i think 等于 i deem 吗?deem可以后结从句吗?比如说i deemi am happy that 从句..

你可能喜欢i deem it advisable to buy property now 为什么it后面_百度知道
i deem it advisable to buy property now 为什么it后面
i deem it advisable to buy property now为什么it后面i deem it advisable to buy property now 为什么it后面不用加is
deem it advisable 是谓语+宾语+宾语补足语得形式。it是形式主语,真正的主语是to buy property now
&it&我们称为“形式宾语”;概述是这样的:当不定式、动名词、从句等复杂成分用作宾语且其后跟有宾语补足语时,通常会在宾语补足语前使用形式宾语it,而将真正的宾语移至句末,此时it仍只起先行引导作用,本身无词义。其基本结构为“动词+it+宾语补足语+不定式(动名词或从句)”。或者说:主语 +谓语+ it +adj +to do sth用法自行看百科吧。当然你说的,it 后面加&is&,把 &it is…&作为&deem&的宾语从句,也是可以的。
请问下consider,deem,reckon,regard后面都可以加从句表示&我认为....&?等于“I think....”么,除了这些词还有哪些能表达“我认为。。。(从句)”我所知道的还有I believe
都可以加,但deem一般用it is deemed that写论文时表示我认为,还可以用I argue/contend that
claim~suggest~In my opinion~as far as i concern~
Sum up for the similar sentenceIt is commonly believed that... 人们普遍认为...It is (uaually) considered that... 据(通常)估计,人们(通常)认为...It is assumed that... 假定...It is estimated that... 据估计It is expected that... 人们希望It is found that.. 据发现;人们认为It is generally agreed/recognized that... 人们通常认为/承认It is hoped/still to be hoped that... (我们)希望/仍然希望...It is reported that... 据报道It is said that... 据说...It is supposed that... 据推测;假定It is thought that..
有人认为It is universally accepted that... 普遍认为It is well-known that... 众所周知It must be admitted that... 必须承认It should be pointed out that... 必须指出It will be seen from it that.. 由此可见It has been proved that... 已经证明这些是我总结的,希望有你需要的表达方法
Sum up for the similar sentence It is commonly believed that... 人们普遍认为... It is (uaually) considered that... 据(通常)估计,人们(通常)认为... It is assumed that... 假定... It is estimated that... 据估计 It is expected that... 人们希望 It is found that.. 据发现;人们认为 It is generally agreed/recognized that... 人们通常认为/承认 It is hoped/still to be hoped that... (我们)希望/仍然希望... It is reported that... 据报道 It is said that... 据说... It is supposed that... 据推测;假定 It is thought that.. 有人认为 It is universally accepted that... 普遍认为 It is well-known that... 众所周知 It must be admitted that... 必须承认 It should be pointed out that... 必须指出 It will be seen from it that.. 由此可见 It has been proved that... 已经证明
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。deem to be 完美作业网 www.wanmeila.com
I deem 和 I argue 和 I think 可以互换吗?后两个我知道可以相互代替,主要是I deem 如果说 deem 和 think 可以看做是近义词,它们和 argue 的基本词义却相去甚远。其实,它们之间的互换除了某些特定的语境,基本上很少有人会在这三个词中间考虑“互换”。deem 和 think 的基本词义里都有 to have an opinion, to reason,但是,这两个词的使用语法环境却有很大的不同。deem的直接宾语通常是名词,代词;而 think 的直接宾语通常是宾语从句。例:Most people would deem quality quite immeasurable.Most people think [that] quality would be quite immeasurable.上面这两个句子表达的是同一个意思,但在语法和实际应用中却不能互换。argue 与另外两个词的互换可能性就更不大了。如果不想改变语义的话,多数情况下不能彼此互换。如:I would argue that it is impossible to transfer data from old computers to iPhones.I would think that it is impossible to transfer data from old computers to iPhones.上面两个句子在不改变句子结构的情况下,语义是有很大差异的。前者说的是“我提出的观点”、“我提出的理论”是......(强势、争辩);而后者说的是“我认为”......(表明意见、看法)。语法结构上和语义上,argue 和 deem 都不能互换。
还有哪些单词跟consider一样的用法(to be可省略 ) consider (sb. or sth.) to be … 中的 “(sb. or sth.) to be...” 称作复合宾语,即 “宾语(sb. or sth.) + 宾补 to be …”,意思是 “把某人或某物认为是什么或如何”。以下也是表达同样的意思的常用结构:think (sb. or sth.) to be …deem (sb. or sth.) to be …figure (sb. or sth.) to be …take (sb. or sth.) to besuppose (sb. or sth.) to be …believe (sb. or sth.) to be …例如I think it's the height of bad manners to be dressedbadly. 我认为衣着不当是最没有礼貌的行为。I think him to be a charming boy. 我以为他是个可爱的孩子。He figured himself to be a good scholar. 他自以为很有学问。He believes me to be honest. 他认为我是诚实的I should suppose him to be about twenty. 我猜他是二十岁左右。这种结构的 to be 可以省略不用,因此以上句子也可以如下表述:I think it's the height of bad manners dressed badly.I think him a charming boy.He figured himself a good scholar.He believes me honest.I should suppose him about twenty.。prove (sb. or sth.) to be …(证明某人或某物是…)也属于同样的结构。如:History will prove him (to be) right. 历史将证明他是对的。
I deem it a great honor to be invited to address 第一个是宾补结构it是形式宾语to后面是真正宾语;第二个是宾语从句,其中it是形式主语
consider是什么意思 consider: [ k?n'sid? ]v. 考虑,思考,认为词形变化:名词:considerer 动词过去式:considered 过去分词:considered 现在分词:considering 第三人称单数:considers例句与用法:1. I consider it a great honor to be invited to dinner.我认为能被邀请参加晚宴是很大的荣幸。2. If you consider that she has only been studying English for six months, she spea骇s it very well.你如果考虑到她学英语才不过六个月,那么她英语讲得的确不错了。3. Your suggestion shall be carefully considered.你的建议会得到仔细考虑的。4. He will be considered a weak leader.他会被认为是个软弱无能的领导人。5. In judging him you should consider his youth.在对他进行评审时,你应该考虑到他还年轻。英英解释:动词consider:1. deem to be同义词:see, reckon, view, regard2. give careful consideration to同义词:study3. take into consideration for exemplifying purposes同义词:take, deal, look at4. sh take into account同义词:count, weigh5. t weigh同义词:debate, moot, turn over, deliberate6. judge同义词:think, believe, conceive7. look at attentively同义词:regard8. study mentally同义词:view, look at9. regard or treat with consideration, respect, and esteem
关于著名景点的英语单词有哪些? 1) 旅游业 tourist industry /sector[扩展]中国国家旅游局China national tourism administration城市旅游功能 tourist functions of the city地方风味小吃local delicacy环保模范城市 model city for Environmental Protection经典线路classic travel route(旅游) 旺季 high season世界旅游日 World Tourism Day自助游 DIY tour纪念品souvenirs导游Tourist guide导游讲解员Guide interpreter旅行社Travel agency组团旅行Group tour包办旅行Package tour假日旅游Vacation tour蜜月Honeymoon路线itinerary世界遗产委员会the World Heritage Commission机场建设费airport departure tax2) 旅游景点 scenic spots / tourist destinations旅游热点 tourist Honeypots / tourist attractions[扩展]秦始皇陵 the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors and horses/Terra-cotta Army青铜战车战马bronze chariots and horses与实物一样大小life-size临潼区Lintong District大雁塔Big Wild Goose Pagoda丝绸之路the Silk Road敦煌 Dunhuang敦煌莫高窟 Mogao Grottoes / Caves, Dunhuang千佛洞Thousand-Buddha Cave壁画murals / fresco佛经Buddhist Sutra塔里木盆地Tarim Basin土鲁番 Turpan华清池 Huaqing Hot Springs河西走廊 Hexi Corridor昆山市 city of Kunshan帕米尔山区Pamir Mountainous Region三峡 Three Gorges月牙泉 Crescent Spring桂林 Guilin阳朔 Yangshuo板石街 (又名 “西洋街”)Slabstone Street, also known as “the Western Street”象鼻山 Elephant Trunk Hill独秀峰the 定eak of unique beauty七星岩the seven star crag叠彩山 Piled Silk Hill骆驼山 Camel Hill漓江游 cruise on the Li River三山晓色 three Hill at Dawn青峰倒影 Green Peaks Reflected on Water月牙山 Crescent Hill千佛岩Cliff of Thousand Buddhas滇池 Lake Dianchi黑龙潭 Black Dragon Pool珠江夜游 Pearl Rive......
people deemed to be &overexposed& in public will be subject to a fine of 50,000 KRW (US$45). 哈哈,是 seem,你这样看people (seemed to be "overexposed" in public )will be subject to a fine of 50,000 KRW (US$45).打括号的是定语,will是谓语
as in 是什么意思? 在各种局子里 ,它有不同的意思。比如:1.And with banks still able to toy with the value of their assets, they may not be able to cover the risk of loans, just as in 2007.银行仍旧可以玩弄他们的资产价值,他们可能依然无法弥补贷款的风险,就像2007年一样。这里as in表示“像,一样,如同”的意思2.Just as in 2001, however, the outlook for the euro area seems to be deteriorating a lot faster than亥the optimists had expected.然而,正如2001年,欧元区经济前景恶化的速度似乎比乐观主义者所期待的要快得多。这里表示“正如”的意思3.As in marathons or football championships, the final stretch is often the hardest.在马拉松比赛或足球锦标赛中,最后阶段往往也最为艰难。这里表示“在”的意思。应该就这些了,应该能对你有帮助!
be deemed suitable 什么结构 这是deem主动用法:I deem it my duty to remind her of it. 结构应该是:谓+宾+宾补变为被动句:It is deemed my duty to remind her of it. 结构就是:被动结构+主补所以 be deemed suitable 就是:be deemed (被动)suitable (主语补足语)
it作形式宾语的句型 顺手采纳答案it作形式宾语的句型通常和下列动词连用:consider, think, make, find, believe, count, declare, deem, fancy, feel, guess, imagine, judge, prove, see, show, suppose, understand, take等。例如:● We consider it our duty to support good leaders.● I think it best to get along well with others.● The new method makes it possible to complete the task faster.● Tom found it very embarrassing to be reminded of the long-standing debt.● Susan deemed it advisable to keep the matter secret.● We all feel it nice to be able to visit that distinguished university.● Who can prove it wrong to have a "make-money-quick" mentality?推荐这篇日记的豆列


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