第一元 课文单Aon ht etheo rhndaHo to Be awSuc csseulfLang uaeg eLanrre?怎样成为一名成的功言语学者习"Lareinng laanugae igse sy.Eaevna chid lcan doi !"t“学一种语言很好易容。孩子都连做得!”到oMt sdalut whosare le arnngi asceod nlngaageu多数大习第学二语言成的人w年uol didagsree iwthth s stiatmenet.会同意这一不说。法Fo rhetml,arninega lan gageu isa v eyrd ifficltutas .k于对们来他,学习语言说是项很一困难的任。务The neyd ehundrdseof h our os fstdyuand p arcict,他e们要需数小时的百学和练习,an习deve ntish willn o tugraatnee scuecss是这样也不就能保证ofre evry duatl algunaeg leranr.e一位成每年言学习语都者能成功L。ngaaueg leraingni s idfefern ftrmo ohterk insd ofl areingn.语言习不学于同它基种类的习。学omesp epol ehowa er ver inytlelgietn些有很聪明并在己自领域adns cuescsful in heitr eifedslf in ditd ififclut很有就成的却人现发ot scuecde n ilaguagn leeairgn.好语学言很难。Cnvoesrlyes,mo peepoel hwoa r seccessfuu llnagague leanerrs相反,些成有功语言学的者习fni di tdfiifclutto uccseedin o ther ielfs.d现他们发在它其域领得取成就很也。难anLuagegt ecaerh sftoeno fefr advie c语言教师通给常言学习者提出建语议:"Radea smch uasy u can oi tneh nw ealgunage"“.尽量读外语多。”"rPctice spaaeingk ht elnguaae egveyrday ."“天每习练说外语。”Li"v withepe olpewh osepa khet lagnugea".“和说外语的多接人。”触"oD't nratnsalte--rytto hitn ink th neewlangua eg."“要翻不——努力用译语思维外”。"Lean anlpa wytiht hel aguane."g“像孩子那学习;轻样松轻学松语言。”utB haw toesd asuc ecsfusllangu ag eearlerndo ?可是功的成言学语者习是怎么的呢做?Lnguageal aenirg rnesarche语言习研学究明,表sohswt hta scceusfusll ngauag laengaue gelanrersar es milir ani mnay ways.功成语的学习者言许多面是相似的。方Frst ofi al,lusccesfslu languga elaenersr ar endipenedetn ealrerns.首先,功的成语言习学是独者的立学者。习hTye o don tepdne ond her他不依赖们书或老本师t;he ydsiocvr ehter iwo nawy to ealrn he tangluaeg.他们找到己学自语外的方。I法nstea odfwaiting or thef etchare otexp ain,l他不等们着师去老解,释hetyt r yt finod hetpatter sn nda het rules fro temhseves.l是自而努力己找去出句和规型等。则Thyear geodogue sessr hw olokofo r cuel san dorf mhteriow n ocncusilno.s他很会们测,会猜出线找索得出自并己结论。的hWe thnyegue sswr nog,hteygues s again要.猜错了是,们会他猜。再They rt to lyare nromf tehirmi takes.他s会们力努从己自错的误中学东到西。ucSecssuf llanugag leaenrigni asticv eelrniag.成n功语言学习是的极主积动学习的。Thereore,sfucescsflu earlenr ds ont oawtif roa chan c因此,成功 的言学语习者坐不说外等的机语;会hetyl oo fko rscu hac anceh.们会寻他找这样的会。机Thyef id neople who spepkath elanguaeg们他找到些那说语的人外an dthe ysk tahsee poepelto crrecotthe mwhen thy eakmea mistak .e并他们请纠正己犯的错自误。Thy well ity arnyhitng o ctommuncati.e他们会尽一努力与人交切流。They aerno taf rid at orpeet ahwa ttey hehra o g他们不害怕复所重听东西,到不担也自己会说心些莫其名的话妙th。e are ywliing lt oakme mistkas enadt rya agin.他们愿犯情些错误,然后重再来。henWc omunicmtianois dififclu,t在交有困难流,时0:3401. 6hety nc accaetp nfoimrtion atat ihs inxacteor i ncomlptee.们他够接能不准确受不或整完信息。的It i mose imrproantt fr theom于们来他,说t olernato think i tneh algnaug teahn otkno the mewniango efvryeword .用外思语维比了每解词的意思更个为要重f。ianlyls,uccsefsu lalnguaegl earnes are lreraern swit a huprosep.后,成最的功言学习者语是目的明的学习确者。Teh waytnto l aernt ehl ngaague ebcuas teehya er interseedti n tehlan gaue他g是们为因外对和语说外语的人andt ehp ople weohs eak ip t.感兴才趣学外语的。I is tecnsesaryf o them rot leanr htelan gaug enior edrt o ommcuicnaetwith th se epopele他们为认必有要习学语外以便ndato l aen frrm toehm.能与说外的人语交并流向他学们。习Thy finde t eaisy ot practce uiinsg teh alnuagegre ulagrly所他以们到感常经练说外习语不难。并ebaucse htye wntat o ealn ritwhi .t因为们他利想外语学用习东新,西Wha tkni dfol aguane gleraen rrae ouy?你是哪一语种言习学呢者?I you freaa sucesscul lfnaugage leranre,你若一名是成功的语学习言,者oy uhav erpobbaly ebenle rnain gindeepnedtny,你大概l一在独立直、地activly,eadnpu rpsoeuflyl主动地、.的目确地明学习。Ont eh toeh hanrd,if oyurl nguage leaarnig hnas bee ness lhtnasucc sefusl,反之如,你果的外语得学一直太不功,成youmigh todwell to try smo efothe techn qiue sotlinudea boev.不你试妨试上面概括的些技一。巧eTtx B课文 BaLnguga语e言henww eanw tt otlle thore eoppe wlah wte hitkn,当我们要把自的己想法告诉别时,人ew can d oti nt onolywi h thte elh ofp wods,rbt uals oi nmna otyerh aysw.们不仅我可借助以词语,于可还许多用其方它法Fo。 rnistanecW, eosetimms emveoou rh edasu pa nd ownd whn we waen ttosa y"ye "s方比,我们说想“是”说的候通常时点头;点an dw eomveour eadsh fom srid teo sid ehwe nw eantw o tay"nos"而想说“”的不候就摇时摇头。Pepleowh o an neithce hrer narosp ek (ahtt aisd,af eandd umbp epleo)那既听不见些不能也的说(人即聋人哑)taklt oaec otherh wih tth eelh opft eih ringfrs.则用手e相互势谈。交Pepoel hwod onot u ndertasd enac ohhters 'lnaugga haev eotd othe sae.m们彼人语此不言通也这时做么。Thefo lowilg stnorys hwosh wot hy esoemitmsed ot.i面下的事故表现他就们有时是么这的。做An Engishman lwho cuol dotn pesak Iatlain as wocne tarevilg nin Iaty.有l次,一位一会不说大利语的意英人国曾意在大利行。旅neO adyh e entereda res tuarnat ad snta odnw t aa atble.一天他进走一钣店并坐在家一张旁桌。Weh nte whatei rcmaethe, Egnilshamn peneod ihs oumh,t当者侍走来过,时这位英国张人开,嘴put ishfi gers ninit t,oko hem ott agaiun ad nomedvhi s ils.p把手指放嘴在,又里拿了出来并,了动嘴动。唇In htsiwa heymea n tots a,y" Brnig mesomet inhgt oeat ."他想以说,“给我拿此吃点来的。”The aiwtre oon broughs tim a chupo tef.a侍者很给快端来一他茶杯。Th Enelishgmans ook hish hed anadth waetir eundesrotd otathhe d dn't iwatnt e,a这位英国人摇头摇,侍者明白了他并不要茶。想soh et okoit a aywa dn rboghut imhro m cefoef.e是他把茶于端走又他给来端了咖啡。hT englEsimahnwh, owas evyrh ngru yyb tihstim anden o att ll taihstry,这位国英这人时非已常但一点锇也不渴,olkeodv ery sa.d所以他看去很不高兴。上Hesh oo hik sheadea hct mi thee witear robghtu hi mosmtehnig tod rink.侍每者给他次来喝端东的西时,他都摇头。摇heT witea rborugh timhw ne,tieh bneer,者侍他端给来了萄酒,接着是葡酒,啤thnes oda-atwr,betutha twa snt' foodof, cuorse.然是苏打后,可这些当水都不然吃的。是07:2.10 0e wHs ajust goig to nleav tee rhsteauant rwhena noherttrav elr ecam ien.正要离开时他,一位另客旅来进。了heWnthis man saw tehwai etrh, eupth i shadn sn hio sstoacmh.这个人看到了者侍就双把放手到肚子。上Tha taws eoung: hnia fw einmutes这就足了够:分钟之后几herte as w largaepl ta eo mfacaroni adnm at on tehe abtel efore bimh.大盘通心一和粉肉摆就在他了前。面A ysou se,teh epriimtie valnuagego sfign is nst aolwasy vey clrer.a可见,这种原的始确手良语势言总是不常非确的。明The languge oaf wrod si smuchm or exect.a词语的语要言确得多准。Wrds conoistsof sou dn,s词语声音组成由btu therear eamyn osnus wdichh haev a eamnngia nd ety arenot ordws然而有.多许声音有虽定的意一义不是却词。语For xeample,e wmy saya"Sh-sh sh"- hewn e wmae "kneeps leit.n"例如我们想,“保持说静安”时就会“嘘——嘘——嘘说”。henW babie lausgh,e wnokwthey ar heapy,p当婴笑儿,我时知们他道们高很兴an。dwhe nhetycr y,ew kon tweyha r eiiio sriplm ywant omsehitn.g当们哭时,我他们知道他病了们或只想要是某东个西。I is thet ame withsani masl.物动是也这样。Whena ogdsa y s"-r-G" or ra at scys a"-f-F"fw e knw they aro eangr.y当一条狗发出,G“—r——r”的—声或一只音猫发出F“——f—f—的声音时”,我知道们它们气了。生Bt utheses ouds are nnt lanouggae.是这但些声不音是言语。Lnguaaeg conissst o wofrsdwh ihcwe pu ttgoeter hino tentescens.言是语由们用我于成句子的组语组词成的。But ainmls acann o dto tih:sadog cn aasy G"-r-" wher hne eamn "I sa angmry",可是动不会物这做么:么狗想“我生气说”时了叫会“——Gr—r”,—bu ht ecnano tsy farsti"I a'dnt hne"am" a ndthe n"angry. "它但能不“我说”然后,说“气生,然后”“了”。说Apa ror tcna takll ki aem an;鹉可鹦以像人样说一;话tic na epertawho l esneentce ands kown swhtathe myena.它可以复重整句,话知也这句话意思。道We aym sayth a tap rroatt alksb,t cuannot say hattit raelylspe ks,a们我可以鹦鹉说学,舌我但不能们说它真正会话,说ebacuse t cinant oorm nfw eentesnesco tuof hetw rosd tiknows. 为它因能不用所道知词语组成的的新子。句Olny anm hs ate powhret o o dhti.s只有人才有种能这力 。00:0.29 3第二单 元 课文A Taes,Txxae,snd aoreM axesT税、、没完税没了的税Americans ftone sy ahtt taem hrea onlytwo thing sa pesorn个人一一生只中有两事件acn be sreu ofin lif deate hnd aaxest.可肯以会定发:死亡和生税纳。mAeicarn sdo no htav ea ocem ro nhte"deat " hmraekt,美国并人不断“垄死亡市”场b,t manuy epple oeef lthat ht UeinedtSt tesa但许多人到感,国却以美重的最税赋leds taeh wrldo wth tihe owrs ttxas.e在世界名上列茅。前axeT sconssitof the omenywh ci hpeolpep ayto upport theirs goervmnetn.税人是为支们持政所支府的金钱付。Ther aer eegenrlayl hrte leeves oflgo venremt nni hteU ntie Sdatest:在美国,政府致分大三级fede:rals,attean, ttehe frreo,htee arer hretet pey osft xas.e邦联府、政政州府和政府;因此美市有国三类税S。alrieda eoppe lho warnem ro than eaf e twhousadn dollrsa入数千收美的工薪元人员msu tapya ertaic penrcnetageof th iers alriae so tte hedefar lovgenmren.t必按须工的一资定比例向联政邦交府税。Th percentege varaisef rm poesrn to poerons.这比个因人例而,异It edpnes on tdeih srlaaire.s视资数工额而定T。h efeedrl aogvrementnhas a g adrutae incomd tea,x邦政府联实行累税制,th进a tsithe ,ercepntae go fhtet x (1a4 to70 pe cern)t一为般1%47—0。i%cnresase sa aperso'sni cnme iocreasens.纳税比例随个即收人的入增加itW hthehi gh cos to tfaxe,s由于赋很重税peopl, aer enot evyrhappy o nApirl 1,5hwen ht feedraelt xea sraedue. 每年4月票15台人日便不们高兴因为这,一是缴纳天邦税的日联。子Te hesoncd ta xi sfro tehst aetg oevnmrnt:e第类二是税政府州税,ewN YokrC,lifoarian,Nrtoh akDtao,ora ny fo teh toer hfotyr-sveen tatses.如例约纽加里福尼亚、、达科他或北其4他7中任何一州都要征收州州政府。税Smo statese hav ena niomcet xas miial to thar ot fhte feerad lovgrnemen.t有些征州个人所收得税的法与办联政邦府办法相的似。O cofusr,teh eeFcretnag efr tohe tats tae xs lowei.r然州政府当的征税比例要低。些Othe rsatte savhe salaes ta,x有州些征销售收,税wihch i aspe rcentge caarhegd ot nya tie mwihhc youbuy nit athsta te.也是对你就在该州购买的何任品商征收一定例的税比。Fo eraxple,m如比,a pesonr mghi wtnatto b u y packet af cogiarettsefor twnte-yife vcntse.某想要习25人美一分的包香。烟fIth ree sia slase txa fo eihtg prcentein tat htase,t果该如的州售税销率为8%,het nht ceotsof t ehc giraettse si tenwy-tsveencent .s那买么包香一实际要支付2烟7美。This f分iugreincl udset e hslas tax.e7美2中分括包了售销税。Som statee use snicome atx ni aditdion o tslea tax stor ais teheirr evnuee.s有还些为州了增加收入既征收,售税又销征个人所收税。得hTe tsate ax tlasw read iersevand ocnufinsg.州各税收法的很一不,样常混乱。非hT tehird ta xi fors th ecty.i三类税第市是政府。税This tx aocesm nitw of orm:s市府政分税两:种prpoert taxy(peop elw o owhna h omeha ve o pat ytaexso int)财税(例产如有房产拥人的应缴纳产税)房an dxeisc teaxwh,ic ih shacredgon cm sin ciat.y和照执(例如税对城里市的车汽所征收税)。的hT ectiei sues htes efnusd fr eoduatcon,poliicea nd fre iedartpemnts,市城这将些金资于用育教、公安和消防门部publc worki ans dmniucpil bauldiign.s以市征及程和工建。筑Since meriAcnsap ay suchhig htaxe ,s由于赋重税,teyh ofet nefe ltat thehy areworkin g neo ady aech eekw ujst t opyathe irt axs.e美人常国常感一个星到期有里一天的时间是为了纳税工作而。的Peple oalayw complsain abot uaxts.e人对征们税总是声怨载,道heyTofte n ropetst tahtt h egvoenmrnte suse heitrt x doallarsin the wr ognwa y.常常议政府抗使用税不款当。The syay hattit s endp sotomuch on uelesssa n idprmctaicl paorgarm.s他们,政府说些花有钱很的项目多不实际切毫、用处无。Althuog Ahmeiracn hsvea difefernt ivesw noman y ssueis,美人虽国说许在多题上观问不同点,theyten dto ageeron no eubsjce: ttxaes areto oh ig.h在但个问题上一乎是似一的致,即征太税。高eTt xB文课AdveBrtiings广告Adertivsig isn onylp ar tof te thotals aels effro,t广仅是整告个销活动的促一分部,bu it is tthep at rhat tattrats tche mstoa tentitno.它但最是人注目引的部分。一hiT ssinat rua lenouhg很这然自,bcausee adervisitgn si esigdendf orjus that turpope.s因为告制作广目的的就于此。在nI enwspapre,sn imgaaznise,in hetm ia,lonr adoia dnt eevlsiio,n通报纸过杂志、邮件、、播广电视与,we contastly nseea d nehra我们不地看断到听到t和h messages eof rhudrned so difffeenr ptoructs adnds reviesc.以百数的不同计品与服务产的息信。or Fte mosht pra,t劝我们说购买享和受的hty ear ehetkind sfo htigs tnaht wec a nbe erpsuaedd to uby多数是这一些东样西:--food na ddrnkisc,rasa dn telveisin sote,fsuniturrean dclthoing,食、饮料品汽车、、视机电、家具、服装travel nd leiasuer tmie ctaviities.以及旅游休与活闲。动Th simeplest knd iof advertsing ii tsh eclassfiei dda最.简的单告广分类广告。E是ery day thvene wpapers carsyra f d报每纸都刊登天几好这页广告类i tne lharg eundSy aditeinso hteer myabe se vealr esticon of thems.些某报纸的星日增版期可能上有多栏许目的分广告。A类cl assifed iad i suusalylonly faw leinsel ng.o一条分广告通常类只有行字,几I tis rallye a ontci orea nouncenmentt at hosmthinge s iaailable.v际实一上个知或通通,说明告够提能某种供西东。Nwspapeer alssoc arrya lar eg mauntoof diplaysadve ristin.g报纸也刊登大量醒的目告广,Motsof it is or sftreo sr ofrova roisufo rs mf ontereaintemn.t其多中数为店商告广各或娱种活动乐广的。告Newpaserpsge nrelalyr ech an aauiednec ony li a linimte adrea.报纸的者读通常受地区限的。制T boring teirhme sags te oa algerr audince,e为了扩大读者范的,m围na yho wwnt to apu otut hteri dsa usen aiotan malaginez.s不少人用全国性尽可能志做利告广Mnyao fth etechn qieus of odmm aevderrsinig ewerd veleoed pin agmzine aas.d人在们志杂告广创造中了多许现代的广化技告。术The se uofbri gthcol ro,astrtacivtepict uesr,用采艳的鲜色彩、迷的人画面简、的短字说明an文ds ohr metssgesa sia llc hractarietic sf omaazing ads.e—这—都是些杂志做广的特点告。heTmos t ipomtanrtp rpuse osi tocatc ht h eeye.其根本目的是人引目。注hT messeag iteslfe isu ualsyl sorh,t文字分部般很短一,fteno n moroeth a na slgon whicha te phbliuci endtfiesiwi th te prhdouct.常常只是句一广告口号,但它能语使众联公想起有关产的。品Thesam e techniues qahv ebee narcird eoerv nit otelvesion idvearitsign.杂志的告广技术在现被移已到电视中用。Voiesca ndm uicsha v beeen adde to dolocr an dictureps色彩画面配与上解说与乐音,t cotahc ht eera saw ella tshe ye.e既好又动听看。Televisin oadsar shore-t-usaluylo nl 15y,3,0ro60 scondse,电视广告时委间短通,只有常15秒30秒或、60秒钟,btuthey a r eereptade veora n odve raagni但反复它放播,so htat te ahdiuences ee san hedrasth m emna ytiems可.使观以看许多遍。众Comemrica telleisvin ohsamix e entedtrianmenta d ndveraisingt.业电视把商娱与广乐告杂混一起在。fIy o uawt thn eneettriamnet,n你若看要乐娱节,目ou yhva teoput u pwith th e avdrteisin--g就要着性耐同时子看告广,an dilmloins fopeop el wat thne neettainrenm.t千百万而都是想人看乐节娱的目The me。 nadn omewn inthe s lasede aptmentr销部的人售员负。责rae erpsnsiobel orft h compenya'sadv ertsiin.g公司的告广传The宣 yust dmeicde onthe audienect eh ywnatt ot aceh.他们要决定广告传宣对象,的Thyemust laso ecddei noth bestew ay决采定用什么广告手段tog t teeihrmes saeg to hetir patrciluraaudie ce.n使广信息传告给播定的观特。众The ylsoama ke an estmateiof t e chsot besoref manageemtn ppraoes vtehpl a.他n还们要在管理部门审广批告计划之估前算广告费用I。nmo ts lrgae omcpniase多数大公司的amanegmet ni dsreicly itnolvev dnip lannignthe a vdrtieinsg.管理人员都接直与广参告计划的制。 定000:2.39第三 单 元 课 文TAe Ahtlaticn Ocen大a西洋Te hAtlntaic cOeani osen fot eho cane大西s是分洋隔大新陆taths pareta ete ohl Wdolrd from tehN we与旧大陆的大.洋一之。Fr cenotureis ti epk tht Aemeriacs几个纪世,里frm beino dgiscoered bv yte peholpeof Eruoe.p它使北美南洲未被欧洲发人。现Mny aronwgid ae absut ote htlaAtnci许多有大西关的错洋made e误alr syalior unsiwlilgnto s ia larfo u into itt.导致期早海的不员意愿航远驶入西洋。大On iedeaw as tat hitrea cehdo u tot "the dege o thfewo ldr."一想个法,是大洋西已远达洋世“的边缘界,S”iaors lewreafra idth atth ye mghtisail rghtio f thfeear th.海员们担他可能心航会到地行球队边上彻底下掉去;Antoer hdea wia tsah at ttehequa otr ht eocae wnold ube boiling oh.t另一个法想是在,道处,赤大西洋的海是滚烫的。水he AtlTatnciOce nais oly hnlf aas big sat h ePacific,尽管大西的面积洋只太有平的二分洋一之,ut itbis s tillv ry eargel.它但然仍常大非。I ts mioer hta n400, 0mlei (s6000 k,ni )wide herweC olumus brcssedoit .哥伦穿越布的那部有分040多英里060(0公0里)。宽Een at its nvraowrestit i asbot u2,000m ies (3l,002 ikn )wid.e即使在最处,也有窄大2约000里英(3002公)里。宽Tihs narrowse tpalc es bieweet nhe tubleg最窄处美非在大陆fo souhtAm riec aan thdebulge ofA fira.c出凸分之间。部Two thnis magekt h Atlanetci Ocen raahterun suula.大使西洋不寻常原因有二:F同r oos laregan ceona t ihs aevry fe wilandss首.先如此大的,海只洋很有少几个屿;岛lsA, oi it she wtolr'sdsa lteit OCsae.n其次,是世界上它盐含最分多海洋的。Tere hi so smcu whter ina he Atlattnci大洋西里的水tht ati s hardit omaiigen how ucmhther ies.多得不想可。象Bu tusppoe ns oormer ainf ellin o tt假设i再不有水雨落进大洋西,ad nn oorme atew ras wbought tr it bo ryveri.s河水也再流入不It wold tuak teeh coae nboat 4u,000 yarse o dry tpu.大洋西需也大要约千四的时年才间能涸干。On he tvearag tehew tea risa lit telmore tah tnw moles i(32 .mk) deep,平均深水两英里(。3公里2)一多,点bu tn ipaceslit i sm cuh eedpre.但有些地方更深。hTed eeespts ot ispne raP ureotRico .深最处波多在各岛黎近,附hTs "deie"pmea uress30, 26 fee4t--amlots sx miies l(9. km6)深达30.264英尺,几有六乎里(英。6公9里。O)neo fth loegent mountsin aanreg os fthe owldr世界一上条最的山长脉rsisefr moth fleoo orf hteAtlan tci从.西大洋海底升起,Tih mountsainr anger un snroth ad nsuth odwn ote himdde of tlheo cena.它由北向延伸南,达大直西洋中,T部e hopstof fewaof th moeunaits reachnu paobveth e sa eandma e iksaldns.几山峰露出座面海形成便屿。岛The zAresoa r tee htopsof p akesi nht mie-Adltnatic moutanni rngea.亚尔速群是大西岛洋中山部的峰尖。脉Sevrea lhnduer dmies lestaarw dfrmoFl rido从佛罗a达往东里百英几处的里theeri aspart of het ceoa calnldethe Sa rgsao sSae.一部分洋称为马面尾海藻。Hree hetwate is ruiqt,foe rtehr is liettle iwd.n这里水面静,几乎没有平丝风。I一n th edya sofsail ign evsessl ht cree wewr afraie tdeh wyuld oe bbceamel hdre.e在使帆用的时船,代员们般心担他们会无因风而此在无法航行处,Sometimes theywer .e有时确的如。此Oceanc rrentsua r eosetmiesm acled l"irvres n thi esa."e洋有流被称时“为海上河”流。On of ethee sr"virse "i nht eAltatncii csllea dhte Glu fStearm.西大其中有一条“河流”洋被命名为墨哥西流,湾I tisa urrect nfo arm wwtera是.暖条;Anot流her is hteL arbaordCurrent -cold-w atr eocing modw nfrm tho Aertic.c另一条叫布拉多流,拉这是自来北冰洋的寒。流Oean cucrentr asfefctthe clmaiet of ste lahdnsnea r hwih thcy flewo.流对其充洋地经的气候区影有。响Th Aetlnticafur nsihsem uhc oof ford he peotpleon it ss ohesr.西大洋岸为的人们上提了丰富供的物食。nO oef ist ost fmamuos fihisg negrion,tsheGra nd Bnka,iss nea Nrwe-fonu ldand.最有名的渔业之区是大一滩浅业区,位于纽芬兰附渔近。Tday thoeA ltntac iisa grea tighwayh.今的大西天是洋一条主交要通线。干Itis n t,ohoewver,laayws as motohan dsaefo e.n所大西以洋并不是总一平个静和全的安海。洋Stromssw epe caros st aid nipe lup grat weveas.而,横扫而然的来暴雨卷风起层层巨浪Icberesg loat fodw frnm oht earF Nort acrhosst ehpa hts fo hspi.s遥远北的漂浮极而下的冰穿过川般经只的航道过,We ow hnvae schu fatsw ay of tsavelirgn今天我拥有的快们旅行捷式方tath thi big ocsen aesesmt oavehgrown masler.l使大西洋显小了。得Clumbos uaslei dfor ome trah two nontmhs t croos sit.伦哥花布两个多月的了间时穿越才西洋,大A fats omedm stemahspic n amka teh teri inp lsest hna furo adys.天现代今化快速轮船只的需到四不的天间就可时完成 以旅。行Arpiales flynfr om Nw eoYkr to ondon inLo ny elihg houtsr纽从约伦到飞行敦需只小时,8and fromS othuAmer ic ato Afria ic fnor!u而南美到从非洲小时就够了四。ext BT课 文B Th eMoon球月Wef ind hattt he omn isoab uot 29300, mi0les我发们月现球离地大球有大约2约3。9万里英38(,545 1mk) waayf rmo ht eaerht,(384,551万里公,)adnt,o iwhit naf w ehoutsnadm ilsei,st istadnc aewlas yrmaeni sht eame.它s地球与保持个这距,离变不化超几千地里英。Ye tavery litt leobservati n shoows hat tth emooni s otnsta dingns til.l然略而加观就察可发现以球并非月止不静动。tIs istdnce afa rthee rah trmeinas ht eamse,它与球地间之的距不离变,ut ibs tiredtcin ocnoitnulalychan esg.但其方却不位断化。变We ifdn taht i ti straevingli n airccle--们我现月球发圆以周或者o vrre nearyy laci clre-rou-n tde herat,h常非近接周圆绕球地一周。going coplmtely reuon ondce a moth,nr,mooer xactelyo,nce eery 27 v13/d ys.a月球我们在是空太紧中近的邻居。I it sou renrase tniegbour ih npasc,e如我同们自己一,样and like oruslvesei tis k pet tie tdot he aert地球引力h球月b theyear t'sh rgaitvatioan lullp.球与紧联系紧在一起E。cxeptfo rthe s nu,het mon lookosthe bgigset obect jint e hsk.除y太以外阳,球是月空中看起来大最物的体。cAutalyl i is tneo of th esmallset,其实它最小是天的体一之,nadon l lyoks bogi ebausc ie tsiso nearto su.只是因为我们很离,近所看起来以。I大tsd aiemetr isonl y2 ,10 miles 63(389 k,n)i,它的直径只有2610里(33英9公里)8,o arli tletm ore hat na quater or thf edaimeerto f he eartht.者说或比地球径的直分之四一略一多。点Once a motnhor,mo,e erxctlayo,ncee evry 291/ 2da y,s我所说们的满月“每月有”次,一切确地说每,2天半9有次一,at th teimewe acl "lfullm oon"it, swoleh dsicl ooksbr git.h时这个月整面亮照人明。A othert itmse olnyp ra tf ot iapeaps rbrgih,t它其时间月,只球有一分部发亮,ndawe a wlaysf nd tiaththi isst h epartwhic h fceasto wards the un,s们发现我正是面朝太阳这那的一分,部hwle tih peart acfng iawya rof tmhe snu ppaare daskr.而背太阳靠那部分的得显无淡光。Artsit csouldm kaet eir phitcursebe tte ir theyf ekptthis in imn--d使假美术家们记月住只球有到太阳照射的那受分才是明部的亮,08:04.9 9noy tlohs epart soft eh mon whioh crae lgihte dp uby the sn arue bright.他们的绘画也许更会美好。hTi sshoswt hatt ehmoon gviseno lig thof i ts wo.n这说明也月球本并不身光,I发tm erlye relefcs tthe ligth fo he tusn,它如同悬在挂天中空的一巨面的大子,镜likea h gu eimrro runghi nt eh sy.k仅反仅射太阳。光et Yhe tadrkp art oft e hmoo'n ssufacrei sa不过球表面月暗黑并不的是对绝的黑漆。geernallyit is j st ulihgten uohgf or s tu beo abl eo teseits outl ie,n般一说来的它度亮刚足以好让们我看清的它轮,廓so tahtwe speak fos eenig t"he ld omon inot h new meonos 'rmsa".因我们此将这一色称景“为月新旧月抱”。Te hliht bg ywihh wec eesthe old mono旧月所凭借的看光线deo nots cme orfm tohe sun,ut brfo tmh eareth.来自地球不而太是阳。e Wnkwo wel lhwo thes ruafe ocft hes aeor o fs nwo我,们很清海楚面、雪or面 vee of an we rota,d者湿漉或的漉路面mayre left cuconformtbay luch mo fhe tsnus 'ightlo n to ur oacfes.如何将大量的太光阳射反到们我脸上,的n tIeh same wya使们我感觉舒服不。te husrafe ocf tehw hoe laetrhrefle tcs eonughof t h sue'nsl igth个地整表面球同样将足充的太光阳反到射球月面,表ont oth ef ace f the oomnofor u tosb ea bl toes ee使我得们以见th看e patrs foi thicw wholduo hteriswebe d ak.r本会是来暗的很那部分月。面Ift here wre ane ynhabiitanstof te mhono,假使球月有上民,居the ywulods e eou rarteh erlectinf gtheligh oftthe sn,u他也们会见到射太阳反的地球光aaignl ke a hige uimror rhug nnit he ks.y如同悬在天空中挂的面巨一的大子;镜Tey howudls pakeof e atrlhghi tujtsas we s pae okf moonligt.h他也会像我们们论谈地球光。之"Th oel mdoo inn tehn w emoo' sn rasm"“新月旧抱月”i sntoinh gbt uhat tprt oafthe moo'sns rfuce ano whchi i tisnig h,t不只过是夜在被间球地lghtiedup by erat hilght.照亮那的部月面分In。 ht esaem wa,y同样,the ulnra nhabitaits nouwl odcascinaoly lese prt ofa oure ath ir nful sulnilgth,月球人有时也会见到地球一的分阳部普光照,na dte rhet silht剩而的下另一部被分月光照亮,tey mihgth cla lths it"eh ld eorth anit h nee ewrat'sha rs."m他也会把们一景色这称“为地新旧抱地”。 000:154.第四单 元Ipmovrign oYu Merorym强增你记忆力Ps的cyolhgocil raeesrah chs faouced so nan umeb of rbsai pricnciples心理学研集究中在一些样帮怎助忆的记htta ehpl emomry:些基一原则上,本maneigfnlunes, osganrziatoi, anssciaotio,nadnvi ualiszaton.i意义如、织、组想和联象化形。It s usefil tou nkowho wt hesep ircniplsewo k.r知道些这原怎则起样作是用很有用。Mean的ngiufnles affescs tmmeoyrat a ll elevsl.意义响到影个各次上层的记忆。Ifnrmoatoi tnat dohesn ot maeka ynse nest oy ouis d fficiltuto re memer.b对没你有意的信息义很是难记的住。Ther erea sevearl awys i nwich wehcan akme amtrieal moe meranngiulf.有几方种可以法要记使材料更的有义。意Manyp oepel for i,nstanc,el ean a rhryemto hel tpeh mremeberm.比说如,许人多通过学押韵的诗小记东来西。D yoou nkowthe ryhem知道你有一押韵首"Thriytd yashas S epetbemr ,pril, JAne, uandNovembe r...?"说:"九,,六十还一有四每,月天整三数...十.".吗?t Ihlpes amnyp eople remebemr hwch monthsi fot h eeay rave h03da y.s这首诗小帮许多助人住了一记年哪中几个 有3月0。天rganizOtiaon lsaomak sea diferfene oi noura bliiy tt romeembre.组织也对们 我忆记力能有一定的响。影oHwu sfule ouldw alib arr bye fithe books wre kept ie nrnaodmorder? 果如个图某书里的书馆都是七八乱地糟放摆着,这人书馆图会什么用有呢?Mteriaa ltha tis oraginez id bettsre reemmebed trhnajumb el idfnoratiomn.有组织的料材比一要杂乱的信息堆记。好One exmapel ofo garinztion ai shcnkung.i组就块一个是子例。huCknng ciosnsis to groupfignse parte aibsto fi formntaino.块组把那是些点一点一的分的信息分散组F。orexam lpe,t hen mueb r4716336例,4如67361这个3数is oreme salyirem ebemred f ii ts ciuhnek dsa 476,1,633.如果能分46成、73和61三3,就块容易更记。Categorizngiis antoer heams nf orogainzatin.o分类另一种是织组方法。Suppse oyo aue rskad eot ermmebe tre fholowlin glis tfow ords:设要假你记求下住列生:ma词,n bnehc,d g, oeds, kwomna ,orse, chihl,dca t ,hairc.男人、子凳、狗书、桌女人、、马、小、孩、猫子。椅anM yeppleo iwll rguo pteh wors idtn osmiliar atcegroies多很人这把些分成相近词的类,别nda remmeerbt hm asef loowsl:以下方式列记忆它:们man,wmaon,at,cogd,bnce,hhaic,desr.k人男、女人、小;孩、狗、猫;凳马、子子椅书桌、。Nedeels so stay,无庸言多,th eecsondl st icnab e emremerebd mre eoaisyl hantth eifsrt noe.二第种记表第一种比好记。A更ssciaoiotnre fre st takoni ghe mattrieal wewa nt to erembem联r指的是想把我们记忆的材料a要ndr lating eti ot omsehitn wg ermemebrea ccruatlye.我们同已经准确得的东西联记系来。起I nmeorizmin g namubr,e你记某个数的字候y时u oimhtg ryt t oassoiatce t wiihtf aimilra unmersbor ev nts.e可以法把它同设熟悉的你字数事件联系起来。或Fore xapmelt,e hehgit hof oMnt Fuuij i napaJ--12n3,98 eef -t-例如本富日士山的度高是1289英尺3,migt bher emebmerdeus ngi the followniga ssoiactinso:可以用下面联的想法忆记它:们2 is 1te number of mhontshin t heye ra,12一是中年的数月,an 3d89i s hten uberm ofdays in aye r a36()589是一年3天数(中653)ddea dot hte unbmero fm ntoshtw ie c(42).上两倍的加数月(42。)The astlpri nipcle s iisvaulzitaon.i后最一原条则形象化。是Resarcheh s shoawn tsikirg nmpriovmentesi nma yn tpes oyf mmeoy rasts研究表k,如明要果求人把们要记的忆西东象形化w,hnep opeel are akeds o tvsualiiezth ei tmesto ber meebemed.r很多记种忆任的完务成能都显有的著步。进40:2.93 8n Ino etsudy在,一有研项究中,subjcts in oneegr uo pwre eakes td loarne oms worde usinsgima ery,g一组验对实被要求利象想用象学一些习生,词whie tlhese cnd gorop uusd erepettioni otle rna ht eowdrs.一组另则通过次重复多学习去些生词这。Toshe suin igagemy rreembemrd eBOt 90 opercen oftt he wrdos,用想象利忆生记词人记的了住80—%09%的生,词ocpmraedw thi 03 ot 4 0preent co tfhewords ofr hostewh oemmrioezdby r peeitiot.n比之相,下用复法重忆生词的记只人记了3住0%4—0。%hus Tofmrng ia nitegratedni amge此看出,由wihta l lht iefornmaitn opalec dn a isinlegmen al ptcituer将全信部放息在置单个心理面中,从画而形成个一体形整象,ac nelhp u tsop reseve a rmmeoyr.以可帮助我们存保忆记。Tex tB第二单 元 文课BShotrte-m Mrmoery短记时忆hTre eare tw kinosdo f meorym:sho at-trme na lond-tgem.r记有两种:短忆记忆和时时长忆。记nIfomrtaoi nn lino-gtrme mmeory存储长时于忆中记的信息ac bn eeracledl taa late trie wmhenit si eeden.能够d在后以需的要回忆时来起。Thei nfrmoaitonm a byeke p tfroda ysor wekse.这种信息以可保几存天或个星几期忘。不Soetmmie insorfmaito nn tie lohn-germt emory mi hsad tro reemmerb.时记忆的信息长时有以难记。St住uednt staing exakm oftse nhve thas ixpeerinee.c加考参试学生的常有这经种体验。In cnoratts,与此相反,ifnrmatoinoi shontat-rme meomyr is kept orf noly faew scoeds,短时记n忆的中信通常是息过反通重复复该信记住的息,usulal by repyeatngi theinf omatroin oerva ndo ve.r只能保存几秒钟。Fore axplme ,ou yolk uo a nupmebrin th teleehpon ebok,o比你在如电话上簿某个查电号码话。nad e{orebyo uidla y,u orpeat eteh nubmer over andover. 你在这拨个码之前,你号先复它重遍。几f soImene oitnreurtsp ou,yyou illwp rbaolb forgytethe numeb.r果有如人这时打扰了,你你可能就很这把个码忘了。号In aborlatorys utdesi,验实室中的究研发现,subecjts aer uabnlet o ermemebrthr e eettles ratfereig tehe senocdns如不果让实验对自象重我三复字个母那,18秒之后么,if thy aeern toal olewdt oerpae thte eltetrs to themelsev.实验s象就对不住就记三字个母了。Pscholygostsi tsduym eomyra dnl aenrni giwh bott hanmal aid hnumna subejct.s心理学用动物家人和作实验为对研象究记和学习。T忆e hwo extepirmntes hre ehswoho showrt-ermt memory ah besne tsuiedd.儿这两的个验实说明时记忆是怎短研究的样。Dr .Hnutre tsdiud esorh-term memtoyr inr tsa.亨特士博究研老鼠的短时了记忆。H ueesd aspeirl aappaaturs whch ihd a caae gfr toeh ra atn dhtreedoors. 他了用个专一设备门,备设有一个里装老的鼠子笼,有并三个。门hTreew sa lagih itn aeh cdor.o个门每那里都一有盏灯。Firs thetr at waspl acedin th elocse dcae.先把g鼠放老关闭的笼子里进。Nxet,o eno fhetlig htsw astu ren do nnda hten ffo.然后打开其中盏一,灯接着把再 个这关上灯。Tehr eaw sfoo dof rhter ta onl ay thtsi odro.只有在个门处这给才鼠放上老食物。fAetrt e lihhgt ws autrndeo f,f个这关掉灯后之,the rat hdato aiwt a sort himet efboer itwa sre lasee dfro mit csga.e要让鼠老等会儿才把它从笼一子里放去出。Tenh,if tiwe tn o ttehcor rec toord,让要鼠老等会一儿把才它从笼里放子出去i。 taw sewardredwi h tht feodoth a taws heter如.果鼠老走了对门,就可它得到放以那在里食物作为奖励。H的nuertd idthis xepermein tmanyt imse.这实验亨特个做多次了。He awaysl utned or the nilhtsgi n aradnm oordre.他每开灯次并按顺序,而不是随机地。heT ar hatd otwa ti idffreenti netvalrs老在鼠从笼子被放里去之前 出bfeoreit wsa rleeaedsf ro tme chgea.要需的等间长时短一样。不unHter fuon thdtai thfe ra tadh ot aiw mort teah ntn seeoncsd,特亨发现如,老鼠等果的时超间了过秒钟,it 十coldun ot ermembret eh orrecctdo ro.就记它得不哪正是的。确Hnutr'es reultss hows tahtr tas ahe v sahor-ttrmeme ormy fo baut toe necsnod.s亨的特研结究果表,明鼠短时记忆在老十上下。秒Ltare,rD.eHnnigns udiedth wos tduetn showa rel earnig nEngisl ahs seaonc landgauge后来,汉博宁研究把士语英为作二第语言学来的学生remembe vocarbluray.样怎单词记Te subhjets cn hiis epxremiet后来,n宁汉博研士究把英作为语第二语来学言学的怎样生记词。单ewre75 stuedntsat hetU nivrseiyt of Clafirnioa n ios LAnelesg.他实的验象是对里加福尼亚大洛学矶分校的7杉5名生。学The ryereseptne all levelsd f obailiy intEngl sh:biegininng他们,代了各个英语表力能水的平学:从初习级、intremdeait,e avdanced an, datniv-espaekign tusdents.中级高级、本到族平水。T beogi, nhe tsujbcts elstiene tod arcerdoingof a naite vpeakes开r时,始实验对们听象段一redain agp ragraaph in nEgisl.h说族语本人读的段一录。F音ollowni the grceoridn, ght sebjuctsetoo ak 5-1quetsointe s听完t音之录后,他参们了一加由15个题目个组的测试成,ot ee swhci whors tdeh ryememerbe.d看他看们记住哪了些单。词aEh cqesutin haodf uorcho iec.s每个问题有都个四选择。项Tehsub ecjstha dt o irccle hte owrdt hyeh adhear in dte hecordirg.n验对实们象应出他圈们录音在中听到单词。的Someof th eqesuiotn hsda furo hciceo tsah stonud alie.k有问些的四个题择选项Fr exaopmle,weathe,rwhtheer,withe,如wearhtre 、wehhtr 、ewihtre and wette rre faor uwros dtah stuodn liae.wktteer的读音相似很,Som oe tfh qeeutsonis had oufrch ioesc hatth veathe sam e emninga.另有问些题的四选择个项义一样词Met,od,hway ,ma nnrea,n sysdetmw uoldbe f or uwors wditht h semeam eniag.n如mehod wat myaner systnme。Smoe oft emhhad fo r Uunrlatedec hiceso还有.些题,问们的选它择项彼之间没有关系,此Fo rnstaincew,aeterh,emhtd,oole,例如v waethe methro ldvoe esurtlan dreustlc oul db usede a fousr unrelaetdwor d.s这四个词便如是此。inFaly lht eusjbetc tosko alngaaue pgrofcieicn tyest.最,这后实些对验们象加参一次言水平测语试。Heninn gfuodn tha tsutdets niwh tal owrepr oficiney cni Enlgsi汉h宁现,英发水语平的学生低made ore mfoth ei mrisakes tonwok读音似相的词记错多更;sutedtn siwh a thiger hporifcenciy英水语平高的学生adm eome rfot heri msitaes kon orwdstha thav ethe sme amenaig.n义相同的词词记错多更。Hlmiengs 'rsuetlss ggeuts hat tegbiningns tdunest汉宁实的结验表果明h,lod th esundo of ords wn tiehir soht-retm mrmeory初级,语英平的水生在学们的短他记忆时中存保了的词音声,whlie advanedcs utdetsnho d lteh emnanig of wrdsoin tehr shorit-etmr emomy.r而高英级水语平学生的则在他的们短时记中保忆存了、词意的义。第单五 元 课A文Falacleis aobt Fuoo关于食d的错误观品点Mny apirimivetp eople selbieved很多原始相信,人hattby ea tinga n niamlat ehy ould get csmoeo thf goeod qaulitie of stathani ma lfor tehsmlevs.e动就可物以获这种得动物某些的处。长They htugot,h fr eoampxl,e比如他,认们,为tath etinag deerwoul mdka ehetm runs faas tas he tdee.r鹿肉能使他吃们跑得鹿一样像快。飞Som eavsgaetr ibesb lievedet at eatinhgenemie s一些野部落蛮则信相,hat tad shhow bnrveray nibat te lowul dmaket hem brae.v吃那些在斗战中表骁勇的敌人能现他使也们勇敢。anM-eaint mayg avhe tsatred ecauseb吃人现开象发始生可能是因为pepolew ree eager t boecmoeas str no gan drbve aa sthie rnemeie.s人们渴望变得像他的敌人一样强们壮和敢勇。Amognc ivliied zpopele文在明人中,itw s aocenth uohgt that iggernroot b y coe magmical owper姜生被认曾为有具力,魔oulc dipmovre them emry.o能高提人们记忆力的。Eggs wre ehoughttto akemt e hvoie creptty蛋.则被为认能使的人音声美甜T。matoose alo swre belieeed to vavh emaicaig owpes.人r也们相西红信柿魔力有,heyT ere calledw loveap pels称之为爱情苹果。and wre supposee dt omae pkopee lhow te theamf al il nlvoe人.们为以,谁吃西红柿,谁了会就入陷情。网Ltar enoaher trwog indae aobu tomttaeo gres uwp--来后,又现出了于关红西柿的另种错一说法——误th idee tahat tehyw reepoi sooun.s即西红有毒柿。How suprrise thd peeoplew oh hotugh totamoetsp oisnous oouwld be如果有这种想的人法知道战二间期i fhey toclud konwth ta milloni osf opnduso f tmotoaes成百磅万的红西被柿供给应在海作战的士外兵,wre eusppild eot osldeisro erveas sduing rWord WarlII 他们.该多惊讶呀。veEn tdayo thereare areag matn yronw idges abaotufo do.使今天即有仍多关于许食的错物说误。法omeS o tfeh armevery idwepserd.其中一些还a传甚流广。Ones uc ideh ias hta ftsihis theb es btrani fodo这.些法中说一种是,有鱼最是的健好脑品。食iFshis g ood barn ifoo dujstas iti gosodmu slce fodo andski nfo odand bno feod.o鱼良是的好益食品,正脑它对肌肉、皮如和骨骼肤有闪是的品食样一。Bu nt oneoh a sbene ale to pborev但没还 有能够证人明,hattfis is han ybttere for he braitnt ahnma yn othe rindks of ofd.o的鱼脑益用比作许多别的品要强食。Antheors uc ideh ias htaty ou houlsd ntod rinkwat er wit mehls.a另一种错误的法说,吃是饭我时应该不水。喝Washig fondodo w wnit whtae ar s sabsuittue fto rhcewngiis nt aog odoi dea,喝水将物冲下食而代替嚼固咀然不好办法,是bu tsmo ewter awihtmea s hla sebe founnd t bo ehlepflu但.们发人吃饭时喝些水现是有的益。tI akesmth edi estiveg uijes cfol wmoref erelya ndhel spt od igse tthe food.水够促进能消化的分液,从而泌帮助化消Man。yo tfe iheas wdich shientcitsstel lu shave n o fonuatidno科家学告我们,h诉av toed o wihtmixt rues f foood.s多很毫无据根说法的混合食与有物关。Af wey ear aso gth eblief ebcame geneerl taaht ranogej uce iand imkl几年前,这种看法变十分普得遍,sohuld enerv ebd urnk att ehsame m ael即.汁桔牛和决奶不可在一同中餐饮。用hTe reasn oivgn wea sthat thea ci idnthe oragn ejiceu给所的由理桔是汁中果酸的会牛使凝结,奶would mkae htem ilkc rdlu enda ecbmoeindig etsile.b使变得之以难化。消Asa ma tert of act,fmilka lays weemsti tnh stemocha aidgseite juviec wihhcc rudelsit ;但事实,牛上在胃里奶是与一种总使凝之的消化液结合混。hetc udlirng ofth emil kis the first tes pin itsdig estoin.0:45.038 奶牛的凝结是被其化消的一步第。 Aimsial wrong ridea ir thsat fish nd iac ecrae另一m类似种 错误的点观,是hwn eeaet na tte shme amel aofr m aposionosu ombcintaion.同一在中餐吃鱼水和淋会使二淇者成形一有种毒化合的物。Sitl anolthr erwongi edaabout ixming foods还有种关一混合于物食错的观点,误ist ath ropetisnand carohydbatres hsouldne evr b eeaten at het amse mea.l即白蛋质和碳化合水决物可在不一餐中同食。用Man ypepoe tlhni kof'rebd,a ofr xaemle,pa s caraboydrhate ofdo.如,很比人多为面包认是种碳水一合物食品。化tI i csiefhyla ca rbohydare ftood bu, itt asolcon atnispr otins.e面包主是要碳化合水物品,食但也它有含白蛋。质Int eh sme way,milk, aporabby tlh beset singel fodo,样地同牛奶,算是可最佳单一食的品了,ontacnsibot hrpoetisn ndac rboayhradet.s但它同时含却蛋有质及白碳化合水。物Iti sj su at sofliso toh saytha tone s ouhld envre et meata adnp oattes togoetehr决不能肉类和土把豆在放一起,这种说吃法愚是的蠢,asit is to say hatt ne osoulh ndeevr et braad oredr nk miilk就.是像不要说面包吃或不要喝奶一样牛。Tet Bx课BDo文 Aniaml Tshin?k动物思考会?Th吗e uqstien haoso ten feben aked,Dso nimals ahitk?n人们经会问常个这题,问动会物思考吗?I beieve lthat smo ef ohtme thikn a regta edla.相信我一动物思些甚多。考Many of htem ar lieek hilcrden ni hteri psorst.多很物能你孩子一动地样戏游。Weno tceit is tohb etue revr yftoen wit dogs hna datsc我;们意注猫和到狗是样这的,but t isi tre wituh ohte anrmais la sewll但.别的动也如此。物Soemb rds ariever y ivellyi tneirhs oprst;一些鸟类游戏时在非常泼活,an tdh seame istru eitw hsome isenct.s一些虫昆如也此。Th ante,shradowriknga shey tae,ravh theer tiiem sof plary.蚂蚁管工尽作很勤,但劳有时仍间玩。耍Tdn somtemie sthe hyav moek fightcst getohre.它们跑赛摔跤、,时有一起还行模拟进斗。战Vryebus ymus tb eth ir ehtughts whoie englged anithese ports.它们在s事从这些戏游,时想一思定忙很。There碌 rea anym naimal,s ohevew,r但有很还多物从动玩不。耍thaire htuoghs tseme o be toft e hmre osobe krnid.它们的思想似乎属于比较肃那一严类的。e Wenerv seef rgs enoageg dnis orp.t我们没从有见过蛙青什么做戏。游Thye lal teh tim epaeap rtob every g raev.所时候有它们显得很都重庄。hT saee is mruteo f te hwl,o猫头也这样,鹰hwo awlysaloo ksas if e hewerco sidernin soge mmpirotnat quseito.n是显出一副似总正在思乎考要问题重样子的Ainmls tahni mukhcw ihl beuldingi ther iohsus.e动物建在造家园思考很多进T。e hbrdis erchesa fo wrha it ctnause in b uildnig is ntets,鸟类搜寻在所它用来能and in oindgthis ti hitnk.s巢筑东西的时在总考思。Te hbavere shinkt a thse yubli tdherid ma ans dheit hruoess.狸海建房和建在筑也思考问时题。heyT thnk in igetitgn heitr matriael,s它琢磨们何找如到材料,nad als ion arrnagng thie,andm ni laspterngi thmeto egtherw ithmu .d置材安料之找用后泥把它们粘在浆一。起Some spiders bilduho sues一蜘蛛些编的织房子”“队有了思考力能动的物外,whic houcd lcascrle yhaveb enemade execp by some thtniknig reactreu.别的动物乎几可能造出不来。A asimals tnhnk, itehyle ar.nSom eearl mnore thna thore.s正如物会动考思样,它一也会学们习一。些物比动另一动些学物得快。Te harrpot earls nott lk,ahotuhgi ns omeoth er rspeetc itsis qite stuupdi.鹉鹦虽然一在些别方的面挺,但能笨学话。hT eocmingkbird ealrsnto imtiate ag eat ranmyd ffireent ounds.s舌反能鸟学模仿很会不多同的音。声 hTe ohrse is otn olng in lernanig anm ytihnsg cnoecnetd在学习干很多马它的活与儿wihtt he owk rwihc hehha ts do.有关o的情上事不还慢。算hTe hsepehr ddo gdoe not knosw s amch auobu tomt shting ss some aoter hogds,羊犬牧很对多事情不如的狗别道得多知,andye tehun derstadsnve r wylelh w to oatke cae ofrs hepe可它.常非白应该如明何管好看群羊。Thugoha nialms htikna dnlea nr,虽动物既然考思学习,也thy do eotn mke aanyreal mprovieemtn int hei waysrof doing htigns,s aemnd o.但在做事方的法并不能像人那上样有正的真改进。achE kin dfobi r dash ti swo wnay fobui lidgna estn,种鸟每有都其独的特巢筑式方,na dti s ilwaay she satmew ay但.总是成不变。A一n so dfoo htr eainalms.别的动物如此也。Tey hhve ano nwef asiohns,ad lenan rnonefr o emchaoth er.它缺乏们新的们,也花会相不互习学。But men,a yosu kown,ar aleawysfin ind gnw waesyof build ni gohsues,而呢人,正如你知道那样的,在总发现造房屋建新的法,方and imporvde ethmos odfd iogn amolts ll kiadsn oflab o.r并入进了几乎的工所作方的。法Man yo fteht hnisg that ainmals nkwoh o wo tod许多事情动物有知怎么道,做theyseem ot nkwoe iteh wirhtou letarning,但它们么要未经学习过会,就roin s oem wya wich he cannot wnduestrnd.a,要么是某种我以不了们解方式的学的会。Teh arye ais td doo uct据它们说本能凭就会这些做事,ubt n ono eacnt ll ewathi stnnict s.i但没能人清什说是么能本。I tis yb htisin tinsctt ha tbridsbuild thire estns正是过通种这本,能类鸟巢,搭adn bevaesrth eri dam asndhu s.t狸海堤筑造。窝f Ihetes tingh wser elal lannep dandt hoguth ot juut assm e pnla nnewhous es,如这些果情事像人设新计子房一样有所计,划htree wuod be lsom echngas ient h efshaion sof teh,amdns oe mmpiroevemtn.有所s设想,样式就上应有所该变化有所改,进。I hve aposen kfot heb uildin gisntinct f boeavre.s我经谈已过狸 的海筑本能。建AnE glinsh egtnlean mcauhg atyoun go e nand up tih matf rsi tn i caag.e个英一绅士国了只捉海小狸先把,它在笼关子里。fAtr a whieel ehlet him out i n aomm过了一儿绅士把它会放到个一有各种西东的间房里。whre theee wrsaa grae tavrityeof hitgns.小海狸一放被出来,Asso on sa hew a lseto uthe be ga tno xeecrie shi subldiig instincn.就t开始运它的建用筑本能。He gthereadt ogteehrw htavere eh ouldc fndi,把它能找到的所种各西东集中来,起bruses,hbsakes,tobos,tlcthoe,sticsk,bsti sfoc aloet,c.,刷如子篮、、子靴子、衣服、棍子、adna rraged tnhe masi tf builo add ma.小块等煤把它,们放得好像摆筑堤一样。Nwo,if e hhda ha hds iitwsab uto hm,i么那如,果狸真有才海的智,话hew oludh vea nkwnot hat ther was neou s enibu ilidg na amd它本该应道知wereht hee was ronw tear.在,有没地水筑堤是毫无意义的方。t iIsplain tah,t明显,wh很ie lanmilasl eran baout htnisgb yt her siesen as wesd o,动当像人物样一靠感依官习学,时hetyd noot thik nnealr yasmuc hbaotuw ht tahe yelrna它们不像人,一对学习的样西深入思考,东and this i sth eeasrnowhy tehydo ntoi provemmo er rpidlya.而就是为这什么们不能它得到更提快的原高。因Evnet he isest ow tfhe,m sa he tleepanh and tht deo,g即使它中紧聪明的们动物如大象,狗,和odn t tohin kvrye ucm hbout awath theysee and he ar.对所见所闻思也不够。考Nor i thss aill.这还是不全部原。因herTear eosm teihgn thast ewu nerdsantd,我们人理能的一解些西,东bt uboua whithcani alms now nothking.物对动则一此所无。知Theyha v ne onokwldeegof anyth ngi tha htappns eotsudi ef thoer owi nobsreavtin o.它们不解了发在生自己观范察之围外事情。的Teirhm ndisar esomu hcu nlke iuosr它们头与脑们的我不一样大,thta the yo don tnok thw diefeferne bcteween rghi atd nworgn.以致无法知对道错分之。 第单元六 课 文ADiaondsm金刚石Damoindsar e arr,ebea utfil,u and laosq itu uesfel.u金石刚是稀物质,美有丽并,有且使价用值。Thy eraet ehh radsetsubs ante cfoundi nn atur.e金刚石自是界所发现的最坚然硬物质的。Thta eamnsa diamond c n cua atn ytoerhsu facr.e这味着意刚石金能切割够其任何他体物表面。And nlyoano thrediamond canm ak easlig h ctu tn i diaamnd.o只金刚石有能才在金石上刚划刻浅很的迹痕。iaDmods are mane fdomr crabon.金刚石的成分是碳。Caborn s fioun di anl lilinvgt hnis,bgto plhatn and naiml.a存碳在包括于动物植物在内的与切一物生中。体Mchuof t hec arbo nni he etrtahc mesof or tminhg thst oncae iled.v球上地大的分部碳源来于曾是有命的物体生。Sceinistt ksonwt aht th ceomibaniot nof xteemre heat nad rpssere科学u认识家极到的温度和压力高cahnes cgrabnoi notd aimonsd.使碳变成金刚了石。Schu het aan prdsesre euxisto lyni nt e hho,tiquli masdso moltef ronkc样这的高温高压与存仅在一球地内深处d部ep ensiiedt hee rtha.炽热的液态熔岩。I中t is thuoght htatm lliionso fyaresag o据认,为千百年万前ths liqiiud asmspu shdeu pwardt rouhg crachksin he eatth'sr rust.c态熔液从岩壳地裂的缝间挤出表。地sA he tlquiid cooled,th eca ron bhangecdint dioamondcr sytlas当.熔冷岩时却,其的中碳成便了刚金石晶。体Theer rea ony lfou rreasaw ehr evre ymny adimaonsd aveh eebnfound. 人发现们有只四个区地刚石储金量藏多。较Th feistr nkwon aea wars n indiI,a第一个知周的区地在印度,whreed imands oewe frondut ousanhd osf eaysra go.那里的刚石金几是年前发现千的。nI te h600'1,1s6世纪初,trvelears rofm urEop ebougrt habk tchee sbeautifu slonet fsro mnIdi.a自来欧洲的行家们旅将这美些丽的石从宝度印带欧洲回。iamonDd bsecmae evry opplar uiwt hthe ingk sna dueqnse o fEuorp.e于是金刚石为成洲欧国各王国与后王宠的爱之。物I nhe 1t27's0,diam ondsw eerd iscveredo in Brzai.l17世纪02年代西发现了巴刚石。金Thi dsscoivre cyam ate goodati me t,o.o次发现恰这其时,逢Idians 'suplypo fd imaond wss aifnlal rynunni gutoa fet 2r500, eayr ofsmi nig nhet soties.r因为印在经度过2500年的采开金刚,的资石源接近已竭枯。In te 18h00',s1世8纪,初twoo hetrimp otrat arens aerew fond iu Rnussaian Soudh tfArcai.发又了现外两个重要另的刚金产石区一个:在俄,另一个在国南。非oTay,modt sdiamnosdu sedin iduntrys cmoef ormRuss ia.当今,多数工业用刚金产石俄自罗,斯Mostd imando ssue as gdem scoemf rm Soout hAfira.c制而珠作宝的金用刚大部分石于南非产。Onyl 2 per5ect nof llad aiomns dmine ade rgod oeonuh gorfcuttin ignt oemgs.在所开采的部全刚石中,金有仅5%属2于质优,合适工加珠宝成。oMt sf theo iamoddsnin In di weare fund in otrsam eebsd.在印度,大分部刚金石在河是床发上的。现eopPlew oudlp ckiup andfuhl sfog raev flormt ehbot tm oo thfe srteams人从们河里底拾起把一砂砾,把an dorst ot uhe tiamodnds.然从中后出挑金石刚。Tehesd imaond swre perbobayl arcrid efrmowh erethe yweref rmode这些刚石可能金从其形是成的地方to Idina b greyta hseteso fmvoign iec被大移动的块川冰带印到的度。hta ctveorde prtsa f ohe tarteh 2,000 y0ers aag.o二年万前地球部的地分区是被冰覆盖着的。川Msotd imoansdto ayd rean otfou dni n sreatm ebds how,vere但.现在大部分是刚石已金是从河床上找到的,不hTy areem nei frdmo ockrfo rmtianso depeinsi e tde earthhcal ledp pis.e而是从下深地称做山筒脉的岩火结层中开采出来构。S的cintesti sbeileev科家相信,学 400:.491 htt thesea axep arstof vocaloes tnht awree ofmer dwhenmol ent ockr这火山种筒是山火一部分的p,uhsde puward trhough tehe atrh'scr st.u它是熔向岩上出冲地壳形成时的。 The hrda ork cn iwichh dimanos dae frondu i csllad beule grund,o有金刚石的岩含层蓝地叫,bcaeseu tiis s moewahtb lu.e因它多为有点蓝少色。he bTul georun dsi blaste ditn oalrge ipees ocf ork开c采先将时蓝炸成大地块料石,hwci hre acarire dot th sureface b ylevetar.o免以金刚石到破受坏。The nthero cks are caerfuly losth tat ehdia mnos ared not edtsroyd.e洗矿台的板上涂有面厚一层油脂厚,Net,xt ehc urhse materdil is atkan eovret o awsihngt blas.e当砂石从碎板上面过流时,Her, etifl wo osev robars dticklh yamte witdhg raese.金石刚粘在脂上,S油nce diimoansd sicktt o rgeae,s而它其石砂泥土与theya erl fe btehni dy bte hrckos adn umdw hiehf owl dwnot h etbale.s则从矿台上洗流走。Diamonsdas,t he ary efoudn, od ont loo kervy ipmerssive.金刚刚开石时采无并动之处人,hey Treagr ay,gr eaysl-okoig pnebbel.s只灰色滑溜的是小卵。石Epexiercne ddaiondmmin resca tenll a dimona dimmdeaitey.l经验有的金刚石开者采立即以辨人金刚出石,uB tosmepeop leha evc ariedraroun an udusnulap eblb efrowee ks但有些随人带着一块不寻常身的石,头efbre foinind got thuta the yahd og t aiamodn.d过了几个好期才搞星楚清这,是块金刚石一。Txt Be课B文The Diferfnceeb eweentP lanst nad nAialms物与动植物区别的f youI erw askee.d果有人问如你,"haWtis hte diferfnceeb etween apanlt nda a annmai?l"动与植物有什物区么?”别Wah antwsr eo dyo uhink ytu wooul gdiev?你想你怎会么答呢回?Yor furit tshough mtihg teb hatt alpna hta slevas ande rotosa nd folwesr,首你先想的是,到物有植子叶根、花,、hiwch an nimalah s not.a动物而没有些这。Ye that twould ot bencorrec t但;样的回这并答不正确,for 是thre are menya plans wthch ihve neiaher torts oor nlavees or fnowlrs,e因有为许植物既多没有,没有根叶,不也花,开hwielt ere ahr soee mainmal swhihcseem to hvae al lhree.t而些动物有似这三乎者都具。备ooLk u intp the soy,andk thned onw t ath eaeth renbaet yhour fet.抬e头看天空,然看后看看你脚下的再地大,I ist aesy eough,nou tyihk,ntotel lwhic ih esatr had nhwch isisky ;会你认为要别辨个哪天,哪是个地是是,最容不易过的情事。了btu fi yu liov ein ht wiee, odep ncuntry, or noerat e seha但,如是果你住宽在开广的农阔,村或在海边,住yo uiwllo tfn efnd iwenh yuol oo fkarawa y你当向处去远那看地会天合处,时ot th pelceawh ee rsyka n dearh tsem teo eet,m常你常会发现,hattt ishis a attmr oe fosmed ififcluyt分辨天地.那么不容。易Yo usee nly the thionb le uhzea,ikl emsoe,k你只能到看烟如般一的色薄蓝,雾hiwc hi shte diidvnigli n ebteween het haveesnan tdh eaethr.这是天与就的地分线。界Btu jut whsre the eno eednsa dnt ehoth er begnsi,ou cyanon tellt.但条这分界从线哪开里始到哪,结里,束不可能说你清。楚Jus st ito s ihtroguhot ull thaew rld ofoN ture.整a自然界个就这是样。ouY ay molk ot a agorp uof cwsos andtnigunder thetre se你以看见可在站树的下r cotch aabee athi sareyl dirkn i an rnomnig-lgro yelb,l群一奶或牛到一只起捉早牵在牛的花冠花上蜜的蜜采蜂。an you wduold alug ifh an oyne hsuod laskyo u如果人有你能问否分区whethe yrouc nate ll an nimaa frolma pla nt.个是动哪,哪物个是物,植一定会你到感好。笑Bt uusppoe syuo mm aisedf or mhese ftmiaialr, veryedy thaigs,n但假如你撇开这日常熟些悉的西东,ands utydobj cetswhich you h va eo tloo at thrkuoh ag manifgyig glanss,而去研究有只放大镜用才看到能东西的,nda yu oilwlfind any tmhngsit hat iwllp zulz eyu.o你一定会现许多东西使你发迷不惑。解You iwl lifd nlanpstwi hotutr otos ,elaevs flo,erw,s会发你现无有根无叶,无花或无,子种的物植,an dyo uiwll fin anidalm wisthutohe dsal,esg,eey,mosuths,ors toacms.h你还会发现头无无足、、眼、无无嘴无胃的动或。Stu物edts nfo atuNe rar noetsa itsfeidwith gu esinsg,大自然的究者不研满足猜于测but t,eyhob severd,a ayftr eayd而,是日复一日地察观thec haneg swihh ctkaepl cea in atobject,;物体生发的变化a。d nteh yes eanm thinyg wsich hmostp epol ewuldof ai lto see.他们到看大了数人多未看到能的许多东。西ndAt hu thse yaveh fonu dhatt te reah diffelernecbe wten planesta nd nimaals因此他发们动现与植物的真物正差异于在leis i nhaw thetydo, a nd ot inn wath thy seeem tob e.他它们的行而为是不它的们形。体Wenow nkow tatha outbone fou rthof al lth kinesdo sfeweead ra eniaals.m现在我知道各们种草海大中工业有约分四一之动是物。A fewy ears ao agllof thme wer celasesdas pl nts.a而几年前它们归都类植物。为Itw as ongl uppssode tah tthe ain mifferdnce beetewn enamias lnd plaants长间以来一直时认为物与动物植主的要别区ws ahat the torfer comldu ovem bauotwhil ehe tatlter oucd lnto.是者能前处移动而到者则不后能。Btut hsi ifferenced illw nt hoold ood.g这但区一别不成能立。Ho thwne ra wee ot nokwwh tehrea livni gbjecoti s paaln troan an ial?m那么们我能知怎一个道生是物物植还动是呢物?Paltsn canli e植r物能靠机物无活;生teh yhve atehpower of cha ning gaerthan dair an dawer intt ousstbnaces它产有具土地、将气和水wh空chienter i nt oadn bcome e paat ofrthemsdves .变为铖植物自身部分的能一力。Anmial csn aliv onlye n owha tpanls haveta leady trruend物只动能植靠物无机将物rfom inogranicto v egteabel mattr.e变为物植质来生性。活Anmail,asltoughh htyen ed seme inooganirc fod,caonon litv oenit aolen.然动物虽需要也用食些某机物,但无能不靠单机物生活无A。llt hefo d toha teeks pourb dies osrton, gr omkeas htemgrow ,一使切们我身体强壮或长成食的物wsa one cnit h vegeeatbel fro.m都曾一度植为物的生。N oibr don rifh snoro teh rnimaa coulld ver ehvae lvid oe tnihs eathr,果没如有物首植出现在地先球上if het lpanst ha dnotc om eifrts并为高更级一物生的活生条做件准好备,an fdtiet dit of trehd wlelin glpcea f a ohigehr roerdof beinsg.就不那能可有、鱼或其他任何动鸟在物地 上球存生。Pantl asr thee true fariies tah ate froreev rwokirn gwodnrs aeorund s.u物植真是的正子,始终在我仙周们创围着造迹奇。Their oort,dig sodw inntoth e eratha dng ahterits rtaesum.s植的物部根入深地,吸收下土中的养分;壤Tehril evesas peadr teih rrbod ausfacresto the ai rnh植的叶物在子空展开中吸,收气空的中用有物质。nadou t o whaf tthey avhe huts gaterehdthey p orudc ethe ebuatfiu llofersw吸收了这些物,后质植,物出开丽花朵,the美 elidicuso fuirt, sand ht goldene rgian.结出美味的实,长果出金色谷的物。Letu stusd myro eclsdy tahe awy in whch i paant lgowr.s让们更加仔细地我看植看是怎物生长的样。Te hrot ouphss etiels fdwno ino tteh arte.根向下h入土壤深,Ifi tifnsdn woaetr,it so nodies .如果遇到水,便很不快枯;死If t finis dwtera,t iegbnis to scku ti u pad nhcang it inteo ap.s如果说遇到水,将水吸起,变便为物的植液汁。Beises the datwe,r水除之个i, taktseup usc pharts o fhte osl is araediss lved onith ewate r.还根吸收壤中土些溶于那中的水物。质Hreet,en,hyu oesein hwtaw ays此由,你可以看到th eoodfof th epantl sid ffirene frot mtahto f nimaasl植.物食的物与动的食物是怎物样不同的。0:020.0 第0单元 七课文 AFamilis家e庭F"amlyi-"th-e wor das dihffreetn eamingsnf r oidffernt peopele,家这个庭词不对的人同不有同的意义,nda ven teehd ctioinar yigesvus s evrea lefdnitiinso:甚至词上给典的定义也出有几种": garupo o pefpleo elaterd y bbooldor m arrige,a"“一群血由缘者婚姻联或在一起的系,”人t"o wadult sna tdeihr hiclrde,"n两“成人和个他们孩子,的”al"l thoe pespleo dsceednd erfmoa commno acentso,r""ahou sheldo"a,dnso on. 那“些袭同一承先祖的后裔”“,一户家人”等等。Smo peoelep hinkt o f famali as a motheyr a,fa het, 有人n将庭家看成亲母、父亲和他们的孩子;ohtres nilcdeugr napdarets,nau ns, tuclnsea,n dousinsc.也有人认为家庭还包祖父括、母、婶婶祖叔叔辈,兄妹辈。F堂r osomeof u,fsmalyim enas thegrou po relftaiv elivni gafra wya formh ome对.们之我的有中些来人,家庭意味说离着家住远一的亲戚帮;oFro htres,avhigna amfil simplyy meanshav nig cihlrden.对一些另来人,有家只说过不意着有孩子。味Soe familmes haive olgnh stioiesr,一家些庭有远的历史久,wile othhrsek on veryw itltle bauo thtier nceasorst.另一些家则对庭己的祖先知之甚自少。No mttera f ii tis oyungo r ol,dlarge or mslla,traitidnaolor mo ern,d无每个论庭的家史历长是是短,庭是家在小,传是还统是现,代eervy afmiyl hasa sene sfo haw at amifyl is.个家每庭都家庭有的某感种。It受i that sfeelin ofg beonginl,g那是一种自来同共生活、互帮助相o、 fole anvdsecu ity thratc oesmf rm loivnig tgethoe,rhlepignand s arhnig.共则拥有归属感的互、爱和感安感。全heTrea reb saiaclly two ypets of afmliesi:庭家体上有两大:类nuleacrf maliei asnde xetnedd amilfise.心家核庭扩大和庭。家hTe nucelraf aily usmualy colsinsts fotw om(ohetran fdthae)r核家庭心通常由父母nd ahetir chldrine.及子女组成其,Tehmoth e ran dafhtr eorfm ht enucelu,so r ecnterof,the ncuela frmiayl.父和母亲形成亲庭家中核心,或者的中心叫。Th cehliren stay idn het ucnlear famly iutin lhte ygro wu apdnmarr y.子女在心家庭中成长直核到婚嫁,Thenth yeform new ucnelar afimiles.后然再成形的核新家庭。心Th eetxednedf mail iy vesr layrge扩大.的庭非家大常。heTr erea fotn emnay nuceal fraimile sni noe xteenedd faiml.y一在个扩大家的庭中往有多往核个心庭家。A extnedend amilyfin cudelschi lrdne,par nes,gtrand-areptns,nculsea,nut,sad ncouisns.扩的家庭大括包女、子父、母父祖母、叔伯、婶姨、兄堂。妹heT embmres fo naexten eddf amiyl arerelated b byoldo们他由血关缘系(rangpdaertsnpa,rens,thcldrin,beothrerss,itersset,.c)(:如祖母、父母父子、女、兄、姐妹等)弟orby mrriagea (ushbans,d ives,w mtoehrsin-la-, etcw.) .或者婚姻系(丈夫、妻子关岳、婆母)联系在一起。婆Teyh ra elalr leate,d正为因们互相有他缘亲关系,s toe membehs ro fn eaxtndeedf aily mare caledlr leaivest.以扩所的家大庭中民员都称为亲戚的。Tadritoinlay,lall teh mmbeers ofan exetned dfmali lyviedi n ht saeema rae.传上统,大的家扩的庭全成员都居部在同一住地区。H个oweev,writht he hance grom fnaagricul tura tolan ind utsira slcoeiy,t但是,随着农从业社向工业会社的会变,转may nunleacr amfiile smved oaway rfo mhet fmali hymeo nio rdre otf idnw rok.许多核心庭离家家出外找寻工作。Ini nudtrsai soclietis toeay,d现在在工业化社的会中the,m emersb fomost ncuelar afmliie sivlet goehet,r许核心多庭的家员成居住一起在,bt mosu extetdnde afimlesi odnot liv toegther.e而部分扩大的家大庭员却成分散而住hTereorfe因此,ewcan s ayt ha tte nhcuearl amfliy ebcoes more mmioptant rhtant heexte ned fadily随m着社会来越越业化工,们我认核为心庭家as ht soecitye indstriulaiez.s比扩的家庭大更重要。为In opt-insdustira sloceites liki teh eniUed Stattes,在一些像美国那样后工的业化国家eve, tne huneard afilmyis chan gin.g核心家甚至也庭发在了生变化T。h nuelcar faemlyi sib eocimngs mlael rs pareans want teferw hiclrde,n核心家庭在小变因,父为母愿要都少的更子,女ad tnhen umbe rf cohldleis samfiles is inciearins.g且无子女而家的不断增庭。加Tadrtionilayl,het fthae ofra nucelr afailymearn e dmneoy ofr thef milya传上统核家庭心的亲父挣钱养家,whileth e mthoe erard fore tehhouse and the hilcder.n母亲看照庭和孩家。子Toadymo,retha 50%n of het nculaer fmialisei nt h eUntie Stdtaes are wotea-rnre afilmies今天美国,在0%5以的核上心庭由父家母人挣钱两家,养--obhtt h eathefrand t h methoe reran mneoy frot ehfam liy--只有数少家庭由母挣亲养家钱,and ina few amilife tsh emtoehr eans rht meneoy只有少数庭由家亲挣钱母养家hilew hte athfert aes kace ofrth e housean d th childree.n而父照亲看家和孩子。庭Man yuclena farmiiels re aaso."lplsttinigup '多核心家许也在“庭裂变”,--mro aend ome rpreatn ars geettngi ivordedc.因为越来多的越母父开始离。What异 ilw lb ehte esrut olf tis hsp"littign" o tfhenu celar fmial?y核心家庭裂分结的是果么什Soci?la cisenittss no twal okftw now famileyfo ms:r社学会现在家到两谈新种家的形庭:式het insleg apretn fmaiyl an tdhe rmaeriedrfa ilym.单亲庭和再婚家家庭A。lmost 20% f aol lmAercain amifilseare si nle pagren tfaimile,s国美家庭的中近0%是单2亲庭家,andin 8%5o tfeshefamili s thee isnge palrnteis th em ohet.单r亲家庭中85有%为单亲妈妈。Mst sinole pgrentsa ifd nt vier dyfiifulct o ttkeac ae or f familayalone ,多大单数父母亲认为个人照顾一子孩有困难,os tehys oo mnarr agyia nand orfmr marreie dfamilies.所没过以多他们久结婚了,形又成婚家庭再s sociAlasc ineistt stsud ythesetw noe wfamli foyrsm,随社会学着对这家类两的新庭家的究研,teh wilyl e abbel to elltu s mro aeobu tte hfutrueof thenucl er afmialy关于后工化时代业中心家核的未来庭in te hpots-nidutsirl aae.g他一们能定我们提供更多的给情。况Txet B文课BTheChan inggA emirca Fnmalyi变化中的国家美T庭hef maliy i smpiortntat op oelpeall ov e rthe wrldo尽管庭家的构结因家而国,异al ltohgu hhe strtctuur eoft he fmilya但家庭对世全界的isq uietdi ffrente from noec ounrty t oaother.n人都很要。重nI tehUnit deS taes,ta in samy nocunrits ien he torwd,l在美国,如同世上界它其许多家国一样,thefamily s ihcaningg.庭在家发生变。化A geernaiot nr oto awog, th treaidtoian lfaiml,y一代者两或人代前,以统传家庭惯是常象,现i nhich wthe athfr eas bwsos ,was usctmary.o父亲是一之家主。oNw ,he tomerdnfa imy,l天,今inw ihh bcot hte hfthae rnadthe mo hetra r eeqau parltnes,r父母成平等伴侣的现为代家庭is morec ommo.更n见。常Athoulhgt herea r seevear lsiilamritis'ebtweee nteh radtiitoanl管尽统传庭家现与家代庭有一共些之处同,an dhte moedm fmial,there areyals oomes erv iypmrtoatnd ifferneec.s他们但有仍些某重的差别要。hTe rtadiiotnalf mila yof ysteedray往昔传统的家庭and ht eomdrenf ailmy o ftday haveos vereal imilasiritse与.今的日代现家庭几有点共之处:同Th teadriiontalfam il wyasa ncluera fmaiyl,传家统是核庭家心,庭ad thne omern dafmiyli s,too.现家庭代也是。Th erlo efo te fahhet ri nht etrdiatioan lafimly传统在庭家中wasto rpvoide fro ih sfmail.y父亲责任是的家糊口,养imiSy the athef rn ihtem oedr nafily im expecstd to eo dso,alos.同样现代在庭中家理也应此如。The mohet inr hett aditroinlafa ilym代现家庭中母的took亲ca e of thre hiclden'srph sycil aan edomiontalne eds如同统家庭中传的母一亲样justas he tmderon omhterd eo.照管s孩子身的心求需。O nhte toher ahnd,另一方面there,are som e geat rifdferncese传统家庭现代家与betw庭ee thne tadiriotalnf aily mna the dodemm afmiy.l间存之很在大的异差;Th efirst imoprant tidffernece s in iht emans'r ol.e要首别是差男的作用人。The rtaitidnaloh sbuan dwsa he head tofthe h ousehod,l传统家中的丈夫是庭家一主,之beacsu ee whsat e holynone ho wwrokd eotuisedt h home.e为因他是家中一唯外工在的作。人fI ht wife werked forop y,a如妻果子为也钱而工作挣,htenthe h usabdn wa nstoc noidesrdeto e b aogdop orvide.r夫丈被认就是个为同本养家的事人。nI man fymaiile sotda,ybot hhsbuna dna difwe owrkf r poya.今,许天家多庭妻双夫出双工作,门Tehrfeore,theysh ra ehet ole of rhaed of huseoohld共同承担一.之家的主责任。nI ddiatoni,外,另ht teadriitonl ahsbuad nsuallu madye thebig ecdisonisa buto pendsngi moeny.统传家庭中丈夫往往决定的经开济,支Hwover,eteh mdernohusb adnsha er shtse deeisicns oithwh siw rking wiofe.而现家代庭中的丈与夫妻共同决子。定lAso,ht eratditinol ahsbanu didd not elh hipswif ewtiht he houswork还有,e统家庭传的夫丈帮不妻助子家做、务o ream lrppeaartino.做饭D,innerw s raaedywhen eh cae mhom.e他回时家饭已备准好。n Ionctasr,the tmdoem hsubad nehlpshis owkrig nifw eta hme.o代家现则庭反相丈夫在家时里,助帮有工作妻的子。e may Hdoso m oefthe hou esold jobhs他做一,家务些,adn ti i sot nuunuals or himft oock.o即下厨使做饭屡也见鲜。不These con ddffirenee ci sin th wemaon' solre.第二差个是女别人的作。用I tnhet adrtioinla fmaiy,l统传庭家,中the woan mamy hva worekdef r oapyd riugnh re fist reayrs fo armragei女人.在后的头婚几年作工钱,挣Hwoeerva,fer thes ecambe repgnant,而孕怀后之shewo udlu sulla yigveup h e jrbo.放弃就作工。er priHmayrrol ewsa to atekcar eof erhfami y lad nome.h的主要她责任是料家照和安人排活。I生 nocnrastt,niman famylies itdoa,y相反在今,的天许家多中庭,te hmodrn woemanw orsko tusie dhte hmo eveen ater fseh ashc ihldre.n即使有孩子,了现代性也在外女面工作S。h'e sdong twi oobjs isnetd oafon ,e她做是两的份作而不工是一,份s shoeis buser tihn aht ertditioaan lomhtrew s.a所以她传比统的母亲更忙。Th etadrtiinola wfe ielrane dto ivl weitihn hr heusabd' sn icomn.e统的母亲学会量传为入靠丈夫出nOth eo hte ranhd,的收入日子,过te mohdern ife wdeo sno hatev o btcause eht femila yash to incomwes.现而代的子不必妻样做,那为因里有家两份收入The fin。l adiferefce is nin thero e lf toh cehlidren.最后一差个别孩是的作子用。nI th traedtionil aafimf,y在传统庭家,中htech ilder newert ake ncreao fb tyehmother 孩子由母亲照,料beausecshe did nt oowk outsrdi eth eomeh.为因不出门她工,作Hwoveretoday p,eschrol choliren mdy gaoto ahilcd cae cenretr而天的今龄学儿童由于母亲前工,作or to aabb-yitters egrularylb ecuase he tothermwo rk.s他们可去托以所或者儿保姆定由照看时。The shoocla-e cghilren dof at raitidnol aamfil werye orme epdendent.传统庭家中的学儿童依上性更赖,大Tehri omhter aw tsereh ot hlpet he mt geo treayd or fchsool母亲助帮他们准备学上、an dt mokaet hier breafksta,做早餐。inc otrnat,smdeornc ildrehnare omr eindpeneedtn.相反现代的,孩子更立。独Thyeh av et goetu pe rla iy thne mornng ina deg treay fordsc ooh.l们必须早晨他起,做好上学早准的备T。hiremothe irs urb ygettng riaeyd or fwor,k母亲于准备忙上班,ost ey may ehenvhave ot amket hireow nb reakfsta所以.子孩甚自至己做餐早。In conculions, teh Aerimac famnilyo f odayt总之今,日美国家庭的sid ffieent frrm ohet fmiay lo fiffyt ye arsa o.g不于同0年前5的庭。家n thIe odemn framiylt,e rohle so fth eafter,mhothr,e现代家在庭中随着,来越越的多女外出工作an妇 dhicdrlne avhech agned s moae rnd aorem omewnw ok ourside the thmeo.父亲、亲、母子的作孩已用经变改。Tehn xet cetunry下个纪世myab irn gmoe rimpotartn hcngeast ot ehA ermcai nfmialys trucuret.能可给美家庭国的构结带来大的变更,化It hosuld be nitreseint gt oee.s能够目这一睹象现将是有兴饶味的。八第元 单课文ATelecommnuiaciotnv ai ateSllie卫星通t信At th eebginnin go fhett ewtineht entcuyr,20世纪初thee rewe rforup weoruf lmens afot rnasimttin ang rdeceviing inofmatiro有n四种有力强的段进行手远距的离息信传送和收接ove, longrd sitacnse:们它是rpnt,phoiogrtapyh,telgreahpa ndt elehpneo.刷、照印相电、和报电。话y Bht middele fot h eceturn, yothb rdaoia dn etlvesioni到0世纪2中,无叶电线和视电had becme ostebailhse medanso ftran msttiin gosnud and/sr oiptcrues.已都成为公的认传声送音/或图和象手的段。In1 946 the Olym,picGa mes niT oyok1649在东年举行的奥运会京bceam the fiers ptorgar to bem rtnasitmet vid aastellie.t第一个通是卫过星传的送节目。I ondrr et otransmit a evnnte ucs hs the Olaympcsi ia svtaelite,l为通过要星传送像卫奥运样这比赛的项目tel,eivsion sgialn arsefir tsch naged itn oariodw ves, ahiwhcar e then应先把视信号变成电无线电波,sent rfoma sattinoon eatr toh an oritbin gstealilt.e然从地球后上某的发个站把无射电波送上线轨卫星道。Te satellithe ecrevie tseh radi woveas nad seds nhet mabc ko eartt,h卫星收无线电波,到把它们再送地球,回herwean tohr etatsoinpi cskthe mpu由地上球的另一个地面站接收信,号nad hcages nteh mackbi tno eletivisno sginals.并它把产变回视信号电。Beaucs anye ofrm f oousd nrov suil inaorfatmio因n任为何形式的声或音图像息c信a bnech agnd eniot radio wavs,e都能成变无线电波sate,litle axe scpaabe lo ftanrsmitingt no tnloy tleevsioni boadcrstas,以卫所星不仅能传电送广播节目,视ut teblepohe calnls nd arpntei damtreiasl ucs ah boskosa ndm agazies.还可n传以送话电像书和、籍杂志这的样印材刷料T。h eocbinamitono f atselitle,whsichtr namits ifonratmonic,opumers,t传送息的信星存卫信息的计储算机whic hstoerin ofmratio,nadn elevisiotnw,hic hidpslay snfoirmtaino,和显示信息的电视,这 三者合起来结willc hnag everey hmo ietn aoned uactin anod enettrainm eir cetnter.能每家庭把变民教和育乐娱心中。Intheo y,erver pyresno will hae vccaess otan unl miite daomnut f oinfomarton.i论理说,上每人个都能接无限触多信息的。Anothrei mpotrnat seu o fteelcomumniacitno stalleiets wsa dmonstratee in d1794194年7“太老师”空卫把教育星目节wenh het" eTaherc i nSy"k送给传国边美远区的课堂,sa地ellitet trnasmtied edutatcoinal prorgmasto clases is renmoeta raeso fth e Unite Sdates.显t示通了卫信的另星一个要用途重。I n9715,amy penpol en iIdna isaw1975年印,度很有多观看人tleeivsoi forn thefi srttim as ewatced hrpgoarmsa bot ugairclturu end haaelt.h农节目业和健节目,康是这他第们一次看视。电he Tatesllti easlode mnostraetd星还显卫了示ow ith culdo rpovdiehel pt oeoplp livine in gsoilaet ardesa whree tranposrattino isd iffcilt.u怎样它向与外界绝少往的交通来不地区提供帮助。便or eFxmapel,如,a例hea lht orwkre ina insoatld area wea salbe t tranomsi ptctureis foa apitne't wsound一这类地区某保健工作的可者把以病伤情的照片人传t o aodcor tar fwaa.y给送远的处医。生e waHs hen atlb et folool twh dector'o insstrcutonis之后,就他能够据根医生的示}


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