
公司简介 海航酒店集团成立于1997年,是海航旅业集团旗下酒店业务集团,是世界饭店集团300强、中国最具竞争力的民族酒店品牌、中国最佳酒店管理集团公司。截至2016年底,海航酒店……
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The EU has claimed that part of the U.S.’s stimulus package that claims to “Buy American” is an unfair trade practice and is a deliberate blocking of free trade.
The U.S. in reply has filed a complaint with the WTO that the EU’s subsidizing of airbus is against WTO rules as well. As it stands now, the WTO panel reviewing the U.S. complaint has finished its hearings and briefings and a ruling could be issued mid to late this year while deliberation on the EU complaint may very well push that ruling way into the future.
Doesn’t sound fair to let the US get away with it but not the EU, does it? The WTO panel replied to other countries by dismissing it as being unimportant saying, “don’t worry, no body reads that stuff anyway.”
This Buy American provision reminds Canadians that neither NAFTA nor other international institutions, particularly the World Trade Organization, have provided the complete security of market access many thought they had won. The WTO has a set of rules and practices that are profoundly anti-environmental and diminish or abolish any honest effort to protect environmental, social and moral values. The first insta the EU banned the sale of furs from any animal that was caught in a steel jaw type trap.
This is a trap that is spring loaded and has sharp claws that slam shut on the animal who unknowingly steps in the trap.
These traps crush and hold the animal's leg, holding the animal until the trapper returns, which may be several days. Nocturnal animals are terrified at being held out in daylight, they may die of thirst or from their injuries, and have been known to bite off their own legs to get free.
The European Union decided to ban the import of pelts only from countries that had not banned the steel-jaw leghold trap since it is impossible to tell after the fur has been stripped whether or not the animal it came from was caught in one of these traps.
The United States, Canada, and Russia all threatened to file a complaint forcing the EU to withdraw this ban, allowing this unethical hurtful practice to continue.To those who use a translating machine.If you don't have that ability,don't shame yourself.
欧盟宣称,作为美国刺激计划组成部分的“购买美国货”是一种不公平的贸易行为,它故意阻挠了贸易自由。美国则在答复中向 WTO 提出申诉,说欧盟对空中客车的补贴也违反了 WTO 的规则。目前,审查针对美国申诉的 WTO 专家组已经完成了听证和情况报告,今年年中至下半年即有可能出具一份裁决,而针对欧盟的申诉则很可能将上述裁决延至遥远的未来。让美国逃脱制裁而不让欧盟逃脱似乎不太公平,不是吗?WTO 专家组在向其它国家的答复中称是因为不重要而将其打发,它说:“别担心,总之没人会去看那些玩意儿的。”购买美国货的条款提醒了加拿大人,非但 NAFTA,而且其它国际机构(特别是世贸组织)也都未提供许多人本以为已经赢得的完全的市场准入机制。WTO 有一套规则和实务从骨子里是破坏环境的,而且弱化或破坏了任何一种诚实的保护环境、社会和道德观所做出的努力。其第一个例子就是:欧盟禁止销售任何在钢夹类陷阱中捕获的猎物的皮毛。
欧盟声称,一部分美国的刺激计划,声称要“购买美国产品”是一个不公平贸易做法,是一种蓄意阻挠的自由贸易。美国的答复提出了申诉与世贸组织,欧盟的补贴的空中客车公司对WTO规则的。就目前,世贸组织专家小组审查的申诉,美国已经完成了听证会和情况介绍会和裁决可发出月中下旬,而今年的审议欧盟投诉很可能推动这一执政方式的未来。不健全的公平,让美国摆脱它,但不是欧盟,不是吗? WTO专家组回答其他国家解雇它是不重要说: “不用担心,没有身体的东西反正内容。 ”这购买美国产品提供提醒加拿大人,无论北美自由贸易协定或其他国际机构,特别是世界贸易组织,有提供完整的安全市场准入许多人认为,他们赢了。 世贸组织的一套规则和做法,正在深刻地反环境,减少或废除任何诚实努力保护环境,社会和道德观念。的第一个实例,这是现场;欧盟禁止销售任何动物皮草是陷入了一个巨大的钢铁下巴类型的陷阱。 这是一个陷井,是弹簧,并尖锐的爪子,袭击关闭动物不知不觉步骤谁的陷阱。这些陷阱粉碎,并认为动物的腿,将动物,直到trapper回报,这可能是数天。夜行性动物是吓坏了在被关押在白天,他们可能死于干渴或从他们的伤害,已经知道咬掉自己的腿获得免费的。欧盟决定禁止进口皮毛只能从国家没有禁止钢铁下巴leghold陷阱,因为它是不可能的,告诉后,毛皮被剥夺与否的动物来自被卷入其中的一个陷阱。美国,加拿大,俄罗斯等所有威胁提出申诉迫使欧盟撤销这一禁令,允许这一不道德的有害做法继续下去。
欧盟声称,一部分美国的刺激计划,声称要“购买美国产品”是一个不公平贸易做法,是一种蓄意阻挠的自由贸易。美国的答复提出了申诉与世贸组织,欧盟的补贴的空中客车公司对WTO规则的。就目前,世贸组织专家小组审查的申诉,美国已经完成了听证会和情况介绍会和裁决可发出月中下旬,而今年的审议欧盟投诉很可能推动这一执政方式的未来。不健全的公平,让美国摆脱它,但不是欧盟,不是吗? WTO专家组回答其他国家解雇它是不重要说: “不用担心,没有身体的东西反正内容。 ”这购买美国产品提供提醒加拿大人,无论北美自由贸易协定或其他国际机构,特别是世界贸易组织,有提供完整的安全市场准入许多人认为,他们赢了。 世贸组织的一套规则和做法,正在深刻地反环境,减少或废除任何诚实努力保护环境,社会和道德观念。的第一个实例,这是现场;欧盟禁止销售任何动物皮草是陷入了一个巨大的钢铁下巴类型的陷阱。 这是一个陷井,是弹簧,并尖锐的爪子,袭击关闭动物不知不觉步骤谁的陷阱。这些陷阱粉碎,并认为动物的腿,将动物,直到trapper回报,这可能是数天。夜行性动物是吓坏了在被关押在白天,他们可能死于干渴或从他们的伤害,已经知道咬掉自己的腿获得免费的。欧盟决定禁止进口皮毛只能从国家没有禁止钢铁下巴leghold陷阱,因为它是不可能的,告诉后,毛皮被剥夺与否的动物来自被卷入其中的一个陷阱。美国,加拿大,俄罗斯等所有威胁提出申诉迫使欧盟撤销这一禁令,允许这一不道德的有害做法继续下去。 pascalyollen.What 1 biiiiitch是u.Don '吨废物我time.Not每个人都像盲人的UI知道ü使用了翻译machine.If你没有这种能力,你不感到羞耻。
EU Weighs Changes to WTO Rules to Appease U.S.  July 13,
AM PDT  EU Commission memo seeks changes to WTO dispute rule book  WTO dispute settlement role seen to be in ‘grave danger’  The European Commission proposed ways to resolve the Trump administration’s concerns over the functioning of the World Trade Organization, in a bid to avert a looming crisis that could undermine the WTO’s ability to arbitrate trade disputes.  “The dispute settlement function of the WTO is at grave danger, and swift action by members is needed to preserve it,” according to an internal memo drafted by the EU’s executive arm and seen by Bloomberg. The memo, dated July 5, has been circulated to the European Union’s 28 national governments and is subject to consultations and approval.  The commission offered several ways to fix the WTO dispute system, including a proposal to increase the number of appellate body members from seven to nine, and respond to U.S. concerns that the panel has overstepped its mandate. The U.S. is blocking nominees to appeals body, which has the final say in upholding, modifying or reversing WTO rulings that often affect some of the world’s biggest companies and billions of dollars in commerce.  ‘Grave Danger’  The commission’s proposal seeks to address a half-dozen U.S. complaints about the way the panel works that the Trump administration cited in its 2018 trade policy agenda report. The main concern was the “activist approach of the appellate body on procedural issues, interpretative approach, and substantive interpretations,” according to the report.  Read more: Five Big Threats to the Global Trade Cop Trump Deems Unfair  Since August 2017, the U.S. has blocked nominees to the WTO’s appellate body saying it has overstepped its mandate. If the U.S. continues its hold, the body will be paralyzed in late 2019 because it won’t have the three panelists required to sign off on rulings.  WTO Director-General Roberto Azevedo has said the U.S. move could eliminate the WTO’s role as a trade-dispute forum and lead to a “domino effect” of trade retaliation. The European Commission said the appellate body should seek to meet its statutory 90-day deadline to decide appeal cases, or ensure extensions.  The U.S. has repeatedly criticized the fact that the appellate body hasn’t completed a case within 90 days since May 2014. The commission said WTO members should agree to permit outgoing appellate body members to complete their analysis on any pending appeal cases that began during their term.  Veto Right?  The U.S. administration has repeatedly criticized that former panel members stay in service after their term expires. The commission proposed that WTO members should change rules to clarify that the panel should deliberate only those matters that are “necessary for the resolution of a dispute.”  Both the Trump and Obama administrations have criticized the appeals body for making unnecessary findings or issuing advisory opinions that exceed the mandate of WTO dispute settlement rules. The commission said WTO rules should be clarified to ensure that appellate body members do not seek to interpret the meaning of national regulations -- another U.S. complaint.  The commission called for upholding a WTO rule that has prohibited a single-country veto of appellate rulings since 1994. That’s a rebuff to the Trump administration, which has signaled it wants to revert to the earlier procedure that allows any WTO member country to reject dispute rulings for any reason.  ===================  来自Bloomberg的消息。
英语翻译1你最好多加小心,以防受伤(in case)2中国加入WTO后,我们国家需要更多精通英语的人(command of)3尽管遇到了一下困难,最终他还是提前把工作做完(Despite)4我怀疑他是否有资格担任那个职位(qualified)5科学家一只在寻找环境保护的解决办法(solution)
1.You a lot of add and take care ,lest wounded.2.CHINA after jojning WTO ,our country needs the more mastery ENGLISH man.3.Though it is difficult to meet ,he still advances in date finally and finished the work.4.I suspect if he is qualified for being that position.5.Scientist a solution is only looking for environmental protection.
5科学家一只在寻找环境保护的解决办法(solution)Scientests have been searched for the methods of solution to protect the environment.多悬赏点分吧
1.You'd better be more careful to avoid injury2.China's accession to the WTO, our country needs more people proficient in English3.Despite some difficulties, he finally finished their work a...
1.you should take care of yourself in case get any injuries 2.our nation demands more intellectuals with a good command of English after returning to WTO. 3.Despite in the face of a challeng...
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外文翻译WTO对中国房地产市场的影响.doc 14页
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The Chinese Real Estate Market and the effects of WTO
China's impending entry in the World Trade Organization (WTO) will be a blessing to the real estate industry in China which has had little to celebrate since the bustling days of the early-mid 1990's.
WTO entry sends a positive message to foreign companies about China's commitment to economic and market reforms. Demand from foreign companies - the primary occupants of top-quality commercial, industrial and residential projects is likely to increase as new companies enter the market and others expand as restrictions are gradually lifted.
It is, however, premature to say exactly how much the real estate market will benefit. To predict that WTO entry will mean rising rents and demand for more construction in the short term is, perhaps, misguided.
The details of the agreement are not yet known, and it is likely that the impact will be gradual and unevenly spread amongst businesses and in different areas of China. Financial services, telecommunications, distribution and logistics, information technology, agriculture, and professional services industries, as well as Chinese consumers, are likely to be significant winners.
Metropolitan areas may see benefits due to easing of restrictions on financial services companies. Banks and insurance companies are a major industry sector in these areas, and the lifting of restrictions on their activities could unleash significant latent demand for real estate as the reforms take hold. The lifting of trade restrictions, the lowering of tariffs and the easing of restrictions on distribution over the next five years will be a boon for warehousing, logistics and distribution real estate in China's busiest port city, as well as in the rest of China.
While WTO entry may encourage a recovery in real estate markets sooner than otherwise expected, almost every major market in the country remains vastly overbuilt. In the office sector, the vacancy rate for Grade A buildings is presently


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