwards or away后退;撤离Go back a step or two;you're too near.后退一两步,你离得太近了。2.return 返回Go back to bed,you're too ill to be up.回到床上去,你病重不能起来。3.(of a clock or watch)be set to an earlier time(钟表)回拨The clocks go back next week,so it will seem dark sooner.下周钟要往回拨了,所以天似乎要黑得早些。4.take the mind back in time,in one's thoughts 回顾Yes,whenever she talks,she always likes to go back to her younger days.是的,她只要一开口,就喜欢回顾她的青年时代。He went back to his childhood.他回忆了他的童年。My memory doesn't go back that far.我记不起那么久的事了。5.date back追溯The history of those archaeologicalfinds goes back to the 2nd century.这些历史文物的发现可追溯到2世纪。The story went back to thousands of years ago.这个故事追溯到几千年以前。6.return to an earlier point(in space,time,a discussion,etc.)回转;回复(前面的话题、讨论等)She has gone back to her old habits.她又恢复了老习惯。Let's go back to the subject we were discussing.让我们回到刚才讨论的题目吧。Now that you've done a year in Medicine,you can't very well go back and start an Arts course.既然你已经学医一年,就不大好回过头来学人文学科了。Once you decide to emigrate,there will be no going back.一旦你决定移居他国,就不能反悔了。 go back on/uponfail to keep(a promise,an agreement,etc.);fail to be loyal to违约;背弃Never go back on your friends.绝不要背弃你的朋友。He's not the sort of man who would go back on his word.他不是那种不守信的人。When you make a promise,you must not go back on it.当你许下诺言时,就不可食言。I'm afraid that I will have to go back on my word for I am now hopelessly ill in bed.恐怕我要食言了,因为我现在重病在床。 go badturn sour;start to decay变质;变坏Don't drink this milk;it's gone bad.不要喝这个牛奶,它变质了。 go behind1.search for寻究;推敲If you go behind what he says,you'll find he's not really enthusiastic about the plan.只要你听他的弦外之音,你就会知道他对那个计划并不真正热心。2.reexamine the grounds of进一步斟酌The manager said that he was going to go behind the decision.经理说他要对这一决定进一步斟酌。 go betweenfit well into a position between;pass between放在…中间合适;做中间人The picture goes nicely between the portraits of your father and mother.这张画放在你父亲和母亲的照片中间正合适。He went between the two parties.他为双方调解矛盾。 go beyondpass;exceed 经过;超过;越过As the ship went beyond the horizon,it appeared to sink until it could be seen no longer.当船越过地平线时,看上去就好象在下沉,直至消失。All the people present were wild with joy,for the results of the experiment went beyond their expectation.所有在场的人都高兴得发狂,因为实验结果好得出乎意料。That's going beyond a joke.那样开玩笑未免太过火了。The control of the children is going beyond my power.要我管住这些孩子实在是无能为力。You have gone beyond our orders.你的做法已经越出了我们的指示范围。 go by1.pass by走过You've missed the bus;it just went by.你错过了这趟公共汽车,它刚开走。We waited for the procession to go by.我们等队伍过去。2.be guided by sth.giving direction靠…指引(方向)Having no map to go by,we soon lost our way.没有地图判断方向,我们很快就迷了路。3.act according to;be guided by照…办事We should have a clearout criterion to go by.我们应有明确的标准去遵循。We have a precedent to go by.我们有先例可循。If you ride a bicycle,you must go by the traffic rules.你如果骑车,就必须遵守交通规则。She always goes by a pattern when she makes a dress.她总是照式样裁制衣服。4.judge by;form an opinion by;trust as being correct判断;凭…而判断;以为…是正确的You can't always go by appearance.你不能老是以貌取人。We can't go by that clock;it is hardly ever right.我们不能以那个钟为准,它很少对过。You can't go by one person's opinion;you must ask everyone what they think.你不能光凭一个人的意见就下结论,你得问一问大家是怎么想的。5.(time,days,weeks,etc.)pass;elapse;go on(时间等)流逝Three years have gone by since we came to this university.我们进这所大学已3年了。This event will be forgotten as time goes by.随着时间的推移,此事将被遗忘。6.(opportunity,chance,etc.)pass without being used or grasped(机会等)轻易地放过Don't let this opportunity go by.不要错过这个机会。John hesitated just a little too long over the offer of a partnership in the firm,and when he finally made up his mind to accept,the opportunity had gone by.约翰对别人主动要和他合股开商行迟疑的时间稍长了一点,等他下定决心同意时,机会已经错过了。7.be known by;be called为人所知;称为Many actors do not go by their real names.很多演员的真实姓名不为人知。8.stop for a short visit 短暂的走访;顺便走访“Have you seen Mr.Wang lately?”“Yes,I went by his house last week.”“你最近看到王先生了吗?”“看到了,我上周顺便去他家了一会儿。” go down1.descend下去Let's go down by the lift.咱们乘电梯下去吧。Go down and see who is at the door,please.请下去看看谁在门口。2.lessen;be reduced;undergo a decrease;lose value下降;减少;失去价值If the wind goes down,we may be able to sail tomorrow.如果风变小了,我们明天就可能出海。Shares have gone down again by six points.股票又下跌了6点。Prices are going up all the time;it seems they will never go down.物价总是上涨,看来永远也不会下跌。The pictures have gone down in value considerably.这些画的价值降低了许多。3.sink;set 下沉;落下The ship went down like lead.这只船象铅似地下沉。The sun has gone down.太阳落山了。4.be recorded;esp.in writing 记下This day will go down in history.这一天将载入史册。Their heroic exploits will go down in history.他们的英雄事迹将会被记入史册。He will go down in history as a national hero.他将作为一位民族英雄名垂史册。5.be received or be received favourably被接受;被赞许How did his lecture go down with the students?他的课学生反映如何?The play went down very well with the audience.这出戏很受观众的欢迎。Your explanation won't go down very well.你的解释不能令人满意。Those proposals are not likely to go down with the majority of the members.那些建议可能不会为大多数成员所接受。6.become deflated;recede 瘪了;消退The tyre of my bicycle has gone down.我的自行车轮胎瘪了。The swelling has gone down a lot.肿消了许多。7.be swallowed 被咽下John was delighted that his wife's cooking should go down so well.约翰很高兴,他妻子烧的菜竟是如此地好吃。The pill won't go down.这药丸吞不下去。8.fall;collapse 倒下;倒塌The wall went down with a crash.墙呼隆一声倒塌了。He went down on his knees and begged for mercy.他跪下来求饶。9.be defeated or overthrown 被打倒;被推翻They refused to go down before the invaders.他们不甘为侵略者所征服。Rome went down before the barbarian invaders.罗马人被野蛮人所征服。10.fail in an exam考试不及格I am afraid he has gone down again.我担心他又不及格了。11.leave university at the end of a term or finally(大学生)学期末放假或毕业前离校The students have all gone down for the summer vacation.大学生们都离校过暑假去了。The undergraduates are due to go down today.本科生应该是今天离校。12.fall on a scale度数下降On the second day his temperature went down.第2天他的体温下降了。The pressure has gone down.血压下降了。13.go bankrupt倒闭The company went down only a year after it started.那家公司办了一年就倒闭了。14.go as far as;extend in time延续到This history book goes down to the French Revolution.这本历史书记述到法国革命为止。 go down withbecome ill with患…病I was absent yesterday because I had gone down with flu.昨天我因感冒没来。 go far1.travel a long way 运(搬)到很远This car can go far on very little petrol.这车耗极少量的汽油就可以跑得很远。The news went far.这消息传得很远。2.last;hold out持续(时间)Such zeal does not go far.这种热情不会持久。3.have weight,force,or appllcation有效力His pleading went far with the judge.他的辩护对法官很有影响。4.be successful;achieve great things;rise to a high position有成绩(就);有出息;成功;出名He will go far in scientific research.他在科研上将大有成就。The young man is a brilliant scholar;he will go far.这年轻人是位有才华的学者,他将会有大作为。With your dedication to work you are certain to go far.你一心扑在工作上,定能出成果。5.extend far in use;buy plenty of goods购买许多东西;派大用处Even a reasonable income doesn't go very,far these days,with the prices rising all the time.物价一直在上涨,即使有中等收入也买不了多少东西。A pound note does not go far these days.一英镑的钞票现在不经用了。A small amount of money can go far if you are careful.只要你精打细算,钱少也能派用处。6.suffice for distribution足够分配Our provisions will not go far.我们的给养不够分配。One bottle of milk will not go far among all these people.这么多人一瓶牛奶不够分。7.help greatly大大有助于These measures should go far towards solving the problem.这些措施会大大有助于解决这个问题。His constructive suggestion will go far towards enhancing labour productivity and reducing the cost of production.他的建设性意见将大大地有助于提高劳动生产率和降低生产成本。You concession will go far towards reconciliation.你的让步将大大有助于和解。 go for1.leave a place to perform an activity离开(某地)去干I'd like to go for a walk;will you come with me?我想出去散散步,你能跟我一道去吗?Shall I go for a doctor?要不要我去请一位医生来?2.be sold for卖There were perfectly good coats going for $20!有一些很好的外套只卖20美元。“How much did the house go for?”“It went for far less than I expected.”“那所房子卖了多少钱?”“卖价比我原来想象的少得多。”3.attack,either physically or by words攻击(肉体上或口头上)The newspapers have really gone for Tom's new book in a big way!报纸果真大张旗鼓地攻击起汤姆的那本新书来。The taller of the two men had scarcely said a word when the other put up his fists and went for him.那个身材高些的男人刚刚说完一句话,另一个人就挥拳向他打去。She really went for him;I've never seen her so badtempered.她真地对他破口大骂起来了,我还从没见过她发这么大的脾气。4.choose选择I thought I'd go for question three;it looks easy.我想选第3题,它似乎容易些。5.admire;like;pursue喜欢;想得到She is not the type of girl that John goes for.她不是约翰要追求的那种女孩。She really goes for miniskirts.她确实喜欢超短裙。Dark men often go for blondes.黑肤色的男人往往倾心于金发碧眼的女郎。6.intend to become;aim at想成为;以…为目的He is going for an engineer.他想当一名工程师。Ken's going for the tennis cham pionship this year.肯在为今年夺取网球冠军而奋斗。7.apply to;be true of适用于;对…适用;适合于Listen carefully,because this goes for you all.大家认真听,这对你们都适用。Your sister is a selfish girl,and that goes for you,too.你姐姐是一个自私的女孩,你也一样。What I've said to him goes for all of you as well.我对他说的那番话,对你们大家都适用。8.give support to;give approval to支持;赞成In the election,the majority of votes went for him.在选举中,大多数选票都赞成他。I can go for no such proposal as this.我无法支持这样一个建议。9.be taken as;be regarded as被看作;被认为是;起作用All his work went for nothing.他的一切工作被看成是毫无价值的。I don't think your efforts will go for much.我想你的努力不会有多大作用。His words don't go for much.We don't trust him.他的话无足轻重,我们不信任他。 go forth1.start;depart动身The students went forth from the institute to meet the hero.学生们从学校出发去迎接那位英雄。2.be published发表(布)The decree has gone forth.命令已发布。An order went forth to take the enemy camp before dawn.命令说黎明前要拿下敌军营地。A few days ago the government issued an order which went forth that all the foreign troops retreat out of the country.几天前政府发出了一条命令:命令所有的外国军队撤离出境。3.go away离去He went forth to battle and was heard of no more.他出征后就杳无音讯。 go forward1.advance前进The captain has asked all the sailors to go forward so that he can speak to them in a group.船长让水兵们向前靠拢,以便对他们讲话。2.continue with sth.planned;proceed继续进行The headmaster gave us permission to go forward with our teaching plan.校长允许我们继续执行教学计划。The work is going forward at a satis factory pace.工作正以令人满意的速度进行着。3.be sent further for approval by sb.被提请…核准Your name will go forward to the committee when they are considerring the new appointments.在委员会考虑新的任命人选时,你的名字将被提交上去。 go halvesshare equally between two(2人)平(均)分(担)Let's go halves in the taxi fare.出租车费我们两个平均分担吧。 go home1.return to one's home or country 回家(国)I must be going home;it's getting very late.太晚了,我要回家了。2.die or be destroyed(人)死;(物)用坏I'm afraid old Charlie's gone home.He'd been ill for years.恐怕查理老人已经过世了,因为他已病了多年。3.have an effect on对…产生影响The chairman's pointed remark went home,and the committee kept silent.主席直截了当的话语击中要害,全体委员寂静无声。 go ill withbe unlucky or unfavourable for对…不利(妙)I'm sorry to hear that the examination went ill with you;will you try again?听说这次考试对你不利我感到惋惜,你能否再试一次? go in1.move indoors进入(室内)A servant opened the door and we went in.仆人开了门,我们就进去了。2.take an active part加入A tennis tournament took place in our school yesterday,but I didn't go in.网球联赛昨天在我校举行,但我没参加。3.fit in(a space)适合于(某处)An ordinary nail won't go in a brick wall.一般钉子钉不进砖墙去。4.be understood被理解I keep trying to understand how a car engine works,but it doesn't seem to go in;am I stupid something?我一直很想了解一下汽车发动机的工作原理,但好象弄不懂。我是笨还是怎么的?5.(of the sun,etc.)disappear behind clouds(太阳等)被云遮蔽At this time of year,when the sun goes in,it is suddenly much colder.每年这个时候,当云层遮住阳光,天气突然间就冷多了。 go in for1.go indoors for因…进入室内Having already left the house,she went in for her umbrella.她已离开了家,但见开始下雨又回到屋里取伞。2.try to pass or win想通过或赢得I'd like to go in for a more advanced examination if I can.如果有可能的话,我还想通过更高层次的考试。3.take strong interest in爱好I thought he only went in for music and tennis.我以为他只爱好音乐和网球。Lots of men go in for fishing.很多人对钓鱼感兴趣。Many newspapers go in for sensational happenings.许多报纸对轰动社会的事件很感兴趣。Peter goes in for collecting antique weapons.彼得喜欢收集古兵器。4.aim towards(a profession);be engaged in选择…为职业;从事He may end up by going in for politics;he's always liked arguing.他最终可能从政,因为他一直喜欢辩论。When she left college,she went in for nursing.大学毕业后,她从事护士工作。Following his example,both his sons went in for medical work.他的两个儿子跟他一样,从事医务工作。5.participate in;enter as a candidate参加;加入Did you go in for the civil service examination yesterday?你参加昨天的公务员考试了吗?She has gone in for the beauty competition.她参加了选美比赛。6.give support to;express approval of支持;赞同An overwhelming majority of the committee members went in for the currency reform.绝大多数委员赞成实行币制改革。They all went in for the dockers of that country in their strike.他们都支持那个国家的码头工人罢工。 go into1.go or fit inside of;be able to be put in进入;放进Two men were seen going into the house after dark.有人看见两个男人在天黑后进入这个住宅。The table is too big to go into the closet.桌子太大,放不进贮藏室。My foot won't go into this boot.我的脚穿不进这长筒靴。2.enter a state or condition of进入某种状态或情况The sick man went into a coma.病人进入昏迷状态。Everyone went into raptures over her dancing and singing.看她跳舞唱歌,大家都欣喜若狂。The new railway will go into service on the first of next month.这条新铁路将于下月一日正式通车。The new regulation goes into effect today.新章程即日生效。The book will go into its third edition.这本书要出第3版了。The old woman went into a decline and nothing the doctor could do would help.她突然身体垮了,医生怎么治疗也无济于事。3.discuss;talk about;state in detail讨(谈)论;详细论述There's no need to go into details yet;just give me the general idea.还没有必要谈论细节,就给我谈谈一般情况吧。The teacher went into the subject of newspapers today.老师今天谈论了报纸这个专题。The engineer went into a full explanation of the purpose of the machine.工程师详细地解释了这台机器的用途。4.be busy in or take part in;enter as a job or profession从事;参与;进入(某种行业)The Mayor went into politics as a very young man.市长年轻时便参与了政治。He wants to go into law when he gets out of school.他毕业后想当律师。5.investigate;take up;examine 调查;着手处理;审查The police intend to go into the matter very carefully.警察打算认真地调查这件事情。The accountant will go into these figures for you.会计将替你审查这些数字。We'll go deep into the question.我们将深入调查这个问题。The case has to be gone into very carefully.这个案子须认真审查。The matter has been gone into very thoroughly,and we find there are no grounds for the allegations.此事已经彻底调查,我们发现这些论断是没有根据的。6.hit with force用力撞击The car went into a tree and was severely damaged.汽车撞到树上,损坏严重。7.begin to wear;put on开始穿;穿上She went into mourning on the death of her mother.她为她母亲带孝。8.divide a number exactly by two or more用2以上整数除某数2 goes into 6,3 times,but 2 won't go into 7.用2除6得3,但2除不尽7。 go into actionstart sth.planned,esp.military attack(军事)行动;动手As soon as the guards left,the prisoners went into action according to their escape plan.哨兵刚离开,囚犯们就按越狱计划开始行动。 go into orbit1.become very happy or successful进入常轨;获胜;顺利;高兴Our team has gone into orbit.我们的队已经很上轨道了。2.lose one's temper or control completely;become very angry暴跳如雷He was afraid his father would go into orbit when he found out about his failure in the examination again.他担心父亲发现他考试又不及格会暴跳如雷。 go off1.make a sudden ringing noise爆发突然的响声A bomb went off in the theater.一颗炸弹在剧院里爆炸了。2.leave suddenly(突然)离走They went off without telling us.他们走时没有告诉我们。She went off in a bad temper.她怒气冲冲地走了。3.cease;wear off;disappear终止;消失The effect of the drug will go off after two hours.两小时后这药的效力就将失去。4.sell;be disposed of by sale卖掉;售出The goods went off rapidly.那批货很快就卖掉了。5.become worse;deteriorate变坏(质)I'll complain to the shop;this meat started going off the same day that I bought it.我要向这家商店申诉,我买的肉当天就变质了。You had better put the cake in the refrigerator,in case it goes off.你最好把蛋糕放入冰箱,以免坏掉。The milk has gone off slightly.It must be the weather.这牛奶已经变质。一定是天气的关系。6.elope私奔He went off with his manager's daughter.他和经理的女儿私奔了。7.lose one's skill失去技巧;工作质量下降The standard of his work has gone off over the last few weeks.这几个星期以来,他的工作水平有所下降。The lecturer used to do well,but he seems to have gone off now.这位讲师以前课讲得不错,现在似乎教学质量在下降。The football team seemed to go off.这个足球队似乎在滑坡。8.fall asleep;pass into unconsciousness入睡;失去知觉Grand father's gone off in the chair.爷爷在椅子上睡着了。He didn't seem to be able to go off,so he went into the kitchen and made himself a cup of tea.他似乎睡不着,因此他走进厨房给自己泡了一杯茶。The old woman went off into a faint.这位老太太晕倒失去了知觉。9.lose one's liking for(coffee,beer,pop music,painting,etc.,as a hobby)不再爱好He went off driving altogether after his accident.那场事故以后,他讨厌开车了。10.become unavailable(water,gas,electricity,power,etc.)得不到;突然中断供应Just as the weather turned cold,the electricity supply went off.正当天气转冷时,电力供应却中断了。The light went off as we entered the room.我们进屋时停电了。11.go mad;behave in a crazy manner发疯;发狂Poor old Tom went off his head,spent all his money in six months and ended up begging in the streets.可怜的老汤姆头脑发热了,在6个月内把钱全部花掉,最后到街上去行乞。12.be carried out;take place;proceed进行;发生;举行The party went off without any trouble.聚会顺利进行,没有任何麻烦。She had the operation this morning and it all went off quite well.她今天上午动了手术,一切很顺利。 go on1.travel旅行I'd like to go on a long triP away from these troubles.我要去作一次很远的旅行,以摆脱这些烦恼。2.(theatre)perform on stage在舞台上表演She does not go on until Act Two.她要到第2幕才出场表演。3.ride on(an animal,etc.for fun)骑(动物等娱乐)The children want to go on the wooden horses.孩子们想骑木马玩。4.be lit被点亮What time do the illuminations go on tonight?今晚彩灯何时开亮?5.start着手I'll go on duty in half an hour.我半小时后开始值勤。6.continue继续When you've finished those questions,go on to page 41.做完这些问题,你就接着做第41页上的题。I was tired of listening to her complaints,but she went on and on.我听厌了她发牢骚,但是她却唠叨个不停。We'll stop here for today and go on with the text next time.今天我们就讲到这儿,下次接着讲课文。I asked Jane a question but she went on reading and did'n answer.我问简一个问题,但她继续看书不回答。I hope it will not go on raining all day.我希望不会整天下雨。7.continue after a pause;begin with the next thing(停顿后)继续;接着开始做另外的事(常用于动词不定式之前)After he had given an account of the difficulties,he went on to suggest ways of overcoming them.他先说明困难,接着建议如何克服这些困难。Father said mother had gone to the hospital,and went to say that Grandmother was coming to take care of us.父亲说母亲住院了,接着他又说祖母将来照料我们。After he had explained the theory,he went on to give us numerous examples.他解释了这个理论之后,接着给我们举了很多例子。8.happen发生What's going on here?这里出了什么事?He told us what had been going on.他告诉我们发生了什么事。9.begin to receive;get help from 开始领取;得到救济A lot of people who never expected to be unemployed have to go on the dole.许多从来没有料到会失业的人现在只好靠领取救济金过日子了。10.begin taking(medicine)开始服用(药)The doctor says that Mother has to go on this special new drug for her heart.大夫说,妈妈必须服用这种治疗她心脏病的特殊新药。11.accept;judge by act according to接受;据…判断(猜测);依据You make a mistake if you go on appearances.只凭外表看你就错了。The police have very little to go on in this case.警察在这个案件上没有什么依据。You can't go on evidence like that.你不能接受那样的证据。I suddenly saw that the belief I had been going on all my life was quite without foundation.我突然明白我一生中所依据的信念毫无道理。12.(of money or time)be spent on(金钱、时光)消耗;流逝A lot of my grant goes on books,but I think it's money well spent.我的大部分助学金用于买书,但是我认为这钱是花得恰到好处。At least a quarter of the average income goes on housing.普通收入至少有1/4花到住房上了。As time went on,Mary began to wonder if John had forgotten their date.时间过了,玛丽怀疑约翰忘了他们的约会。The years went on,and Betty's classmates became greyhaired men and women.岁月无情,贝蒂的男女同学都变成白发老人了。13.behave举止;表现If you go on like this,you must expect trouble.如果你继续这样做,你会自找麻烦的。I've never seen her go on like that before.我过去从没见过她象这个样子。14.fit on;be able to be worn适合;能穿上My sister's skirt wouldn't go on me;it was too small.我姐姐的裙子我穿不上,太小了。15.fare;manage进展;进行;安排;应付How did you go on in your English examination?你英语考得如何?I don't know how we should have gone on without your help.我不知道没有你的帮助我们该如何应付。16.stop teasing;stop trying to fool停止开玩笑;不要戏弄When father told mother she was the prettiest girl in the world,mother just said:“Oh,go on(with you)!”父亲告诉母亲说她是世上最美的女人时,母亲说:“不要取笑了!”17.(sport)take one's turn(体育)接替;轮换It's your turn to go on.该你上了。You go on next.下一个就是你上了。 go on forapproach;get nearer(a time,a number,an age,etc.)(时间、数字或年龄等)接近;靠近He must be going on for forty.他一定是快40岁了。It's going on for midnight.现在快午夜了。The population of the city is going on for 500,000:该市人口将近50万。“Good Lord!It's going on for ten o'clock and I promised to see Mr.Wang at half past nine.”“天哪!已经快10点了,我答应9∶30去会见王先生的。” go on to1.pass from one subject or item to the next转入(下一个项目等)If nobody has any objection,then we'll go on to the next item.如果没有人有不同意见,我们就转入下一个议程了。After a few minutes we went to the next station.几分钟后我们继续到了下一站。2.adopt(as a new or temporary habit)采取(作为一种新的或暂时的习惯)The doctor told me that I would have to go on to a strict diet.医生嘱咐我必须严格地按照规定的饮食进餐。3.change working arrangements to把工作安排改成Because of depression,many big factories had to go on to short time or stop production altogether.由于经济不景气,许多大工厂不得不减少工时,甚至完全停产。 go one's own waygo or act as one wants to独自行动;一意孤行It's no use arguing with him,for he will go his own way instead of changing his mind.和他争论没用,因为他将一意孤行,不会改变主意。None of this was discussed or communicated to me.He went his own way.此事根本没有讨论过,也没有通知过我,他独断专行。 go one's way1.start again or continue to where one is going出发;继续进行A stranger stopped and asked me for a light,then went his way.一个陌生人停下来向我借了火,然后又继续向前走了。The milkman left the milk and went his way.送奶工人留下牛奶,又继续上路了。2.go or act the way one wants to自行其事;随心所欲Don't tell me how to do my homework.You go your way and I'll go mine.不要告诉我如何做家庭作业。你做你的,我做我的。 go out 1.leave离去Mr.Browder isn't here;he's gone out,but he'll be back in a few minutes.布鲁德先生不在这里,他出去了,但过几分钟就回来。I must go out shopping for half an hour.我得外出半小时买东西。2.leave home for work离开家出去工作When she was eighteen,she went out as governess.她18岁时离家当了家庭教师。3.cease burning熄灭The match went out in the wind.火柴被风吹熄了。The candlelight went out of itself.蜡烛自己熄灭了。4.end结束The year went out,with great achievements on all fronts.过去的一年以各条战线上的辉煌成就而结束。5.cease to be fashionable;cease to be followed,practiced or accepted 过时;不流行Few Englishmen wear frock coats now.They went out years ago.现在,英国人很少穿大礼服了。大礼服已经过时多年了。This expression has gone out;nobody uses it today.这种表达法已经过时了,现在没有人再用它。Short skirts have gone out.短裙已经过时了。6.be sent out被送出去了;被发出去All the invitations for the party have now gone out.所有宴会的请帖现在都已发出去了。Have all the wedding invitations gone out yet?所有的婚礼请帖都已发出去了吗?7.emigrate移居国外He went out to Australia about five years ago.大约5年前他就移居澳大利亚了。The whole family have gone out to Canada.全家已移居加拿大。8.cease to function(usn.in a competition);retire from power(比赛中)被淘汰;辞职That team went out in the third round.那个队在第3轮中被淘汰。The president that has just gone out was unpopular.刚下台的那位校长不受大家拥护。9.(the tide,sea,water)flow back or away(潮、海水等)退潮;退去The tide has gone out.潮水退了。10.be on strike罢工The workers went out in protest against unbridled in flation.工人们举行罢工,抗议失去控制的通货膨胀。They gained some victory in going out.他们罢工取得了一些胜利。The miners went out for more pay.矿工罢工要求增加工资。11.die死The poor old man went out yesterday.那位可怜的老人昨天去世了。Suffering from a sudden heart attack,he went out in a few minutes.他因心脏病发作,不到几分钟就死了。 go out for1.seek to enter into;try for a place on申请加入I recalled bitterly what a poor impression I had made on the coach when I went out for football.我申请参加踢足球时给教练的印象很差,想来痛心。Ten boys went out for track that spring.那年春天10个男孩参加田径队。2.strive for努力争取得到He's going out for a betterpaid job.他正在谋取一个工资较高的职业。We are going out for big results,and we must work harder than before.我们正努力争取巨大的成就,因此我们必须加倍努力工作。 go out of one's way1.take trouble to do sth.;make an extra effort to努力去做;不怕麻烦Our teacher went out of his way to be nice to the newcomer.我们老师对新同学格外好。The restaurant owner goes out of his way to see that all his guests are wellsatis fied.饭店老板尽力照料客人,务使他们满意。2.go astray误入歧途Not knowing the road,the stranger went out of his way.这个陌生人因路不熟而误入歧途。 go over1.pass or move over越过Travellers will not be allowed to go over the frontier without their passports.没有护照的旅客是不允许越过边界的。It's dangerous here,with bullets going over our heads all the time.这儿危险,子弹时刻在我们头顶飞过。2.look at carefully;examine to see that it is good;inspect检查(是否有误)We went over the house thoroughly before buying it.在买房子前,我们彻底检查了一遍。The mechanic went over the engine but found nothing wrong.机修工检查了发动机,但没有发现什么毛病。Would you mind going over this work for me?请替我把这个工作全部检查一遍好吗?The teacher went over the test papers and analyzed the students'mistakes.老师批阅了考卷并分析了学生的错误。The auditor went over the accounts with care.审计员仔细地核对了账目。The police went over the gun for fingerprints.警察仔细检查了枪上的指纹。3.study or repeat carefully;review重复;温习Let's go over the text again.让我们把课文复习一遍。I've gone over my lessons carefully.我已经把功课认真复习过了。The actor had to go over his lines many times before he got them right.这位演员要把台词重复好多遍才能背熟。4.clean or repair擦洗或修理I've asked the garage people to go over my car thoroughly before I start my long journey.在开始我的长途旅行之前,我请车库工人彻底擦拭保养我的车。5.touch up;improve润色;改进He went over the painting,giving it the finishing touches.他对这幅画作润色改进。Someone has gone over this photograph.有人修整了这张照片。This paint should be gone voer with a new brush in the other direction.这种油漆需用新刷换个方向重新涂。6.consider考虑I've gone over your suggestion,and have decided not to accept it.我已经考虑过你的提议,并决定不予采纳。Let's go over the facts as we know them.让我们考虑一下我们所了解的事实。7.search搜索;搜查The police went over his room three times,but found nothing.警察把他的房间搜查了3遍,但什么也没有找到。A woman policeofficer went over the girl from head to toe.一位女警察官对这女孩从头到脚搜查了一遍。8.change one's allegiance to改变立场(退出某政党加入另一党派)He is a Democrat,but he says that he is going over to the Republicans in the next election.他是一位民主党人,但他宣称在下一次选举中将转向共和党。The enemy commander finally decided to go over to the Eighth Route Army.敌军司令官最后决定向八路军投诚。To treat comrades like enemies is to go over to the stand of the enemy.如果把同志当敌人看待,就使自己站在敌人的立场上去了。9.be received被接受;受欢迎Did his lecture go over well?Did you like it?他的讲演成功吗?你们喜欢不喜欢?Your idea went over well with the manager.你的王意经理很欣赏。The news went over without much comment.这条消息并未引起多少评论。The film is going over big with the audience.这部电影大受观众欢迎。These actors went over very well with the audience.这些演员深受观众们的欢迎。The play did not go over.It lasted only three days on Broadway.话剧演得不成功,在百老汇只演了3天。10.be overturned翻倒A truck went over into a ditch yesterday evening.昨天晚上一辆卡车翻到沟里去了。11.undergo postponement搁置起来;推迟We don't have time to deal with this question today;it'll have to go over to the next session.今天我们没时间讲这个问题,得留到下次了。Some of us asked that the matter go over until tomorrow.我们中部分人要求把这个问题推迟到明天讨论。12.abandon one thing or practice and adopt another放弃(某事或某习惯)去接受(另一事)I'm afraid we'll have to go over to a vegetarian diet if the price of meat goes rising.如果肉价一直在上涨,我想我们得不吃肉而吃素了。He's given up his interest in singing and has gone over to water colour paintings.他对唱歌已经不感兴趣,现在改搞水彩画了。 go round1.move round绕(道)而行The front gate was shut,so we had to go round.前门已关了,我们只好绕道而行。The earth goes round the sun.地球绕太阳运行。2.(of news,disease,etc.)spread(新闻、疾病等)流行;传播The news soon went round the country.消息迅速传遍全国。Chicken pox is going round the neighbourhood.水痘正在这一带流行。3.be shared分享We have wine enough to go round.我们有足够的酒可供大家畅饮。4.visit访问;参观We haven't time to go round the museums.我们没时间参观博物馆。We went round to see him yesterday evening.我们昨晚去拜访了他。5.keep company陪伴(某人)Bill and Margaret have been going round for more than two years,but they still haven't decided whether to marry or not.比尔和玛格丽特相处已两年多了,但他们还没有决定是否结婚。6.be dizzy头晕;眩晕Only a few sips of whisky,and I felt my head go round.我才喝了几口威士忌酒,就感到头晕了。 go short(of)have less of…than one should or than one would wish to比某人应有的或希望有的少;匮缺;缺乏He never allowed his wife to go short of anything she wanted.他从不让妻子缺少她所需要的任何东西。I don't want you to go short of money in order to lend me what I need.我不希望你因为借钱给我而缺钱花。If you take more than your fair amount of apples someone else will have to go short.如果你拿的苹果比你应得的多,那么别人就会少得了。 go straightbecome an honest person;lead an honest life改邪归正;改过自新After the man got out of prison,he went straight.这个人出狱后就改过自新了。Mr.Wright promised to go straight if the judge would let him go free.莱特先生答应,如果法官释放了他,他愿改邪归正。 go through1.pass through穿过The rain has gone through my overcoat.雨水渗透了我的大衣。The material is so stiff that even the thickest needle won't go through.这种布料太硬,连最粗的针也扎不进去。A new idea went through his mind.他脑子里有了一个新的主意。2.examine查阅We must go through the account books together;there's still some money missing.我们必须检查所有账簿,因为还有部分款项无着落。I will go through your papers.我将审阅你们的论文。We have gone through the details of the plan to make sure tere are no loopholes.我们仔细地审查了计划的每一个细节,以确保没有任何漏洞。The lawyers went through the evidence.律师们核查了证据。3.be put into effect完成After months of efforts the work finally went through.经数月的努力,工作终于完成。Are they going through with their plans to build a new home?他们将实现他们的计划,建立一个新家吗?Let's go through all the exercises before we go out.我们出去前把练习做完。It requires courage and patience to go through the undertaking.要完成这项工作,需要耐心和勇气。4.undergo;experience;suffer;endure经历(困难、痛苦等);遭受;忍受He has gone through such a lot since his wife died.妻子死后他经受了不少苦难。You will never know what she went through to educate her children.你永远也不会知道她为了教育孩子,吃了多少苦。My grandfather had gone through a long illness before he breathed his last.我祖父去世前遭受疾病的长期折磨。They went through many hardships during the war.他们在战争年代里历尽千辛万苦。5.be satisfactorily concluded;be passed;be accepted得到圆满的结论;被通过;被认可If the deal doesn't go through,they'll be ruined.如果这笔交易做不成,他们就要破产了。The law has now gone through.这项法律已获通过。I was told that the deal went through.Congratulations!我听说那笔生意成交了。恭喜!At the meeting the managers went through the items one by one.在会上,经理们把研究的项目逐一讨论通过了。6.do what one is supposed to do;do what one promised做应该做的;履行手续;履行诺言I have gone through my part of the bargain,but you haven't gone through your part.这笔交易我已履行了我的部分,但是你还没有履行你的部分。We have all gone through the required formalities.我们已履行完毕一切必要的手续。Applicants for party membership must go through the procedure for admission.申请入党的人必须履行入党手续。7.do or use all of;use up;consume用完;消耗We went through all our money at the circus.我们在马戏团把钱全部花光了。He has gone through two pairs of shoes this year.今年他已穿坏了两双鞋。I've gone through too much money this month.这个月我花的钱太多了。8.search搜查The Customs went through all our luggage at the airport.在飞机场,海关把我们的行李都检查了一遍。The police went through the suspect's clothes.警察搜查了嫌疑犯的衣服。9.be published in出版;发行This dictionary with bilingual explanations was warmly received by the reading public and went through two editions within a year.这本双解词典很受读者欢迎,一年之内已经出了两版。10.discuss carefully详细讨论The pros and cons of the issue have been gone through again and again,but we still haven't reached a conclusion.这个问题的正反两方面意见已被研究了一遍又一遍,可是我们还没有得出结论。Let's go through the details of the examination.让我们详细讨论一下有关考试的具体问题吧。 go through fire and watersuffer or experience danger or trouble赴汤蹈火;冒生命危险These heroes have gone through fire and water for the revolutionary cause.这些英雄为了革命事业赴汤蹈火。He said that he would go through fire and water to find out the truth of that matter.他说为了查明那件事的真相,他将不顾个人安危。 go through withfinish;do as planned or agreed;complete完成或结束某事;将某事坚持做到底The boy seems very determined about his plan.but his parents don't think he will go through with it.这男孩似乎对他的计划下了决心,但他的父母认为他完成不了。We are determined to go through with the undertaking.我们决心完成这项任务。When will you be able to go through with the building of the bridge?你们什么时候才能够建成这座桥?Knowing very well the difficulties the work involved,they were still determined to go through with it.他们充分认识到了那项工作的困难,但仍然下决心把它干到底。 go to any length/go to great lengthsdo everything one can竭尽所能;不遗余力Bill will go to any length to keep Dick from getting a date with Mary.比尔将尽一切努力阻止狄克与玛丽的约会。He will go to any length to get what he wants.他将不顾一切要得到他想要的东西。 go to piecesfail to control oneself神经错乱At the news of her son's death she went completely to pieces.听说儿子死了,她的精神完全垮了。 go to pressbe printed or about to be printed付印The book has gone to press.这书已付印。 go to the dogsdeteriorate very badly;go to ruin大大变坏;走向灭亡;堕落The man went to the dogs after he started drinking and gambling.此人开始酗酒和赌博以后,就堕落了。 go to wastebe wasted浪费掉;白费;付诸东流The boy's work on the model plane went to waste when he dropped it.这男孩做的模型飞机因摔在地下而付诸东流。The strawberries went to waste because there was nobody to pick them.草莓因没有人去摘统统浪费掉了。 go under1.(of person)fail;be defeated破产The filling station went under because there were too many others on the street.这个加油站破产了,因为在这条街上有好多家。He failed in speculation and went under.他投机失败而告破产。His business has gone under.他的生意亏本了。2.(of things)sink沉没The ship struck upon a rock and soon went under.船触岩石而迅速沉没了。The ship hit an icebery and went under.船触冰山而沉没。3.(of the sun)set(日)落The sun has gone under.太阳已落山。4.die死亡He went under in the war.他在战争中阵亡了。 go up1.rise升起The smoke went up.烟串上来了。Many people came to watch the balloon go up.许多人来看汽球升空。2.rise;increase;improve(物价)上涨;提高;增加Butter's going up again next week.奶油下星期又要涨价了。Prices of fruit and vegetables have already gone up.水果和蔬菜的价格已经上涨了。He has gone up in my estimation since he did that.自从他做了那件事以后,他在我心目中的威信提高了。The goods have gone up in quality.这些货的质量提高了。3.be built;be erected;be put up被建造起来;被公布Supermarkets are going up everywhere.到处都建起了超级市场。Tall buildings are rapidly up along the new road leading to the downtown area.通往市中心的新公路两旁,迅速矗立起了一座座高楼大厦。Placards declaring new regulations were going up.宣布新规定的公告张贴出来了。4.explode;be destroyed by explosion爆炸;炸毁The bomb went up,killing two people.炸弹爆炸了,炸死两人。5.be able to become heard;become loud or louder使能听见;声音变大A shout went up from the crowd at the game.比赛时人群在高声助威呐喊。A cheer went up in the auditorium.礼堂里响起一阵阵欢呼声。6.become bankrupt破产Inflation was so bad that many firms went up.通货膨胀十分严重,以致于许多公司破产了。7.enter(university)入学(大学)He went up to Cambridge in 1980.他198O年进入剑桥大学学习。When are you going up?你什么时候进大学? go up in smoke/in flames1.burn;be destroyed by fire燃烧;烧毁Before the firemen could get to the scene,the building went up in flames.消防队员赶到现场之前,那栋大楼已被烧毁。The barn full of hay went up in smoke.装满干草的谷仓已被烧光。2.disappear;fail;not come true 成泡影;未实现His hopes of buying a new car went up in smoke when his father lost his job.他想买部新车的愿望因他父亲失业无钱而成了泡影。 go up to1.move upward to上升到When the temperature goes up to 3Centigrade,the snow will melt.气温升至3℃时积雪将融化。2.go near to走(靠,接)近I went up to the man and asked directions,but he was a total stranger.我走近那个男人问路,但他却是个地道的外乡人。 go with1.travel with同…一道旅行I,ll go with you.我跟你一起去。2.occur with;be the result of;be found together with伴随;同时出现Rights always go with obligations.权利总是和义务分不开的。Poverty goes with laziness.贫穷伴随着懒惰。Happiness doesn't necessarily go with money.有钱并不一定就有幸福。Disease often goes with dirt.疾病往往与不清洁联系在一起。3.match or suit;harmonize with配合I like the way the blue carpet goes with the golden curtains.我喜欢天蓝色的地毯配上金黄色的窗帘。The furniture goes very well with the room.家俱和房间很和谐。Certain kinds of wine go with certain kinds of food.什么样的酒配什么样的饭菜。4.be included with;be a part of 包括在…之内;是…的一部分A set of tools goes with each tractor.每出售一台拖拉机都奉送一套工具。The radio does not go with the car.You have to pay for it separately.收音机不是汽车的一部分,你得另外付钱。Transshipment expenses are to go with the goods.转船费用包括在货价之内。5.agree with;understand和…意见一致;理解I can't go with you in that.在那方面,我同你的意见不一致。I don't think I can go with you about the statement.关于这项声明,我认为我的意见跟你不一样。6.keep company with(often with a view to marriage)与…谈恋爱She's been going with an engineer.她在与一位工程师谈恋爱。 go withoutcontinue in spite of lacking sth.没有…也能对付过去If there's no sugar you will have to go without;it won't do you any harm anyway.假如没有糖,你就对付一下,无论如何这对你毫无害处。He went without food for three days.他一连3天没吃东西。It looks as though we shall have to go without a holiday this year.看起来,我们今年只好不休假了。At one time men never went without a hat.有一个时期人们不戴帽子不出门。 go without sayingbe perfectly clear without the necessity of mentioning不用说It goes without saying that he's a top student.他是个优等生,这是不消说的。It goes without saying that children should not be given knives to play with.小孩不应该玩刀,这是不言而喻的。It goes without saying that she will lose all her friends if she continues to gossip about them.不用说,她如果继续背后乱说,她会失去她所有的朋友。 go wrong1.take the wrong road travelling走错路We must have gone wrong somewhere;we should have reached the village by now.我们一定在什么地方走错了路,这个时候我们本应到达那个村子了。2.live immorally堕落What's the best way to help young girls who go wrong?什么是帮助失足少女的最好方法?If you follow my advice you can't go wrong.你听我的话不会错。3.fail失败All his plans went wrong.他所有的计划都落空了。The sum is wrong,but I can't see where I went wrong.总数不对,可我看不出我错在哪里。4.have a fault有毛病(错误)Something has gone wrong with my car.我的车子出了毛病。 going strongin good health;flourishing(used mainly of people and organizations)健康活跃;兴旺;繁荣She's nearly eighty but is still going strong.她年近80,但还很健康。The Literary Society is still going strong.文学社还很兴旺。 good atskilled in善于;精于He is good at Japanese.他精通日语。 good for1.proper for;suitable for适于;胜任What's this good for?这有什么用?He's good for several years'more service.他还有精力再干几年。2.beneficial to;advantageous to有益于This kind of medicinal herb is good for rheumatism.这种草药对风湿病很有疗效。3.able to;willing to pay the sum有支付…的能力He is good for two thousand dollars.他付得起两千美元。4.valid有效的The return ticket is good for another three months.回程票有效期还有3个月。This licence is good for one year.这张执照的有效期为一年。 grab at(attempt to)seize(试图)抓到Those who can grab at the opportunity will succeed.能够抓住这个机会的人就会成功。He grabbed at the chance the moment it was offered him.那个机会一到手,他便抓住不放。 grab offtake quickly迅速取得;抢先取得;捷足先登Hurry up to grab off good seats.快点,去找好位子。The women hurried to the store to grab off the things on sale.女士们急忙涌向商店抢购减价商品。The prettiest girls at the dance were grabbed off for partners first.舞会中最漂亮的小姐是男士们抢先邀请的对象。 grasp at1.catch at抓住As he fell,he grasped at a hanging chain but missed it.跌倒时他向一条悬挂的链条抓去,但没有抓到。2.try to seize企图攫取A man who grasps at too much may lose everything.贪得无厌的人可能毫无所得。 grasp/catch/cluth at strawsdepend on sth.that is useless or unable to help in a time of trouble or danger;try sth.with little hope of succeeding捞救命稻草(将要溺死之人连一根草也要去抓)To depend on your memory without studying for a test is to grasp at straws.应付考试只凭记忆而不学习那是枉费心机。 grateful tothankful for感谢We are particularly grateful to him for his timely help.我们特别感谢他的及时帮助。 grease sb.'s palmpay for sth.,esp.dishonestly;bribe;give a tip塞红包;贿赂;给小费Some politicians will help you if you grease their palms.有的政客只要你给他们好处就会给你帮忙。We had to grease the palm of the waiter to get a table in the crowded restaurant.在客满的饭店我们只有给服务员小费才能找到桌位。 green with envyfull of envy;very jealous充满嫉妒They were green with envy at our success.他们十分嫉妒我们的成功。She was green with envy because you won the first prize.你得了一等奖,她很嫉妒。 grow on1.become more interesting or liked by更加使人感到有趣;使人更加喜欢At first glance this doesn't seem in teresting but it grows on me.乍一看这并不有趣,但是它渐渐吸引了我。I didn't like the song at first,but it grows on me the more I hear it.我起初并不喜欢这首歌,可是我越听越觉得好听。The more Jack saw Mary,the more she grew on him.杰克看玛丽,越看越喜欢。2.become stronger in;increase as a habit of对…越来越有影响The sense of uneasiness grew on the little girl as she came before the silent stranger.在那个沉默的陌生人面前,这个小女孩越来越感到紧张。The habit of early rising has grown on me.我已经养成了早起的习惯。 grow out of1.develop from发展自Most international firms have grown out of small family businesses.多数国际性公司是从小的家庭企业发展起来的。2.arise or result from起因于His illness grew out of his tendency to overwork.他的病是工作过度所致。The accident grew out of his carelessness.这场事故是由于他粗心而造成的。3.become too big or too old for太大或太老而不再适合于…My son has grown out of his shoes;I have to buy him new ones.我儿子已长大,穿不下这些鞋子了,我得给他买新的。There is no sense in buying expensive clothes for children,as they soon grow out of them.给小孩买贵重的衣服划不来,因为他们很快就会长大穿不下了。My daughter has grown out of these toys.我女儿已经长大,不再玩这些玩具了。He has grown out of the bad habits of his boyhood days.他长大了,已经改掉了童年时代的一些坏习惯。 grow uppass from children to the stage of being adult;reach maturity长大Susan wants to be a doctor when she grows up.苏珊长大想当个医生。}


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