Make a brief的中文 comment on the heroine Isabel Archer.

贵妇人肖像The portrait of a lady The author
Henry James, O.M. (April 15, 1843– February28, 1916) was a U.S.-born British author .
He is one of the key figures of 19th century literary realism.
Life of Henry James Henry James was born into a wealthy cultured family of New
For a while ,he attended Harvard Law School.
He toured England, France and Italy.
He tried to live and work as an art and drama critic in New York and failed .
Finally, he settled down in London ,except some trips visits to America, spent the rest of his life there. His literary contribution and achievements Henry James was a voluminous writer. His whole life was a long career of continual fertile productivity.
main works Roderick Hudson (1875) 《罗德里克·赫德森》
The Bostonians (1886)
《波士顿人》 The American (1877) ? 《美国人》
The Princess Casamassima (1886)
Daisy Miller (1878)
Guy Domville (play, 1895)
The Europeans (1878)
《欧洲人》 The Turn of the Screw (1898)
The Portrait of a Lady (1881)
《贵妇的肖像》 The Ambassadors (1903)
《大使 》(或译:奉使记)
Washington Square (1881)
The Wings of the Dove (1902)
A Little Tour in France (1884)
The Golden Bowl (1904) 《金碗》 He was influenced by some English ,European and American writers . The one American author who exerted a great influence on James is Hawthorne, whose insight into the human psyche impressed the younger writer deeply.
Hawthorne He was deeply interested in the contrast between the old world and the new one. There’s always an “international theme” in his works. He likes to compare the America with the Europe.
The typical Americans in James: fresh, enthusiastic, eager to learn, and basically “good” , disregard of the conventions, stand for morality
The Europeans in James : highly cultivated, elegant in manners, but sophisticated. stand for manners
The most important ideas h}


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