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Human Robot Interaction Method by Using Hand Gesture Recognition | Request PDF
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(pp.97-102)Conference PaperDOI ISSN 30.1Sangmyung UniversityRecently, human robot interaction technique is limelight in which controlling robot by using natural user interface such as using body gesture, eye tracking or human voice recognition. In this paper, hand gesture based robot controlling method is proposed. In the present study, a new natural user interface model is hierachically designed. The hand gesture is recognized based on Kinect V2. The recognized gesture information is send to the robot controlling robot through Bluetooth 4.0 interface. The developed robot controlling interface can be adopted into the field of disaster area in order to restore or surveillance the area of human inavailable. Experimental result showed that the proposed method can be effectively used for controlling robot.Do you want to read the rest of this conference paper?Request full-text
ArticleFull-text availableAug 2015Conference PaperFull-text availableJan 2011Conference PaperFull-text availableJul 2010ArticleJan 2006J. HCI Soc. KoreaJ JungC YangT LeeM LeeJ. KISS Softw. ApplS ChoH ByunH K LeeJ ChaArticleFebruary 2017ChapterJanuary 2018Handwriting is a behavioral characteristic of an individual, and is used as a biometric method for identity verification. The handwriting comparison can not be trusted because the handwriting similarity is judged by the subjective criteria of the expert. In this paper, to compare two images written with the same Korean word, some digital image processing techniques are used to detect geometric... [Show full abstract]ChapterJanuary 2016Despite the extensive research into 3D eye-tracking methods, such methods remain dependent on many additional factors such as the processing time, pose, illumination, image resolution, and calibration procedure. In this paper, we propose a 3D eye-tracking method using the HD face model of Kinect v2. Because the proposed method uses accurate 3D ocular feature positions and a 3D human eye... [Show full abstract]Conference PaperSeptember 2007In this paper, we propose a new near infra-red (IR) vision-based gaze tracking method, which is not affected by facial movements in stereoscopic virtual reality (VR) systems. Our proposed method has following five novelties compared to previous works. (i) By using our gaze tracker instead of a conventional input device, users felt more interested and immersed in the stereoscopic VR system,... [Show full abstract]Last Updated: 21 Jun 18本视频由声明原创。Human Robot Interaction Method by Using Hand Gesture Recognition | SpringerLink
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FutureTech 2017, MUE 2017:
Human Robot Interaction Method by Using Hand Gesture RecognitionJaehyun HanWoohyuk JangDojoon JungEui Chul LeeConference paper
Recently, human robot interaction technique is limelight in which controlling robot by using natural user interface such as using body gesture, eye tracking or human voice recognition. In this paper, hand gesture based robot controlling method is proposed. In the present study, a new natural user interface model is hierachically designed. The hand gesture is recognized based on Kinect V2. The recognized gesture information is send to the robot controlling robot through Bluetooth 4.0 interface. The developed robot controlling interface can be adopted into the field of disaster area in order to restore or surveillance the area of human inavailable. Experimental result showed that the proposed method can be effectively used for controlling robot.Kinect V2 Human robot interaction Natural user interface Gesture recognition This is a preview of subscription content,
to check access.This research was supported by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP), Korea, under the Information Technology Research Center (ITRC) support program (IITP--16-1014) supervised by the Institute for Information & Communications Technology Promotion (IITP). Also, this work was supported by National Disaster Management Research Institute.1.Cho, S., Byun, H., Lee, H.K., Cha, J.: Arm gesture recognition for shooting games based on Kinect sensor. J. KISS Softw. Appl. 39, 796–805 (2012)2.Siddiqui, M., Medioni, G.: Human pose estimation from a single view point, real-time range sensor. In: Workshop on Computer Vision for Computer Games at Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 1–8 (2010)3.Kim, B.C., Kim, H., Ko, D., Lee, E.C.: Hand mouse manipulation by supporting moving sensitivity modification and click event. Asia Pac. J. Multimedia Serv. Converg. Art Humanit. Sociol. 5, 19–26 (2015)4.Oikonomidis, L., Kyriazis, N., Argyros, A.A.: Efficient model-based 3D tracking of hand articulations using Kinect. In: British Machine Vision Conference (2011)5.Jung, J., Yang, C., Lee, T., Lee, M.: Live-block interacting with computers. J. HCI Soc. Korea 209–214 (2005)6.Ahn, H., Song, J.S.: A ubiquitous interface system for mobile robot control in indoor environment. J. Inst. Control Robot. Syst. 12, 66–71 (2006)7.
. Accessed 15 Oct 20168.Park, S.H., Shim, J.H., Hong, K.T., Park, J.Y., Kim, S.H., Song, H.J.: An Obstacle Avoidance Control of a Mobile Robot using a Kinect Sensor (2011)9.
. Accessed 15 Oct 2016Jaehyun Han1Woohyuk Jang2Dojoon Jung3Eui Chul Lee11.Department of Computer ScienceSangmyung UniversitySeoulRepublic of Korea2.Department of Sports ICT ConvergenceSangmyung UniversitySeoulRepublic of Korea3.Laboratory of DisasterNational Disaster Management Research InstituteUlsanRepublic of Korea【图片】在hyunsdojo中下载swf【火柴人吧】_百度贴吧
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我想问一句,像Hyun,Op34 或者是伞哥做的动画都是用什么做的啊。。。。看他们不同的人做的视频用到的那些道光特效啊,打击特效啊啥的好像都一样,Dojo成员是有统一的自己做软件吗?是Pivot Animator?还是3D那块的?还是Flash?用的是什么版本的Flash?还有就是像Op34拿的那些做工精良的抢是要现做还是有现成的?如果是Flash的话是不是要做老久啊。。。。抱歉,问题有点多,不过只是想自己试着做一下....谢谢!!!!!!!!!
请问怎么在HYUN'S DOJO上注册啊,我到现在也不知道怎么进去。。。


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