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1 关心别人:你怎么啦? What’s the matter? What’s the matter with you? What’s wrong? What’s wrong w——精英家教网——
1 关心别人:你怎么啦? What’s the matter? What’s the matter with you? What’s wrong? What’s wrong with you? 2 关心别人:你是不是得--(病)了呀? Do you have a fever? Are you hungry? 3 关心别人:你应该--.你最好--.为什么--? You should go to bed early. You shouldn’t eat anything for 24 hours. You’d better go to bed early. You’d better not eat anything for 24 hours. Why not go to bed early? Why don’t you go to bed early? 4 关心自己:我不舒服.我病了.我饿了 I’m not feeling well. I have a headache. I am hungry. 5 关心自己:我应该--.我最好-- I should see a doctor. I’d better see a doctor. 6 评价建议, 表达祝愿 I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Yes, I think so. That’s a good idea. I hope you feel better soon. 【】
根据汉语意思完成句子(一空一词,含缩写)。1. 你怎么啦?我胃疼。&&&& "What's _____ _____&you?""I have _____&_____&"2. 昨天他9:00才到学校。 &&& He _____&_____&to school _____&9:00 _____&.3. 传统中医相信我们需要阴阳平衡以保持健康。&&&&&_____&_____&_____&believe we need _____&of yin and yang to keep healthy. 4. 我认为你应该多吃想豆腐一样含阴的食品 &&& I think you _____&_____&_____&yin foods _____&tofu. 5. 你感冒了。你应该躺下休息。 && You have a cold. You should _____&_____&_____&_____&.
根据汉语意思,完成下列句子1. 我午餐经常吃蔬菜.&&&&I often __________ vegetables __________&__________. 2. 你怎么啦,汤姆?&&& __________&__________&__________ you, Tom?3. 现在是七点一刻.&&& It's a __________&__________ seven now. 4. 他不得不去提水.&&& He __________&__________ carry water.
根据汉语完成英语。1. 你帮助我们真是太好了。It’s very kind _____ you _____ help us .2. 该是回家的时间了。It’s _____ to go home 3. 几点了?六点半。—What time _____ it ?&&—_____ six thirty .4. 你怎么啦?What’s ______&&______ you?5. 狮是兽中之王。& The lion is _____ king ______ the beasts.&&&&6. 我最喜爱的动物是猴子。&Monkeys are my _____ animals.&&7. 你最喜欢的动物是什么?&&&_____ your favorite animal ?&&&&&&&8. 我们到了。&&&_____ we are.9. 劳驾,你能告诉我现在的时间吗?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ______ me ,.could you _____ me the time ?10. 别哭,我来帮你。_____ cry , _____ me help you .
阅读理解。&&&& Mr. Brown is 80 years old. Every morning he goes for a walk in the park. And he comes home at twelve thirty&for lunch. &&&& But today a car stops at his house. At twelve, two policemen help him get out. (出来) One of then says to Mr. Brown's daughter: "The old man can't find his way in the park. He asks us to take him homeby car." The daughter thanks the policemen and the policemen leave. (离开)&&&& Then she asks her father: "Dad, you go to that park every day. But today, you can't find the way. What's wrong with you?" (你怎么啦) The old man smiles like a child (像孩子一样笑起来) and says,"I can find my way. I don't want to walk home."1. Mr. Brown goes for a walk in the park in the _____?A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. nignt2. Every day Mr. Brown often comes home at _____.A. eleven B. eleven thirty C. twelve D. twelve thirty 3. Today Mr. Brown comes home _____. A. by bus B. by car C. on foot D. by subway4. The policeman says: "Mr. Brown _____ in the park." A. doesn't want to walk home B. can't find his way home C. knows the way D. can find my way5. Mr. Brown's daughter thinks _____.A. he wants to have lunch early B. he wants to go home C. something is wrong with him D. he doesn't want to go home
Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown work in the same office (办公室).One day Mr. Jones says to Mr. Brown, “I will have a small party at our house on Monday evening. Would you and your wife like to come?”
Mr. Brown says, “Thank you very much. I’d love to, but let me ask my wife(妻子) first.” So Mr. Brown goes to the other room and telephones his wife. Then he comes back and looks very worried.
  “What’s the matter?(怎么啦)” asks Mr. Jones. “Is your wife there at home?”
  “No,” answers Mr. Brown. “She isn’t there. My small son answers the telephone. I say to him, ‘Is your mother there, David?’ and he answers ‘No, she isn’t in the house.’ ‘Where is she?’ I ask, ‘She is somewhere outside(在外面)’ . ‘What’s she doing?’ ‘She is looking for(寻找) me.’”
根据短文内容,判断以下句子的正误,你认为正确的句子请在答题卷相应空格内填“ T”, 错的填 “ F ”。 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) (&& )51. There is a party at Mr. Jones’s house on Monday evening .
(&& )52. Mr. Jones asks Mr. Brown and his wife to go to the party .
(&& )53. The telephone is in Mr. Brown’s office.
(&& )54. Mr. Brown speaks to Mrs. Brown on the telephone .
(&& )55. Mrs. Brown is looking for her son&
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小学英语说课稿:《What’s the matter ?》范文
【导读】一:本单元的核心内容是“询问别人情况”。我说的是这一单元的第一课时,教学目标为: 1: 集中教学表示感觉的形容词 tired 、ill、 hot、 cold、 hungry、 thirsty 2:能听懂、会说、句型
培训热线:<span style="color:#fd-01-9999
一:本单元的核心内容是“询问别人情况”。我说的是这一单元的第一课时,教学目标为: 1: 集中教学表示感觉的形容词 tired 、ill、 hot、 cold、 hungry、 thirsty 2:能听懂、会说、句型What’s the matter ? I’m…… 3:能用贴切的形容词表述自己的感觉 4:单词tired的读音要到位 二:教学重点: 1:学生对表示感觉的形容词 tired 、ill、 hot、 cold、 hungry、 thirsty的掌握 2:能用What’s the matter ? I’m……来表示自己的感受,并能和同学就此情景组织一个小对话。三:教学方法: 1:以学生为中心 2:以交际为主线四::教学过程:(一) 1:先利用猜一猜的形式复习旧知:单词:hamburger, sandwich, cake, milk等单词的情况下,出现hungry图片,教学这单词。(这时,同学们的学习兴趣比较高,对新知持比较积极的态度。) 2:在学生很好地掌握这一单词的时,引出问题What’s the matter ? 引导学生回答I’m hungry .(如学生不能回答,则教师再教学),师再说:Here’s a hamburger for you . 生:Thank you . 师:Not at all. 3:运用自己手中的cake, hamburger,等来练习这一对话 A: What’s the matter ? B: I’m …… A: Here’s a …… for you . B: Thank you . A: Not at all. 4:表演这一对话(二):用同样的方法教学其余的单词:ill, tired, hot, cold,thirsty并且运用上面的这一对话来练习英语是一门语言,它不同于其它知识课,而且我们的母语是汉语,周围的环境直接制约影响着我们,所以很难实现常说常练。那么要掌握英语这一门技能和技巧,只凭教师在课堂上的讲讲,而不通过大量的反复的语言实际操练是难以达到的,应以学生操练为主,为学生提供尽可能多的机会和尽可能丰富多样的练习方式。在教学完这些单词后,然后抽出几个组面对全班同学进行表演,这样既满足了同学们的表现欲,又提高了他们的综合运用能力,使课堂气氛达到了高潮,知识水平也提高了一个层次。 (三):听录音:学生跟读,让学生在练习的基础上对本课的对话有进一步的巩固。(四):Homework !: Copy the new words 2: Make a dialogue with deskmate&相关资料推荐:
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