dense wood 和 dense of wood精油官网区别是啥

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进出口货物名称中英对照(92)-金融英语考试-无忧英语考试 ... dense pile velvet 高经密乔绒 dense wood 密纹木材 densener 压紧器 ...
纸业专业英语词汇翻译(D2)传媒及纸业英语词汇 ... dense timber 紧密木材 dense wood 紧密木材 densification 增浓(作用) ...
荆榛满目 in English, Dictiona... ... 榛薮 dense wood 榛薮 dense wood 榛芜 wilderness, bushy and weedy, humble, inferior ...
Mile away, gives forth a mere wraith of sound . Itswhistle is deadened as in a dense wood.
Taking a path which led out of the town we crossed a few fields until we came to a dense wood.
In a fairytale setting - a castle and a tavern in the heart of a dense wood - a company of men and women are brought together by chance.
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dense是什么意思 dense在线翻译 dense什么意思 dense的意思 dense的翻译 dense的解释 dense的发音 dense的同义词 dense的反义词 dense的例句
dense英 [dens] 美 [d?ns] 比较级:最高级:dense 基本解释形容词密集的,稠密的; 浓密的,浓厚的; 愚钝的dense的意思dense 同义词dense在线翻译形容词dense 反义词形容词手机查看dense的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 dense 即可dense 相关例句形容词1. Traffic slowed down because of the dense fog.&&&&因浓雾车辆减速行驶。2. He is so dense he'll never amount to anything.&&&&他十分愚钝,决不会有出息。3. We fought our way through dense forest.&&&&我们奋力通过密林。dense 网络解释1. 密:问题是,过于稠密(dense)的组织层级可能无法系统地抓住这类战略学习(的精髓). 能熟练进行软分析的规划者这时就可以发挥作用了:他们可以先找到这些不断出现的模式,然后为了整个组织的利益对这些模式进行详细审查.2. 密集的:数组必须是密集的(dense),有着连续的下标索引.所以我们不能从数组中删除元素.而对于嵌套表来说,初始化时,它是密集的,但它是允许有间隙的(sparse), 也就是说它的下标索引可以是不连续的.3. 3. 稠密:满足的图,称为稀疏(sparse)图;反之,称为稠密(dense)图. 简单图G中长度为奇数和偶数的圈分别称为奇圈(odd cycle)和偶圈(even cycle). 边割集(edge cut set):边集,若G删除了后不连通,但删除了的任意真子集后G仍然连通. 则称点割集.dense 双语例句1. It was a root pairs of strains of holly, higher than the eaves, leaves dense seamless, dark green light, in the winter, with bamboo light green color of show scenery, giving a good impression to leave, it will enable you germinal Prose The inspiration, though not as earth-shattering story of the source, from the cuttings to grow together in prayer for the two thick trees, the growth of its history, after the number of wind and rain, how many spent the winter and spring, winter does not fade dark green in color, hair can not count the new spring shoots, there are hundreds of thousands of young leaves crowded old leaves, people unknown knowing it.&&&&那是一个根的双株冬青,高过房檐,叶密无缝,墨绿发光,在冬天里,与竹的淡绿各展色景,给人留下美好的印像,它能令你生发散文的灵感,虽然不会成为惊天动地的故事之源,从插枝到成长为两根合掌粗的树,它的生长史,经过了多少风和雨,度过了几多冬与春,冬不褪墨绿的本色,春发不可计数的新枝条,又有千千万万的幼叶挤老叶,人不可知它自知。2. These algorithms use special techniques to ensure almost instantly growing, dense and loop-free reverberation with a smooth decay.&&&&这些算法使用特殊技术,以确保几乎立即增加,密度和环免费混响与顺利老化的问题。3. As ionic kosmotropes primarily achieve their increased structuring solely within their hydration shell, they partition into the more dense water where they can obtain this hydration water more readily, whereas the ionic chaotropes, by avoiding interference with water's hydrogen-bonded network, tend to clathrate formation within the less dense environment.&&&&作为实现其主要离子kosmotropes只靠增加其水化壳结构,划分成更密集水何处可以获得这样更容易水化水,而chaotropes离子、避免干扰水的氢键网络,往往形成包合物的环境较稠密。4. RESULTS: Under a phase contrast microscope, NSCs showed turgor vitalis, clear nucleus and nucleolus, enlarged nervous process and dense lattice.&&&&结果:在相差显微镜下观察培养的神经干细胞,细胞形态丰满,胞核及核仁清晰可见,神经突起粗大,网络稠密。5. 911查询·英语单词5. This type of correlation, which has been used in a slightlymodied form[z/(4πIR2)] to estimatemetal binding constants for catechol and acetohydroxamic acid (29), is rationalized by noting that charge-dense hard metals with high ionic potentials interact strongly with the hard oxygen atoms in siderophore moieties.&&&&这种类型的相关性,已在使用 slightlymodified表格[/(4πIR2)]的estimatemetal约束力对邻苯二酚和乙酰氧肟酸(29)常数是合理化时指出,电荷密度硬金属高电位离子相互作用强烈的硬氧原子在铁载体基团。6. Bobai is characterized by water spinach planted paddy fields, dense leaf stem length, leaf tail taper, 鲜绿crisp, the stem pick into a paragraph break, the fracture that split kink, with a sharp knife could not cut the stem I ping.&&&&博白蕹菜的特点是水田栽植,茎长叶密,叶尾尖细,鲜绿脆嫩,把茎蔓摘断成段,其断口即裂开卷缩,用锋利的刀也无法将茎口切平。7. They are composed of dense lamellar bone originating from the medial maxillae and are covered with erectile mucosal tissue.&&&&他们由上颌骨内侧突出的致密板层骨构成,上方覆盖能肿胀变硬的粘膜组织。8. 8. The initiating stacking structure of dense propellant bed was simulated by Monte Carlo method.&&&&首先用Monte Carlo模拟密实发射药床初始堆积结构,然后引入一种建立在非连续介质基础上,又区别于一般多体动力学方法的离散元法,来模拟密实的发射药床在膛内高压条件下的碰撞、挤压的动力学过程。9. Over the distribution of the neck muscles and dense, mainly the superficial platysma, sternocleidomastoid, suprahyoid muscles and deep down in the first before the rectus muscle, cephalic rectus, head long muscle, three scalene muscle, etc..&&&&颈部肌肉分布多而密,主要有浅层的颈阔肌、胸锁乳突肌、舌骨上下肌群和深层的头前直肌、头侧直肌、头长肌、三斜角肌等。10. The paper presents a method on real-time generation of dynamic dense smoke based on aerodynamics and the particle system theory.&&&&基于气体动力学和粒子系统理论,本文给出了一种实时生成动态浓烟的方法。11. The new bath can plate directly on steel, copper, brass, zincated aluminum and most high quality properly prepared zinc diecastings in both rack and barrel installations. The copper deposit which plates must be fine grained, smooth, dense and ductile.&&&&&&该工艺要求能够在钢铁、铜、黄铜、锌合金以及铝合金上面能直接电镀而得到细致、均匀、韧性好、结合力强的铜镀层,而且镀液也必须能适合挂镀、滚镀等多种电镀方式的需要。12. dense的反义词12. The unflatness of amplified spontaneous emission noise and its impacts imposed on the performance of the off-center narrow filter polarization-nulling method when monitoring the in-band optical signal-to-noise ratio of dense wavelength division multiplexing system are analyzed, and a modified method by introducing an unflat factor in the calculation of OSNR is proposed.&&&&&&分析了累积自发辐射噪声的非平坦特性,在已有窄带离心偏振置零法测量波分复用系统中带内光信噪比的基础上,分析该方法在噪声非平坦条件下存在的问题,提出了在光信噪比的计算中引入修正因子。13. We all know that the disk is rotating at work, and it is based on information stored in records of a series of concentric circles on its surface, each track as a concentric circle in Figure 1 we can see the track and sector The distribution of Of course, this is more than just a diagram, in-kind is much more dense than the picture!&&&&&&我们都知道磁盘在工作时是转动的,它所存储的信息是按一系列同心圆记录在其表面上的,每一个同心圆称为一个磁道,在图1我们可以看到磁道和扇区的分布情况(当然,这只是个示意图而已,实物要比图中密得多!14. We all know that the disk is rotating at work, and it is based on information stored in records of a series of concentric circles on its surface, each track as a concentric circle in Figure 1 we can to see the track and the distribution sector Of course, this is more than just a diagram, in-kind is much more dense than the picture!&&&&&&我们都知道磁盘在工作时是转动的,它所存储的信息是按一系列同心圆记录在其表面上的,每一个同心圆称为一个磁道,在图1我们可以看到磁道和扇区的分布情况当然,这只是个示意图而已,实物要比图中密得多!15. 15. In her vision of where the Wall should be increasing the height of thick - in fact not the case, monsoon wear the edge of the brick edge Fenger, with fine sand and light dense cover, a shot through the sun with the whole of the old walls in dust streamer slightly shaking like.&&&&&&在她想象里那堵墙应该是加高加厚的——其实不然,季风磨化了砖块的边缘棱缝儿,有细砂轻密覆盖,经阳光一射整个旧墙都随着浮尘流光微微摇晃似的。16. 16. A method of reducing the burden of infection by moving pigs on a one-off basis from accommodation that is either continuously populated, or in the middle of a dense farm.&&&&&&将猪只从连续饲养流程中或密集猪场中一次性转出,以减轻疾病感染负担。17. We proved, under a geometric condition given by Capietto, Mawhin and Zanolin, the infinity and some dense distribution of even or odd symmetric subharmonics for the equation with oscillatory nonlinearity.&&&&&&本文讨论了具有偶或奇对称性的Duffing方程,在由Capietto,Mawhin和Zanolin给出的几何条件下,我们证明了具有振动非线性的对称Duffing方程有无穷多个对称的次调和解,并且其次调和解具有某种稠密的分布。18. In such a bustling city of bustling area, what is there than the fantasy in the dense forest is more attractive.&&&&&&在这样一个繁华的都市的法繁华地带,还有什么比梦幻中的茂密森林更吸引人的呢。19. According to the characteristics of Debao karst-formed aluminium, containing too much mud, the article analy- ses Debao Mine guarantees the quality of provided mine by improving and optimizing the ore washing process to reduce the mud-contained rate, but it needs to find a better medicament to increase high-dense pool's efficiency and to reduce the cost.&&&&&&文章针对德保岩溶堆积型铝土矿含泥率较高的特点,分析了德保矿山通过不断改进并优化洗矿流程生产工艺,有效降低了洗矿含泥率,保证了供矿质量,但需寻找更适宜的药剂以提高浓密池效率,降低成本。20. It is a dense, hard, unreactive, silvery gray metal with an extremely high melting point (5, 425 F [2, 996 C]).&&&&&&是一种高密度、坚硬、银灰色的金属,熔点极高(2,996℃)。dense 词典解释1. 稠密的;密集的&&&&Something that is dense contains a lot of things or people in a small area.&&&&e.g. Where Bucharest now stands, there once was a large, dense forest...&&&&&&&&&&&布加勒斯特的所在地过去曾是一大片茂密的森林。&&&&e.g. Its fur is short, dense and silky...&&&&&&&&&&&它的毛又短又密,柔软光洁。denselyJava is a densely populated island...爪哇岛人口稠密。The fire struck a densely wooded area of Oakland.奥克兰一个树木茂密的地区发生了大火。2. (雾、烟等)浓的,浓重的&&&&Dense fog or smoke is difficult to see through because it is very heavy and dark.&&&&e.g. A dense column of smoke rose several miles into the air.&&&&&&&&&&&一股浓烟升到了几英里的高空。3. (物质)密度大的&&&&In science, a dense substance is very heavy in relation to its volume.&&&&e.g. ...a small dense star.&&&&&&&&&&&密度很大的小恒星4. (文章、电影等因信息量大而)难懂的,费解的&&&&If you describe writing or a film as dense, you mean that it is difficult to understand because it contains a lot of information and ideas.&&&&e.g. His prose is vigorous and dense, occasionally to the point of obscurity.&&&&&&&&&&&他的散文文笔有力、内容庞杂,有时几近晦涩。5. 愚蠢的;愚钝的;鲁钝的&&&&If you say that someone is dense, you mean that you think they are stupid and that they take a long time to understand simple things.&&&&e.g. He's not a bad man, just a bit dense.&&&&&&&&&&&他人不坏,就是有点儿愚钝。dense 单语例句1. Dense trees line the lanes and small hills provide a tranquil oasis just meters away from the busy streets.2. A woman covers her nose when walking through dense fog caused by heavy pollution in Beijing on Tuesday.3. For the island was surrounded by the sea and covered by dense forests.4. Government soldiers killed eight rebels and discovered a large cache of weapons in dense jungles of southern Colombia.5. Temperatures reached 80 to 90 C, and carbon monoxide was dense in the zone where the five miners were trapped.6. Wear a dust mask to vacuum and cover bedroom vents with dense filtering material like cheesecloth.7. The miner bought himself several clinical masks to avoid inhaling dense dust that could almost choke him but they soon became stained black.8. The red sandal wood takes on a color of purplish brown, and is so dense that any piece of it placed in water will sink immediately.9. Yu Hui draws landscapes of southern China - the wild weed, the dense wood and the transparent pond - like a dreamland with vivid colors.10. The entire area is covered with towering cliffs of sandstone of quartz and dense unspoiled forests that conceal fantastic caves full of stalactites and stalagmites.danci.911cha.comdense是什么意思,dense在线翻译,dense什么意思,dense的意思,dense的翻译,dense的解释,dense的发音,dense的同义词,dense的反义词,dense的例句,dense的相关词组,dense意思是什么,dense怎么翻译,单词dense是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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