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Remarks by President Trump Before Dinner with Business Leaders
Issued on: August 8, 2018
Trump National Golf Club
Bedminster, New Jersey
7:43 P.M. EDT
7:43 P.M.EDT
THE PRESIDENT: Hello everybody. Thank you very much. It’s great to have you in Bedminster and Trump National, and — please sit down — and so many of you I know, and others I just read about on the covers of all of the business magazines.
Fred Smith, I know very well — but I also read about you, Fred. (Laughter.) And you’re doing okay. That was a good term paper you wrote for Harvard or wherever the hell you wrote it. But it was very good. It turned out to be right. The teacher didn’t understand it like you did. Right?
MR. SMITH: It was a good grade for me. A “C” was okay. (Laughter.)
THE PRESIDENT: It was good. “C” was okay. It was okay. Congratulations. Congratulations, really, to everybody in the room. You’ve done an incredible job.
I just want to say that I’m meeting tonight with some of the top business leaders in the world. You this is the group. And we’re so honored to have you. And we’re going to be discussing, later on, some of the ideas you may have to — as the expression goes — make America great again.
And we’ve been doing a lot of it. You know you’ve been big beneficiaries, and you’ve helped in many cases.
Before we start, I’d like to say a few brief words about the tragic fires in California. I’m monitoring the situation very close. My administration is in constant contact with everything going out in the state and with the local authorities and the state authorities.
On August 4th, I declared a major disaster in the state, and ordered federal assistance to supplement recovery efforts. It’s been a very tough situation taking place in California for a number of years. And we’re going to have to have some meetings about it, because there are reasons and there are things you can do to mitigate what’s happening.
We send our love and support and prayers to the families of those who have lost loved ones. They’ve never seen anything like it, what’s happening. 总统:大家好。非常感谢大家来到贝德明斯特和川普国家俱乐部,请坐下——你们中的许多人都很高兴我知道,还有其他人我只是在所有商业杂志的封面上读到的。
We’re deeply grateful to our incredible firefighters and first responders. They’re really brave people. I’ve been watching them go into areas where very few people would go, and some of them don’t come out alive. They’re risking their lives, and they’re doing it to contain these devastating fires so they can save other lives.
My administration will do everything in our power to protect those in harm’s way, and we have the finest emergency relief people in world right out there now. We send them to different countries. When we have earthquakes, when we have other problems going on in the world, we’ll send out first responders, in some cases, to help. And I always get calls from the prime ministers, or the presidents, or whoever is running, saying these are the most talented people we’ve ever seen. Well, right now, they’re in California really doing an incredible job.
It’s great to be here with so many of our friends. Through tax cuts, deregulation, powerful trade policies — and that’s what they are, powerful trade policies. Some of you probably love them and a couple of you probably don’t because you’re on the wrong side of the border. But if you’re from this country, you’re loving what’s happening.
The steel industry, as an example, is one of the hot industries of the world right now — what’s happened to steel in the United States, where we have plants opening up literally on a daily basis. Nobody thought that would be possible. And that’s a very important industry.
Through tax cuts, deregulation, powerful trade policies, and unleashing American energy, we’re now the largest in the world. We’re taking our economy to incredible new heights. Many of the great business leaders — and I’m just going to ask them, because they are so incredible and represent such a very important thing for our country — they represent success — I’m just going to ask them to just stand up and just introduce themself and their company. 我们深深感谢我们难以置信的消防员和第一反应者。他们是真正勇敢的人。我一直在观察他们进入那些很少有人会去的地方,其中一些人并没有活着出来。他们冒着生命危险,他们这样做是为了遏制这些毁灭性的火灾,这样他们就可以拯救其他人的生命。
通过减税、放松管制、强有力的贸易政策以及释放美国的能源,我们现在是世界上最大的。我们正把我们的经济发展到令人难以置信的新高度。许多伟大的商界领袖 我只想问他们,因为他们是如此令人难以置信,并且代表了对我们国家来说非常重要的事情—它们代表着成功—我只是想请他们站起来,介绍一下自己和他们的公司。
Because these are really — the jobs they’ve done, and the amount of employment. Some of these companies, when I — “How many are in your company?” “About 500,000 people.” “Oh, really? Five-hundred thousand?” These are the big — the big employers of the world.
So I’m going to ask them, when I’m finished, to just stand up for a second, and just introduce themself and their company, and their spouse or who they’re with.
I’d like to take this opportunity also to briefly highlight some of the administration’s key economic accomplishments. As you know, we’re doing record and close-to-record GDP. Nobody thought we’d be anywhere above, even close to 2. And we’re at 4.1, and I think we’re going much higher. And as trade deals come in, we can go much, much higher.
We have 3.9 million jobs created since the election, a number that would have been unthinkable. Fred, if I would have said “3.9 million” and you were in the — well, you would have believed me, actually. But they would not. Nobody would have believed. (Laughter.) Fred would have believed.
3.9 mi that’s a lot of jobs. Nobody would have thought that was possible. Probably, they would have said, if we got a million — seriously, that would have been a tremendous number.
More Americans are now employed than at any time in the recorded history of our country. We have more people working today than we’ve ever had in the history of our country. That’s a big number.
Manufacturing employment is now growing at the fastest rate in more than 30 years, and it’s going to get even faster. We have many companies that are announcing that they’re coming. And I know some that haven’ they’ll be announcing very shortly. They’re coming back to the United States.
We’ve created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since my election. If you remember, during the debates, we were having, let’s say, the opposing party — to be nice — say that manufacturing jobs don’t happen anymore. I said, “Really? We don’t make things anymore?” Well, we have 400,000, and we’ll have 500,000 in a very short period of time. They’re moving very quickly, and that’s a great job. That’s really one of the great jobs.
Economic growth, last quarter, hit the 4.1. We anticipate this next quarter to be — this is just an estimate, but already they’re saying it could be in the fives. Each point — it doesn’t sound like much because, when I first started, we were at 1.2. Each point is $3.5 trillion and 10 million jobs. That’s some number. Even if you’re thinking about Pepsi, that’s a big number. Don’t we agree?
Each one — one point — is $3.5 trillion and 10 million jobs. And we’re going to be — I think we’re going to be very shortly in the fives. And again, numbers that people wouldn’t have believed. But more importantly, I really think we can go much higher than in the fives once we get trade deals that are rational, and sane, and good to our country — and not even good for our country, just fair for our country.
New unemployment claims recently hit a 45-year low. African American unemployment rate has reached the lowest levels in recorded history — the lowest in recorded history. Hispanic American unemployment rate is the lowest level in recorded history. Asian American unemployment rate is the lowest level in recorded history. The women’s unemployment rate is the lowest level in 65 years.
The unemployment rate for Americans without a high school diploma is at the lowest level in history. People that were unable to go, for many reasons, through high school — weren’t able to get a high school diploma — we have the lowest in history.
The veterans’ unemployment rate reached the lowest level that it’s been in more than 20 years. Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election. That’s a tremendous number — 3.9 million Americans. That number is going up rapidly. And the reason is not because of policy — other than policy of jobs. They’re getting jobs, so they don’t need the food stamps.
Through the Pledge of America’s Workers, launched just last month, over 4.2 million Americans will receive enhanced career training and opportunities. And one of the — I can tell you one in particular, but many of the people in this room have made that possible. We have 4.2 million Americans that will receive enhanced career training opportunities. They will become very, very intelligent in the way of working a specific job.
I want to thank Ivanka Trump because you’ve really been heading up that program. And you’ve done a fantastic job, Ivanka. Thank you. (Applause.) You know, when she started, she said, “Dad, we’d like to do it for about 500,000 people” — half a million people. And that was four months ago. And then, all of the sudden, many of the people in the room — I know Fred was very much involved, but many of the people in the room, they took 50,000; 60,000; in one case, 500,000; in one case, a million. We had just an incredible outpouring.
So we took the 500,000 up to 4.2 million. And now it’s going to be — I guess, before we finish, which will be in another month, and then it’ll continue on. But it will be over 5 million people will be working very hard and being trained to have great jobs. 因为这些确实是-他们做的工作, 以及就业的数量。 有些公司, 当我问到:有多少员工是在你的公司? "大约50万人。 "哦, 真的吗? 50万人,这些都是世界上最大的雇主。
所以, 我要问他们, 当我完成后, 只是站起来一秒钟, 只是介绍自己和他们的公司, 他们的配偶或与他们在一起。
我亦想藉此机会, 简略地强调政府的一些主要经济成就。 正如你所知, 我们正在实现记录和接近记录的 GDP。 没有人认为我们会在任何地方, 我们的增长率甚至会接近百分之二。 我们现在4.1 了, 我想我们要更高了。 随着贸易交易的到来, 我们可以走得更远, 更高。
自选举以来, 我们创造了390万个就业机会, 这一数字是不可想象的。 弗雷德, 如果我说 "390万", 而你在-好的, 你会相信我, 实际上。 但他们不会。 没人会相信的 (笑声) 弗雷德会相信的。
390万自选举以来所增加的岗位,这是很多工作岗位,没有人会认为这是可能的。 也许, 他们会说, 如果我们得到 100万-认真, 这将是一个巨大的数字。
现在更多的美国人被雇佣, 而不是在我们国家历史记录中的任何时候。 今天我们有更多的人在我们国家的历史上工作过。 这是一个很大的数字。
制造业就业现在以30年来最快的速度增长, 而且将会更快。 我们有许多公司宣布他们要来。 我知道有些还没有宣布;他们很快就会宣布的。 他们会回到美国。
自从我当选以来, 我们创造了40万多项制造业工作岗位。如果你还记得, 在辩论中, 我们有, 让我们说, 对方-好-说制造业的工作不再发生。 我说: "真的吗? 我们不做东西了吗? 嗯, 我们有 40万, 我们将有50万在很短的时间内。 他们进展的很快, 这是一项伟大的工作。 这真的是伟大的工作之一。
上个季度, 经济增长达到了4.1。 我们预计下一季度会是-这只是一个估计, 但他们已经说, 这可能是在五个百分点。 每一点-这听起来不太像, 因为, 当我第一次开始, 我们是在1.2。 每一百分点增加3.5万美元GDP和1000万份工作。 这是一些数字。 即使你在想百事可乐, 这是一个很大的数字。 我们不同意吗?
每一个-一点-是3.5 万美元和1000万份工作。 我们会-我想我们很快就会在五个百分点了。 再一次, 人们不会相信的数字。 但更重要的是, 我真的认为, 一旦我们得到了理性的、理智的、对我们国家有利的贸易协议, 我们就能比五岁的人走得更远, 这对我们国家来说是公平的。
新的失业最近创下了45年来的新低。 非洲裔美国人的失业率已经达到历史记录的最低水平--记录在案的历史最低。 拉美裔美国人的失业率是历史记录中的最低水平。 亚裔美国人的失业率是历史记录中的最低水平。 妇女的失业率是65年来的最低水平。
没有高中文凭的美国人的失业率处于历史最低水平。 由于许多原因, 因为高中毕业而不能去的人不能获得高中文凭--我们的历史最低。退伍军人的失业率达到了20年来的最低水平。 自选举以来, 将近390万美国人被取消了食品券。 这是一个巨大的数字-390万美国人。 那个数字正在迅速上升。 原因不是政策, 而是就业政策。 他们在找工作, 所以不需要粮票。
通过上个月刚刚启动的美国工人的承诺, 420万多名美国人将获得更多的职业培训和机会。 其中之一-我可以告诉你一个特别的, 但在这个房间里的许多人已经做到了这一点。 我们有420万美国人将获得更多的职业培训机会。 他们将变得非常, 非常聪明的方式工作的具体工作。
我要感谢伊万卡, 因为你真的一直在计划。 你做得很出色伊万卡 谢谢。 (掌声) 你知道, 当她开始的时候, 她说, "爸爸, 我们愿意为大约50万人做这事"--100万人。 那是四月前的事了 然后, 突然间, 许多人在房间里-我知道弗雷德是非常介入, 但许多人在房间里, 他们采取了 5万;6万;在一个案例中, 50万;在一个案例中, 100万。 我们只是一个令人难以置信的流露。
所以我们把50万的420万。 现在它将是-我想, 在我们完成之前, 这将是在另一个月, 然后它将继续下去。 但是, 将有超过500万的人将非常努力地工作, 并接受培训, 以获得伟大的工作。
We signed the biggest tax cut and reform in the history of our country. After the tax cuts and as part of the tax cuts, we’re bringing hundreds of billions of dollars back to our land, back to our country — money that was never able to be brought back. Some of the people in this room have billions and billions of dollars, they call it, “offshore.” But basically it means outside of this country. They couldn’t get the money back.
And we expect to have in excess of $4 trillion brought back very shortly. Apple is building a $350 billion campus and various plants throughout the country. They’re bringing back $230 billion alone. Exxon is bringing back $50 billion. But we expect that it could be — the number started out at about $2.5 we think it’s going to be close to $5 trillion. Over $4 [trillion], but close to $5 trillion, will be brought back into our country. This is money that would never, ever be seen again by the workers and the people of our country.
My administration is providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through associated healthcare plans and short-term duration plans. It’s incredible what we’re doing with that, and many drug companies are lowering their prices.
And I must tell you, Pfizer — I want to thank Pfizer, and I want to thank numerous of the drug companies for — as you know, they went out with an increase last week — a fairly substantial increase — and I wasn’t happy about it. And they heard that, and they cut the increase back to nothing. They never did that before.
They asked for an increase in drugs, and the it was increased. And I was not happy because we want to get drug prices down. And Pfizer and Novartis and others actually took the increases that were already made, and they lowered them. They brought it back down, which is a first that anybody can remember.
In fact, I said, “The Office of President must be very powerful to be able to do that.” Because these drug companies are very — I mean, look, they’re great, but their prices are too high.
And we are announcing something next week which is going to get them down really, really substantially. But we didn’t think it was appropriate. And we want to just thank them — and that’s the whole group of them — and they know who we’re talking about.
We had a record number of regulations eliminated. Many of the businesspeople said to me that, as big as the tax cuts have been, as important as the tax cuts have been, maybe more important was the regulation cutting. It would take 20 years to build a highway, to get the approvals to build a highway. We have it down to two. And I intend to have it down to one.
That doesn’t mean it’s going to be approved. It’s got to be great from an environmental standpoint and safety standpoint, but it will be either rejected or approved within a very short period of time. But we were up to 20 and 21 years — a highway. People started working on the project, and by the time they finished, they were middle-aged or old. (Laughter.) And it was ridiculous, frankly. So we have it down to two, but I want to get it down to one.
And many other people, and many of the people (inaudible) want to say something. But many of the people in the room have told me, actually, that the regulation cutting — we cut about 75 percent of the regulations out. We have some to go. We’ll have just as good a set of regulations, but we won’t have — we won’t be duplicative. It won’t be doubles and triples, and go to the same agency nine different times to get the same approval. So we’re very proud of that. It’s had a huge impact on a lot of companies and a lot of building.
One of the things we did immediately is we approved the pipeline — the pipeline is coming in — both Dakota Access and the Keystone XL pipeline. That was approved. Just about in my first day of office, I approved it. That was 48,000 jobs, and we went through the red tape. And one is now opened, and the other one is ready to start construction. So it’s been really something.
Coal exports — clean coal — increased 60 percent last year. American oil production is at an all-time high. As I said before, we’re the leading country in the world right now for energy. And the United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957.
So we’ve made a lot of progress, and a lot of it was done with the help of the folks that lead these great corporations. And maybe I’m going to ask a very powerful woman — she’s always at the top of the “Most Powerful Women in the World” — and, no, Melania, I’m not talking about you. (Laughter.) But has run Pepsi so incredibly well.
And maybe I’ll just ask a few of you to stand up. We’ll go around the table, and just say the name of your company. But I want to congratulate you, because I read a beautiful story about you today. You’ll be doing bigger and better things. 我们签署了我国有史以来最大的减税和改革。 减税之后, 作为减税的一部分, 我们将把亿万美元带回我们的土地, 回到我们的国家--那些永远无法收回的钱。 这间屋子里的一些人有亿万美元, 他们称之为 "近海"。 但基本上它意味着在这个国家之外。 他们不能把钱拿回来。
我们预计, 将有超过4兆美元带回很快。 苹果在全国建设了3500亿元的校园和各种植物。 他们只带回2300亿美元 埃克森美孚将收回500亿美元。 但我们预计, 它可能是-数字开始了约2.5 兆美元;我们认为它将接近5万亿美元。 超过4美元 (万亿美元), 但接近5万亿美元, 将被带回我国。 这是我们国家的工人和人民永远也看不到的钱。
我的政府通过相关的医疗保健计划和短期持续计划为美国人提供更实惠的医疗保健方案。 这是令人难以置信的, 我们正在做的, 许多制药公司正在降低他们的价格。
我必须告诉你, 辉瑞-我要感谢辉瑞, 我要感谢众多的制药公司-正如你所知道的, 他们上周出去了, 一个相当大的增长-我不高兴。 他们听到了这一点, 他们把增长削减回没有。 他们以前从来没有那样做过。
他们要求增加药物, 他们实际上发布了它;增加了。 我不高兴, 因为我们想让药品价格下降。 辉瑞公司和诺华和其他公司实际采取了已经取得的增长, 并降低了它们。他们把它带回来了, 这是第一个任何人都能记住的。
事实上, 我说, "总统办公室必须非常强大, 才能做到这一点。 因为这些制药公司非常-我的意思是, 看, 他们是伟大的, 但他们的价格太高。
我们将在下周宣布一些事情, 这将使他们真正地, 非常大幅度地下降。 但我们不认为这是适当的。 我们只想感谢他们--这就是他们的全部--他们知道我们在谈论谁。
我们有创纪录数量的法规被淘汰。 许多商人对我说, 像减税一样重要的是, 减税的重要性, 也许更重要的是削减监管。 修建一条高速公路需要20年的时间才能获得批准修建公路。 我们把它分为两个。 我打算把它归结为一个。
这并不意味着它会被批准。 从环境的角度和安全的角度来看, 这是很棒的, 但是在很短的时间内它会被拒绝或者被批准。 但我们还有 20 年和21 年的高速路。 人们开始着手这个项目, 到他们完成的时候, 他们都是中年或年老的。 (笑声) 坦率地说, 这是荒谬的。 所以我们有两个, 但我想把它归结为一个。
和许多其他人, 许多人 (听不清) 想说些什么。 但房间里的许多人都告诉我, 事实上, 这项规定削减了约75% 的规定。 我们还有些事要做 我们将有同样好的一套规则, 但我们不会有-我们不会重复。 它不会是双打和三元组, 并前往同一机构九不同的时间得到相同的批准。 所以我们为此感到自豪。它对许多公司和许多建筑产生了巨大的影响。
我们立即做的一件事是我们批准了管道--管线即将进入--达科他的接入和梯形 XL 管道。 这是批准的。 就在我上任的第一天, 我批准了。 那是4.8万份工作, 我们翻过了繁文缛节。 一个现在打开, 另一个已经准备好开始建造。 所以它真的有什么。
煤炭出口-清洁煤-去年增加了60%。 美国的石油产量一直处于高位。 正如我以前说过的, 我们现在是世界上最重要的能源国家。 自1957年以来, 美国第一次成为天然气净出口国。
因此, 我们取得了很大的进步, 很多都是在领导这些伟大公司的乡亲们的帮助下完成的。 也许我会问一个非常有权势的女人--她总是在 "世界上最有权势的女人" 的顶端--不, Melania, 我不是在说你。 (笑声) 但已经运行百事可乐如此令人难以置信的好。
也许我就请你们几个站起来 我们会围着桌子转, 然后说出你公司的名字。 但是我想恭喜你, 因为我今天读了一篇关于你的美丽故事。 你会做更大更好的事情。
MS. NOOYI: Thank you. I’m Indra Nooyi. I’m the outgoing chairman and CEO of PepsiCo., but still holding the job today. (Laughter.)
THE PRESIDENT: That’s true.
MS. NOOYI: Thank you. Thank you for having us here.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Thank you. It’s a great honor. Thank you.
MR. LEFRAK: I’m Richard LeFrak. I’m the chairman of the LeFrak organization. And we’re proud of what a great job our President has done for this country.
THE PRESIDENT: Good. Well, Richard was a great help with regulation. He was in there with Steve and some of our friends. And we worked —
MR. LEFRAK: Trying to get a little infrastructure built in this country.
THE PRESIDENT: That’s right. These are great infrastructure people. They know what they’re doing. So we’ve got a lot of cutting.
MR. SMITH: Frederick Smith, with the FedEx Corporation.
THE PRESIDENT: Meaning owner, founder, and everything else. (Laughter.) Right, Fred? There’s nobody else. It’s the whole deal.
MR. MUILENBURG: Sir. Dennis Muilenburg, president and chairman of the Boeing Company. And I hope you all arrived here in a Boeing airplane tonight. (Laughter.) And we’re going to a build a record number of airplanes this year thanks to the policies of this administration.
THE PRESIDENT: Boeing is doing very well. I think Boeing has to like me a lot. Right? You’re doing very well. As —
MR. MUILENBURG: (Inaudible.)
THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, I think everybody, frankly, in this room likes me. We’ll keep it that way.
Could I ask the great First Lady — she has been so caring, so loving, so good to people. And they — you know, I was in Ohio the other night, and there were so many signs: “We Love Our First Lady.” “We Love Our First Lady.”
Melania, please, stand. (Applause.)
MRS. TRUMP: Well, welcome to Bedminster. It’s great to have you here. And we’re looking for a great discussion tonight. And I just want to thank the President for doing an incredible job and for all of your help. Thank you very much. (Applause.)
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, honey. Thank you.
MR. BANGA: My name is Ajaypal Banga. I’m the President and CEO of Mastercard. And while today, he’s paying for dinner, any other day when you’re paying, remember to use (inaudible). (Laughter.) It’s really important.
MR. BANGA: I’m here with wife Ritu. (Inaudible.)
THE PRESIDENT: Yes. How are you? Congratulations. Thank you.
MRS. BANGA: Thank you.
THE PRESIDENT: And, Ivanka — again, thank you. Ivanka, thank you.
MS. TRUMP: Thank you. 卢英德女士: 谢谢。 我是陀罗卢英德。 我是百事的离任董事长兼首席执行官, 但今天仍在担任这项工作。 (笑声)
总统: 那是真的。
卢英德女士: 谢谢。 谢谢你让我们来这里。
主席: 谢谢。 谢谢。 这是莫大的荣幸 谢谢。
LEFRAK 先生: 我是理查德. LEFRAK。 我是 LeFrak 组织的主席。 我们为我们的总统为这个国家所做的伟大工作感到自豪。
总统: 好的。 理查德对监管很有帮助 他和史蒂夫还有我们的一些朋友在一起 我们工作-LEFRAK 先生: 试图在这个国家建立一个小的基础设施。
总统: 没错。 这些都是很好的基础设施人员。 他们知道他们在做什么。 所以我们有很多的切割。
史密斯先生: 弗雷德里克. 史密斯和联邦快递公司。
总统: 意思是所有者、创始人和其他一切。 (笑声) 对吧弗雷德? 没有其他人了 这是整个交易
MUILENBURG 先生: 先生。 波音公司总裁兼董事长丹尼斯. Muilenburg。 我希望你们今晚能坐上波音飞机到这里来 (笑声) 由于政府的政策, 今年我们将建立创纪录数量的飞机。
总统: 波音做得很好。 我认为波音公司必须非常喜欢我。 对? 你做得很好。 MUILENBURG 先生: (听不清)。
总统 (以英语发言): 是的, 我想每个人, 坦率地说, 在这个房间里都喜欢我。 我们会保持这样的。
我可以问一下这位伟大的第一夫人--她一直如此的关心, 如此的爱, 对人如此好。 而他们-你知道, 我在俄亥俄州的前一天晚上, 有这么多的迹象: "我们爱我们的第一夫人。 "我们爱我们的第一夫人"
Melania, 求你了, 站起来 掌声.) 特朗普夫人:好的, 欢迎来到贝德明斯特。 很高兴你能来。 我们今晚要进行一次精彩的讨论。 我只想感谢总统做了一份令人难以置信的工作和你所有的帮助。 谢谢。 (掌声)
总统: 谢谢你, 亲爱的。 谢谢。
彭安杰先生: 我的名字是 Ajaypal 彭安杰。 我是万事达卡的总裁和首席执行官。 而今天, 他的晚餐, 任何其他一天, 当你付钱, 记得使用 (听不清)。 (笑声) 这真的很重要。
彭安杰先生: 我和妻子 Ritu 在这里。 (听不清)。
总统: 是的。 你好吗? 祝贺。 谢谢。
彭安杰夫人: 谢谢。
总统: 还有, 伊万卡, 谢谢你。 伊万卡, 谢谢你。
伊万卡: 谢谢。
MR. ADAMCZYK: Thank you, Mr. President. And thank you for your leadership, and certainly tax reform and all the things you’ve done speak for themselves in terms of the results.
My name is Darius Adamczyk. I’m the chairman and CEO of Honeywell. This is my wife, Kelly.
THE PRESIDENT: Good. And you know, we’re working on air traffic control. They’ve spent billions and billions of dollars on air traffic control, and it’s worthless. In fact, pilots don’t even want to use the system because they put in obsolete systems — this is previous administrations.
And actually, my pilot came up to me and said, “Sir” — this is five years ago. He said, “Is there anything you can do? They’re putting obsolete air traffic control systems in. They’re land-based, and they should be in space. And it’s ridiculous what they’re doing.” They’re spending — my pilot told me this, so I knew.
I said, “Listen, I’m not President. I have no intention of being President. What do I have to do with it?” And here we are. And I still remember his statement. (Laughter.)
And you do a great system. So hopefully you’ll be bidding, and you’ll give us a very low price. And if you’re not, we’ll cut you anyway. Okay? (Laughter and applause.) You have a great system, actually. You really do. Great.
MR. MANLEY: Just so I can actually turn (inaudible).
MR. MANLEY: Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you for the invite. My name is Mike Manley. I am the CEO of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. And when you’ve landed in your Boeing, then you should get into a Jeep. (Laughter.)
THE PRESIDENT: And he wants tariffs so badly on those automobiles as they pour in. Right?
MR. MANLEY: Absolutely.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much.
Yes, please. Take the mic.
MR. GORSKY: I’ll let you have it, Mr. President. Mr. President, thank you very much for having us here. Alex Gorsky, I’m chairman and CEO of Johnson & Johnson. Now, most of you know us for baby shampoo, but as you’re playing the golf course, please remember to use Neutrogena. (Laughter.) (Inaudible) as you get older.
But I’m here with my wife, Pat. And it’s certainly great to hear the long list of accomplishments that you’ve been able to achieve in a very short period of time. And I know everyone here is interested in talking about what else we can be doing to accelerate it even more.
THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you. You know, Woody lives right across the street. Literally, right across the street. It’s like boom. So great job, great company. Thank you very much.
ADAMCZYK 先生: 谢谢你, 总统先生。 感谢你们的领导, 当然还有税制改革, 以及你们为自己所做的一切, 都是为自己的成果而发言。
我叫 Adamczyk 大流士。 我是霍尼韦尔公司的董事长兼首席执行官。 这是我妻子凯莉
总统: 好的。 你知道, 我们正在处理空中交通管制。 他们在空中交通管制上花费了亿万美元, 而且毫无价值。 事实上, 飞行员甚至不想使用这个系统, 因为他们投入了过时的系统--这是以前的管理。
事实上, 我的飞行员走过来对我说, "先生"-这是五年前。 他说: "你有什么可以做的吗? 他们把过时的空中交通管制系统放进去了 它们是陆基的, 应该在太空中。 这是荒谬的, 他们在做什么。 他们在花钱-我的飞行员告诉我的, 所以我知道。
我说: "听着, 我不是总统。 我无意当总统。 我有什么用它吗? 我们来了 我还记得他的陈述。 (笑声)
你做了一个很好的系统。 所以希望你能出价, 你会给我们一个非常低的价格。 如果你不这么做我们会把你割下来的 好? (笑声和掌声) 实际上你有一个很棒的系统。 你真的这么想 伟大。
万利先生: 我真的可以转 (听不清)。
总统: 好的。
万先生: 谢谢你, 总统先生。 谢谢你的邀请。 我叫麦克. 万利。 我是菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车公司的首席执行官。 当你降落在你的波音, 那么你应该进入一辆吉普车。 (笑声)
总统: 他希望这些汽车的关税在他们涌入时非常糟糕。 对?
万利先生: 绝对如此。
总统: 非常感谢。
是的, 请。拿着麦克风
高斯基先生: 总统先生, 我会给你的。 总统先生谢谢你让我们来这里 亚历克斯. 高斯基, 我是约翰逊和约翰逊的董事长兼首席执行官。 现在, 你们大多数人都知道我们的婴儿洗发水, 但当你打高尔夫球场, 请记住使用露得清。 (笑声) (听不清) 随着年龄的增长。
但我和我妻子在一起, 帕特。 很高兴听到你在很短的时间内就能完成的一长串的成就。 我知道这里的每个人都有兴趣谈论我们还能做些什么来加速它。请加微信公众号:股权内参(eguquan) 马云都在关注
总统: 好的, 谢谢你。 你知道, 伍迪就住在街对面。 从字面上看, 就在街对面。 就像是繁荣。 很棒的工作, 伟大的公司。 谢谢。
MR. WEINBERGER: I’m Mark Weinberger. I’m the husband of Nancy, father of four. And in my part-time, I’m chairman and CEO of Ernst & Young — EY.
MR. WEINBERGER: And thank you. We hired 60,000 people again this year. We have a quarter of a million people around the world.
THE PRESIDENT: That’s great.
MR. WEINBERGER: And a strong economy means great jobs. So thank you, Mr. President.
THE PRESIDENT: That’s a big hire this year, isn’t it? Sixty-thousand. Great. Great job.
MR. KRACH: My name is Keith Krach, chairman of DocuSign. Mr. President, thank you for all your assistance out there in California and your kind words. Three hundred million unique users around the world — putting two million on a week.
THE PRESIDENT: It’s true. Good. Thank you. Great job you’ve done. Thank you very much.
MR. RUDDY: Christopher Ruddy, CEO of Newsmax Media. I am an enemy of the people that actually supports Donald J. Trump. (Laughter.)
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Chris.
MR. CATSIMATIDIS: John Catsimatidis, Red Apple Group, New York City. My wife, Margo. And I do a hobby. I I have a radio show. And every week, I say on the radio show, “Why is business doing so well? Because businesspeople no longer feel we’re the enemy of Washington.” And that’s why it’s going the right way. Thank you, Mr. President.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, John. Great job you’ve done, John. Thank you. (Applause.)
MR. KUDLOW: I’m Larry Kudlow. I’m an assistant to the President.
THE PRESIDENT: Does everybody recognize that voice, by the way? (Laughter.)
MR. KUDLOW: I’m very grateful and honored to have this position. I’m here with my beautiful, saintly wife Judy, who is the best painter and artist in the United States. And all I can say is: Four percent growth, sir, as far as the eye can see.
THE PRESIDENT: Four? Larry, we have to — we’re going to do much better than four, right? We’re going to do better than four.
I want to just thank Larry. He’s come onboard. He’s been so terrific. We don’t always agree on things, but we’re learning to agree on things — meaning you’re coming along, Larry. (Laughter.)
I’ve watched him. He’s been my friend. I’ve been on his show many times over the years. And he had a great show. And I just said, “Larry, let’s come on. Nobody better than you. Let’s put it to use. Let’s put it to real use.” No longer the shows, right? And he’s doing fantastic job. But I just want to thank you very much on behalf of everybody in the room, Larry.
MR. KUDLOW: Thank you, sir.
THE PRESIDENT: Really great job. We appreciate it.
Please. Please. Oh, my man. The man with the straw. Do you use plastic straws or paper straws?
MR. HAMM: Either one will work.
I’m Harold Hamm, with Continental Resources, here with my lady, Debbie Martin. And I just want to thank you for all that you’ve done. I made a shortlist of a few of the accomplishments of this first 500 days. I had 23. We’re having to add to it now.
MR. HAMM: So it’s tremendous. But we have 1,200 direct employees, and probably 20 times that many contractors. And we’re reporting a good quarter tomorrow, so.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. You know, Harold’s friend is a great football coach. And he came up to my office, and he said — Harold was two minutes late. He said, “You know, that Harold Hamm — this guy can take a straw, dump it into the ground, and oil pours out.” (Laughter.)
He said, “These other oil companies, they spend billions and they can’t find a thing.” This guy — so that’s why I asked is it a plastic straw. I think, in your case, either one works, Harold. But I heard you’re doing really well. A little better since the original days when I knew you, right? A little bit better. We’re proud of you. Thank you.
MR. HAMM: Thank you very much.
温伯格先生: 我是马克. 温伯格。 我是南茜的丈夫, 四个小孩的父亲。 在我兼职的时候, 我是 安永公司的董事长兼首席执行官。
总统: 当然。
温伯格先生: 谢谢你。 今年我们又雇了6万人。 我们在世界各地有约25万人。
总统: 太好了。
温伯格先生: 强劲的经济意味着伟大的工作。 谢谢你总统先生
总统: 今年的招聘很大, 不是吗? 6万。 伟大。 干得好
KRACH 先生: 我叫基思. KRACH, DocuSign 主席。 总统先生, 谢谢你在加利福尼亚的所有帮助和你的客气话。 3亿世界各地独一无二的用户-一周投入200万。
总统: 这是真的。 好。 谢谢。 你干得真棒 谢谢。
红润先生: Newsmax 媒体首席执行官克里斯托弗?红润。 我是人民的敌人, 实际上支持唐纳德 j. 王牌。 (笑声)
总统: 非常感谢你, 克里斯。
CATSIMATIDIS 先生: 约翰 CATSIMATIDIS, 纽约红苹果集团。 我妻子玛歌 我做了个业余爱好。 我有一个爱好;我有一个电台节目。 每周, 我在广播节目上说, "为什么生意这么好? 因为商人不再觉得我们是华盛顿的敌人。 这就是为什么它走的是正确的方式。 谢谢总统先生
总统: 谢谢你, 约翰。 你做得很好, 约翰。 谢谢。 (掌声)
KUDLOW 先生: 我是拉里. KUDLOW。 我是总统助理
总统: 顺便说一声, 大家都认得那个声音吗? (笑声)
KUDLOW 先生: 我非常感谢和荣幸能有这个职位。 我和我美丽圣洁的妻子朱迪在一起, 她是美国最好的画家和艺术家。我只能说: 4% 的增长, 先生, 只要眼睛能看到。
总统: 四? 拉里, 我们得-我们要做的比四好多了, 是吗? 我们要做的比四还要好
我只想感谢拉里 他已经上船了 他太棒了 我们并不总是在事情上达成一致, 但我们正在学习如何达成共识--这意味着你会来, 拉里。 (笑声)
我看过他了 他是我的朋友 这些年来我已经看了他很多次了。 他的表演很精彩 我只是说 "拉里我们走吧" 没有比你更好的了。 让我们把它使用。 让我们把它真正的使用。 不再是表演了对吧? 他做得很出色 但我只想谢谢你代表房间里的每个人拉里
KUDLOW 先生: 谢谢你, 先生。
总统: 真的是很棒的工作。 我们很感激。
请。 请。 哦, 我的兄弟。 那个带着稻草的人。 你用的是塑料吸管还是纸吸管?
HAMM 先生: 任何一个都可以工作。
我是哈罗德. Hamm, 有大陆资源, 我的夫人, 黛比马丁。 我只想感谢你所做的一切 我把这首500天的几个成绩都做了个清单。 我有23。 我们现在要增加它。
总统: 对。
HAMM 先生: 所以这是巨大的。 但我们有1200名直接员工, 大概是很多承包商的20倍。 我们明天要报告一个好的季度所以。
总统: 非常感谢。 你知道哈罗德的朋友是个伟大的足球教练 他走到我的办公室, 他说-哈罗德迟到了两分钟。 他说, "你知道, 哈罗德-Hamm-这家伙可以采取一根稻草, 倾倒到地面, 和石油倾泻而出。 (笑声)
他说, "这些其他石油公司, 他们花了亿万美元;他们找不到东西。"这家伙-所以这就是为什么我问这是一个塑料秸秆。 我想, 在你的情况下, 任何一个工作, 哈罗德。 但我听说你做得很好。 从我认识你的那段日子起就好一点了, 对吧? 好一点。 我们以你为荣。 谢谢。
HAMM 先生: 非常感谢。
总统: 请。
MR. KOCH: I’m not quite sure why I’m here. I’m like the smallest company by far. I’m Jim Koch, and I started making Sam Adams beer in my kitchen 37 years ago (inaudible) the designated drink. (Applause.) At least I brought the beer. (Laughter.) (Inaudible.)
And I guess I’m sort of speaking on behalf of what is now 7,000 small brewers in the United States.
MR. KOCH: When I started Sam Adams, American beer was a joke, and it pissed me off. And now, American brewers make the best beer in the world. And the tax reform was a very big deal for all of us, because 85 percent of the beer made in the United States is owned by foreign companies.
THE PRESIDENT: That’s right.
MR. KOCH: I mean, Americans — I’m the largest American-owned brewery at 2 percent market share. We were paying 38-percent taxes —
THE PRESIDENT: Wow. But you’ve done a great job. Great job.
MR. KOCH: — and competing against people who were paying 20. And now we have a level playing field, and we’re going to kick their ass.
THE PRESIDENT: Yeah. That’s good. We’ve done that. That was a very unfair situation. That’s right. Good job. That’s a really good job. (Applause.)
MR. KOCH: Thank you. My wife Cynthia —
MR. KOCH: — working with the White House on health (inaudible).
THE PRESIDENT: That’s right. That’s exactly. Thank you very much. Thank you. Great job.
We’re also making the finest steel in the world now. It’s a big difference between good steel and bad steel. They were sending us a lot of bad steel. We’re making great steel now.
MR. SUTTON: Mr. President, Mark Sutton, chairman and CEO of International Paper. Our company is running very, very well right now, and we are basically a company that (inaudible), and we are running at a 4-percent rate right now — the strongest we’ve had in many, many years. And just two weeks ago, we reported our strongest second quarter in 10 years.
THE PRESIDENT: And International Paper is an incredible company from the environmental standpoint. Whatever they take, they put back. I’ve seen it. I’ve seen what you do, and it’s incredible what you do. And then you start all over again, but what you do is really great. And I appreciate it.
MR. SUTTON: We start with renewable natural resources. We generate 80 percent of our own energy —
MR. SUTTON: — from the waste of those natural resources. And then 90 percent, for example, of our corrugated boxes are recycled back into the stream.
THE PRESIDENT: Wow. Fantastic job. Fantastic job. Thank you very much.
MR. LEYDON: Hi, my name is Gabriel Leydon. I’m a Silicon Valley entrepreneur. I started my last company on unemployment and $10,000 in the bank, and built it to a multi-billion dollar, several thousand employees. I’m also a prolific digital marketer. And I want to say thank you, Mr. President, for what you’ve done for this economy. It’s incredible. Everybody said, “What? 2 percent?” No more than 2 percent with Obama, but now we’re seeing 4.1. So congratulations. Thank you very much.
THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you. (Applause.) And I have to say — thank you. I have to say, the policies of the other administration would have been more regulation and much higher taxes. And what you’re witnessing now could never have happened. 科赫先生: 我不太清楚我为什么来这里。 我是迄今为止最小的公司。 我是吉姆科赫, 我开始在我的厨房做 Sam 亚当斯啤酒37年前 (听不清) 指定的饮料。 (掌声) 至少我带了啤酒来 (笑声) (听不清)。
总统: 对。
科赫先生: 当我开始 Sam 亚当斯的时候, 美国啤酒是个笑话, 这让我很恼火。 现在, 美国酿酒商制造了世界上最好的啤酒。 对我们大家来说, 税制改革是一个很大的问题, 因为美国制造的啤酒中有85% 是外国公司拥有的。
总统: 没错。
科赫先生: 我是说, 美国人--我是美国拥有的最大的啤酒厂, 占2% 的市场份额。 我们付了38的税-总统: 哇。 但你干得不错 干得好
科赫先生:-并与支付20的人竞争。 现在我们有一个公平竞争的领域, 我们要踢他们的屁股。
总统: 是的。 很好。 我们已经做到了。 这是一个非常不公平的情况。 没错。 干得好。 那是一份很好的工作。 (掌声)
科赫先生: 谢谢。 我的妻子辛西娅-总统: 嗨, 辛西娅。
科赫先生:-与白宫就健康问题进行合作 (听不清)。
总统: 没错。 没错 谢谢。 谢谢。 干得好
我们现在也在制造世界上最好的钢铁。 这是一个很大的区别, 好钢和坏钢。 他们给我们寄来了很多劣质钢材。 我们现在正在制造伟大的钢铁。
萨顿先生: 主席先生, 国际文件的主席兼首席执行官马克?萨顿。 我们公司现在运行非常, 非常好, 我们基本上是一个公司, (听不清), 我们正在运行的 4% 的速度, 现在, 我们已经在许多, 多年的最强。就在两周前, 我们报告了我们10年来最强的第二季度。
总统 (以英语发言): 从环境的角度看, 国际纸业是一个令人难以置信的公司。 不管他们拿什么, 他们都放回去。 我看过了 我看过你的所作所为, 你的所作所为令人难以置信。 然后你重新开始, 但你做的真的很棒。 我很感激
萨顿先生: 我们从可再生自然资源开始。 我们产生80% 的能源-总统: 对的。
萨顿先生: 从这些自然资源的浪费中。 然后 90%, 例如, 我们的瓦楞纸箱被回收回流。
总统: 哇。 很棒的工作 很棒的工作 谢谢。
LEYDON 先生: 嗨, 我叫加布里埃尔. LEYDON。 我是硅谷的企业家。 我创办了我的上一个公司的失业和1万美元的银行, 并建立了一个多亿美元, 数以千计的雇员。 我也是一个多产的数字营销商。 主席先生, 我想对你为经济所做的一切表示感谢。 太不可思议了 大家都说 "什么?" 2%? 不超过2% 的奥巴马, 但现在我们看到的是4.1。 恭喜你 谢谢。
总统: 好的, 谢谢你。 (掌声) 我得说-谢谢你 我不得不说, 其他政府的政策将是更多的监管和更高的税收。 你现在所目睹的一切都是不可能发生的。
THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you. (Applause.) And I have to say — thank you. I have to say, the policies of the other administration would have been more regulation and much higher taxes. And what you’re witnessing now could never have happened.
And growth has taken us out of a lot of problems that have been caused. And you’re going to see super growth very soon when it’s all set, when it’s all — it’s like fine-tuned machine. But you’re going to see some really super growth.
We’re in a little bit of a fight with China right now, and we’ve gone up. And I don’t want them to go down because I’m a big fan of President Xi. He’s a friend of mine. But they’re down 28 percent since we — the last three or four months. And we want them to do well, but we want them to treat us fairly. They have not treated us fairly for many decades, which is the President’s fault. I mean, I take responsibility for my time, and I couldn’t let that happen.
It was — as most of the people in this room know — and many of you — I guess, almost all of you — are involved in China, so you know exactly what’s happening. But we were losing $500 billion a year, on average — $517 billion over the last couple years — $517 billion. So we can’t do that.
So it’s going to be a lot different, and I think we’ll have a fantastic relationship with China. And we’ll ultimately have a fantastic trading relationship. It’ll be somewhat different, but it’s all working about.
You know about Iran. Iran is a whole different country since we got rid of one of the worst deals that I’ve ever seen. Much, much different country.
North Korea — we’re doing well. I think we have a lot of good talk going on. That’s been going on for many, many years. I think — you know, we left there three months ago. Somebody said, “Well, wait a minute. Why isn’t it moving faster?” They’ve been working on this thing for 40 years. 总统:谢谢你。(掌声)我必须说——谢谢。我不得不说,其他政府的政策应该是更多的监管和更高的税收。你现在所目睹的一切不可能发生。
正如本会议室的大多数人所知道的那样——你们许多人 我想,你们几乎所有的人都在参与中国事务所以你知道到底发生了什么。但是我们每年平均亏损5000亿美元,过去几年是5170亿美元。所以我们不能那么做。
北朝鲜——我们做得很好。我认为我们正在进行很多很好的会谈。这种情况已经持续了很多年。我想 你知道,我们三个月前离开的。有人说,“等一下。它为什么没快点?”他们研究这个东西已经有40年了。
I left three months ago. We got our hostages back. There’s no more missiles flying over Japan. There’s no rockets going up. There’s no nuclear testing. And we have a good relationship with North Korea. So we’ll see how it works.
I have a feeling that China now is not happy. And maybe they’re doing a little bit of a number, but we’ll figure that out too, very easily.
But I think we’re doing very well with North Korea. We have a lot of respect. And that’ll end up being a great country.
And, Chris, I’d like to maybe have you finish off. You’ve done a fantastic job.
MR. LIDDELL: Thank you. Chris Liddell, I’m assistant to the President. I’m here with my wife Renee. It’s a great honor to serve, sir. And wonderful to see you. And speaking of the economy, I’ve been CFO of a number of companies before this role, I’ve never seen the economy in such great shape. Thank you, sir.
THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you, Chris. But just one story, because I see Dennis from Boeing sitting here. And one of the first things that I was given was the Air Force One. Air Force One now is 30 years old, which is old for the United States. I see other countries pulling up in their Boeing 747s that are brand new. A lot of the Middle East countries, interestingly. We protect them for nothing. But that’s changing too. But they have their brand-new Boeing 747s.
And so I had a price at $5.6 billion. This is for two planes, not one plane. But that’s got to be — you know, that’s the world’s most expensive plane. So we worked very long and very hard, and we have the same exact product for $1.6 billion less. Is that right?
And hopefully — hopefully — we’ll get them a little sooner. And I think you’ll be able to produce that. But they’re going to be planes that will be representative of this country, and it will be something really great.
So we sat down, we had a very it worked out great. And, Dennis, you are doing a fantastic job at Boeing.
And I mentioned a little cutting there, but the amount of F-18s that you’re selling and all of the different planes that you’re selling, not only to us, but to other countries — because we’ve opened it up where allies of ours can now buy planes, because they were taking a long time. They’d have two- and three-year waits. By the time the plane was ready, they wanted to buy the new version of it. And we’re getting that done very quickly. So I think you probably see the results. I’m sure it’s helping. So, Dennis, thank you very much for being here.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much. It’s a great honor. And, to the media, thank you very much. (Applause.)
Q Mr. President, any comment on Ohio? Would you like to comment on Ohio, Mr. President?
THE PRESIDENT: We’ll see what happens tonight. We’ll see what happens.
Q Can we see you tomorrow?
THE PRESIDENT: I’ll be around.
8:14 P.M. E
我三月前离开的 我们把人质找回来了 日本上空不再有导弹飞过了 没有火箭在上升。 没有核试验 我们和北韩有良好的关系。 所以我们来看看它是如何工作的。
我觉得中国现在不快乐。 也许他们在做一些小数目的反击, 但我们也会很容易地解决这个问题。
但我认为我们在朝鲜方面做得很好。 我们很尊敬你。 这最终将成为一个伟大的国家。
克里斯我想让你结束这一切 你的工作做得很棒。
林先生: 谢谢。 克里斯. 林德我是总统助理 我和我妻子蕾妮在一起 很荣幸为您效劳, 先生。 见到你真好 说到经济, 在这个角色之前, 我一直是多家公司的首席财务官, 我从来没见过经济这么好的样子。 谢谢你,先生。
总统: 好的, 谢谢你, 克里斯。 但只有一个故事, 因为我看到波音公司的丹尼斯坐在这里。 我给出的第一件事是空军一号。 空军一号是30岁, 这是旧的美国。 我看到其他国家在他们的波音747s 上拉起了全新的。 很多中东国家, 有趣的是。 我们没有保护他们。 但这也在改变。 但他们有全新的波音747s。
所以我的价格是56亿美元。 这是两架飞机, 不是一架飞机的价格。 但那一定是--你知道, 那是世界上最贵的飞机。 所以我们工作了很长很辛苦, 我们有同样的确切的产品还便宜16亿美元。 是吗?
希望--希望--我们会让他们更快一点。 我想你能生产出来。 但是他们将成为这个国家的代表, 这将是一个非常伟大的事情。于是我们坐了下来, 我们进行了非常认真的谈判;效果很好。 丹尼斯你在波音公司做得很出色
我提到有一个小切口, 但你卖的 F-18s , 和所有的不同的飞机, 你不仅卖给美国也卖给其他国家-因为它们是我们盟友, 我们现在可以购买飞机, 因为他们等待的时间到了。 他们有三年的等待时间。 当飞机准备就绪时, 他们想买新的版本。 我们很快就能完成这项工作。 所以我想你可能看到了结果。 我相信这会有帮助的。 丹尼斯非常感谢你能来这里
先生们, 女士们, 非常感谢你。 这是莫大的荣幸 对媒体, 非常感谢。 (掌声)
问总统先生, 对俄亥俄州有什么评论吗? 你想对俄亥俄州发表评论吗, 总统先生?
总统: 我们来看看今晚会发生什么。 我们看看会发生什么。
Q 我们明天能见你吗?
总统: 我会来的。
下午8:14 E 结束
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