
Drivetribe&A social network for misfits and petrol headsDrivetribe&A social network for misfits and petrol headsDrivetribe&A social network for misfits and petrol heads
An automotive social media network featuring 'The Grand Tour' presenters Jeremy Clarkson, James May, Richard May & 'Top Gear' producer Andy Wilman.The app featured automotive-themed 'tribes' where motoring fans can create, join, post to, share content and express themselves whilst follwing and interacting with supreme motoring influencers.&As the first design hire, I was responsible for the user experience, prototyping & visual direction. Working alongside the CEO and product owner in a close iterative fashion, hiring and building out the full team of UX Designers, Visual Designers, a Design Director & Creative Director (Brand).DriveTribe was able to raise ?5.5m series A raise from Atomico and Breyer and is growing at a speedy pace.
RoleCreative Director (XD)Visual DesignerUX DesignerRoleCreative Director (XD)Visual DesignerUX DesignerRoleCreative Director (XD)Visual DesignerUX Designer
Project TypeSocial Network&iOS, Android & DesktopProject TypeSocial Network&iOS, Android & DesktopProject TypeSocial Network&iOS, Android & DesktopProject TypeSocial Network&iOS, Android & Desktop&Project TypeSocial Network,&iOS, Android & Desktop&
"I don't really use websites, I get my daughter to email people for me" — Jeremy (Overheard in the office)"I don't really use websites, I get my daughter to email people for me" — Jeremy (Overheard in the office)"I don't really use websites, I get my daughter to email people for me" — Jeremy (Overheard in the office)
iOS AppEarly visual design for profile screensiOS AppEarly visual design for profile screens
Visual Direction at launchVisual Direction at launch
The Client&I've had it easier
Selected Works
Coming Soon
An on-demand freelance army
A home for misfits and petrol heads
The No.1 French Telecom Co.
This is Notworking(TM)
The 'Black Label' is back
The world's first responders
Various Projects
Contact& & &Contact& & &&Contact& & &
Company InfoMade Studio Ltd.Company InfoMade Studio Ltd.&Company InfoMade Studio Ltd.&
UpdatedJan 2018UpdatedJan 2018UpdatedJan 2018【图片】《drivetribe》:曼联球员豪车座驾一览【曼彻斯特联足球俱乐部吧】_百度贴吧
伊布---Volvo XC90
姆希塔良---Lamborghini Aventador Pirelli Edition
博格巴---Audi RS6R
卢卡库---Rolls Royce Phantom
布林德--- Chevrolet Corvette Stingray
德赫亚---Mercedes-Benz GLE
费莱尼---Audi A7 Sportback
琼斯--- Range Rover
斯莫林--Bentley Continental
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We've made some behind-the-scenes tweaks to make DriveTribe smoother and faster than ever – and squashed some pesky bugs.
We've made some behind-the-scenes tweaks to make DriveTribe smoother and faster than ever – and squashed some pesky bugs.
We've made some behind-the-scenes tweaks to make DriveTribe smoother and faster than ever – and squashed some pesky bugs.We've also added a GDPR-friendly login flow. Contain your excitement.
We've made some behind-the-scenes tweaks to make DriveTribe smoother and faster than ever – and squashed some pesky bugs.We've also added a GDPR-friendly login flow. Contain your excitement.
v2.6.1:We've been tuning and removing bugs.Enjoying DriveTribe? We want to know what you think, so please leave a review, it really helps! You can also email feedback/suggestions/ideas/rants to
v2.5.2:o YouTube Articleso Fix magic link redirecto As always, bug fixes and performance improvementsEnjoying DriveTribe? We want to know what you think, so please leave a review, it really helps! You can also email feedback/suggestions/ideas/rants to
Roast my Ride is now in the app!(and yes, we've been hard at work tuning and squashing bugs as always - to make your experience smooth as a freshly paved road)Enjoying DriveTribe? We want to know what you think, so please leave a review, it really helps! You can also email feedback/suggestions/ideas/rants to
Roast my Ride is now in the app!(and yes, we've been hard at work tuning and squashing bugs as always - to make your experience smooth as a freshly paved road)Enjoying DriveTribe? We want to know what you think, so please leave a review, it really helps! You can also email feedback/suggestions/ideas/rants to
We've been hard at work tuning and squashing bugs.Enjoying DriveTribe? We want to know what you think, so please leave a review, it really helps! You can also email feedback/suggestions/ideas/rants to
We've been hard at work tuning and squashing bugs.Enjoying DriveTribe? We want to know what you think, so please leave a review, it really helps! You can also email feedback/suggestions/ideas/rants to
o Chats are now in Tribeso iPhone X Supporto Bug fixes and performance improvementsEnjoying DriveTribe? We want to know what you think, so please leave a review, it really helps! You can also email feedback/suggestions/ideas/rants to
o Live video in chato Bug fixes and performance improvementsEnjoying DriveTribe? We want to know what you think, so please leave a review, it really helps! You can also email feedback/suggestions/ideas/rants to
o Live Chat Channelso Bug fixes and performance improvementsEnjoying DriveTribe? We want to know what you think, so please leave a review, it really helps! You can also email feedback/suggestions/ideas/rants to
o Live Chato New camera designo Bug fixes and performance improvementsEnjoying DriveTribe? We want to know what you think, so please leave a review, it really helps! You can also email feedback/suggestions/ideas/rants to
o Improved Tribe Discussionso Twitter views with more detailo Bug fixes and improvementsEnjoying DriveTribe? We want to know what you think, so please leave a review, it really helps! You can also email feedback/suggestions/ideas/rants to
o Add new notifications to settingso Embed Tweets in postso Added captions for hero imageso Bug fixes and improvements Enjoying DriveTribe? We want to know what you think, so please leave a review, it really helps! You can also email feedback/suggestions/ideas/rants to
o Configure your notification settingso Fixed camera roll to include iCloud photosEnjoying DriveTribe? We want to know what you think, so please leave a review, it really helps! You can also email feedback/suggestions/ideas/rants to
o MentionsEnjoying DriveTribe? We want to know what you think, so please leave a review, it really helps! You can also email feedback/suggestions/ideas/rants to
o Long press to save imageso Fixed push notificationso Fixed a few bugsEnjoying DriveTribe? We want to know what you think, so please leave a review, it really helps! You can also email feedback/suggestions/ideas/rants to
版本 2.9.0
5(满分 5 分)
229 个评分
229 个评分
启用“家人共享”后,此 App 最多可供 6 名家庭成员使用。这三个曾经“嘲讽”国产车的外国人,现在又来中国搞事情?!这三个曾经“嘲讽”国产车的外国人,现在又来中国搞事情?!汽车之家百家号Part 1虽然只是和他们面对面呆了不到两个小时,但是我这次可以毫无疑问地确定,他们绝对是汽车行业里最会主持节目,主持人里最会玩车的三个人。我本来以为这会是一次相对正经的媒体发布会——Jeremy Clarkson、Richard Hammond 以及James May 这三位汽车媒体圈里的大明星(我们更喜欢叫他们“三jian客”)来到中国为他们创办了的汽车网络社区Drivetribe做宣传而已——结果从Jeremy 一进屋就调侃James 在酒店里迷路开始,这场发布会就变成了“三剑客”的现场脱口秀。在今天之前, 我曾经猜想每一集Top Gear或者The Grand Tour 一定有一个人数众多的“智囊团”来完成编剧这项任务,不然的话,他们是怎么做到几乎在每一分钟的节目里都能“抖机灵”?我没有问,但现场可以说是间接回答了我的问题:“三剑客”身上的英式幽默是如此的“根深蒂固”,特别是Jeremy,只要话筒在他手上,下一秒一定有一个东西会被他嘲讽——问到为什么来重庆的时候,他坦然告诉大家喝了两杯之后自己也忘了——一如既往自嘲的同时也守住了新节目的秘密。当然了,口无遮拦也是Jeremy的最大特点,短短的几十分钟采访,TGT的导演,自动驾驶汽车,还有喜欢骑马的和打高尔夫的人都纷纷“躺枪”……经过这一次短暂的“会面”,我完全相信了Jeremy认为他们的节目成功的秘诀就是“人”这个观点。因为只有合适的人,才能创造出这么多的点子和这么有意思的元素。那些精致的画面和堪比好莱坞大片的特效,只要有钱就能做到,但是像这样的三人组,到目前为止,我们还看不到第二个。Part 2我们中国,现在确实是“汽车大国”——汽车产量,汽车销量和汽车工业技术发展速度都处于世界前列,但真正把“三剑客”吸引到这片土地的原因——却是正在看这篇文章的你。虽然中国汽车文化起步晚,不成熟,但是我们有非常庞大的群众基础,而当今互联网进入自媒体时代之后,更是给了中国汽车爱好者们一个可以无限发挥的空间。James May更是在采访中直言:“中国会是未来世界汽车的主流,他们也这次能够抓住这次机会。”而他们想搞的事情,就是把已经小有规模的汽车网络社群Drivetribe带入中国。其实,Drivetribe在2016年就诞生了,只不过由于一些众所周知的原因,它的海外主页在国内是无法访问的。如今你们看完这篇文章之后,就可以直接百度直达了。如果你点进去转了一圈又回来了,那也是很正常的,现在Drivetribe中国版刚刚上线,内容、功能和用户体验都不够完善。作为“友商”,还是需要善意提醒一下,想玩转中国汽车互联网,难度并不小。在官方宣传资料中,全球DriveTribe注册用户超100万,每月活跃用户达410万、 10万次页面浏览,拥有大约一千多活跃的社区部落。平台上最活跃的人群分布在25岁至34岁,男性为主,他们大多拥有较高的学历和独立房产,消费能力强,对汽车充满热情,总体市场前景可观。其实满足上述条件的中国网友,没准远远超过100万,但是,显然哪款车有跳楼价,什么车最省心省油以及别人家的媳妇更让剩下的千万网友感兴趣……所以当我看过Drivetribe社区里一些非常酷,非常有见地的内容之后,认为它们的出现绝对是中国汽车互联网里的一股清流。这个社区非常适合传播纯粹的汽车文化(我自己也已经注册了账号),不过对于更大的市场运作来说,无论是媒体平台还是UGC内容,Drivetribe要做的还有很多很多,先从打败网红小姐姐开始吧~不过,值得我们开心的是,肩负着“三剑客”的光环和名气,Drivetribe并不是一个高冷的场所——Jeremy明确表示,只要你是汽车爱好者,无论喜欢的是法拉利还是夏利,都可以来DriveTribe这个社区来分享——我只是很好奇,丰田普锐斯(Jeremy最讨厌的车之一)爱好者会不会喜欢来这里发帖子。虽然截止至发稿的时候,我还没怎么看到长城,吉利,比亚迪等车主在上面发帖,但至少“三剑客”明白,接地气还是很重要的。Part 3如果你们不是“三剑客”的粉丝,也许在看完这篇文章之后都不知道评论点什么好。不过在未来,也许Drivetribe创造的内容会影响到你的汽车生活。比如三剑客对车辆独特的判断方式,可能会改变到未来新生代选车的思维方式。正如在Jeremy眼里,一辆车好不好,他更在意的是“你喜不喜欢它”,只要你喜欢它,它就是好车,不喜欢它,它就不是。这个观点够直接够犀利,确实也会有人买单(也许就是某个现在正开着阿尔法·罗密欧的人)。所以以后在Drivetribe上聚集一批某车型的狂热爱好者也不是不可能。又比如未来,Drivetribe会有一些和国内本地汽车媒体合作的机会,甚至说一些争锋相对的观点对抗。这里我要插一波广告,今年国庆节左右,我自己的栏目《黄司机》会推出一个中国车特辑,以当年三剑客对中国车的嘲讽为切入点,看看当今中国车是如何回应的。最重要的是,三剑客在发布会上亲口说了,他们搭建这个社区的原因之一是——他们退休之后,全世界能够在Drivetribe上寻找未来替代他们的接班人(想到这么一天,还有点儿伤感呢)。Part 4最后,你们或多或少也在网上看到消息了,三剑客这次来其实也是带着拍摄任务的。新一季The Grand Tour将会有一集他们开着三辆老式豪华轿车:奔驰S级 (W140) ,宝马7系(E38)和凯迪拉克Seville STS在中国西南地区拍摄的特别节目,也会有一段Jeremy关于红旗L5的车评。我敢肯定的是,这一次中国车绝对会刷新他们的认知,至少不会再开到由厨子制造出变速箱的车了本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表百度立场。未经作者许可,不得转载。汽车之家百家号最近更新:简介:买车、用车、养车,你想看的这里都有!作者最新文章相关文章}


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