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&(一)&2015年广东省初中毕业生学业考试&The Great Wall is known as the eighth wonder of the world.Every year thousands of tourists from all over the world come to visit this place of (71)________ in China.Last Saturday I went to the Great Wall (72)________ some of my friends.It was a sunny day.On our way up, we saw many volunteers (志愿者) keeping order in the sun.They helped the elders with their bags, (73)________ photos for some tourists and answered people's questions.Though they were very (74)________, they didn't stop to have a rest.We were deeply moved when we saw this.Just at the moment, we saw (75)________ little boy standing alone and crying.We went over and asked what (76)________ to him.From his answer we knew that he couldn't find his mother.We told him not to (77)________ about it and then we tried to get in touch with his mother with the phone number he gave us.Twenty minutes (78)________, his mother turned up.When she saw her son, she was very excited and thanked (79)________ with tears in her eyes.That day we not only enjoyed the beauty of the Great Wall, but also felt the warmth of the society.(80)________ everyone can reach out a helping hand to others, the world around us will be more and more harmonious (和谐的).(二)&2014年广东省初中毕业生学业考试&I am Jackie Lee, an American Chinese.Let me tell you about my grandfather's life story.&My grandfather was (71)________ in 1932 and grew up in a poor village in Fujian, China.At the age of 14, he first heard of America.It was said to be the land of gold and poor people could easily become (72)________ there.&So, my grandfather came to America.“I had thought it was easy to (73)________& money in America,” he told me, “But when I (74)________ in Los Angeles, I realized it was not true.I couldn't find a good job because I spoke little English.I wanted to go to a language school to learn English, (75)________ I couldn't afford it.Later, I worked in a small (76)________, serving the guests, cleaning up the tables, washing the dishes and sweeping the floors.I was such (77)________ helpful and honest worker that my boss was pleased with me.I was popular with my workmates, (78)________.Life became easier and in the end I entered an evening school to learn English.” &My grandfather kept working hard, and finally made (79)________ dream come true.Things do not come easily in life.That is what I have learned (80)________ my grandfather.(三)&2013年广东省初中毕业生学业考试Dear Anne,&&How are you? I had great fun last Wednesday, (71)________ 12th, 2013.It was a traditional Chinese festival called Dragon Boat Festival that day.&This festival is in memory of Qu Yuan, one of (72)________ greatest Chinese poets.He killed himself by jumping into the Miluo River on May 5th of the lunar calendar (阴历), 278 BC.People there rowed the boats to (73)________ him.But it was too late.They were very sad and then threw rice into the (74)________ to feed the fishes so that they would stay away from his body.&(75)________ then on, every year on this day, people enjoy (76)________ Zongzi which is made of rice with meat, eggs and so on.In the past we ate it only (77)________ a year, but now we regard it as our daily food.We can have it any time we like.&Have you ever (78)________ the dragon boat race on TV? It is another important part of this festival.Several teams row their dragon&shaped boats as (79)________ as they can.The first team to reach the finish line wins.&If you have a plan to visit China next year, would (80)________ like to spend this festival with us?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Best wishes,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Xiao Qiang
&(一)&难度:★★★☆☆&&Michael Leung, a famous TV host (主持人) in Hong Kong, wrote a (1)________ to his son.It is not only helpful for children, but also good for all ages.The following are chosen (2)________ his letter.&1.Life is short.While you (3)________ wasting it today, you'll realize you are at the end of it tomorrow.So the earlier you start to value your life, the (4)________ you can enjoy it.&2.You might not be successful (5)________ you don't study hard, although a lot of successful people haven't (6)________ higher education.&3.I don't expect you to support (供养) me for the rest of (7)________ life, so I'm not going to do the same for you.You will be living on your own when you grow up.&4.You can require yourself to be nice to others, (8)________ you shouldn't expect the same from others.&5.I've been buying the lottery (彩票) for almost twenty (9)________, but I'm still poor.I have never got the third place even once.So you have to work hard to be successful.There is no (10)________ lunch in the world.(二)难度:★★★☆☆&Every Monday afternoon, Shi Shefei, a 16&year&old Beijing student has (1)________ appointment with ten old people, aged from 40 to 70.She kindly (2)________ all of these elderly people English for free.As a Red Cross club member in her school, Shi was encouraged to take a (3)________ as a volunteer this term.Some of her friends chose to work in supermarkets and libraries, but Shi (4)________ to teach people in her community English.Shi enrolled (登记) in the program so that she could practice her English (5)________ teaching others.But it turned out that she benefited (得益) from her job (6)________ than expected.“They taught me patience and communication skills.With those old people you can (7)________ lose your temper (发脾气) and must always be polite and (8)________ while helping them to challenge their memory which is not so good,” Shi said.Shi said the job gave (9)________ a sense of fulfillment (成就感) as a member of society, especially when three grannies said to her once, “Thank you (10)________ your hard work!”&(三)&难度:★★★☆☆&&When you're busy or stressed, don't forget your hobbies, such as listening to (1)________, reading and playing ball games.If eating makes you& (2)________ better, you can go to your favourite restaurant to& (3)________ a delicious meal.& Parents may not think that it is (4)________ to watch TV.(5)________, if you are worried (6)________ your English and don't know how to improve (7)________, why not watch some English TV programmes?&If you're feeling bad about your weight and don't know (8)________ to do, why not go walking or jogging?& Finally, trying to keep your worries to yourself can make them worse.I like to share my problems with my friends.They always give me useful (9)________.If you don't know who to talk to, you can always write (10)________ me.You're never alone.(四)难度:★★★☆☆&&Football is, I suppose, the most popular game in England.Rich and (1)________, young and old, you can see them all there, shouting and (2)________ for one side or the other.&You may be surprised to find that even the smallest boy seems to have the great (3)________ of the game.He can tell you the names of the players in most of the important teams.He has (4)________ of them and knows the results of many matches.He will tell you who he expects will (5)________ such a match, and his opinion is usually as valuable as that of men three or four times his age.&In England, it is (6)________ that education means not only filling a boy's mind with facts in a classroom but also training character.One of the (7)________ ways of training character is by playing games, (8)________ team games, where the boy has to learn to work with others for his team, instead of working (9)________ himself alone.&Football is good exercise for the (10)________.It is a team game, and it needs skill and a quick brain.So the school often arranges games and matches for its pupils.(五)难度:★★★☆☆&&If you think of after&school activities as a waste of time, you are wrong! After&school activities help us grow up in many (1)________.Above all, they offer us chances to practice (2)________ we learn in class.(3)________ various activities, we can also learn more about today's society and a lot of new things that we can't learn from our books.What's more, they help to develop our abilities that we need (4)________ for our studies now and for our work and life in the future.& We are busy with our studies in school, so after school we all need to (5)________ ourselves.After&school activities just make it possible (6)________ us to breathe (7)________ air and remove tiredness.Then, we can pay (8)________ to our studies and achieve good results.& Some after&school activities will make us useful (9)________ helpful to others.Some can keep us strong and healthy, some may even change our life.So, all the students, get out and take (10)________ active part in various after&school activities!(六)难度:★★★☆☆&Lang Lang, from Shenyang, China, wanted to be (1)________ serious musician when he was a child.And so his father quit (放弃) his job and his mother kept (2)________ to support them.Later, his father with Lang Lang moved to Beijing.But Lang Lang was (3)________ because his new teacher in Beijing didn't like him.“You have no talent,” she often told him, “You will (4)________ be a pianist.” So he didn't want to be a pianist anymore.For the next two weeks he didn't touch the piano.(5)________ the day came at school when Lang Lang's teacher asked him to play some holiday songs.As he placed (6)________ fingers on the piano's keys, he realized he could show other people that he had talent after all.From then (7)________, everything turned around.He started winning competitions.And in 1997, his father and he moved to Philadelphia.His (8)________ teachers reminded him that he still had a lot to (9)________.Lang Lang spent two years practicing there.And then he played the “Gala Benefit Evening” at Chicago's Ravinia Festival in 1999 and that performance was, for him, the moment.Still, his (10)________ kept telling him, “You'd better practice!”(七)难度:★★★☆☆&How much do you know about American schools? They are quite different from (1)________ in China.In America, (2)________ the beginning of the term, students must (3)________ their courses and teachers first.While in China, students usually have no chances to select their courses and teachers.Selecting is very important for your grades in America.So at (4)________ first term, don't select too many courses, or you'll feel very nervous (5)________ it may influence your study.Then you have to (6)________ for help from teaching plans.There is some information about subjects, time arranging, marks and textbooks.At the same (7)________, you must choose the teachers.Different teachers have (8)________ teaching methods.If the teacher is called “killer” by the last grade, many students will give (9)________ choosing him.(10)________ this kind of teacher will leave too much homework, too many exams and give too low grades.(八)难度:★★★☆☆&China's first two hand&reared twin (孪生) polar bears will celebrate their hundredth day on June 13, 2012.They were (1)________ born on March 5 in the Tianjin Polar Ocean Park.The twins were often seen sometimes biting polar&bear (2)________ and plastic balls, and enjoying themselves, but are (3)________ found fighting for the same toy.“The elder sister is much worse than her (4)________ sister, she would bite when she (5)________ angry, but the younger sister is gentle,” said the feeder.Polar bear babies have low survival rate (存活率).But the feeders at the park (6)________ the twins with the greatest care since their birth.Feeding them is not easy at all (7)________ the twins often scratch (抓伤) and bite the feeder.The twin polar bears now (8)________ 15 kilograms each, as compared with half (9)________ kilo when they were just born, and are (10)________ good shape.They are expected to be able to meet visitors soon.(九)难度:★★★☆☆&Mr.Ellis is very old.He has seen many changes in his hometown.He knows that things are (1)________ now.But he never forgets (2)________ old days.He likes to talk about (3)________.He often talks about his favourite birds, the robins (知更鸟).“When I was a boy, these houses were not here.There were wide fields and tall trees.Every spring robins would come.Thousands of them would fly up to the north (4)________ the south.They (5)________ the winter in the south.Some would build their nests (巢) (6)________ the trees near our houses.(7)________ people started to cut down trees, and they (8)________ more houses.The robins stopped coming.They couldn't build their nests near our houses because there were no (9)________.”“Now (10)________ are too many houses and too many roads.There are no places for the robins.They don't come any more.”(十)&难度:★★★☆☆&&Li Ming is a middle school student.His 15th (1)________ is coming on July 3rd.One day, Li Ming walked past the shoe shop at the street corner.Once again, he (2)________ to look at the shop window.He felt happy to see the shoes that he wanted very much were still there.He really wanted to have (3)________ for his birthday.Looking down at his old shoes, he felt sorry for himself.&&He sadly walked away and thought (4)________ to tell his mother about it.He knew she would give him (5)________ he liked if she could.But he also knew very well she had little money for that ¥1299―Nike Shoes.He decided not to go home at once, as he didn't want to upset his (6)________.So he went to the park and sat on the grass.There he saw (7)________ girl in a wheel chair.He noticed that the girl pushed the wheel with her hands.Li Ming watched her carefully and was (8)________ to find that the girl had no feet.He looked (9)________ his own feet.“It's much (10)________ to be without shoes than without feet.” he thought.There was no reason for him to feel so sorry and sad.He went away and smiled, thinking he was luckier.
(十一)难度:★★★☆☆&Do you know who affects me most in my life? It's my father! In fact, I have been much affected by my father's humor, kindness, enterprise ever (1)________ I was a little girl.My father is well&known (2)________ his humor.He's so humorous (3)________ his colleagues and friends all enjoy staying with him.He also uses humor to create a very (4)________ family atmosphere (气氛).My mother likes to chat over little things.When this happens, my father always gives a cup of tea to her and asks her to have it.And my mother (5)________ talking with her anger gone at once.My father is also very kind to people.No matter when (6)________ is in trouble, he always offers his warm hands.All this earns him lots of friends and their respect as well.My father is filled with enterprise in his life.He has (7)________ given up learning all the time.He has read many (8)________ on architecture to work much better.Now he has become (9)________ excellent worker in his company.My father is the greatest man in the world.I'm very (10)________ of my father.(十二)难度:★★★☆☆&Chinese cities should close schools, cut working hours and stop outdoor activities during the most serious period of (1)________ pollution, the ministry of environmental protection has said.“Every possible necessary measure” (2)________ be taken to cut emissions (排放量) during the heaviest smog (雾霾).Meanwhile, China is (3)________ with the smog in (4)________ big cities.It was reported that an eight&year&old girl who lived near (5)________ busy street in Jiangsu Province had been diagnosed (诊断) with lung cancer.It was believed that the girl is the country's youngest lung cancer (6)________.Although frequent (频繁的) calls for cutting pollution over recent years, the problem has only got (7)________.Primary and middle schools had ever suspended (暂停) classes in the northeast city (8)________ Harbin during the smog.The airport and some bus routes were (9)________ closed.China says it will soon cut coal consumption (消费) and shut down polluting mills, factories and smelters, (10)________ experts have said achieving the measures will be difficult.&(十三)&难度:★★★☆☆&& The earth is our homeland.We must look after it.Do you think it's our duty to (1)________ the environment? Sure, many famous (2)________ have started living a green life to set good models (榜样) for us.Some people go to work by bike or (3)________ foot.Some people often reuse (重复使用) water.For example, (4)________ they finish washing clothes, they use the water to clean the floor or water flowers.As for students, we can also do things to help.Saving (节约) paper is necessary.Try to make full use of (5)________.Don't throw away the used textbooks but give (6)________ to your brothers or sisters.And if we don't want (7)________ watch TV, turn it (8)________ in time.On (9)________ other hand, we (10)________ plant trees as many as possible.&It's really important to live a green life, a happier life!(十四)难度:★★★★☆&Born in the city, I regard the country life as something far away.I'm used to (1)________ in the city, even the noises and pollution.I have (2)________ been to the country.Nature is a strange word to me.This summer I had (3)________ opportunity to go with my parents on a visit to the countryside.(4)________ the first time in my life, I have the experience with the country life.This is a small village far from cities.The (5)________ here is simple.It is different from the city life.There are few cars or other traffic on the way.The air is (6)________.The people are friendly.They are not as busy as people in big cities.Everywhere you can find them bathing (7)________ the sun.They (8)________ clean water.They enjoy the quiet life very much.What's more, here you can (9)________ the sound of nature.You can see the children playing with water in the river and the dogs running after the people.All these make a wonderful picture of countryside.(10)________ I love the country life!(十五)难度:★★★★☆&School education is very important and useful.The students both learn knowledge and get (1)________ education.Yet, no one can learn everything from (2)________.The scientists, such as Edison, Newton, Galileo and Einstein, didn't learn everything from school.They learned a lot of knowledge (3)________ school or in practice by themselves.A&&& teacher, even he or she knows a lot, can't (4)________ the students everything.The teacher's (5)________ is to show his students how to learn, how to read and how to think.A good teacher (6)________ rich experience in teaching can teach his students the methods of study.Through these methods the students are (7)________ to learn and get a lot of things by themselves.Usually (8)________ is very easy for the students to remember some knowledge, (9)________ it is very difficult to use it for problems.If a teacher really shows the students the ability of how to (10)________ knowledge, it means the teacher has learned lots of knowledge by himself (or herself).The success in learning shows he or she knows how to study.&
第5讲 短文真题•南粤三年(一)71.interest place of interest是固定搭配,意为“名胜”。72.with “some of my friends”在此表示伴随状况,所以应填介词with (和……一起)。73.took 根据前后句中的动词helped, answered可知,此处应填一个动词的过去式;由后面的“photos for some tourists”可推断应填动词took,从而构成take photos (拍照)短语。74.tired 根据空格前面的“were very”可知此处应填一个形容词;由后面的“they didn't stop to have a rest”可知,他们没有停下来休息,加上表示转折的连词though,故此空应填tired。75.a boy单数可数名词,在此表示泛指,little以辅音音素开头,故此处应填不定冠词a。76.happened 由固定搭配“what happened to sb.”及前面的动词asked可知应填happened。 77.worry 由前句中的“he couldn't find his mother”和后面的“tried to get in touch with his mother”以及空格后面的about可知,本句应是“我们告诉他别担心此事”。 tell sb.not to do sth.表示“告诉某人不要做某事”,worry about表示“担心”,故填动词worry。78.later 由“Twenty minutes”可知此处应用副词做状语;根据语境可知,我们与小男孩的妈妈联系了,20分钟后小男孩的妈妈出现了,故此处应填副词later。 由动词thanked可知此处应填一个指人的名词或代词宾格做宾语;结合上文内容可知,我们帮助小男孩找到了妈妈,所以妈妈非常感激我们。故此处应填代词宾格us。80.If 根据句意可知,主句表示一种结果,而从句“人人伸出手帮助他人”则表示一种假设,故本句应是表示假设的条件状语从句,所以此处应填连词If。(二)本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了爷爷来美国的经历。&71.born be born是固定搭配,意为“出生”,故应填born。 根据上文“poor people”从而可推断填rich。73.make/earn 根据be easy to do sth.结构,可知此处应填一个动词的原形;make/earn money (挣钱)是固定短语,故此空格填make/earn。74.arrived arrive in意为“到达”;且根据下文“I realized it was not true”可知应填过去式。75.but 根据“couldn't afford it”可知后半句表示转折关系,应填but。 由“serving the guests, cleaning up the tables, washing the dishes and sweeping the floors”可知应填restaurant,即“饭店”。77.a 由固定搭配“such+a/an+adj.+n.”且helpful为辅音音素开头可知应填a。78.too 根据语境,肯定句中的“也”放在句尾,故应填too。79.his my grandfather做主语,作为其代词应填his。80.from learn from (从……学)是固定短语。(三)&本文是一篇日记,主要讲述了中国的传统节日――端午节。&71.June 端午节是农历“五月初五”,阳历就应在六月份,所以此空格填June。72.the 根据“one of+the+形容词最高级+名词复数”结构可知,此空应填定冠词the。 由上文“他跳入河里”可知,人们去“救他”,故此空格填save。74.river/water 由短语“throw sth.into+地方(向某地扔……)”,可判断此处用一个表示“地方”的名词,据下文“to feed the fishes”可知填river/water。75.From from then on从那时起,为固定搭配。76.eating/having enjoy doing sth.是动词enjoy的用法,据此可知此空应填写动名词,空格后是名词“粽子”,故用“吃”符合文意。77.once 由常识知“一年吃一次粽子”,及下文“at any time you like”,可推断出正确答案。78.watched/seen 由“Have you ever...”可知此处应填一个过去分词,由句尾的“on TV”就可推断出正确词汇watched/seen。 as...as中间需用一个形容词或副词的原级,由上文中的dragon boat race可填出表示速度的副词fast。 据句意“如果你……”可知后句为“你想要……吗?”,故此空格填写you。&提升•专项训练&(一)1.letter 2.from 3.are 4.earlier 5.if 8.but 9.years (二) 2.teaches 3.job 4.decided/wanted/planned/chose5.while 6.more 7.never 8.patient 9.her 10.for&(三) 2.feel/be 4.useful/helpful5.However 6.about 8.what9.advice/suggestions (四)1.poor 2.cheering 3.knowledge 5.win6.believed 8.especially 9.for 10.body(五)1.ways 2.what 3.Through 4.both 5.relax  6.for7.fresh 8.attention 9.and (六)1.a 2.working 3.sad/down/unhappy 4.never 5.But6.his 7.on 9.learn 10.father&(七)1.those 4.the 5.and 6.ask 7.time 8.different 9.up 10.Because&(八)1.both 3.also 4.younger 5.was 6.fed 7.because 8.weigh 9.a九)1.different 2.the 3.them 4.from 5.spent 7.Then 8.built 9.trees 10.there&(十)1.birthday 2.stopped 3.them 5.anything/everything6.mother 7.a 8.surprised 10.better&(十一)1.since 2.for 3.that 4.happy 5.stops 6.anyone 7.never 8.books 10.proud&(十二)1.air 2.must 3.fighting 4.its/the 5.a 6.patient 7.worse 8.of 9.also 10.though/although&(十三)1.protect 2.people/persons 3.on 4.when/ 6.them 9.the10.must/should/can&(十四)1.everything 2.never 4.For 5.life6.fresh/clean 8.drink 9.hear 10.How&(十五) 3.outside 4.teach 5.job 6.with 9.but 10.use
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