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也许是加州特别是湾区比较特别吧,IC 的硅谷亚裔移民多,在这里长大的亚裔青少年譬如我女儿形成了自己的种族认同趋向,表现在大小不同的种族圈里。最认同的内圈是东亚人,包括大陆台湾香港、新马、日本、南北韩、菲律宾、印尼、越南等等。她虽然意识上知道自己是 Chinese,但日常生活和交友,基本是没有把中国人作为自己的最内的需要独立区分和认同的族裔圈。在她的观念中,东亚基本都是同种族的,没必要区别祖籍是东亚的哪个国家或地区。其中日本文化反而影响最大,主要是日本动漫带来的。这一点与我们第一代移民的感觉很不同。她的第二个圈子包括了南亚的印巴人。印度人虽然肤色等都与东亚人不同,但是她还是相当认同和感到亲切的。原因大体有二:一是湾区印度人太多了,从小一起玩的同学很多都是印度孩子;二来,印度文化与东亚文化也的确有很多相同之处,家庭背景大多技术出身,重视教育,鼓励勤勉,比较低调友善。都是亚裔,相处容易。第三个圈子开始涵盖老墨。主要原因与印度人类似,一是墨西哥人在加州很多,不少西裔背景的同学朋友,二是老墨也都很友善低调勤恳。第四个圈子是白人,非我族裔的感觉开始凸显。其实,高中同学中也有三分之一以上的白人,但还是明显感觉到差异。学校里,亚裔的孩子与亚裔的扎堆,白孩子一般与白孩子玩儿。当年有意选了一个有相当白孩子比例的高中,就是为了让孩子有个接触更多种族的机会,结果学校里还是自然地人以群分。其他高中常常是压倒性的亚裔,就更无法认同非亚裔了。这是加州湾区。在内陆的那些白人压倒多数的州,亚裔孩子就被同化多了,因此这种种族差异的感觉也就少了。最后的圈子是黑人。硅谷高科技区黑人很少,加上文化的迥异,也因此感觉最为遥远。我觉得我女儿的种族认同圈和差异感,相当典型,代表了加州亚裔环境长大孩子的种族意识。譬如交朋友,就有意无意的从最内的东亚圈开始,逐步向外伸展,不到不得已,不愿意突破圈圈向外。有意思的是,择偶与一般交友不同,除了在东亚圈子里找以外,其次就是白人圈,很少在老印老墨更甭提老黑的圈子里找。前几天女儿自己还说,我们在加州环境长大,缺乏对白人和黑人文化的了解,这一课迟早要补回来,我们总不能一辈子不出加州啊。而她儿时在水牛城的亚裔小伙伴,如今已经完全被白人文化同化了,这个差别很明显。所谓“我的中国心”(包括对祖国的乡愁和思念)也就是一代移民的心理和经验积淀而已,很难延续到二代,更甭提二代以下了。一切的中国文化的灌输都敌不过美国这个大熔炉。共产主义老祖宗说过无产者无祖国的话。现在的情形是,二代移民无祖籍国。他们即便寻根也是理性化的行为,而非感情的需要。大家熟知的二代或以下的华裔移民有前驻华大使骆家辉和CNN的前主播宗毓华(Connie Chung),他们是“黄皮白心”的典型,世界观和接人待物完全西化。
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Copyright &8月28日,印度时报发表了一篇题为《中国日报:印度人的黑皮肤突显黄金首饰》的报道。文章援引中国日报的报道,称印度人的黑皮肤突显了黄金首饰。印度女人不带黄金甚至不出门,否则会被认为是没有礼貌的表现,甚至那些在路边乞讨的小姑娘,鼻翼上也有一颗金色的小钉。印度政服计划发行“纸金”,也就是让老百姓认购银行里储备的黄金。印度人还是趋之若骛,充分体现了他们对黄金的喜爱和信赖。在各种材质的首饰中,印度人最青睐黄金首饰。印度人肤色普遍较黑,佩戴金色首饰更容易突出这一特点。原文标题:Indians' black skin highlights gold jewellery: Chinese daily原文链接:http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/china/Indians-black-skin-highlights-gold-jewellery-Chinese-daily/articleshow/.cms 印度,女人没金鼻钉不出门BEIJING: Indians have black skin that highlights gold jewellery, a state-run Chinese daily says in an article that goes on to observe that even girls begging on roadsides have a "gold nail in the nose" and that Indian women don't go out without a nose ring."Indian women won't go out" without a gold nose ring, says the article 'Indian beauties wearing gold jewellery' in People's Daily Online.北京:中国日报发表了一篇文章,称印度人的黑皮肤突显了黄金首饰。文章继续观察得出,她们不带黄金甚至不出门,甚至那些在路边乞讨的小姑娘,鼻翼上也有一颗金色的小钉。人民日报在线发表文章称印度美女不佩戴黄金首饰甚至不出门。 金饰胜过衣着The Indian government plans to issue "paper gold" to encourage people to purchase gold reserved in banks. Many Indians still scramble for this, which reflects Indian affection and reliance for gold, it said."In India it will be considered impolite if women go out without any jewellery," the article, accompanied by a photograph of Bollywood star Aishwarya Rai and other models, said.印度政服计划发行“纸金”,也就是让老百姓认购银行里储备的黄金。印度人还是趋之若骛,充分体现了他们对黄金的喜爱和信赖。在印度,女性出门不带首饰会被认为是没有礼貌的表现。文章还配了宝莱坞明星和其他模特的照片。 黄金首饰突显印度人的黑皮肤"Among all kinds of jewellery, Indians prefer gold ones. Indians have black skin and wearing gold jewellery can highlight this feature. Indian women wearing gold earrings and necklaces can be spotted everywhere. Even those little girls who beg along the roadside with an unkempt appearance have a gold nail in the nose," it added.在各种材质的首饰中,印度人最青睐黄金首饰。印度人肤色普遍较黑,佩戴金色首饰更容易突出这一特点。走在街上,印度妇女耳畔项间都是金光闪闪的饰品。甚至那些在路边乞讨的小姑娘,虽然衣着肮脏,蓬头垢面,鼻翼上也有一颗金色的小钉。 印度女人最爱佩戴黄金首饰It went on to add that in India "it is also very common that men wear jewellery"."Many Indian men wear three rings with large pieces of jewels on them."The daily said that for marriage, parents usually choose gold ornaments as daughter's dowry, "which not only set off the beauty of the daughter but can also serve as a kind of property in married life"."Because of the affection of Indian people towards gold jewellery, jewellery shops are everywhere in India. No matter in metropolises or small cities all the most luxuriously decorated and brightly illuminated shops are selling jewellery," it said.印度男子佩戴饰品也相当普遍。一只手上带3个金戒指的男士大有人在,而且戒指上多镶嵌有大颗宝石。家中如举办婚礼,父母普遍会选择金饰作为女儿的陪嫁,既衬托了女儿的漂亮,又可当作未来生活的经济基础。由于印度人对黄金首饰格外看重,首饰店在印度可谓是多如牛毛。无论是在大城市还是在小城镇,装修最好、灯火最明亮的,基本都是金饰店。以下是印度网民的评论:Indian (Delhi) 22 hrs agoChinese women are more fair/white and they will satisfy Indian males more, why dont china starts sending its fair/white women to India, we will pay good price and tase them deep...but we will not marry there women, as there features might be not durable as chinese product...Jai HIND !!!Agree (35)Disagree (28)Recommend (19)中国女人更白皙,更能够满足印度男人。为什么中国不把白皙的女人送到印度来,我们愿意支付可观价钱...但我们不会娶中国女人,因为正如中国货那样不耐用,她们的容貌不耐看...胜利属于印度!!!amar (delhi) replies to Indian 21 hrs agoChinese people sell thier in Nigeria ( Honey trap ) for getting projects in NigeriaAgree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)为了获得尼日利亚的项目,中国人把她们卖到尼日利亚(也就是美人计)。Gram Massla (Springfield, MA USA) 22 hrs agoPrecisely the reason why the yellow skin of the Chinese would be inappropriate for it.Agree (67)Disagree (1)Recommend (32)(文章所述观点)恰恰是黄皮肤中国人不宜佩戴黄金首饰的原因。Ravi Naik (HK)We can see Jewellery shops everywhere in India and is same as we can see massage centers in China.Agree (53)Disagree (2)Recommend (21)我们在印度到处可见珠宝店,同样地,我们在中国到处可以看到按摩中心。sweet lassi (chengdu province ) 22 hrs agoChinese are jealous of indian gold market. . .Agree (12)Disagree (1)Recommend (1)中国人嫉妒印度黄金市场...Ramsingh (Bangalore) 22 hrs agoOh well very good analysis about Indians' obsession about jewelry. By the way our skintone is darker than chinese yellow skin, Nothing to feel offended about. and common Indians if you are not proud of ur skin nobody can help you!!Agree (28)Disagree (2)Recommend (8)哦,很好地分析了印度人对珠宝首饰的痴迷。顺便说下,我们的肤色比中国人的黄皮肤更深,不必为此感到受伤害。对于普通印度人来说,如果你不为自己皮肤自豪,那么没有人可以帮助你!Anuja Mathur (Wald Im Pinzgau, Salzbur)We Indians buy gold as an investment for secure future and not for fashion your ignorance about indian culture shows in this articleAgree (5)Disagree (4)Recommend (2)我们印度人把购买黄金当做一种投资,出发点是未来安全保障,而不是追求时尚,本文尽显对印度文化的无知。Pradeep Nair (Chennai)Chinese are insulting us or praising us... or trying to do both at the same time...Agree (16)Disagree (2)Recommend (4)中国人是在侮辱我们还是在称赞我们...还是两者兼而有之...Sam (Delhi) 22 hrs agoIt's true though - most Indians are dark skinned and not like the Bollywood stars.Agree (4)Disagree (3)Recommend (2)这是真的,大多数印度人肤色较黑,并不像宝莱坞明星那样白。Lung Fung (Kolkata) 22 hrs agoYellow skin is not suitable for wearing gold but it is apt for prostitution.Agree (26)Disagree (9)Recommend (11)黄皮肤的人不适合佩戴黄金首饰,但适合卖淫。lol (India) 22 hrs agoim surprised they can see anything with their chinky eyes!Agree (15)Disagree (2)Recommend (7)我很诧异他们的眯缝眼能看到东西!phoenix (mumbai) 22 hrs agohahaha. now that China has won the miss world, they have started to think themselves very beautiful. To me all of them look the same. If we send Aishwarya to China the chinese men will blush in mass. Crowd blushing will happen. If she throws a flying kiss, half of china will fall in acute infatuation and crush. Unfortunately the tiny chinese will be half the height of Aish and 1/4th of her father in law. LOLAgree (45)Disagree (13)Recommend (21)哈哈哈,,如今开始自认漂亮。在我看来,他们都长得一个样。如果我们派艾西瓦娅·雷去中国,中国男人会集体脸红。如果她给一个飞吻,半个中国会为之倾倒。不幸地是,小小中国人的身高只是艾西瓦娅雷的一半,是她公公的四分之一,笑...原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.comSam (Bangalore) replies to phoenix 22 hrs agoWhat a laugh. Aishwarya is a fat pig these days.Agree (5)Disagree (9)Recommend (3)笑死人。艾西瓦娅现在是一头肥猪。sunil (Pune) replies to phoenix 22 hrs agoMiss World given to Chinki on favourable ground otherwise she din't deserve the crown even our Indian beauty was much better to deserve the crown.Agree (5)Disagree (0)Recommend (3)中国佬夺得世界小姐冠军并非实至名归,而是靠偏袒,连我们的印度小姐都更有资格摘得桂冠。AD (NCR) 22 hrs agoha ha......writer is proving himself a laughing stock. They refered Aishwarya ....... whose complexion is quite fair and Indians have different complexions in diffrent regions and even if the darkest of them all are far far far beautiful than "shit" colored Chinks. By this article, then Chinks should stop wearing gold rather they can try some dark metal or if they want cheap , we can export terracota jewellery to them.Agree (26)Disagree (5)Recommend (12)哈哈...作者证明自己是一个笑柄。他们提到了艾西瓦娅...可她的肤色非常白皙。印度人信仰的宗教不同,肤色也各异,即使最黑的印度人也远远比“粪便”颜色的中国佬更漂亮。从本文可以看出,中国佬应该停止佩戴黄金首饰,而是应该佩戴黑金属首饰,或者如果想要便宜的话,我们可以向他们出口赤土珠宝。Nanu Asari (Trivandrum) replies to AD 21 hrs agoThe Chinese didnt equate We Indians have this inferiority complex with dark skin. What they said was absolutely true: the contrast created by shining yellow metal on dark Indian skin would truly be gorgeous. And dont the forget the fact that India has the largest dark skin population outside Africa with 70% Bengalis, 70% Tamils, 65% Keralites, 70% Karnatakas, 60% Telugus, 60& Biharis,90% Tribals having dark skin at various degrees. Black is indeed beautiful especially with the golden contrast.Agree (5)Disagree (1)Recommend (1)中国人并不把黑等同于丑。我们印度人对自己的黑皮肤有自卑情结。他们所说的绝对是真的。印度人的黑色皮肤和闪亮黄色金属之间形成的强烈反差真的很绚丽。别忘了这样一个事实,即印度有非洲之外的最多黑皮肤人口,70%的孟加拉人、70%的泰米尔人、65%的喀拉拉邦人、70%的卡纳塔克邦人、60%的泰卢古人、60%的比哈尔邦人、90%的部落人拥有不同程度的黑色皮肤。黑色皮肤确实漂亮,特别是在黄金首饰的烘托之下更是如此。aks4532 (Istanbul) replies to Nanu AsariIt's the connotations...Chinese people do not like dark or black skin, they take their time to stay out of the sun, walk around with umbrellas etc, so you really think they called Indians black that they didn't mean anything negative by it?Agree (0)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)关键是言外之意...中国人不喜欢黑色或者黑皮肤,她们极力避免阳光直晒,外出会打伞等。所以,你真的认为他们说印度人黑时就没有负面意思吗?Mukul (Delhi)We may have got dark skin than the chinese, but atleast we have nose to breathe unlike chinese who are without noses. Cann't we publish this in some newspaper :-)Agree (11)Disagree (3)Recommend (2)我们皮肤可能比中国人更黑,但我们至少有鼻子来呼吸,而中国人没有鼻子。我们就不能在一些报纸上发表这个观点吗 :-)vb rao (Bangalore)The yellow skin of chinese is not suitable for gold, since it would do nothing to hide their physique with small eyes and punched nose. Because of this problem, massage shops are everywhere in China where they try to change their skin tone from yellow to black. No matter in metropolises or small cities all the most luxuriously decorated and brightly illuminated shops are selling massages.Agree (11)Disagree (4)Recommend (2)黄皮肤中国人不适合佩戴黄金首饰,因为它不足以掩饰其小眼矮鼻的外在体形。正因如此,中国的按摩店多如牛毛,目的是努力把他们的肤色从黄色变成黑色。无论是在大城市还是在小城镇,装修最好、灯火最明亮的,基本都是按摩店。Sunil Menon (Mumbai)When I see a Chinese girl or a boy, I feel like seeing a frog face with tweaked eyes. Black or white skin is okay which is human beings colour. Yellow people is jaundice coloured skin. Not so attractive, but pale in look. Chinese people looks like they are alien of this world.Agree (15)Disagree (6)Recommend (6)每当看到中国女孩或者中国男孩,我感觉就像看到了眼睛扭曲的青蛙脸。黑皮肤或者白皮肤是人类的正常肤色表现。黄皮肤是一种怪癖肤色,不那么吸引人,暗淡无光。中国人看起来像是外星人。animesh (bangalore) 22 hrs agoif indian hav black skin, then chinese hav small eyes.... the chinese are the most notorious copy-paster of the world.... most un-ethical business standars and practices followed in china.... no human rights is respected there.... everyone is the slave of rich communist leaders....Agree (23)Disagree (5)Recommend (11)如果印度人皮肤黑,那么中国人鼻子小...中国人是全世界最臭名昭著的“复制粘贴”专家...最不道德的商业标准和做法在中国大行其道...不尊重人泉...每个人是富裕共禅领导人的奴隶...Ramesh Sargam (Bangalore, India)An absurd statement and observation by the Chinese. I can say 'Grow Up Chinese'. But that will not happen. Average Chinese height is around 3 feet. Beyond that they will not grow. And just imagine how much the brain size inside the 3 feet Chinese people. That is also small and doesn't think beyond certain limit. Lol.Agree (5)Disagree (5)Recommend (2)中国人的声明和观察有够荒唐的,我要说的是“中国人成熟点”,不过什么也不会发生。中国人的平均身高只有大约3英尺,要想再长高就没有办法了。想象一下吧,3英尺中国人的脑袋能大到哪里去,肯定也是小小的,智商总有个某个极限嘛,笑...China ka baap (USA) 22 hrs agoChinese men have microscopic dipsticks, that is precisely why they love consuming stuff like powdered horns of exotic animals and dried human flesh. They have driven several animal and plant species to extinction in their lust for raising their national average to 2.5 cm.Agree (37)Disagree (3)Recommend (14)中国男人的那根“量油尺”太小了,这恰恰是他们喜欢吃诸如野生动物的角粉和干人肉的原因。为了让全国男人命根的平均长度增加2.5厘米,几种动物因此濒临灭绝。Sudipta Dash (New Delhi, India)Coverpage of article posted Aish pics and consider her as black...lolzzz...its not chinese fault...actually their eyes are so small and always looks like closed ...that was the main reason they are unable to see properly to Aish...lollzzzz...n dey don't have even nose also to wear nose ring..Agree (19)Disagree (1)Recommend (6)本文报道配了艾西瓦娅雷的相片,并把她当做黑皮肤人来看...笑...这不是中国人的错...实际上,他们的眼睛太小啦,总是看起来像闭着眼睛一样...他们无法看清艾西瓦娅雷的原因正是如此...笑...他们连鼻子都没有,怎么戴鼻环...vivek (Hyderabad)LOL!!That's just one example of the quality of news there, real news can't be published so they make stories like these.Agree (11)Disagree (1)Recommend (3)笑!本文是中国新闻质量的一个范例,他们不能报道真正的新闻,所以杜撰这些新闻。(India)Its good that they appreciate our gold buying habits. It seems slowly they are also getting into our habits of buying gold. From this article have the feeling, Chinese have also started buying gold.Agree (4)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)他们欣赏我们购买黄金的习惯是件好事。似乎他们也开始慢慢习惯购买黄金。从本文可以感觉到,中国人也开始购买黄金了。s.sundaram (New Delhi) 22 hrs agoWhat an atrocious comment by China?I we Indians no matter are black or white skinned, we have beuatiful features unlike chinese who have small eyes and flat nose which gives the impression of a punctured face!!!!!!!!!what right do they have to comment on Indian Skin?Agree (16)Disagree (11)Recommend (9)中国的评论多么恶毒啊?!不管是黑皮肤或者白皮肤,我们印度人有漂亮的容貌特征。中国人呢?小眼睛,扁鼻子,给人的感觉就是一张被打扁的脸!!!他们有什么权利评论印度人的肤色?Ram (Ndls) 22 hrs agoIt is difficult to identify a particular chinese man from a chinese group just like it is difficult to identify a monkey from its group. The all look more or less similar.Agree (16)Disagree (4)Recommend (5)就像很难从一群猴子里认出某个猴子一样,你很难从一群中国人中认出某个中国人。他们看起来大体类似。donkeydo (Africa) 22 hrs agoThe chinese forget that they are ugly looking mongoloids and they look no different from the africanoids if painted dark.Agree (18)Disagree (15)Recommend (6)中国人忘记了自己是丑陋不堪的蒙古人种。如果染成黑色,他们看起来和非洲黑人无异。Ali (Delhi) replies to donkeydo 21 hrs agobro dont downgrade Africans by comparing with these Chinese,Africans are black but you will find ample sweeties & beauties, but you cant find a single Chinese with good facial shape in day light. aisa lagta hai upr wale ne inke face pe iron chla dia ho, naak r kaan me fark hi na maloom padta hai...koi in chiniyo ka no. de inki mai ma bahan ek karta hun.Agree (1)Disagree (3)Recommend (1)兄弟,请不要把非洲人和中国人进行比较,这会降低非洲人的身份。非洲人黑是黑,但你会发现许多漂亮和可爱之处,可你在大白天找不到一个脸部特征好看的中国人......rahul (mumbai) 21 hrs agoThere is a saying, only a dead cinamen is a honest cinamen and the only thing straight about cinamen is his hair so every race has weakness especially the chinese who nose is ugly like pigs nose and eyes slanted like bat eyes. Indian too have its own weakness, north indian dark coloured people calling south indian darki!what a weird world!Agree (9)Disagree (1)Recommend (4)有句俗语,只有死了的支那人才是诚实的支那人,支那人身上唯一“直”的东西是他的头发。所以,每个人种有其弱点,特别是鼻子丑如猪鼻和眼睛歪如蝙蝠眼的中国人。印度人也有自己的弱点,印度北部深肤色的人称南印度人是“darki”!真是一个奇怪的世界!RedDevil (India)The Chinese report looks more like a 4th standard essay to me.Agree (48)Disagree (3)Recommend (12)在我看来,中国人的报告看起来就像是四流的论文。hrishidesai (Mumbai)You wouldn’t be surprised if most Chinese after reading this article may head to the beach to get a tan so that they can get dark and sport gold like the Indians do.Agree (10)Disagree (2)Recommend (1)如果发生以下事情,那么请不要感到惊讶,即大多数中国人看完本文后会前往海滩把皮肤晒成古铜色,这样他们就可以变黑并像印度人那样佩戴黄金首饰。Jai Hind (India) 21 hrs agoThere is underlying envy in the comment. Indians have a nice skin tone and good features unlike chinese who look all the same with their jaundiced sikn, flat faces and beady eyes.Agree (43)Disagree (5)Recommend (20)中国的评论暗藏嫉妒。印度人有好看的肤色和容貌。中国人呢?患黄疸病的皮肤、扁平脸和泡泡眼,统统看起来一样。原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.comHitesh Gupta (Ahmedabad)Most of the things mentioned in the article are correct except for that skin color sentence. not sure if the newspaper meant to be racist but one should always take care while writing something like this..Agree (15)Disagree (0)Recommend (7)除了肤色那句话,本文提到的大部分是正确的。不确定该报是否意在宣扬种族主义,但人们在撰写此类文章时应该注意这点...jugnu (chennai) 21 hrs agoIs this chinese paper called TOC ? :PAgree (19)Disagree (0)Recommend (6)这份中国报纸是叫中国时报吗? :Paks4532 (Istanbul)Maybe they mean dark skinned? I think in some languages they don't differentiate between dark or black, so it's just white or black. I live in Istanbul and one Turkish guy thought I was Turkish because I had 'black skin like him' (we both had a similar olive toned complexion). Then it could also be that a lot of foreigners seem to think all Indians are super dark and those who are not are mixed with something. I've had people thinking I'm half "American". Anyway, who cares what the Chinese says about Indians, Indian women are beautiful, would rather be Indian than any other race.Agree (23)Disagree (0)Recommend (9)可能他们指的是深色皮肤。我认为黑色或者深色在一些语言中并没有区别,只有白色和黑色之分。我住在伊斯坦布尔,一位土耳其家伙以为我是土耳其人,因为我的肤色和他一样黑(我们都有类似的橄榄色皮肤)。就这样,很多外国人似乎认为所有印度人都很黑,以为那些不黑的人是混血人种。曾经有人认为我是半个“美国人”。不管怎么样,谁会在意中国人怎么说印度人,印度女人是漂亮的,宁愿当印度人,也不愿意当其他种族的人。D (pune) 21 hrs agoso whats the essence? black and gold? Indian beauty need gold or wht? BTW the basis of this whole story itself looks false as basically Indians are brown, fair, brownish black colored and not exactly black black.Agree (9)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)所以本文的精华是什么?黑色和黄金?印度美女需要黄金还是什么?顺便说下,本文的依据看起来是错的,根本上来说,印度人的肤色有棕色、白皙色、棕黑色等,并非一黑到底...Kyon (India)since when ashwarya had a black skin? rubbish article but the underlying message that indians love gold is true!Agree (26)Disagree (0)Recommend (4)艾西瓦娅雷的皮肤什么时候变成黑色了?垃圾文章。不过潜在信息是正确的,即印度人喜欢黄金!Asad Ali (My India) 21 hrs agoBeauty of our Indians is awesome, a salty attraction. But, Chinese also look very cute. Their feature though different from rest of the world, when seen in person they look like dolls because of the richness of their skin. Nigros have their own charm. All in the world are beautiful. "Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder"Agree (7)Disagree (0)Recommend (3)我们印度人的美丽是令人惊叹的,有其特有的吸引力。但中国人看起来也非常Q,他们的容貌有别于世界其他地区的人。就单个来看,华美的皮肤让她们看起来像洋娃娃。黑人也有其魅力之处。世界上的所有人都是漂亮的。“情人眼里出西施”...an expat (uk) 21 hrs agoIndians suffer from inferiority complex.We Indians are generally dark skinned. What is wrong in that?.Dark skin does not mean not beautiful. The article seems to say mostly correct things about Indians. It is us who show our racist side by commenting all sort racist abuse on every one else than ourseleves. Just read the comments and see how horrible they are.Agree (5)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)印度人受自卑情结困扰。我们印度人的肤色总体上较黑。有什么错吗?黑皮肤并不意味着不漂亮。本文对印度人的评论大部分似乎是正确的。正是我们陷入种族主义,并以种族歧视的语言来辱骂其他人。看看这里的评论,多么可怕啊。true (delhi) 21 hrs agowhite Indians - came from british Fathers .....esp Bengal , Bihari whites .... North India people are White esp from Kashmir , Sindh aresAgree (1)Disagree (3)Recommend (0)白种印度人的父系是英国人...特别是孟加拉和比哈尔邦的白种人...北印度人是白种人,特别是来自克什米尔和信德省的人。DEVENDRA RAJPUT (Hyderabad)Chinese use only cheap and qualityless items thats why they talk like this.中国人只使用便宜低质货,所以他们会这样说别人。Haris (巴基斯坦卡拉奇) 21 hrs agoThis garbage news shouldn't even have made it to the paper. This newspaper is doing nothing but promoting hate and negative sentiments in a common Indian and frustrating them hugely..bakwaasAgree (7)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)这种垃圾新闻本不该上报。什么价值都没有,只是在普通印度人中助推反感和消极情绪,让印度人感到极度沮丧...yang (delhi) replies to Haris 19 hrs agoyou beggars pakistanis you people are our puppies which we can use against india at time of wars...you are just slaves of china你这个巴基斯坦乞丐,你们只是战时用于对抗印度的傀儡,只是中国的奴隶。Haris(巴基斯坦卡拉奇) replies to yang 18 hrs agoDude you are pathetic, trying to be a chinese in Delhi lolz老兄,你悲剧了,别在德里假装中国人,笑IAF replies to Haris 18 hrs agoyou pig porki chinese like yang are better than you dogs你这个巴基猪,yang那样的中国人比你们这些狗好多了。pat (sing) 21 hrs agoI don't understand why you Indians are getting so boiled up on the article above. It just says that gold highlights better on darker skin. Thats all. 80% of Indians are dark skin and as you move south 95% are dark skin. What is the problem with that. First you should be proud with what you are. Why are you Indians pretending to be white. Please be proud of what you are. Indians are still living in fantacy world. Please come to reality.Agree (12)Disagree (1)Recommend (3)我就不理解了,为什么印度人会对上面的文章气得炸锅。文章只是说金色首饰更容易突显黑色皮肤,仅此而已。80%印度人的肤色较黑。往南的话,95%印度人的肤色是黑的。这有什么问题。首先,你应该为自己自豪。为什么你们印度人要假装自己是白种人。请为自己自豪吧。印度人仍然生活在梦幻世界中。Mao Tse Tung (Mumbai) 21 hrs agoWhy make a national issue of a statement in a newspaper in China which no India will ever read. The stupid press & media in India has no other work, they concentrate on useless issues.Agree (8)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)为什么要把不会有印度人去看的一份中国报纸里的一句陈述变成全国性事件。愚蠢的印度媒体没有其他事情可做了,他们就关注一些无价值的问题。D.Jagannathan (Puducherry)Black skin comments highlights cheap mind and attitude of Chinese.Agree (9)Disagree (6)Recommend (2)黑皮肤论调突显中国人小气的思维和心态。vjtan08 (Abu Dhabi)What was the purpose of this article? Indians' fondness for Gold or to call that their skin is Black. If it is so then well then snotty nosed, short statured, chinky eyed can have the electronic devices duplicating, haggling and dumping.....Agree (10)Disagree (1)Recommend (5)本文的宗旨是什么?是印度人对黄金的钟爱,还是要说印度人的肤色较黑。如果是后者的话,那么我要说流鼻涕的、矮小、眯缝眼中国人山寨电子设备,并通过讨价还价后倾销出去...Ravs (Delhi) 21 hrs agoWhichever Chinese girl that I have "HAD" till now had a ring on their Pu***Y. Its probably a tradition their. Not sure if it is gold or Brass since I never bothered to find out. It kind of matches the color of yellow skin.Agree (2)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)迄今为止,在我玩过的中国女人中,每个人在她们的“Pu***Y”处会佩戴一个环,可能是她们的传统。我从来没想探个究竟,所以不确定是金制的还是铜做的。和她们的黄皮肤挺搭配的。(三泰虎注:“Pu***Y”是指...
:oops: )Sum Tin Wong (Chong Kong) replies to Ravs 20 hrs agoWas she tight..??紧吗...?Rav (Delhi) replies to Sum Tin Wong 19 hrs agoShe appeared loose but then mine is like a chopstick.似乎是松松的,不过我的像筷子。Ravs replies to Sum Tin Wong 20 hrs agoLooking at the size of Chinese D**k most of them were pretty tight. In India we call these as Mungfali L**d.(省略...)banerjee (bangalore) 20 hrs agoMost Indians are ashamed of their black skin. They color their skin with white or put bleach to look white. Shame!Agree (13)Disagree (6)Recommend (3)大多数印度人为自己的黑皮肤感到羞耻。他们把自己皮肤染成白色,或者为了看起来更白而涂上漂白剂,丢脸!ramesh (pune) 20 hrs agoWhen one looks at chinese person closely, one wonders that evolution of man from monkey still one step away.Agree (28)Disagree (5)Recommend (17)如果你挨近看中国人,你会感到好奇,即猴子进化成人类还差那么一步。Tadepalli (Hyderabad) 20 hrs agoIndians are neither black-skinned nor white-skinned but have varying shades of brown. Some 5 - 10 per cent are fair-skinned. Whatever color, they definitely look more beautiful than the Chinese.Agree (46)Disagree (5)Recommend (21)印度人既非黑肤色人种,也非白肤色人种,而是各种棕色人种。5%至10%的人是白皙肤色。不管什么肤色,印度人都比中国人看起来更漂亮。Mukesh (Bangalore) 20 hrs agoGod was creating human beings across the world and tired when he reached China. Then he just did copy paste job of Chinkies. So all flat nose which they can't wear nose ring and almost closed eyes which they can't see gold!Agree (9)Disagree (5)Recommend (5)上帝巡游世界的同时创造人类。当来到中国时,上帝累了,只好一个模子复制中国佬,所以都是扁平鼻子,无法戴鼻环,眼睛几乎是闭着的,看不到黄金!Hallam (Bombay) 20 hrs agoThe Chinese are effing yellow basxxxdsAgree (6)Disagree (1)Recommend (2)中国人是该死的黄色杂种。Chhappan Chhuri (Bihar) 20 hrs agoOh,really? And Chinese girls look good without jewellery and clothes.Agree (14)Disagree (0)Recommend (5)哦, 真的吗?中国女孩不佩戴珠宝首饰和不穿衣服才好看呢Godsgift (Paradise) replies to Chhappan Chhuri 4 hrs agoChinese girls look good without anything, nothing to hide. Just ask those Indians who are intelligent enough to marry Chinese girls.中国女人一丝不挂才好看,去问问那些娶了中国女人的聪明绝顶印度人。原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.comvivosho9 (Bangalore)It sounds racist remark on the basis of colour. If Indians skin is apt for gold ornament then Chinese eyes and ugly faces are apt for nothing, isn't?Agree (13)Disagree (2)Recommend (3)听起来是基于肤色的种族主义言论。如果印度人的肤色适合佩戴黄金首饰,那么中国人的眼睛和丑陋脸蛋和什么都不搭配,不是吗?ching ling (Lahore) 19 hrs agoEvery Chinese is suffering from one or other kind of skin disease.Agree (6)Disagree (5)Recommend (3)每个中国人都患有这样或那样的皮肤病。Nikhil Kadam (mumbai)for the first time in the HISTORY OF CHINA..... they said something about INDIA other than nuclear affairs.....greatAgree (3)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)在中国历史上有关印度的报道中,他们第一次报道了核问题之外的事情...很棒BharatK (Bharat) 19 hrs agoNi Hau/Namaste/Hello: Tolerate, tolerate. China is opening up in freedom of speech. Let them speak more on any issues. That is good. Most Chinese girls admire Indian girls and their appearance. But there are beautiful girls in China too. China does not have the culture of wearing too much ornaments, while Indians have. It is too simple. I bet, Chinese women will look beautiful if they wear ornaments. But many are poor, can't afford. It is true that Indian women are greedy for ornaments. My advice to Indian women, beautify yourself with good qualities and not with stones (gold). All human race is a beautiful creation. Chinese are our cultural brothers and sisters. Let we shine together. We need more inter-personal interactions. Bharat (India)-China Friendship long live.Agree (66)Disagree (8)Recommend (53)你好:忍让,忍让...中国正在开放言论自由,就让他们说得尽兴吧,好事一桩。大多数中国女人对印度女人的外貌赞美有加。不过中国也有漂亮女人。中国没有佩戴大量首饰的文化,而印度却有。这再简单不过了,我敢打赌中国女人佩戴首饰会更漂亮。但许多人太穷了,买不起。确实,印度女人贪婪首饰。我对印度女人的建议是,用气质扮靓自己,而不是用黄金首饰。所有人种都是漂亮的。中国人是我们文化上的兄弟姐妹,让我们一起走向辉煌。我们彼此需要更多的人际交往,中印友谊万岁。Indian (India) replies to BharatK 19 hrs agou r assh**e.! go to china!Agree (2)Disagree (11)Recommend (1)屁眼儿!滚到中国那吧!Suhail Khan (Jeddah) 19 hrs agoIf Chinese really hate gold and feel no need of possessing the same then why on earth they strive for so many GOLD MEDALS in Olympic...:)Agree (18)Disagree (3)Recommend (10)如果中国人真的讨厌黄金,真的认为不需要,那么他们为什么在奥运会奋力争取如此多金牌... :)Bond (Mumbai) 19 hrs agoRacial slurs by Chinese ! Really? What about their slit eyes and non-existent nose? They haven't evolved as yet to be humans with perfectly developed organs. Till then we should ignore their childish comments.Agree (13)Disagree (11)Recommend (7)中国人的种族诽谤!真的吗?那他们的眯缝眼和压根不存在的鼻子呢?他们还有待进化成人类,他们的器官没有完全进化。在此之前,我们就忽视他们的幼稚言论吧。Yavanshatru (Delhi)In retaliation, most of the readers have commented about their dislike of eyes and nose of Chinese. Forgeting that in our contry North East people and Laddakhis also have mongoloid featues. Such comments may hurt their feelings.Agree (26)Disagree (3)Recommend (13)作为报复,大多数读者发表了不喜欢中国人眼睛和鼻子的言论。别忘了,我们国家东北邦人和拉达克人也具有蒙古人种特征。这样的言论可能会伤害他们的情感。Nee How (Earth) 18 hrs agoBloody Chinese Chinki... they all look the same. They cockroaches and frogs... Disgusting Chinese stinky pigs! .... How dare they write something about Indians... Black skins?? huh? you filthy Chinese pig-headed dog.Agree (16)Disagree (18)Recommend (8)可恶的中国佬...看起来都一样,蟑螂、青蛙....令人恶心的臭中国猪!...他们怎么如此评论印度人...黑皮肤?哼?你们这些肮脏的中国猪头狗。BharatK (Bharat) 18 hrs agoHindus and Hans must promote matrimonial relations, for our common good and common future. This is the need of this time, together we shall command the world with 2.5 billion people (out of 7 billion).Agree (11)Disagree (10)Recommend (7)为了我们共同的利益和未来,必须促进印度教徒和汉人进行通婚。这是时代所需。我们联合起来有25亿人,可以一起号令世界上的70亿人。loboprem (Bangalore) 18 hrs agoThe good part of Indian women is they dont have to run / jump / dive / lift to get the gold...whereas poor Chinese need to work hard for some many years and compete in Olympics/Asian Games to acquire some gold.Agree (52)Disagree (6)Recommend (24)印度女人的其中一个好处是不需要为了获得黄金而跑、跳、举...而贫穷的中国人必须努力几年,然后在奥运会/亚运会竞争一些金牌。N.S.RAJAN (Bangalore)Great discovery by the Chinese. Now, India should make black jewellery that may stand out on Chinese skins!Agree (13)Disagree (2)Recommend (3)这是中国人的伟大发现。印度现在应该生产能够凸显中国人肤色的黑珠宝!FACTS (Mumbai) 2 hrs agoMillions of years of human evolution tells us: Closer to the earth equator ==& darker skin. Cold weather ==& more intelligent people. This has been proved many times over in this world, from Europe to Africa, from North Asia to South Asia. God does not play dice, it plays by rules.Agree (1)Disagree (2)Recommend (0)人类的数百万年进化史告诉我们:越靠近赤道,皮肤就越黑;天气越冷,聪明的人就越多。从欧洲到非洲,从北亚到南亚,全世界已经多次证明了这点。上帝不是按照掷骰子来玩,而是按照游戏规则来玩。FACTS (Mumbai) replies to FACTS 1 hr agoanother fact: cold weather ==& long life expectancy还有一个事实:天气越冷,寿命越长。Asma (Canada) 19 hrs agoChinees women dont have nice long noses to hold a nose ring hence they cant weare it. Chines re[porter who wrote this artical is colour blind Indians are not BLACK but variouse shades of brown,While Chinees women are not WHITE but YELLOW in colour and as gold is YEllow it would not henance teir skin tone but just blend in what a shame that would be to waste the preciouse metal'''''''Agree (14)Disagree (1)Recommend (7)中国女人没有漂亮的长鼻子,无法佩戴鼻环。撰写此文的记者是个色盲。印度人不黑,而是各种程度的棕色。中国女人的肤色不白,而是黄色,类似黄金的颜色。因此无法突显其肤色,而是融合起来,这太浪费宝贵的黄金了...Vijay (Mumbai) 20 hrs agoI fully agree with the chinese. Though Indians are darker in color than Chinese, which is distinct in comparison to other Asians races. Similarly, Chinese have homogenous face i.e, a male face is similar to a female face. Even their color is same like the noddles they eat. There should not be any outcry because of that.....Agree (7)Disagree (2)Recommend (2)我完全同意中国人的说法。印度人的肤色比中国人更深,明显区别于其他亚洲人种。类似地,中国人的面容看起来同质,也就是说男人的脸看起来类似女人的脸。连他们的肤色也跟他们吃的面条的颜色一样。没必要为此大声抗议...OnlyTruth (NYC) 22 hrs agoThe British said :"No matter how much Sun I get, I will be lighter than 90% of Chinese". The Chinese said, "no matter how much Sun I get, I will be lighter than 90% of Pakistanies", The Paki said "no matter how dark I get from the SUn, I will be lighter than 90% of Indians", the Indian said "I will be lighter than 90% Congo no matter how much Sun tan I get". That is the fact around the globe.Agree (6)Disagree (1)Recommend (4)英国人说:“不管我晒多少太阳,我会比90%的中国人更白。”中国人说:“不管我晒多少太阳,我会比90%的巴基斯坦人更白。”巴基斯坦人说:“不管太阳把我晒得多么黑,我会比90%的印度人更白。”印度人说:“不管我接受多少日光浴,我会比90%的刚果人更白。”这就是全球普遍的事实。Dr. Joker Nalaik (Dongri Chawl) 23 hrs agoHow do Chinese name their kids? Simple,parents drop a steel utensil on the floor and whatever first sound they hear (eg. ting-tong) becomes the name of their beloved kid!!!Agree (7)Disagree (1)Recommend (2)中国人如何给孩子取名的?简单,父母会把铁制器皿扔到地上去,他们听到的第一个声音(比如,ting tong)会成为他们心爱孩子的名字!!!Pandit (USA) 1 day agoDravids are black while Aryans are white. Chinese don't know that Aryans came from Central Asia and Caucasus while Dravid people are aborigines of India.Agree (2)Disagree (4)Recommend (2)达罗毗荼人是黑种人,雅利安人是白种人。中国人不知道雅利安人来自中亚和高加索地区,而达罗毗茶人是印度的土著居民。Sanju Halasur (Kalyan, India)he is taking a dig as we make better chinese food than these chinese people..Agree (6)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)他(作者)借机讽刺我们,因为我们做的中餐比中国人做的中餐更好吃...Sankar (new York) 1 day agoIndians are darker and we are proud of it. But the analogy is weird. If we like gold because of black skin then there should be a big market for spectacles in China because they have eyes the size of buttons. (no pun intended!) but again majority of them don't have noses to rest them on. That might be why. Not that anything is wrong with thatAgree (51)Disagree (2)Recommend (25)印度人肤色较深,我们为此自豪。不过这种类推怪怪的。如果我们是因黑皮肤而喜欢佩戴金饰,那么中国人眼睛小豆纽扣,所以中国的眼镜市场应该很大,不过大多数人没有鼻子,无法戴眼镜。可能原因就是这样,并非一切都是错的。Vaaj (India) 1 day agoThe comment 'Black skin' could have avoided. Apart from that, the article shed positive tone on Indian affection with gold. Most of the phrases in article emphasizes about beauty of Indian women. So chill out dudes.Agree (8)Disagree (3)Recommend (2)应该去掉有关“黑皮肤”的评论。除此之外,本文正面评价了印度人对黄金的喜爱。文章主要强调了印度女人的美丽。所以,冷静吧,老兄。Desi (Bharat) 1 day agoAleast we all look different not like chini where husband and wife look like brother and sister :))Agree (14)Disagree (1)Recommend (7)我们至少看起来不同。中国佬呢,丈夫和妻子看起来就像是哥哥和妹妹 :))sajal (Tsk) 1 day agoMonkey never wear GOLDAgree (13)Disagree (0)Recommend (5)猴子是永远不会佩戴金饰的。Das (Bangalore) 1 day agoEvery country has a craze for some things, Indians love gold whether their skin is black, white or brown. We buy gold unlike the chnikies who are crazy about grabbing land belonging to others, they want Tibet, whole of islands in south china sea, Tawang, arunachal pradesh, aksai region, and what not? Crazy Chinese and their observations.Agree (10)Disagree (6)Recommend (6)每个国家都会疯某种东西。不管皮肤是黑色、白色或者是棕色,印度人都喜欢黄金。我们购买黄金,那中国佬疯什么呢?侵占别人的土地!他们想要xz、南海各岛、达旺、阿鲁纳恰尔邦、阿克塞钦等等。中国人是疯狂的,他们的观察结果也是如此。grc (Mumbai) 1 day agoBrown skin not black skin....black skin = AfricansAgree (4)Disagree (3)Recommend (0)是棕色皮肤,不是黑色皮肤...黑色皮肤=非洲人Indian (Bharat) 1 day agoI thought China was infested with snakes, dragons. Everyone in China knows how to kungfu. Also they eat dog-cat-monkey-rat-lizards meat... Practically any meat they can get their hand on - sometimes even discarded aborted human fetus also!! Disgusting...Agree (13)Disagree (5)Recommend (9)我想中国大量滋生蛇啊,龙啊什么的。每个中国人都会功夫。他们还吃狗、猫、猴子、老鼠、蜥蜴...实际上,触手可及的肉都吃,有时连胎盘也吃!令人作呕...Deepak Kumar Sahoo (johannesburg)Chinese are really jealous. That they cant wear gold.Agree (9)Disagree (4)Recommend (3)中国人真的是嫉妒死了,她们无法佩戴金饰。abhilash m. (Ooty)Ya it is true gold shines on the wheatish skin of Indians, poked faced, punch-nosed, short fellows took years of research to understand this!Agree (10)Disagree (1)Recommend (4)这是真的,金饰在印度人麦色皮肤上亮爆了。戳面脸、压扁鼻和矮小的家伙花了数年研究才领悟这点!pradeep (hyderabad-deccan)our glittering Gold is so shining that, those small Chinese eyes cant see our Color... ha ha ha.. poor Chinese!!!Agree (15)Disagree (2)Recommend (7)我们闪闪发光的金饰非常华丽,以致于小眼睛中国人看不清我们的肤色...哈哈...可怜的中国人!!!N.S.RAJAN (Bangalore)Great discovery by the Chinese. Now, India should make black jewellery that may stand out on Chinese skins!Agree (13)Disagree (2)Recommend (3)中国人的伟大发现。印度现在应该生产能够突显中国人肤色的黑珠宝!延伸阅读:印度国宝级女星艾西瓦娅·雷发胖被批叛国 印度第一美女艾西瓦娅·雷产前产后对比照片头顶前世界小姐光环,素有“印度第一美女”之称的女星艾西瓦娅·雷近来饱受严词批评,罪魁祸首竟然是因为产后发胖。艾西瓦娅在生育前,样子甜美,身材玲珑浮凸,曾被誉为全世界最美女人。艾西瓦娅自去年11月分娩后,身体发胖,样子和身材完全走样,遭粉丝狠批。美国媒体近日报道,艾西瓦娅最早是以模特身分出道,她的完美体态一直羡煞许多人。未料去年11月产下一女后,迟迟未能恢复窈宨身形,惹来印度民众与媒体狠批,认为她有辱印度国际形象,放任体重持续上升的举动,形同“叛国”。诞女前后对比大挨网友批艾西瓦娅曾夺得1994年南非“世界小姐”冠军,蓝绿色的魅惑双眼,全身散发出神秘又独特的气质,让她一跃成为印度宝莱坞当红女星,更被誉为环球第一美人,印度上下视她为心目中的女神,是国宝。38岁的艾西瓦娅去年11月诞下女儿,她最近出现在媒体前,憔悴眼神、圆润脸庞,再加上厚实的双下巴,十足的大婶模样让人惊吓,对比昔日窈窕身形,简直判若两人。印度人纷纷在社交网对她评头品足,留言尖酸刻薄。有人说她是“捉走西施的巫婆”。有人更制作艾西瓦娅“诞女前后”的对比片段,配以大象跺地的声音揶揄她,有超过50万人观看。印度网民认为瘦身是艾西瓦娅的职责,暴肥如同渎职:“她是宝莱坞女星,有责任保持苗条和好看。”“她必须学贝嫂、安吉丽娜·朱莉那样,产后数星期就恢复。”外界舆论也几乎一面倒,认为她不但侮辱了世界小姐的头衔,更严重影响全球对印度美的观感。 印度第一美女艾西瓦娅·雷的产后照片淡然回应:“享受做妈妈”对于外界批评,艾西瓦娅只淡淡响应:“我享受做妈妈。”而母爱的美,一样有人欣赏,近日越来越多网友支持艾西瓦娅“她才是真女人”,也有网友认为,她38岁了,无可避免岁月留痕,最重要是母女健康。只关注外貌,太肤浅了。王裳从肥美到瘦美 印度审美改观印度人传统审美眼光,是女人越肥越美,但在全球化和西化的冲击下,这种审美观念近年出现大变化。上世纪七八十年代,红遍宝莱坞的肥胖女星现在都被唾弃,代之而起的尽是拥有玲珑浮凸身材的性感美女,艾西瓦娅就是近年印度人眼中最漂亮的女神。据推测,这次艾西瓦娅之所以招致如此大的反弹,很可能是因为她过去给人印象太完美,走样的身材难得在镜头前曝光,随之而来的负面评价也就更剧烈。网友评论她应受到赞扬而非辱骂,因她认为宝宝比自己的外貌更重要,太多明星为减磅而牺牲跟宝宝相处时间。—— Donna不是人人都像明星般为靓而挨饿。无法相信她因为生了宝宝和甘于做好妈妈,会让国家蒙羞。—— Marg我总想起希腊人在垃圾堆中觅食、无法养活儿女的新闻,还有那些面对相同问题的印度人。大家对她的批评是一种妄想,也反映着全球极恶心的价值观。


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