
英语听力练习题目:Telephone Conversations:Taking and Leaving Messages
1. May I ask ________________ calling?
A. Ms. Smith, please.
B. I'll call tomorrow.
C. This is Bob Hall.
2. I'm sorry, but she's out to ___________ right now.
A. Okay. I'll call her right now.
B. I'll call her after lunch.
C. Okay. Lunch time is fine.
3. Could I have your ____________________?
A. Yes. It's 532-9843.
B. My name's Greg Rodgers.
C. My zip code is 09783.
4. ___________________________________ message?
A. No. I'll call later.
B. Yes. Go ahead.
C. Yes. Please give him the message.
5. Could ________________________________________ please?
A. I work for Sony.
B. It`s spelled T . . I . . M.
C. That's correct.
6. _____________________________________________________?
A. Here's the message.
B. No. I'll call later.
C. Thank you.
7. _____________________________________________________?
A. Okay. Then, I'll meet him now.
B. Do you know when it'll be over?
C. Sorry. I can't meet him now.
8. _____________________________________________________?
A. I'll call him Thursday morning.
B. Alright. Please tell him Jeff called.
C. Have him call me on Wednesday at 3:00.
9. _____________________________________________________?
A. Next Wednesday would be fine.
B. Sorry. I'm busy on Monday at 11:00.
C. Sure. No problem.
10. _____________________________________________________?
A. Yes. I'll call her later.
B. No. Just tell her I called.
C. Yes. Tomorrow is fine.
1. This is Bob Hall.
2. I`ll call her after lunch.
3. Yes. It`s 532-9843.
4. No. I`ll call later.
5. It`s spelled T . . I . . M.
6. Thank you.
7. Do you know when it`ll be over?
8. Alright. Please tell him Jeff called.
9. Sure. No problem.
10. No. Just tell her I called.
May I ask who's calling? (This is Bob Hall.)
I'm sorry, but she's out to lunch right now. (I'll call her after lunch.)
Could I have your telephone number, please? (Yes. It's 532-9843.)
Would you like to leave a message? (No. I'll call later.)
Could you spell your name, please? (It's spelled T . . I . . M.)
I'll be sure to give her the message. (Thank you.)
I'm sorry, but he's in a meeting now. (Do you know when it'll be over?)
I'm sorry, but he won't be back to the office until Thursday afternoon. (Alright. Please tell him Jeff called.)
Mr. Jones would like to reschedule Wednesday's appointment to next Monday at 10 O'Clock. (Sure. No problem.)
Shall I have her call you back later today? (No. Just tell her I called.)
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一、听录音,写出听到的字母。每个字母读两遍。1. U2. V3. Y4. Z5. W6. X7. S8. C9. G10. J11. I12. R13. A14. B15. D16. E17. T18. P19. F20. L21. N22. M23. O24. Q25. K26. H}


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